Tempo vs White Wolf Palace | $1,000 BO7 Arabia Showmatch

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happy 2021 from australia the viper had a shitty air personally but loved your streams and the vids kept keep it up do you hope everything gets better for you next year there's always uh next year is going to be better for all of us hopefully it does for you as well i'm sorry to hear that uh wait capturing oh actually let me investigate that if i can use capture age oh captured is bad at the moment i didn't i just saw an announcement that it's like available for everyone now that'll be weird if it's bad all right casting mode activated let's catch up i know they're a little bit into the game so let's check out i assume it could be arabia only but i assume it's um no world cup 20 maybe it's uh the world cup 20 finals settings yeah i assume it's uh hidden pick no repeat so it's frank's britons for lux and yo and ethiopians for hera and leery you seem so unhyped against temple with embryo what happened i wasn't unhyped i was i was just not in a place to perform i guess i was hyped for german i think i played okay but lyrian here was very sharp and um minor mbl synergy wasn't the greatest zone but i wasn't unhyped or anything i was in a good mood i enjoyed the inca game a lot looks like josh you know not rush arches from larry and just gauss from hera so it's metaplay on all sides we are fast forwarding i'm not sure if it's only arabia i'll just push peso 7 for now because i don't know so let's just go in double range archers they were the same scouts and scouts oh the nbl well i'm starting to call this the mbl well now i'm not sure if nbl is the one who originated starting to walling like this but uh looks like they like the arena it was in on hera's wood here village can't licks is down two wheels i'm not sure how that happened we got lame or something i don't know a lot of pressure coming in on hera [Music] this is uh first time in a while that um right so i just want to point out this is how i sort of like to play because i feel like you take initiative in the game i really like the way you only does this they're forcing the action on hera and leery well if you think about when me and emile played against her and leery we were always defensive always walling fast casting etc well now hera and leary has to react to everything joe and licks does to be fair this was really well done by hera the way he bought time with his scouts and also secured the wall off so credits to hera for the way he dealt with this he could have that could have gone so much worse for him let's see the trade here looks like it's going to be in i'm sorry for fast forwarding by the way looks like it's going to be a really good trade actually in the end wow that was sick actually how the hell did i get that tray that was a really good fight for for looks and yo what they had less numbers in both scouts and archers and they come out of top with six scouts alive and one archers ill advantage man holy that wasn't that was actually insane yeah heroes in big big trouble here no one is up to castles yet army numbers advantage for white wolf palace that was actually sick yeah obviously extra hp for frank's and the hill helps out a lot here comes the second wave as he always on the way to castle age lux is also on the way to castle h lyric to era resource wise he's looking quite a bit off he's also having to invest into even more scouts so yeah i think this game is already looking quite quite rough for um for uh let me get rid of that by the way sorry for that it's looking quite quite rough for for tempo here good micro hair though they're cleaning that up i mean the advantage for tempo right now is that leery has the crossbow mass and ethiopians that's where the advantage lies right now for well that's what tempo has going for them they're obviously behind in economy for sure but it should be village count isn't too bad actually and it's actually way closer than it should have been at this point i'm surprised there we got a really good pick up there as well the pikeman helps a lot nice tc there tctc two double tc from yo seems like one tc player for the time being from licks university one tc from lyric well as well the player does have stone he didn't do a tower and it looks like hera and there are lining up a bunch of pressure for you here you're using the last scout to scout the map makes a lot of sense so larry doesn't feel comfortable pressuring right now because obviously he's missing the knights from hera era going for triple stable knights and losing one two three four wills five six maybe even wait was that six phil's oh my god suddenly there's a 15 village advantage for yo versus hera i'm not sure if hair didn't notice or not because ballistics i guess ballistics is in yeah it makes sense actually then it probably couldn't even escape we lost what five or six wheels they're really really rough and they look there's there's a bunch of crossbows on the old space and guess what they're still attacking so again very well done by um white wolf palace the way they play this yeah there was ballistics pressure will be on yo but joe does have three tc's he does have a seat workshop so he's perfectly set up to actually buy enough time to defend and looks army numbers have now caught up as well this has even had an army numbers compared to larry so it's looking really really hard for tempo here yeah i'm not really sure how how temple is gonna crawl over back here i have to take some amazing fights to actually have a chance i want to fast forward more to catch up we're gonna pick up some i mean lyrics by himself right now right there's this equal crossbow numbers areas five more but there are knights with plus two upgrades uh there he can take the hill obviously so in the end he will get an okay straight with microbiota there but still the britain's range means that lyric cannot just stay there and dodge shots there's a happening action now from both sides though lex is getting cornered but he does take a hill now looks like something that is a decent dash fight for her tempo actually storming in with nights hera is yeah actually temple is going to win this fight with microbiology there let me just quickly do this sorry really good fight for temple this is how they managed to get back in this game there's obviously a 20 24 23 villager lead for yo so night numbers should become heavily in favor of yo as the game goes on but then again oh another raid on hera losing more gails on the front lex is so good with this the weight looks constantly sends in waves of armies i have witnessed that firsthand i'll tell you that's really really annoying because lix will be fighting with you here with 20 crossbows and then he has 15 crossbows on the map going to attack you at the same time he's really good with constantly having another army doing things being active on the map yeah they can't really do anything in the u.s economy right as wait there is on the way to imp you know what this can certainly get very interesting there is doing the low eco 52 villager imperial age play now but he should not be losing every crossbow he loses now is massive actually and he's open on the back so the raid from lux is about to do massive amounts of damage yeah i think white wolf pals is finishing the game here right now there is not a t-shirt for lyra so there is one t seeing this and he's on the way to input his eco is going to be in shambles now and they're not convincingly winning fights here either right they're britain's crossbows the numbers are fao they're fighting next to reinforcement stables i think white wolf pals is about to close this out so i'm gonna fast forward until we catch up here such micro nerds a bunch of reinforcements from here allows them to trade i like that lux is targeting the crossbows because i think they have an idea that lyric could be up as well let's check lyrics resources you can't afford arblast you won't be able to afford any economy upgrades unless when he gets a little bit of boost hitting castles right oh and he will afford bracer and then our bliss will have to wait ah this is definitely becoming closer than probably white wolf palace anticipated here these are gonna be arbless it's gonna be um hard for him to engage this but there's still there is still a big big village lead for white wolf pals obviously right there's a i'm just totally here 130 there's a 50 village elite for for white wolf palace and lyra needs time to get arbless as well right there is a uh yeah looks has three times the army size of of uh theory very shortly so even if there is arboles and imperial age upgrades i cannot see how they can actually push and kill anyone they're obviously still playing super all-in yeah i'm gonna fast forward again i keep saying that but this time i'm gonna stick with it because i'm pretty sure the game is over at this point they're just jumping on the army now they know they have the numbers good microphone looks just picking up their blast and i think this would be the gg fight as they do clean up just about all the crossbows as hero runs away here has top score on their team larry has 27 bills 27 wheels looks like there was another raid happening somewhere they're dead get out of the game jesus hero still has an impressive amount of knights and he's catching up a little bit in the economy with this one tc play but yeah i mean the army numbers are just way too big now for for white wolf palace as lux is about to hit imperialist as well and that should be the end of the game as it was that puts white wolf pass up in a 1-1 lead well done to them they're really good aggression here they had an amazing fight there which is kind of what snowballed them into the lead after this fight is when temple suddenly decided that okay we have to go all in here and play full one tc that's what they did and they weren't able to do the damage so well done to the white wolf palace here don't think there's too much to read into the stats because of the way it was played um so i need to get a clarification on the settings here does anyone know exactly what the settings are first one was definitely arabia obviously i'm wondering if it is is it only arabia or is it the world cup settings would be my question it's all arabia okay not too happy about that let's see how long i feel like casting this will be the last thing i do then for the stream not sure if we'll finish this uh guts i've got some ambitious stuff going on and also obviously when ab4 comes out i want to go really hard on that too all right so this is game second game of tempo against white wolf palace show match you have the one looks playing in the bottom side of the map with magyars and ethiopians on tops of hera playing as lithuanians and lyric playing as the vikings so the role seems pretty defined right lex plays the archersiv yo plays the cavalry sieve and on the other side we have aeroplane cavalry and luke's playing an ultrasiv wouldn't that be help out with youtube uh like it's i need player like people that are very into age vampires right i have a lot of knowledge with aj empires what could be good ideas for videos what like say i make a top five water sips video it will be a video talking about why these are good in water what's their strength etc blah blah blah maybe five saves and then maybe two or three honorable mentions i would need to record footage for all the time killing phases so to say i would need to make sure i don't leave anything important out so if i prepare a script and then i could have two or three people that are knowledgeable about the game read through the script and give their input tell me what i'm missing etc so forth and even come up with their own scripts or own ideas and it's kind of what i have sort of in mind obviously more detail to that you can hire orlando i'm actually thinking about asking orlando i've already asked one person i'm gonna have a proper talk with him soon and then i might ask warren as well but obviously orlando has his own channels everything as well but it could be potentially a side project happy new year viper if manchester united become the champion premier league do you change your emperor name to bruno fernandez for one day yes i'll do that oh i'll change the name to oligono soul sure man he's the one who deserves that then let's try to pick up a whale got close there but the scout came in time he always just live in deer we're in the dark age you know uh i saw a comment in chat i wanted to answer but i didn't really catch it i don't remember what it was all right how are preparing walls let's talk about the sieves all right i'm a professional caster as we know so we got to talk about the sips we have a lithuanians and vikings for larry and hera vikings obviously with insane economy lyrics map is a little bit awkward because the gold is forward on the hill but i guess you can make so this is something interesting guys all right so normally you want to have your ranges forward towards your enemy or as a an area to defend your exposed resources right question is with lyra's map here if he builds ranges here which might be like the natural way to build them it is towards your enemy yes but it's also away from the middle and really far away from looks on the other side of the map right so question then is what's actually better could it potentially be an option for him to build the ranges here instead it's still close to you but it won't be as far away from the middle potentially supporting hera potentially attacking licks and so forth it might seem like a small deal but it really isn't placing your buildings can be massive in a lot of circumstances long range each side is just awkward how does one counter elixir's rating kill his units here is preparing the full wall so he's gonna have a great viking economy it seems like it's gonna secure this as well probably wall from there to the wood line or the gold and there as well and it's a full wall hera finishing his walls as well very solid enough for him easy walls there a little bit big on the back side but if you place the stable here and walls to the town center it should be quite safe [Music] and the white wolf palace players are the ones who are slow on their walls normally you connect chinese players with with the walling more early on but here's actually the tempo players doing the walling stable is almost up for hair i did a really fast up time it was 19 villagers this is a really fast uptime for looks as well going archers 20 pop archers oh this is nasty though two scouts in feudal age you should be able to escape spearman is out yep well done to looks the range got slow down a little bit but no harm no foul there we could have just fast castle the map he could have but it would have been very risky very very risky wait this building is always taking the back gold interesting decision so he's building his ranges here and taking the back gold i guess it makes sense as well uh he could definitely not a viable option double range is already out for licks so double archer production is already running well leary has a one range production happening at the moment so it looks like archer numbers are going to be in favor of a chinese team quite early on and then like the previous game action could be happening very very fast the scouts from hera are coming in at the same time as licks yes he should slap some hammers on this gate oh looks he's gonna lose one villager for sure here the archers also just popped on the wrong side of the map the spearman as well is on the wrong side very unfortunate timing for licks in many ways but also he could have taken precautions there right loose is one villager not the end of the world joe is now finishing his walls should be safe only two arches out for uh for larry here there's already four for uh looks so yeah the pressure on here is gonna be happening very shortly this is gonna be fully well this time though so you should be all right also has five scouts out is this live this is live do you think the look style is more effective than 202 rather than 3d 344 ah yes the more players the worse look style becomes because more people can punish him yeah i mean okay so lyra is moving across with four archers now and two spears so they will have the numbers to clean this up but there's a hill now for luxury where they can sit and who knows maybe they'll take a great fight once again certainly is annoying though there is flexing in for licks flushing is on the way for lyrics so it should be good as well farming eco looks is actually doing a better job setting up farming at the moment but then again there are two sheep still there definitely some annoyance for lyra this is on uh this is his only woodline he is lithuanians he went for the one number camp since he went for such a fast stop and even though he's not gonna i don't think he hera will lose bills here but this still disturbs your economy so much these villagers are now chopping wood very ineffectively they're diving actually he might lose some bills considering what's happening now do they go for villagers or do they go for army it looks like they go for villagers okay three wheels down i saw correctly there was three villagers down for hera yep three he had ten so he lost three villagers there but they did obviously kill the whole army so lyric now is gonna have a big archer number advantage which is something you probably don't want while they do kill three wheels and put yo in a commanding position as the um cavalry player but still you give the archer player of tempo a big big advantage it looks dulu he's it's the same village account as hera not loon wheelbarrow he didn't i always looks same village behind herrain village count and hero lost three wheels just now i'm confused most about idle time for sure looks like joe has stopped making scouts hera is just now doing double bed axe as well so and i think it's going to be a situation where where yo is going to be in a commanding position as a cavalry player well lear is going to be in a commanding position as the archer player so they were not grouping up his army here there's only 11 archers for licks well there's nine no 18 for hera for lyria yo is definitely gonna have to tower up her let's see how he how his crisis management is because the pressure is gonna be bigger there's the tower i think once they spot this tower they should immediately switch to attacking on the bottom side looks went up to early maybe he also did get harassed a little bit early on right good securing walls for uh or even stonewalling so he's not uh taking any risks here i just gotta try and prevent losing militarist one will go down for sure maybe even two oh it looks like one only hera and joe are both on the way to cash stage as well so even though hara did lose some wheels he has definitely recovered finally and nicely so looks like we're going to be entering cast lage about the same looks his idling is tc even lexus being very very risky in the way he manages his economy and that this is what links always does right he moves out with the second wave and third wave and fourth wave and this is a move where i would say this is a bad move because these arches will die people don't expect this that's why it's actually working sometimes because this is on paper a really bad move because there are so many scouts and so much army from the opponents out on the map so like i said on paper this is a bad move but because no one expects it because it is a bad move on paper sometimes it gets really good value forcing hera to do stone as well so hera is now gonna be let's check his stone count it's gonna only be able to afford one town center not that he can afford anything because his wood income has been completely shrekt and leary and hero are just running around chasing eunice right now this feels like me and mbl where we in theory have a good situation with army with economy but we're just running around chasing looks in yo all the game which is not pretty so is it a bad move on paper in theory it is a bad move i would say it's a high risk high reward move with no guaranteed damage but guaranteed to lose your army at some point just going to trade archer numbers now but yeah this is going to be a massive cleanup in favor of tempo i think they should be very happy with this so what did he do he idle wood eco he killed one villager and then he lost his whole army so high risk high reward and in this case he didn't actually get anything nice block to not let your scout out they're pretty much putting this game in the hands of you to carry so to say within night numbers but joe also did a tower triple stable stable four ranges i don't think they're planning to add towns in this guys both of them had to make a tower but this is because like if you think about how johan looks plays they sacrifice their opening armies in order to to do damage which forces them to make a defensive tower because they do sacrifice that initial army and sometimes they get enough damage done in which case the tower is just nice but in this case i don't think they've done enough and that leaves them in a situation where where they're now playing catch-up edvardo teach thank you for the whole year of support and a happy new year to you uh rolo 23 i think over the six months as well what do you think of the siege tower woodline hop it's an interesting one for sure a bunch of pressure coming alex i think the only way white wolf palace can win this now is if they take like one massive fight in their advantage and snowballs that heavily in their own in their favor so i think they're relying on temple to make mistakes in their army usage here there is pulling hidden villagers he has added a second tc nicely on the hill larry is staying one tc for now three uh two stables picking up relics looks like they want to jump on the arm here there are more night numbers for sure actually a massive amount in ten eleven nights to six this should be a massive what this is the fight that white wolf piles needed suddenly white wolf pillars are back in the game cleaning the whole army and this is the snowball that they were counting on right now they have to snowball this though if they don't snowball this further i mean look now looks has them now looks has almost uh two and a half times the army of lyri and yo and hera are on the same terms and it's also ethiopian crossbone and the worst part here is that hera doesn't have town centers he's one tc they have so much potential now to completely just absolutely demolish hera if they just go and kill hero now they have they have a really good chance of this game but at the same time they are leaving leary untouched he can just sit there and deny the town center oh this is so ugly for hera this is so ugly can he reach can he not reach those oh that wait one two three four five he cannot reach them okay still an ugly position but that tc placement was actually perfect they are getting in though tc is not up yet but i mean this eco is still completely vulnerable nine nights here still diving on the tc they should just kill the knights honestly stay there stay there don't run kill the knights before lyric comes i think they should have just thought well hera is forced to fight anyway and again white wolf pals are doing the damage i think he's using his armor he's killing villagers with one army and killing crossbows with the other ah what is this nice quick walls from here on the top so the knights from y'all can reinforce i mean they did put hera behind now but i feel like this was really misplay from from lux honestly when they were here there's no flashing on town center when they were here there was about eight seven wheels the fire damage from the townsend wouldn't have been massive you're picking up some reinforcements nicely i think they should have just stayed here and fight heras knights without the crossbow from lyra being involved obviously i can see everything so to me it's easy to make that statement but i think that was the natural logical play there instead they gave they pretty much gave aaron leery the best possible fight they could have stop it by leary those archers should not be out there he does make himself a real nice pocket though to sit in although the knights got in a little bit of a mess but yeah well defended by later there now they're switching the aggression over to him to lyra's base but yeah there is too far in the economy now there is well herrera's gonna be untouched they both have extra tcs yo did add a tc good for him but um it's one of those games now where i would say that i don't think herra and lyric can lose this but then we have seen some we have seen a couple of fights have much respect from brazil cheers cheers um are you an mbl in the world cup speaking in norway or into speaking english uh we talk in norwegian when we're playing the world cup but when we're streaming the show match we talk english obviously because we're streaming yeah think the only way they can win this if lux keeps going ham with military and also manages to get imp somehow which he is not going to be able to check leer's economy he's about to click imperial age this is the viking free handcart economy pressure is gonna be on though but i think there's no issue buying time in order to get to him i mean they are gonna pressure the gold so maybe larry will struggle a bit with the goal income but still have a hard time seeing how sorry to be a downer i have a hard time seeing how temple loses this i see temple with a lead but only white wolf palace is attacking and making pressure why is that shouldn't be the other way because tempo is playing safe they don't need to force an issue anywhere they know that lyra is on the way to imperial age oh you know what yo could have jumped there on the army of leery they should realize that leer lyrics on the way to him era's going to try to clean up these crossbows instead yeah i mean they they know that lyric they know they have an equal lead they know that lira is on the way to imp they don't need to go out and fight right they have a lead they're waiting to cement their position even further ahead right wise man once said when you're ahead get further ahead and that's what they're doing right now if they're able to trade army though if they're okay so let's put the situation where where white wolf pass can win they're able to trade military they're able to trade the army of lyria even though lyri has arbalest if they're able to trade these numbers and keep some pressure going then they can't catch up in military economy and they need yo to pull far ahead of hera if joe doesn't get to imp in a good position like ahead of hera then uh for sure the game is lost but yeah hera is also too tc is he all still too tc yeah they're playing this super all in still the one thing they have going for them though is the army positioning right now and that is that yo and looks are together while hera and larry are separated oh hero you don't want to jump here hara you're just wasting nights is he always nearby enough to the point where the knights can never engage without losing two three numbers but now they know lyrics imp so how they react to this looks like they're switching over to uh man luke's has a massive army he has 57 crossbows here he has 50 the one that's that's about to be our blessed so it's gonna be a tough one all right so larry hits imp how do we react let's kill the other guy apparently to be fair what they're doing here though is they're forcing leary to chase the army right and they're going to take this town center so worst case nor they get to trade a lot of economy for the night player and yo will have a good situation compared to the knight player but again they are trading this whole army now for they're still going to take good trade don't get me wrong they're going to kill a lot of bills from hera so you're going to trade okayish but they will lose this army and what we're gonna see that is left over after this army is the whole army of lyri and the question now becomes can they stop that and you know what they're doing they're buying time because yo is on the way to imp yo is on the way to him so they can buy time it's actually a funny thing that they can actually win this game now because joe is on the way to him hera just lost half his economy and they still got out with all their army and lyria still hasn't been able to attack ford castle on the gold it was gonna hit imp he's gonna go cavalier it's weird but the thing here is white wolf pass is giving themselves a fighting chance but then you see this 50 arbless marching across the map they're counting on the tech of cavalier to actually win them this game you know what if you're if you're elixir seriously just take the hill try to take the hill and fight trade you lose your whole army and he loses half his army and that's that's the best you can get at this point yeah it's still going to be super ugly because he has one tc his whole economy will be idled still gonna be super ugly but um i definitely like the way white wolf pals are playing this they're pretty much doing the only things they can to when they're doing the right moves but yeah there is also pulling even further ahead in economy and uh have a hard time seeing how they're ever going to catch up is china too aggressive and tempo not aggressive enough i think both teams have been too aggressive at at one time in the game i think licks i think the first army from yolandex was fine they dived hoped to get some damage they got a little bit but not enough to justify losing their army but then luke's did the second wave where he sent like 1415 crossbow by themselves in order to try and do damage and obviously he just lost that whole army in return so that's kind of where everything really kind of snowballed and then they took a really good fight and did some good damage in hera's base but lyra was untouched for way too long i was trapping down the cat's castle as well this will be cavaliers soon but at some point larry is just going to be able to even switch to berserker but even even here larry could just keep making our blessed and hero just goes full cap cavalry and castle age to be a meat shield and the arbless numbers should never be a danger anyway they're slinging i don't think so you can check quickly oh actually looks was slinging to you okay so they were slinging they were counting they were slinging food to yo and lux was just going full crossbows again lex is dead now right he ran away with about 13 villagers what is he doing he takes his whole 42 army crossbow man in order to help yo in whatever you always doing if you went here that would be really good because that's where hera's gold is stone big fight's about to happen on uh joe's base now this is kind of the game deciding fight right now uh illidan thank you very much for the four euro donation nemo 32 thanks for that three months good luck for a seal final oh oh you know what we that's that's about as good position as yo could hope for he actually misengaged a little bit though larry's crossbow should never been able to escape there and now lyra is going to have a good trade because the knights even though there are knights they still have plus five attack because herrera has the relics and they buy enough time for their hourglasses to do damage so that's it pretty much yes please you capture age i heard bad things about it that it's apparently not working properly at the moment we're casting the whole best of seven i will see about that i i haven't committed yet i've been live for three hours soon and i have some plans for the evening with with uh debbie so i'm not sure if i'll commit to doing the whole thing but for now we'll stick around hmm yeah i don't know i haven't tried i talked about it earlier but then people told me that it's not working at the moment so i don't know what the situation is i also think the overlay is better it's just [Music] i'm not sure if it's not stable yet i rather just cast like this and we'll just take it from here yeah population i always i'm very focused on that because i hate watching other people cast and never see the village account it's just super annoying or population so i i'm very focused on that not clicking too many things because i want you to be able to see the village accounts it was it was a game it was a strange game right johan looks super aggressive in the opening that gets clean gets cleaned up they did slight damage to hero's economy but they're leaving a viking player untouched and when a viking player is untouched especially when that player is leery you don't want that situation right it's very buggy at the moment and it's much worse than original capture age but big potential is to just wait a few months and patches okay sounds good i have dog hair in my mouth one sec never kiss your dog all right new game new circumstances why do they switch the colors what's the point of that all right so here we're playing as the maggiers leery playing as the malay interesting choice as this is incas oh this is so pog i am excited now villager getting a bit lamed lyra will have to run this dude at least not this dude larry larry looks should kill this what that should have been easy kill like just blocked the ville oh yeah always going to potentially find i need to i i need to watch this oh just passing two sheep and the another sheep you could have stolen there is a boar there knowing licks he will probably try to lame it but it would be a stupid move at this point because they know where the eagle is and it would be super easy to block it if he goes for the boar i'm gonna be in shock okay he's just guarding it they are too cheap here though for lyra to potentially grab so incas for licks and see what lex is doing guys he has two villagers on wood at 12 population using villagers to pick up sheep and is already bringing in the second boar licks knows how to play incas alex you forgot the boar licks you forgot the boar man okay yo is playing as the persians they're doing persian incas but this is inca towers with the douche i would love to see it and yeah as we said there's a magears and malay play here for the other side maybe larry just wanted to lower his hp a little bit longer more so um he's guaranteed that he will be able to take the boar will be my guess but then this also means that lyric cannot get this sheep and it's not unlikely that larry thinks that he has been lamed now still no loom for leary let's see what he goes so he's going to take the boar just blocking the bore equally with the good work by good work by uh looks here it's being annoying it's also satisfied but looks like it got another hit on the scout every scout damage is really important here because the villagers will be coming forward right so let's see if um it's not yo it's baby wait it's vivi wait what are they switching players i was just clapping this newborn ladder and suddenly he's in this game they're switching players all right cool so there is did larry find those feels feels leery man two sheep missing era is also on this side scouting for uh for you they're uh oh i can't even talk so many names lux is now on the way to feudal age with 18 pop 17 villager up one hp scout survived all right let's see so happy new year gingham my brother so licks is gonna looks obviously and if you remember me and mbl did this it went full disaster mode how many bills is this seven seven wheels going forward let's see if luke's does anything different than let's see if i can learn pretty much i tried to be looks it didn't work but maybe the issue was my teammate let's find out so vivi is going for the scout build as is hera as heroes fully well actually this can be quite ugly if flix starts here and then moves over here every resource of hair is exposed especially all the golds on the front and exposed and it's the action so viv is now scouting what viv is now helping larry helping uh looks to scout and blacksmith rushed up immediately town watch the first upgrade makes sense actually makes sense learned something there already just to be able to ensure if he did you can see this denied this he's sending one villager to fight this dude doing the armor oh oh he lost the tower no oh he didn't lose the tower never mind lois paville there already there's no armor upgrade in yet so villagers are equally strong at the moment vivid did pick off that lowest pivoter there's a second villager down for larry already larry has lost two bills already pressure is on tower coming up lyra will have to counter tower i love this new game legion against white wolf palace that would be that would be cool as well get the sponsor to host it and we'll do it and tower will be up for larry this is i don't think this is good for felix honestly it's also in range of town center sort of obviously armor upgrade helps a lot here one villager down felix i think this is not working out felix at the moment he's look looking rough for looks he needs to reinforce this oh and he's also losing wheels on the woodland one villager down second wheelchair about to go down looks very very ugly here felix i must say one villager more down for leary to be fair what lex is doing here though is he's taking himself out and slowing leary down he will escape with five wheels all super low hp so if hera comes over with scouts now there's a lot of potential for dead villagers there so well defended by leary not a big fan of the whole forcing the tower in the face and then walling yourself in like this so close to resources because the reinforcements of in this case leary are going to be so fast like he's larry has this whole village account here lux has seven committed inca villagers and here comes the second wave you better watch out you might have actually lose villagers to this wolf lion so we lost two bills to the scout good work by hera to hit him while fortunately for him the path thing is a bit awkward here for the lion so he might not lose a ville it looks scary though there's a second wave question as well now would be how does oh my god he's actually going to lose wheels to the lion how does looks react now when he's going to get counter attacked okay it didn't lose any that was exciting there uh i mean vivi is just fully wall dude he's like not even making scouts right he has one oh he didn't make a few scouts actually so in this case herrera is the one who's going to be super untouched and he's maggots it's going to be in a really good position to dominate from castle legion onwards although vivek could be making camels in order to counter that that could be good as well but yeah leery i mean i guess the counter attack is not imminent right because um there was the gold being idled for so long and now i mean that's the armor but still leery without flashing though so damage output isn't that massive scouts coming as well but there are two spears he can't really engage here right yeah just wasting units at this point although it seems like they want to force the fight which they are doing but they're just losing all the scouts for nothing here i really don't like this move by them yeah they're just wasting all the vivi scouts for what taking out one archer and like three archers and two spears in what universe is this worth it someone tell me what this is i don't want to be harsh and like judging but you just wasted what one two three four five five scouts to take two spearmen and three no fletching archers it's not worth it lions mep yeah barrow's coming up for looks now now so this is where lex starts to be annoying work has he's finished with lyra now lyric is done he has slowed down there enough i mean there's only one villager difference between them and lyrics malay what lex is going to do now is go over to hera and start being annoying at hera the issue is this comes in as hera is already on the way to castle age he will probably get a tower up larry herrera's doing something really nice right now he's adding scouts because he knows this is coming so he's adding some scouts in order to be able to pick up some bills and do some damage as more scouts and archers now with fletching are in and vivid did forging so the scouts do have more damage but again it's just wasting the scouts and there are more scouts from hera also obviously which fortune because they are maggots count the tower up immediately i think this game is looking very very good for for tempo here don't see how they're gonna i don't see how white wolf pals gets away with this so to say that's the the right term great microwave by the temple guys picking up the scouts picking up the spears and i was just going to be villagers left and i also like that hera delayed finishing the tower because he doesn't have to i was going to force it up yeah just all the wheels gone for for them well vivi has 42 villagers he's still fuelish though double stable scouts from few lids he's a will hit castles with a pretty solid army count but i don't think this is enough to the point where vivi will be able to hard carry this by himself he's not even close to castles either i think this strategy failed miserably maybe it's just a bad strategy maybe i wasn't doing a bad licks when i was doing it maybe it's just a bad strategy never know right [Music] to be honest though i think it was a mistake to force the tower up like this and then take the tower war he should have forced the tower and escaped and built a new tower here for example he didn't have to do the fight on that tower i think that would have been the way to do it if uh forex wwp means white wolf palace i think it's just so risky and these caliber players handle it nicely indeed it is very high risk high reward obviously does he have a second market coming in for vivi that is on the way to cass stage himself now it's going to hit castles with like a seven villager lead on hera but uh it's also going to be 2v1 although leary is also going to be away not going to be hitting another wave larry is not going to be hitting castle edge soon either for a while but yeah four arches is enough he has villagers he's just going to ram the tower down and leave it looks just losing more villagers but to be fair the only way it looks contributes to this game is doing exactly what he's doing he's losing everything but at least he is forcing idle time he's forcing annoyance although he's also just killing himself completely nice knowing for her as well let's see if triple stable for vivian the triple market build triple market i like it see if he goes for camels here there he goes the rest of the wheels from licks full disaster mode samuel son of a temple yet i don't think so this map isn't good for this strat it's not bad i just think luke's made wrong decisions here i think he should have forced the first tower maybe here on the range on top of the berries and then he can villager down the range and then after that he can start having a tower war with the gold and so forth i think looks decision making in how to looks was wrong here i know i'm not a good inca player myself when i do this yellow thing but when you're looking from the high ground as some sort of gods you're able to make these assessments do you remember your troll video where you did three market build wasn't didn't are you referring to the game where i traded with the opponent and he got mad i do remember that numbers are big here nine nights for hera there are some camels from vivi now there's also spearmen and archers from leary so looks like a game there is about to hit cast leg as well i think this game is over culture born to believe thank you so much for 27 months happy new year to you as well i think like to be very critical of this game and from lux's point of view i think he gave lyra the easiest defense of his life right of course lyrics still has to do everything right on his own right so lex kill looks killed two bills initially here so let's kill two wheels of lyri and then he stubbornly forced the tower in the face which is where leary's whole economy was larry had roughly 22 villagers in this area right and then you force a tower right in this area which just means that lyric can pull any village he wants in order to take down the tower and he has an archery range up so he's also going to mix into three archers and he can easily retreat to his own tower and his town center so i think arguably the best approach would have been he dropped the blacksmith he got the upgrade up he saw the range force the first tower here take out the stone take out the berries you can even batter down the range with the villagers and then make your way towards the gold here i think that's the way to do this here so i think again being very critical obviously and having the the gift of hindsight and full visibility i think that was the misplay from licks and then the other side wasn't really relevant i think the big scout investment was a bit weird maybe they were hoping that lux would get more done damn well done obviously either way to uh larry and herrera for the way they defended that hair obviously picked off some bills with the scout at the same time stupid fight versus the three arches and two spearmen was done yeah that was it's hard to say dumb right like obviously sometimes you take a fight expecting it to play out differently right but then maybe the other player did some great micro or this and that and then the fight seems super dumb but while you were in the moment it might have made sense for you to take that fight right it's always um there's always a lot of things that that comes comes into account when you make a decision in the game and while it seems dumb making a statement that this was dumb it's not always the right way to do it because from the information they have and the situation they were in to them does it it might have made sense to make that decision but we have the gift of full overview seeing everything and so forth how can a teammate contribute to the tower rushes more efficiently archer scouts scouts definitely because you have faster mobility with that if you go archers you cannot really contribute too much initially yo adita aditya with the 25 euro donation happy new years from australia hope you have an amazing day thank you very much hope you have a great day down under as well and thank you very very much for the generous 25 year donation uh xerocool635 thank you very sub as well welcome to the channel the mall aoe thank you for the prime and seven months so what do we have in store right now we have lithuanians for mr yo well vivi this is teammate for this one lithuanians and mayans for yo and while alirious playing mines as well and tatters so for tatters all right game is over temple has won this one there's a mayans war on the left side with wave against leary and we have which staff's got to protect their shrimping for twitch thoughts and we have yo with lithuanians against um tatters of hera they tried to kill a villager here from lyric but he survived luckily for him is close to town center so good on him got us oh right he has loom makes sense i got scared there because the villager was staying there way too long but yeah it's gonna be fine yo atc there for a little bit as well they're trying to go for a hera villager now [Music] picasso thank you for the five euro i'll protect their shrimping for twitch thoughts yes well this villager should be no he went from the wrong angle if they angled him differently if they came in from that angle instead of going there they would have killed the villager trust me if mbl was there that villager would have been dead i'll tell you that viper would be a good sieve bonus be longer range for town center no we don't want that good microphone from river there we already have lithuanians with the possibility of getting uh nine range town centers and we don't like that not at all so what else is new map quite front exposed gold for hera learn some there as well bringing the elephant and no loom downhill hit oh second download hit no well should be fine always exciting you know oh lay me in the goat vivi stop chasing you're not gonna get it back why is he still he's trying to kill it probably well now lyric can kill it and is he gonna yeah dead map for vivid why is he keeping his goats like in the other side of the planet man imagine lyric comes running past here with like four free goats by the way if the devs are running out of ideas of save bonus they can take stuff from other rts games they already got inspired i think by some of h1 pairs 3 cards deck cards for example but uh obviously they have a lot of potential six goats still for vivi i think he stole two goats what about simple or even just say twitch instead i don't i don't know how this works i have just been told that you cannot say that apparently but i i still think context matters but yeah i don't know we'll just try to avoid the word just in case eight on wood for yo it's on the way to feud late he's gonna have really fast uptime here i wonder if he will jump on this now he will lose to fight either way four to five hits hero finishing the walls nicely of the terrors have hill bonus advantage as well the jury is still out though on whether it's better to do range play or cavalry play with tatters now i feel like range plays probably the way all in all but not sure why he's even hunting the scout because he cannot kill it he maybe doesn't know the exact hp there are finishing walls nicely it's going to secure his base vivi has the same securing his base nicely like these are the types of walls i i get it but at the same time hate it i would have probably had had ambitions to wall there there and there instead of making like a small arena for myself you know wait what he killed him wait hera had 25 hp yo had 12 hp error has three attack yo has five attack oh wait that should have been maybe you got the first hit i'm guessing that maybe you got the first hit nearly with 47 months oh oh downgraded to a caster yes nearly i know how it feels it's starting to feel for you man uh thank you for the that's almost four years nearly holy boy holy oh boy uh reagan thanks for the eight i think it's ten dollars yeah thank you very much for doing there as well two scouts already out for yo third one is on the way eagle of lyrics stuck inside the base the arena of the baby here with two idols okay i'm not sure what's happening here he's doing a rush obviously but yeah it's just gonna be a brush fast castle looks like a drushfast castle maybe i guess he did steal two goats and that's why he feels it feels like he can justify this let's see if he closes the wall yes it does range is already out scout's coming over to lyria as well i think this is actually working out really well for for well white wolf palace at the moment this is causing enough disturbance and joe is going to come in here as well you always not full well himself but i think hera will react and come to help instead of attacking so i think all the scouts coming from hera will all go to the left side in order to support this while leary is going for the counter attack with the one spear one archer he could go and sit here maybe but that won't accomplish much maybe take him off the berries but yeah there's not really too much to be accomplished there he does have the eagle inside right but yeah it is fully walled berries are exposed but some quick nice quick walls now no danger there might pick up one villager should be one indeed losing one scout in return and taking some damage maybe hera even doesn't make scouts and just goes to castle age is that what's happening here that's what's happening no scouts have been produced and at 13 30 we're clicking up as tatters to the castle age there we go so he's gonna have a really nice castle each time as well with the tatters because that's how they roll you go fast up you get two extra sheep see it does not even have farms right he has three farms and i was dropping farms with horse color no it doesn't have horse color never mind i'm lying yeah that's what you can do with tatters yo is still 500 food and 150 gold away from castle age himself so this uh castle from vivin now is not really gonna accomplish much because he will have what he's even struggling to get up right and he's gonna have four or five crossbows in like three minutes and hero will already have two three nights out by then our starting position sucks well he's done a good job making it good he might even just add centers here right you go up now you add town centers you get those four extra sheep while making units from one stable there is fully walled he's not against range units it's only against scouts so larry is completely safe with uh with this as well like the scouts might pick up one unit here and there but he's not in any significant threat is losing one our show one villager wait what what happened here he deleted that to go on wall and then he didn't plug the gap again oh leery with a little bit of a mistake there i guess he's fighting here i don't like that div is fighting without flexing right before hitting castle age as well strange well that was some some damage that shouldn't have been there but yeah viv is about to hit castle soon and he has the same vision or more villas than leery so that went pretty well for them but still heroes castle age knights on the way with plus one armor no bloodlines lost another veil but they're always being a little bit too greedy here i mean they're they cannot do damage to heroes so they're taking the damage they get right go on the way to cascade as well probably gonna add a second stable nice and safe could potentially overchop here soon gameplay context between a2 and 83 ao3 has way more like in ao3 each civ are somewhat more unique at the same time aoe 3 relies way more on shipments which is like a instant reward so to say like it's a little bit of a cool down but you generate experience and you have a little bit of cooldown where you can summon suddenly eight troops or 16 troops or depending on what you pay and what card you have it's it's very different in that regard in ao2 you don't have any any options like that where you can just summon units like suddenly eight units at a time right right crossbow on the way i mean there we took some damage sure he's on the way to castle himself he has a tower and his gold he's nice and safe arrow with the two tc's up now he's gonna do a third tc here maybe it looks like he wants a gate there did he miss click here okay now you fixed it um i'm not sure whose side i fancy right now the crossbow damage here could be somewhat good should be able to pick up one villager at least maybe two yo it's catholic now as well i think i prefer white wolf palace good reaction from larry but he still loses two villagers yeah lyra is quite far behind here so the fast castle from era hasn't really paid off yet but it's also a bonus that's gonna most likely come into play a couple of minutes from now let's see how brave it is here because there is not cast ledge yet there's bob canero for there's no there's bloodlines now as well for hera [Music] hara's just buying time for valeria here i think he should be more adventurous though because he can still get a lot of damage down here it's coming from yodo and joe has double stable production whereas hera is still in one stable aero jumping and then he'll advantage as well but good micro from oh there's actually a really good fight for vivi never mind it was a good fight for me but you know what if those two if there were two more nights here from yo a little bit earlier they could have fought already because these wouldn't have been turning into crossbow i think all in all good trade for for temple there now the counter attack is on but it's already with mayans you have non-stop production all the time and the numbers are already there so i think the big difference now is that obviously hera will have a better economy so hera is in the strongest position leer is in the weakest position while joe and vivian's in the middle are in the middle one relic already for yo good stuff yeah there's no there's no damage to be done here for um for larry they cleaned up the army of vivi but baby obviously has a second wave already two tc's as well from vivi era seems uh lyrics seems like he's going to play one town center looks very very good for white wolf palace if you ask me hero just now adding a second stable and i expect hero to be losing stables here and you know as a cavalry player it's really difficult to be in this position because you don't want to lose your production buildings and they're very expensive to rebuild because of the whole fact that you they cost it costs three farms pretty much so even losing one stable like this not only does it slow down your production it also takes a dig in your economy and uh yeah oh hera with misplay here as well the knights are not supposed to come from this angle they're getting some damage in return only one villager down though good reactions are actually not from vivian maybe almost have enough numbers to defend now looks very very difficult for a very difficult situation for temple to handle here i'm not sure if the fast castle really gave them much plus two from yo as well hera only has plus one yeah hero's gonna like all the equal lead hair i had from his past castle is now gone and losing two nights as well for free this looks like it's already over guys i have to say vivi as well not losing enough where it's game losing game ending damage you should just run into this woodland with this crossbow ah they're not going to be that great about that losing bills here as well oh he's even stealing the sheep he's stealing the sheep to add further insult to injury he's stealing the sheep that was spawned yeah pressure is mad like as well there's like this is what two four five like ten farms ten farms of here on top of all the villages you just lost there were ten farms here that aren't haven't been working for the last two three minutes and that is so much food lost as well this pretty much just puts hera in a really really hard position he's gonna need help from leery but i didn't catch this but joe came over and helped clean up larry's army there and now suddenly there's a two army count for hera 415 for larry and then joe and vivi both have the same numbers another stable is going to go down this is just a situation that they cannot recover from honestly this is uh very well done by by white wolf palace again hera played as i would say type of style that me and mbl would have maybe opted for where you sort of take some equal lead but you get punished for it and you don't necessarily gain the reward you're seeking plus you need to rebuild farms indeed suddenly yo has more military more economy and he has relics as well right so you always know plus two already let me see how many relax yes yeah he hasn't done any attack upgrades and he has plus two now they can just jump under his arm here as well and they should be able to clean up the whole army on top of that so looks very very good for our chinese players here how you prepare for red bull will look public or in private private yeah i think they will call it here they should realize the ship has sailed i mean hero probably still feels somewhat okay though 3tc they can also maybe be thinking that joe is playing one tc with the amount of knights he has out but obviously we know that that's not the case and lyrics also playing on tc so they are counting on winning this with military but they're already behind in both eco and military so aero has caught up in villager again though but i still think the initiative they've lost the amount of initiative they have lost with the damage they took is just unrecoverable i think lyra is about to lose a lot of archery ranges as well and probably a lot of economy possibly yeah i think the chinese guys play really well when they have initiative in the game when they are under pressure i think they're worse i'm not sure why why lyria and hero opts for this greedy play i think they can just they can just play complete meta and be fine against them they don't have to do this uh greedy fast castle approach and take the risk right if you give y'all and his ally the initiative you're not gonna like what happens when we see upset in uh i wouldn't rule it out honestly mark it mark it just now baby has been playing all this game without cardo like without allied vision another wave coming in here this is about 25 on uh protect villagers so yo could just jump straight past and kill so many wheels there these are 30 villagers on the farms and they're all going to go down once again so era once again built up a little equal lead and it's gone again you know what's saying what's the what's the meme where it's like and it's gone that's what we're looking at here it's gonna be raided to death once again lyrics on the metal map moving across to try and hit uh yo here and suddenly yo has the equal lead again once more south park yeah i wish that show much had other maps than seven arabias i agree niko i wish they should have just played honestly the world cup settings would have been fun to see uh like tempo against the winning team world cup right but then again vivi couldn't have played so i don't know maybe the chinese sponsor saw herron lyric clap mean mbl and they thought they thought that they want to see white wolf palace against lyrian hera so that's why they went for arabia why couldn't vivi play he's not on their team for a world cup yeah but this is just this is about to get cleaned up again about the same crossbow numbers 31 lithuanian knights i'm not sure why you always been doing lit uh forging at this point he's just got the plus two attack with the relics all right so that makes it a 2-2 i hope that the next games are a little bit faster because i would like to finish the set but it's getting late white wolf pals the viper when i am well committed to my game legion team though unlikely are all am players moving to temple not as far as i know viper cream thank you for the whole year happy new year to you as well dickie three thanks for the 16 months tempo snack unlikely as well that was a i mean vivian yo played quite straightforward and they just took the initiative and never gave it up that's pretty much what this game was about larry got punished a little bit by the i would say lear was greedy he was being rushed and scouts they got punished because of their strategy as a team there i assume lyra was in on the whole leader was probably feeding her information that yeah i'll be fine just just go to caspase right and yeah they they gave up too much initiative in the game by doing that i think where are you from did you see northern lights daily yeah northern northern lights weren't special to me like i i would go to football training and every night going home from football training i would see the northern lights during winter obviously or yeah all right so we have a game again um we have yo this time playing as the berbers teaming up with vivi once more playing as a chinese a really good strong um really strong save combo there berbers obviously can make a million nights and camels if they want to he has a quite nice map as well easy wall offs to secure an important area of his base teammate obviously vivi playing as the chinese giving that farm boost which is quite insane also with a real nice map easy wall of gold very close to town center wood line is nice and close as well very nice map for vivi i think it will do the arena wall though right well there and up there that seems to be the meta these days for the way they're walling other side we have here are playing as the khmer kumar oh quite an awkward map actually very open on the side old you could wall short here but the golds are still awkward with the back space being so wide open you could also go for very very ambitious walls where he was there there or like there and somehow connects these two wood lines or walls to the edge there would grant him some more safety in the back areas but still that would be massive wells and i don't think he will go for that at least not initially larry plays as the chinese as well so it's khmer against berbers and then the chinese are both ultrasivs also a very wide open backspace you could also go for some really ambitious walls but i don't think he will quite an awkward map actually for uh for tempo well i think white wolf palace has really good maps how should i decide whether to open knights or alphontos with khmer depends what you want to accomplish right do you want to have mobility in order to just raid probably knights is your better choice do you have even economy to make elephants elephants is more of a killing move or a power unit so to say tanking unit so question is what is your purpose here with the elephant play you wanna are you up two minutes earlier and just wanna kill him and go elephants but even in that case it might also make sense to go knights i would say knights is more often the right choice than elephants purple is vivi did i not say that wiper casting games feels a bit like getting free coaching i'm going to start charging this then i want to put my my stream behind the pay wall if you guys want this free coaching will pay up nolix surprise wasn't allowed to play well vivian yo won the last game right so they might want to just carry on with the winning team same as football right don't never change the winning team that's what they say i'm going to make this i'm going to put this behind my only fans actually start doing that i think yokota world is better but he probably hasn't scouted everything yeah like an easy wall would have been there there and there but obviously hasn't scouted everything so this one makes a lot of sense lux has played a few games yes i think it looks just played three games this is the no let's just play two games this is the third game of eve yo didn't play one game so alex has played three games indeed let's see how i wonder how temple plans to deal with their maps hera with the 20 pop up yeah i mean i'm not sure how he's gonna do this i mean his camera obviously can hide in houses so he could just count on that for safety but yeah yo i'm sure we'll finish the wall there then finish this and then this and you all will be fully walled there's the arena wall of vivi getting ready as well should have placed two wheels in there probably to make it more efficient up times are quite similar right only lyric went up a little bit later wait why is vivi like six percentage behind i baby must have had a smoother dark aged compared to larry gate coming in from here as well is going for ambitious walls at the moment he's probably gonna thinking to close this towards the end yeah hero's going for ambitious walls i thought he might but didn't expect him to come so soon you know if anon thank you for the seven months happy new year's eve to you as well stable immediately probably just going to keep a scout defensively until he is fully walled because this it's a hell of a lot of walling what's going for this wall this is what i hate about the arena wall you know when i say the arena well i mean the tight wall where you just secure your own base right how does this make sense over like this and there i mean i understand it's less swelling if you count tiles but i just feel like if you wall here and here you you secure your wood lines better that's my it's personal opinion though right i do understand i mean also there's the back side of the base maybe you don't expect enemies to if they push they might come only on the front or the side maybe don't expect them to come all the way around but still you know it just makes me feel weird less walking maybe i mean that's there's an argument for that right it is less walking good moves by joe there getting some good damage on the scout of lyrics there he goes for quite ambitious waltz himself lyrics has larry has to feel very very uh vulnerable right now era finishing yeah heroes going for super ambitious walls oh this is one villager nice pickup by hera there second rage for leery i feel weird about i should just team i mean at this point that might make more sense but still team walling on these hills yeah you don't really want to do that either uh so temple players are just playing super safe super passively at the moment he's doing some good damage with the scouts but otherwise playing quite passively controlled to ensure that his base will be safe another village down for vivies obviously he's zero four at the moment so he has lost i think maybe has lost three villagers already yeah viv is down three bills already that is very nasty panic walling now like you start walling this early and then you somehow don't manage to finish the walls which just is like double punishment you had idle time early game and you got punished for it still so three villagers are down villagers down already for vivid that's actually quite massive here yeah so hera did was acted with like a few scouts just to punish and then left the rest at home in order to secure the walls and he will now be fully well in the corner and lyric going for the massive walls as well they will be safe in the end and they got away with it yo feed me hobo thank you so much for the five gift serves to the channel cheers can you talk about why walling early is bad because you have idle time a villager is spending wood running around walling instead of collecting resources it's not necessarily bad that's the wrong way to put it it's an investment to for safety but the fact is if your opponent spends one minute or two minutes of two villagers walling he will have collected less resources than you so in theory if you just fight with your military afterwards and there is no walling the other guy will have a better setup compared to you because he spent less resources on walls so he has more resources to invest elsewhere but then again the other guy has the safety of his base because he is walled well you don't so it's the whole balance balance act there right six cows from hero here you always obviously fully weld is even going full stone walls i think there might be the good move here i was going to save that villager i mean they realized it's full world now but it's still just palestines from from the temple team so the chinese team definitely yo vivi has more archers and yo has more scouts the military advantage is definitely in favor of white wolf palace but hera is on the way to castle age kumar economy could be a chance to see early elephants here i wouldn't rule it out i would not rule it out it's going to be a really fast castle each time is there an opening there this old there might be an opening here ooh this could be a disaster i think there's an opening here oh here uh wait wait is there not an opening is it just me is it not open there i'm pretty sure it's open right is it not click inside let me see i don't need to know if it's open there could be a tree there i wanna know click inside oh please delete this house i want to see all right so lyrium with the castage as well i mean they did a massive they might even have to jump here honestly you should do upgrades he always already casted himself now vivi is still a bit away obviously we lost three villagers in early few late which was obviously massive so they might actually want to just fight there and trade i'm not sure oh this should be a good trade for there is armor and bloodlines for kimmer but still i think considering that he is castle-ish now i think or very shortly i think this is still a good trade for for china team and he has to fall back though and now it could get rough because they sacrificed all the scouts for yo and now we've literally kept chasing her he could have probably killed a few more archers but they're switching they're going to yo actually so is it elephants nope it's knights they wanted the more mobility i'm pretty sure there's not there shouldn't be a hole there right there i would have noticed right maybe on the way to cast stage himself now but yeah the timing here i think yo might just die here's stonewalled but all the woodlands are gonna be idle and i think they're gonna start working on the stables very fast although they're not going to the front oh my damn oh my goodness jordan's going ham [Music] yo the octopus cost more with a 50 euro donation 50 freaking euro asking me to cast more well i mean i guess i have to oblige no uh but that's i talked earlier octopus about i'm not sure if you were earlier but i did talk about potentially mixing at least once a week where i just cast for a couple hours top level games maybe torment games so i get some variety and the content on that end but thank you so much the octopus for massive 50 freaking euro here towards the end of the year a rough year for many people thank you very much uh pedalianistic thank you for that three years with the prime as well three tcs as well the khmer economy even though they've been nerfed they are still pretty damn solid plus two four and you know foreigners he probably doesn't mind this fight probably going to be about 50 50. no okay i was wrong hera put the hill advantage big favor there this could be nasty let's see if he all reacts in time one village down potentially two wheels down only one down [Music] three stable night production this is i mean he does have a hundred stone so he could add town centers but still it's um yeah vivi just chooses to walk across the map straight for the other chinese player it's one of those things where hera is going to pull ahead in a lot in economy larry added sound students as well still full one tc for both yo and vivi though so they're again going for the massive armies good moves here actually there's two super low hp knights one hp knight there oh yeah they're going to put on the pressure now on o'leary who's dropping a third tc at the moment but the crossbows are coming in just in time one villager down no ballistics yet for vivi so was not able to do the damage what's the night numbers like for hera now here has six nights i don't think he has plus two either no plus two six nights for hera not really mass producing knights either leaving too nice to be healed nice moves but now the pressure this is this is the initiative player right you see china do this so often where they might fall behind some one way or another but they go for the massive initial play initiative play which again in this case means taking out an austria range jumping into a bay and a base in order to um to uh idle economy idle farms and just like work on production buildings just to pull themselves further ahead in military numbers now larry has a massive arm himself so he is able to ensure safety and they do have the hill now to micro with and that's going to be a good position for for a chinese team here lots of nights still from from yo and there's still no sign of plus two coming from hera this range should be going down quickly as well a lot of night they might even jump on this army now because there's suddenly 11 nights for yo well there's only six nights for hair still there's another way of crossbow at home second tc coming in from vivi go with the second tc as well i think still is going to be a massive cast edge commitment here for for the chinese team because they have berbers right the longer the game goes usually the worse berbers i don't get worse it's just they don't have access to paladin but to be fair neither does khmer so we have villager counts quite equal for three players with hera 20 villages ahead very nicely saving that but still like the armies of temple are separated the armies of white wolf palace are together and it's sort of cutting them off here as well now this is a good move by the chinese team getting some value here but i don't know where these are going that could have been ugly and suddenly the pressure is going to be on hera again and i think the chinese team also feels that they have to do damage because they realize they are significantly behind an economy so they're gonna have to find a an angle of attack where they can actually get some damage done that's the difficult part here they do have still a bigger army in theory but actually no armies are about the same now but what they have going for them is that their armies are together the crossbow army of leary is out in the middle of nowhere and i think that's what they're looking to do now they want to jump on this arm but they're going on the wrong angle they have to go from the bottom these crossbars are going to get a gate great trailer now the knights from hero will come in and these crossbows will just micro backwards pick up one night at a time and he's going to get an amazing trade this is gonna be great for for a temple team as they are looking to take the fight themselves now this is gonna be probably the fight of the game unless china wins this fight heavily which looks like they're not about to do this game should go in favor of tempo as they are just you're fighting closer to their reinforcement fights as well right and it looks like the numbers in the end we'll leave with zero nights for either player but the crossbow numbers will be heavily in favor of theory as we see on the stats here as well 46 archers valerie 21 for really and i think that's game kara sitting with the worst part is that vivi is on the way to imperial age now they just waited he would have had a big army that could have been crossbow our bless they could have snowballed but now herrera has 95 villagers larry has 70 bills and the numbers are at a point where it doesn't really matter what happens now the numbers are too big for temple to ever lose this now because lira's on the way to imp as well and i'm sure hera will follow shortly here are still committing to massive knights but he can stop production at any time i'm pretty much going crazy as he has 49 farmers with kumar which is still pretty strong not sure if that was asked before but why don't you use capture age i jumped in to cast this spontaneously and i heard that capture age is not stable at the moment that's why schmoolsie thank you for six months white man about to break 400 yellow catching up on you oh boy i'm getting scared man directly away thank you for the prime pressure is now going to be on vivi but i mean just look at this course right there's a thousand score difference at 30 minutes that's never a good sign yeah humor food jumping up as always picking up some relics as well now well that was a ballsy relic all right let's put it on top of the town scenario they're just jumping on the army of baby as well babies imperialist right so they just think okay let's just clean the numbers of vivi make sure they don't turn into this could have been 20 hour bliss instead it's gonna be five arborists or zero hour bliss even so this is definitely way worth it for the temple players here and that they've been sitting on 59 wills i don't think this game will last much longer player will hit imperial age that will be arbalest hera will hit imperial age as well and the game will end very shortly this is why pierce armor is very valued for cavern infinity units indeed would you rather play without score i think at this point it's too late it would have been nice to have games well it would have been nice if the game started like that but at this point we cannot change that about the game it's too important with the hill i think this should still be an old cage fight i mean this is fight that is happening exactly when it has to happen because there's arbolest for for uh vivi but not for leary and they did actually win that fight but what they don't know is that behind this lurks an even bigger threat i mean they clean up the army over there there is only only a 16 hour blessed as he hits him here is 20 i don't want to start thinking it but hera isn't producing anything is he going elephants what is he waiting for here is he waiting to do elite bad elephant is that what he's saving for he's not producing at the moment are they low-key throwing this he always knows i mean he's burped right he can produce nights for days hey why has he not been producing for like he has so many resources i don't understand why he's not producing ford no i thought it was a castle drop poor siege now he's queueing up a lot of scouts like but he had he had the resource in the bank i'm really uncertain as to why he didn't produce they were coming in with the numbers he has to support the knights cannot jump on this by themselves because numbers aren't there but now it's going to be imperial age upgrades as well for leary played body armor is about to finish as the big fight commences and i reckon this should end quite favorably for tempo 125 is for hera 88 87 for clearing yo and then baby struggling behind yeah i don't really know what what white wolf pass can do here focus boys focus focus boys oh it's fine it's fine you can okay that's fine that wasn't the worst thing [Music] but capture is unstable for a while he also made stonewalls so yeah i guess so long does this cost a lot yeah the game is over i'm not sure what's those coming from behind yo is still castleage what is this are we watching the uh we're just watching the the final game play like the fifth game play out it's it's gonna be done very shortly i think i'm gonna go pee while we're waiting i'll be back a castle there yeah i'm taking my hill as well or i'm taking this still here [Music] it's huge forest look at him castling everything yeah buddy let's go castle again i can't do like 40 for my queue like thank you you can tell when i go quiet but i don't do it so the score jumped up like 500 points i cast literally everything actually oh this is a good game okay that wasn't i mean that's basically the series you have frank's in britain so to lose this we have to play like ass like if we lose this we actually should not install man they have two extra goals to the back each quarter we've got any actually actually i had one in the middle actually that's that's true but like why do they have it in the back in the corner like it's so weird i don't know i don't like that actually like you were looking for one imagine if you had the extra gold i looked for miners in the back as well yeah it doesn't matter that much guys uh there's the gg for me only say ggg bro zgg disrespect oops i clicked no i meant to click yes commerce saracens against frank's britons so boy wait frank's wasn't frank's no they use slaps in the first game so in the red color we have yo playing as zekemer now team teaming up with his favorite mate looks with playing as a saracen so commerce saracens that's a nasty combination they're playing against pranks for hera and britain's for mr leary uh priming saturday things in for seven months in total there viper commentary on uh good pilot in 100 bits vipre commentary on high level games is best area viewing experience only behind viper destroying his opponents thank you with paladin admit it you are just casting so the hero doesn't get all the twitch views i'm casting because all my opponents that are viable today are not playing that's why so let's look at the maps quickly let's go archer sieves we have writtens for leery here not sure why there's a random ice piece there why is that there was just no patch there i'm going to analyze the quick quickly the whole map to see if there's more snow patches why is there a random what why is there a random snow patch here someone explained that to me why do we have a random is for new years oh i didn't realize that my if i zoom in and out the box changes things you learn while you're casting huh not bad not bad all right let's look at the map you stirred us no actually i'm not sure uh it has to be right so map um top side is quite open like it does have a back goal backward lines but at the same time the top side is quite open you could do a wall up there though and it should be fairly safe with enough time to react bears to the front fairly easy wall though and fairly easily left sides outside lyria has a pretty good map especially for playing britain's so good for him hera playing as the franks on this side quite open here but again if he goes for big walls he will have a lot of resources quite safe from gold a little bit exposed but again he could wall in front of it like house barracks stable you know and secure that and it could go for the big ambitious walls on the sides as well but all in all fairly open map actually for hera looks like stone back golds it looks nice actually it's like a formation easy wall off here easy wall there to the town center well there i mean he can wall easily to the town center here there there and there in order to have all these resources completely safe front goal i mean you could even just wall here like the arena right well that all to the front to the town center he has a good welding options either way so lex's map is looking pretty solid as well then we have yo at the end might be losing a sheep here managed to save it with the fairly open bottom part of the map not sure why leary stuck around for so long i mean i guess the archer player taking hp from the scout player is always a good thing good wall on the front easily here he could if i know you're right though he will he will wall like this right to the middle to the gold i would have walled here probably then here i don't know what i would have done with the bottom side but i would definitely walt either there or like there but if you always walking like he normally does he will walk from there to there yeah quite a rough map on the bottom side a lot of hills a lot of areas to wall if you want to go for the walls you might just play open with camera right hide in houses and go for the big army place in order to stay safe they do have really good maps though so let's see how they use sarasons here silences are always scary muppet show thank you for 31 months i think hara lost a boar looks yeah it looks very likely everyone is eating a boar but hera let's uh check the food income actually i'm not sure there is a chance he finished his bore not a big fan of the second lumber cam but i mean he doesn't have too many options he killed with tc makes sense he's out of sheep and he doesn't have a rhino under the tc yeah definitely her hair has killed the boar with his tc there that's a rough one actually you're playing scouts you are frank's though so if there's one save that can't survive with this it is frank's is luring some ostrich in now to compensate but it does definitely make a little bit awkward but i think it should still be okay all things considered because he has frank's but of course you'd rather have all that juicy food alex has this goal as well very nice extra gold on the bottom side of his map he's preparing the walls now i like the way he's walling no i don't like the way he's going they're going for these arena walls i hate it i don't hate it never mind that's not right well they're all there and you have more safety why make this oh it's shorter fine i'll allow it let's see i'm curious how y'all will wall his map range from leery here they are also not going for any ambitious walls mostly just securing his fold with a one single wall uh dj newt thanks for the prime sub hero with ambitious walls if they would have known how how the that that hera obviously killed his um oh spearman rush from there if they would have known that hera killed the war with his town center so for those who don't know like there's a meta these days where you garrison villagers in your townsend in order to kill the boar faster but if the final shot is an arrow from a military building and the town center in this case counts as a military uh building the food will disappear the meat will disappear from the boar so that's what hera did here by accident and therefore he's lost roughly 400 food which obviously is quite massive oh nice quick balls here from he's scared of the spear scout push happening right now so he's rushing like seven wheels to finish his little arena all good he got away with it looks as well doing the arena so lex has to mark it up right i'm gonna have lex's point of view open because i want to see how he how he's using the sarasota market bonus here a lot of farms down here that makes sense lux is house though quite a nasty timing to be housed at one range for lyrics so far second range coming up now i think larry went for a really fast uptime here and just one range and get the spearman out really fast because his market abuse to fast castle not worth i think he will do something along those lines he will go for archers and village but he will also use the market to get a really fast castle edge time sending his initial army over to help yo though i kind of like that because for them it should be a case of oh it's open for them it should be a case of let's clean their armies or the first wave of army and then then buy a fast cast castle age with a good army size should be in a house here so we could have hidden in the house obviously i didn't expect this to happen needs to it doesn't need to plug the gap okay he's opening the wall here for for looks to come help there's a nasty hill here though that larry and herrera could sit on so it's still going to be an awkward way for them to fight either way touching in for both players now obviously military numbers are in favor of john elixir but then again there is a hill remember the first game where there was a big military advantage for tempo but they still love to fight massively because of the hill let's see how they engage this nice welder shut out another scout from hera there's also the scout extra hp for the frank scouts here they are just jumping straight on top i think this is the right move pick off the archers pick up the spears and just kill and he's sticking around too much with his scouts from my taste but they did clean it up nicely alex is not taking any stones so he's not going to use stone for anything they're producing archers hera's equal looking pretty solid ghost eco still producing scouts hera has stopped making scouts picking off a village there herrera snipes nice moves i'm not going to lose a lot of initiative right there's eco looking good i think now it makes sense for lux to just buy its way to castle h and then attack possibly leery kombu is uh i think for 17 months wouldn't stars in the mixture tanky camels with their blessed in late game or just full arms late game i'm not sure how commercializing functioned late game i think initially probably just oh this is still open no he finished it okay initial oh this is still open though oh he doesn't know initially our blessed for sure oh yo react ah yeah disaster you can still hide in the house though so that's okay but yeah still super annoying obviously you will quick wall these two wheels in now and be fine do this in low hp bills don't think so they could actually jump lux is on the way to castles now so we did use the market as we predicted they could actually go here and clean up hero's base is in big trouble dude like you should clean this up and then go straight to to here the front here they don't have scouting intel but so they don't actually know how bad the goal of hair is but he's going to find out soon and they can take out the stable up here easily here and that's before hero gets castleage i wonder if he lost another villager i don't think so okay there's a lot of potential here for damage now the issue though is that yo hasn't started taking gold yet three idols here two in the house and leary is on the way to castle as well but i predict lyric to be coming down here to try and help hera deal with the pressure that's coming in now they're lucky yo finds the army of larry in the middle of the map on the way here and then they can get some insane value still the lack of scouting means they don't know where the gold is he knew about this gold he would have put all the pressure here ah he's going the wrong way honestly attack from here game winning move anywhere else not game winning move pretty much that's the verdict right now looks somehow ext exactly where the army of there is i'm not sure if he had any units up there that saw it or is just telling joe to scout her i think it's just telling you to scout yeah now this is a game-winning move potentially is what we're talking about herrera is now off gold uh his stable is gone and the army is about to enter his base so the knight production won't be massive check hera yes 300 gold in the bank adding a second stable he's doing plus two but he's keen oh he's actually not doing plus two oh he's doing plus two i think he used the market now to buy more gold he's queued up four nights but this is it he doesn't have well he has gold in the back he also sold stone he has sold 100 stone and he has built a stone stone mine so if ballistics comes in immediately actually it's triple range and ballistics oh boy this is gonna be a lot of pressure guys it's gonna be insane amount of pressure actually they actually just like they did damage to hera and know what now they're deciding let's go attack lyra now ballistics is gonna be in there they're gonna be chasing their armies i mean there is gonna be plus two nights though in for hera now so i'm not sure how i feel about this y'all was about to hit cass lake himself double stable i wonder if he'll go elephants are they copying mine and bl strategy with the saracen crossbone elephants imagine elephants and crossbow they're gonna be buildings are going to be disappearing like nobody's business man pressure is going to come in though in his ranges he doesn't have a messy army at home here oh it's knights these cowards they don't know how to play with style crossbows for licks are in immediately obviously but yeah larry does have enough archers and his britons so he does have extra range i don't think lyra necessarily is in trouble here although he's running everything ballistics he can't afford ballistics i don't think he has it very tense for everyone here oh good microbiri not the best microphone licks here it's getting punished a little bit although he's getting some value and the counter attacks definitely doing work so joe will have to invest his uh units into defending here and you know what this is one tc is saracens knights can just run in and there's potential for a lot of damage here ballistics doing some good value here he needs to quick wall this has to make sure this is closed even here this needs to be gapped like plug the gap oh looks hope you are ready for some pan crisis management they were defending well on the top side the counter attack is doing a lot of work there are plus two nights from yo though but they're not taking part in the fight yet oh i think this has been uh i think they misplayed their early initiative here they got too hung up on doing game ending damage i think especially on lyra's side of the base there here is just sacrificing knights now to pick up villagers as they are the make a farm yeah make a farm oh this is a disaster they're going to clean up this army by all means but look at this like it doesn't look nice it does not look nice scouts coming in now as well with full upgrades the scouts will help out a lot here too with the crossbow numbers now from licks they're gone man crossbow numbers are gone bilge count 28 for licks counterattack did what i was supposed to do it's a weird one because if you analyze this game from start to finish there was a point where joe had those holes in his wall obviously slowed him down and then he had the second hole where the three scouts got in and he had to send all his eight eight scouts back home in order to defend which slowed down the pressure from the saturn player a lot and after that they went to harrah's base this is now finally cleaned up they went to harrah's base did really good damage here but then they decided hey i'm going to run up to lyrie now and then he commit inside lyrics base where he killed maybe three or four whales and lost his whole army in return so the decision making post early castle age was definitely a little bit off if you ask me but it's since never seen ever the military count now is massively in favor of uh white wolf palace as hera only has five nights on the map but the crossbow numbers once more can be very very deciding and as we see there's 23 crossbows from larry moving down right now but then again we have 14 crossbows here from licks and as long as y'all can support with about 20 knights you see what joe is doing here he's sitting in the middle of the map with half of his army okay i thought he was doing this on purpose i was wrong but if they get a jump on leary's army this suddenly snowballs back into the into favor of white wolf palace are you excited for the new aoe are you talking about airb4 or the new dlc there are two different things but i'm excited for both so the answer is yes either way here with three tc's now there's a lot of pinging going on obviously because they need to synergize and decide where to fight from there's knights here from yellowstone i mean yo has a massive amount of army here so in theory though there's 15 there's 10 more crossbows there is also 10 more nights so what is the most value here he's just ignoring the crossbows they're going to trade crossbow for knight's arm here uh you always not getting the best patrol there and now he's going to escape into the nice pocket there liver unfortunately from yo that that's more de mechanic sort of now lyria has a great pocket there to just sit and it's becoming a great great fight for for temple village accounts they're starting to pull quite the head obviously alex is the one who is super far behind he has to play this super all in and i feel like this was the one push they had feel like this was the push where they had to make things happen and i don't think they were able to so i think now that's probably all she wrote yeah i'm excited for it before it should be a lot of fun at what point does hera try to trickle some stone to castle that mingle i don't think it's necessary they should defend that with army and not with uh stationary buildings i think they're doing the right thing especially considering the circumstances now rtc there joe is playing two tc adding a third tc on this gold now triple stable knights you know what i think also a misplay here was not going elephants it might sound weird but i think if there was instead of 20 knights there were let's say 14 elephants i think that would have been a way more scary army especially considering that you have saracens the amount of pressure they put on here early if that was some supplemented by a ton of elephants i don't see how i can like there's always a chance right but that would have been way more difficult for them to hold tamper won this best of seven convincingly just as i said they are the best two men team there's a not impossible they are the best two-man team but they haven't faced the other best two-man team yet lily and jordan you know now the elephant switch is happening it's coming a little bit late though in my opinion should have been elephants a little bit earlier i think uh i think me and taro have have a really good chance beating leo and hero with any other combinations maybe not i think even doubt and taro have really good synergy in the way they play oh this is a big fight the knight numbers from hera are lacking like if you compare but the way they're using the army here is really nice elephants are now in the mix as well this should be a very good fight for they do a really good job of just picking up all the crossbow and then my connect their cross builder should be a good fight for white wolf palace but again they're getting enough value here where this is not game ending see the elephants how much more the tank imagine if there was these elephants earlier they make a mix now the elephants with the splash damage as well this is why you make elephants man suddenly joe has a an army count that could be really scary even for a brit like he can just jump on this clean this up now right that's not too much hp on these nights but that's what they need to do now they need to really do damage because lyra is on the way to imp can you and mbl be as strong as you and taro uh if me and mbl play a lot more together potentially like me and tyler just have very good synergy like i also have a very good synergy without in team games just like taro and doubt also has a very good synergy so um like i said it's um i think it's it's more like the people you play with right normally just like the max and villas probably have a better chance at beating hero and lira then for example me and mbl potentially just all synergy for the most part because everyone has the skill level to the point where what's more important is it's not empties right no it's not to the point where what's more decide oh he doesn't have stone to repair he tried to prepare he doesn't have the stone you need one stone in your bank to be able to repair town center yeah so like more like strategy decision making teamwork and team synergy and fights is more important than pure micro pure macro skill so to say tempo versus gl show match man i wanna do something where you guys remember the arena show match that drag kong did that i did during my 16 hour stream what about something like that with game legion against tempo and more mixed maps not just like arena but like imagine a let's say a best of 11 not even that let's do more maps like best of 15 game legion against tempo and there's let's say 10 11 different maps the temple only okay let's not do tempo let's do aftermath where hera and lyric both represent aftermath as well there is now imperial age herois on the way into imperial age as well i don't see how they can defend this now there's of course a scary amount of elephants there oops sorry and the crossbow obvious numbers aren't massive still but there's enough knights to shield and tank for the arb less to do the damage it's a rated happening on top as well so there is losing quite a few villagers but at the same time hera now remains untouched herrera has 120 villagers and uh these elephants man see why didn't he make elephants earlier imagine he had elephants earlier like we play with malay which obviously have cheap elephants but they don't have armor past the first armor upgrade nor do they have bloodlines and here you have elephants with armor with speed with everything i never cheered on viper's stream heisenberg thank you so so much for the 500 bits cheers thanks for cheering on my stream sensei 1305 thank you for the three months as well i mean now leary is imp he has 40 military units still but he's losing ton of wheels and he needed a sling in order to be able to afford our blessed so the elephants are actually absolutely crushing there right now the issue though is this blue guy over here because he's imperial age as is lyric but no one else is anywhere close to imperial age still committing full on the elephant play and while there is a lot of elephants i think when you combine the arbalest with cavalier you know what harry's army isn't that big hero 17 units i think he's saving for paladin as well yeah he's waiting to he waited to produce more because you want a paladin he has chivalry for sure but he doesn't even have fetching on his town center so this army [Music] hera's eco is about to be toast although so is yos to be fair 144 hp to 270 more armor for the cavalier white wolf pals is making the best out of a tough situation but it's it's an uphill battle the issue is now even though they're dealing good damage to hera leery is now untouched again larry will build up an army he can even start mixing in pikeman he's going to support with arbalest here as well so even though hera is losing a lot of his economy now it just leaves lyra to catch up and lyric to be in a really good situation like hera isn't going to die here either right big fight happening there some raiding on top armless still in play still waiting for paladin paladin's about to kick in in 10 i wonder if harrow takes the fight once paladin is in looks like he wants to i mean they're gonna have um five melee armor and 18 attack i think paladin even beat elephants almost at this point so i think he's happy to fight now and i think lyra will support with some arbola soon but it doesn't matter because the game is over and tempo takes it to 4-2 congrats to them that was a good good performance for sure where's my scoreboard gone there we go good performance to tempo i hope you're having a great day thank you yasu who hopefully the same for you with hundred bits gl versus am on real world maps uh no rewards aren't really competitive i'm afraid sounds like fireworks are kicking off right but would you consider doing more mixed team show matches like in the 16 hour stream i would love to but as well like four to six hour stream i dropped 1500 of my own money into that show match to make it competitive and interesting i cannot justify hosting 1500 mixed show matches like that very often right it's a big investment like either it's a machine gun or it's fireworks i'm going to guess this fireworks since it's uh we're approaching new year's just win so you get some investment back even then so yeah i mean i think i think white wolf pals had a really good opportunity to win small mistakes obviously the holes for yo which made his scouts have to be defensive and then the decision to run up to leery with the crossbows in early castle age and then just circle around and invest like commit into the base i think lix and yo their playstyle is really strong but i think the big thing here is that they might overcome it sometimes for damage and it backfires aliens that's nothing too special here to see i think well done to temple winning the show much for two good stuff all right guys that'll be it for me today uh i'm gonna go and spend the rest of the day with me lady and uh some good food some wine and enjoy myself guys thank you so so much for watching uh before i head off guys it's been a tricky year for a lot of us obviously and uh it's not been that difficult for me personally so if you've had a rough year hopefully everything will look up and things become better going forward i'm sure things will improve for next year a lot of things we all miss right from the what our normal life was like i would palette and thanks for that thank you for 100 bits thanks for tuning 20 viper happy new year thank you so yeah with that said i have i would like to for next year i want to perform better better in toronto i want to keep up a good performance in tournaments win a few you know maybe some of the big ones i really want to win red bull for next year i want to also push my youtube content a little bit better towards a little bit more variety or not variety in that terms varied content within within age of empires well-edited videos with good content pretty much within age of empires so keep an eye out for that obviously streaming will continue as always and i'm gonna hopefully keep pushing and we'll do better hopefully 2021 will be amazing as well new expansion next month as well maybe um maybe a aoe4 next year as well who knows i don't know when that they're looking to release that uh kathmandu happy new year to you as well happy new year to all of you guys thank you so much for being a part of this year with me um it's obviously not the same without you guys so will you play a new sales of course so i'm just gonna make it an abrupt ending here thank you so much for watching this whole year of 2020. i really really appreciate all the support throughout the year um amazing stuff hopefully we can carry on for next year as well hopefully i'll see you all next year which for me is in roughly six hours well master thank you for 28 months the only thing this holiday season needed was your mom surprising you in a santa costume like 24 hours two years ago that would be difficult these days plat p thank you for prime as well
Channel: TheViper
Views: 38,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: JVxmEvs3jJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 35sec (8195 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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