GamerLegion vs White Wolf Palace | $1,500 BO5 Showmatch

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uh what do you think sorry the difference with this map is it hard at all or there is a lot of kids call hills that's awkward this is insecurity i think i put this all away design was just i thought i was going to have like good good maps with this color it doesn't work like that i thought that's a good map what's talking about youth voice chat well the voices was that the highest voted thing was that we would listen to them and just make comments along the way so that's what i'm sticking with at the moment so wait who's pocket here dalton tower pockets we have slamming which is chinese here laming is on they should remember that there are a lot of hills here actually maybe tara's would have been a good shot even on this map um he's against mines on this side not blaming his vivi in mr pocket with slavs they're going for slav's pocket here so stay at wait let's check the sims here so mayans flank with slav's pocket the other side frank's pocket with britain's flank everybody's still focused they like uh slam take your balls early right we are playing with leia okay so britain's war on the right side then there's magyars against franks and then we have frank's against slavs and then chinese against mayans interesting when did tim join whiteboard palace he was like the first member because the sponsor is the boss of tim so to say mble i think of a prime without pipe i'm worried so word whether gl will even win one well i'll probably play all the other four games so i should fast forward because we're live you need my skeleton nope you can push there okay we are now caught up did he lame those you look he lame those oh there's two sheep there nearly why isn't it lauren dear find your sheepies time do you need my scout i want to listen to the voice call not the clicking asmr yeah yeah titles from teamworld wishes not sure whose keyboard is so loud like something here as an option i have a voice there i think both tattooing and keyboard can be heard are they from it would be interesting to see who will be more vocal in your absence am i that vocal don't think i'm that vulcan was jordan lag in the previous game actually stopped streaming he was still lagging yeah i think so are you going direct i hear i hear nearly slam and taro all three of them all three of them are lighting up when their keyboards are clicking so we'll have some headaches oh vivid managed to steal a sheep here from uh slam that is unfortunate so there's a woodland here shadow then i will walk with that one primal josh from vivian as well here yeah it is hmm seems like a very long distance here i think i might rush after uh drush from vivi here or very long distance there's one massive hill here in the middle there's no room in this village here they could have jumped on that no yeah they could have yep i might blink this code actually after walling up let's go for 20 pop slam jam that rush is coming at least lam has loom cause he's chinese okay good get the walls down one more good stuff nice so far so good join the mining camp as well out of woodland so there's a dress right here just be careful now uh yes i can i'm not sure if i like the double farm from islam already because at least i think he's gonna head to you double farm will hurt his archery range mining canada and so forth three he's still here he's still here so until this was line uh i'm here i don't like yeah he's still here though so you gotta feel lisa maybe i don't mind it i would have preferred maybe archer play here from he would then again okay now he's heading to you the maggot scouts from uh tatter tattle might be able to taste uh he was here last buy him time though we're listening to my scout let me know we are watching the the we're here with listening to their voices you see them down nope okay okay there's this scout right there he's running into your tc yeah yeah is busy it's still 16 hp not not too much else happening they're engaging here looks like they're cleaning up the rush shouldn't be any village losses yeah that turned good yeah uh as well slums out of the team well um i think they'll work him in eventually like with this board i mean he's an easy wall there and there is going the other way around when i send him i will trust him so the pocket is just going fast castle uh no i saw tim build another scout so that's good it's my flank's going fast castle okay he got the skulls here uh it's full live it we may be like one or two seconds behind because i see when they say like he's here he's there the x or the ping comes slightly later i think we're not very far behind at all oh yeah i see your scouts though um i'm gonna come with you kind of stopped making scouts i want to get this still open my vivi is going for so greedy careful right this could have been punished uh i got archers right here right there do you want to attack uh vivi's walls here maybe if you're free yeah yeah yeah because he's gonna get away with the fast castle maybe he's good at actually just like making sure he gets to do the fast castle i rarely see him get punished myself included he's just building range yeah okay okay here all right yep okay we'll try to keep reports man then either house let's go yeah i'll try ahead of this this is too cheap that's what nila was missing he didn't manage to click up so it was coming from behind get the sheep oh you get armor oh that's really nice that's perfect for that fight okay i thought it was going back there that's actually massive this is a huge move just getting rid of four archers makes such a big difference now yeah i've been playing five games so far so we're kind of rotating right looking really good that was a really good uh catch for tattoo slam is not fully worldly yep i insist you hold this that's the only part missing of our team oh really really yeah yeah yeah you're listening to more scouts oh yeah i see i see you always getting ready to click upgrade i see it that much but nelly has a big lead with uh trying to go home crosstalk i will move out here i don't recognize the uh the iphone is nice that's it just try to get as many crossbows as possible the arches will die anyway i think that's a lot of scouts from him you got something i'll need your help once you're up yeah yeah yeah obviously every single because they interfere with the score right this just looks weird for some reason they are in the wrong position i could show all the cues pressure on this we could do that so we'll see some cues is doing a tower yep it will be tricky for me i think i moved this by myself on purpose for some reason i don't remember why i'm just saying you can open the palace and scenarios there okay big fight again for tarot yeah it looks really good i mean the only issue now is that you always up to castle edge quite faster than i go out there third stable they are gonna go ahead you're gonna go really heavy so joe's cast edge will be just tattle yellow i go outside and get them the kill okay i probably shouldn't want it to the right side coming they should maybe even run this army back there yeah sometimes you all know pretty good situation i would say let's go 70 up he's going to look at this where where they are here on the market and they're going to the right yeah i went to your this okay i know most casualties now i did a lot yeah i'm running hmm i still think our team is looking very good when nelly is top scorer you know is looking good who won the first job uh we lost it uh 3-2 the chinese sponsor wanted almost feels like there's a hole there but there isn't clicking now it's gonna lose all should i get there with my army or is it just lost you go back to go home can you go home go home careful it's just buying time i think you should go home yeah this is right there we call the town just keep running there right there's a let's open there let's go there nearly you getting plus two soon oh too bad he's gonna lose everything now like a snow rush he doesn't know it's open there right now he doesn't think that i cannot really yeah yeah double stable and triple tc oh he's golden that's real oh yeah let's go let's go it's gonna still trade okay but um let's go two tc for nile to range yeah i think thirty is trying to keep running like to the right actually i might get some kills here okay okay looks real solid i think we're still in a very good position where should i build it to see my next one there oh he's gonna go no that's the army yeah nice this should be there was all the crossbow it's fine that's not the greatest wood lines maybe even here it could be a good tc as well uh for nearly now he should really add another range because the pressure is going to be so big you see go to spot for me don't tell me i got a new army here if you ever want to regroup yeah yeah i'm scared that it's open there now here they're coming tattle no it's not open nevermind okay there was a tree yes yeah this is a really scary armor to clean this what do you need a lot yo is the push here he's sending eyes here so you should be able to deal that with the crossbows inside i think they should be fine you know i want to get a siege workshop up on that hill yeah they look to be in a good position on the left side here uh thinking should they join help them yeah can you do weekly this year i'm coming down there okay nothing's happening here so you just go back to this yeah backpack now they are bleak army here thoughts and mbl completely red bull oh they seem good to feel bigger i don't know it is not very much to have thoughts about uh sounded guard i think over three months by the way el guessel thank you for the six and don morris with the prime sub thank you very much for that pressure is now coming in from the center here hopefully it'll be yeah you should be fine you have enough yeah they're they're both here dope but i should be okay they're coming for me or what yes they're coming for you know they're trying to actually i might not be okay from behind the reinforcements tim's losing a lot of nights so i think slam should be okay here a lot of action happening now this is a massive 900 from your holy cow you're so many actually the right move here is probably are you close i think sam's doing a good job he's getting efficient traits but he fights they should go back now i don't think he doubts she'll commit here that should go back it's not too bad really michael oh this is i don't like this oh maybe you don't have enough army here still down yeah and i need to get a castle night yeah since they're committing i do like this if you could send all here all right nevermind yeah good moves potato here to take a lot of fire i need to kill bottom i think they're losing oh yeah yeah okay so many crossbows are from there so i have stone to put a castle there now i know i know damn teammates i think the fight is going to be okay in the end but everybody's good as us oh shoot yeah i'm surprised they actually lost that fight i might just put it i might just put it below the hill because i might they're they're both still here we did clean up from the tattoos yeah they cleaned this up so that was good but um oh it's three ranges close enough to six but okay open up plan to make it interesting i'm giving them a chance to perform no i think our sales are better honestly they have slav's pocket that didn't do too much it was just the early game early game decisions just went in our favor i would say but yeah uh slam need some help here if look if vivi gets like a castle here will you continue or castle there come to scary so looks it looks anything this guy because like this yourself it's really sexy he has 19 farmers should be fine and nearly as lucky fortunately as well nearly way more it villagers more production okay like two or three more ranges from nearly would be necessary but yeah okay looks very very good whoa what the hell wwp is that white wolf palace jk i think you should know what 40 000 bits from white is wait is this example is this the white move palace uh the boss jump on my rage here yo wwp j k is this the white wolf palace boss yes dude 40 000 bits holy shiza thank you so much damn he is the boss another 10 000 dude just slapping down 50 000 bits just like that what the hell thank you so much white wolf palace boss and also not only that for sponsoring these show matches as well really really fun so thank you so much for that thank you very very kindly for that holy [ __ ] yeah you can go where you want no ham should be fine uh zoney call things for prime jared the fairy thanks for crying as well edmund dantas with the prime two thank you go back to the war i think the second gold mining upgrade is good there's no right or wrong about it sometimes you do it sometimes not yeah thank you so much for hosting all the show matches i'm coming no neil is downhill no disaster doubt is coming but still well arbor's kicked in try to keep it might be okay are they losing this fight they go back i think they're losing this fight they should go back because doubt is on the way to imp as well yeah they lost that fight wwp viper white wolf palace viper be careful he's gonna go all in on your hair down so just be careful joe's production has been really good this game he's made so many nights he's gonna struggle with gold i think as the game goes on tattoos on the way to imp now that's good you think i could get a castle here would you come with me uh he sees a meme give me a moment yeah you know he's not in my basement actually i know i can't it's all good who's doing horse color next three i'm not sure why now he's out there how many arms you have thirty one don't tell me don't tell me oh they don't know about it oh don't show it don't show it out okay i should go up oh good thank you yeah crazy indeed thank you very much either way all the small contributions is also what keeps this channel running you know thanks for the prime the doubt castle is a real he has to focus a lot of things okay i'm behind shadow great mover they should clean this up quite easily there's a hill advantage for slam as well is up nice and nice okay that went quite well yeah very well really wakey wakey okay good tattoo coming around from the hill good stuff market guys yes in rs thank you for prime as well i could use some whenever you're ready i'll need you to pick off trebs trade for our boys as well good job it's just been a very solid game all over all i would say a very good game from uh from the boys there's three so much of no no no there was one show much worth 500 and then this show match is worth fifteen hundred dollars so uh yeah maybe don't play something yeah it's okay it's fine i'm gonna put another castle behind do they commit here where do you want to go maybe run through here oh that's a strong one juggle go found some extra gold there just read them trap wars here i mean islam will always have the hills here right so it's very good for for us on this side he will lose this castle but the others he will win and tim is they're all in imperial age now but there will be paladin for uh a doubt there will be no paladin for tim so it's looking very very good for you oh yeah looks just gonna get melted now nearly dominating look at that wait no are you are you taking my call oh i might need you here i got like five trebs and tim's gonna come back i'm attacking your hero should be fine okay it's getting laggy now i can notice i notice that yeah this game is over our boys let's put a point on the table i'm already good i'm that confident that i'm going to put the point on the table yeah i've got siege rams coming here sure then there's no way we lose from this spot uh he's waiting here for the imp upgrade paladin now tim has knights delta's paladin it's the difference okay tonight let's go okay let's go let's go oh another castle i'll take that yeah they should just just jump here right let me nub you things for four months kagan with 100 bits here to take my loser 100 bits thank you kagan for easy yeah kyla mukher thanks for the sub don't i'm very gentle with you joe uh dell could you please come over here is that maybe my gold oh did you take my gold that's okay i knew you didn't mean it no jordan easy right no vipers jordan and viper the easiest good job boys are you ready for nomad yeah i am oh man i didn't expect anyone to say i i know i know i'm out of here bye nilly good jobs wait neil don't you have like a 3-1 record today oh yeah oh baby damn but you got for the weaker so much of the good results now we need to make it more we will we will discuss later well he has 100 win rate in this the most important one so i might come over to save you later on please do that he's expecting to be out of the tournament first um i saw him on viper stream oh in order i'm like what is that possible oh stream sniping man so what sieve am i lithuanians lithuanians sir you're a dog i'm a dog person i like cats let's go oh they've got mongols he's gonna go scouts you have persons maybe they want to use it for another map or even i'm here i'm here there's hardly any water up here so just be careful uh my dog is here where is the food like man is this my review map or what i'm talking here uh okay okay guys this is a landlocked up here just be aware i lost my ship here i didn't establish you should build a teddy finally if i'm good oh gosh someone seems to be here who was here um not me i'm right here am i in between like three people no like who is here so he's right next to you okay yo is here okay i'm pretty sure i'm at the spot am i able to lay my board right right you're asking if you're allowed yes i think stealing a boar is not blaming that's just taking a board i think there's like some rules like don't kill villager until i think at this point just do whatever stupid time oh wait who who is here did someone say someone's there leaks he sees it okay okay so is he is that this landlocked here yeah ah what's wrong teddy what's up talk to us i think i can protect your faces because my dog is here okay perfect so i can then breathe there okay my dog is down here at the moment are you gonna go water tattle i can't go i will do some sort of hybrid version where i go fast castle but also i'll make some fires probably you guys x all your tc's again here okay i should be able to protect you in london i want to find another board there is one here but i'm taking it now and i think it's too far hey there's there's licks fishing ship right here so he's like in between us but like he's fishing there between us so you're you're gonna crush teddy yeah all right i also will learn he's willing to good too lately i believe you but i'm taking this piece yeah i'm taking his two i will what will you i will go scouts someone should still do water on the top what is your dog here oh we have there is also some water in the middle but i don't think it's big problem is uh well i'm against you so yeah you don't don't worry about water jordan in top or just defend your face maybe like good combination if you can i prefer my fish living up here if you could take out licks as soon as you can i have another one as well liz wants to be free man uh i can also make a second dog and take care of looks oh he has two dogs vivian has two dogs as well i'll make a dog between us i don't know he's he's taking mine yeah maybe there's two dogs there fishing i should be able to take it i think lex is towering my wood as expected sounds like lux oh tim has a dock up here now okay but you need water right yeah he's adding two docks up here john uh there's the villager there okay there's two ducks over there uh there's a stable from licks here and four villagers moving down towards the baristan um okay all right he leaks doesn't have peace anymore neither he is does uh vivi at least his docks are he's running especially at least um yeah the fire ship chasing here go to the ceiling there are scouts out from uh looks already okay i mean yeah alex is about to do his thing i will uh make knights from islam okay or camels possibly okay i'll be able to drop a castle though at some point here okay then i might just go knights and see elsewhere just that i lost all my fish due to tim up here like can you read up there will you stay there uh well he's just going full water up there i'm like i have my fire it was okay jordan oh he's going past castle that's the oh geez uh tim has fire gal is here i guess spanish spanish is there oh i know i'm busy now is the spanish uh what is there jordan i think it might honestly make sense for you to go skirms once you have the time or possibility because your left minions yeah i'm hitting uh lexus villagers at home okay i've lost quite a bit i have to evacuate you can look anywhere further down he fires oh oh well looks has taken a lot of damage in south slam so i'm not sure how much she lost but okay yeah you lost a lot too i'm just gonna go all one tc there conqs be kongs coming from the top side here towards you yeah where's me now to uh slam okay enjoy thank you guys know any good place for me to send conks let me know uh probably just yeah deal with like i think you'll be playing defensive cons yeah okay sounds good it was looking more amazing oh my gosh oh oh up there are konks in between us now tattle be careful uh yeah it runs down to a tc i'm making some camels uh run to the top right there i have a tc there i sent the wheels out again so be aware of that he's chasing you there run up tarot is coming around this way he wants the tower do you have stone or i can put a tower down if you want oh i don't know i got it i'm just double checking tell me if you see any kungs around the house forever i see konks okay yes roughly do you have konks now yeah uh let me know yes like 10. yeah okay actually no no i can't i think it's still i will make enough units to defend eventually okay i thought you might have to run your gold again okay i'm coming yeah i have four camels coming as well so we can probably engage this together let's go yep keep chasing slam yeah okay oh is oh him though so i should be able to recover something what's happening huh he wants to push to push for me what when do i go paladin i'm going to go camels here paladin makes more sense yep you really face your mangas i guess right yes oh i'm just stopping a castle maybe that's always nice thanks okay in the middle or down at the i think i will do it here yeah we need to take control of middle as well the water in the middle i'm sending some color down to them blue oh you're transporting there okay uh can you make it transport here as well or do you have natal i have one actually let me out i think i will be able to sneak through here there is like a lot of farms here as well i'm actually like i don't think i can do too much right away so i think i'm going to sling a lot of resources while i'm dying while i'm trying to make things happen here uh jordan get ready there's a couple mega day coming up there yeah let's see that oh yeah i see what happens yeah sorry where do you want them to yeah just inside elixir space is there anyone who needs like a little resource just to get up or something no 100 foot don't win i guess i should go for it that's probably good this wall's everywhere we could probably probably use some something over here soon for mangy day i have i'm okay so what do you need resource-wise i can swing a lot of research because i cannot get through the walls uh just a bit of food don't be shy and ask i have extra stone extra everything i need everything i i'm a bit low on everything but i'm not sure if i'm the right player to this thing right now just be careful here they are trapping them chopping what they are they are stuck there not sure what you're talking about ask for resources guys it's looking rough here resources problem is room and time that's all i need i'm making my way over there it looks it's just you know felix yeah me that's definitely looking rough hello i'm going to transport for you thank you is this still a winnable let's try a little bit more we have some paladins here going we don't have map we lost a lot yes i wish i was on that boat i played some nomad games recently i'm gonna delete all your walls here yep you're gonna i am out of the game oh run fast that actually took me off guard big time i thought i sold some bills oh man disaster let's screen up like what no way look at the left side teddy you notice that oh what the hell oh but the game was over anyway yeah i feel like i'll probably kind of different but when we have one guy between we always get [ __ ] up by him she walks off or just just something especially when his licks yes why not transport in the middle in the middle i could have done that i was saying like whole game you had the strongest bomb you need to use it on time yeah defeat the mongol player you need to transport land the yo yeah jordan slam and you win the game should definitely have transport in the middle i still had that business dogs in the transplant i was like yeah they are going to do that and then he makes fire girls because like i was going to make fights and then transport yeah well should have done that for sure like that that's having game all i was even like hyped i was like i would be stubborn like if i was a viper place that we could see at workshop and see drums to break the walls and then mango day snipe they need to get transport and then they see the docks good job guys and then i don't see the transport yeah i mean yeah both licks and team with so much so wild i should have just on transport makes a lot of sense and then i was like the masterpiece move from your from the giant team would be to control the water now to expect that that's the next one not stopping nothing happened though that'd be cast legend as well for me i said the perfect game in my mind i was housed so much that was sloppy ah should i should have done better i was casting that it was fun like normal is all over the place i probably couldn't cast more than one of the game but yeah it was a fun yeah i thought i could stop the castle a bit but no chance yeah nobody can do that against spanish yeah i think i should have actually just played heavier castles and attack looks probably then i would have had more army for konks as well and i'd still had a good econ just a chance you could even send one transport to the lakes island as well there and instead of breaking the walls like five paladins you got no counter unit well you had monks lots of monks they're no fun no i will scream oh please please keep down malay yeah let's go pocket oh no tattle go with malay don't give doubt responsibility can't be trusted well they are stronger and cheaper you should definitely open fire girls for sure as well byzantines can be very good but do we prefer them over any other services to question if businesses like if we switch the sieve out i would switch out malay and then byzantine's tyrosines are options something's fast um cargos are really annoying but they're not that annoying anymore right because they have low low attack yeah arbors aren't really that big of a part of the game anymore but the teams are wrong here jordan you're on our team please what's happening here eh who is italians i'm italians i think italians should be their brother you can resign again so you just want fast cast lombos for me well as always i have never gone fast cast longbow so i usually go callis we had an idea that it's better because numbers from vivi wait uh and look this is portuguese there's gonna be some monk [ __ ] happening knights monks on our island those kittens are not needed because they will have knights in our land and then they will be harder to convert protecting us front dog right no no side dog you need to protect my fish where can i giving up the front right sort of yeah should be docking on the sides and like top corners okay but i'm worried about land should i up with barracks and stable as well i think of extension i mean i can do all all land right you can like you're doing it well if you if you feel like i'm thinking they will do two people landing wouldn't surprise me they both land with tutans and portuguese could also just be cute what you're cutting off a lot out though yeah we don't want vikings to be the one that defends us yeah well i mean if you go full land just a little bit of water full and then you should be able to defend right so yeah you just cannot rely on monks or defense that's the big thing are there wolves in this map an island there is a commodore dragon so okay that's all okay i need uh i'm still missing too close oh what's up somebody wants to push deer from here oh you're my thing i cannot even get them on the right angle follow them into the water question should we all sort of pre-wall ourselves a little bit or i guess we can adapt that later we'll see what happens are we able to handle all this multitasking so first of all even the backlog eat it eat it out nice it was a good kill doing it alone we'll probably land a lot of scouts over there oh uh this is not our scouts you are correct about that observation could also be just a debate landing just scouts yes we can fight now a few legs do i need to react with walls there i would prefer economy i don't think you'll have to i will not sell the scouts for now but we need to scout here to see what's going on i can go and check there's one more scout there's a barracks yeah so they're landing with portuguese and tutans robot ski building range that we will also have to make ranges probably tinder is very good but i am worried about my base though as well is he john's landing as well at the moment we don't see anything from him but as soon as fast castle nights from him no oh yes okay yeah but he just hit fuel no he didn't no no no no my god oh to dock the forward oh whoa is that a second stable no blacksmith okay two dragons man is there any chance if you have free army that what do you want me to do in castle age should they just focus on booming or as long as wind water i mean you're always going to be on water here right well you will go water long balls probably i already cleaned it out of here foreign i can make some uh long balls in the back in a sec looks lot of scouts gallons as well okay okay tim is going for water do you kill any fish guys nope oh he's even towering there well the issue is i'm a viking player so i'm taking quite a bit of damage right now i think that also was pretty good actually there are long boats here they're going back dogs so i think we're going normal galax to deal with that yeah they don't stick with fires how's it looking there taro and these two artists coming here i will try to snap thank you it's fine nice i can start hitting the buildings from water though as long as you always kept at bay did you kill the fish of licks though yes yes and some of yeah well someone needs to like focus on keeping your busy as well but uh tata was one villager there i have um yeah fighting him a bit okay that's good you watch this out there's stuff freaking annoying to michael you can see it yeah no it's because of the unit because of the player archers on the woodland there as well i want to find a there it is oh can you take care of the orchestra taro at some point no i am trying to kill the woman from i see running so fast and you die already oh can somebody help me with that it's just three and it shouldn't have that much hp well yes it doesn't show up the arches will show up i'll try my best that i will take stone as well so i can drop a castle eventually okay and i think it's from mix now as well there are two there are some guys there trying to cut them off sorry i'm kind of building water here it's against two here yeah that's fine and all you need to do is buy time too much and make sure we don't lose presents i would say uh anything standing there because i need it here we go this is your chance how as you're keeping them at bay jordan is good down here i think uh tim is up as well he has university and he's trying to redock would be really surprised that could be wrong okay i couldn't hold any longer here go elephant that oh i'm clicking up now in a sec watch out i mean nothing much you can do there but just wanted to inform you okay yeah that's fine try to not follow the short because i realize you're building docks during that i will drop a castle in front there now do we have enough to fight turned out he doesn't have elite long votes yet we can fight him we can't go love to at this year or what would you surprise me i'm also dealing with a doubt why are you not going fast fires of course because he's going in long boats i don't think he'll longer the best uh you're only there for me you will doubt you always find a way to micro the crossbow and then i can get uh you go faster with the decoys to go fast fires not too bad you cannot go freaking beast so now i have a longboard style so why don't you just go pirates now i can do that yeah they land more yes i'll drop a second castle soon i think we need to focus equal and then we take water uh there are villages running in the middle there yeah the hero just here how's it looking on your end jordan yep um forty percent a very good economy though i don't know everything i'm basically out of the game just focusing them on should have been 20 of you think twenty them hold function is coming here it's a special foreign boom thought that's what you did no i went faster in i can't get ducks up on the front anymore batteries almost there i guess i'll do psyducks stop making a fire down to the spoken vehicle oh if we have extra food we'll speed up my boom when i see this over yeah i'm getting back on water now for the villagers if possible i think he has too many yeah yeah i'll send trump to her right away he's also playing walrus we shouldn't have like big uh follow-up on land yeah again i mean we can definitely check it out right the king team island as long as we keep our island we also have better service for late game so just be careful there for the new landings you just need not to die to violence oh that's a good idea we need castles as well think water what units cars and gallons well they are landing everywhere we need the tabs then we are here i don't care anymore does anyone need food know now we'll just sell other villages here drop me a castle well they are going full colors yeah makes sense i'm taking back water but if we're losing land that's gonna be a pickle oh another castle there well viper can make berserkers maybe takes a full game yeah i think it just when they get the landing off it just slows down too many of us i mean they did lose their fish bomb as well yeah but they're causing so much issue for ireland like i don't get into the game as viking pocket well their biking pocket is free playing right i think i shouldn't spend 40 but land them like if one so you may won't play land and won't play their land that could actually be a good thing i i mean i should have opened water and then instead of switching to the galleries and [ __ ] like that if i land them i think we're in the game you were controlling the water basically alone i i mean i wasn't i didn't have any water you know i was i was taking off there was one 44 like it's huge map until you get to them he's already taking off you know firing and seeing for you also yeah i should have landed like i would not have any water control there because i was taken off cold and everything i wasn't able to make same though you need to go like fast imperial there control with fast fire is the front land with condos and then you're too too long to get to them it's really long and they got hurt a lot in economy i was surprised that you decided to go for valiant you need plastic fires do okay against longbows when you're early imp anyway he wasn't that look at the timings i think he was like less than a minute up yeah but he didn't have elite longboat for a long time he went super fast in bright so he doesn't have economy to do all that that wasn't that bad right same as me basically and until i get to him with fast fire it takes more than a minute right i think we need to fast not to play we need to stop letting them have all the initiatives so yeah human pocket are you familiar with human utc stuff jordan somewhat yeah just don't put more than two wheels on wood initially yeah 19 pop up red yeah i usually do 20 to be on the safe side i don't trust you but uh just make sure you don't like don't do a three or four wheels and would because you cannot afford no no i know then once you have castle tesla we go for 30 c right do we go for sightseeing or not i am fine either way but then we can use mayans as well for acropolis if we do sarasans and mines can play instead of indians on acropolis but then we have yeah mine's good my answer acropolis why not play eagle helps on acropolis with mines it could be pretty solid with this thing that used to be like don't have to sleep like we're if we're going to sling then we do humans on necropolis and humans the two tc and the castle into slinging mayans into eagles into wind we sling mines there without humans i mean okay so listen to this guys yeah okay quickly just berbers girls goes camouflager mongols go mangudai and then khmer three t's boom into slinging with eagles well first we have to win this game first you have to win this game so we are starting ethiopians right yeah also we cannot rule out that they will go aggressive on acropolis and like my arms tower is [ __ ] you know who who's what's it i mean i'm ethiopian yes okay and who who's humans jolie okay i'm getting this feeling they're gonna double hard whoever's humans this micro wall you know yo extra hp on your walls spam sounds very well jordan pocket and after first the first game absolutely scary chinese either magazines interesting okay all right oh we have like a nice campfire next to our tc it's cozy find me sheep everyone go out there bring me gifts do you want all of them no no keep some extra for yourself as well i mean if you find like five sheep you can give me one or two you know not like you get extra from the pc enemy well the more the merrier jordan and the boat you know did you go for a third fourth to see right away i think castle just cubans yeah depends on the situation if you need to help your teammate you'd probably delay a little bit okay i'd rather get equal upgrades with a bosa or a heavy plow etc i've found two extra shapes so far quite disappointing just three extra sheets okay let's get in there are we planning to do one probably but open the middle can be quite hard to all right coming very open towards the center on this one it's way too risky my map is also all my resources are forward super exposed i'm not even sure if i can do the kashic approach i thought we were not going for humans no we were you bring that up now taro three minutes into the game oh we're picking humans uh i probably can yeah i've also walked to woodland here jordan i'm not sure what your situation is regarding that let me check uh i can try yeah one second i'll know for sure in a second so i guess we're team okay i will have to walk quite far out keep in mind they have humans as well so they might also play quite passively nobody saw that guys nobody saw that i do not except force again jordan i released my villager too fast first issue yeah i can walk there correct hello i didn't kill a boar with tizzy niko i just lost a villager come on i'm not the noob where was the forest again tattle did you talk about okay go in there now are you going straight fc yes sir i found so many sheep there's a drush coming in right here just be careful uh okay uh i am walled up to here so it's just saying i hope you're walled nope oh boy he's right here wait is he gonna get in on my side yeah on your side he's going to me oh great who's village that is cumulus oh yeah that makes sense uh this is still open are you planning to finish that show yeah i do i didn't slam his here two two minutes yeah yeah you might hurry okay there's one is there anyone around there tara no no okay where is he again jordan okay i almost have my third militia where are you it's all hammered i'm right here you can leave oh yeah right here jordan you'll probably have to finish these walls did you see him jordan yeah my militia are almost there go back oh it's got a low hp scout running around though yes that was probably just like a safety are real exposed resources here by the way you can leave chase there are two scouts now so i have to go back did we hit the humans or wow tim's up very late yeah i think i'll head straight to the humans with archers yeah like uh if he's taking goldstone there actually he probably isn't actually never mind oops i'm bringing a scouter tarot jordan slam okay if you uh you release your archers on the inside now you can shoot him okay from the outside now thank you yeah second range okay tim put a tower on the school i guess he's worried hello hello i'm going to go to stable wait what was that jordan i will go to stables okay okay all right i'm right here if you want to hit somewhere uh i'm still i'm feeling cut right now starting production don't know where tim's army is i think he's playing defense yeah well i want to go to the human pocket oh he's right here do you need catching anywhere so far teddy i think you should go back yeah he's up already okay he has ballistics as well sorry is your base safe otherwise yeah and i have a castle so it looks fairly solid but they might push heavy that townsend on yours they're here at the moment let's be careful there some knights might jump in a second i'm dropping a barracks now so i can get bloodlines oh yeah i think they're gonna push the south of me here that's where they're gonna go okay yeah there there get it there guys you have to be careful they have army in the middle of the map that we cannot chase yet because they have so many upgrades okay so they might be moving that your direction high ballistics and thumb ring so careful here jordan there might be someone popping let's we could just let's just cut off their supply for now i know they can't really do anything what is there i'm saying there's a chance they will come in that area might be there oh yeah they're here i have armor i'm doing plus two at the moment but you have so many more crossbows so i should be fine i'm doing upgrades at the moment so as soon as we should clean that pc jordan i'm thinking that maybe maybe we could fight that because i don't think he has thumb ring or ballistics oh i'm gonna drop a third range too so yeah sounds good i have a really good eco and i can drop a second castle soon so then i think it's looking pretty solid yeah boy michael michael is nothing but i'm guessing we just need you to have crossbows right so everyone everyone we're just waiting for you man sorry bro do you have to reset your heart when you restore i don't know only control grips i think not hotkeys like yeah i mean controls what they will not go there now that's this is way too far behind but i mean i guess it makes sense but if you drop it still this is they were actually trapped oh my god okay they're still there plus two is almost done wheelbarrow uh bloodlines as well there's a lot of crossbows oh how far back are you cool as well now do you think we're ready to engage might want to send you crossbows down green knights on me though uh he got past me there yeah but the vivi lost all his business yeah i promise he's got a lot of nights he's going really hard crazy i think we have enough to fight no tarot i'm gonna have to tc a gold you want to fight looks like they want to oh it's not a mirror that's fine oh yeah yeah i see that okay i'll be okay for now i got another tc up so let's take out all my stuff i'm up okay beautiful that was definitely a way more cost effective fight for us considering hashtag cheaper elite upgrade is so cheap as well to be a little bit careful moving out can we go back might make sense uh yep well it's quite the push oh yeah maybe you can go here and help them i will drop a castle in front of your base as well in a sec you guys need help depends on how well jordan's up time is or like compared to the vision i'm up as well with tim's score so it should be okay i'll stay with taro until i get a castle up at his place okay they're moving okay to kind of where they are coming from the back yeah okay never mind go back i got a feeling tim will be up much earlier than me because i'm going adding tc's i lost a bunch okay i will prepare to sling you okay yeah there it is oh that's not good let's go to the keyman thing julian can deal with the ethiopians are you sure we should be out there taro my job he always wait for the upgrades and then we can go yep sounds good these three humans can you guys prepare marketplace already okay slime i will let you know there's a castle there taro okay let's go okay i think we should just go to go to yo uh one second okay oh that's such a great point yeah oh yummy um exchanging archers with him though yeah that's fine yeah actually that works out okay making traps as well not sure if we should have left delete your house nice job there's a ram down here just some food feeding a bit of gold i'll come with you so you can break open let's keep trying to go in wait he's it was park it up or pocket is up never mind okay i'm gonna click up here in a second are you guys fine on your side uh i'm clicking up now yeah yes it's there well you might want to ask yourself okay used to have an oblivious left head go ham let's go i take that one you make one in the corner jordan hello jordan has a bunch of arbless here what's the main question right now send those pallas right here oh right here oh yeah let's see that let's do that oh hopefully he can't get in no he can't yeah let's trap him nice he's trapped yeah i'm doing my army makes sense maybe you can wait here to right time i will try well i think jordan can kill that army together jordan i want to drop a castle right here you think you'd be able to guard me uh one second yeah i'll wait i'll wait for you again uh right here oh we got power in just in time i don't see this um definitely a good fight i don't know why i'm in sydney does anyone need food you want to go back with your pilot in here careful here jordan nice make an outpost on those you have paladins here jordan would you guys be fine on your side now yeah i know okay so let's go okay after feeling that he will push here okay oh it means push here he will go there let's go to the trainer alright oh yeah let's do it just mixing in light caps that's great okay yeah okay i got a feeling he might head to my trips here oh no never mind he's not come with me jordan yeah i might make some heavy camo with this just kill the palace side okay and let's go to that hill okay what do you need taro let's go to the corner uh he's coming right now just fight on the hill for now man i'm gonna get further up yeah okay let's fight yeah okay oh my computer is lagging like [ __ ] we can feel this let's go tell it yes pikes as well now okay cleaning that one up i guess but it was still a good fight right here i don't understand why i'm not seeing your exes maybe it's because they restore you check like who you have ticked off maybe make a mining camp taro document okay thanks does anyone need stone you can send me so i can make more keshek go for the pass oh my traps yep great fighter still reinforce on the trap stone i can't say this to resources you kind of guys have to have a better team let's uh yeah this guy's castle we get that hill we also have tarot hill bonuses i have a thousand stone in my bank something i'm gonna jump on the hill do you want to jump on me yeah just come to me come come to the hill you take the hill there you're switching to pike he's going forward okay this plan you want me to come yeah yeah i'm just gonna drop i'm gonna drop off the castle at the front and then i'm gonna okay let's join you i will drop a castle on the hill where he had freaking market oh a few pal is here actually i need those trips taken out or actually yeah just your units whatever you got there nice anyone needs resources i'm good just ask i'm fine they are pretty dead here now yeah i mean this is our game oh no [ __ ] hustler no no let's go uh we can that's some helps here i'm taking a fight there i'm in the trade someday i could use a tiny bit of food we got you perfect i'm fine i'm just like and i will start buying stone i'd love to see how much gold my question generated there's no way to see that is there no i don't think so it would have been certain that one run yeah let's go nice good job guys good job yeah nice work jordan you killed it man oh take some credit guys we dominated slam that was awesome you were awesome tattoo we were awesome too i was terrible at some woman did you feel optimistic then no no well it's not like my mother good stuff worked well ace game again nice match whoa night templar dude 50 gift subs holy [ __ ] yeah cashews are sick guys uh holy [ __ ] uh templar gifted 60 subs today dude thank you so so much and congrats everyone who has been dodging fructose thanks for the 14 months mr seller with the i was like saying jordan is playing amazing he's holding this side alone and then i see the market okay i think it's back how many trackers were there four it's not a big deal it's for like over 10 minutes for trade cards it's a lot of gold to be trapped there doubt did you count how much gold the cache collected i want to know around 3 000 you think probably yeah not more with three thousand holy [ __ ] i don't know i just give random numbers i trust you that okay well let's let's go i think we have to be somewhat adaptive here as well because there is a chance they do like my arms towers or shoulders feudalism pressure like they might do like team islands where they send two people to invest into aggression and then try to give like a burmese a free ranbir play and so forth yeah um i think doubt should be oh wait so i'm with mongols right so who's mongols are you guys jordan are you what i'm burgers okay good let's go persians enjoy i think maybe jordan should go even arches here at this point or maybe slam archers and jordan scouts yes okay so islam is mongols jordan berbers and then jordan can play knights potentially castle age and doubt you need to take stone so you can do defensive towers castle and so forth yeah i mean yeah yo always probably ah you know what i think vivi will play a ramba and you will play fast castle knights big nights with berbers big right big nights how do you go sheep and the persians will go probably scouts oh you send me a ship turn wasn't how would our walling situation be can we wall to the edge you guys will have to check it's looking a little sketchy over here spec the neck kill down a bit thanks for streaming you're welcome dude it became a way longer stream than anticipated it was only supposed to be one show match and then suddenly bam second show much and yeah that's fun i enjoy it though my gold spots are bad but i guess doesn't matter a lot would help if you had stone for castle you know yeah yeah save your stone oh is that tempting slam three bars oh yeah well maybe good but he's going if he was going scouts maybe it would make sense but he's gonna archers so there's a logic behind that what is that was the funniest thing ever 18 pop the last time we played in case so let's see this side is not wallable i don't think there's an eagle here from licks if you have scouts please help yeah coming nice comes here trying to stop my wall at the moment okay he left aftermath i've walled until here for now slam anyway he's down the hill jordan are you swallowing yes i will until that force then all right sounds good something is wrong with my computer what's wrong your voice is lower as well is it were you able to walk to the edge stair slam no no this is like almost impossible what is it yeah you can take a look well still they would have to go pretty far yeah yeah that's very often what he needs yeah it's terrible it's terrible i just gave up when i saw it yeah it's actually impossible to learn there is the eagle of rolex do you guys have scout around at all here we go boys i know where part is about to start he is his eagle is here right so it must be let's make those by here okay tim is village so exactly what kind was predicted version go scouts they will tackle this side most likely okay do we see any villagers yet no i don't see anything oh right here yeah actually it's good that they're attacking the archer player i think that's good is that the wall behind by time yeah yeah it will slow down my archers a little bit but that's fine we're putting all our eggs on in the basket of doubt anyway this game sorry you're gonna have to probably tower there as well yeah i'll tower yeah uh can you uh open or gate would be best he's moving to the right he's moving to the right now yeah yeah one more scout there jordan he will fight don't fight he's gonna pressure this wall slam i think okay this is good that's completely fine as well there's no pressure there or nothing to push down what did you say that maybe a disapprovement to georgie say what never mind should i drop a siege workshop immediately i'll do it and use it as part of a wall i like how nobody scouted the enemy you got the car so everything is like that's your job go scout jordan careful i lock the gate at the moment does anyone need archers anywhere let me know yes okay i'll send four over there they're probably gonna push there so slam you might have to wall there if possible okay he's doing a tower i won't get my smooth boom going are you here to walk behind this now quickly uh which switch side which side uh yeah that one and then 2.3 oh oh yeah can i send my scouts over to the enemy i think you can do that now uh should i go camelot just some nights i think nights that's it yeah i'll make some manganese my boom will be a little bit slow down but it should be fine okay the russian accomplished so much right well they they have two people that are playing completely untouched that's something but yeah yeah uh go there yeah i have a mango now so you want me to move around uh the right way jordan going the right way or no oh yeah the towel there this is open over here and there's nothing i can do about it oh my goodness a lot of scallops x here a lot of scouts okay how many scouts are we talking eight that's not a lot that's just a lot i'm cleaning some towers but i guess nights will be coming soon uh should i send my magnus somewhere jordan should i just clean towers it's not them out oh he dropped from voice oh no oh hello i keep dropping him do we go to teamspeak or maybe let's try teamspeak if you keep dropping from discord how did you get in jordan i've been asking you forever doubt wall wall it has been dropping non-stop apparently from discord so you can't hear our messages we we haven't lost any wills right well until now how many i don't know it's gonna be not too good doesn't sound good okay better why jordy where was the call it was called your hole you already tried to be deadline we didn't fully wall we couldn't we said we said since the beginning i'm shaking our side yeah they would have had to come around from the left side all the way there yeah because we were walled all the way until the left side i think i mean it's fine still i mean i'm just gonna add few plumages boom outside now and wait for this thing okay are you are you do you have a castle up yeah yeah yeah okay so what's up can you guys hear me yeah okay good good good thing speak all the way let's go yep yes yes and i am just cleaning towers with my manganos if you don't need them anywhere else oh oh nothing just doubt is so calm and you guys are just like oh my god oh [ __ ] oh my god there are knights outside as well did he make the stable outside could be yeah yeah we're playing yeah we're on jordan stop talking about discord i'm killing a lot of believers on oh okay good you're welcome though you could have fallen behind is there any other towers there's now uh one in my angle here let me know if i should delete a house you might not be to reach it oh you actually know you might hit it with one i think it both works i can delete if you want no i should be fine all right both works do um need me here probably i need something here it's like nice i'll drop the market now thought and i'll start preparing for the sling the fun stuff you know it's careful guys there's three nights heading to the left they might be heading towards my man i will start with camels that's nice what's oh yeah i actually think i go for the blue marches here okay well i'm doing cornish now so i'll start slinging insects you're playing too defensive for me to switch the eagles okay you guys just want me to keep my crossbows at home yeah actually don't doubt my okay i kind of want to hit them give them camels here if you have nothing to do with them i think you guys are gonna be fine i'm gonna go hit them all right maybe do an outpost here slam so we can see if anything passes oh yeah harambe are coming this way few nights are down watch this slam come on how much more do you need for him out okay maybe wall that as well slam yeah sounds good wait there's an outpost from the inca looks there oh is he coming around it has to be villagers on the inside or nearby yeah make sure you close that slam so they cannot run past okay he's going here good job georgie you have a camel there jordan there's also two nights of yo still here one night search for those i need gold i'm not taking any gold and a bit of all this is the worst thing to sling down i'll take this okay i would take jordan's gold eventually oh you guys can do that uh there are a ton of knives there jordan and a rambo yeah i'll come around that way too fast that's ugly i need someone to go there there's also a villager there need one camel here yeah i'm standing also we need there again there is a looks villager behind our base there island we need to okay all right i need some archers are you emptying doubts yes oh watch out here don't go too far go back guys i should not lose right i don't need food at all why don't you say that what jordy i think this is not a good fight for you well i could a friend of way and let you die i did a lot of dps maybe i lost your full marches did we clean that uh next villager by the way behind okay what i needed mostly to be honest okay i'll start you some words oh they're coming here just stop hit my castle yikes yeah that's good yeah he's dropping a castle no right on that spot i can't really think you would get out are you up in jordan um okay if you want more sling or should i stop no you can stop like i have 120 mils i could sling slam too yeah yeah yeah i'm taking a few hits though okay carefully he's coming with magnus from downhill okay we're gonna need traps on the left side uh doubt for the castle honestly i don't even know where my economies at this point do you need more slings out some for the elite you gotta stop that yeah i'm gonna lose i have 130 bills i can also enter the game whenever or at least sling you all i don't need sling anymore nice yeah is anyone needs food in particular let me know i have extra food i think you should enter the game right i can yeah i'll be okay now i just need to show this stuff what units do you want from me then i'm getting to the woody's biggest problem here oh i think you need to go some to hit the economy we are playing defensive call game i can go full hustle right then to their pace all right this is the super high thank you forego this that sounds weird now comes here jordan here we need camels guys careful your viper island's here dopey our thesis are disappearing on the left side we need some maybe plumes everything's disappearing everywhere can someone say i remember about this map was thinking prefer i didn't do anything with this thing maybe tigers seem to probably on the verse feel like this is very similar to team islands though where we're just not having any options well it did sound like an amazing plant to be honest this is but like i couldn't get the corner like it's the same ports to get to the sidewalk i'll try to start raiding a bit this tower needs to go here as well okay berber is he always switching up the cameras himself i guess that's it or yeah i hate it i hate it i hate it it's even worse like i was chasing a full march of slept and right if they go outside they get destroyed by nights and when they finally get to know the group they're imperial eagles man he cheap berber knights and burmese i will never listen to the movies around by did you see them in the rainbow game yes yes yes yes it was wrong they're all dumber down yeah we're in such a good spot after digs didn't do anything basically are we though we're still spending time dealing with everything i think we're in a good set time but and what went wrong our follow-up did not exist i think honestly if we would be able to on the right inside out it won't take so much damage right yeah yeah that definitely hurts that definitely hurts that hurts a lot yeah i lost like five six villagers that still yeah but i get this thing so it's not as bad the problem was i think we would still don't have like zero panic when that was happening and jordan like opens i don't know bullets i still don't think that was the biggest issue this year that was probably oh i'm getting sling anyways it's not a big deal okay next so much uh three thousand dollars are you ready let's go let's go well we'll rematch them like next week or something yeah he made four tables knights because they have full map control right yeah doesn't matter like the follow-up was so good with them the sling was supposed to give us back control but and rambo in the mobility low ground yeah it's like blue marshes and eagles both are slower than i am maybe actually you should probably be in pocket so i'm not doing the apprentice well then you have a cast in the center so you can go both ways as well probably not a big deal no no no that's not a big deal i'm just thinking if eagles would make any difference here instead of marches you can get caught in the middle of map and lose everything the problem is that rambo is still melt eagles right yeah yeah yeah and it's like speed like berber knights and damage like yeah but you would have a bit maybe you should have slung gerbers actually and then you just played regular yeah yeah i think that's like jordan was the only one dominating with his cheap camels he was controlling everything imagine if he received this name last night i'm a little bit after you but you should have to start what would you say then when you lost six wheels i'm chilling i'm screaming around and i don't get any [ __ ] heat yeah i'm like what the [ __ ] is going on well that castle was yours a little bit that was actually like making the cast make the castle scared my archers didn't once leave our like brown area the whole the whole game just back and forth why why didn't we go obsidian arrows archers actually you just make five ranges mass produce crossbow and obscene arrows that could be yeah yeah that would be that would be actually really really good can we do this game again like yeah yeah then i could protect easily i wouldn't lose 10 villagers was it was it was a 10 now soon it will be twelve
Channel: TheViper
Views: 45,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: 4Xi2Dx_G4IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 40sec (9640 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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