Crazy Atacama Game vs JorDan!

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all right let's go see if we got jordan again deny jordan top five new mission round two did you make the discord storm chat i haven't done that oh i completely forgot about that you got a ton of those uh got a ton of those um challenges we're supposed to do after the discord tournament i've completely forgotten about that might have to get around to that look at the relic spawn what is that that is weird wait there was a challenge with 200 flaming camels that's impossible man those would take forever let's trash talk again the fairy had he had a great map last game i can use that in a trash talk like full walls and no balls that's a trash talk had a sieve win uh what else do we have um oh it's at the comma ah i was wondering why the map was so weird then relic spawn makes more sense as well okay so it begins bad experience the wood in the middle [Music] well there's a championship you never played up the comma there still don't get it maybe just has generally bad experiences with these types of maps that's what she said i like that [Music] i was thinking to make a comment like you don't have much experience with wood in general yeah as a kid you cannot make those types of jokes to him you didn't jordan choose a very far wood line oh that thing ah now i get it true we had a map where there was wood in the center true and he made the worst possible lumber camp a member always been strong purposes said that in theory i would say can beat abrasive but if they don't get to play their way they aren't that fantastic but they already can absolutely they can beat every other civilization in the game the cavalry bonus is insane still solomon what do you do against burgers try to not let them get into like be stable night production once they get into like once they have a decent eco behind stables where they can just start spamming camera units it's really hard to stop again for me it's also a big opportunity for my channel to get exposure and grow and whatnot so there's multiple reasons why i'm excited for a4 yeah i'm very excited for it [Music] bulgarians grants are really good on these types of maps because the other crate posts [Music] let's go in my arms very freestyle chiropractic i i don't follow builders blindly like i have a general idea of how much i should have on what and how my equals should be looking at oh god different parts and times of the game but i don't have builders that i look at and follow to a t you know like okay uh sixth villager there uh this and that and i i kind of adapt uh very freely on depending on the situation what i'm going for and so forth he's gonna have a window here because he's gonna have man arms right away for free i will have to research it so he will have that going for him but as soon as my research comes in my my arms are stronger that's just about transitions what makes sense to transition here i wouldn't mind rushing him us there speaking of tower rush that's that's timing that's the top five timing he's talking about i have to figure out what his follow-up is though wouldn't be surprised to see a stable follow-up from him but we need to know archer abort okay i also want to know if he's on stone it is important to know if i should expect more towers behind my woodland or not some sort of top player or what oh then i see the mic around like i know this okay never mind you know for a slight second there i was a little bit fooled into thinking this could be a top player balkan arrow sorry i'm not fletching and then then this happened i was like okay never mind another reason that they get blacksmith upgrades cheaper it also helps a lot yes and i'm just waiting for his uh stable follow-up now pretty much of course see how it goes i haven't played much around by as of late some reason i fooled myself into thinking i had a market at this point i don't even need the market i'll be having my resources before market kicks in anyway now it's it's uh bulgarians you most likely will transition into something right where are the villagers there oh my god keep saying guys sometimes you get fooled into thinking he is the top player and then and he does things like this finish it you can do it hurry that's right go home like this tower doesn't like it makes sense in some regards but it doesn't really make sense which is why you shouldn't have done that the reason it doesn't make sense is because he has no army to back that up with right if i spot it it's tonight it's like the greediest of greedy towers it makes sense except that it doesn't exactly that's what i'm trying to say there upgrades on those can't do that well because then my whole walling comments backfire not willing to take that risk uh okay let's think about it what is he gonna respond with here i would not be surprised to see skirmisher play from him but i can also imagine paula ramba on this map being quite fun mobility damage output stable now [Music] cav archers okay i didn't expect that one [Music] did not expect cava cavachorinos i think this should be enough to clean that up yes and i think i ran by win once we get decent numbers oh my god hit something for the love of i'm trying to god viper out of 10 top 10. yeah so far let's put like this my whole project deny jordan top 10 has not been a great success but um i believe this is just the beginning and i'm very confident that it will be successful as long as he doesn't stop queuing like nice crepe holes there jordan up 10 crate pulls right there man these guys are so inaccurate i'm doing ballistics i need more accuracy doesn't look like he has ballistics [Music] right man horrible medicine is a it's it's it's so cheap here for for around for uh burmese it's a steal daylight robbery that's what herbal medicine is here i think if i do a bald camera i can actually reach that great pulse i will clean it with my castle i mean it's only herbs yeah i i understand that i don't know what look at that hp that is an earthquake post look at that hp on these bad boys all of a sudden that is when we're fighting somewhere else [Music] yes yeah we can reach that papers now so that one will go down in time oh yeah that's gonna keep me out put them up oh it's actually quite weak oh i have the mustang ground we get encountered crapos there oh castle should go up oh he's trying to create a post oh not that way not that bad jordan okay that's a bit annoying oh that's some idols you know what would be cool but i had economy i actually didn't think about the siege there what i mean is how the elephants they should be pretty solid here i need to take fix my gathering points and whatnot yeah we have um what's it called motor uh nothing else 400 300 [Music] all right live i mean i could just make a magnet on myself you know but why do the easy thing okay let's go how the elephants possibly and very likely a throw other elephants seems solid okay the next castle should be safe oh well this is not part of the plan remember that whole story about how the next castle should be safe using jordan as a pacemaker on the ladder nice remember i said that next castle should be safe i was just kidding okay but this he did not expect how the elephants they slow as hell but they they thank you boy those things be tanky they slow but thank you it's so slow damn it while i'm making them even doubt would find these units slow can i still get that castle up ah [Music] kill it oh my god insta convert insta why not [Music] starting to think i should give up on that castle this micro nerd let's go there okay you know what i actually think this oh elephants get elephants would get converted too fast i think the elephants can should actually be pretty decent option here the other one is inaccurate oh what are we doing what's that arranged [Music] [Music] barracks but it's stretching multitasking at least that's good everybody's thesis is so cheap 50 uh 50 stone a piece that's quite the bargain [Music] we have 99 villagers at this point that's a pretty solid number you guys going in there should be perfect [Music] using my own elephants again against me oh this might be it let's have all the ingredients of a doubt castle successful dog castle that is oh doubt castle versus doubt pray post who wins i think we both win [Music] okay we're gonna need some more dudes over there against the pikeman [Music] there were scorer like this hey we took another crate pose when i want k score behind [Music] [Music] you need more units to help take out those things no let's add coverages i have already have the best car washers do this oh doubt he's back [Music] i'll probably lose that one we'll allow it okay what a mess of a game [Music] i wish i had heavy play is he doing it again when the first one fails make a second one logic to live by really have stone income anymore [Music] there still only on 2tc i'll probably have to do my own helps as well at some point here because he's playing full helps now that's countering my my play go down [Music] don't tell me i'm losing that oh my god i lost the ramp well i have traps out we're fine oh stone [Music] for me it's champs maybe down the road maybe what oh treb what a hero stop having units i want the last relic it's making units raiding units my equals exposed doesn't seem fair [Music] is it there ablation doesn't look great crepel's everywhere oh this looks really annoying over there i don't have less armor he sees that it's also going to be annoying but we have going our way maybe in this elephants man we have uh [Music] four relics yeah it's not looking fantastic right now eco is a little bit all over the place oh not like this three barracks that's not a lot of units to make helps with you know [Music] that's a lot of idle eco don't fancy that don't use traps to that please don't ask for a lot did you ask for that orique is in shambles now can we stabilize from that maybe with a well-placed castle [Music] we can stabilize our eco somewhat why would you tell me that if you have the intel i'm quite certain of that is full pop anyway but you shouldn't tell me if you if you're watching his stream we just go full farming under our castles [Music] the longer time he gives us here we get production buildings up oh he's going to see drama isn't he he has to be seadrum because he has bulgarians and he gets cheaper ramps oh boy let's do this quickly i believe if it gives us a couple of minutes here to get habited numbers up we can't possibly still win 51 farmers we can work with that can work with that have archers that's fine we could struggle against those um mr calls this uh his super melee units where his melee units gets like super armor he's actually giving us time to breathe which i think is a big mistake did i get to he went heavy couch as well but he doesn't have thumb ring if i'm not mistaken that's annoying though camping on that hill which is better than late game in this measure should be bulgarians but like i do have four relics so long term there would still be a chance that i could i could win this but there's the sea drum push we were waiting for a lot of siege ramps he's leaving that hill eco will come a little bit i believe we may hold this [Music] the difficult part is it does still remain with him having full population obviously and that castle is looking more and more likely to go down but just losing a lot of couches in the process when i say a lot i mean like every cow she has he's losing in the i process think we can win this one of the main reasons why i think we can still win this is partly because we have four relics always doing the champion switch now let's get in on that i could actually just go full around by here as an answer in theory i remember how could also do the trick survive castle please he has lost just about every you see this in this game please don't please don't miss this game still in a very favorable spot don't get me wrong just [Music] my wood eco is actually suffering a bit now i just wasted a lot of units well i think i just wasted all my pikes that castle went going down might be rough now and i started shooting his traps instead of his castle big misplay in my end i think it was actually better here my champion or his champions or his question would be his champions or my his 200 swordsmen are my champions your champion is equal hard to say right yeah wood control is becoming less and less for me do i still have plenty um i need to get population 200. we can do that [Music] that's good never did chemistry score is getting close to this just because i'm trading i'm killing more units than he is jordan loves arabia so much he decided to make zakatwa into macro game jordan isn't the biggest lover of arabia yes i'm gonna have to make a commitment here though very shortly because i cannot keep losing my user for essentially like my castles and positioner that manner i don't have a last attack upgrade still even get the trap all we want really that filthy thing thank you [Music] oh [Music] let's get somewhere now fear of the thing that's happening right now is i'm throwing units into the mud he's throwing us into the mud um whereas the better economy in these situations usually benefit and i think he still has a better equal than i do [Music] come on give me that okay i was never afforded oh no i don't have the protection yet i never afforded um champion so far i think if i can get that upgrade [Music] and i will make a full champion only [Music] committal like what i want to do now is pretty much play uh it hurts i'm taking a risk now in giving up a little bit of initiative to try and make a full champion play happen it's a good decision or not it's uh something i can't judge as of yet but i'm going for it cheeky guy right now he doesn't have any unit that counters champion right so if i get to play full champion i'd imagine that should be pretty solid yeah i think he's gonna struggle to clean that up but that i mean my champion army that is about to appear [Music] let's go champions [Music] well that has been changing for a while already but that's also being top score in games like this isn't necessarily indicative of that you're winning that is often a point of the other guys pushing so hard there should be another stable down there the other guy is pushing ergo he's wasting more resources and you're killing more with a defender's advantage with castles and things like that it's not always indicative of winning uh top scoring games like this too many crepe posts around but he should be running low on the woodlands up there i also have to be careful i don't over commit in the usage of my army [Music] let's make it a little more camp there's nothing there what what are you taking mate i need siege right now i don't need siege i need time to make sure my eco is not being touched my eq remains untouched i uh i'm fine what [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yeah i feel like because we secure those relics we are probably gonna win the game but yeah we should never have won this game [Music] very important yeah and it was a bit of a meme game as well with how the elephants and whatnot this game had a lot of stuff a lot of fun stuff great post rush castle rush a rambai how the elephants were gathering cave watchers it had the what's i didn't even remember the tech for his infantry it makes the two of the swordsmen have the armor us raids from these champions alvarez beggins brother baggins yeah i know oh so good about that uh he had a lot of stuff it was a very fun game but you shouldn't have lost this the big issue was he only had ever had one castle even though he made a ton of crapos which makes sense but if you only have one castle ever i don't think when you only have one castle ever that's like the one you're relying on for trebuchets he never did stirrups um [Music] i don't think it matters too much once champion helps are out like helps a little bit but i don't think it affects this game yeah it could be wrong how much you lose i have i have no bitcoin bitcoin you know okay but i obviously have some other crypto so that's obviously everything has gone down yeah whoa [Music] bitcoin is down to 34. holy i'm sorry to everyone anyone who's holding crypto it's all going down now wow crazy viper so much great content from tournaments and competitions recently thank you your apm in the dmwc honestly blew me away a true master at work now go be beat up jordan again johnny 2 is donating 100 euro dude insane thank you so much uh it's incredibly generous of you and uh yeah glad you enjoyed the content there's been a lot going on lately it's hard to schedule and keep track of all tournaments and events actually but uh it's still really um fun obviously 100 map export nine nine one noob uh thank you very much yeah look at this we're we're down we're like half his population here
Channel: TheViper
Views: 25,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: Sj0WPaTsjNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 4sec (3244 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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