Game Grumps - The Best of FIGHTING GAMES

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he would go now here we go now everybody gonna wear robot house stairs everybody good no [ __ ] dance tonight I ever gonna dance tonight we're gonna dance tonight get down on the fall and dance kick off your shoes and get off the feet that's it yeah Gundam this is Gundam battle assault do um look at the side of the box gun dumb gonna be big exam hey guess what your main attack is walking what uh when is this game from like now the graphics look kind of amazing thanks man oh my god you're like crazy sassy Oh jeepers my life sound like I like hitting you did that do anything for you that's holy [ __ ] yeah I don't know doing all kinds of moves now yeah oh my god we're gonna do what I think we dubbed the one punch challenge hmm I'm gonna see if I can win matches by just using the light punch not using any like special moves with the light punch just the light punch I love it in and I'll allow myself a jumpin light punch in a ducking light punch but that's it only one only one light punch and have to win with just the light this is absurd okay he definitely knows what he's gonna be using some ranged attacks vicious is that Oh what the cross up way up Wow figured out that you were only light punching and then if you whooped your ass this guy dude oh my god oh no oh oh we got me yeah oh boy I that was too close man whoa dude that's a lot of hell yeah you betcha baby oh my god what a name of he hurt his neck dude yeah I bet you would pulling that Exorcist style move oh my god punch you got to be freaking buffing me dude yeah he's like I hit the jackpot he's gonna level up on me I found the worst street fighter player in the world [Laughter] [Applause] you're getting your ass kicked by people all over the world today all right yeah that's cool mm-hmm we truly are blasted yeah high-technology Society what are the rules Barry um Mel anyone the roll it's fine they'll see it very quickly tiny and we're fast and we fall slow and we got Rockets and it's just a good time it's really because you have to slow down this is no [ __ ] range I'm gonna hear it No do these chase you yes how would it find you no no well yeah we got to raise the stock then if those are on that's gonna be too much man let's do it this is the game time no you gotta dodge the [ __ ] away you can't grab it yeah smash I want to see what's supersonic no you know you don't get to I'm having fun here's the thing for you [Music] who should I be now no yeah touch it I'll touch you wherever I win this game is harder when I'm fighting robots that are relatively my size dude I love it when a girl takes me to the first limit you know saying wait here's here's my move [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] it's like you're out there for a second right you ready dude that's not what he'd say it's a [ __ ] you guys are doing great [Laughter] lizard on have you ever played smash brothers yes very much all right we're playing it oh my it's it's a it's a it's an indie version of it ultra fish pungent look at that [ __ ] muscular ass fish he's even lifting weights in the picture well gotta tell you not super feeling this game oh yeah yeah why I'm just I just don't like these types of games very much no I say yeah cuz it's just they're [ __ ] they're all based on each other and I'm not good at any of them you know and everybody else's just plays a ton of this [ __ ] if you believed in yourself would you shut the [ __ ] up [Laughter] [Applause] only I should have had you with that so said whoa oh my god it's right now I'm technically winning I won't let you interfere hold on hold on hold on hold on odd nodes ugh never mind what does he want I wanted to show you something okay yeah I can show you what this game yeah okay check it out don't do anything don't do anything huh wait wait don't don't don't don't wait wait don't do anything whoa wait wait wait wait wait wait wait well I got took a [ __ ] real quick don't do it hey yeah what what hold on don't ya don't wait don't do anything maybe we should play this normal gun you're right [Laughter] hey legal oh man look how many light punches he could land with all those hands man oh man ha gay are you blocking are you just one punching blocking for sure yeah maybe that's your mistake oh you just gotta you just gotta come with the flurry of punches yeah all that blocking is valuable punch time that is being wasted oh my god Eren punch him well today we're drinking irresponsibly don't drink irresponsibly let us do that for you we drink you don't drink man this controller I forgot how good it feels you forgot how much it feels like a [ __ ] three-pronged dildo it's pretty [ __ ] Wow [ __ ] I didn't [ __ ] do you mean Donkey Kong bro I'm a we got edgeguarding do we got do we got doing a [ __ ] gotta get from a slippy here he's gonna slip you up real good he's slipping me some mad this is this is some high level players look at me some hits my drink this is some high-level Evo [ __ ] yeah you're wrecking me bro can we can we just be friends hauling Hong Kong truce truce truce truce who your friends Oh God but I'm gonna fight you so hard so hard to play smash serious when you drunk it's not drunk don't don't it's just part of the myth don't totally lie don't believe his lies have you seen memento I drink a lot of beers in the name of entertainment Ross has been completely naked for all these recording sessions but okay it's worth pointing out because I wanted to lean on your shoulder but it was all naked and gross and I was like I don't want to do that Oh rough winds no one care whatever this episode is gonna end in like no [ __ ] light no [ __ ] kitchen you know deciding any stop it we got in the episode I got a P okay I got a P - alright can we be in this ap together yeah just don't cross the streams you know you know of ussen ghostbusters we thought we told Dan that light Lucario was a rid of personas and got some kids it was his last request to be in Smash Brothers and was like really so curl I like couldn't keep the joke up I was like no a joke and dude it's a Pokemon [Laughter] is awesome well it is going on with this game yeah and then kick in your face Danni wins let's go play with your Turtles pong boy whoa yeah I said it I said it well that's assuming I have Turtles it's true Mitch I do it's assuming a lot oh man but I still think it's offensive you know what I think we should do what take this game and throw it into the street well the whole top row is boss characters oh I see so so they're all like normal character right here so if I were to pick like [ __ ] pigs am i no yeah so that same advice yeah brah it's like what do you think I'm an idiot you're not helping yeah yep do you think it uh listen to your cool friendly support what's he have to say don't get punched so much thanks down no problem you're also you're gonna add don't get kicked that's a bonus lesson Oh [Music] spilt milk on my keyboard last night thanks for sharing it was so gross it was like it was cold milk in our fridge yeah was it really yes God you [ __ ] put milk back in the fridge without okay putting the cap on no okay it wasn't it was hard okay because I was I was trying to scare them one of life's Channel I was trying to scare them like because they were playing five nights at freddys so we had this all like woody masks we bought as a joke when we went to Toys R Us one day because it looked terrifying we never took it out of its packet but I thought oh my god I need to take this out of my pack out of a packet and put it on when you saw it because if I'd actually pass the Freddy's episode your egg but like that it was terrifying so I was like okay I'm gonna go scare them but first I want a glass of milk so I had a glass of milk and then I put the mask on and went to go put the milk in the fridge but I thought I closed the cap but I guess I didn't fully close the cab and then it turns out I didn't close the cap so the milk was the fridge was like full of milk like we had to like remove all these like boxes full of soda that were like diffused to the bottom of the fridge because the milk that got all hard and crusty it was terrible and then we had to clean it and it took ages and then I got home and I was gonna tweet something I was gonna tweet this cute picture I saw of Oquawka and the woody mask and then I like distracted you again no no I wasn't wearing the woody mask this time but like I went to go tweet and then just as like we moved my hand to the keyboard I knocked over a glass of milk I had that I was having with my dinner but the problem was that it was cream top milk what the [ __ ] is cream cream top milk is like milk that comes with cream in it like light and it's really nice it's it's it's super like it's lumpy but it's nice I like it like that whole foods it's really good try that it's really good and but the problem was that it was all the cream from the cream milk landed in between the keys and it was terrible says like I guess I gotta clean this so I took off the keys and it was just like a disgusting mess of like milk and like cat hair and human hair and it was like thick and terrible and I was like ready I was ready to bar there we go Wow you boom [ __ ] to your own defeat I'm gonna turn you into chocolate dude no I don't want to be try you [ __ ] ass I was gonna turn you in a chocolate I'll be trying I'll be Charlotte you're delicious so angry chocolate I just want you to turn the chocolate damn it just let me do it never gonna let you down I wanna eat chocolate you stupid let's finish destructive let's just say a bad word it's okay just a sick fighting game dude your shins will never be the same it'll never be the same yeah weird when you walk right in the guts yeah we'll get near this new situation for good see what happens right that's what [ __ ] hat that's what happens to [ __ ] like psy yeah is that a girl prove to are there two pros where's the original gun in there use morrow Kahana looks pretty cool you [ __ ] die is what you do wanna know how to do is walk forward [ __ ] oh man TT Hikari no you're gonna be fighting yourself good oh he's exhausted already what a beautiful display what a beautiful night for a dance that's it's a great dance wow look at you guys oh I think we can call this a game you really you really everyone's a winner really giving it your all on that one I love you I love you much respect much respect dance with me oh no Erin you disconnected my oh there we go oh sorry that's your you're messing with my controller sorry stop stop I'm playing grab-ass with myself areum as I lumber into me I'm trying to I'm trying to chime in dance I keep wrecking dance Wow Dan ow dance to celebrate ah dude dude um dude don't you're making me nervous I'm sorry I'm sorry the hype is making me nervous there's still one more thank you Oh getting beaten up by your friend's little sister let it let him win this round oh all right here here we go okay run and see who Oh Fitz everything's on the line right now this is a real battle for the ages all right I think I'm ready for ranked yeah yeah idea yes he's getting flustered he can't block your light punch reaches boiling point though that's what's happening yep oh my god Oh lock up baby lock up yes but first range match I cannot believe that oh so nervous it's so funny because whether you're like oh wait [Music] oh but you know what I'm gonna give you full credit for doing an excellent job that was so intense it's that song that oh you should eat that bomb exploded inside you and you were like what oh I love the I didn't know where my bouncy was Ross strikes again this is that kick oh sorry we're playing a fighting game it's only one button kick no it's two buttons that there's this two buttons dive and kick that's good dive kick this guy's like if Bobby from king of the hill grew up yeah oh yeah in the head now I'm dead oh my god oh my god I'm getting so big oh you get a big head oh you've got an ego but it's making you jump too small oh right in the head oh my god what the [ __ ] look at that neck dude what is going on with your head there bud Wow Bailey gonna come back oh my god my head is so huge dude what the fly what is happening a little afraid dude a little afraid goddammit what the [ __ ] I'm really scared at least your heads a big target oh my god villagers neutral B is to pluck projectiles and that includes the tree once it's been once it's been chopped down yeah so basically the one-hit kill in your pocket and we're just gonna have a conversation and see if we can psych each other out yeah first person to lose all the first person to like not grab a berry how you been lately pretty good see that's we have to do so the idea is that he has to psych me out so yeah he's you got everything you understand about this snake mm-hmm is that was really big oh how big was a pretty large I say at least do these metric or Samaritan Santa mega meters centimeters yeah they're like they're generally used for measuring trees to psyche you out cuz you have it oh [ __ ] that's a pretty scary story what'd you do did you just run away no I just I was climbing the tree I saw it and I just like ran away what's sake I'm sorry but anyway yeah it was pretty terrifying we scared yes we scared I like that's the side times this side talks you have a shot I should give that a shot a shot right now I'm not gonna give it a shot right now trust you just his little dance unless you believe it's really gonna try and distract me trying to make me lose my rhythm look at me I did how did that work Beauty before huh oh oh that was she that was so cheap and I win again Barry wins the game of tree chicken is complete I think this round calls for I can't believe you do the screen for any action to take place oh my god it's so effective who's the better now please Rocky's like what's on my forehead the shadow was weed but I don't think it was weed Warren oh boy little top-heavy he looks pretty like prepared Oh just good sock you with the [ __ ] into my foot dude you're [ __ ] thighs oh my god you are thic see a lot of work carrying around all this muscle so annoying it's just like he just like grabbed my back we're going to McDonald's Bob luckily oof tricked you didn't Bob yeah I can't believe it I'm rubbing my tall tit dude I think I've had enough of power dude dude dude on you gone you done oh yeah yes you've done yeah but you did like too bad we can't still look good oh man you look as long as you look good doing it at the lungs you look good doing it you better keep doing what you're doing oh my god I'm so scared please be nice we sure do have fun on this show that way well I guess I'll see you later that was a good game but Aaron wins [ __ ] you know there's scary girls that squirt I'm actually seeing themselves all right definitely a piece of that is appropriate is exciting to know that he's like they what I score it all the time start out you basically need to find the worst street fighter player in the world give me that control okay hi I want to fight you yes yes are you doing the same thing what do you mean okay just hold on yeah 100 to move just all that huh nice cool you sec dude you cool oh it's with the elbow do yeah I guess so yeah just lie down see what's down here getting getting eight hours of sleep is much more important for us but winnings like [Laughter] this is my first try oh yeah okay single punch only don't know don't know jumping out o counter sorry sorry oh my god did I just kill you with that you just use a beat coupon attack dude I don't know what that is yeah you got right up in me oh my god who wait don't do it no so this is called the pacifist pacifist challenge Dan okay here's how it works you use you set the computer to tell level nine uh-huh you go to saffron city that's the Pokemon stage jahar select it and I can't do a goddamn thing you can't touch anybody cannot attack I can only run away survive and let them kill each other oh no no I didn't mean to do that I didn't to grab him I'm sorry that's a point taken off for me no no no it didn't it didn't hurt him it's gave him damage a little bit okay yeah okay links down to one it didn't cost him a life I am down to one this is the hardest thing you're not actually gonna be nice well alright in fact that you [ __ ] cheated me Yoshi Yoshi yeah be the ocean man oh he doesn't have a recovery so you're you actually don't have to worry about the cliffs no nope you did okay one down oh you made it I'm fine oh that was close you wanna fall on the opponent's face probably a bad thing to do you know what yeah no I want to do it with Wisie [ __ ] cuz it happened to me it all comes down to this this is going to require a very special character to which I cannot I don't want to divulge it right of a [ __ ] Sims got nothing on [ __ ] hydra yeah and or anyone to his left [Laughter] place your bets now he's your vet snail to ninja sex party who saw this coming I certainly did not Ross a lot of edge garden going on oh very close very close one more solid attack could do it science Daddy is that it's Grum in those oh wow yeah everyone clap simulation a hundred percent accurate and if we all got into a fight in space Brian would win that is now a fact oh yeah those fun have a good one goodbye love you love you love you
Channel: LesmoBestOfs
Views: 61,310
Rating: 4.9250002 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, arin, egoraptor, danny, nsp, ross, barry, grumpcade, steam train, dragonball, dragon ball, big zam, hey big zam, gundam, digimon, smash bros, stout train, drunk, comedy, best of, best moments, laughter moments, compilation, fighting games, fighters, 2d, street fighter, fighterz
Id: rFg1lJxfO_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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