Game Grumps: Super Mario Maker Ultra Compilation

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I'm not should I follow these arrows or is he just [ __ ] with me no no you should definitely follow them okay well [Applause] am I supposed to do it with another thing the game now I think you're just supposed to dance please dance oh [ __ ] yeah this is great good level Ross nope thanks Ross what a great [ __ ] you for it Wow good job Ross yeah you really nailed that one who the star oh yeah when I did it Wow congratulations thank you thank you so good can't say it doesn't feel good because it doesn't I'll make note of that and send that to Ross yeah load okay this is the weirdest [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] alright okay Ross that's the fun level proud of you those are the fun level yeah I thought this would be a lot worse yeah just good all you gotta do is get to that flag Ross oh oh you son of a [ __ ] can I take him out he I think he [ __ ] you because he broke that bit vine oh well then I think you're pretty much dead no I can still climb it here we go Jesus Christ those are all the grafts people around the world fed that's [ __ ] funny oh I see what I see what's going on here where was that um oh boy that's okay oh yeah I'll give it a start yep there's a goddamn it Ross Thanks gosh darn it Ross yeah says epic fudge all right beat it good for you Bryce this is so brutal just like Ross yeah he's a very very sweet kind-hearted awful satanic says he is definitely a safe what was the day that he came in one day and was like I was reading like a personality chart and it turns out I'm actually a sadist what the way he originally discovered it was we we were like rusty was sadist or I can't I can't remember the exact discussion but it was basically like we told him what the definition of a sadist was you know I was like someone who derives pleasure from the pain of others like oh yeah I do that yeah yeah oh my god Ross really that's me to a tee yeah can do it man I believe in you I'm not gonna make excuses because people won't be like you excuse bacon [ __ ] [ __ ] dude there's just this is death at every turn you can do it man I believe in you I think you I think you know what I really stopped up with these I remember getting an email a while back from [ __ ] yeah oh yeah congratulations thank you okay dang you just cleared suck a dick rot oh okay next time on game groans summer game grumps we are going to ramp it up keep that one a star bite by three times the difficulty this next level is called easy yup and you can you can play along at home folks really looking forward to it home by reading those codes on the screen too easy did Aaron make this plop of a stage damn next time I give her ain't no joke I don't know but it definitely gets across it's like harshness doesn't yeah oh yeah so if this little has a 5% completely clear rate oh geez five percent of the times people play that they've cleared it this feels an awful lot like when I when Ross had me plate default Dan yeah yeah this is very uh game is very Ross I mean Ross Oh cheep cheeps okay traps Oh God Ross oh my god [ __ ] dead to me whoo this is in region boy he Ross he definitely played it in all different styles and trolled it for every different style yeah there's like Ross's levels remove all of the joy from Mario and make it like a purely stressful bad time yeah I think it's funny rasam restrain the laughing sound effects are definitely the much more fury ting part he's uh I would go ahead and run hurry yeah oh those are gonna start chasing uh baby Ross you are dead to me dead to me have fun on these shows okay watch out for the bub use you can bounce off the walls you can triangle jumping yeah yeah I can yeah oh nice okay yeah I'm fine everything's great need a tissue never been better glass of water the tissue for this ex-wife swear to God like I could sample that and put it in like a Scorsese film and it would be just you'd be like wow what a great performance from Dan Avidan and that one line I I am in anguish right now this is the easy part [Laughter] yeah that's that's what it is and it's a matter of not wanting it enough wait may I try to redeem myself may I try it one last time knowing Ross's tip go ahead okay I think that might help Thank You BAE my back and cool wow he destroyed that [ __ ] we go left was gonna say you can probably get that Firefly next time I get ribs oh my god I could kill you right now you get the hell out of here thanks for the post traumatic stress disorder says Johnny Ace DBC alright then so let's do it and the one after this is harder and I will be you will be playing that one because I've beaten it oh well let's share that kids alrighty oh my god [ __ ] off it's [ __ ] ridiculous okay is that a bunch of Bowser's riding on a tiny buzzy beetle I believe it is yeah that's uh its classic that's classic Mario how is anyone gonna do this what happens now just go really leap of faith man that's gonna go are you [ __ ] joshing me all right Ross you gonna put lava in the leap of faith section okay down babe there's nothing worse than punishing you for taking a risk oh yeah a risk set you truly can't avoid nice nice keep it going yeah yeah yeah yeah [Laughter] [Music] it's like if you like no [ __ ] you're trying to take out a bullet and then you like messed up and then suddenly like the knife get ejected out and then the wound is just there again oh boy he's really in there would you keep reactive yeah but I just want to get rid of him yeah that's true it's a strategy how do i how do I get past him yeah he'll he'll do like a really high jump eventually really you bathe in the Contra spread shot alright and here we go whoo boy say you're you're good for a sec I suppose II Americans face so if you if you start [ __ ] I mean if you start doing high jumps you know he will jump over to where you are you can slide under them that's cool and then get to the other side yeah why are you looking at me Mario you know you don't want to do this what I only have four hundred sixty seconds left all right here we go you chickening out no yeah yeah oh nice nice very nice I commend Z what are you doing here all right that's awesome that's awesome Wow I don't know why he wasn't showing up for the last thousand times you son of a [ __ ] you [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] you [ __ ] did that purpose you Bowser piece of [ __ ] come on don't don't no I'm not with that not with that that's a good idea though you want to pick this up next time our game wasn't good enough yeah I'm fine with that I think we both needed like a breather we'll beat this Ross close the door get out of here nope nope nope I don't want to see a secret nope I'm gonna beat it on my own merit and then you can tell me the secrets frost I am I am I'm sweating with my anger for you oh dear feel like I probably calling a magic koopa oh no fish yeah you [ __ ] fish piece of [ __ ] yes and you can say it's cheap because it is a cheap cheap Oh Dan yeah I can the Mario joke listen I'm right here for a reason that's why we're starving yeah damn it swamp dude oh oh it's getting super cheap yeah dude you can't agree I'm right there is two pi Chi right now it's okay man oh whatever it doesn't matter yeah it doesn't over here oh yeah Ross is applauding furiously [ __ ] you I feel like it was sort of cheating cuz I took that propeller hat but whatever no are you kidding that was in there it's programmed in there holy [ __ ] good job do you have to get through the dough we're taking me where I Ross tell me your secret get it yeah beat it yeah yeah okay here's Ross everybody can welcome Ross I just hear pretty stupid not on game grumps like I can't I'm sorry it's that would be against the rules okay I surely can do a little I surely can not in a me crouched on such a such an important so this is Ross playing his own level encouraging it in fact I'm ordering it demanding should be that should be this way how's your boss and president whoa man what is going on up there what are you doing up there what the [ __ ] oh there we go Oh Ross did you [ __ ] build it up such a dbag such a d-bag see this is the stuff that makes me worry about that makes me worry about Mario oh I see you dingus okay okay easy enough Oh Ross you sick son of a [ __ ] ah yeah oh wow Wow Aaron do I got a really really you gotta bring spring no way come on man Milan yeah I just looked back at Ross he gave me the eyebrow raise like yeah so you got to do all right fine fine only four people made it that far I don't give it I don't give a [ __ ] oh he's pissed Oh baby brother yeah many people have died here rate no he did that damn I've never fought him before uh all right well I guess the next time on game grumps I'll clear it I okay little big deal yeah see you Ross I'm gonna throw you out a goddamn window nice you got all the useless coins thank you I'm just carry this into here here yeah it's uh it's a good good good one jump bag gonna be there or you know it's just as fast it truly is yeah that's what I'm talkin about I'm gonna tell you a little thing about this [ __ ] Hey oh you better hop right there that's good there's [ __ ] getting stomped on their head I tell you what right now this [ __ ] I'll tell you right now this [ __ ] right here oh you know sometimes I just want my day to go just one of those Dizzy's just don't want to wake up what I'm trying to grab it I'm trying to see if a guy's not gonna worry my kid I don't give up so easy [ __ ] Wow it's getting very serious officer oh [ __ ] okay I'm gonna give up all right next time hoo-boy Abel's getting beat I'm getting soup I see right yeah I know do you think there's a bisexual porn called the vast and the curious you know [Music] probably if not somebody should take that I like to drive my car fast and also I've been kind of thinking about dudes being that imma do damn it sucking [ __ ] damn stupid Baby Bowser [ __ ] is I don't think we should do this anymore no shut up all right howdy not happy got it no I had it [ __ ] had him I [ __ ] had him had him you're learning boy slowly learning come on okay mom here comes your special one yes yes alright gently place the head down [Music] claps his hands whatever I see you through the glass you go Dhin Dhin going to no no you son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] Bowser ass [ __ ] kid ass stupid little [ __ ] baby piece of [ __ ] you [ __ ] dumbass dog your way is wrong there we go jump and land on the thing no man ok I don't know if we can do this man I can do it don't [ __ ] doubt me I don't all that [ __ ] praise I get it caught in to the bitter end I was like you I got you believe I believe in you dude yeah and did I do it it doesn't matter I never gave up on you ok here we go here's what's happening it's [ __ ] going on right now his [ __ ] he's gonna do a stupid [ __ ] spin attack come here come on come on do it there we go [ __ ] what the hell [ __ ] wall jump for [ __ ] sake don't [ __ ] do it think maybe let's give this one more shot and then let's take a little break this is how I feel like I'll have to be like when I'm a dad and like my kids are playing or doing something that gets them really frustrated but they can't stop doing it okay maybe let's just take a little timeout well five minutes well five minutes I'll make you smart cocoa Accession yes follow you nice no okay this is easy this is easy you do this no no don't [ __ ] jump at me you piece of [ __ ] I'll [ __ ] stab your parents next time on game grumps I'll give you a [ __ ] hernia the hell man oh boy I'm actually scared to be in this room right now this is the point where [ __ ] Captain Kirk is like you're emotionally compromised I'm pulling you off the mission it can't just nonchalantly [ __ ] Zumba spiky ass [ __ ] eight-pointed she'll see then [ __ ] no not in the face man [ __ ] [Music] oh boy I'm gonna feel it anymore dude I I feel nothing I'm getting so it's gone from like red to grey [Laughter] yeah um f here we go [ __ ] [ __ ] jump the gun I just I just automatically went regular Bowser jr. mode god you [ __ ] hammer with your [ __ ] tight ass hammer your stick wouldn't work not even a real sentence what if I just tired tied a piece of [ __ ] rock to a stick with twine wouldn't work very well I maybe get like two nails in and then it would just [ __ ] fall apart after reat whine it boy that's an amazing point you just made got a really good hammer for a really bad hammer boys the song you receive before what let's just Brian was playing a little ditty on the piano [Music] let's call them that's called when the hits TARDIS to dude [Laughter] yeah [ __ ] you [ __ ] you and your [ __ ] yes what fresh hell awaits to see what was going on with that situation with you Ross that's the worst part about all this that it's totally Ross know Bowser why you gotta be like that well I can [ __ ] do that don't you [ __ ] do it don't you do it okay okay [ __ ] this and [ __ ] this [ __ ] going for it so stupid this is so stupid like a [ __ ] pit bull no I don't want a [ __ ] secret I'll do it on my own Ross has the control you [ __ ] little weasel cheater no Peter without the flower this count if you [ __ ] use it oh you don't want me to use it no definitely not okay have you ever beaten it without the Firefly you sadistic piece of [ __ ] alright give this a girl drinking yeah you smell like alcohol drinking oh my god Oh Oh oh that's your excuse yeah yeah yeah that's you can make it up on the one on the right yeah so yo she comes out [ __ ] cool next time on game room no dang it quick it's a very sharp Frick Ross you're dead to me yeah Ross you've been dead to me for days now it has been a week now this is a different recording session and it's been a week of time since Sara and I have been able to just really sit back and enjoy and you know what for the sake of the flow of the show I've been like oh man Ross I'm gonna I'm you know what I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna practice this level and he's like no you don't do that yeah Ross is like I am game grumps if I could I make the rules he just didn't he didn't want me to beat the level for the first time accidentally at home and then ruin the surprise for myself what an unbelievable tool searching for the most negative word unbelievable is a tool it came to me in a flash of brilliance like I know what he is get the [ __ ] out of here Baby Bowser stop with your [ __ ] this has been fun fun fun fun how do you feel there that's great yeah I'm exhilarated it's hot in here so it's making it more intense yeah it is hot in here so it's like I'm immersed yeah it feels like we are in the lava pit it's a very like full immersion experience [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh my god oh my god is it over I don't know oh of course not Jesus [ __ ] spring party there's the get out of here I gotta go I gotta go oh my god something horrible was about to happen I know it yay oh my god Wow after all that Mario that was really impressive dude yeah it's pretty good I can finally rest dan hit Ross with something as a fresh doodoo face and he is stupid and Danny is perfect oh thank you that's really nice Thanks thank you this is is there any way to get her is there enough time so this is called the aura monster oh holy f bomb nervous the F bomb disturbed upset no you're doing it sick [ __ ] oh those Yoshi's okay such good dinosaur friends oh we have to grab the other P bring it with you I'll grab that pig oh no no that's not good and go go nice holy [ __ ] Wow okay Wow head there I had to go by the music yeah seriously [Music] okay well I guess you're through now yeah yeah I'm just gonna hang here Phil get off my head before Greg gets off like day my head yeah Oh Craig we've talked about this oh Jesus Christ Ross watch out for that Bob a bow I didn't even know what to watch out for cuz [ __ ] Ross is such a dead Bob a boughs I push the button exactly where you're like all right cool just jump on the second one oh hey damn it live on in my stead the bottom of this thing doesn't kill you I guess not [ __ ] I've been avoiding that like the place I know some [ __ ] turtle [ __ ] shell this double conveyor belt system he's got is [ __ ] [ __ ] garbage shits and feces humans can't think in that pattern yeah it's impossible we weren't [ __ ] configured to think like oh jeez a lot of people are saying well I'm stuck switch it well people be stuck you monster Wow bouncing forever pretends Ross I mean this mike is Ross's neck just you're really going at it [Music] Holly I'm sorry in advance yo she saved him but now I'm doing this is all weird now this is weird hey you can do it oh I could have I could have God we do have had to have eaten the pay [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's I feel bad for the next girl I sleep with because this this angers it's gonna come out in the bedroom I'll prepare my butthole Wow Wow [Music] [Laughter] from our friends circle it's fine it's fine it's not a big deal oh boy okay here comes the part that no human being has ever beaten you got turtle shells why would you real quick let's let's just get you know what [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I'm gonna blow this operation wide open right download your stupid level and I'm gonna [ __ ] go into edit mode and find your bullshit-ass secrets awesome god dammit no time for a dance party this isn't long for this world oh there you go oh gosh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] dude [ __ ] [ __ ] you stupid [ __ ] or you [ __ ] kill you okay next time and game rooms [ __ ] stressing out dude yeah I know my cortisol is through the lacerations to my old man no no no no I need to take a walk oh yeah yeah go for it go for it I'll play in the meantime hey everybody welcome to dan grumps [ __ ] oh yeah that's right no okay no [Laughter] stupid we'll just play this one out stupid I don't like it watching that stupid yeah it's dumb don't come in here don't [ __ ] come in here with your smug stupid face he's not gonna care us [ __ ] you if you're not going down on me in about five seconds I'm considering this whole day a loss Ross I literally don't care cool see ya not happening here what happened in not happening you know when I first met Ross was at an anime convention and the last time I met Ross is going to be today any office does a great eight-year run but uh yeah I've known Ross eight years well I met him in person you you haven't killed Ross in eight years of knowing oh my god that's like very close yeah many times this is as close as I've been that was a tiny fire I think this is how psychopaths feel I'm just I'm numb yeah yeah like I could I could kill Ross with my bare hands right now and feel nothing like violent thoughts like constantly rushing into my head I can't control my aggression I think I might have a problem yeah yeah [ __ ] did it bro no feel good oh she's before ho she's yeah hide under your helmet Mario you deserve it after all that Oh clap clap clap this was a fun level thank you no no ignore that but yeah I need to stop talking I'm just gonna put the controller down that was great that's pretty their actual Auto levels like that you know a real Mario game you've never know it's like a fan thing there's no ground there I thought that was ground there clear from the edges of the bowl it's gonna be absolutely your favorite part you gotta get that mushroom or you gonna die oh boy you have to get that mushroom oh boy oh boy oh boy that is everyone's favorite part I bet it in it don't even tell me you think otherwise because you're already probably in love with it probably already like imagining like it's in your spank bank already that's the thing that you wanted one finger up the butt and the other one have you tried that it's awesome it's incredible I have not tried that what really yeah I don't know either I don't I've never wanted to either it doesn't it's gross right I don't know I've never tried well I mean conceptually it's crazy I mean I would be embarrassed if I ever did that and [Music] [Laughter] sort of time I remember the time to go around sticking paper but I'm too busy yeah I've got I've got a life man success requires a lot of Sanitation and it just seems like a process okay here comes the speed will you died quickly yeah so see I finished that level faster than you might have thought I have never seen a single raw humanity and I have to watch rocky for I own everything so good good yeah that's the one read [ __ ] single-handedly ends the Chris I feel you buddy thanks for that level Aaron I beat this somehow wasn't expecting to be that hard you have to know the game whoa you got a J I don't like that look on your face Geo Juhu oh my god girls see me up top I hear their panties drop no boy all right take it easy mm-hmm yeah I need a hug so bad out of 200,000 people who have played this level only like a hundred thousand have it are you [ __ ] [ __ ] my nuts sure are you're a bag of dicks okay Wow how would you even do that thank you droid yeah you are the best how would you even do this I know it's ridiculous oh boy oh really never I've never tried that what the [ __ ] happened yeah well go to plan B Oh Aaron sakru I'm actually gonna body slam here now we got it yes easy in fact this is the one [Laughter] that's fine oh you lunching so oh [ __ ] I could oh oh [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] that would've been a great idea don't [ __ ] me don't [ __ ] me they're gonna [ __ ] you no hammer brothers oh oh oh it hurts this is I got it you got it just get that second buzzy beetle helmet on there [Music] [Laughter] this is the last so I got a [ __ ] we got a next time on game grubstick I know right now gonna beat it in the first try it's not true but he's gonna try so the word is correct see you then oh my god get your art on the phone I have some choice words for him again I will now go yes most insane [ __ ] hahaha oh dude go oh my god you're [ __ ] out I don't know if you can do though whoa that was fun at least it's [ __ ] that's it yes that is it that is it oh damn oh oh [ __ ] no Bowser's my god don't [ __ ] move dude Oh goddamn it I couldn't keep a [ __ ] eye on where I was oh dude as you kept that [ __ ] turtle there yeah I know I believe me I'm thinking all about it right now [ __ ] oh my god you almost [ __ ] had it well oh nice oh my god oh my goodness oh my goodness I don't know just run and jump ready I'm ready I'm ready jump dude it's so hard ah my mind knew exactly what to do and my fingers could not respond in signed oh that was so close yeah I know alright so okay okay apparently not the way to do this you had the right idea though I know I just kicked it too early mm-hmm yeah yes please please guys yeah Aaron [ __ ] serve oh god I'm proud of you Oh Bowser should fix this damn castle out cheese I'm gonna comment yeah I've got some [ __ ] to say too what's what's your name on this Erin grump okay cool why one eternity later I hate you can everyone see that I hope so when that pops up right I don't know let's see get let's see it come on show it to me give it to me baby give it to me right yeah that was actually much easier than it seemed was it Michael I could kill you right now slap that smug smile off your face all right come on game grumps we'll play another horrible Gerrard level okay whoa look at Mako trying to hit on clever girl clever girl mmm very fun this isn't gonna be good that's a lot of wrenches come [ __ ] I mean Gerard what would happen if I just made an entire that's not cool hmm I have a joke for you so if you poor you didn't okay tell it's me joke copy Oda mm-hmm what what kind of car do I Drive funny good one street from Daegu ma boy Aaron oh [ __ ] I don't want to do this I thought I could do it but I can't it's way harder than it looks isn't it it sure is here's a good one from the planet Tatooine what watch it what did Luke Skywalker say about somebody bullying his sister what's that you better not lay a finger on you good one from the street from the Death Star okay what did I hear hand back what did a jockey manager say to him before the big race okay this is me playing now what would use the horse I was like that's a suspicious pause of time between saying something yeah are you serious then I've got a new joke for you what is it you know where does where does Vader get all of his designer shoes where's that I say yeah the dearth mall what the [ __ ] this is impossible no Shana joke like you there's nothing you can do man oh god don't throw the wrenches damn it we can do this okay starting now we can do this what do you call a bounty hunters favorite dog [Music] what's that his Bobo pitch funny joke it's not it's not funny but do you think like the people would like actually call him out on it not being funny or they just like he's super old [Laughter] just let him do his thing just he's like 800 I think what is a Jedi's favorites can be what's that a lifesaver [Music] joke he's just like more and more wildly intense every time Oh God come on God proved to me you're real by being on my side with this hey Dan what's up yo des I'm getting funny joke for you what what do you call it when Chewbacca's best friend is in a band and he has an opportunity to play the instrument on his own han Solo nope nope nope nope nope that's good what I've got a funny joke for you that's cool would you like to hear it what is AJ's favorite Italian dessert [Music] is this a gelato I don't know OB one cannoli I can't I can't I can't do it both both of these things at once god damn it oh I'm so I'm like I'm like seething with rage right now gérard gérard I'm gonna I'm there's a sternly worded email coming your way what no no not with the wrenches what does eat it skin reader eat after his meal what's that some desert you are no no please no please God please Jesus no what what what what Yoda wait yeah why don't you tell me why you tell me what what does what does Hutton Soto steals drinks from the bar in I'm back what what does Han Solo sneak drinks from the bar in I don't know is candy okay here you go next time on game grumps I will be punching myself in the face and I will be telling more breather after this one [Laughter] No Oh God oh Jesus Oh God in heaven Gerard what exactly the [ __ ] you are [ __ ] Gerard you are absolutely a [ __ ] [ __ ] even you made it down there there's no [ __ ] way dude okay yeah I don't know about all this Oh God bested you I destroyed you holy [ __ ] dude you are dead now that was awesome death Wow here we go leaving a comment and I hope you checked out ZAF Rose levels Pro Jarrod you're out or I'm supposed to say Pro Jarrod you are dumb the finishes it's true you are dumb nice you wrote you are cool do you think he's secret it was supposed to be a secret and then it shows up you like him like him it was Sean Sean I wanna marry him no no wait don't hold on pick a number please yeah pick a color please four okay all right you're gonna live you're gonna marry Gerard and live with him in a mansion oh well of all the places I could have landed all right here we go ha ha ha ha ha hee Oh [Music] ah Oh God Oh God oh that's what it is you bastard oh you sneaky [ __ ] bastard he is sneaky oh you are so dead to me mm-hmm no Christmas card he's been dead to me for two levels I'm not a single Christmas card for you no no not even during Christmas no good enough for me you [ __ ] with your [ __ ] Koopa [ __ ] right up in that [ __ ] next time on game grumps see you later everybody not even gradually we are just rapidly losing our minds playing this game right before we hit start on this episode the last things that came out of Aaron's mouth for this is [ __ ] stupid I just can't I can't figure it out so this [ __ ] all right you think you just got a spin jump yeah right right right but ah go go go yeah vine and go go go and this [ __ ] shoots [ __ ] out I couldn't see where I was that's that's the farthest I've ever made it yep but make no mistake this [ __ ] is [ __ ] stupid god it's so [ __ ] hard to [ __ ] [ __ ] I know how a lot of things hinder doesn't help yeah yeah I've swiped in every direction I'll swipe up come on come on down that's right baby side of piranha plant god no manners yeah it just touched you didn't you did you didn't even touch it's weird gross lips but I hate that it has lips it's really feminine lips to like pump it up pump it up pump it up pump it up [ __ ] you you're [ __ ] dumb I hate your stupid face yeah you are a piece of [ __ ] I wish that you were dead you can go ahead and remix that and me just end me put the gun in my mouth dude you saw how [ __ ] close I got in this particular episode [ __ ] god damn it no that doesn't count if someone came here I didn't make it all the way okay one more time one more time more time one more [ __ ] time one more send me a [ __ ] sick here okay give me [ __ ] sex SEC whoa paging dr. Freud [Music] next time I'm a rose boy I think I think I might have [ __ ] that one now you can still spring there I think so yep yeah I think I gotta use your oh I think you might be right haha [ __ ] you oh damn it now you're getting it yeah nicely docu [ __ ] trash trash [ __ ] oh god oh god no that's higher and punch him away a little bit get yourself some breathing room [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you are an ass [ __ ] out okay I can't do it alright I appreciate the honesty alright oh boy really is that how it's gonna be is that how it's gonna be mm-hmm [Music] okay oh my god you have to do it on the first jump yeah Gerard my sherrard don't even don't you are you for serious Gerard on man I love the look on its face that was like what is happening hm they're here all the little flower hat [Music] this is absurd you are a [ __ ] Gerard your [ __ ] is [ __ ] your [ __ ] is truly er than Ross's it gets getting that for serious like it wasn't at first some troll [ __ ] now it's getting there yes okay [ __ ] stupid coupon is dumb [ __ ] helicopter ah [ __ ] I'm so hungry I know I know I need I need a mental health break pretty soon at least I feel like I'm making progress yeah yeah the other one was just like I'd I'd rather I just rather not be existing yeah yeah mortal coil rest and rather just take a quick break oh boy okay there you go [ __ ] you [ __ ] jail alright now gently between the bus oh my god oh my god and scared you oh [ __ ] watch this oh [ __ ] okay it's cool don't you [ __ ] dare we go [ __ ] is there another way ah next time I gave birth you have to jump out yeah I think you do I think you do Gerard no no no no that's right no I don't like it no damn ye you get around it just cuts you off full beam you like am I being salty I think you're just perceiving salt because you're at your wits end I am 100% behind you right now damage booster that [ __ ] car [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you drive I hate you I don't actually hate you what are we doing game night okay I guess we were back to anger for a second and that was anger [ __ ] oh just one more just one more it's easy no just give me one more leaf followed by bargaining yeah I guess this is just what it is yeah yeah I doubt what are you supposed to do can you jump on it while it's in the air and bounce off of it is that a thing cool cool like someone getting room that's not iron doing that he just threw the controller to the floor in a way that I guess the left stick is depressed just like me Stage four depression Stage five acceptance will come as we now walk to the kitchen area and make ourselves two bowls of sadness frosted flakes and eat them while looking at each other in silence that actually sounds really good it does sound good let's do that next time on game grouse everybody I hope you enjoyed our Mario maker fun this might be the last one for a little bit we'll see we'll see let us know in the comments dear dan and Erin you're not dear Oh see really yours a real dear PS how did I write this Oh No immediately not cool just scope this out oh it's getting closer oh come on Ross if there's an enemy that's here that I can't afford that would be very distressed nice wait oh I want to get 69 coins it's re an absolute dingleberry oh [ __ ] oh my god are you kidding me you the biggest dick to the face well I mean he's not gonna go away well then I'm ready to jump my thumb is ready with that jump button y'all ha ha [ __ ] you Wow very easy and more specifically [ __ ] you Ross well it's easier once you know how Ross is evil mind thinks okay great very simple Ross you're dumb - Ryan's my gears Ross makes me sad Yeah right there with his you know it'll leave him a comment ha [ __ ] you Ross now a trip already said what I had on my mouth good yeah cool alright dumb stupid that was the first boss woo here comes a second boss I like I mean come on [ __ ] here we go [ __ ] oh my god [ __ ] stupid I just looking at those conveyor belts makes me want to have a heart attack [ __ ] conveyor belt yeah nice dammit god dammit there is no reason for the buzzsaw to be there like you're already falling and dying into the lava no matter what so it's just it's just a foot yeah it's just a little [ __ ] you courtesy of our favorite Australian either grab it sorry tied for a favour Australian sorry Emily rush have a feeling she doesn't watch gamegrumps but just in case yeah oh man oh my god let's do it one more let's do a little one more [Laughter] this this is uh it hasn't ended our friendship with Ross but I mean relations are strained right I shoot him a death glare every so long yeah me too just randomly because his and my desks are the way they're laid out is I'm facing it yes so I try not to make eye contact right I I've tried a couple times too you know that's my burden to bear yeah so--but [ __ ] you man [ __ ] you you are talking directly to Ross god [ __ ] you and we'll see you next time and game grumps shut your stupid Australian mouth what a great first episode this was okay see you then everybody [ __ ] [ __ ] bye-bye stick my dick in your face okay alright do this no no oh baby no no no my Cleveland in the bathtub falling out of the house now now now now now oh yeah I love that as a joke once whoa right oh boy go hate my life Oh it's me that's right well maybe I'll do it next I like English okay okay hey just give me just give me one second but when you eat this black burger it's like a bluish green it's like a [ __ ] cartoon a screen okay I haven't tried it yet because it sounds terrifying very strict diet but I don't want him I just had a flashback to like a 20 year old Simpsons episode it must be one of the Halloween ones where Homer is like driving and like it's scary and he's a ghost town and he drives by a billboard and he's like and it just says die in huge letters and he's like and then like the wind blows and it like pushes a tree out of the way and so the sign is revealed to say diet and he's like oh man the Simpsons yeah they they have had some golden times we just we write random [ __ ] and then we say dumb stuff and then berry makes it amazing in post thanks Barry he's like the the generic editor do you think Kevin just responded as berry-like no problem guys yeah not fooling anyone Kevin I'm just kidding nope you're handsome and beautiful in LA yeah you're swell swell guy and you make me and you make guys swell do you see that [ __ ] I did that was a [ __ ] that was called a double bullet dog no and that was called a triple blade Trumble is the alabama hot pocket the alabama hot yeah what actually is that I don't know it's probably disgusting but not nearly as disgusting as the San Diego thank you search the web oh please don't Emma please do not whatever you do don't do an image search exist oh god it's a thing I just heard the words Alabama Hot Pocket mmm mmm you're getting awfully angry over here oh man oh no is it super gross I love how it starts with because I certain the result for Alabama Hot Pocket in number two so you know what I'm gonna because that starts with similar to the Alabama hot pocket now I want to look up the Alabama hot pocket has to say Oh God is it really bad the art of separating the vagina this is a bad start and taking a shot inside what that's not real and then in parentheses and possibly having sex with it afterwards who would do such a thing that's crazy talk I don't believe you sir it's used in this sentence oh no Sean you decided need some Lube so her boyfriend performed in Alabama Hot Pocket now let's look at the Alabama hot pocket too similar to the original hot pocket however this requires the participate to get defecating to the woman's rectum instead that's impossible proceed to insert the penis into the shrinker until climb oh stop stop with your nonsense the last step goddamn you god damn you Oh God Oh and then you got it and then you got it and then you get toss the salad that's that's not that's just I mean it's real if it exists you it's a name and it's a thing so now that's the name for the thing that's dirty this is when I wish Ross was here so he could [ __ ] like oh no I just put you oh my [ __ ] god dude you oh god is this Christ oh my what what the squished me next time on game grumps shoot the [ __ ] helmet out God there it goes [ __ ] whoa that's cool nobody's fault of mine I'm just gonna start jerking off so I can feel anything [ __ ] spring ass really really really really gonna [ __ ] trap me really I thought you enjoyed I means skilled yeah yeah cool I didn't actually remember but I was able to use context for years check this [ __ ] watch this BAM hahaha [ __ ] dick [ __ ] I can't believe they would do that [ __ ] to me okay oh Jesus Christmas [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] whoa give me the [ __ ] helmet oh my god oh where did that come from came from the wall [ __ ] dude I know I'll take it I'll [ __ ] take you should have taken note of the block oh [ __ ] yeah oh man this is brutal next time on game rooms next time Aaron's done the [ __ ] oh the controllers were tossed shits done I don't walk you through this [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] taking the [ __ ] aren't you gonna [ __ ] puff guard off she can hear every blow under the mic you [ __ ] you dead [ __ ] dead that's really hard to watch it made me hard to watch oh nice that's a pissed off that's a pissed off and wigger oh my god whoa Mario got a little crazy there one of my favorite stories you told me whoa whoa is this normal is this okay [ __ ] is what it is oh gosh God wait got a spin Jack got a duck I got got duck got it I got it I got a spin John looks like some serious head banging Mario's doing right oh yeah he's just like for with the board the bag the bag diggy diggy diggy said the Moga stood up jump the boogie [Music] [Laughter] Ritz the best way to have it is with likes mother and water which is everything southern yeah yeah everything said and smothered in butter zebra seats you mean that's a nice it's like a reverse you know when you do like vocal exercises to like yeah I just done with the tip of the tongue yeah teeth it's like it's like the opposite don't you slur better talk great now it's not put it's not pu DD it's p u ZZ that actually just sounds like you're saying I look [ __ ] oh yeah or I love kissing doesn't who doesn't love pissing it's just like it's just like the door before the boss collect your thoughts all right what is it things say go back through pipe for secret fire flower really hey look at people helping you oh my god that's brutal next time I do and down we go [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ego [ __ ] you man wait so this one goes to this one and this one goes what's up with the Bowser face to keep zooming in on does that just do nothing other than do out of troll okay he's just a troll yo fair enough and then that one goes over there so what the [ __ ] well that's a solid questionnaire oh I got to go through the wall I'm an idiot ah oh oh my god it's so obvious all my freaking board what the [ __ ] that H oh my god oh Jesus okay okay okay okay so it's a [ __ ] Indiana Jones nice work it's like a [ __ ] the Indiana Jones wall of death oh happy clown little music note yeah I don't know man more more I say bold move to ignore the arrow down especially since he hasn't led you astray with the arrow before that is true he has a history of being cool with the arrow yeah unlike Ross Ross isn't cool with anything and I am definitely not cool for us damn son bro that's it alright next time I game graphics did it and I want to see what the arrow was yeah oh now you can just hang out on oh look at this like yeah that's awesome nothing's gonna nothing's gonna take me down I must of course CHS goes a little too great [ __ ] job dude yeah that was fun yeah this is this is a much more enjoyable Mario maker experience than the one we've had up until this point gotta go I gotta say do you want to try once seeing lots of levels yeah sure no dick dawg oh it's Kendra why can we keep me the key give me give me imma be black come on keep me oh that's much nicer I don't understand it sinks and you sink but when you are together you float yeah that is that is as they say it come on you slippery it's weird ya gotta watch out for those flamin fishes oh dear oh that's a flopping around oh that's not good oh how delicious yeah [ __ ] off oh yeah oh that felt amazing oh god I need a cigarette and a towel next time on game next time on game grumps baby I'll [ __ ] see you all later Ross hope you're watching and taking notes you [ __ ] kidding I love you was this the one he was telling us that the quarry it like took okay one down it took Cory like four hours yes yeah - Cory four hours marvelous oh god this is very unsettling god damn it [ __ ] this [ __ ] stupid right off the bat yep just immediately get out of here thing you spring up into that thing into that pipe yeah but I gotta get this [ __ ] drop it [Applause] [ __ ] stupid piece of [ __ ] oh god I love it you bastard I'll [ __ ] in disaster give me the [ __ ] yeah I wish I had like an actual clown horn like that that I could just you know every time Ross is just about to go to sleep I can run up and [ __ ] jam it in his ear like that's that's payback that's proper payback Ross was like um you guys don't really like me less do you I was like no we just like life less music yeah the raw slit it's always three it's always three like perfect perfectly spaced cackles he's a strange bird that Ross Oh Donna [Laughter] you got ballsy with that jump Oh No follow the coins he loves doing these jumps damn it rusty me you monster [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] bump you you bump in grass huh oh man hello welcome back to mario maker welcome back to my waking nightmare the place where you so what do you think is gonna be nice that's my favorite thing I've done that before the plays were you so what's up no no I need to know I need closure just go through life like holy [ __ ] this is stupid this is so [ __ ] good that's your [ __ ] nightmare the dumbest thing there you go okay alright at least you got something like the timing down so dumb again no no no no now I don't [ __ ] [ __ ] accept that next time well it's always darkest before the dawn right I mean we got some we got some hard levels maybe they're hard maybe they're funny I don't know haven't played any of I'm excited I'm excited you know what I'm excited to get my mind off of how bad you see a little bit and now it smells like speed stick like masking haar hey Aaron you smell like [ __ ] am i okay with that not a bit feel in my bones and I feel it in my thumbs something stinky this way comes I think I think my I think my version of it was uh uh oh man I smell like [ __ ] I'm not okay with this really good is really good cuz I'm about to ruin the [ __ ] styles in the [ __ ] that you're used to dude this is really hard no goddamn well this is a nightmare you can do it yeah dude nice job that reminds me of that time I did mushrooms but don't do drugs kids so I never did mushrooms okay my wife have I ever tried the deliciousness that is PCP never in my life have I written the sweet glorious rainbow pony that is Christmas think I'll just you're pretty good those gamers are gonna get you oh oh god no oh Jesus oh [ __ ] bonus [ __ ] you are so double boned yes it's a little dicey all of a sudden Oh looks like you're [ __ ] mmm you're so super [ __ ] oh yeah maybe if I jump over this yeah maybe it landed on nope [Music] nice chaiyya chaiyya puppy again this time you're a kicker the color black is clearly the most used color on the skin the screen oh that's you objectively and subjectively I do this has nothing to do it is Mike your hatred of African Americans stop trying to pin me down some kind of racist yeah just because I hate other races just one brick I think I'm just gonna have [ __ ] I don't know that door looks so appealing empting bro it's tempting oh and now I know I can get the thing so I'll just do it yeah [Laughter] not cool okay let's try a nice trick he's a trick Oh what the [ __ ] SEC do it can I can't jump on his head dude now sir oh well then you get the [ __ ] out cool thank you what the [ __ ] that's cool huh yes please get that okay just get it oh nice this is concerning goddamn that thing [ __ ] shot a bat out of hell I want got a huge dick oh god this is gonna be a long stage yeah this is gonna take a little time Oh God all right let's try again ha ha ha I don't want it child's play throw it in the furnace the butt furnace the furnace I specifically gave for things that I consider lesser than a but which are not many things [Music] juicy and Rick whoa easy easy I don't think you should ever use the word juicy when referring to your own genitalia my rectum hole even here you didn't hear because you were too busy interrupting me yeah even you were too busy in your own world being rude I was trying to sing a beautiful sonnets about my sphincter back baby got back I got back to playing this game Wow for all you to enjoy he praised you oh nasty farts can I have that on screen as text as I said it yeah all Kevin came through for you I already know I know it in my heart [Laughter] damn dude kind of like a park or side flip there yeah that's because I'm [ __ ] awesome thanks for notice I know you're awesome at whoa would you see that that was some parkour side flip [ __ ] right there yep [ __ ] telling me I don't know [ __ ] about [ __ ] I know [ __ ] about plenty of [ __ ] for example one [ __ ] is brown two [ __ ] can sometimes be not brown three what [ __ ] means you're sick green means you had a lot of green [ __ ] to eat I mean oh damn it okay sort of a favorite like it's like animation bits what's that from his Halloween card suit cartoon or he's like he's like with his kids uh-huh he was like tip tell him what you are now and she's like I'm a princess a princess and like I'm a marine biologist he's like a Marine oh dude what am I doing wrong they're poor and it almost feels like this level makes your brain work differently in different parts and your reflexes work differently and it's like hard to adjust from like spot to spot [ __ ] boy I [Laughter] wish people at home could have seen your [ __ ] face after you finish that yell you just got this like humph look on your face like good I'm glad I said oh look it up here that's a good way to hell hey how about that yeah how do you [ __ ] like that Bowser if the way to do a [ __ ] salty sander why do you keep jumping all the time you [ __ ] freak oh my god [ __ ] out there [Laughter] [Applause] everything I say is ridiculous you're very much in the zone so I don't want to I want to mess with your STIs too much really you really think I'm in the zone of course you're in the zone look at you this is this is own material yeah Hey look at that freak said jump and freak he jumps when I jump you know what you have to write as a comment I'm proud of you for BD that way this levels long Wow never mind it so I'm a [ __ ] dude no yeah that's a great fun level yay thanks Taylor was a nice little the best that's a nice little like I choose to believe Taylor Swift made that level that's very nice booth and now I have mad love great job man no I'll just star it okay no but he'll feel better if we don't comment oh you're right you're right I believe we've there's three types of fencing swords there's the foil which is the really thin one mm-hmm the saber which is the [ __ ] ass-kickin one that's basically like a sword sword and then the FA which is between er the tweener tweener the winner goes the one that goes betwixt the boot Avanza boot what's this all about give me the boot I hop around in G giant boot look if my face look at me I'm funky like Mario you are not a size 87 he's like I am it gets into it and I like a woman's shoe yes thank you code that you updated the game and like the two days that we haven't played it that's pretty crazy [ __ ] I can't flick him like rate his level because of the error code oh sorry John oh I can't go online and let's say update the software oh god alright welcome to software update grumps let's do it alright I guess I got a exit out Mike and closed software yeah good thing I have all [ __ ] day well this is this isn't this is nice I mean this is a nice moment to hang out with our lovelies I think if you just click it it'll just be like you needed update checking for software updates mm-hmm what well who's the name what's the name of the person who Brian cool I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a girl after I said you cruel [ __ ] yeah oh yeah only only guys are [ __ ] in my world oh damn yo straight up what our goals codes know something [ __ ] more respectful like [ __ ] okay goddamn Ludo you're alright yeah the f EA game grumps tumblr Jesus Ludo yeah he did yeah he's more a grump than I am good [ __ ] job dude hey man don't sell yourself short you're pretty pretty decent grump I'm not so grump boobie goes house yeah let's do it before iTunes and before you know selective single purchasing and everything you if you liked a song you had to buy the [ __ ] $18 CD yeah and maybe there was like one other song that you kind of liked on it that happened to shit-ton and was your [ __ ] Michael Jackson yeah he could afford as many CDs as he wanted I mean because his albums were always really good oh that too sure sure as long as it was pre-1991 oh did you just talk [ __ ] or remember the time you like remember the time you got it oh I would've ducked personally okay you would have ducked that is shiny and that is the right move give me the [ __ ] Cooper BAM Cooper's coopered up in here Bowser in your Cooper's you gonna give me one Cooper you got to give me two Cooper's two because they ain't fired ain't fair for one Cooper to be on his own you've seen the diff Chappelle's Show episode where he becomes the black Ku Klux Klan member who's blind yeah and he's give it like the sermon he's like Chinese people with their kungfu and their ching chong ching chair I can't understand you why power and Condoleezza Rice why don't we put her on a plate of rice and eat her wipe our Wow nice he is uh he he is a comedy I would totally take up your friend on this offer however the reason I don't is because I have a plan oh yeah yes tell me I don't want to tell you because it's a surprise okay I have a plan it's very specific plan it's like will it be as well executed as that oh do I just have to like place the turtle shell on the platform so it gets taken around yeah maybe maybe that's the shits [ __ ] god damn it [ __ ] turtle shell ass [ __ ] comedy comes in threes ah alright it's time I'm not gonna [ __ ] around oh they're not [ __ ] around begins now ah [ __ ] [ __ ] I [ __ ] around a little bit it's okay though did like 15% [ __ ] around oh no I missed it again it's okay it's okay just play no don't I have to I have to keep doing this okay nope [ __ ] right with the elevators coming back you son of a [ __ ] seconds oh God oh [ __ ] you really oh [ __ ] are you kidding me yeah we just drop and go and see what's up there he's just what JMU Germany holy [ __ ] I knew you'd [ __ ] us in it oh wow that is tough next time on games I get ya this is a two Episode one for sure oh really you dinkle dit up don't [ __ ] dinkle me I will not dinkle whatever I want to dinkle I'll link on my classic Vlasic pickles I love [ __ ] pickles do you really I don't love [ __ ] pickle I knew I'd get it out of you shoot your [ __ ] GU at me alright thank you what what oh I thought you were still talking to me I will do no such thing shoot your goo in my face No that is you have to be very special for me to want to do that yeah well what I'm not that special you are but damn it well [ __ ] man I'm not gonna shoot the guy no stress man no stress it's all good we're not here to stress you out we're here to de-stress yeah yeah yeah we're here to relieve your anxiety oh girl you got a you got a [ __ ] job yo chill out go on break and you watch some girl yeah yeah you just kind of horny and you want something in the background while you jack off just put on some grumps you [ __ ] I do that I love jerking off to the side I only jerk off to the Dan parts whenever I start talking I'm like a so there are episodes specifically where I'm like you know what this episode I'm gonna let him talk yeah probably right because this is gonna be like my prime Jack episode and I got magic you are killing this all of a sudden oh you know what they call me Aaron the murderer three counties at least according the judge you know as I did most of my murders in Florida I was tried in Ohio which is much more forgiving you know what a jury of my peers calls me it's not true by the way don't take that axe yeah and has never murdered anything [Music] good to know we're on the same page brother Castle crush from ticket it's impossible okay gotta go fast all right sweet thank you for [ __ ] see ya so sweet of you ah [ __ ] she [ __ ] sucks it's hard it just went up okay cool I'm not a very I'm not a poopy guy yeah you are the poopies guy I've ever met [Laughter] who can I put that tell my wife his last words here Wow all right that's great I don't know only 45 more iterations seriously that's a big [ __ ] goober open here open himer I've become demand destroyer of worlds yeah I've become death so that's what Miyamoto said after he created this it's Oppenheimer up in hi Esmeralda mucho opens ah hi I need my morning's to show thanks Frank I'm Dan and hurts my feelings from what I saw this level it's a cut above the rest oh very nice and trees well thank you very much Frank well done and we'll see you all next time on game grumps as this [ __ ] nightmare continues well it is us I mean I'm going bro you really like reach for the controller you were like man let me just read the messages oh whatever i betta I wasn't even it's kind of half pay attention that was actually remarkable thanks your dad [ __ ] thank you oh god no okay level is awesome yeah this is craziness well they they they know I'm a champion very flattering oh dude oh boy Oh Oh God Mario Paint I think it's like that it's like a musical measure this is not anywhere near as gentle and enjoyable as Mario Paint I [ __ ] assure you hello ma'am I feel like I could beat this someone try like the last one that's such a cool thing of you to say right now all right let me give it one more shot they're believing in you they think you're a champion Thank You Aaron oh god with you oh please no it's not working oh [ __ ] I got hit I there you go set it up [ __ ] it makes it harder alright here you wanna all right I'll take it I'll take this first part you're magic my machine to see what cuz imagine she magical there you go dude thanks Matt be the first to say man dude is [ __ ] Ebert and Roeper watch that they'd be like what the [ __ ] am i watching right now yeah and Roper would be like my god she's dead next we have revenge of the Polar Express by sad huh this level is probably gonna make me sad yeah I hope us playing sad level makes him happy good good I'm glad you're sad man has the world been taken over by strange aliens that exemplify emotions yeah it looks like it here yeah very next next try an old panic attack so I said next I was like cause at the end of the episode from you say yes people have told me they that happens when they watch the show cuz like we'll say that phrase next time and they're like why do you have to say next time and I'm like because it's a phrase in the English language and we talk in that language why'd you have to say God Emperor Palpatine czar dead the other Star Wars they say we step out I grab this two blocks back and I'm like oh sorry I didn't see you there he was my dad Emperor Palpatine actually when to stop he was married in so he's an emperor step peppers love you so you start to get farther on a consistent basis but then [ __ ] like that happens and you're like boy this is a worse run than I had five runs ago yeah it like it checks you at the door [ __ ] yep always putting your skills in check because of [ __ ] there ain't no checkpoints you know I'm watching it be ass Aaron you're right flag half-past twelve I no longer understand what you're getting at just a cover see anything to numb the pain yeah I just yeah I I know how that is like you're fully concentrating on something else but you're just [ __ ] [ __ ] letting lips and face move yes that's my life yeah yeah never I go to a party I don't know what the [ __ ] to say to people hey I'm just like a nice coat oh thanks I got it from JCPenney and I'm like aha [Laughter] if you threw me in a conversation with some Rando uh-huh I would totally be able to talk to the what if they were Mexican what if it's like a Mexican random but well then I guess I'd have to learn a whole new language holy goddamn it this is so [ __ ] hard you gotta think like three steps ahead of everything this is like playing chess ins in space what if Mario maker was easy I mean listen leave me out what if it was easy no you got it you're gonna what if Mario maker was really easy I mean really easy yeah that's excellent now let's start from the beginning what if your coat was suede I need maybe a suede do that somebody who's totally not in the know about that thanks I got it from we've got another 45 minutes to kill at least yeah I do have a little tip and trick to help you in social situations where you're not the host you fire and pull the alarm and you're just showing up for somebody's partying there's people you know and people you want to meet did you guys see the new Star Wars movie now your that your [ __ ] boss Nash people draw you handsome look at you well I would they just draw me yeah you didn't have to add the hey man we see what we want to see huh man people really give you a lot of credit don't think drawing Stan don't they that is cool don't throw it don't throw it damn it [Laughter] alright um am I already boned yeah I think so okay Wow um all right I think it can be done though yeah I do it can be done [Laughter] we just do nothing but like say words that don't make sense and also reduce yeah you knew it you can make good yeah man this is a swamp heavy level it's like five out of six thwomps agreed for them four out of five doctors leaves one doctor statistics show that statistics show stuff oh I hate statistics like that me too yeah like that's the biggest way misinformation is spread with sentences that start with that you know if they say yeah you know they say my penis is larger than most penises in the world who's they point back the well-qualified - I've showed you their stuff before they they they were my buds back in New York quite pack stands for pictures of your kids pooping and Crockett very funny and they did this one thing that like did not get a lot of love online but I thought it was so funny it was called prank my dad and it's just like I mean they're both full-grown men but ones like the kid and the others the dad and he and the kids just like he's got big glasses he's like hey why did you pray wait did like you push a button and like the dad like slips on a banana peel did we do here you want to go back see where that one where you can get cover is you out chill out under there why aren't you just mr. [ __ ] Mario at all it was it was almost pee-wee Herman asked I nailed it right Timmy it felt more like can I get confirmation okay and we are done so I shot you right out of the seat woof bye everyone good level dickbag thank you thank you for making it go seriously gimme fuel gimme fire give me a badge a pizzelle I think that's great I think that was cooler looking than the first one yes I agreed yeah we were just like I got hurt we're good what is it called I always forget what when you use your moment of invincibility after getting injured to your advantage damage boosting damage boosting that [ __ ] is my movers posts what the hell Wow boy you cast our never happen that is weird though I will actually kill you [Laughter] alright nice getting it to go the other way whoa oh then you lose it yeah I mean so sad when I lose a big mushroom you know I didn't jump onto the spikes that's an excellent question I don't think so let's find out I don't think so the answer is maybe the answer is try again later now okay what is that guy doing in there does he serve any function yeah he's just too like introduce y'all dang it so give you a little sense of like there's gonna be guys ahead huh no [ __ ] damn around with him okay here we go you are in absolute Pro next time on game grumps I want to turn on the messages too because there's so many of them oh hold on so next time first wait let me scoop up this shroom and nice nailing it nice next time thanks bye my parents I got called a Gaylord unlike the in like the the recess area of the schoolyard long before I had any idea what it meant really yeah you were already inducted into the lord of game yeah i was like dude i I am certainly unworthy of a lordship please Tommy Haverford yeah I'm I'm like a Gabe Merle at best that's a gay Admiral did you when I was young my parents really young my parents were talking about like I don't know some personality I don't remember who but they were saying that it was that he was they were like oh yeah I think he might be gay and I was like what does gay mean and then they were like you could see it like I knew even then as a kid yeah and they were like wow you're way better at this than I am it's and they were like it's it's when you like to kiss boys and I was like oh so mommy's gay that's funny Brian Brian I'm not gonna lie to you you really [ __ ] us on this one yeah you should you should feel proud mm-hmm very very proud okay it's actually timed out I know quite brilliantly [Music] uh-huh get there get there get there yeah yeah okay you really got a book it uh okay fine it stopped a swamp time again here on game grumps welcome back to our unweighting nightmare where the [ __ ] never stops whoa really yeah I am missing out we are always [ __ ] why have I what have I been doing during the time of all this I'm always [ __ ] really yeah and I'm just like not [ __ ] not so far I'm always [ __ ] he is not not so [ __ ] and where the [ __ ] am i right okay wow did that just glitch out no it just he just stayed there and how are you off the rails I don't know man that seems glitchy you're glitchy okay well maybe if you looked at me more completion and oh god that would be Suzie's least favorite thing you could ever say do you want me to complete oh my god how was it with her last night oh my god she made me complete so hard dude you don't even [ __ ] know that girl she's no joke I actually heard a really compelling thing a long time ago it's from the show castle with Nathan Fillion yeah it was um how do you what the [ __ ] well that's a long way down what did you just put it a crazy long sound effect I still falling oh my god that's like some Looney tune [ __ ] that was awesome don't fall like that again dude we don't have that kind of time just maybe stay to the side how would you even do this god damn bro you really just got a [ __ ] oh you're gonna press it before you go on the door duh I'm such a [ __ ] clutter da derp dang [ __ ] Jerry Tudor well dude Deutsch of course it's no okay oh man this is Chris Nazy you're Chris Nazy I I'm feelin Chris nazy I'm getting physics and eating my own position at the same time oh you like that Brian [ __ ] you Brad you look at [ __ ] you and congratulations Brian on making an excellent level that was a good level whoo very impressed brutal but excellent thank you for canal that was tough for always have whomped never out stomped damn right been yeah we can all relate to that you too are there Ben Tom what the [ __ ] you doing here didn't you get the Ben memo if the jewel stuff in this bin is a three-star general in the u.s. army so I get so angry that I forget like what I'm supposed to do next yeah yeah you get so like caught up in though yeah at the blind at the blind rage just so blind that's why you meditate bro so you can live in the moment that's cool let it go yeah I think I might do that but - all in the past I won't dwell on the now no see now I'm alive forever in the hands to Aaron because I am ready to destroy all of your property so we went to see tool and Primus a couple of days ago it's [ __ ] awesome concert they were both so so good and I can't remember how it got started do you remember what it was yeah it was just you guys were you and Katie were like her Katie was going to Starbucks chooses anyone want coffee and I was like and and everyone was like yeah get me something and you were like no no thanks it was like I do not require sustenance I enjoy coffee as humans do nobody really acknowledged and then it became like this kind of running thing where oh [ __ ] I get both his coins bro it just became this running joke of Aaron and me being from the Planet Zog noid us at the to a concert like these sounds are enjoyable to my human ears and certainly not my antenna as a SOG noid would have who's a zagnut nobody likes dog noise so stupid for I am a human everyone was giving us the weirdest looks yeah yeah yeah but it was fun how the [ __ ] do I get up there with the with the boot do you have to keep it I don't know can you just hop on them and then they die ah well cuz there was like spikes or some [ __ ] over there yeah I have a selection of many boots for my human tentacles idiot no it's just feet it's just feet I was just making a human joke I was testing you are you a zag no Fred I think not anyway there's a secret [ __ ] thing here oh well fine you learned it that's cool I can just come back and should be just open right oh [ __ ] it at all yes [ __ ] a curse that we humans say when displeased with many things such as the price of oil increasing tentacle wars going on for millennia in this system quagga knock lonely island is definitely smart stupid yeah could Dukey the Dookie yeah the song that's like [ __ ] trouble on Dookie island that's a song they do you never heard that one oh oh it's the whole the whole song is like this really like hard rap yeah whether they're they're doing like a bank heist yeah and they're just like and just for like the first 30 seconds it's just like oh [ __ ] police are following us Dookie flying out of my jeans getting out of the escape car Dookie flying out of my shirt [Laughter] Barcelona Dookie oh boy you can jump on the moles yeah okay cool Oh give it three more child three more tries brutal [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] whenever she whatever she says like I have the perfect husband I'm gonna play her a clip of you that's two more all right Tim all right you got a second [ __ ] dick sucking dicks crow Biggs getting on your knees and suck a troll dicks yo getting on your belly uh control this nuts with your chin yo you got a hairy chin yo Rob those hairs again hairs like velcro yo [Laughter] [ __ ] broke my spirit like seven minutes ago thanks a lot [ __ ] yeah next time [ __ ] you Tim we sure had some good times silly amusing Tim I hope you throw a [ __ ] what's Australians - I hope you throw a boomerang a massive body yeah I thought I hope you throw a boomerang and it [ __ ] and it [ __ ] swings around and goes right up your back right up your back Tim and then you threw it so strong that it continues its boomerang emotion and takes your butt for a ride across the sky and you're like oh god now I didn't even say goodbye to me mum and your moms like are you done don't put a space put it next to it she's I'm sorry I didn't know I was yeah you gotta treat me like I'm 45 years older than I actually am so 166 it's like math it has to apply it to it I'm programming the googles okay Google's Google's I'm sorry man please this is really exciting all of a sudden what you got to get a running start on that last are you [ __ ] with me dude unbelievable man I can't believe it man what is with you man come on when you're struggling and [ __ ] up endlessly and you're enraged the last thing you want to hear is not I mean yeah boy good thing I'm not a stripper yeah that'd be terrible I lost my booty and damn it like Bowser if I can't have you all right well I guess I'm playing the battle kid level burnt glargine bargains Norv oh man a cue for sending us this game Jennifer dumped me stay strong you can do it I just read an interview from the guys in Coldplay that they asked David Bowie once to sing on one of their songs and his wrists and do it he was like it's not a very good song is it like damn and and to Coldplay's credit they were like well they we respect the fact that he won't just put his name to anything I can did it and then I secured it out do you think they were like yeah of course it's not a very good song work the Coldplay get it I love Coldplay Brian hates them Coldplay's might go to like joke band yeah a lot of people make fun of them I'm just gonna do it I'm gonna do it and we've learned nothing I feel like I've made a horrible mistake oh god things are going things are just peachy for me not very good run is it curacy cats I know the 80s movie with Stephen King where the cats fighting a little gross troll thing it's got a very young drew Barrymore young drew Barrymore yes no she's like six Oh double nice play you're talking like teenage no yeah the 18 teen by the way saying go for Charlie's Angel drew Barrymore that's where it's that's where it gets safe legally yeah doing the best that I can that's what I got and I got two hands a best friend Dan and anything else that rhymes what it flan what do you yeah what do you need more than two hands and your best friend Dan first of all I'm your best friend yes well thank you yes Susie's your best friend I don't care she's she's her own category in a different category as far as I'm concerned yeah oh my god this is the battle kid part with all the thorns Oh God wow what a [ __ ] this is pandemonium Jesus is a nightmare jumped you twice yes yeah this scream makes it so much better yes can you not get out of here now [Laughter] Buffalo stance was big in the it was like right at the change between the 80s and 90s what doesn't he take a diet then okay it was a girl first of all and what does she take a diet then okay she was cool I like the into cherry that sounds like some kind of like British ism where they say like weird things like throw it in the boot just that you know like well why don't you take you died then you know not very good song is it who said that was David Bowie to Coldplay I would love to go to the AVN Awards yeah yeah how cool would that be do you know anybody there are you up for an award or something no Danny yeah maybe watched most poor award was I go like I go accept the award with like one [ __ ] huge muscly arm watched Mo's board goes to it it shows like before people screening their electorate blend all the new starlets Wow alright so you just have to keep twisting on multiple columns at once [Music] [Applause] it's called runaround Content ID cuz you're - we're gonna get smooth mcgroove man yeah Oh has that happened to him yeah he got content I did for many videos because he was too perfect oh man he has a beautiful voice yes I know in some of those pictures you have like it I don't know the right way to say this and I don't I don't mean to be offensive towards you but I don't know how else to say it it's like fat but like in the shape of a six-pack do you know what I mean because I always used to the reason I know what you mean is because I always used to be like yeah like a dad [ __ ] yeah we'll put up a picture but it really is amazing these change humps aren't actually that difficult you know they could they sort of startled you at first but ya know it's just kind of like [Laughter] oh I love you buddy oh here we go I love you too man [Laughter] the first time I ever saw it was in the the picture we took for the calendar we were in the Sailor Moon outfit and you couldn't get it over your head and I think some would snap the picture with like your midriff exposed and just your arm sticking I was like man Aaron's kind of weirdly fat rip what if you do it on this one though yeah give it one shot here and there we go next time I gave [Laughter] your a kid and like you're your dad screams baloney what do you like smacks you in the head a thousand times right right then when you're [ __ ] like 40 and you hear the word baloney you're gonna be like baloney rated-r starts Friday you'll never expect it around the corner catch me [Laughter] it's to Bologna [ __ ] job Aaron holy [ __ ] that was awesome can't believe we almost next time on gig rope that I know man I would have been a really lame that would have been some soda Bologna am i right did you leave a really weird cryptic nonsensical Bologna man [ __ ] note on this thing oh yeah sure thank you if you want to place a football say foosball I feel a little girly hands are too small to play real shocker whoo small for the ball but what a fun accent that is oh yeah it's the gay Germans I never realized it was gay [ __ ] flying up there that's how you know is a director friend of mine says that's how you know when a shoot is getting too long when the gauge is when the gauge airman is coming up next a martini shot Oh y'all bleep this is everyone I think I've ever seen the flying beetles before well that sounds like your problem [ __ ] you oh yeah did you see that [ __ ] double threat right there that was insanity dude that was insane did you see that [ __ ] yes yes I saw it I shot a nice shot real good done Donna [Music] that's a little bit so much better if it was like really aggressive for no reason [Laughter] with the coins watch and that's a weird turn of phrase tempted by the fruit of another yeah dude your bananas are really getting me going sorry baby didn't mean to cheat on you but her fruit was incredibly tempting you know what since you put it that way I forgive you I never meant to cheat on my wife but I never expected to have guavas like that in my face either see the coins the coins look at the two coins I know I see okay cool I got you I think you just got to go now at this point you know I got a I got a unlock that exploding Hannity wreck how would you do that h-he feet man oh the trials and tribulations of a let's player [Laughter] what's a chief we yeah man you know when that's your like top I know who's gonna say you whiny [ __ ] things are okay hello ma'am my name is Rachel I'm 38 I live in this city would after years and years of crawling my way to the top I finally found a job with Ford modeling but not as a model as a receptionist wow I'm just like writing a sitcom it's so like I can so clearly hear it on TLC yeah you might think that I'm a trendy cool girl working at a modeling agency but actually I'm one of the most nerdy girls you'll need Star Wars is my Bible oh goodness my friends all call me the love inator don't trust his see an apartment 23 dance dance and there's new level of my country look for this fall for my new sitcom as [ __ ] synonymous a real weird non sequitur y'all laugh your [ __ ] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] here it comes oh [ __ ] it's up there my name's [Music] hey Mina Sako arigato kawaii what I don't come Kitty Kitty you're so pretty pretty I'm sorry I I've been listening to Hello Kitty by Avril Lavigne a lot today yeah why I don't know I don't know it's just been in my head and Barry um Barry caught me listening to it at the house uh-huh and I actually had the thought like when it happened I was like I would have rather he caught me jacking off that is really fast trying to spin jumping on the plants also I'm the fruit you can't spin your phone oh yeah that'll kill you no matter what well what the [ __ ] about what am I gonna do once I do that I gotta get past with whomps no but I mean like maybe you can get close enough to that dang yeah Mel to set the swamps huh look they just fight I think I have to like bounce on the thwomps with this I feel like bounce on the side of the swamp to go through the law are you sure maybe I don't know here we go oh this is giving me claustrophobia yeah I know you have to have been able to clear the stage to black okay so far so good oh here I [ __ ] go god damn it god [ __ ] I had the run button held why did I kick it I don't know maybe you're lying this sucks god damn it did you ever think of that here thank you baby people yeah you know what I really did consider it in that split-second of time I was like maybe I'm lying myself maybe I'm just I'm not honest with myself and I just so I can have to feed myself lies in order to live with my [ __ ] consequences that and there's another swamp there so pathetic that's what I have to do what I have to [ __ ] hit the POW and then let him catch it behind your head yeah yeah I think you're right that's [ __ ] that's garbage it's pretty nuts I'm gonna make the jump just from there I was thinking yeah that's true if you can you just saved yourself a cool a second bro ah no no can't I can't okay good stuff there's been more than 10 seconds god damn it oh all right in the [ __ ] life right now alright yeah isn't it amazing how one email can totally change your life yeah like the one you sent me and Brian to introduce yourself oh yeah lo those many years ago that was a YouTube message yes it was it wasn't even like email it was for me go Raptor and it said I have an OK channel and I think at the time you had like 250,000 subscribers and we were like oh my [ __ ] god how can any more human being have that many I can't even fit that many people in a theater yeah it was amazing to us [ __ ] but you were super humble and super nice and uh and a lot of things have changed yeah yeah and and now look at you 3 million subscribers going strong and you're a complete [ __ ] dick ah man I'm not good at Mario mm-hmm [Applause] is that cool spin I did I'll just [ __ ] don't take that free you just gotta get right on the trampoline and just jam yeah I'll just I'll just call up Justin and be like hey man let's hang out and he'll be like who is this why do you keep calling me and acting like we're friends someone sent this to me it's from mr. technical difficult on Facebook and it's called how to piss your pants without pissing your pants and it's a guy in London it's a video of a guy getting arrested in some kind of British territory and like he's he's clearly on drugs or something he's all [ __ ] up but he he's like pissing his pants but in such a way that he's like dick is like tucked up so he's like pissing like out the arc like not getting any on him so I guess he is a little bit but it's really funny and amazing and Aaron watched it he was like wow wow [ __ ] amazing immediately started over and watched it again he's great and he's drunk and he's like oh they put me in jail 10 years 20 years 30 years I'll bang you up my family or buying you up and he's all he's just pissing himself and I didn't know oh nice oh nice and you're doing great this time because that video gave me [ __ ] power oh yeah sorry did you know baskin-robbins has 31 flavors I do and it goes into the logo it goes into the logo yeah how so right side of the be in the left side of the our missus 31 top I have to see it yeah oh my god it's [ __ ] genius that's like thought that's like the Hartford Whalers whaletail logo law I love the holy [ __ ] you're right yeah whoa that's bananas Kevin put up the baskin-robbins logo we are definitely not okay we do enjoy ice cream hey baskin-robbins if you ever want to come on my face like a boardroom meeting where they're like so popular youtuber that we as a company I'm trying to do so we're this meeting is to determine who will be the one doing that yes Jim do you have any opinions yes I would really love to come on this venture all right Jim Jim you're fired you are I'm all about wow that was awesome gender equality and whatnot good why is it why is it Maria instead of Mario Super Mario Brothers really doesn't have that same that's just because you've been conditioned yeah that's probably true [ __ ] 25 years okay I don't know if I mentioned this before in the show but I've got a dear friend named Amy and she's from the Midwest and she's always telling me how people in Wisconsin say crap you know great and she kind of figured out the perfect way to like spell it in text form I was like oh crap and she responded D comma note I'm sorry D apostrophe a H space CRA why PE and ever since she did that like I've been able to [ __ ] him do it perfectly every time because I could just visualize crepe that's like when Ross you stood have an Australian accent you'd say no Roo and still when he sit when you want to say no no you want to do that it's just a no are you know Ruth no no yeah I never thought of that yeah nor I Ober a lot when I travel yeah I'm not paid for this by the way you'll understand everything for anything you'll understand where you're where this is going except crunchyroll print your old access so I use uber a lot when I travel and I just discovered that you can have an invite code you can give somebody who hasn't used uber yet a code okay to give them a free ride and to give you a free ride okay so I figured hey oh you sneaky [ __ ] are you about to never pay for an uber ride front right sir you sneaky I've got a platform where I can just give everybody a free ride on uber oh my god but then I also get free rides so that's hey that [ __ ] if you want a free ride and you've never used uber before put in the code Aaron that's a rin h2 5ue into your new Eber account and you will get a free first ride unbelievable but so will I on [ __ ] do you want me to go to a restaurant and start collecting bread for you to put it up on the screen again that number is h2 5u e you enjoy those free rides you guys you are a piece of work god that's [ __ ] good it's really funny but I think I probably would have blown it like a blew up dog and just laughed oh my god I wonder if anyone has ever fallen as hard for up dog as I did and that Goonies - it was a what is that was it your house - I think [Laughter] [Music] okay choked on my own spit dude the [ __ ] the place where you come up is like eight inches away from the first pipe I'd have to go through a mile underground of underwater God shenanigans you know talking about I know you Eve you're gonna emerge like two feet this is absurd okay here we go hey you know what I just thought of what did you think of do you remember our our ultimate pick-up line that we came up with while we were in Portland no um cuz we were talking that really pretty girl who worked at the hotel uh-huh and I was like I need the perfect pick-up line even though he were talking for like an hour and you and I came up with hi I'm a musician with a huge penis you know where I can find guitars in Magnum condoms that uh that was not tried that way I did not go through oh yeah nose I don't think we saw her again no no but still I don't know a single Korn song I'm sure I do what dude like that hmm sounds it's like whoa whoa it's cool don't worry thank you guys [ __ ] what sound does a sheep make what's that is a cat make now whoops what happened to put that it again no Aaron no it was F noise fault yeah you know it was [ __ ] F nor it's pronounced nor alright well I'm not [ __ ] Nordic here honey were you snoring no I was sneezing I was using my nose here we go play mom can I go play outside it's snowing no you can't yeah there we go hey great job there we [ __ ] go I want that though I want that yeah [ __ ] bed it Jesus Christ you nailed it and there's a here let me [ __ ] I want to show you the drawing that's there okay yes you are caught in my [ __ ] kitty cat explosion I've got two cat in my sight sir don't let his cute looks distract you from the mission that needs to be completed don't let him deceive you this is he let's [ __ ] do it oh look at these cute things okay what are they though they're little like whoa Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'm Jude I'm hard how'd you get out of here I'm gonna go ahead and shake it hit that start over button room do you have to go faster like get in there before they know that's too fast all right all right what this does see how this works out for me okay let's say all right god damn it just give me the [ __ ] jump kick god damn it Jesus [ __ ] I swear I'm not I can do it again watch oh here comes the jump kick I super like green grid little Mac the one from the actual punch-out game what are you I just want to feel it out it's hard not jumping is weird do you want me to try this one okay I heard a good joke what's that my friend Maureen told me what's the difference between a garbanzo bean in a chickpea but I wouldn't pay $300 to have a garbanzo bean on my face I love that one boy thanks lady Ann Oh what was the 100 you called for Mexicans and quick said cuatro Cinco that is so dumb cultures so silly the Mexican magician said he would disappear on the count of three mm-hmm and then he goes uno dos poof and then he disappeared without a trace Wow Wow your lips were forming the word tres I saw you already breaking into like oh goodness well you don't need it you're already a little Mack Wow why didn't it come back that one time because I don't know because I don't know do you ever [ __ ] think of that yeah how about that for an answer do you remember when we went after we recorded the first starbomb song ever how you took me to Tokyo Wakko to celebrate yeah yeah and then and then we texted each other the next day and it was like bro my farts are wack man we've had some marvelous times this levels becoming [Applause] yeah mind [ __ ] mind [ __ ] mind [ __ ] around now I'm now I'm glad we didn't mention my name is Arnold mind [ __ ] you [ __ ] dammit that's [ __ ] [ __ ] the cannonballs fuck'em itself baby happy just made Happ level me P so scary oh thank you can make it oh you're getting pretty high though no you guys sorry that one caught me by surprise - god damn it boy how am I even supposed to fight like look at that I think I think you just have to hold on to the bigness and get hurt and keep flying oh that's right you don't get hit yeah the [ __ ] level means yeah you've been getting hit haven't you yes okay and wondering what the problem don't get hit you gotta lay down and put that mirror right where the Sun don't shine [ __ ] have you done that oh yeah yeah it's [ __ ] crazy it's disgusting it's the eye I was like that is what gave me all of my personal image problems I was totally okay with everything about myself and then I looked at that and I was like that's me [Laughter] you know when you like you go you go through dancing through life and then when you're 17 you finally get into like a like a clothing store that has like the back mirror yes and you just look at your back and you're like could see that phase it will carry over to the face that if you're at home that goes with that voice oh no you're pacing it comes next and we're gonna hang we're gonna like watch some movies we're gonna like chill out we're gonna [ __ ] like listen to some cool music let me touch each other's penises yeah we're gonna have like a great time i won like twice throw the frisbee around yeah you know like again little pin the tail on the donkey touch penises he's gonna pet my cats because he loves my cats maybe kiss a little [Laughter] we're gonna have a picnic we're gonna make sandwiches we're gonna lie the celery to touch penises we're gonna play some frisbee gonna hang out got a bro chill gonna kiss alone goddammit wait I'm gonna try I feel like you should just have silence to do this go for it well that works I was like oh man I'm cool with anyone's opinion as long as it's like well thought out and not presented in the dickish way I also don't think I can mentally handle much more of this level what sort what because the the sound of it is nightmarish I don't really care well there's that honestly I didn't even consider that you might say that I mean it sounds like you're doing pretty well we probably another 30 or 40 on this [Laughter] this works oh oh no oh no [Music] all right five more tries and then for your own mental health do it because five is at four okay sometimes you just gotta [ __ ] speak from the heart well in that case I think you are one of my top two favorite game grumps who's the first [Laughter] this one looks welcoming I just can't seem to find a guy like who doesn't want me to eat his [ __ ] I was taking this guy Brad out and it was the third day and he just spread those precious cheeks so that was like our bread not you I mean Jesus I want to meet that girl wait go get another what I can't um no you just get two I only get one from that spot I must have missed you not getting it the first for some reason my mind thought you got it I got it bro I [ __ ] got it so stop being such a [ __ ] ninny you're referable ninny are and your words are hurtful I guess your words I guess to somebody who would be like ended by the an 18th century pic wit how dare you you cook oh [ __ ] wake Laney Mario man whoo ha ha [Laughter] [Applause] it's really hard can you go down come back and start over Oh goddammit I was close and it would have stayed over there it would I think it would have I would have I would have think you were right I think you were right I think I was right too so don't [ __ ] so don't [ __ ] agree with me now late to the party Larry [ __ ] dammit jeez my brain failed me you know what I don't know why I don't know why this is not a word that is said very often but I thought you said oh my clitoris I was like dude really sorry to hear that yeah it's a downer Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] ass dicks yeah be quick with that to getting get getting push so much push you are not right now getting all kinds of poo ladies out there checking out our video skims watching can it be done nope well then oh oh no it's a good thing there's checkpoints because I'm [ __ ] I'm just bought back legs God's Way if back tonight [ __ ] Draenor I think the idea is to get them not on the [ __ ] Yang's I just wanna get back tonight the hell with guys just dance I just can't they just wait fact guys it's like a plan oh yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] I just wanted it looks like the way they balance out you can only use that like dicks [ __ ] dick pic assume that Center one you just [ __ ] dick that's my shut back it's just a it's just a dick covered in [ __ ] just god dammit I keep getting [ __ ] dick [ __ ] dick in myself I love mega man I know you do I think me as my boy why did you keep calling him mehgan man the other time is that a joke I'm missing out on its it was a sea colitis true oh I I don't much care for that this is cool blew my cover they're after me now yeah yeah finish it off his [ __ ] Mario um yes uh Mary was telling me she like had game grumps on and her mom was in the room it was around Christmas and like it was the one where we started off like I feel like I'm going crazy yeah so get [ __ ] while eating my own [ __ ] and apparently her mom turned to her and was like well that wasn't very Christmassy of him to tell you that forever thanks for your insight what's up mrs. Mary's mom and oh my god look at the world record holder Shh he's legit we'll do it next time I game rooms all right um see you then everybody okay are you getting yeah I'm getting the club getting tips oh oh oh hi pal hey buddy hey big Bell it's like you have a dog that like you love but you're also kind of afraid are you in one of your moods today buddy [Laughter] [Music] he's like loved you he's dead good I'm glad he's dead killed my son I killed him and called boy oh yeah that's what I'm talking about he's dead [ __ ] him my son start throwing those balls bro oh [ __ ] what are you doing no Dickie doing a real fool ID Duke hey dude yeah it's just a bunch of Dookie just a bunch of cardinal dookie dookie flying out of my jeans Dookie coming out of my shirt wish I do a movie about [Music] girls that just have a slumber party where nothing happens like no killer shows up this summer four girls are going to have the slumber party of a lifetime things are really heating up in the bedroom snacks come out things get really hot one of these days something's going to happen and it won't be pretty [Music] this be prepared [ __ ] for one night of summer a slumber party you'll never forget never forget and they never did this stay doing for in bed by 8:00 girls and they sleep all night Doris if I do I roll scary neighborhoods are very misleading in a sense because yes they are scary yes there are people there that will kill you and also there are tons of [ __ ] super nice people yeah like I lived I lived in some very shady places when I lived in Philly and I mean like even even the guys who would like call me cracker like they were super nice like I mean once they got to know me they like what's up cracker I was like hi guys hello cuz I didn't know what to do at first and I was scared yeah okay job if a girl ever was like I don't like you because your shoes I'd be like I don't like you because that's statement I don't like you because you yes that's a mean shitty thing to say oh man oh man it's really clever what a dick move man it's great okay oh damn this [ __ ] dude Oh pampers Oh trying to come up with new I bet if you say anything in the wrote with the right cadence it sounds like a curse o fence Howard Stern come on come on feel it feel it feel it feel it that [ __ ] song is great since [ __ ] love that's I adore that song his bunches were funky I have so many Godzilla movies on DVD do you really yeah oh my god hey I just haven't watched any of them because I want people to watch them with oh my god so these these episodes are now called so this is not best for the internet anymore okay I've asked Vernon to handpick some episodes and so are some levels and so these levels are called the Vernon's very vivacious variety hour oh that's very nice yeah that's it that's a that's a quadruple V yeah that's a super V um so this is swim the musical this has one clear yep I'm I'm gonna have you play I would love to I would love to be that second clear out of 14,000 180 - yeah I'm gonna give it to you bro all right let's do this how do I play this again whoops great thank you thank you feel so good start uh cool I'm gonna go ahead and put the the code in again go ahead and do that sorry sorry it's been a while it's been a while since I played this yeah it's okay I understand but got [ __ ] dammit I gotta put this whole [ __ ] pretty awesome dude he's a real power move on my part [ __ ] [ __ ] I swear to god this is stupid hard okay so yeah [ __ ] oh yeah all right so easy not super easy I bet I could do it in one shot really yeah okay let's try this my my life and also my but him alright to a lesser degree please I'm already getting salty dude come on immediately annoying ha ok [ __ ] alright ok here we go here comes a ha ha get farther Oh God [ __ ] balls you're doing good dude I want to see it well yeah a lot of jellyfish there well I gotta hit 3 there damn I want to die right now dude you are so close I'm not close Aaron close you can't possibly know that like you're unbelievably close every time every time like you want to slap you want to let it out yeah you can't let it out you can't see it because you know it's an audio show huh [ __ ] Wow you were so close Aaron this controller is getting mashed into your skull it's fine they sell them now this is this is hard to watch and I'm experiencing it I think you can do it to you Aaron I do you truly so easy do you really think I can do this in the allotted remaining time yep yep I'm gonna give it five more tries yep go ahead and then I'm gonna hand this controller to you and I'll do it in one try if you do you I quit game grumps yeah I don't want to do it's that simple I can do it dude do you cannot I can you cannot I can I would I would stake my life on it you sure yeah so you would kill yourself if I did it the first try yeah absolutely absolutely alright I like yeah alright there's a lot riding on this okay here okay here you go here yarn for my entire life riding on the jump button the B yeah baby good luck lunch quiet oh man I got scared for a second again what the hell okay this [ __ ] is beyond impossible [ __ ] do you have to [ __ ] it and hold it or something no you just there's this theory there's a method bro yeah the method is create the level and then learn exactly what yeah okay I know it okay what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you so much better at just letting out aggression than I am there you go there you go whoa Oh all right you've matched my uh you've gone as far as I have no no no okay here we go he was this is probably the one this is probably one there you go there you go there you go damn it [ __ ] goddamn [ __ ] [ __ ] piece of ass it doesn't [ __ ] work I know it does it doesn't [ __ ] work I know [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] work it doesn't [ __ ] work Wow calm down right shut up okay hey welcome back Oh welcome back to infuriation grumps here we go damn it those of you who missed the last episode yeah you have to [ __ ] swim to the song in this level it's like a little it's like a little behind the mic a little off yeah a problem New Jersey [ __ ] [ __ ] god dammit dude [ __ ] deal I can't I can't do this anymore dude I think I've reached my limit good [ __ ] good [ __ ] [ __ ] it easy breezy beautiful girl maybe she's born with it maybe it's mabeline oh my god you're doing [Music] [Laughter] my mom mommy mommy bring that sweet white but one clear noodle this level has a one [ __ ] clear that's it in a single sign myself I can be very nope nope mmm went off too fast okay when I have two fat you got another beat from step one Oscar the Grouch lives nope you got to do it step one right away I just can't you can't flub the first beat [Music] [Laughter] that's the most humiliating one I'm gonna [ __ ] create some new curse words [ __ ] mahogany table Ralph Macchio [Laughter] carrot cake squirtle convertible moss ok Streetcar Named just whoa why give it three more try yeah hold on okay I'm just want to keep the [ __ ] that's it [ __ ] and they got to do it like a little bit for [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] who said my mom hates dance laughs I just want to dedicate this next laughing fit to that dude's mom cuz I mean what you can do right like I can do anything about it shit's funny whoa oh oh okay nice Brown Berber did you know that if you fold a dollar bill a certain way you can turn George Washington into a mushroom oh yeah you can also have it say tits of America that's my favorite thing to do oh damn that's the spot you want to be in but what will that just take me into a wall I don't [ __ ] know why don't you ask you I'm not yelling you might calm you oh my god it's a Marilyn you what to do okay yeah you can break it with your head so I can yeah god you're right pig oh whoa you okay yeah that's a lot of gases coming out of a lot of holes dude you just summed up my entire friendship with you all right here we go [Music] it just has to be like absolutely perfect damn it [Music] you oh my gosh oh boy Mario maker you are a [ __ ] never-ending adventure I'm running out of breath JK just kidding this is levels JK dizzy Krispy Kreme garbage okay my [ __ ] birthday alright and we're done oh we're not done we are I thought we were done we are not done [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that should be the easy one okay [ __ ] dizzy pancakes okay oh wow oh it's a real cool real cool radical rex oh boy god dammit god dammit god dammit I'm starting over clouds are sorted something it's important in something I don't know just smile at me and they're making me feel good make me big give me a little song in my hearts this level makes you feel bad [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] his ass [ __ ] this ass [ __ ] this ass oh this is a piece of [ __ ] garbage we shouldn't knock a Dookie we didn't collect on this and by we I mean definitely we just made okay leave it alright Zelda what the odd damage well Jesus I'm okay yeah damn it it's like you got a die bro alright that was a fall I fell on that one so now we know it's not the first - good luck call me the controller has been passed to Aaron Hanson Aaron Hanson no he hasn't controller but number one game Crum according to Erin the number to grow everybody loves our enhance and according to Erin Hanson the grump that nobody loves committee [ __ ] I want to take you down Aaron Hanson has been determined to be the champion of everything according to Aaron Harrison champion uh-oh very hard dude you [ __ ] are you gonna run back again to mommy before you ask are you running to mommy yeah come on bro you know this is the smart choice I do I do [Music] you know this is a smart choice says Aaron the dumb crime always makes the bad choices this is the way to do it boy all right easy so easy should be doodoo oh you got a fire flower oh because it oh this is just the satisfying you get to murder everything you know that sounds about that sounds about so it's a bummer subject it's the song about his girlfriend gets pregnant and she wants to keep the baby so she's a brick and he's drowning slowly oh good wow that's nice thank you well hope everyone has a great day Jesus Aaron [ __ ] songs about though no I know it's great it's great good sad depressing song I think it's very fun and unique and that's brick 101 cave crash looks awesome yeah maybe next time maybe next time hoho you've won this round sucka don't blow it no don't blow it that way you blew it you little [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] i straight [ __ ] up yeah your fall that's it for me goddamn yeah I may not even think about that I'm just like this fuse it's really clever you can't let this fuse get lit just light it as a protective measure this is so [ __ ] hard yeah this is this is a great idea silly bit I'm gonna hit the lava I wanted it I wanted to choose my own yeah going destiny your own terms okay that seems self explanatory okay straight god these are really clever it's so [ __ ] smart I love it this is a great great idea okay props to whoever created this yes stay ahead of that shiz oh no no no no right in the mouth the [ __ ] that's what I want I want to get eat all I've been - Audrey - I want to get eight okay Audrey - yeah the plan from the cars that you're talking about Brian's kid I was like there's a second he didn't know and she has a huge [ __ ] mouth [Laughter] if Dexcool I got it I got it you and your impatience get a new one okay I got a new one check it yo get the Xingu just maybe oh [ __ ] was this a really bad mistake yep nope yeah it's all right don't think so oh you didn't do that yourself Oh oh you've gotta get one yeah you've got to create like a platform it would appear the most difficult of Shahnaz a challenge a difficile dude God [ __ ] [ __ ] God whoa easy now damn it just reverse those two words and you're like whoops I've offended everybody instead of nobody God [ __ ] yeah that's fine that just sounds like a stabbing westward well it was fun I had an enjoyable time what a great gurney it was not actually that hard but it was a pleasant little perusal down the petunia Parkway okay great level I would check out your others but some something about the way he wrote that makes it look like a threat I have your sister I will check alright well here we are let's do it oh [ __ ] Mario three I almost tried to spin the opponent mm-hmm Oh God oh here comes you're goofy [ __ ] there's a possible there's multiple oh [ __ ] hey hey thanks coinage and nothing for you the secrets appear hell yeah oh [ __ ] sweet Wow there were so many deaths there yeah they're like surely there's something cool but uh did you just see I'm like piling on top of each other yeah that's really funny the [ __ ] is happening I don't know I don't I don't know if you're making progress or like skip now like I'm trying to look at all these things to see if there's like weird should not just a bunch of Japanese nonsense what do you mean skip wait was that it oh god oh god oh do it stop oh [ __ ] oh my god whoa that [ __ ] got stressful all right oh my god well that was a great level oh it's cool oh that was cool I liked it I'm gonna I'm gonna leave a comment do it curse the golden flower oh I get it cuz it's like it's like Indiana Jones they go in and you get the golden flower and then the whole [ __ ] place Falls oh yeah that's great you should write Valley Cueva I'm gonna write a snug boat I'm gonna write okay heron is writing on narrate it he wrote something very small letters that I couldn't even make it cool that's my comment is that right let's see you pop up good god that [ __ ] finger control to even that's awesome this belongs in a museum awesome Indiana Jones first second it is oh nice great job 11 seconds Vaughn there's got to be a secret ask your boy breakfast he knows it just gotta be like a secret flower somewhere you know what I mean all right well you got six seconds to figure it out damn bro dicks there's gotta be a got to be a seal how did he do in 11 seconds if he [ __ ] into me how did he do it he's so good so tell me there's a [ __ ] tunnel right here that where does the tunnel go so many [ __ ] questions whoa whoa I've never seen that before what is happening where's the tunnel go what does the Fox say answer it's up there that's the tunnel so if you go up and around somehow you can get through there and into that tunnel boom nope nice catch nope I think you hit the bottom one initially dammit [ __ ] [ __ ] this ass okay okay whoa give one more shot okay one more shot even one well maybe the messages are saying something that could be fire flower yes sup curse of the flower get trapped in here with the goombah cool there's not there's nothing this one sets up doesn't say anything I think that's nice I think it's nice that he said hello what about this one in the middle here oh [ __ ] do you see that [ __ ] wait hold on okay check this out watch this uh-huh check this [ __ ] out okay check in you can [ __ ] bring this [ __ ] all the way back that's way longer - oh you can't go back anything go back jiggers you're gonna slip it up you know I'm not gonna slip it up because it's a thing that I watch videos of sugar extraction there's there's specific channels that are about like you know third world countries that have problems with chiggers and they [ __ ] they go in and they extract them out of people's skin you are a tightening fate it's disgusting but it's so fascinated err their little skin mites there's yeah they're disgusting yeah and they did get in there and they breed and then they get spreads sugars and then they candy create like these scabs that you have to like feel gross this and they just take you to pick them out oh god I'd rather you were just a racist but they're called chiggers look them up yeah don't look a mess IgG I [Music] these little mustaches in the background mustaches Kevin please don't call this episode yeah please don't oh I see the mustaches on the windowsills yeah yeah I was Sean Connery yeah do you thinking in country its do you think we're dust mites are falling all over the place people like these triggers be trippin we are gonna get in trouble at some point oh that was [ __ ] awesome what a great stage yeah except you missed the thing to give you the full like experience of the hooray laughs [ __ ] it yeah you they even use it at for aesthetic purposes yeah that's that's ma'am Bravo Bravo yep well done well done good job Phil sweet the school platform best level I played all day [Applause] picture faces awesome so wavy yeah get in there all right cool nice how's it father hello that was your father yeah how's he doing he's a good guy fact communicated in a meaningful way I mean you know I poke upon Facebook everybody I don't poke your father I will poke all your relatives on Facebook don't do it just yet [ __ ] yeah dude you got to make them know why what I guess you could toss them up yeah whoa look at all those [ __ ] coins that loco for has he's probably a good course maker yeah I mean I've never seen all the whole thing before I here we go basser's closet all right [ __ ] Ross house full poins does he really yeah people are worth undue praise fourth in the world for a while he was actually on the the most famous Star Wars Cantina song what the Fitz whoa you're a block can't find me just yeah oh yeah hey Mario where you hiding I'll never tell is that you Mario [Laughter] that's interesting I can't Wow well that was easy that doesn't look easy let's do it okay doesn't look easy at all let's do it from Bodeen I like these weird like around the world random travels that we have in this game yeah that's right those Springs won't be bothering anyone else for a long time I guess he's just uh just they stole that from Ross came up with that the easy level no the [ __ ] it Bowser won't bounce back and forth you can't do that Jesus you can't do what we just watched on YouTube hold on okay all right essentially you have to throw the turtle shell into the spring god [ __ ] christ jump off the turtle shell as it springs back at you and then go from there yeah almost holy [ __ ] dude this is not good what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude this is dick oh my god what I gotta watch it again I'm gonna watch the technique oh my god I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it good god no no no I got this I got this I got this oh so [ __ ] close that was actually not so close okay so close oh man I could taste it that's how close it oh [ __ ] oh damn my dick is hard as [ __ ] bro did you see that dude my dick is lifted up the table oh not happening holy goddamn this is oh my god well it's not impossible Jesus very very improbable infinite improbability to drive from Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy oh oh you trickster oh you jettster I'll give you five more tries you flotsam and jetsam okay here we go yep there's one you've grabbed that powder you've grabbed that bonus pal here is - whoo yes yes well you just get killed by the powder Dix oh no there's a spike underneath it's my second plus model well it is laughs I would've gotten you eventually you know what I'll give you two ten how about that cuz they they go so mad or so fast there's more [Laughter] [Music] whoa I want it halfway through six nipples running through my know seven seven sorry there you go there ya go there it is oh there's six oh that's definitely what you want cuz then you could do the two-tiered thing like no no no that's good will they still be going or can they not ever leave the screen you have to do that is it yeah I think so I mean you would have made it if you just jumped a little earlier had induced around like dude Wow dude seriously talked about are you a million percent serious what no okay it's a joke it's a joke then or how can you be so sure that this isn't a joke it's it's tough because you are getting to be a much better actor as like that's like our gamegrumps experience wow you really slid down there thank you for that compliment by the way I feel that way too yes yes do it yes yes I'm on slam my [ __ ] in your mouth I'm gonna put it in your ear audio sex I take it back you are the best thank you you might have to call this episode early and then figure out what to do like on lines it's just like a [ __ ] level that I found on the Internet yeah but you don't want to know this is an eating away you not to know Danah my wife made chicken and dumplings back home for me do you think that's the [ __ ] top concern of mine mm-hmm to figure this [ __ ] out I don't know maybe some of us don't have a wife and don't have chicken and or dumplings waiting for us at home maybe so maybe this is all we've got maybe this is all is all i dan Avedon have if I was speaking hypothetically as myself yeah you know in a very real situation someone as someone sent me a meme that was like I was just I just tell you about it like my favorite sex position is nine that's me alone in my bed curled up crying the nine wow you really can't you really can't ya can't that's a really hard one that's Garbo that's where you lost it last times you have a bullish it is tried again god this [ __ ] [ __ ] oh yeah yeah [ __ ] you [ __ ] you by the way this is a good time as any for anyone who watched our steve-o episode where he asked about whether I wanted to crush my friend Ali meaning have sexual relationship with her special shout-out to everyone who who bombarded her social media with hashtag crush it with Dan very cool of you all very cool of you thank you hmm that was funny though that was funny when steve-o was like I don't know what crush means and I was like I believe it means to crush puss and he was like yeah his voice was uh really really a unique oh yeah there's the key whoa open the door open the door yay get on the floor yeah oh yeah okay that was weird next time I get close all right see you later everybody my vote for best Mario maker level in the entire world chef Mario chef that's Mario Thank You sweets Earl into your chocolate Jesus racists much why they make great chocolate they do racist I'm Imbros hanging out with I remember I was hanging out with PewDiePie once and I had some solution eyedropper well it's relevant okay and I had some swedish fish so I was like hey do you want some swedish fish and he was like he was like now back home we just call it fish like he's a lovely dude I was like really and he was like
Channel: AppleSauce 3.0
Views: 966,063
Rating: 4.5637426 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor, Game Grumps, Best Moments, Compilation, Super Mario Maker, Mario, Maker, Super, Mega, Ultra, Big Compilation, Full, 1-105, BM, Steam Train, ross, jirard, the completionist, arin and dan, egoraptor, ninja sex party, rage, quit, pissed off, deaths, online, fan, stages, nintendo, god dammit, Ross, rubber ninja, Arin, Wii u, Applesauce, Applesauce 2, 2.0, blade, mcleven, compilation, battle kid, super hard, impossible, levels, Pit of Panga, P-break
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 12sec (13212 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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