Gabbie Hanna wrote a poem about me...

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hello everyone so today is the day that you've all been waiting for i am going to be revisiting the gabby hannah anthologies one of my most popular videos this year was my rather one-sided review of adult lessons so it is only fitting that over time her work has bloomed into a dandelion and boy oh boy is it a piece of work [Music] now in my eyes poetry is like red wine it tastes abhorrent why do we let it exist but also when you taste it you have to let it sit now i read the entirety of this book a few days ago with my editor and dear friend cynic snacks so throughout this video whenever i make a reference to something that gabby has written or drawn yes okay she illustrated this book herself this stone most definitely muttered both of the birds i'll be cutting to our reactions so you can experience this fine wine like we did [Music] disclaimer this video is for entertainment purposes if you are thinking of buying this book and are looking for an honest review you have clicked onto the wrong video go watch vsauce or something i don't know also before buying this book i saw a tweet from someone saying that there's a reference to me in it i'll take the shout out however negative it may be and after reading it i do know what they're talking about but we're going to address that a little bit later instead i'm going to be starting this video on a positive note with some of the poems that i actually enjoyed thank you for watching that segment of the video i'm just kidding okay on page four there is a poem that stood out to me in a good way it's called flight 141 and i like how i started by disliking it and then sort of came around to it over time i don't particularly wish to die but if the plane chose not to fly and plummet swiftly from the sky well i suppose that'd just be fine i like the personification of the plane because the planes can't choose to do things okay yeah sure so i don't particularly wish to die but if the pilot chose not to fly and plummet the plane swiftly from the sky well i suppose that would be it would probably be a terrorist attack whenever i fly i always accept death yeah there's nothing you can do so try not to worry yeah and then i just sit there and worry for six hours i guess this is probably one of the ones we can relate to more than anything because it's for all those people with the slight fear of flying that you don't really have until you're actually on the plane yeah it's probably the first time that gabby hannah has ever been relatable to me i'm wondering though that's more of a stopped clock telling the right time twice a day kind of me because there are a lot of moments in this book where she hits you with the oh life is so sad have you ever felt sadness before waves on page 16 for example is not a good poem in fact i wouldn't even say it is a poem life is full of ups and downs oh cool when's the up part not this page that's a certain the only real juice i got out of this poem after analyzing it is that waves go up and down and that's why uh that's why they're in the sea talking about ups and downs poetry that being said i much prefer these discussions of emotions compared with the range that dixie demelio was employed in her music sometimes i don't want to be happy and i was really really really really sad do not count as lyrics i'm afraid my personal favorite poem of this book came on page 23 with distance little by little pebble by pebble speck by speck of dust the mountains eroded leaving a canyon between the two of us the whispers were bellowed resentments were echoed across a cliff so grand all you needed to close the gap was to reach out for my hand that's actually a really nice one this would work uh in a song this feels more lyric no i prefer it in a poem cynic remarks that the poem feels somewhat lyrical and speaking of lyrics there was another moment on page 86 where i made a similar observation the poem plagiarism feels like it was meant to be a lyric for a song that just got discarded somewhere along the line you can't take credit for my sadness i earned this on my own it's clearly been sat in her notes app for the last two years waiting to find its place in a song and again dixie if you ever need lyrical help come straight here you'll find a plethora of options to stop rhyming sad with bad for the 6 000 [ __ ] time on page 95 the poem commitment is gabby's best attempt at gathering her feelings about men because yes there's a lot of men don't deserve rights in this book not wrong i don't want a boyfriend i just want a guy to hang and grab food with almost every day and cuddle with every night who i can introduce to my parents and also doesn't talk to other girls in any romantic capacity or maybe in the future if it's something we both mutually decide as financially and personally right for us buy a home and start a family nothing serious i'm chill like that yeah i kind of like that that's it's very honest that's a bit kind of like the hyper psycho girlfriend vibe i quite like that one that poem was good in my opinion it plays on her insecurities her contradicting feelings towards men her excitement and even fear of the future and then elsewhere you just have these really repeated notions of both loving and hating men i think it would be possible if it was a one-off but it is the most recurring theme of this book there's a poem on page 85 for example called indecisive i never want to see you again for now it'll be extremely painful for you all commitment the poem i mentioned earlier handles contradicting emotions so much better than this superficial one-liner and to make matters worse only a few pages earlier we have the poem voicemail it's just the same poem with some swear words in it i hope i never have to hear your stupid [ __ ] voice again please and i could go on there's another poem on page 135 my therapist reminds me a lot of my ex he makes me cry at least once a week but i keep going back to him now i'd argue that this poem is better than the last two because it actually tries to relate the emotions to something outside of them but by this point you've already read the one-liner you've already read the one-liner with gamer words in it the impact has very much been madeline mccann its parents left it for tapas years ago okay it's gone and we have that same problem with different themes in this book be it with inferno and ironic which are on the same page why do we concern ourselves with the meaning of life and death don't you know that dying is trading one hell for the next why is it always about dying in hell and everything sucks and it's like i thought this was gonna be about flowers that's the same thought that one and that one are the same thing and then you also have it with the poems money and tinted which are about crying in public now i'm well aware that repetition is something quite subjective in art let's say in music it's important to have repeated melodies repeated lyrics like you would in a chorus for example that being said i take issue with it in this book because i don't trust youtubers i've had a group channel for less than a year and we've already been approached with a book deal we were even told that we wouldn't have to write any of it gabby has written this herself so it doesn't surprise me that there are repetitions she probably has a quota to fulfill and in the words of skepta because when your bars are hard like mine fans sometimes men have got to say them twice except the bars in this case aren't particularly hard and that's a bit of a shame because after reading them i wanted to hit my head with something that being said i would take these repeated poems a hundred times over some of the bad poems in this book on page 20 there's a poem called gross and i'm just going to show you my initial reaction to it tear stained cheeks that boot is so fine drear stained what's dream fear stained weeks and we're stained freaks i really hate this like tear stained cheeks is nice i like that that works yeah drea stained peaks that doesn't mean anything it's [ __ ] that's not a word and then we're stained freaks is just so like nah [ __ ] this this person she never really needs to rhyme in her poetry yeah she never like makes a point of it so it's weird that she's made a point of it here she's just trying so hard it's come to my attention that we've never actually named the james marriott viewership so i'd like to put forward the name the we're stained freaks stained with what i hear you ask well that's for me to know and for you to find out not in a weird way it's not my least favorite of gabby's poems are when she's sort of groveling about the situation she's in despite being hugely successful too old to be relatable too young to be wise too smart to be believable too dumb to be disguised too dull to be an artist i mean you've written a book too creative for nine to five too weak to find my purpose too strong to say goodbye right okay this is a mess i think she indulges a little bit too much in the self-imposed purpose of this book which is to be hashtag relatable a lot of people feel similar emotions to what she's trying to put across here about not knowing your place or purpose but she is an artist this book is proof of the fact that she is an artist she isn't relatable i do agree with that but that doesn't stop her from attempting to make that her niche the smart and dumb comparisons don't make sense there are plenty of creative nine to fives and it's not weak people that say goodbye it's strong people this to me doesn't feel like a matter of nitpicking the poem is incorrect another issue i have is whenever i find myself sitting back and actually enjoying a moment in this book there seems to be this unspoken rule where gabby goes all [ __ ] thanos the quality must be rebalanced i mentioned a perm called commitment earlier which i really like but on the next page page 97 we are blessed to host this might be the cringiest one yet i think maybe where there's smoke there's fire or possibly a vape pen everywhere get the hell out of there cool funny got him you are you vape that's so lame or maybe there is actually a fire and in which case i agree with you guys literally yeah you should be better name dropping vaping in poetry should be illegal it would be like if you took all of the musicians that have made covid a part of their lyrics and just trapped them in 2015 for the record i'd rather be in 2020 than 2015 and that's saying a [ __ ] lot and when the poems aren't necessarily bad they just come across as lazy to me on page 182 for example there's a poem called decline which reads i lost my credit card and the customer service woman asked me for my credit card number but i don't know my credit card number because i lost my credit card um okay it just seems like a gotcha another one of the many self-deprecating notes she wrote on her iphone three years ago i've got nothing against catch-22s in art this one just felt a bit basic and even then as a catch-22 it doesn't really feel like it worked doesn't your google chrome save your credit card information i know mine does i'm pretty sure that's why customer service woman would ask for your credit card number still most people just have it you do live in the 21st century guppy and then probably my highlight for laziness in this book comes on pages 142 and 143. it's a poem called blind and it starts off as something very wholesome gabby wrote a poem for her blind acquaintance it's a decent poem i've got nothing to particularly criticize about it and then to top it off the poem is then repeated in braille on the other page but then cynic and i noticed something it's a cute idea but have you got the physical copy of the book there i do does the page have indentations what page is this 142. um no oh my god commit to the idea please like message molly like hey did you get the poem she's like nah obviously i can't show you physically but i can assure you that this is this is not braille it's very much just paper what could have been something rather wholesome just comes off a tad gimmicky it's just another illustration to add to an already disturbing pile of illustrations there are three nude women littered throughout this book like pornographic easter eggs who's that no i don't i can't keep that in oh god oh god we definitely can't get back it gets worse and if the illustrations aren't explicitly nude they do seem to have some rather questionable undertones like on page 30. uh that's uranus she's so clever wait is that actually do you reckon that's actually what she meant gabby hannah eats ass confirmed planet has two rings i don't think it's any planet oh it is uranus that is actually uranus she's eating uranus that being said i actually came to enjoy a lot of the illustrations in this book especially compared with the first book if we try our best to put the nudity and the braille aside a lot of them contribute to the messages throughout the book and also add a little bit more personality to gabby's word there is however no excuse for last fake ass a poetry book is most definitely not a place for puns with that being said i should not be throwing stones from my porcelain house and now the poem you've all been waiting for cynic and i had been recording for about 36 minutes when we got to page 27 and the poem titled rest in peace there's a really tiny little speech bubble there as well the man who feasts can you do this away from your microphone could you like walk to the other end of your room and read it so it makes more sense the man who feasts on the deconstruction of others will never be full this is about you mate oh my god that little rat at the back that's you it's me that's you that's actually you you literally feast james on the destruction of others that's you do you remember that thing she said about the chocolate oh my god oh my god now the rat is a recurring character in this book and it doesn't seem to represent one theme in particular for example this is the only time where the rat is discussing the idea of feasting on destruction not that i've ever gone for that at nando's but a little bit of periberry salt and i wouldn't say no no i didn't think this section was about me at first i thought it could be self-referential she may have had some negative opinions about others maybe she saw them fail and realize that it didn't actually make her feel better about herself but it's the use of the word feasting which makes me feel like she's referring to people who've capitalized off of her dramas or her failures for both public and private reasons i know that gabby was not a fan of my first video on her poetry and i'd like to think that my approach to bad book club and my videos in general has evolved since then for a long time i was pretty jealous of other people doing better than me the reason i turned to commentary videos in the first place was out of the rather obscure way that i handled other people being more successful than i was and ironically it led to me becoming a successful person since the last few bad book club videos i made i've released original music slow down was a good start to what has now become a huge passion of mine but it most certainly has its fault people poked at those faults when it first came out and now so do i so with hindsight evoked i don't want bad book club to become a thing where i just [ __ ] on other people's art people love this book i don't you might not but some people do and it deserves respect in and of itself because of that what i aim to do with these videos is take something artistic and then pivot it in an entertaining light to a completely different audience than the one it was intended for people have done this with slow down and quite frankly if it happens again next month with him or the rest of the ep then so be it that's the internet if that makes you think of me as a rat with a walking stick i'm not 31 i don't need a [ __ ] walking stick then that's fine i completely understand what i'm happy with this year is that i've started to come to terms with why my career started off so negatively don't get me wrong i'll still be an [ __ ] because it's funny alright you love it but at least when it comes to bad book club i want you all to appreciate the fact that these books even exist because without it you wouldn't have this content and at the end of the day at times it felt like i was bashing poems just because i knew that gabby hannah had written them on page 10 there's a poem called nightlight for example daddy daddy help me i'm scared i reminded you last night darling what's wrong little girl i'm frightened i don't like the mud stare in here now it does read like a children's poem but that's the point of it it just so happens that gabby hannah has spent so much time spinning in the figurative washing machine of internet culture to the point where her works will inevitably be stained by her past despite the fact that i don't quite understand why this book was made there are poems titled bloom and dandelion which obviously referred to the title of this work but don't really have a consistent theme maybe the purpose of this book is money maybe this is just the easiest way for gabby to publicize the creative side of her notes app or maybe its purpose is simply not for me to know maybe it's for her audience to find out and with that rather thoughtful bombshell i'd like to thank every single person who supported me this year anyone who's left a like anyone who's left a comment anyone who subscribed you better [ __ ] subscribe every time the year comes to a close and this is still my job i feel like the luckiest person alive and it is people like you that lend me that love and with that being said what have a great christmas until next time
Channel: James Marriott
Views: 1,030,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A8Sx0YTolic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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