Futures: He's Coming For You

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the following program is sponsored by generous friends and partners of real life [Music] it's a serious day when the gospel has been ejected for social argumentation that we're not going to preach christ anymore what we're going to wind up doing is talking about either black lives matter or social justice or all these things cloaked in the pulpit the only answer to black lives matter and social justice is the gospel and when you depart from the gospel you go down the path of falsehood you're on the wrong path it's the wrong path he's coming for you that is today's message from jack kibbs so the question is are you ready fearful of becoming a victim of the cancel culture movement frustrated to feel you can't assert biblical truth without facing condemnation when you want to speak up but aren't sure what to say we will not be silenced a book by erwin lutzer unravels the complex threats faced by christians in a society that has weaponized race gender sexuality and more to divide individuals and undermine freedom order your copy now and gain a better understanding of non-believers legitimate hurts concerns and identify the toxic responses secular culture disguises as solutions learn how you can show compassion and gentleness to those outside of the faith without affirming their beliefs go to jackkibs.com to order your copy for a gift of any amount or if you prefer call 877-777-2346 we will not be silenced order now [Music] [Applause] so [Music] the bubble teaches us that jesus christ is coming back the question is is he coming for you all around the world there's so much being said and so much being done and so much being what introduced to our world that we need to think about and we need to change or focus on well what about this the bible has said and the bible says today that jesus christ is coming back in fact jesus said i'm coming back in an hour that you think not jesus said watch out because before he comes back there's going to be a lot of things distracting you and causing you to get your eye off the prize my dear friends listen don't fall for the distractions don't in any way shape or form be misled or led astray by the talking narratives of the day jesus said he's coming back the question is are you ready and will he be coming for you more than ever when we look around at our world when we see what's going on with churches for example or what's going on regarding faith this is a time for you to grab your bibles and to get into your scriptures like never before i'm excited i'm actually encouraged in these days in which you and i are living because christ is coming nothing's falling apart my dear friend in fact biblically everything's falling together and so more now than ever know your bible because christ is coming back people may laugh people may joke about it but is he coming for you because christ is coming [Music] he is coming for you he's coming for us so make sure you're on the right path that's obvious might i submit to you today that it's not as easy as you think it it was maybe 30 years ago or a hundred years ago the path way back in those days seemed to be a lot less cluttered than it is today when we talk about the path that i'm talking about you being a believer on the right path that is acceptable to god listen my dear friends not you not me but it's acceptable to god it's what god has approved of it's what god says now i know that when you and i punch in a destination on our gps or on our our phones or our cars or whatever it might be you've noticed that your your built-in gps systems got features on it and some of those features are things like this it will avoid accidents it will avoid toll roads it will it will avoid whatever but if you set your gps for destination the fastest route that's how my i don't know how yours is set you know you might select the more scenic route which i i wish they had that one by the way but i guess that's based upon your opinion but the one about fastest route that's the one i want that's the one i hit but in that you've noticed that when you select that it will then tell you you've got three different off options and uh each of them are about two minutes apart have you seen that and you can pick the fastest one these are the the top three that appear on on the destination route of what's fastest and you have these decisions to make and now today you and i are living in a a world of quote christianity that has all these other peripheral things that are available for you to pick and i got to tell you that's not a good idea it may be great on your gps about getting to the beach in time or disneyland or wherever you're going to go but when it comes to getting to heaven can you imagine you type in a heaven right 777 paradise lane heaven and it pops up and it says you have three options no i got i got news for you you got one option which is no option you've got one choice so be very careful because today and i'm not gonna do it don't don't respond when i say this you always do i could name names of famous christian leaders today that have now departed from that way that path and are offering alternative routes based upon your gender based upon your race based upon your ethnicity are you hearing me they now have departed famous names and it's sickening and it's tragic and yet when i read it and see it i understand that jesus warned about times just like this the question that you want to make sure that you can answer is that are you on the right path are you sure you're on the right path because he's coming for you he's coming for you let me tell you what being on the right path doesn't mean this is what it doesn't mean here's an example about how not to be on the right path mark chapter 10 verse 17 mark 10 17 the bible says now as he was going out on the road this is jesus one came running knelt down before him and asked him three things this person did whoever he is let's not read ahead whoever is this person came to jesus this person knelt down and this person asked him three things that i want to ask myself regarding the path that i'm on am i coming to jesus this guy starts out good he comes to jesus he kneels down in homage or reference to jesus and then he asks him and i have to ask myself am i approaching christ this way am i on the right path does he have my reverence does he have my request when i speak or ask him so this guy seems to be very focused he seems to be right on target so to speak and then he says something extremely powerful but we don't know what his answer is to this one asked he says to jesus good teacher what shall i do that i might inherit eternal life so he calls jesus good teacher you and i do not get this in our western world but this is what it's meant in the middle eastern world at that time and even day even to this day when the statement is made good teacher uh the the word means by the way the word good in original english because of the uh latin and the greek good is always reserved for god i don't know if you know that or not it was not supposed to be used toward anything else but god so when he says good teacher he's saying god's teacher that's what he's really saying you know how you and i say good morning you know we don't even know what we're saying the original english was god's morning to you good night oh that meant early on they didn't say good night 400 years ago they didn't say good night they said god's night it was a blessing god's night be upon ye then that was shortened to you know how you spelled goodbye and what is thought of as old english right by a b-y-e it's actually again all polluted from god's night be upon you when we would say good day or good afternoon it's god's afternoon upon you it's a blessing god's mourning be upon you friend god's afternoon be upon you friend it's been shortened up to good because it's reserved only for god of course jesus knowing great english latin and greek i'm kidding i'm just this is god speaking he says something very profound he says why do you call me good is that interesting jesus says to this young man why do you call me good no one is good but one that is god and then he answers him you know the commandments do not commit adultery dear friends if you're not committing adultery today you don't get brownie points for that you don't get an award hey can i have an award i haven't committed adultery no you don't get an award for that you're not supposed to commit adultery you don't get points for not doing what you're not supposed to do do not murder i haven't murdered in weeks pastor can can i have an award no you're not supposed to murder do not steal same thing do not bear false witness don't lie and do not defraud don't rip people off honor your father and mother and the man answered and said to him teacher all these things i've kept from my youth he's not lying everything that you said jesus i have physically not done and this is where christianity true biblical christianity departs from for example judaism i have good friends who are jewish and they'll they'll say it doesn't matter what you think it doesn't matter what you imagine it's what you do that matters that's look as citizens we appreciate that kind of commitment to visible morality but that doesn't fly in the face of god does it god says i care about what you're thinking about i care about what you meditate on isn't that amazing think about the reality of christ and all of a sudden being on the right path is something that is not a bunch of do's and don'ts and thou shalt nots and give me the boxes to check and see if i match up to the requirements none of that it all comes down to the spirit of the matter who is it inside of you that makes you who you are and are you on the right path in following jesus and he goes on to say verse 21 then jesus looked at him loved him and said to him one thing you lack go your way sell whatever you have pay attention church and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and come take up your cross and follow me you know what's amazing about that statement jesus answers him in on the level of where he's thinking he's thinking i've not done these things so i'm good right i'm okay jesus comes down to where he's at and says if that's the case good for you if that's the way you're going to judge yourself how does jesus make this guy see the reality of it if this guy's stuck in the physical side of performance how does jesus get him to look on the inside look what he says that's one thing you lack go take everything that you have and sell it and give it to the poor and you'll have eternal life ladies and gentlemen is that the gospel that's preached in matthew mark luke and john and all the epistles to this day that you'll go to heaven if you give all that you own to the poor that's not the gospel what's jesus doing jesus is exposing to the man the man's own value flaws you think you think young man that living this way by what you do and do not do makes you right well then let's just take your logic to the end you see jesus gets him where he's at you're a rich young man this is the this is the story of the rich young ruler give all that you have you want to get on the right path give all of your material wealth up and you'll be saved no the shock is what jesus says to him is that if you think good works get you into heaven then do this the man couldn't do it the man was defeated in his own logic friends and family listen right now you may think you're on the right path going to heaven and it's my job this morning to shake you to cause you to think because if i were to ask you right now are you going to go to heaven i ask this audience and i ask those of you that are watching right now are you going to go to heaven if you die if you have an answer that is opposite to the gospel then you're not going and i say that sadly because god wants you to go we want you to go but if you have an answer that's different than what christ has prescribed you're in trouble and so what jesus does is he exposes the man to himself he sees inside and he looks and concludes watch what happens what's the result of this verse 22 says but he was sad the man was sad at this word and he went away sorrowful for he had great possessions and i would say that's he had great possessions but he didn't possess them he had great possessions that possessed him and then jesus says regarding this that jesus looked around and said to the disciples how hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of god what's interesting about that is jesus didn't say you can't have riches he's talking about riches possessing you why because it places you on a path of your own decision-making we want to be careful about that the bible says in proverbs 16 verse 25 there is a way that seems right to a man but the end is the way of death are you on the right path proverbs 12 15 is similar to it the way of a fool is right in his own eyes that's tough man that's hard because when a fool thinks he's on the right path you can't get him off and here's the thing everybody knows he's a fool but he thinks he's genius everybody's going what a fool and and he thinks most people are dumb they don't get it he's a legend in his own mind but the truth is to be on the right path is to listen is to not only possess listen possess the orthodoxy of scripture that is what does the bible say it's not only that and you know the answer to this it's after you study the bible then what do you do according to the bible you're supposed to live it you're supposed to do it when the truth is inside of me i need to make sure that i don't add pollutants to it i want to make sure i guard the truth that's inside of me and i don't mix it with contaminants am i on the right path church family please please heed this warning watch out there are so many voices and so many ways for you to get quote data quote into your lap or into your eyes and head that it could easily easily become elements that corrupt the gospel in your life pollutants and contaminants that begin to cast a little bit of doubt on the veracity of god's word and you begin to not view it so powerful or so pure and it can corrupt you are you on the right path galatians three verse 1. galatians 3 1 the apostle paul warned the church at galatia and i love paul you got to love paul he's just so direct always galatians 3 1 listen to him he says oh foolish galatians we would say today you bozos who has bewitched you he's talking to christians can you imagine if paul showed up today and our guest speaker this morning is paul the apostle and he comes up you chino hillians you who has bewitched you and we would say mark zuckerberg facebook tick tock twitter who's bewitched you that you should not obey the truth for whose eyes jesus christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified this only i want to learn from you did you receive the spirit by the works of the lord by the hearing of faith are you so foolish having begun in the spirit are you now being made perfect or complete in the flesh you know why that verse is on the screen right now this morning because i heard a famous christian leader this week say regarding his understanding now his new revelation of critical race theory he says that for the last 30 years he thought he was preaching the gospel but now he knows the gospel that the gospel is the gospel of injustice and i immediately picked up the phone to find out if we have any of that guy's books in our bookstore because he's telling me that for the last 30 years he wasn't preaching the gospel he's got a new one a more full gospel ladies and gentlemen this is exactly what he's warning about watch out by the way yes i'm actually exercising right now in front of you negative church growth tactics this message is going to cause you to have a much easier time next week finding a parking spot nobody wants to hear this stuff james 1 22 james chapter 1 verse 22 says but be doers of the word here it is let's not just have an orthodoxy of scripture it's practical living but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourselves is that amazing you can go to a bible study this is horrific you can go to a bible study you can go to all kinds of bible studies but if you don't intend to do it the truth you do here winds up becoming uh a pollutant to you the truth doesn't pollute it's what it's being housed in a heart takes in the word without intentions to ever do it that heart becomes corrupt that's how the word of god can judge for if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer he's like a man observing his natural face in a mirror i'm sorry but this is very funny you look in the mirror you look that's me and it's funny because let's be honest you look in a mirror and you see what you see but it's processed with your own eyes and when you look it's like i'm good watch what happens he observes himself and he goes away and immediately forgets what kind of a man he was because to expound he doesn't see the nose hair coming out of his nose he doesn't see that he still has some yolk from breakfast on this side of his mouth he looks and he goes i'm good and he goes out and he forgets that what he looked at in the mirror had these things that needed to be fixed and he goes out of the world thinking he's fine the bible says watch out matthew chapter 7 verse 13. jesus said enter in by the narrow gate we want to talk about the path the narrow gate for white is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction or to hell and there are many who go in by it because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are a few who find it jesus is not saying it's difficult to get to heaven because you've got to work at it no no no listen it's difficult to get to heaven because every day it takes you and i saying jesus is lord jesus is lord you know we face that every day church every day we get up who's going to be lord we have to choose are you on the right path [Music] well listen he's coming back and is he coming for you listen as you heard a moment ago jesus christ is the one who has called us and challenged us to be on that narrow path that that avenue that leads to him but the fact of the matter is my friend listen uh it's not as simple as putting in the gps coordinates or somehow dropping a pen on your map to find your location the challenge is is your location something that you determine every day by you saying i'm gonna walk with jesus christ today as a believer i need to make that decision every single day lord i want to walk with you today now he is my lord and savior and i'm going to go to heaven by his grace and by his mercy but until i get there how am i going walk i'm gonna walk seeking his direction and i pray that you would do the same thing listen none of us work our way into heaven none of us can be good enough to get into heaven it's all about you and i doing what jesus said in the beginning when he turned to matthew and he said matthew come and follow me jesus christ wants you to follow him so would you mind praying with me right now that you might decide to do that very thing lord jesus i ask you now to come into my life and to save me from my sins to wash me clean as i believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the grave and i give you my life from this moment on lord lead me guide me use me until you come for me and i thank you now in jesus name amen friends listen if you'd like to know more then you can simply go to jackkibs.com right there you'll have more resources more teachings in fact there's a lot more there to help you with your walk with jesus christ until next time my friends god bless you fearful of becoming a victim of the cancer culture movement frustrated to feel you can't assert biblical truth without facing condemnation when you want to speak up but aren't sure what to say we will not be silenced a book by erwin lutzer unravels the complex threats faced by christians in a society that has weaponized race gender sexuality and more to divide individuals and undermine freedom order your copy now and gain a better understanding of non-believers legitimate hurts concerns and identify the toxic responses secular culture disguises as solutions learn how you can show compassion and gentleness to those outside of the faith without affirming their beliefs go to jackkibs.com to order your copy for a gift of any amount or if you prefer call 877-777-2346 we will not be silenced order now [Applause] [Music] welcome to real life radio with jack hibbs god's word never will return void god's word is spirit it's power and it has its effect [Music] so i want to encourage you to grab your bibles open them up and get ready to learn from god's word god did not give us bible prophecy to scare us but to prepare us but i think you're going to get a lot out of it and one of the great reasons [Music] you are the light of the world jesus said you are the salt of the earth how does it happen by the power of the holy spirit you're going to get excited about what jesus christ wants to do in and through you jack hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world a powerful no-nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth will you stand with us in sharing this message in real and practical ways we ask that you commit to support real life and the teachings of jack hibbs with a gift of your choosing simply go to jackkibs.com and there you can simply follow the instructions of how to give a one-time gift or a recurring gift if you would prefer to call our toll-free number is 877-777-2346 again that's 877-777-2346 and of course you can write us our address is real life with jack kibbs box 1273 chino hills california 91709 your gift will be faithfully put to work because it's our desire that through jesus christ you will know real life the preceding program was sponsored by generous friends and partners of real life
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 72,507
Rating: 4.9659863 out of 5
Keywords: jack hibbs, jack hibbs futures, kalo tv, jack hibbs sermons, end times, end times prophecy, real life with jack hibbs, real life program, jack hibbs newsmax
Id: Dkk20LUf8OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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