Bible Prophecy Now with Pastor Jack

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well hey pastor Jack here and this is a huge experiment for us on our end and we're first of all very glad and happy that you're able to join us on what we've never done before and at a time like this but I think it's good and that is that we are going to have a time dedicated completely to Q&A specifically we want to go around the Bible prophecy theme for this reason is the the purpose for us is to answer your questions regarding Biblical prophecy because of all of the phone calls emails and messages that we've received ever since the advent of not only the coronavirus but even the few weeks leading up to the coronavirus was the situation between Russia and Saudi Arabia which for you and I we love the fact that fuel prices are so low but that has created a situation in the world that has destabilized economies and if that wasn't enough about two weeks later comes the virus out of China the the Wuhan they call it the Wuhan virus in China we're not allowed to say that in America it's not politically correct but it is officially the Chinese Wuhan virus but we call it by the way though the Chinese contacted the World Health Organization organization and said we require that you not call it Wuhan or Chinese but that you call it covet they're the ones that invented that terminology but when that came on the scene it obviously the listen the ramifications of that have been absolutely global but some of the things that perhaps you're questioning will lead to today is where where are we going on this because many now of the economic world the financial world the agricultural world now they're telling us that we're just now going to start seeing in our world the results of the shutdown the global shutdown of dramatic cut and food supplies no matter what the media is saying the farming industry is saying internationally dramatic cut and food supplies to the world in some publications I have some headlines here where there is looming a global famine that will be the result of the coronavirus so I don't say these things to scare you I say these things for dialogue and purpose because the Bible has the answer to every situation that you and I as humans can live through the Bible listen it's it's rigged if I can put it that way life is rigged to the scriptures that means that everything that you and I go through in life be it globally nationally locally or personally is tied to the Bible and so that's why we're here we are here today in that spirit because God's Word has the answer now before we start taking questions I this is live there's been no rehearsal on this I'm gonna do the best I can at my at 62 years of age I have forgotten more then then I have I can imagine I'd it's tragic and so if I don't know the answer I'm just gonna tell you straight up I used to know the answer to that or I'll get you the answer but I'm really approaching this gathering in light of the fact that we're all sequestered we're we're all shut down in our homes and that we have time and that you have questions and that these epic moments friend these are these this has never happened before in the history of the world for the globe to be shut down but to be electronically connected has never happened before like this so ready or not you and I are living history right now in the world and for the church for that matter so we're gonna start right off and listen this is going to be the first question for the first caller and so here you go we're making some church history here so let's see if this works we'll take we'll take the first question from the first caller I think I'm not hearing anything yet so what do you want me to do guys technical team I'll just keep talking until until we owe it's an email question first okay where is that question I can't hear you Steve I don't have that list I don't think I don't have that list maybe producer Steve can get me this list but listen we need you I trust if there's a phone number on your screen and that you would dial that number and get a question to us as soon as possible that would be great I've got some headlines a collection of headlines here but we're gonna get producer Steve who is responsible for a ton of our questions here we go my fault behind my Mac but listen I don't want to do as well do email questions but if at all please I want to hear your voice I'm gonna take every call as though you and I were sitting across from the table but this email question is I I live I'm living right now in South Africa I am unable to send this question in by phone my question is this have you heard of the Club of Rome that was formed in 1968 one of the founding members was John Rockefeller and are involved with the United and are involved with the United Nations together the UN in 1968 they divided the world up into ten this gentleman calls them kingdoms but I get where he's coming from they're also geared up to establishing a one-world order I'd like to hear what you have to say on that yeah I am listen there are several of those things that in the 1948 1949 when the United Nations the United Nations was being formed there were a lot of other things that were in place and you mentioned the League of Rome that's just one more alignment of globalist who believe in a one-world government let's remember this that the one-world government is a demonic of demonic origin from Genesis where Nimrod attempted to create a one-world order at a place called Babel and it was remember Babel was the location of a tower that was man-made built under the supervision of Nimrod and when you read the scriptures there tragically in the English we don't get it but it says that Nimrod was a hunter Nimrod was the hunter of men and the word is Nimrod was a hunter for the souls of men Nimrod is the first Antichrist revealed in Scripture his his plan was to not only unite the world but it was specific it was to unite the world to build a tower and to attack the God of heaven that's why God judged them and sent them confusion by giving the world its languages at that moment and God said I did that to mankind because their ability to imagine with with perfect communication there's nothing that can stop these people from fulfilling their imagination so I'm gonna send them confusion and there's been confusion ever since because the because of the global languages which by the way if you're a linguist right now or if you're studying that in school you know scientifically that all languages reach back to one tongue and to one geographical place in the world and that is the realm or the region of what is known as the cradle of civilization or the Middle East but the ten nations is of course the writer or the caller is referring to the last days of Daniels prophecies chapter 2 chapter 7 chapter 11 in Revelation as well book a revelation where there's going to be ten horns or ten kings that arise in the last days of a revised Roman Empire and so do I believe that that Rockefeller and the groups like the Illuminati the the Bilderbergers the trilateral commission the Club of Rome the the Council for Foreign Relations do I believe personally that they all have a global one-world government agenda absolutely yes do I think that they talked to one another maybe maybe not it's irrelevant there's a demonic spirit that's driving them so yeah there you go do I believe that's part of the ten I don't listen I don't believe that the world has been divided up in ten segments because of the Club of Rome or for that matter for the European Union or whoever remember what predates these people's engineering is the fact that the Bible says there's going to be ten liters it doesn't say ten regions it doesn't say ten ten nations that doesn't say ten areas that make up the world it just says in Daniels prophecy that it's ten horns which the word in Hebrew for horn is king there's 10 Kings that will arise there could be a configuration of a hundred nations but out of them or 50 nations it's irrelevant out of that Union will come tens ten representatives ten representatives that will be prominent the Bible tells us that out of the 10 and 11th will rise up seemingly insignificant to the ten and the eleventh horn will put down the bulk of those horns leaving three and then he will subdue the three until he is the one and the one we refer to as the son of perdition or the Antichrist so a good question we have a net from Kentucky a net are you there yes Wow a net first of all you are the first you're the first one that we've ever taken like this before so I'm like I'm excited I hope you are too and yes I'm here welcome to the question what what can we what can we hear from you I just wondered where you believe the Damascus in Isaiah 17 balls before or after the rapture I know it's probably not as clear either famous Ezekiel war yeah period yeah right assuming that all of you heard her question where does where does Isaiah 17 speaking regarding Damascus Syria where does it fall in the end times events as of wars or or battles because it's it's a unique prophecy in that we know that it's almost 3,000 years old Isaiah's prophecy regarding Isaiah chapter 17 and it's never happened because it says there very specifically that Damascus will be destroyed very rapidly and the destruction of Damascus a net will be so devastating that the Bible tells us that no one will ever inhabit it again it's not going to have inhabitants again so where does it land is it before it for example the rapture or after the rapture we don't know because the rapture is a biblically imminent doctrine we do well to place nothing in front of it a net but if you and I wake up tomorrow morning and we hear that there is some sort of military action or for that matter a net you and I live in a day right now where my goodness Israel has done this a few times I know the United States has done this a few times we could actually send to Damascus a an email I don't know if you know that a net or not but many times Israel has defended itself by sending over the Internet a a link that goes into the Iranian nuclear reactor systems by the way or the Iraqi systems or the Assyrian systems and caused systems to go crazy Israel actually attacked under a threat of looming war the the nuclear sites of Iran just by simple computer activity it's possible a net that Syria is detonated remotely it's possible that we you and I could wake up tomorrow morning and we see this massive massive devastation on on satellite news of Damascus but we know your question is well-placed we don't know when I personally think it's close but is it before or after the rapture I do not know but I figured thank you thank you thank you Michelle Michelle if you can hear me Michelle is calling in from Texas hi Michelle Michelle Michelle no I can't hear her if she's there hello Michelle nobody's there if we get her on the on the line that's will well we'll take her call here's a question that's been emailed as I stalled you guys until we find out what's wrong with that thank you for your love for God and His Word my wife and I live in Miami and have enjoyed your broadcasts especially the happening now people love happening now they hear that a lot with with Dawn and the one or two that we've done with Amir I would like your suggestion on a good commentary Bible that leans dispensational II and has a pre-trib theology that's easy um are you ready to write it down here it is I would begin I would start out with um the commentary set you can just start to buy them one at a time unless unless you've got the resources dr. H a Ironside his commentary on the scriptures you can buy them either in full you can buy them one at a time or you can buy them old or New Testament but dr. Harry Ironside his exposition of the Bible by dr. H a Harry Allen and Ironside the other one is a two-volume set I would recommend by dr. Warren Weir's be dr. Warren where's Bea and it's dr. Warren where's Bea's expositional teachings on the Old Testament and the New Testament I would certainly start there those are great commentaries so from there by the way once you get into that genre of safe dispensational pre-tribulational which is premillennial theology you're gonna you're gonna start seeing other other commentators that are safe to read and one of the things that I do is I adhere to an old jingle that's been around for I don't know how long it's a good practice it's not foolproof but it's a good practice and it's this if they're not dead they're not read if they're not dead they're not read meaning if I'm not gonna read someone who is still whimsical and trying to find themselves in their own theology but they had the resources to write a book I'm not interested in that guy there's a couple of exception doubt out there that I love ah but I I I'm a little bit waiting because once they're dead they can't change their minds and so we're zerbies dead so he's safe Ironsides long dead he's safe dr. John wolfred wal v oo Rd wal V like Victor oo Rd dr. John wolfred you can go to John Walvoord calm and you could look at a lot of his work online he's a long time gone to heaven he's probably one of the greatest theologians of of our time but he's he's great and I I encourage I encourage you to begin there there's whole lot of others I'm not going to mention them all right now and but but thank you for that listen Michelle and Texas keep trying but we're gonna go to David and Ohio I hope David are you there yes sir I'm here are you doing Patrick yeah I'm doing good David it's actually I hope you have it you're having a day like we're having outside is Southern California perfect beach day it's just a wonderful day so hopefully you've got the cell no I absolutely not I'm a truck driver sir I've passed through fog in West Virginia and now I'm in the rain in Ohio so you name it I see it I'm sorry brother what what's your question okay so by the way I would still love to be able to have some talk time with you you're a big big part of my testimony okay now the question I was listening faster JD earlier and I've heard from several and he just happened to be kind of someone over like hey if I'm hearing a pastor JD there's got to be something behind it and so there's the idea that if we're going to have a one world government one world everything that the new world order has to come about by some sort of all in one and all at every level global reset of every kind economy you name it everything and so I thought one of the first things we might hear would be let's reset the calendar and Dan so I wanted to ya know David why I'm curious why are you asking the question about the calendar I think I know what your answer is but why are you asking that because we as believers in Christ knows that the one who wants to replace Christ is so arrogant that he would see this as an opportunity to say this is my stamp one of my stamps to say it is now my age well listen David I'm going to answer your question but I think you already know the answer first of all let me say this that it could happen with a all global unanimous reset there's no doubt about it what JD is talking about can absolutely happen and we've seen regarding this coronavirus how quick things can happen now globally in a moment's time having said that we also know all of us couldn't agree on this that Satan is a gradualist Satan creeps sometimes he jumps but most of the time he creeps along and gets his foot in the proverbial door until people wake up to find out that they they love the deception that they're in so it could go either way but I got to tell you I I did not hear JD's study but I tend to believe that that it could it could be something that is catastrophic and cataclysmic and timing David your question is brilliant because it is really nestled in the Book of Daniel again that the Antichrist comes onto the world scene and the Book of Daniel tells us that he will seek to change the times and the seasons did literature says that in the Book of Daniel which means I think that your question is founded in in a great speculation and very near the truth if not true that he will so hate the fact that this is the year 2020 in the year of our Lord that the Antichrist possess a possessed by Satan will think he's the Lord and maybe he's gonna write maybe he's gonna call it your number one I don't know but right absolutely and you're you're absolutely right about the gradual change and that's why I was very specific in curing the the undertones and hearing this idea of and and you know and and we're already looking at say you know we're ready to do away with daylight savings time or whatever correct so you know all it's going to take is just for the right thing to the right switch to get you know the right switch to get flipped and all of a sudden somebody's gonna say you know what it'd be great time to let's just start over this pandemic has been a cheat double hockey sticks let's just start over yeah you know but it's amazing isn't it this uh the fact of the matter is what you and I are doing right now David the time that we're in global economies the church what's interesting to me is everything's been shut down including the nation Israel which you say why do you bring up Israel well because of what's going on in the world this is the first time in the history of the world that the church and Israel exist on the planet at the same time and we're seeing global events an unravel in front of us friends right David and Friends listen and then right now think about that for a moment this is a global situation we were all able to talk to one another and email and FaceTime and and Skype and zoom one another anywhere in the world we're we're giving the Bible's going out now more than any other time in human history since the covet shut down and yet it's the first time that the church in Israel has coexisted in an epic biblical scenario themed type of event this is a really to me this is a tremendous wake-up call David and for me personally this time has caused me personally to revisit some of the seven feasts of Moses why would I care because what's interesting is the Bible tells us that you and I cannot know the day or the hour of the coming of the Lord but Paul said in second Thessalonians 2 concerning the times in the season's bread then you'll have no need that I should write to you so David this event globally it's not that it was the flu or a version of the flu I just read a moment ago by the way I just read right here this is today's news coronavirus has now officially been mapped to be of 30 different strains then that which was discovered five weeks ago so it's mutated 29 times or 30 times what does that tell me it tells me that we're living in time that flirts with and hints about global pandemics Jesus used the word pestilence so that means I I need to be I need to be alert and at anytime by the way there could be some some nation could walk into the kitchen so to speak and trip over the roller skates and set off the next third world war things are so precarious right now and and yet the church really volatile its Pring extremely so and yet the church has been given the opportunity right now to preach preach preach the word which is why we're talking here tonight and then who's to say what if now David this is just between you and I what if what if we never make it back to our churches what if this was God's plan to get the church sequestered in home so that the Word of God would go out to the hundreds of thousands that were reaching weekly our numbers have quadrupled since this happened Wow what if this is God's plan to get people to hear the gospel and away we go in the rapture of the church yeah we'll see yeah thanks for your call dad that's awesome okay we've got Debbie from Washington I that's Washington State is that right hello hi Debbie this is Jack hi jack hi what's your question my question is it's kind of twofold okay the Ezekiel 38 war and everything that you know goes on and everything that happens supernaturally and the seals and seal six especially they seem to coordinate together so my question and my other question that coordinates with this is do you think the first field the horsemen have already been released into the world because a thousand years is a day and once all these two go together and and I feel like they combined it would usher in the signing of the contract I'm wanting your take on that if you think those two were kind of yeah are you ready first I hope you hope you have the ability to write this down if not let me step through this number one day okay number one Debbie in the interpretation of scripture there are certain rules and procedures that you go through to interpret the Bible in fact I tell you what the reason why cults exist on earth and they use the Bible they might knock on the door but you wonder how in the world did they come to that conclusion and they have a Bible it's because they did not apply certain biblical rules of interpretation so I say that to say this that God speaks and he and he told us that he would speak in similitudes types and visions okay that's very important however those similitudes types and visions all fall under the authoritative clearly revealed Word of God that's why you read in the Bible in your Gospels Debbie when it says and this was done that it might be fulfilled by the prophet Isaiah saying you see or when Jesus was born in Matthew where Luke is talking about it the author of the text or of the book let's say it's Matthew he writes and this was done in accordance with the scripture that says behold the Virgin shall conceive and bear a son he's quoting Isaiah and so there's this interpretation ruled that you let the Bible interpret the Bible and you also bring out every vision every type and every similitude under the interpretation of God's Word having said that Debbie here's the punchline the Tribulation Period is God's wrath poured out upon the earth and it's a seven year period of time it's seven years it comes out of Daniel chapter 9 verses 24 to 27 that's where we find the last seven years that you and I call the Tribulation Period okay and then there's the last half of the Tribulation Period and the Tribulation Period is a time the front end Debby the first 1260 days or three and a half years is a time of God's judgment on earth using the rider on the white horse that commences the seven-year contract or agreement with Israel and it is a seven-year agreement just as you mentioned and it's the first three and a half years Daniel says that he deceives the world the Antichrist deceives the world through peace and prosperity okay so that's a Tribulation Period and you need to remember something the seals the trumpet and the bowl judgments Debbi notice what you read in the Bible they are all coming out of heaven they are directed by God given to the Angels the angel the angel gives it to the other angel that brings it down and pours it out upon the earth it's called market down Debby it's called the wrath of God and it falls upon a christ-rejecting world it says okay this is important to know the reason that it's seven years is because Israel owes God seven years of of God dealing with the nation of Israel again this is all in Daniel that is a very key thing I do not see listen any correlation between the Battle of Ezekiel and the seal judgments trumpet judgments are Bowl judgments and Debby here's the reason why is because Ezekiel tells you very specifically of a coalition of a handful of nations and those nations are referred to in Ezekiel they're very specifically named regarding the Antichrist in those seven years it doesn't it doesn't list any specific nations it's global worldwide war in mayhem peace has taken from the earth and the Antichrist goes forward in war and and to disable the world I don't see those two battles coalescing but you see Jack but there's sim ladies I know that's because there's something called expositional constancy in the interpretation of Bible scripture which means there were similar things happening 2,000 years ago in Jesus's time when they looked at the scripture they would see what is called the near fulfillment oh wow the temples been destroyed and these these leaders are being set up this must be or this is like the Antichrist that is coming that's why some people thought Debbie in World War two Hitler's the Antichrist he's tattooing Jews he's giving them numbers why did they think that because it's in the scripture and they took that word the mark of the beast at all out of Revelation and they applied it to their moment rather than the full counsel of God so I'm just giving you this input that I don't see those two battles together I see Ezekiel preceding the advent of the Antichrist I believe actually the Antichrist may very well come on the scene with the peace treaty shortly after the Ezekiel war does that make some sense oh yeah it would make a lot of sense because the the world is weakened we know that in advance because when Rosh Meshach and tubal led by gog gog and with him libya remember you know the nations libya and those regions of North Africa and Gomer and put when they come against Israel no nations help is Israel no nations can help them United States doesn't help England doesn't help nobody helps all they say is why have you come to do this to them have you come to take their spoil and their goods we just file a UN protest that's all we do well that would never happen right now even right now what the messed up as things are Trump loves Israel so much he would press the button on on Russia if they tried that right now something's going to happen to America and for the and the world at that for that matter that's going to so weakened the world that when the leader of that coalition they're going to see that the world is preoccupied and they're going to move against Russia I mean against against Israel and what's important is the fact that Russia now is just across the fence in Syria right off the Israeli border they're so close now so I this is one reporters opinion I separate the tribulation events I don't I don't believe the church is gonna see the Antichrist I don't believe the church is going to be here to see the contract signed and I base that Debbie off of second Thessalonians 2 so thanks for your call I hope I hope I didn't confuse you but okay our next caller is dawn from sunny Southern California it just says California dawn how are you hi I'm good how are you I'm good where are the state are you calling from Rancho Cucamonga oh okay so you're right here great I am right here I actually attend your church and everything but I was like we miss you we miss you we can't wait to get back we miss you even though I get to see you on TV almost every day um anyway I have a question I'm like we see the nation's they're calling out for a savior and not necessarily Jesus during this pandemic I mean there are a lot of people opening up their ID to Jesus I see that as well but really non-believer is calling out for like a savior and I was wondering do you believe that the globalist like Bill Gates pushing for vaccines for kovat 19 to be required to travel and buy things and all that is the beginning of the conditioning of the minds to accept the mark of the beast in the future a very near future Oh dawn I have no doubt with what you just said is true and even listen even if even if it's not happening it is happening and Bill Gates's mind right bill gates ya know it's almost like he's it's almost like Bill Gates is too holy to criticize because he's one of the amazing handful of creators that brought us our modern world of computerization and in Microsoft and it's like ooh Bill Gates but let's be honest I mean I gotta tell you um Bill Gates I personally believed that he is either there's something wrong with this thinking now I don't that's what too much money does for you I don't know if that's what too much power does for you but for that man to think for example one of his arguments is that he wants to sterilize he wants to make North Africa free of poverty and instead of creating jobs he wants to sterilize the male's through vaccines in North Africa and that's his compassionate empathetic response are you kidding me who's got though who thinks they've the right to think that way for Bill Gates to say hey hey everybody we need to implement a a corona virus vaccine and with it it's going to allow us to do all kinds of chemical tracking and data collection and and we can do all those things and I want that done now and and for anyone to entertain that Don is crazy it's like are you kidding no it's evil it's weird it's wrong but he thinks in some capacity that he has got the clearance to do this and then then you know once you understand that then you see why Bill Gates meets with often leaders of the World Health Organization leaders of the Illuminati leaders of the globalist of the the George Soros world of the elite and wants to control the world I totally believe what you're saying it's not conspiracy theory he he is out there and saying it so and yeah you know what evil has really really taken advantage of this crisis and I think and good you know good is barely getting the shoes on right now and we need to we need to catch up and get the pulse I say we the church we need get the pulse of what the church needs to do at this time because I personally believe that there's a reason why in our world today there's no real leader to steer Europe out of this dilemma this pandemic Europe is lost by this pandemic and Europe needs a leader I find that interesting in light of Bible prophecy we have a leader right now in the United States Trump's doing a great job however I know that Trump is done with this isolation stuff and I think data yeah the data that's coming out of Stanford University medical findings a week ago now Johns Hopkins University they totally agree with each other that the corona virus has was first to arrive in California and that it's probably been here for about nine or so months in California which explains why California forty million people in California but we have a very minimal death ratio to the corona virus why because Sweden I think it Sweden so what's under Sweden I think Sweden Sweden agrees with Stanford and with Johns Hopkins that California success is not because we the stay at home order it was because we already had hit the curve we peaked out and we've been descending since since December January and the reason why we're only talking about a peak in California is because we got that we got the technology out there and we said oh my goodness look at this what the more people we tested Stanford found out oh my gosh we just tested over 3,000 people in the Bay Area and something like 80 or 85 percent of them tested positive for kovat and they were never sick which means it's been here for a long time in California experience what Sweden did they went through it with what's called heard meant heard immunity when when a people get together and share the sickness it weakens the sickness and it levels it out quicker we didn't do that as a culture we were afraid that someone sick someone who's sick could get sick with it and die that's why friends all around the world the vast majority of people who have perished from the coronavirus had first a compromising health issue they either had HIV cancer leukemia surgery something was wrong first by and large and then they contracted this this fatal disease and so the data here's this is what's good about data and here's what's good about science when it's true data and true science it comes out over time and what's good about this is now we're hearing from some real experts that are saying hey this is the data we've tested it we've seen these models I mean we've we've heard about the models we've took it to the laboratory and frankly let's be honest doctor foul Qi and bricks and the model that was produced from the CDC and the National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization all of those models have been shattered completely flawed now like the 2016 polls in the election completely flopped what does that tell you yeah now listen I'm gonna tell you something there's no experts on this but I'm an expert when I tell you there's no experts because we have experts on one side arguing this point and we have experts on that side arguing the other point what does that tell you it means that the experts are not yet expert on what the truth is time will show that so yep Bill Gates is somebody that is dangerous yep Mike and Fresno California Mike are you there hello Mike are you there yeah hi Mike what's your question and welcome thank you I wanted to know how many prophecies are left and will people be able to die in the tribulation or do they have to endure it that's awesome number one I cannot tell you how many prophecies are left to be fulfilled let me let me let me elaborate on your question can I put it can i rephrase your question how about this maybe maybe you're number one you're asking jack how many prophecies need to be fulfilled before the rapture happens the answer is 0 there are no prophecies that have to be fulfilled before the rapture oh no what about what about prophecies that are regarding the end time events oh my goodness we know that there are hundreds of old and new Testament prophecies that will be fulfilled before the end of the world as we know it happens your your your question also had in about will people die I think Mike you said during the Tribulation Period or will they be able to the answer is yes they will die until listen carefully this is horrific that one of the judgments by God upon the world during the Tribulation Period is the fact that for a season death will be removed from the earth and a man will not be able to die want you to think about that for a moment imagine somebody being run over by a train stabbed falls off of a 10-story building or tries to commit suicide during the Tribulation Period and one of the judgments is that God removes death from the earth so that man cannot die can you imagine the suffering that these humans are going to go through all because of their rejection against God so that is a fascinating question you ask and a very rare question because a lot of people don't realize yes people will die during the Tribulation Period so great of an amount it will be absolutely devastating where you're seeing three-quarters of the world a quarter of the world various numbers are given at various times of how many people died during the tribulation period but then there's that little caveat moment where God suspends the ability to die so that the projectors on earth actually suffer during that period of time it's a remarkable horrific moment and I don't know Mike if I got all your questions but this is great Christopher from Omaha Nebraska Christopher from Omaha you there yes I'm here can you hear me okay I can hear you perfect Christopher awesome well hi how are you doing I'm doing good I'm doing good thanks good um just a little background before I ask my question I followed you a mere dawn Barry Tom Hughes Jan Markell JD so I've got a really good basic understanding of prophecy you've been following not only your prophecy updates but also your your Bible teachings - and and one of the questions that has come up to me that I haven't been able to find out is are there any major events or issues that need to happen before the tribulation starts so um for instance we needed Israel to become a nation that's well that's happened and there's I know there's other things that are lining up and like Jan says not falling apart they're falling into place well is there anything that you know about that we're missing that still needs to fall in place yeah and Christopher your question specifically has fallen place before the tribulation before the tribulation right yeah I know there's the rapture in here right we could go anytime right on but but the Sun the road signs I'm looking for road signs so every time something happens okay we're getting closer absolutely right on question yeah right off the cuff instantly and most significantly for example is the battle in Isaiah 17 I believe that's pre-tribulation pre-tribulation period the zq battle to the other caller asked this question I believe the Ezekiel battle has to be pre-tribulation excuse me pre-tribulation period I believe there's reasons why that's the case so I believe that there there needs to be before the tribulation period I believe that there needs to be a financial collapse I think that's pretty clear in Scripture I believe I believe that there needs to be a greater push toward a one-world global government which will then which will then if I have my sequence right the one-world global government once it's established will lean upon the one-world global church the the woman who Raj the Beast I believe that's as I said I believe that will be put into place or I should say the motions of that will be known to God in its in its place I'm not saying that we're gonna see the Antichrist what I'm gonna what I'm saying is yeah we're just gonna do the the foundation will be there yeah because listen Satan doesn't know when when the end when the he doesn't know so I believe that every generation I believe that Satan I yes all this is that int Christ in the wings he's got right yeah I believe it was I believe it was Robert Gove a in 1880 all right no I'm sorry 1840 or so Robert go vey said that I think he's the one that said Satan has to have an antichrist ready during any and every generation because he doesn't know God's prophetic with time moment and that wrecks a lot as he doesn't know what it's coming down he does it does it makes it makes total sense yeah so if I had to speculate Christopher I would say this I'm just speculating now I'm just we're talking dirt you and I are talking over the table I don't I would expect that the United States England Germany Israel these really decent economies in the world I believe that they will if you if you want to look for like a pulse a telltale sign is when those economies begin to fail then I think we're really I think we're really close close the United States cannot be strong for the Antichrist to arise the in try the US has got to be weakened right well in me my wife have talked about it a lot where the we're just praying that's the rapture that dream chance mounting the laughs but I hope we hope it's the rapture that brings down the United States and then I know we're out of it you know listen you know I don't I don't wish it for I don't wish it for the people who are here left behind but I just pray that you know we're out of here another another following question based on all of this will some of this stuff be realized during the first three and a half years of the trip some of what I know them of what stuff just in just some of the some of the things if I'll do it like for instance I know the the temple the temple doesn't probably believe won't be built until the first half of the tribulation deed do you agree I will say this because the Antichrist utilizes the temple in the middle period right we agree on that in the middle of the contract of seven right a three to half-year point the Bible tells us that he will break that treaty by creating the abomination of desolation in the temple it says in the Bible which means yes a the temple was in existence just before he came on the scene or bringi he actually is the one that gives the Jews permission to build the temple which makes a lot of sense because he's gonna broker a peace with Israel's rights whatever happens we know either a or b we know that but before he does C that is desecrate the temple the temple has my standing don't have to be dumb what that doesn't have C before no before yeah but then again if if it did get built that's another huge by gosh you know yes seriously if you see the temple if they start building the temple in a couple of months yeah that yeah brother look up for your redemption draws near man Wow thank you for that we have Michelle Beck I think I hope this is our original in the shell Michelle are you there yes I'm here okay I'm a shelter gap I think officially you're the one you were the first caller I think if I remember right because yes yeah we couldn't hear you and then we had to take someone else so we need to make you something you're the one that's making history here today oh and so thank you Michelle that's awesome and what part of Texas are you in in Colleyville Texas it's located between Dallas and Fort Worth why is it that everybody I meet lives in a town I've never heard of that's between Dallas and Fort Worth it seems like everyone in that swath of land we thank God for Texas we need America to be more like Texas so Michelle what's your what's your call yes or what's your okay my question is this okay I certainly understand that the tribulation starts with the you know the confirming of the peace treaty and that we are definitely out of here before that okay my question is this are the seven seals a reading of the scroll as God's last will and testament for the earth like an overview of the trumpets and bowls or is in actual occurrence before the seven trumpets so are there three sets of judgments you know like the seal judgments trumpets wraps of lamb bowls wrath of God I mean is it an overview yeah look it doesn't yeah such a great question so can you write this down Michelle visually I want you to look up you can probably find it online you you want to look at the name Clarence Larkin I believe it's lar ki n Clarence Larkin and Clarence Larkin was a 19th century artist and he is the one who has laid out its amazing book the pages unfold into prophecy timelines and why I'm directing you to his graphic depiction of this is because he pictorially can explain to you much better than what I'm about to tell you so are you driving are you at home are you watching right now I'm at home no I'm at home yeah I'm at home watching okay so watch this the seals okay I can that you have the same judgments the trumpet judgments and the bowl judgments they are all separate judgments and they are watch they are unveiled this way John sees a scroll written on the outside and on the inside seal sealed with seven seals and John began remember in Revelation he began to weep because no one was found worthy to take the scroll from the Angels hand or to read it or - uh none full unfurl it or even read it or look at it yeah no one was or even look at look at it read it yeah not even can look at it so then John does encouraged when's when it said to him don't don't don't weep any longer the Lion of the tribe of Judah he has prevailed and he's worthy to loose its seals and so why is that significant is because one of the most if not the most popular view and it's a good argument I hold to it that doesn't make it true but the preponderance of Bible expositors hold to this view a few argue with it but their their offering is kind of weak they believe that in Jewish because of Jewish tradition remember the book of Revelation is heavily Jewish there's a reason right and it's got a third yeah and that's right how many so scriptures ever ever like and refer to the Old Testaments you have to understand the Old Testament to understand Revelation you're right in fact I've often said that if you read if you're Jewish and you read Genesis to Malachi and skip the entire New Testament and start reading Revelation a Jew will get it much quicker than we do right but right so here's the deal you've got this scroll Jesus takes the scroll and he opens up the scroll and it is the scroll that those scholars believe is what's known as the title deed to the earth it's it's officially Jesus right now so to speak the earth is an escrow Jesus at the end of escrow Jesus is the only one worthy to take the scroll 2,000 years of escrow time now expires Jesus takes the title deed to the earth and he opens it up and when he opens it up it has think of it this way it has one section of seven and each section of seven so the seal judgments one one seals open two three four each of them are describing another event under the seal judgments and then when the Seventh Seal is opened the Seventh Seal is the first trumpet blast then you go down that list one two three four five six seven trumpet blasts and then the seventh trumpet blast when it's blown reveals the first bowl judgment and one two three four five Bowl judgments and that's at the end of not only those judgments but at the end of the bowl judgment that you have the the end of all things the day of the Lord right you've got the end right well and that's what's kind of you know makes it a little curious is that sixth seal when every mountain is moved every ever the heaven is rolled up like a scroll in that sixth seal yeah yeah and I and I don't you know anything I do I do and every look everybody's going for a rock to hide on to it you know and I know that the scripture that the whole book of Revelation is not chronological I think there's like it was when they go back up to the throne room and you see things you know what I mean so it's not just in order that's right and that is the only thing that stumps me on that sixth seal do you know what oh the heavens are rolled up like a scroll yep you know like it like a scroll you know every now yeah yeah what I would encourage you to do is not going to be here but that's right very good for you very good for us so here's what I encourage you to do for a deep study in this I would go to the website I mentioned earlier dr. John go to John Walvoord com wal vo Ord John Wolford comm I've seen some of his I've seen some of his commentary yeah yep go and look at what his deep explanation of interpretation will be regarding the sixth seal also keeping this in mind that the book of Revelation also mentions that there there will not only be great earthquakes there's going to be a great earthquake there's going to be earthquakes - where Jerusalem is leveled - where the cities of the world are leveled and is that referring to the sixth seal as well or is that something different so I would go to John wolfred dot-com and dive in there more I'm wondering also if dr. Eadie Heinsohn H a and D s o n ed Heinsohn at Liberty University he's got a fantastic series on a verse by verse study of the book of Revelation dr. Eadie Heinsohn you might want to check him out that's where I would go right now if I honestly had the time to go I would go and I would start with those two guys right then and there so I want to direct your help in that direction but great job and okay I love the fact that you got a great grip on the word it's awesome god bless you Cassandra are you there Wow Wow Cassandra first of all what's it like right now in Alberta Canada I love Canada what's it like it's okay and and so can I ask you how old are you you sound very young I'm eleven eleven that's so great can you can you give me your questions and thanks for thanks for calling my question is in the Bible it says no one knows the day or hour so do you think that the rapture won't be predictable or easy to see it coming great question Wow listen regarding the rapture nobody knows the day of the hour it's impossible to know concerning the rapture remember the rapture is Kassandra the raptures when Jesus comes to take his bride the church out of this world before he judges this world for seven years okay he's gonna he's gonna pick you up before he punishes this planet for its sins now Cassandra can I ask you a question do you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins Wow yep do you believe that on the third day Jesus rose from the dead uh-huh yep so right now it's 501 here in Southern California at at at for example nobody knows this but if if Jesus if Jesus came for us today at 5:05 today for example because of your faith in Jesus you would go see you and you and I would meet him in the sky okay rebel 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 you and so like you already know that 1st Thessalonians 4 yes he's coming for us no we cannot know the day of the hour but listen here's a little trick or rule for you for the Jew for the Jewish people they're not concerned about the rapture the Jewish people Jesus is first coming was given to us in Daniel chapter 9 and Jesus is second coming to Jerusalem is recorded in Daniel chapter 9 and Daniel chapter 12 that's the second coming when Christ comes back to set up his throne on earth you're talking about the rapture where any moment now you and I could meet Jesus in the air and go to heaven with him and be up there for seven years before the the judgment falls on the earth we're gonna be with Jesus together and I'm gonna see you Cassandra from Alberta Canada I'm gonna see you in heaven in the atmosphere when Christ comes and that's your answer right from the Bible look to John I tell you what memorize John 14 verses one two and three and you'll be you'll be happy you'll be good okay thank you peanut for that call that's awesome Oh Brenda Brenda are you there from California what part of California are you from Brenda high-pressure jack I'm from Huntington Park California hon it's an park I got that right at the freeway for a while from here yeah so what what is your question and thanks for calling Oh first I just want to go ahead and thank you for everything that you're doing really appreciate it I've grown so much through your teaching that's so kind of saying thank you so my question is regarding second Thessalonians chapter 2 where God sends the strong delusion where they believe the lie so who are these people and are they are they just people who don't believe in Christ and does this mean that they don't have a chance to repent hence no salvation after Brenda you are gonna get me in trouble but I'm not going to shy away from a tough question and by the way I'm gonna answer it the bet to my to the best of my ability and to the best of my understanding and before I answer it Brenda I need to say that I want to be wrong okay this is just full disclosure to everybody I'm gonna give you what I believe is a strong biblical answer I don't like it I what I don't want to be right about this I pray that I'm wrong about this when you go to second Thessalonians chapter 2 it tells you that he who is hindering that is a reference to the Holy Spirit will do so until he steps aside and then shall that wicked one be revealed the son of perdition whom the Lord will destroy with the brightness of his coming this wicked one is the one that is the the doer all of all of these deceiving signs and wonders and the Bible tells us there that God not the Antichrist God will send them them that's the that's who we need to find out who are the them he will send God will send them strong delusion so man this is freaky I thought Satan would deceived them well he's certainly the deceiver but in this case God sends the UH the unbelieving world deception see why would God do this he answers that question right there is God sends them delusion so that they would believe the lie V lie for this reason because they did not past tense receive the love of the truth when they had the opportunity that doesn't that cannot refer to anyone else on the planet except an individual who has heard the gospel maybe can even tell you Brenda back the gospel but they don't believe it they don't believe the gospel they know it today imagine right now at seven minutes after 5:00 Pacific time they know the gospel they've heard it a thousand times they could probably preach a sermon on the gospel but they don't believe it when the rapture happens they're not going to go up why because they're not born again the Holy Spirit's not in them how do you know because when the Antichrist is revealed God will send them strong delusion so that when he speaks they will believe him and will they be able to get saved nope they will not be able to get saved it's Bible is very clear read 2nd Thessalonians to see Jake I don't like that I don't like it either but try to find me a different interpretation I've I have taught this at pastors conferences or I've been asked about it at pastors conferences and pastors saying I don't like your interpretation of that and I said then tell me who it is tell me who those people are they had the opportunity to receive the truth they knew it they refused it and the next thing you know God sends them judgment by not being able to believe the truth any longer and they believe the lie who can those people be so you say well Jack does that mean that my neighbor can't get saved I didn't say that if somebody knows and understands the gospel but rejects it I don't believe they can be saved after the rapture God will send them strong delusion but clearly John tells us in the book of Revelation there's gonna be so many people saved during the tribulation period you can't even count them all why because these are people that for God's sovereign acts they will be saved during the Tribulation Period and they will have to die for their faith for Christ I tell you what I am so happy to entertain a biblically sound alternative view on that verse because I don't like the way I see it I don't want to be right but I don't see a different interpretation Lauretta no way Loretta from Florida Loretta is this the Loretta from Florida possibly that we did outreaches in Russia with the teams years ago and everything else no hey hi Loretta what part of Florida are you from I'm from Rockledge it's near Central Florida near NASA okay I thought that you were there was a Loretta in Florida or there is a Loretta in Florida that traveled with our ministry teams in Russia for many years and did worship for us and as soon as I saw your name I thought oh my goodness this cannot be with the Loretta or Loretta because my name is Laura Ellie you are AP PE you are larette's aren't you I jumped yeah you're right you know yeah everybody calls it Loretta I just did that so anyway I'm glad you called okay I was born and raised in California so it's no big deal I've got a two-fold question yeah 1st Thessalonians 4:16 through 17 I've been studying I'm 65 I've been studying Bible prophecies for 50 years when my dad started with how Lindsay when I was 15 and yeah it was really bit of a thing the new King James Version says for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first so that says an archangel some of it says the Archangel who is the Ark Angel if we're going to try to name the angel and if we're going to see if we're going to go with this announcement being made by an archangel I'm the only one that makes sense to us if we stay true to Scripture Laurette is Gabriel Gabriel seems to be we first of all Michael we know as an archangel right there's no doubt about Michael right Michael is one I say this with all reverence I can't wait to meet him someday Michael Michael is one tough angel wouldn't we see Michael in the Bible he says it says he's an archangel and he is Satan and Michael are our co-equals as that Ark Angel power is we assume we assume Gabriel is in Archangel I don't know why we call Gabriel and Archangel as far as I know I could be wrong but as far as I know it never identifies Gabriel as an archangel but you say well Jack why do you bring him up because Gabriel seems to be the public relations angel running the ring running the Department of announcements in heaven Gabriel's giving right marry and everything yeah yeah he's in the Old Testament giving visions he's given he's giving announcements in the Old Testament he's appearing and like you just said speaking to Mary he's speaking to Elizabeth he's Michael is everywhere showing up basically saying hear ye hear ye and he makes an announcement we never see Gabriel fighting we never see Gabriel doing anything else but announcing Michael Michael we see Michael fighting all the time Michael is one tough dude right um so yeah it's possible that it is Gabriel the angel that announces I wouldn't be surprised at all I don't need the Lord is going to need Michael to rapture the church because it's not going to be any kind of fight Jesus I nice I'm so grateful that you pointed out that verse because the scripture tells us that when the Lord comes for his people he doesn't send an angel to pick us up I find that significant I learned that he only uses an angel he uses an angel but it's notice you just read it the Lord himself shall descend with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God right and so wow I'm glad Jesus is coming to pick us up and by the way hurry I know I know isn't it true have you by the way had a chance and you had a chance to see before the wrath the the movie before the wrath yeah please yeah Google that later you're gonna want to see it you're gonna get very excited about 1st Thessalonians 4 verses 13 through 18 and the brand-new documentary movie I think it's out I know we just we've got a pre-release we showed it here at church of week ago but it's called before the wrath you must watch it you'll love it okay I've got one more question real quick according to this my sister died two years ago from complications of the flu she had the same symptoms as these people with coolin a virus so you know tell people please it does it's very important for them to take it seriously but the night after she died she told me in a dream and I don't know my dream that she wasn't in heaven but she was in paradise with my dad and everything else what's the difference between paradise in heaven because jesus said to the thief on the cross today you'll be with me in paradise and Paul said that those people will sleep in Christ but they will rise first so are they in heaven or are they sleeping until the rapture awesome listen I'm gonna I'm gonna remember it's just you and I so I don't mean to embarrass you if you don't know it's okay but I'm for impact sake I'm I'm actually going to want you to sir your own question at least part of it what else did Paul say what else most what else did Paul say about the believer when they die now let me see how well you know your Bible are you ready Paul oh my goodness oh you're gonna you're gonna put me on the spot that's okay well he said that he doesn't want us to be ignorant about those who died right that they you know they would be in heaven they would be with the Lord right and that you know we are to encourage one another with with that word now I don't know that's what you know let me ask you let me ask you a question fill in the blank Paul said to be absent from the body is to be is to be present with the Lord perfect yes I'll stop right there what happens the moment you if as a believer when you if you were to die today where where does your spirit and your consciousness go where do you go heaven exactly okay sir instantly listen your body looks like at death your body looks like you're slipping into sleep correct right the word that the Bible uses in the New Testament for the body for the for that person sleeping refers only to the body the human body the carcass the skin it never refers to the soul it never refers to the spirit of who you are so when for example okay here's I'll just I'm gonna walk you through this this is this is something this is my life last night my my aunt my aunt died last night and she know you know what believe me she she suffered years with sicknesses and then the answer and listen yeah last night when she died none of us wept you want to know why we rejoiced yeah absolutely cuz you know what he's a more in pain she's a no more pain her body is going to be buried she's not here she's gone she's with the Lord instantly according to the Bible so her body we have a service for and god forbid but if the Lord doesn't come back imagine if he doesn't come back for 30 years takes about 30 years depending on the environment down there how wet whatever takes about 30 years for a body to fully decomposed away into dust six feet under if her body decomposes and turns to dust it has nothing to do with her her actual existence she's with the Lord watch now mm-hmm when the Lord comes back to get his church let's hope it's today my goodness second her body she just died last night her body is at the is that the mortuary if Jesus comes back tonight he's gonna descend and the trumpet blasts and the shout and the Lord is going to raise the dead who dead what dead dead bodies because watch it says in 1st Thessalonians 4 that when he comes back he brings them with him who died in Jesus he calls their body out glorified they received their new bodies resurrected bodies at the rapture in that instant you and I who are walking around they go up first and in a millisecond of time and we in a moment later are transformed we pass from death we don't even deal with death and like Enoch were taken into the presence of the Lord your your body your body is simply a bio it's a human bio tool that you use in this world to express yourself Paul the Apostle to firstness Oni in 1st Corinthians 15 tells us about various types of skin he said there's the skin of a body there's the so to speak the skin or the glory of the heavens the Stars an animal world has their skin each fitted for their own environment but when the Lord comes he will transform our vile bodies into glorious bodies liken to his and we will never die what will be with him forever in a twinkling of an eye this will happen for those that are living the dead when it says dead it's only their bodies so I don't know if that confuses you or helps you but no no that helps me a lot because like I said I was just you know I've heard so many different things and I was just wondering if because it said the Dead will rise first and then I you know I was thinking it was the body and because the spirit was with the Lord's right but you know you've heard so many different things and I listen to JD I listen to you I listen to a mirror I don't know what I would do without you my husband and I would just we're so blessed you guys are really blessed us we've never found a church out here that has really fulfill their needs and you guys are really blessed us so I can't tell you how much we've learned from you and I thank you so much you really have you really have helped us you are so kind and I'm gonna be honest with you I'll tell you right up straight up right now one of the most and it's never on film we never capture this and it's wrong one of the most epic moments I wish everyone could share is the opportunities for either Jan Markell and JD and a mirror and myself we were the first kind of the for crazy people originally that kind of have been out there regarding Bible prophecy and stuff and and when we get together and have a chance to talk at like lunchtime at a conference or something like that I got to tell you it is we pinch ourselves but because we've known each other for years and we're so blown away that God would use us at all and so we're shocked but God is using us for that we're grateful but I want just want to thank you for for listening because I know for I speak for all of us JD in the mirror and Jan and for that matter Tom and Barry that we wonder if anybody is listening you see Jackie gotta be kidding me we're not kidding you we feel like we feel like no one's listening but then when we when we hear a response like your response we just get encouraged so thank you for that Thank You Nancy are we talking to me yet are you there yes yeah how are you hi pastor Jack yes how are you what's up great well first of all I gotta tell you this is like the coolest thing you're doing because I know so no producing this and we're going no I mean I look we've got a lot of questions and we we get on the internet and you know we want to trust the sort source in which we're obtaining the information from but you guys have been just enthralled like just wrapped up in this for years and you're just the people the person that we need to talk to because we trust the source and it's it's great you're doing this because we're asking each other all day long you know I was going to tell you I have two questions for you actually and I think I know the answer to the second one but I've been saved Calvary Chapel since 1998 in South Bay with Pastor Steve Mays and he was great on teaching revelation I'm totally Mike my first question is I know this situation is really sad that we're seeing going on globally but at the same time I mean I've been learning and studying Revelation for over 20 years now and to finally see it unfold there's also a huge element of excitement in the midst of some serious sadness so my I know you're gonna answer yes but it is normal I would expect for a Christian to be excited to see these two the series of events unfold at the same time there's a lot of said is going on there's a lot of people around me that think I'm absolutely out of my head for being excited to see these things unfold at a time where it's really sad you know the other question I have is Isaiah 26 2008 is coming up a lot come my people enter into your chambers and shut your doors about you hide yourselves as if it were for a little moment until the examination is over are we going through this right now Nancy no we're not Isaiah 26 verses 19 is it Nancy do have your Bible open I did I'm in Bible I'm in Bible hobb calm okay yes I can go there yeah is it is it Isaiah 26 verses 19 to 26 or 19 to 21 let me I can turn there myself it's just that my eyes are really dry but I'm gonna try it I it's 19 to 21 okay is it yeah 26:19 yeah go ahead yeah for thus says the Lord God when I when I make you I'm sorry my goodness my eyes are horribly bad why did you say Isaiah 26 1926 19 correct okay so the dead shall live my horses shall rise the words you're building employ a belief more or less distinct in a resurrection are primarily like the vision of dry bones yeah listen okay yeah for for your dead shell listen carefully to this okay by the way I'm gonna tell you right now I do yes this is a prophecy to the nation of Israel but I adhere to this view there's the number there's the near and far fulfillment of Bible prophecy that's that's an interpretive rule the near and far fulfillment of Bible prophecy so you live in temecula is that right I do okay so you're you're familiar with the Santa Ana Mountains Saddleback Mountain for example yeah Saddleback mountain is unique very unique for very interesting reason Saddleback mountain is actually two mountains that come together with a valley in between and the way that they are topographically or geologically put there at an angle so that any direction you fly around settle back mountain it always retains the shape of a saddle thus it's called settlement Mountain little do people know that in-between is a valley so watch this to interpret this correctly there's the near and far fulfillment of all Bible prophecy meaning I see a mountain and it has these answers on it what I can't see when I fly around it is any Valley it looks like it's one mountain to me but when I realize when I stop and turn toward it I can fly between those two mountains and one is called the near fulfillment of Bible prophecy and the latter is called the second or the the the second or the far fulfillment of Bible proper okay so watch this when you look at Isaiah 26 verses 19 to 21 it is definitely talking to the nation of Israel there's no doubt about it okay Isaiah is a prophet to the nation of Israel but right to this listen to this and you and you clearly picked up on it in your Bible reading everybody listen to this Isaiah 26 19 you're dead shall live together with my dead body they shall arise Wow right right that sounds like resurrection morning man that totally what's right what and it gets more graphic take you're dead shall arise awake and sing you who dwell in the dust for your do is like the dew of herbs wait a minute what does do what does do do every morning when the Sun comes up what happens to do de W do what what is it what happens to it it evaporates upward it evaporates correct it rose but oh I see that are we talking is this rough is this rapture right here number one interpretation the first part of the mountaintop it applies to Israel and God resurrecting the nation high the nation of these are okay the FAR's fulfillment you're gonna answer it for yourself he's going to say right away can sing you do Ellen does for you do is to do a verbs the earth shall cast out the dead what happens in 1st Thessalonians 4 the dead bodies arise commonly yet listen to this come my people enter your chambers and height by the way go research that word for chambers it can be interpreted in the Hebrew as wedding chambers or a bridal chamber come enter your chambers then shut your doors behind you listen hide yourself as it were for a moment until the indignation wrath or judgment is passed for behold look behold the Lord comes out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity that's never happened before ah ha ha ha for the earth will no longer cover her blood and no longer will it cover her slain that's judgment hey that is judgment my pen I see come up here and like do leaves the pen leaves the petals or the leaves on a plant do come on up oh and hide yourself for a while that's marriage talk ok I'm so glad you broke that damn be worthy now I I'll be right back and then why clearly during the rapture where the church is in heaven above what do we know we ghost we go directly to Revelation 19 we all of a sudden John sees John's vantage point us from heaven and he's looking around and the bride is there the church is up there and she's addressed yep she's dressed in fine white linen and John sees the door open up of heaven and he sees it open up imagine in your mind he sees the door of heaven opened up in what must be as it were suspended in black space this is the way my cartoon mind sees it is a beautiful blue ball of Earth and yeah the Bible tells us Christ is upon a white horse and it says and we follow him on white horses yet he returns in the second coming to set up his kingdom but during the Tribulation Period what's going on exactly what Isaiah said a moment ago hide my people up here with me or and the chamber it comes into play because I pouring out my indignation judgment and wrath upon the earth and no more shall the earth no more will the earth be able to hide its sins everything's gonna be disclosed because I'm punishing the earth note this and then I'll be quiet note this why are they beat up why are they being judged by the Lord because of their sin there none exactly their iniquity the the seven-year tribulation period is God judging a christ-rejecting world while he's focused on Israel that's why there's no church mentioned during the Tribulation Period the church leaves the pages of the Bible in John chapter four verse one represented in John he's a member of the church and the next time we see John he's with the church in heaven in Revelation 19 and no one asked the question how did she get there for this entire seven-year time she's been gone where's she been she's been fulfilling Isaiah 26 verses 19 to 21 Wow pastor Jack I am so glad you clarified that because if you do read 26 20 you can almost think why people would think that it would apply because we're running into our house and waiting for something to pass but no it applies during the tribulation it to protect Israel is that correct did I interpret that correctly absolutely correct okay got it this time there's no doubt about it this time that we're in this has never happened before in human history right where we are sequestered globally and able to talk to one another around the globe at the exact same time yes we can't go anywhere but we can talk to everyone right that's a miracle and that is a miracle I'll show you the miracle though the internet and technology is our biggest platform right now in crud Oh totally pastor Jack thanks so much god bless you I totally appreciate you dissecting this for me it makes perfect sense thank you so much god bless you have an awesome day take care Joyce from Puma Valley California oh joy see you there I am Joyce what's the temperature there is it warm there yet it's very warm 25 today yeah I think we were at it we were probably at 85 today as well beautiful though it's a great time yeah good gorgeous girl say it's it's hard to believe that this virus is running loose or it was or it is when you look around California at this time I mean I I love all of our 50 states but California tell you what California we've been so blessed these last several years with rain and the flowers and the mountains covered in snow and now you know we've got beach weather it's just no wonder why that the discoverers the the explorers when they came in landed Balboa and Coronado you know when they landed on the South Southern California coastline they they wrote down in their writings that they had stumbled upon kallithea and Khalifa is the beautiful Greek mythological world of a land that is abundant and blessings in every direction and they said we found Khalifa and of course it's pronounced in Spanish California but anyway that's not why you called actually Joyce what's your question well it's kind of a two-part question but first of all I want to say thank you for your ministry I listen to you and all of you guys a lot and you're just through such a blessing I'm 67 I started being interested in prophecy when I was seven because my grandmother used to tell me stories from revelation instead of bedtime stories when I visit her so this has been a lifelong interest from yes yeah he was a wonderful grandmother so it's kind of a two-part question and it's kind of stuff it's it's speculation it's I don't think there's anything biblical to support any any speculation that we have but the first part is I know that when it Jesus's Rexach resurrection there were grains that were opened and people that walked around and that's really all it says I think about it it doesn't really give it any details so I don't know if there's any correlation between that event and the rapture and then the second part of the question is I know that the Bible also says that the we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye but it doesn't necessarily say that we're going to disappear in the twinkling of an eye and the disciples watched Jesus go so where did we get the idea that we would disappear like the movies where were just like one second gone and no one knows what happened what what an awesome question first of all regarding the correlation regarding the dead friends and friends in an online family she's referring to the Gospels tell us for my witness account that when Jesus died at the cross when he dismissed his spirit when he said it's finished and he dismissed his spirit and he breathed his last breath the Bible tells us that at his death graves opened up in Jerusalem and the dead came out of the ground I think it's Matthew 27 26 and 27 check this out and it says when he rose from the dead they were great there were those who rose from the dead at his resurrection as well they were those I think one of the Gospels mentioned that there were some 500 of these people yeah yeah no this is you say I've never heard that the Bible that's because you read your Bible too fast need to slow down what she's referring to is true but who are these people well they first of all definitely would have been people who died obviously before Jesus Christ died on the cross and was glorified with this resurrection body what does that signify to me it doesn't say anything to the church regarding the rapture it does say to me a lot of analysis or I should say analogous or typological of the name in Israel that Israel in the last days will be resurrected going back to Ezekiel chapter 36 in the valley of dry bones it's almost I think it's a beautiful if I were if I were teaching the Bible to a Bible study I would use what you just said as a picture and vice versa of Ezekiel 36 now to get to the the punch line that you are asking I have completely forgot what it was you said yes well I didn't know if there was any correlation to the rapture and then the second part was about the twinkling of an eye and I know that were changed in the tweaking of eye but it doesn't ever say that we disappear because the disciples watched Jesus ascend yep perfect number one the word that is mentioned in Scripture regarding the believers for example first Thessalonians 15 I mean I keep saying Thessalonians first Corinthians 15 where you're reading somewhere around is you're like around verse 50 52 53 somewhere around in there when you look at that it says that we shall not all sleep that's referring to the body but we shall be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye for this mortal right this mortal must put on immortality this this corruption must put on incorruption okay he's referring to in first that's the first Corinthians 15 the rapture of the church which is also of course the resurrection of the church age believer that's died before us okay I just referred to my aunt who died last night she would be in that group right here's the reason why we know it's an it's an instantaneous uh well let's just call it disappearance to the human eye is because the word that's used in Greek is the word that we use [Music] for metamorphose Metamorpho there's another Greek word that's used and I'm sorry I missed I forgetting the word but it also means a transformation instantaneous Avery a a reconstitution do you know what I mean by that reconstitution it means in a scientific way it means that God simply with his announcement of come up here the rapture he simply shifts the molecular structure of the physical human being now this gets into some pretty cool exciting stuff because when you when you talk about the buck in the body change in a moment well first of all nothing is impossible to God he made it and he can he can change it you see well what's your precedent for thinking like this well number one he said he was gonna change our bodies number two we know it's a twinkling of an eye but do we have a precedent oh yes Jesus Christ rose again from the dead with the exact same body that you and I are gonna have when we are resurrected from the dead that is our glorified body that every Christian who understands their Bible does not believe in a reincarnation they we believe in resurrection and so the resurrection is a physical resurrection of our body but you say how do you spend how do you know about becoming invisible or because Jesus and you know the answer to this when Jesus rose from the dead he was appearing and disappearing and yet the women at the tomb grabbed on to him and clung to him and he said don't cling to me I've not yet ascended isn't it interesting yeah well how do you know he disappeared jack because in John's Gospel beginning in chapter 20 and reading forward the Bible tells us there that they were all locked in the room hiding and the disciples were scared and it says all of a sudden Jesus appeared to them in the room he didn't come through the window he didn't open the door and he says behold and Thomas is there and you know the story put your hand in the holes and my side and then the Bible tells us instantly he vanished from them Luke chapter 24 two disciples in the evening of Resurrection Sunday they're walking down the mountain we've done this many times on our trips to Israel Jerusalem's behind us and it's about a 10-mile walk to the name Emmaus Thank You Emmaus two disciples are walking and all of a sudden it says that Jesus coming alongside them sees them and comes comes to them and says why are you so sad and they said don't you know what's happened here and the things concerning the Messiah who we had hoped was the savior of Israel but now we've lost all hope because after all it's the third day and he said he says to them all foolish ones and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken and the Bible then tells us as they talked to this man they go into the house and he is acting like it says he's going to keep going and they say please come in it's late the Bible says in Luke 24 that he goes in and talks with them it's hilarious because he steals the moment it's not even his house he sits down at the table and the Bible says he takes the bread he takes the guy's bread and he breaks it and the moment the Bible says in the moment that he broke the bread their eyes were opened and they saw that it was Jesus and instantly he vanished from their sight first John 1st John chapter 2 or 3 I'm sorry I'm not remembering the scripture says we do not know what we will be like when he arrives or when he appears but we know this that when he comes we will be like him for we shall see him as he is we are gonna have the same body the same body style that Jesus had when he rose from the dead and I hope that answers your question you you asked a great question it's a it's a well it's a it's a once you understand resurrection then you embrace the understanding that this this body if we change the molecule arrangement of this body I could disappear right in front of if that were possible by my power I don't have that power nobody does but not yes yes God can speak to change and it can happen in an instant then what why do you and I I appreciate your answer that really helps but did then did Jesus choose to at the Ascension do be different so that because it says his disciples watched him go this is actually watching goal was it do you have are you are you actually there at that scripture it says that the disciples what does it say it says that the disciples watched him go up right I mean I can give it to you but let's do a little Bible study right now it's like Acts it's either Matthew is it Matthew 28 or is it it says that they were gathered together and Jesus is in the midst of them and he begins to give him these part yeah he begins to give them parting words all power and authority is given unto you and lo or behold I am with you always even unto the end of the world in the book of Acts chapter one opens up with the admonition to go and to wait in Jerusalem until you receive the power that was promised to you from on high Acts chapter 1 verse 8 that we would be then anointed by the Holy Spirit and become witnesses to the world in Judea in Jerusalem Judea Samaria to the uttermost parts Mary so so here's the thing is that in one of the Gospels it tells us that as he was in the midst of them he began to ascend and they saw him rise bodily that means you could touch him this is very Lord and everyone you could touch you could have touched Jesus's hand when he started to lift up that's the meaning of it he physically ascended and imagine letting go of his hand and they're like this oh and what does the next verse say the next verse says that an angel or two angels appeared and said what are you doing why are you looking up into heaven like this listen this same Jesus that you just saw ascend will come again in like manner holy cow is that important it means that the physical touchable huggable Jesus that rose from the dead ascended from the mountaintop is coming back physically this is Christian biblical doctrine this is this flies in the face of the false prophets and teachers of our day Jesus physically must return to this world and specifically to Jerusalem physically in his glorified state or else we've got the wrong Jesus that's why the Gospels close out with that admonition basically it's this he physically rose out of your presence you touched and felt him as he went up just wait when he comes back he'll be just as tangible then as he was now you'll be able to touch him then as well in his second coming and it is theologically beyond important that we understand that Jesus must physically return not as a phantom not as a ghost not as an aberration he must physically return or else were lost we don't have a savior if he doesn't it's true well thank you jack thanks for your question your answer yeah thank you we're gonna go for about another we'll go to 6 o'clock Pacific time and then I'll just pass out from talking too much that had better be two hours but Nicole wait Nicole from Alberta Canada is it right yes I'm impressed these we didn't Cassandra call earlier from Alberta this is that my daughter are you serious that's your my daughter Wow this one she knew how to press the button she just kept going and going that's true get me through it sweet that's oh yeah oh we love Canada I've got so many when we get friends in Canada pastors and and Christian friends and Calgary now Calgary pastor Glen in the deer fellowship at rocky Rocky Mountain Christian Fellowship there in Calgary Canada just such a great group of people we've got some wonderful friends that love the Lord in a in a just outside of Winnipeg that listened to us faithfully and so but we love only we just we just we think the world of Canada we got we just pray that God would bless Canada so yes praise God yeah so we just love you so much pastor Jack and my daughter used to listen to you and I'm gonna try to see if she'll do this again but she used to listen to you going to sleep at night she just finds you very soothing your your sermons and you've just been such a blessing and my mom and my aunt we've been watching for the rapture for a while now and your ministry has just blessed us beyond belief we just love listening to you and you're so logical you're not sensational everything just is so biblical and that is just such a blessing a real blessing that's Nicole that's amazing thank you and and I'm looking at the the technical team out here and they're just grateful as well thank you for that oh no problem so my question it kind of two parts the second part is more kind of like has this crossed your mind is this something it's not so much like biblical but it's like is this something that has crossed your mind so okay so let me just read this from my paper here okay so the the Bible talks about how life will be going on is business as usual on the day of the Son of Man in Luke 17 like Noah and not do you think life will go back to normal which is coronavirus pandemic and then this is the second part or could this be God's merciful way of rapturing us when there's would be less destruction on earth less planes in the sky left cars in the streets well number one I'm gonna probably kind of blow your mind regardless you said you said Luke did you see Luke 21 or Luke 7 marks it what'd you say it look it's Luke 17 Luke 17 mm-hmm so regarding yeah regarding the rapture I personally believe that scripture is clear that there's no there's no prerequisite or pre prophecy fulfillment to indicate that the rapture is near I believe in the imminency of the rapture if I remember that message right does that is that the chapter that talks about they'll be one there'll be two at the mill one grindy and the other one shall be taken the other one shall be left okay okay I'm going to what I'm gonna tell you is gonna probably freak you out but okay I want to I want to give you some comfort I want to give you some comfort because what I'm gonna share with you is actually very very common it's just not preached much it's very very safe and old theology for example what I'm about to share you share with you Jay Vernon and McGee taught this warn where's be John wolve read JC I think JC rile I think Martyn lloyd-jones anyway why do I say this because when you look at that portion of Scripture and I don't have my Bible open my eyes are not working today but I am gonna go I'm gonna read it through your eyes so to speak I'll do my best anyway though I mean if you read it it says to two will be taken the other one left right two will be in the field one taken the other one left right and then the Bible says yeah right go down there do you see the verse that it says the disciples asked Jesus this where Lord you see that where they ask the question where and it's your Bible probably has the letters in red Jesus says why wherever the the Eagle is the or wherever the carcasses the Eagle shall be gathered orsatti is where the body is yeah okay so yeah well where's lever the body is there will the eagle's be gathered together okay listen to what she just said this is critical it's so we well I'll just stick to the rule you got to once taken the other ones left you have to one's taken the other ones left okay guess what this has nothing to do with the rapture yes okay you want to know why and I know good pastors that have bleached this as a rapture verse the only problem is yeah it's at the end of the Tribulation Period that's why there's some post tribulation rapture people because of that passage it comes at the end it comes at the latter end of the Olivet discourse which is the unveiling of Israel and the world in the last days we're not there yet she wouldn't matter thought this was the rapture one taken the other one left one goes up one's left behind but what Dad disciples asked the disciples asked Jesus where are they where means why are they taken and this is look at the answer this is please don't forget this you'll be the smartest kid on your block if you get this in your Bible study class the dis we can learn a lot from the disciples question where did it where Lord Jesus says the Bible was not written in English listen your Bible says my Bible says wherever the body is there the Eagle shall be also or Eagles is an eagle's plural isn't it I think so Eagle yeah so here's the deal the word eagle there's a word in the Bible for Eagle and that's not there that's not the word mm-hmm the word that appears there for Eagle is okay is the word Griffin say Griffin yeah in the West or were you and I live we would say vulture it's an unclean bird the word is an unclean bird so yeah so the people who will say that you are you sucky and they're ranchers at the end of the tribulation because look Jesus is the go in the bodies the body of Christ well that's a problem because Jesus is calling himself an unclean bird and guess what the word is for body and I don't know why translators in the English didn't put the word right the word for body is a rot is a rotting corpse it's a rut the juice when they think of a rotting body they freak out it's not good when they asked Jesus oh my gosh where are they taken they're asking about the ones who are taken listen who are taken away and Jesus says they're taken away where there's rotting bodies and flesh-eating Birds what is this okay is that like though it's got the mark of the beat nope get ready to write it down it is Jesus Christ hey it's Jesus showing and telling us graphically what happens in Matthew 25 Luke 17 in that event is Matthew 25 you see what is that Matthew 25 at the second coming Jesus sits on his throne mm-hmm now don't miss this and the Bible says the Book of Daniel tells you exactly how long it's going to take him chapter 12 of Daniel 12 tells you exactly how long it's going to take Jesus to do Matthew 28 he's gonna separate the nations as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats are you with me think oh yeah when he's done yeah by the way do you remember what he says he says to them he judges them on their own on how they treated the nation Israel during the tribulation period that's amazing he judges the world he judges the nations and those are taken away and the ones that stay are the humans that live into the Millennial age they will enter into the kingdom of God the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth when the disciples said all my goodness where are these people taken away they are going to be destroyed like that Matthew chapter Matthew Matthew's Gospel there did I say Matthew 28 I meant to say Matthew 25 said Matthew 25 and they're not to 28 sorry I read it down Thank You Man thank you Matthew 25 those are taken away to judgment not to the rapture and I can prove it because it's rotting corpses that's not how he's going to describe his bride the church as her rotting corpse and unclean courts and he's going to describe himself as a Griffin a vulture a unclean flesh-eating bird oh no this is a judgment of the king of kings and the Lord of lords separating the nation's and the flesh will be consumed by the birds of those who are judged and those who passed that judgment live into the Millennium they in fact are the ones that begin to repopulate the earth those are the ones that the Bible says in Isaiah they begin to experience the longevity of years Isaiah says about those people that when a man dies at the age of a hundred it's as though a child has died because they're gonna go you're gonna start when Christ comes back the people going to be living two three four hundred years again just like in the was you know in the years after even so I hope that works yeah so that's why I asked is it because I actually mentioned the the day of the Son of Man because I didn't want to say about the rapture but I wasn't 100% sure that that was a rapture birthday by here are different things and also verse 31 and in that day he would shall be upon the housetop and it's just the house let him not come down to take it away dramatic sounds like the middle of the tribulation to me that's like when they're running away you're exactly correct that is that is inside the tribulation period you are exactly correct and thank you for reminding me the overall killer on this is the day of the Son of Man yeah that is an announcement of of the the judgment of God the it's not it's not the day of Christ or the or it's not the day of the Lord where you and I are raptured this is a horrific event for for those that are consumed so great question thank you so much final wine but we got one minute left this is um is this is your name money yeah money MO and n ie money from shingles spring where is this in California single Springs is about dough let's say a half-hour going north out of Sacramento a half-hour north out of Sacramento okay mine yeah my daughter lives okay so then my daughter lives about a half an hour east of Sacramento in Manteca do you know where Manteca is oh yeah yeah okay I have to confess I've never I'm sorry but I've not heard of shingles Springs but that's great hey pray for Khalid Monte Preet Bharara California pray for California oh absolutely believe it or not I think we're gonna see a miracle in California in a lot of ways I don't think I'm thinking of a miracle in November I'm thinking of an Emir of a miracle any day now for the Lord to pour out revival and of all places I am expecting God to start it in California sorry I'm very possessive and I love California and so does God and I think I think money we're gonna see God do an amazing thing in this state but what's your question I'm perfectly ready for it yes I wanted to say one thing before I give you my question I want to encourage you to understand that there are thousands about thousands that are watching you and I believe God is using this epidemic have preachers like you there unafraid then I'm afraid to tell the truth politically spiritually and and cutting no corners to get the truth out because the time is near thank you for that encouragement I I want you to know that technically money we know that what you just said is true because we have never been able to reach as many people and frankly we wouldn't have if that if this pandemic wouldn't have hit we would have not had the push to convert this sanctuary money I'm speaking into a huge black hole right now but as I speak to you the people who go to this church would not even recognize this place because money to my right your left there is a a band set up worship area for music here in the sanctuary and there are one two three four five six I think seven seven seven different studios that this wonderful team has created during this pandemic outbreak in and since the church shut down what do I mean by that this is a huge building with seven different TV studios now in here that this team has made and they've worked around the clock so that they they could reach the children there's a kid set there's a women's ministry set there's a youth set there's a worship set there's it's just amazing and we've never would have done this and we never would have seen these numbers of hundreds of thousands of people viewing and then getting into you know a million viewers of a service or something over the over time it's a miracle so how you going to and we're just honored we're honored to be part of it so money what's your question back a while ago years ago actually the church used to have Bible studies in their home and they may still do that somewhat and they always have the nice service but I'm wondering since we're in we're at our home now because persecution is coming yeah and so the church I've always believed will go underground because of the persecution and is this a time for us to be used to it because that time is coming so how should I answer you should I answer you what I really believe or should I give you a good a good band-aid answer no I don't want to mandate that's what I thought so the church was born in the house 2,000 years ago yeah and the church obviously covered the earth and has come to the 21st century and Jesus said in the last days the Kingdom of Heaven or the kingdom of God will be like a mustard seed everybody's fine with that in Israel 2,000 years ago but Jesus said it's going to go into the ground and it's gonna sprout and grow everyone's like so what that happens every day instead he said it's gonna grow into a great tree every Jew that heard him went but and he said oh that's not all and the birds of the air are going to lodge in its branches number one the church will start out as a mustard seed in the home it's going to grow and it started in the book of Acts sir Peter preaches one sermon in Chapter two and three book of Acts in the church over 2,000 people 3,000 people get saved in one sermon it explodes the got the there are people who believe the gospel on every continent or every aisle and now now we see the church by this pandemic pushed back into the home do I believe God is in this I 100% I don't believe God caused the virus that's sin and Satan in this world God uses stuff so personally could we go back to some new normal yes we could as long as it long as it Monty is a new normal because I got to tell you as a church we will never go back to to not reaching these kind of numbers that I like to say the toothpaste Monty is out of the tube we're not gonna put it back we're reaching so many people that's God's will that we reach so many people and so it whatever we're going back to whatever that is I don't know I am praying I'm crying out to God I'm asking him to direct me and this church so I don't know what that is yet but I'll tell you this money if you tell me jack you'll never get back into your pulpit again you and ministers like you are going to reach more and more millions of people and I only see that happening for like six months and then and I saw a dream or I slept and I saw the church being wrapped if you were to tell me that I would have to say money I'm not surprised one bit I can't know the day of the hour but second Thessalonians tells us concerning the times and the seasons brother and you'll have no need that I should write to you and so I'm gonna roll with whatever God does will we get back to normal pulpit teaching I don't know do I want that to happen yes because I don't like this this time I want but it is exciting oh my goodness money if it wasn't exciting I'd be really bummed right now because I like you I love these people at this church near and far and it's just the kind of way this church is we are a very touchy Huggy praise God love one another church and I miss it I miss every single one of these people but if you if God is saying hey you'll be you you'll be you guys will be reunited so I need to get the church preaching on the internet around the world and then I'm coming back well then okay which one's gonna happen that I don't know both eventually well the thing is is this church nowadays what's so different and so exciting about watching you is that pastors in the church say okay for the worship team you have 29 minutes then I'll preach for 20 minutes we gotta get them out they'll get restless they're over wanna go to lunch okay well I watch you and you've gone on for hour and a half in your church and this is just water captain that it is I said here in God's in the church and watch it and not think about lunch because the Spirit is moving yes I know that money I see that I know exactly what you I can't explain it I I see that I believe you and you know what like my Pastor Chuck Smith at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa years ago he was asked by reporters how do you how can you explain the success of this church Chuck Smith said I happen to be at the right place at the right time you know what money I happen to be at the right place at the right time God has done amazing things here he's doing amazing things and I can't explain it either but I can tell you this and we'll conclude right here Jesus heard he warned that in the last days the birds of the air will lodge in the branches of the church and that's and that's a bad thing and you're referring to an age in which we're living in right now we're Church everything that is called a church is not really a church and everything that's called Christians not really Christian and everything that hos a Bible doesn't necessarily believe the Bible we're living in those days where Jesus said the birds are going to be stuck in its branches yeah there's a lot that is fake in the church and I just believe pastors should take a little bit of a pulse right now from the Holy Spirit all around the world people are tuning in to get unlimited Bible now Iran the nation of Iran the CIA knows I'm not going to tell you how I know I'll just tell you I know that the CIA has monitored the most downloads of content in the nation of Iran at this time is the gospel it's not pornography it's not financial information about something it's not cookbooks the number one download in Iran by the Iranian citizen at this time is Bible Bible programs and Bible sermons I believe this is the hand of God those that are see the fields widened to harvest are not just preaching the gospel I truly believe and I said it today and in a meeting the reason why this ministry and JD and and other ministries are prospering as churches at this hour is because God God is sending sheep to eat the word they want Bible and instead of having 60 minute church experiences we need to have two hours sermons because the Holy Spirit wants to speak to his people and not everyone wants to hear him but his kids they want to hear him and so listen on behalf of all of you I'm tired you're busy more than ever please listen from Canada I know that this will be replayed maybe on Facebook or whatever but as the world wakes up in the Middle East pretty soon anyway there'll be people watching this and on behalf of all of my fellow ministers of the gospel and co-laborers in Christ whatever country you're in you are commanded in scripture from Paul the Apostle to Timothy the student pray for your elected leaders if if you are if you live in a nation where there's despotic rulers and tyrants pray for them number two discern the times in the seasons and know that the Lord's coming is near and then third we end with while this is important for God so loved the world that He gave His only glorified and bestowed gift to mankind Jesus Christ His Son that whosoever hardened criminal to tender little five-year-old whosoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life that you would believe God's Word and not any man that Jesus Christ died in the cross for your sins he rose again from the dead for your justification the Bible is 100% true every word every prophecy that has been fulfilled has been fulfilled literally that means every prophecy that is to be fulfilled will be fulfilled literally Christ is coming back trust him lean upon him receive him as Lord and Savior and we'd love to know that if we can get a Bible into your country or into your lap let us know email us contact us we'll send you a Bible but now's the time to trust Christ before it's too late any day now any day now I trust Christ will return are you ready to meet him that's why we brought you this evening god bless you and the Lord pour out his Holy Spirit upon you in Jesus name and all God's people said amen you
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 249,185
Rating: 4.8972793 out of 5
Id: zar8y3vvi44
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Length: 133min 45sec (8025 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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