In Enemy Occupied Territory

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hey you guys lisa and i had planned to be away uh this week to take a break and take a rest and uh thinking that and praying like all of you that uh we'd have a victory with the removal of gavin newsom and that larry elder would win as being governor and of course the lord had something completely different in mind i want to encourage all of you number one is that we all did the right thing those of us who participated in the process of our republic that is we signed the recall uh petitions and then we voted and yes i'm hearing from so many people regarding uh what are we going to call election dynamics to say the least but here's the bottom line we do our best we do righteousness and we leave the outcome to the lord so don't be discouraged don't be down about it uh we can't we don't operate that way that's not that's not how we live as believers we do our best we do what honors god and then we leave the outcome to him okay number two is uh that are you ready for this i can now announce this i can now announce this larry elder did not want this made known until after the election please listen to this he didn't want it known so we kept it quiet because he didn't want it to be viewed as a stunt but for quite a while of course larry and i and others have been talking and do you remember when he was at our church of course a couple sundays ago larry and i had a pretty cool conversation together and so on the week that mike pompeo was with us larry elder uh at a friend's church that we know he was speaking and larry elder bowed his knees to jesus christ and accepted jesus as lord and savior if this entire election process was for larry to come to a personal knowledge of jesus then it was all worth it you guys larry believes in god he believed in god but he asked me personally he said jack how do i do this what what what is this there's there's this change that needs to happen in my life and so um great news everybody but i i just so am blessed by his integrity he didn't want that out until after the election results because he didn't want people to think that he'd become a born-again believer because of votes so great news i just i just feel so fantastic about that uh the other thing is that um yeah i'm i'm down this week i think but please pray for us we're heading um we're heading to speak uh in texas uh right now and um i'll be back on sunday uh but listen love you guys don't be discouraged stand strong uh there's a lot going on and uh we'll keep you of course the nature of our church is to keep you informed and to keep preaching the gospel and so we love you guys but again uh we push forward and do what's right look as lisa and i are having a vacation day uh please give a warm welcome to our our dear high school pastor shadrach means he'll be taking you through the word of god tonight well it's an honor to be be with you guys tonight i have one other quick announcement before we get into the message and that is if you want to be a part of what god's doing here in any way shape or form and of course there's no obligation i've gotten emails when we tell people that are visiting not to give people misunderstand and they think that we're telling people not to give we're saying you do what's on your heart but if you're visiting there is no obligation we don't want people thinking hey we're so happy you're here now give us your money we don't want your money we don't need your money but but what if you want to be a part of what god's doing here there's a couple of ways that you can do that you can go online to our website at you can text 855-984-4483 and in in the message area you put give calvary cch and then lastly on your way out there's agape boxes and again that's if you want if you feel called if you don't then don't the lord will take care of our needs so with all that's going on uh you know i was just preparing and thinking lord what would you what would you say to your people tonight and i thought what a precarious place for me to be on a day like today after i i know i went to bed i was getting texts at 8 20 saying the race had been called and i was like insane no way i'm sorry 8 30 is much better but 8 20 it was way too early so anyways you know you you go to bed thinking you never know it could change and then you wake up in the morning and you're like it's still the same so i thought wow what a what a responsibility what a privilege what an honor to be here with you guys tonight to get into god's word and i think tonight that the lord's going to remind us that this earth is not our home and so like pastor jack said we do what's right but this isn't our home and we're occupying until he comes we're being salt and light uh we're a city set on a hill that can't be hidden but until jesus comes back we're going to keep moving forward but we also realize at the same time he could come at any moment and we'll be out of here amen so join me as we pray and we'll jump into the message tonight father we thank you for your word and we pray that you would speak to our hearts by your holy spirit lord if there's any of me empty me of myself right now lord and fill us with you lead us and guide us by your spirit into all truth we ask in jesus name amen okay open your bibles to ephesians chapter 2 we're going to use ephesians chapter 2 verses 1 to 10 to be a springboard into looking at first john 4 and the title of the message tonight is in enemy occupied territory in enemy occupied territory listen to what it says in ephesians chapter 2 it says you he made alive who were dead in trespasses and sins in which you once walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the mind and were by nature children of wrath just as the others but i love this but god but god who is rich in mercy because of his great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in trespasses made us alive together with christ for by grace you have been saved and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in christ jesus that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace and his kindness toward us in christ jesus for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of god not of works lest anyone should boast for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus for good works which god prepared beforehand that we should walk in them wow we can go home all right thanks for thanks for coming tonight that's all the scripture that we need in light of everything that's going on in the world around us what a reminder we were by nature children of wrath we were walking according to the course of this world but now we have a new position in christ we are seated with christ in the heavenlies and for that reason tonight we're going to be looking at this message entitled in enemy occupied territory now c.s lewis said in mere christianity enemy occupied territory that is what the world is christianity is the story of the rightful king has landed you might say landed in disguise and calling us to take part of the great campaign of sabotage i love it the great campaign of sabotage meaning we're here and we're thwarting the enemy's plans his plan to take the world to hell in a hand basket jesus came to set us free and then he's he's turned us free he's turned us loose in order that we would be used by him to bring other people to a saving knowledge of christ so in enemy occupied territory the first point we're going to be looking at tonight is so beware now turn to first john chapter four first john chapter four we're going to look at verses one to three we have to beware you know not only is there so much deception in the world today it seems like christians are just falling for anything that comes along hook line and sinker if it's on the internet it must be true now i would have thought we would have learned by now that we have to be very wary of things that we read on the internet yet by the sheer volume of emails that we get and questions and then most often not questions simple statements about some of this information i am under the impression that more people are being deceived wholesale then then i would like to believe is is possible so we must beware look at first john 4 verse 1 john says beloved do not believe every spirit but test the spirits whether they are of god because many false prophets have gone out into the world by this you know the spirit of god every spirit that confesses that jesus christ has come in the flesh and every spirit that does not confess that jesus christ has come of the flesh is not of god and this is the spirit of antichrist which you have heard was coming and is now already in the world now here's the problem and as i already stated deceit is rampant and people are very susceptible we as people of god need to be careful that we don't just read things and then just believe it we should be like the bereans when someone teaches something we need to go and see if it's true now that's easy to do or i should say much easier when it comes to the scriptures it's much more difficult when you're reading something on the internet and you're just trying to find out if it's true because there is a burying of truth on the internet well you got good old libraries around you right it's like really hard to go into a library and bury information so i would suggest you start spending time in actual libraries maybe to look up some of this information now he says here and this is the case many false prophets and false brethren exist many false prophets and many false brethren exist i have noticed there has been an extreme uptick in the amount of attacks not from the world from people calling themselves christians who have a different world view and so this is where we need to be testing testing the spirits that doesn't mean we're like going and consulting ouija boards it doesn't mean we're going to the psychic and consulting or testing the spirits that's not what this means but what it means is those people that come to you and they claim to be christians we've got to do more than just take them at face value you've heard pastor jack say often you know if someone if a plumber comes to your house and he's like he's joe's plumber you know joe's plumbing or whatever and joe the plumber comes to your house you know and and you hear him outside before he comes up and he's cussing you know you don't you kind of know okay i know what i'm gonna get but if he comes up and he's like i'm a christian then i don't know what i'm going to get it used to be and look i am a christian so if you think i'm just bagging on christians just know i am a christian i'm not bagging on true christians i'm bagging on people that would use the name of christ loosely for gain just to throw to throw the little christian fish on there i have to be careful i'm not just going to assume everybody i meet is a christian you know that's something that we had to teach our children growing up because we were either at church or at costco our children growing up if we got in the car they'd say where are we going and we'd say well if we didn't say church they'd say are we going to church and we'd say no and they'd go to costco and we'd say no and they'd be like well then where are we going it's like those are the only two places we went those are the only two places that they wanted to be it's a great thing isn't it i mean i'm so glad they wanted to be a church it's obvious why they want to be at costco because of the free treats so when we would be at costco if people would say hi you know they were just friendly you know my youngest daughter she would say dad i think they're christians and i had the no no no dear just because they say hi back does not mean they're christians okay there's a lot more to this but sometimes as believers that's as deep as we take it now a false prophet is someone who's acting the part of a divinely inspired prophet a false prophet is pretending to be a real prophet there are lots of those today making all sorts of claims making claims that jesus lives in boston in the basement they're making claims that the the rapture is going to happen you know this certain amount of blood moons and then jesus is going to come back and all of this stuff and it's it's always the fringe stuff and you'll find some truth in the bible about whatever they're claiming and then everything else that they're claiming makes no sense at all but we've got to be careful that just because they mention the word blood moon because the word blood moon is in the bible right of the uh the point there to then we think oh it must be true we've got to be careful we've got to go and do our own study now listen to what jesus said in matthew 13 verse 24 he said the kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed in his field but while the man slept his enemy came and sowed tears among the wheat and then he went his way but the grain sprouted and produced a crop then the tares appeared also so the servants of the owner came to him and said sir did you not sow good seed in your field how then does it have tears now my question is this is an agricultural society right if you've planted anything in your yard you immediately had weeds nobody's like came and planted them the birds planted them right because they're scattering the seeds all over but in this in this case tears look just like wheat you see when they're growing they look the same one though is fake the terror is fake it doesn't contain wheat and you won't be able to really tell the the difference until harvest time so listen to what jesus says he says an enemy has done this the servants said to them to him do you want us to go gather him up he said no lest while you gather the tares you uproot the wheat with them let them both grow together until the harvest and at the time of harvest i will say to the reapers first gather the tares and bind them in bundles and burn them but gather the wheat into my barn this is a picture of believers and unbelievers and by the way there are unbelievers in every church every single church if any pastor thought i don't have any tears in my church he would be incredibly wrong and foolish to think such a thing because there are those that they they don't know that they're not really a believer yet they think they are like i was for so long until they're really smacked between the eyes of the truth and then they come to the realization oh i'm not truly a believer and then there's those that know they're not truly a believer but pretend to be a believer because they have a purpose of leading people astray and they will always take you you'll hear them they'll they'll be the one running around telling everybody what they think biblically i'm not saying always in every case maybe there's someone likes to share what they they know and you're like ah they're a deceiver maybe they're not maybe they're just someone who likes to share but but by and large they go around they start getting an audience and then they start underhand sliding the pastor oh you know what i don't believe the way pastor jack does i'm sorry someone starts saying that in church it's time it's time to say uh usher does anybody else see this guy over here because why would you do that why would you do that why would you go to a church and then bad-mouth the pastor but i love this place then then stop talking bad about the pastor no because i think i know better then go somewhere else we don't have time for that we're here to learn we're here to grow we're here to build one another up we don't have time to be tearing people down you understand second corinthians chapter 11 verse 13 second corinthians chapter 11 verse 13 says for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into apostles of christ and no wonder for satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness whose end will be according to their works notice they've transformed themselves into workers of righteousness they are not actually workers of righteousness they pretend it so here's the thing if you're sitting in a church or you're out somewhere and you run into somebody who says they're a christian but in in reality is one of these deceitful workers how can you know if they are the real deal or not well you got to find out what they believe about jesus you need to ask them some questions about jesus and we're given a way to know that john says if they claim jesus came in the flesh thereof god if they deny that jesus came in the flesh they're not of god you've talked to people who say they're christians and then if you ask them do you believe that jesus is god they'll say well no i mean or they'll say yeah but then when you you really get down to the nitty-gritty you find out they don't in fact believe that jesus rose from the dead they don't believe that he rose from the dead they don't believe that he's god or they don't act as if he's god you know when you when you receive christ as your lord and savior and you believe that he's god doesn't it change the way you live oh yes it does if you say i believe that jesus is god and you have absolutely no change in your life and you live the exact same way today that you did before you supposedly claimed christ there's something wrong it shouldn't be the same should there should be some difference now the gnostics of those days they believe everything material was evil and that god could not have created the material universe so they didn't believe that jesus literally became a man and this is this was the problem what are what are false brethren teaching well look at acts chapter 15 verse 1. this is what they were teaching in jesus's day in jesus day they were teaching certain men came from judea and taught the brethren unless you're circumcised according to the custom of moses you cannot be saved that's what they were teaching early on and the early church was dealing with this they were teaching salvation by works and there's various forms of that today and there's also a lot of other deception that's going on in and around churches but what's their goal in this what is their purpose well acts chapter 20 verse 29 says paul writes or sorry luke writes i know this after my departure savage wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock also from among yourselves men will rise up speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after themselves there's always a desire for a wolf to draw away disciples after themselves it's like those people who go to a church for a while they get disgruntled with the pastor and they say that's it i'm gonna go start my own church it's like i wonder how many churches have been started because of somebody who's disgruntled and instead of going and teaching sheep what they do is they use their platform to simply tear down another church how sad is that don't you feel bad have you ever heard i've never heard a pastor do that have you by the way not only have i never heard him do it in the pulpit i've also never heard him do it out of the pulpit doesn't sit around and tear down churches never so that's the thing when you see a false prophet or a false believer and they go out and they start a church or whatever that's that's what the tendency is they start oh this is why we're so much better than all those other churches like it's some sort of competition wait i thought we were all on the same team isn't there one body isn't there one lord isn't there one faith isn't there one baptism someone says i am of paul and i am of apollos paul said who who is a paul and who is apollos one waters one sows god gives the increase it's not the church it's the lord there's got to be faithful people that teach the word that instruct the brethren in righteousness and then it's up to the holy spirit to do what the holy spirit is going to do so the solution here's the solution for us do not believe every spirit do not believe every spirit now i'm not just talking when it comes to the word of god i'm talking right now in our country and in the world there are christians believing i will say so-called spirits that they truly believe are coming from people that they can trust i want to make something clear and this is one example the vaccine is not the mark of the beast the vaccine is not the mark of the beast save your letters save your letters i know i'm only the high school pastor but trust me someone's already got their email open and they're like the vaccine is not the mark of the beast christians are being deceived they're believing the if if they got the vaccine and i'm not saying you should or i'm not even i'm not going to go into that world right now i'm only talking about one thing they believe that it's going to change your dna and then jesus won't see you in the rapture no wait listen i want to make something clear doesn't paul say in romans that nothing can separate us from the love of god that includes a vaccine okay so the reality is there's people being deceived into believing something and they're believing things about the mark of the beast about the antichrist that aren't even in the bible and so we need to get back to the bible we need to know the bible so we can stand in this present evil age and not be deceived or tossed about with every wind of doctrine we must we must stand firm there have been and there will always be those that appear to be genuine believers and are not they seem to teach what is true but there always will be a pull to follow them they are drawing away disciples after themselves i've heard it said give someone authority and see how they handle it and there's not very many people that do a very good job with having that authority now there's this quote once when a stubborn disputer seemed unconvinced lincoln said well let's see how many legs has a cow before of course came the reply disgustedly that's right agreed leaking now suppose you call the cow's tail a leg how many legs does the cow have now the guy said why five of course with a confident reply now that's where you're wrong said lincoln calling a cow's tail a leg doesn't make it a leg [Applause] i wish i was half as smart as he is so we're told to test the spirits to test means to assay or test metals to see if they be pure to put to the test to make trial of or to scrutinize we need to do a better job of examining someone who we're becoming familiar with to make sure they are who they say they are especially if you're out somewhere if you're listening to people on the internet you're listening to so-called experts you know or whatever figure out who they are find out more about them so who is jesus to you is jesus god is he just some prophet is he just some religious man is he just some guy that makes people feel good is he god first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 21 says test all things hold fast what is good abstain from every form of evil test all things test everything question everything that's not a bad thing you you know that right i mean unless you're in class and you want to get out and then there's that one student that's always asking all the questions and everybody else in the class is just like would you let us go home but ask questions you're learning you're growing in christ ask questions ask god questions what does this mean why does this mean this what you know what what about that how does this tie into that i i like the fact that we can ask questions think of doubting thomas in the bible right i mean we call him doubting thomas i wonder what thomas was known for doubting doubting he was known as the doubter when i meet students who say i don't believe in god as a matter of fact not too long ago we had a student up in the high school ministry who who straight up told me they were an atheist you know like i was gonna catch on fire or something and i said oh that's interesting so why are you an atheist and and then they said well because you know science and stuff and of course in my head i'm thinking which science would that be so i said oh okay well you know like so how do you think everything came about you know and they started they started talking and i said you know you're asking questions i like that i said i like the fact that you're asking questions as a matter of fact in the bible there's a man named thomas who who doubted that jesus rose from the dead i mean you hear someone rises from the dead you should be a little skeptical right so and then go find out did he did he rise from the dead so i said this guy thomas he doubted and then jesus presented himself to thomas and then he said from now on blessed are those who don't see yet believe right but that doesn't mean we can't ask questions sometimes as christians we act like you know don't ask me questions about the faith that's ungodly no it's not if it was jesus would have come to thomas and said you are a fool for doubting me but he didn't do that did he i mean look at that even peter denied him he didn't come back to peter and said peter you know what i am done i am so done i'm over it peter you know how we talk i am done we sat on the 91 to get here for church you're like i'm done jesus didn't do that i love it he comes to peter and he's like do you love me and peter's like yeah i like you a lot peter learned okay because if you read the the greek when he says you know i love you he's actually using a different greek word jesus is like do you agape i mean he's like i fillet you means i i brotherly love i love you like a brother jesus like do you love me unconditionally and peter's like i love you like a brother and i don't think it was because peter was being overly humble i think peter recognized in that moment where he had been and i love it because jesus asked him three times right how many times did peter deny jesus three times and he allowed him to be reconciled now we're going to go through this kind of quickly he mentions the spirit of antichrist which he said was already in the world there's the spirit of antichrist we see that at large today amen if the antichrist the spirit of the antichrist was in the world then how much more today it's like if there was 0.01 there's like 98 today first john 2 18 he says little children it is the last hour and as you have heard the antichrist is coming even now many antichrists have come by which we know it is the last hour they went out from us but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that none of them were of us listen if you ever hear again and this happens some you know big popular christian comes out and says i'm no longer a christian i think what you need to read or hear is i was never a christian because that's what john is saying here they went out proving they were never of us they were never truly born again and it's sad but they went out that they might be made manifest first john 2 22 who is a liar but he who denies that jesus is the christ he is antichrist who denies the father and the son whoever denies the son does not have the father either he who acknowledges the son has the father also again we're given context for how to know we have the father how we know we have the son because he says here he who does not have one doesn't have the other and the spirit of antichrist or the person who is antichrist denies the father and the son then he says the antichrist is coming the antichrist is coming and i'm going to say right now i'm going to go out on a limb i'm going to say this hold your letters nobody knows who the antichrist is okay and by the way if you're a christian looking for the antichrist stop looking for the antichrist and start looking for jesus christ now i have heard people say that the word antichrist isn't in the bible which i think is kind of funny because the word antichrist is actually in the bible now not only is it in the bible there are multiples of references to the same man i'm going to give i'm just going to read you the references and i'm going to tell you what he's called in these different verses i'm not going to read the verses you can go do that on your own time okay so in daniel chapter 9 verse 27 he's just called he you read the description about what's taking place and this and it's the same all the way through in daniel 11 36 he's called king in second thessalonians chapter 2 verses 3 to 4 he's called the man of sin and the son of perdition but if you again you read you read what these verses say they all go together second thessalonians chapter 2 verses 7 to 12 he's called the lawless one my goodness isn't lawlessness on a rise i mean not even just forget politics for a moment have you noticed just driving around people just don't even stop at stop signs anymore they don't stop at stop signs they're running lights like it's just why because because i see people just going who cares nothing matters anymore nothing matters anymore and what's funny is that they're the same people that have certain things they care about like you're not wearing a mask you're trying to kill everybody i literally i was driving home yesterday with with a guy from church and we saw a woman riding her bike she had her mask on she had no helmet on she had her hand up like this to keep the sun out of her face and her cell phone was dangling from her wrist and i said the mask should be the least of her worries she's riding into oncoming traffic with the sun in her face wearing no helmet i said she needs to go get a helmet on people we have lost our senses in revelation chapter 13 i know i want to get on the soapbox some more but i need to stick to the notes revelation chapter 13 verse 1 through 10 he's referred to as the beast those are the references to the antichrist i'm sure there's more but those are just the ones i pulled out today and now second point in enemy occupied territory so be strong so be strong we're going to end on the high note okay first john 4 4. first john 4 4. and as we read this by the way all the songs that you sang earlier should come back into your mind because all of the songs that jia sang were all songs right in line with what we're about to read and what we're about to learn here first john 4 4 you are of god little children and have overcome them because he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world they are of the world therefore they speak as the world and the world hears them we are of god he who knows god hears us and he who is not of god does not hear us by this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error we are of god thereof the world we are of god why aren't they listening to you you might be at work trying to tell them the truth about what's going on in our country and they can't hear it why because they're of the world because they're of the world they need the truth about jesus they knew the truth about jesus if you think back for a moment to where you were before jesus you could probably remember that you yourself and i myself followed vain and hollow philosophies we had beliefs that if we were to be honest looking back we would say how in the world did i ever believe that you believed it because you were deceived you were deceived it's interesting because years ago i was watching this i don't know what it was it was you know like dateline or whatever and they were showing all these men that had been ripped off on the internet and the way they had been ripped off is these people living in a foreign country they got these you know whether it was it was probably a facebook i think at that time and what they were doing is they were putting all these pictures of like one pretty woman and now this pretty woman is is talking to this guy and she lives in a foreign country and if and if he would just send money she could come and live with him and this guy is like oh man look at her what a knockout i mean she's like a 10 and he's like a negative too [Applause] and when you're when you're watching it you know your heart you feel sad for the guy because you're like you believed that that woman over the internet without ever having met you was just gonna move and live with you if you believe that i've got land for sale in antarctica it's it's so easy to deceive people when they want to be deceived they want to believe things we want things to be true sometimes so badly that we're willing to believe it and we've got to be on guard so we have to remember where they're at and i want you to remember when we say we're in enemy occupied territory remember that the people outside those walls are not our enemy our enemy is a fallen angelic realm not those people they need jesus now they can look like our enemy right i mean sometimes you're like they are my enemy i've had neighbors that i've been like you are my enemy the lord's like shadrach loved them and i'm you know how it's like a little kid it drives me crazy so how do we be strong well it's not going to come in our own strengths it is not going to come in our own strength turn to zechariah 4 6. zechariah 4 6. you cannot love people in your own strengths and you can't just be strong in your own strengths now i know for some guys that's hard to believe because we as men we we do things and we think like we'll do what we're going to do like if it's pulling the weeds in the backyard we'll be we could have cancer and be dying and we're still going to go pull the weeds in the backyard i've known men that have done this because we're just stubborn we're just we're just stubborn and we need our wives or we need someone to come along and say stop it right and we think we can do it in our own strengths so zechariah 4 6 says not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the lord we've got to do it by his spirit second corinthians chapter 10 verse 5 or 4 and 5 says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in god for the pulling down of strongholds casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of christ that's our weaponry it's not physical ephesians chapter 6 teaches us the same thing our armament as believers is spiritual we have the word of god is our only offensive weapon everything else is defensive and we're told in ephesians 6 10 to be strong in the lord and the power of his might we need to be suited up every single day before we go out of the house and listen it's easy to turn on the news and see what's going on in the world and then just get mad and then you get in the car in the morning and you're driving to work and you're fuming mad and then someone cuts you off and you know i don't have to tell you anymore because you probably know and on the back is all those beautiful christian stickers do yourself a favor either take them all off or leave them all on and stop waving the one when one way sign at people okay overcome we're told that we have overcome them why because he that is in us is greater than he that is in the world why because the message that we have is true the message that we have is true john 16 33 jesus says these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation so where do we have peace class are you kidding me right now let's do it again we're going to go back and erase all that we're just going to pretend that never happened where do we have peace class in jesus where will we have tribulation in the world yeah jesus told you will have tribulation but yet we believe like what's all this happening to us why is this happening wait a minute is it making you better or bitter i hope it's making you better look last night as you were watching if you were like you had all the news sources up and you're maybe you hit your knees and you're like no you know one of those why though why though jesus said in the world we will have tribulation uh first john 5 verse 4 first john 5 4 whatever is born of god overcomes the world we win huh i'm good at picking winning teams well at least this one don't ask me about anything else i don't bet i don't know i don't watch sports i have no idea what's on tv i didn't even know it was football season you're like how dare you i've got better things to do first john 4 5 who is he who overcomes the world by he who believes that jesus is the son of god ah we're gonna have trouble in the world hey not any longer because i believe that jesus is the son of god i've overcome the world there's no more problem i can live my life right but gas prices are going up i know aren't you glad we're not going to stay here like look someday they're going to be like 25 bucks a gallon i mean i i hope to be with jesus by then greater is god in us than the devil himself we ourselves are not greater than satan god in us is greater than satan in jude chapter oh sorry verse 9 says michael the archangel in contending with the devil when he disputed about the body of moses dared not to bring him a reviling accusation but said the lord rebuke you the lord rebuke you you don't need to be afraid of the fallen angelic realm you don't need to be afraid of demons but you need to understand it's not you that has the power it's the lord and by this we know the spirit of truth versus the spirit of era this is how we tell the real from the fake do they agree and listen to the world or do they agree and listen to you when you tell people about jesus do they agree like even people who call themselves christians if you notice i i've had plenty of conversations in my life with people who say they're christians we start having a conversation i start talking about the bible and i had a woman say to me one time you keep saying the bible says wait is there anything else that matters is there and she brought up someone else did you know that so-and-so says and i was like i don't care what so-and-so says i care about what the bible says that's it you are of god little children john 1 verse 10 he was in the world the world was made through him and the world did not know him he came to his own his own did not receive him but as many as received them to him sorry to them he gave the right to become the children of god to those who believe in his name who were born not of blood nor the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of god we must be born again you must be born again so here's the conclusion turn to ii timothy chapter 3 and let's get our vitamin b12 shot spiritually through the scripture okay let's get our spiritual vaccination against the lies and indoctrinations of this world don't write me because i use the word vaccination okay oh my gosh i do like i'm i mean literally people are losing their minds on the internet seriously someone says something and they're like they just take that one word and they jump on it and then they they gotta you know like start a post about it and i'm like don't you have something better to do but some people just don't they just they live to just argue and fight and and don't like get off get off the facebook get off the instagram unless you're watching the church don't turn it off right now but get off those things stop arguing with people you're you're you're bound up and you're pent up and you need to be free and you need to be at peace so that you can show people jesus second timothy 3 12 yes and all who desire to live godly in christ jesus will suffer persecution wait what wait all the desire to live in christ will be blessed that should say blessed should say have an easy life wait that's what we turned it into in the united states that's what we turn it into in the united states we'll have a three-bedroom house two-car garage and 2.5 kids by 2.5 yeah it's like the average if you you know you average it out statistically right two and a half years well some have three some have four some have nine somehow 122. and then some have none it was like round it out to 2.5 evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived fouchy what a false prophet what a total false prophet right he was the man he was had all the answers and now it turns out he's been including the whole time well he's not the only one the truth is coming out which is surprising which is surprising you're like how's the truth getting now when there's so much bearing of truth i don't know god has his ways right so imposters are going to grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived but you but you you you me we must continue in the things which we have learned and been assured of knowing from whom you have learned them don't give up don't give in stand fast don't give up don't give in stand fast don't start getting faint-hearted doesn't matter we never win another election again it doesn't matter because this world is not my home i'm going to continue to vote why it doesn't matter i'm gonna okay so let's just say for a moment it really didn't matter i'm going to vote on principal i got to stand before the lord someday and give an answer i got to give an answer for my life you worry about you and i'll worry about me right i've got to stand before the lord someday and give an account i'm going to receive a stricter judgment as a teacher of god's word i'm going to receive a stricter judgment than you there isn't anything you could write about me on the internet go ahead and write it i don't care i'm going to stand before jesus someday i care about what he has to so the reality is we must continue in the things which we have learned first corinthians chapter 16 verse 13. first corinthians 16 verse 13. look we have eight minutes and i only have three verses left wait four wait nine no i'm just kidding four watch stand fast in the faith be brave be strong let all you do be done with love look at that be brave uh if you were here this this past weekend or you were watching online you may have heard sarah palin basically say there's just absolutely no hope for the united states right that's what she said and then you're like wait a minute i live in the united states i don't want to hear that people are demoralized okay but wait why why i get it i live in the united states i have children i don't want my children to be persecuted i don't want to be persecuted but i do understand that i'm blessed if i am i do understand this world is not my home and so i understand those things i also understand you don't find america in the pages of scripture we've we believe this fears i've heard this my whole entire spiritual life as a christian that the united states is not in the pages of scripture pastor chuck used to say well people try to allude to you know these eagles mentioning i don't know off the top of my head where it was but he said they tried to make that america i don't know whether it is or isn't the fact is america didn't exist when the bible was written and we have been blessed to live in this country and have the freedoms we have this has been with all of its warts a benevolent country this because there's people that live in this country still that love the lord that will help people in need and even a lot of other people who don't love the lord are willing to help other people in need because they came from countries where they couldn't help each other because everything they had was taken away from them so here we have great opportunity still to this day but i see my my country that i love going down the toilet it's heartbreaking it's heartbreaking it really is but whether it does or not i don't know if it will i mean someone said well the reason america's not the pages of scripture is because there's so many believers there and the rapture takes place there isn't going to be anybody left to do anything good i don't know if that's true or not but if it was i mean okay all right i choose to believe that but i don't know if that's the way it's going to happen or not but until then we've got to watch we've got to stand fast we've got to be brave we've got to be strong and we better make sure that we're doing all that we can to do everything in love because if there there is never been a time like right now where the world needs the love of jesus like it does right now and don't grow weary don't grow weary second thessalonians 3 13 literally says don't grow weary and doing good don't grow weary in doing good means don't give up don't so so what if what if you knew what if you knew in one month the us will be no more what would you do what would you do oh i'm going to go move to the desert wait why i'm going to move to another country which country california is going down the toilet i'm moving out of the state to where they're all eventually going to go down the same tube you know where are you going to move where are you going to run why when you have the opportunity right now to point people to jesus if you were going if you were on a plane going down and you knew everybody on that plane was going to die including yourself would you take the truth down with you or would you stand up in the middle of the plane and proclaim jesus until the plane hit the ground what would you do [Applause] some of you are like i don't like this message it's not talking way too much about things going down i don't know you said this last part was going to be up you're right i did say that didn't i i'm sorry okay galatians 6 9 let us not grow weary while doing good for in due season we will reap if we don't lose heart we'll reap if we don't lose heart so that means you can you can actually stop short and miss the fruit you can miss it you don't want to miss it now we live in enemy occupied terry territory but we look forward to the day we'll be home with jesus one last first hebrews chapter 11 verse 13 hebrews 11 13. the great hall of faith of hebrews starts out so awesome and amazing and then you get to the second part of it and it's it doesn't even mention names it just says there were others they were destitute they were sawn in half they were persecuted they wandered around in goat skins and sheepskins they lived in caves and it says of all of them verse 13 these all died in faith not having received the promises but having seen them afar off were assured of them embraced them and confessed that what were strangers and pilgrims on the earth because this is not my home for those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland and if truly they had called to mind that country from which they had come out they would have opportunity to return but now they desire a better that is a heavenly country therefore god is not ashamed to be called their god for he has prepared a city for them man a city where righteousness dwells there will be no more voting there will be oh my goodness i can't wait for heaven when there's no more voting right you know it's not just no more voting it's no more politicians so great no more viruses real or manufactured you know and god says of those that seek such a place those that seek to be in that heavenly homeland do you seek to be there i mean are you looking forward to jesus's soon return he can return at any moment are you ready and even if it's another week or a month or five years will you still be ready the world's getting darker brother and sister but we are closer to the return of jesus than any time in history we as a people sitting in this room tonight are closer to the return of jesus than at any other time in history and the prophetic clock is ticking and all of the things that we see prophetically in the bible are just moments from taking place we should be excited we should be living for jesus completely sold out don't grow weary watch stand fast be brave be strong and do it all in the power of the lord supplies you remember he's the one that is equipping you he's the one that has the strength he loves you he loves your neighbor he loves gavin newsom i know you don't want to hear it but you know what it could it could have just been any other person it could have been any one of us such were some of you but you were washed but you were cleansed and now you are seated in the heavenly places in christ father we come before you tonight lord thank you for the reminders of your scriptures as tough as they can be to hear sometimes so easy to make man our enemy when there is an enemy behind man that we need to remember hates us and hates the souls of humankind lord tonight we pray for the salvation of our friends our family our co-workers lord we pray for the salvation of our law enforcement officers that don't yet know you our firefighter friends and family that don't yet know you of those working at the hospitals that don't yet know you of those that are running our cities our governor the president and whoever is pulling the strings behind the scene lord we pray for all of them lord we pray for their salvation we pray tonight that you would visit them we pray that they would hear your voice just as we did just as i did saying shadrach you need me they hear it the lord may they hear him clear tonight your bible is clear that you have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that he would turn from his wicked ways and live and lord we pray for anyone in this room tonight are watching online that has not yet received you as their lord and savior god we pray that today tonight whatever time they may be watching that they would realize that you are a loving god because you are a god of love you sent your son into this world sinless spotless jesus you came you lived that sinless life you died on the cross and you rose from the dead and you said whoever would repent of their sins whoever would believe that you were god that you died on the cross and rose from the dead whoever confesses that with their mouth and believes it with their heart can have eternal life and lord for my brothers and sisters here tonight lord may we live for you sold out lift our spirits tonight lord we've been discouraged we've been weary lift us up tonight as we close in a song of worship may you be glorified may we remember you're on your throne unmoved by the things that are taking place in this world around us help us to keep our eyes fixed upon you jesus the author and the finisher of our faith in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 67,389
Rating: 4.9436941 out of 5
Id: c9XQiuGWkWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 31sec (3631 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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