Behind the Mask - Part 3 (Romans 1:24-32)

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church before you stand and open your bibles a little bit of uh intentional introduction to this third installment of our message entitled behind the mask the apostle paul in romans chapter one he's just gonna and has been systematically pulling off the mast that we hide behind but jesus said that there will be a time to come in these last days that would depict ever darkening days before he would return the bible makes it very clear friend listen if you're not familiar the return of jesus christ to earth is not going to be a surprise for people who are aware of what the bible says and jesus said there's certain things to be looking for that will indicate what we refer to as the end of the world jesus spoke clearly that there would be key indicators that would lead up to a crescendo of ungodliness and unrighteousness and that would announce a cataclysmic era that would commence with what is called the rapture of the church and from that time on the bible says it would be the judgment of god on earth against the christ rejecting world the seven year tribulation period and i want to run you through this and again a long introduction but we're going to go as far as we can today this is serious business church i i know from this last week's response from people that you will not be hearing a sermon like this anywhere else in america on a sunday morning that was made clear to me jesus said that there had come a time of escalation of deception against truth in matthew 24 35 and i'm going to read you this but you ask yourself if it's true now as he sat that's jesus sat on the mount of olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things be what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age or the end of the world a three-part question there and jesus answered and said to them take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying i am the christ and will deceive many an escalation of deception against the truth jesus said that what's going to come he said that 2000 years ago two thousand years ago jesus said there would come an escalation of the deconstruction of society in genesis chapter 1 verse 27 the bible says so god created man in his own image mark that church in the image of god he created him male and female he created them then god blessed them and god said to them be fruitful and multiply jesus said there's going to come a time as we get near the end of an escalation of deconstruction regarding society god's pattern was i have made human beings in my image male and female i've created them jesus said there would come an escalation of calamities on earth they would increase matthew 24 verse 7 and there will be famines pestilence and an 8.2 magnitude earthquake in alaska a few days ago earthquakes in various places and all these things jesus said are the beginning of sorrows escalation of calamities jesus said there would come an escalation of the death of brotherly love man's common general love for one another matthew 24 verse 10 and 12 and then many will be offended and will betray one another and will hate one another verse 12 says and because of lawlessness abounding the love of many will grow cold you got to stop and ask yourself if that's happening jesus said there had come a time of escalation regarding the devaluing of human life and luke chapter 17 verse 26 jesus said the bible says and as it was in the days of noah so will it also be in the days of the son of man they ate they drank they married wives they were given in marriage until the day noah entered the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all likewise as it was in the days of lot they ate they drank they bought they sold they planted they built but on the day that lot went out of sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all even so that word means in verse 30 just like that will it be in the day when the son of man is revealed these are the words of jesus not my words you have a fault with these you have a fault with god jesus said there would come an escalation of disregard for law in genesis chapter 6 verse 5 as it was in the days of noah remember that then the lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually sound familiar jesus said there would come an escalation of war and the threat of wars matthew 24 verse 6 you will hear of wars and rumors of wars saber-rattling all around the world globally jesus said there'd come an escalation of racism upon the earth matthew 24 verse 7 for nation will rise against nation the word is ethnos don't think governments ethnos will rise up against ethnos there'll be race wars in the earth we're seeing that right now today right now today for the first time on a global scale in all of human history at the same time how do you explain that jesus said there had come an escalation of geopolitical tension matthew 24 verse 7 jesus says kingdom will rise up against kingdom that's political powers will attack political powers and we see that in the global scale and in fact uh in the last uh is it safe to say 100 years that's about right yeah 100 years in the last 100 years the world for the first time in global history has hosted at least two world wars i say at least two world wars because ever since the war on terrorism many uh students of war believe that the war on terror terrorism is a third world war it may very well be true jesus said there had come an escalation of fear and the supernatural luke 21 11 and there will be fearful sights and great signs in the heavens the observable sky that's the word heavens not heaven where god is in the heavens i told you guys before some of you laugh it's okay go ahead and live i don't believe in aliens i don't believe in little green men flying around i don't believe in spaceships uh i believe listen i believe in all of the stuff that's gone on regarding aliens don't you believe that something crashed in in roswell i've never seen it but let's say it did if something crashed in roswell it's of demonic origin but but we saw this thing in the sky or i had this this thing appeared and it looked just like the thing on the x-files show with the weird eyeballs and demonic i don't believe in visitors from other planets i believe in visitors from hell they're called demons jesus spoke about them and they're fallen angels jesus spoke about them if it takes you away from jesus and from the security of the word of god then it's demonic and the bible anticipated that and then finally i can say this that the bible says there would come a great ex escalation of the divorce of man from god man would as it were launch a case against god and divorce himself from god that god will no longer be in our thinking god will no longer be in our world he will no longer be in our classrooms he will no longer be in our courts he will no longer be in our marriages god will no longer be something to deal with and to factor with we will become gods we will call the shots we will run the show what happens to a culture when that takes place now you can stand and open your bibles to romans chapter one this is what happens verse 24 i'll read the even-numbered verses if you'll read out loud the odd-numbered verses i'll pick it up in verse 24 romans 1 24 therefore god also gave them up to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts to dishonor their own bodies among themselves [Applause] they gave up on god verse 26 for this reason god gave them up to wild or vile passions for even the women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature that is against science and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge that's the problem god gave them over to a debased mind to do those things which are not fitting backbiters haters of god violent proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents who listen to this knowing the righteous judgment of god that those who practice such things are deserving of death and not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them lord help us now we pray in jesus name amen you may be seated you may be seated and you may take a shower don't you feel like you need to take a shower after reading that in our previous study we looked at the life behind the mask and we saw in verses 24 and 25 that the life behind the mass paul taught us and we read it a moment ago is none other than abuse it's the abuse of the soul we learned about that it's the abuse of the body it is obvious and it is the abuse of the spirit that man when he rejects god winds up promoting himself listen as the one in place of god but we were never designed to be a god and when that happens when man begins to see himself as his ultimate authority he winds up because we are fallen we are not divine we are fallen and when we take charge we trend downward and you know this i will for the next 50 minutes i will be appealing to your reason thinking and your logic to understand that whenever man is in control by design fallen design that is not god's failure to do it right it's our failure that whenever we have the opportunity to be as it were god with power god with law god with influence we may start out or we may even campaign with a good word but dear friends remember the old saying power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely we can't handle it i spoke to some young pastors recently and i made mention to them you need to be careful because listen in your lives god wants to use you and your greatest danger is not defeat your greatest danger is not setbacks and trials your greatest setback is success you want to destroy somebody elevate them too quickly we can't handle it and right now you just read a portion of the bible that is most often ignored and yet today in our culture and you know it you don't have to be a christian to figure it out right now you know that what we just read in the bible a moment ago was is more current than tomorrow's news 2000 years old and it's in print on your lap god knew so church pick it up here we go this is the continuance of our message today behind the mask verses 26 to 27 is the deconstruction there is a deconstruction that according to the bible is underway and that deconstruction is of morality morality people don't like to hear that word morality people often say you cannot legislate morality have you ever heard that you need to mind your own business you can be a you can be a christian but you stay in church but when you come out of the church you better not vote and you better not go to the public square and you better not go to the school board meeting because because you can't legislate morality i you've all heard that but that is honestly one of the most disingenuous and false statements that someone could ever hear and i'm going to tell you the reason why if i if i take a car and i go 100 miles an hour in a school zone is that immoral it's absolutely immoral so how do you know because the speed limits posted in a school zone if i go 100 miles an hour on the freeway that's posted 55 it's immoral we legislate morality every day can you rape somebody oh i guess you could rape somebody but in 49 states you'd go to prison for that did you get that that's legislative morality morality according to god's word there's going to be a deconstruction of morality look at verse 26 for this reason god gave them up to vile passions that there's a people group and there's conduct and there's actions that eventually god says he gives them up and the bible here says for for this reason the word reason means it means as a statement of fact it's beautiful it's sad it's terrifying but it's beautiful it's pure but it's terrifying god says listen god says here's the reason why i have to give them up translation jack they gave me every bit of argument to give them up god is saying i didn't want to give them up they made me give them up you need to remember that god is not willing that anyone perish and god is reaching out and god is calling and god is crying out and he extends salvation and hope but for this reason the statement of fact these things being true the word means preconditions it means that what has happened and what is about to happen it's based on an action but it's not god's action he's responding for this reason and god brings his judgment and he says he gives them up the word up means he hands them over oh my goodness church this is terrifying the word means that he gives them up to what they ultimately want you know how your kids you know this we've all done it some of us still do it our kids do it all the time can i have mommy can i have a cookie i want just one more cookie mommy please i want a cookie want a cookie you know the kid cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie and then the mom is she's busy she's got the phone she's baking the cake and sealing the deal she's selling things on itsy and she's mowing the lawn and vacuuming and got the baby on the back and the other one's pulling cookie cutter [Applause] and you know what in a moment of desperation she just grabs the whole cookie dough thing and just yes here you want a cookie here's a cookie and gives the kid the cookie to shut the kid up mom for that reason gave him up hate the cookie and i want this i want this i want this i want this and god says it's not good for you it's not good for you it's not good for you i want it i want it i want it and then it comes a point when god says you're never going to get off of this desire of yours and this decision of yours and this passion of yours here it is and it implies that he gives it a gives it you want it you can have it do you remember the children of israel they were going around the wilderness complaining manna were sick of it every day they'd wake up they listen they never had to cook they never had to do anything they'd wake up in the morning and the bible says god would send manna it would appear as a divine act of god that food would appear on the ground in front of hello listen this would be great because they just put amazon right out of business the bible says the bible says they woke up it is right outside their tent door that's that's good oh honey hang on you guys hungry open up the tent door bring it in man it right there and they said you know what we're sick of this stuff we want something else oh i wish we were back in egypt where they had onions that's what they said remember that we we love those leeks so they start thinking and they whined so long god told moses hey you know what about this time tomorrow i'm going to cause a wind to blow and quail are going to come flying by in the wind and read it it's i'm not kidding read it just right god says i'm going to send quail and they're going to be in a zone where everybody can get one right and so the wind blows and all these quail come flying through and everybody's just grabbing quail by the neck and feet and boom and there and the bible says they're eating quail oh and the scripture says that they ate so much quail it began to come out of them but it says but god sent lameness into their souls they became carnal what is what's the moral of the teaching what you want if it's against what god wants if you keep harping on it you'll eventually get it and when you get it it will be your demise and you have no one to blame but you [Music] morality that's the essence of it and then vile look at the word vile it means uncommon use it means wrong way the word vile means wrong way shameful repulsive i want to show you something uh on the screens vile repulsive wrong way shameful this was given to me yesterday i want all of you to look at this listen watch this happened this week to your kids how many of your children in l.a county school district raise your hand los angeles county school district your kid got this do you know it teens your health is in your hands safe confidential free low cost options that's kind of a oxymoronic statement is it free or is it low-cost and by the way if you're talking to teens and it's low-cost who pays listen i'm dead serious i'm not playing around right now are you listening how many okay how many of you have kids i'm afraid you guys are sleeping right now seriously how many of you have grandkids raise your hands okay listen we wake up this is coming to public school children everywhere this is los angeles county school district teen pregnancy prevention what does that mean birth control what does that mean just listen condoms what does that mean emergency contraception what does that mean sti and hiv testing what does that mean pregnancy testing what does that mean sexual health education what does that mean scan to request an appointment you should scan it text 909 three 235-0360 eight i have to tell you right now i don't have to get excited but i'm excited right now because i love a righteous fight and i hope somebody from the school system is watching this message right now it's okay if they're not because they're going to hear about it later this afternoon somehow from somebody listen east valley community health center parental consent not needed headquarters at 420 south glendora avenue west covina there's the number 626 911 hiv testing huh if this is such a good idea why do you have to offer kids hiv testing anybody care about this listen how many of you care about covet raise your hand how many of you care about destroying your child's life raise your hand or your grandkids this is real this is the bible two thousand years happening to your kids in public school last week this is what's coming we've got to do something about this we can either do nothing which is how we got here in the first place or we can start caring about things it's remarkable to me and the next word is vile passions the word passions is the greek word pathos technically it means pain suffering but that which drives you it's an urge so watch pain and suffering but it drives you it's the reason why you get out of bed you say how do you put those two things together watch this vile passions acts like this the only adults in the room are gonna get this vile passions burns it hurts it's got to be satisfied it's on fire and i and i it's my it's why i get out of bed you can apply that to athletics you can apply that to the stock market you can apply that to the olympics you can apply it to anything and the context is silly bible what a funny little bible what can it know about my life the bible says there is a problem with humanity that inside when it's triggered young men when it's triggered by pornography a fire starts that will have to be dealt with for the rest of your life and every man in this room right now won't respond to what i'm saying because they know i'm right and every man's guilty i don't know what it is for women never been a woman don't plan on becoming a woman i don't know what a woman thing is i'm just telling you that when the fire starts it gets you out of bed it takes control that's exactly what paul is talking about they have been taking control they are now governed by an alien power and this is what happened in our world and our school system which we are paying for is helped fueling that and you saw the evidence of it behind the mask is the deconstruction of reason morality is out the door how dare you can you imagine by the way if parents showed up and said my kid will not be involved in this you know what you're gonna you know the answer is gonna be given to you they may say it to you they certainly say it behind closed doors because that's what i'm being told by those who are inside those closed doors parents don't when we must realize parents do not know what's best for their children the school system can't even get our kids to compete with european kids in the same age level of education they can sure tell your kids how to do sex i say it's demonic reason for even their women exchange the natural use for what is against nature that is uh against science what is against science women women deciding not to go with science women deciding to go with pleasure it's it's sheer pleasure it's one is science and the other one is an aberrant pleasure i should say a deviant pleasure you guys ever heard of plato not not the not play-doh plateau plutonic uh platonism plato plato writes in laws 636 a through c and i quote might be on this there it is yes and whether one makes the observation in earnest or in jest one certainly should not fail to observe that when male unites with female for procreation the pleasure experienced is held to be due to nature everybody gets that but contrary to nature this is this is what pluto says or play-doh play-doh play i i'm sorry i just saw a disney character going down the street plato is almost quoting paul but contrary to nature is when a male mates with male or female with female that those first guilty of such abominations were impelled by their slavery here it is to pleasure it's a pleasure that has taken control which catches fire within them and it's never satisfied because it's against nature it never ends i did some research this week later on i'll get you the the websites you can look at this but i was in california the average homosexual male has 300 partners a year i'll get you the data don't worry about that i'll be citing that next week i'll get that link for you professor charles hodge princeton university now referring to the degeneration of females among the heathen they are always the last to be affected by the decay of morals and their corruption is therefore proof that all virtue is now lost that's a fascinating statement because he went on to say this and i didn't post it the reason why this is the case is because he says inside the mother inside the woman is is the is that motherly instinct the woman has a thought mature and strong that at some point in time i want to bring a child into the world and i want to have a safe world for the child a man doesn't think like that and his argument is when the woman goes into the state of deconstruction and the loss of reason the culture's gone the culture's over is the bible true are these things not popular of course not popular i know exactly what i'm doing it's for you to be ready it's for you to understand that god's word answers everything for us psychologists now tell us that and i quote the availability of extreme and hardcore pornography among children has produced within them thought processes and emotional instability with damaging effect the emotional and mental trauma experience is that similar to or exactly as children who have been sexually abused from a young age stop right there that is true by the way my goodness i'll read the rest of it in a moment check this out a child may never be touched and abused in life because you know that completely screws up their sexuality once they've been molested their little hearts and minds and chemistry cannot process what just happened to them but scientists now tell us that a kid doesn't have to be touched a child that is exposed to pornography goes through the same ptsd as if they had been touched and that really makes sense if you think about it because a little kid their imaginations and their life is so it it it just it segues in and out they're so precious their world goes in and out of imagination and reality imagination and reality isn't it sweet that's why the little kid will say papa do you see that monkey in the clouds or you ask a little kid they're not lying did you catch a fish yeah we coulda fished it was that big you have to understand something they're not lying to them that fish looked that big oh let me insert this too jesus said if anyone ever abuses a child in the day of judgment it will be better for that person to have never been born when i'm done with them the experts have concluded that there is a direct correlation between sexual abuse and pornography among the young studies have studies show that the resulting effects have the same outcome that there is an overwhelming emotional detachment from normal sexual behavior please listen everybody if you have a relative a grandson child nephew niece that is saying that they're gay or that they're lesbian or lgb gtq or whatever or they were born this way you know what big strong indicator science science and psychology tells us that they were somehow tampered with or saw porn at an early age look what that says by the way let me i'll interrupt myself on this american academy of pediatrics a 2008 study research study on sexual assaults among adolescents look at what they said it's to me this is absolutely the answer of where we began that there is an overwhelming emotional detachment from normal sexual behavior or science do how come do to their earlier abuses be it physical or be it pornographic uh yeah babylon b uh declared this to be the worst tweet of the day this is not a joke by the way babylon b is funny you should all follow the babylon b it's hilarious it's so fun so some laughter in a dark world unfortunately this is not a joke flora gill said someone needs to create porn for children hear me out young teens are already watching porn but they're finding hardcore aggressive videos that give a terrible view of sex they need entry-level porn a soft course site where everyone asks for consent and no one gets choked etc you understand the idiocy of this lunatic you're going to ask a little kid for consent little kids are not capable of issuing consent they don't even know what the word means they're supposed to be protected by parents listen according to the word of god you and i are to defend our children's innocence as long as possible and then some knucklehead philosophy comes along and says oh no man i want my kid cultured i want my kid i want my kid immersed in the culture they live in not some not some little you know uh protected little rose she needs he needs to know what the world is all about isn't that funny king david couldn't even figure that out when bathsheba was across the street and you expect junior to handle himself leads me to believe that you're not handling yourself romans chapter 1 verse 18 says for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven this is the reason why jude chapter 1 verse 7 says sodom and gomorrah and the cities around them in similar manner as these having given themselves over there it is gave themselves over to the burning to sexual immorality gone after they went after strange flesh the word strange flesh is unsanctioned flesh god is all for male female union strange flesh is male to male or female to female as is set forth as an example for the suffering of the vengeance of eternal fire this is so so sad and what do we have ladies and gentlemen we have we have a vote coming up pretty soon to deal with this governor gavin newsom signs bill reducing penalties for sodomy with minors you haven't you have the opportunity to change this if you sit idle on this if you do not get involved on this let me just get listen what would joshua do if he showed up and what if joshua met gavin newsom what would moses do if moses met gavin newsom what would paul do listen what would jesus christ himself do you don't like this too much truth i want to go to a relevant church uh you're not going to get more relevant than this this is what's happening this is what's happening and since i'm in so much trouble and i'm feeling it i'm i'm going to say something else too okay listen the republican party in california is a mess okay but let me tell you something the democrat party if you're a democrat your party thinks that's great you want to know why all of your democrat legislators that you sent to sacramento supported that i'd love listen we need to schedule some evening somewhere where i can have all my democrat friends come and tell me how is it as a christian you can be a democrat murder babies and sanction stuff like this i'm all ears [Applause] and the third thing under this is the fact that there's boundaries look at verse 27 behind the mask is the deconstruction of boundaries no more boundaries verse 27 says committing what is shameful do you realize how archaic that statement sounds shameful committing what is shameful what's shameful we don't even blush anymore and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due the word penalty is the word that means result by the way it's an interesting word it's strange because the word penalty it's core root word because it's hard to say anti which is opposite of in this case messiah the word messiah is mercenary interesting not you know what a mercenary is it's a a warrior for hire okay so when england attacked our colonies they hired the german hessians so we had to take on the germans i don't know if you know that or not but we had to for our liberty and freedom we had to fight england and germany in 1776 the word is mercenary soldier for hire but the word also means this when it's anti messiah it means the results of it means the conclusion the determination or a war or reward acknowledgement or decision by virtue of one's efforts or actions we're almost done church but we're gonna we're gonna end with a bang here so hang on this everything's been sleepy so far because of what's happened and because they didn't exercise boundaries they knew everyone knows your friend your neighbor your niece your nephew your son your daughter knows that shouldn't be done by me i shouldn't be doing that god's word says he tells them don't do this but because they refuse boundaries they receive within the the reward the results of what notice of what is due of what is due of what is inevitable i love what i'm saying right now for this reason is pure truth i'm giving you bible and yet it's 100 scientific you need to know that god says don't do that you get hurt and then we say i did it i didn't get hurt god says don't do it it's not good for you it's going to hurt you and we say i did it again and i didn't get hurt and god says i'm going to sit the third and final time don't do it i'm god you're not don't do it you will get hurt i did it again i didn't get hurt and he's silent because he begins to give you up that's what you want it's what you can have guys put it on the screen let me show you something you see that beautiful thing and i mean it's a beautiful thing um this is the cd4 or the c4 helper cell you all have them by the billions by the way you want to take care of yourself so you have more of these you want these that's a big beautiful blue you want running around your whole body you wanna know why he is he's a cell and he's on duty this is what he does in your body this is what he does he does this in your body and he's looking what this is what he does that's all he does t4 help helper cell and then he goes like this i'll pick on ben because he's just fun to pick on so that the steve this t4 help or so looks uh back up back up i need some backup and he's looking and then determines oh well we're okay no i'm serious and let's look the cell it's happening in you right now it's this is happening to you right now and then um what happens is something gets in your something comes into your body that's not supposed to be there and then the t4 cell says all right this i recognize hey let's roll and boom they attack and they go to war and they kill it by the way listen because of your t4 helper cell and and cells that function like that did you know um raise all of you all of us raise your hands i'm going to just put your hands up i want everybody look around see my hands are raised up okay and put your hands down guess what every one of you raise your hands you have cancer you have cancer did you know that you have cancer every day of your life do you have the key to not dying of cancer is eating a certain way that eliminates the cancer happens every day but the reason why you can eliminate the cancer is because those guys go to war and the and and listen when those guys beat up bad bad viruses and cells and stuff like that that's hostile to your body t4 helper cells the key to your immune system that's right when they win the war listen every day every moment every second they're fighting to win the war to keep you safe and when they win you eliminate the cancer every day you've got cancer from plastics you got cancer from from preservatives you've got cancer from from fried food whatever what and your body's working because of that beautiful ball i want to show you something show the clip you guys see the blue ball you see that red thing that's hiv that's aids do you know what's going to happen to the blue ball he's going to die you want to know why keep it looping you know how see well how'd that how'd aids get that close i thought that guy was supposed to protect me he's supposed to protect you but you kept doing something you kept doing something and you spent all your helper cells you wore yourself out dr c everett coop you know who he is yes surgeon general united states and reagan administration dr c over coupe said every male that has sex with a male and every female that has sex with a male receives in the moment of you know what i'm saying release she then and that man will carry within them the biological fingerprint chemistry fingerprint of that partner for seven years so if you have two partners in seven years uh you care you're carrying two different pharmaceutical plants of two separate unique individuals in your immune system that your body is fighting your t4 and other cells will be fighting for seven years that one night fling here's what's amazing did you know that when a heterosexual couple have union together and it's just them forget about the concept of marriage i'm just talking about science when a male and a female are together physically and it is indefinitely there's nobody else involved guess what happens to their immune system good it becomes stronger watch helper cells over there what so actually i'll be the helper cell again and so let me pick on somebody i know phil i don't mean to pick on you but so i'm the helper cell i'm on guard remember and i see anomaly what is that and i see a reflection of me and i say hey what are you doing over there get over here we're fighting a battle over here and phil is representing a certain cell it's called hiv hiv holds up a chemical mirror and show and shines it to toward me and says look look it's you it's you i mean you you you can't see me you see a reflection of you and what happens is aids goes like this hey how's it going everything okay right yeah we're good come on over here what are you doing over there get over here we got a mortal fight here okay i'm coming i'm coming how are you and it gets right up to the t4 helper cell and the aids virus goes like this it drops them it drops the mirror and it sticks a spur into the cell and it injects its poison and you know what happens to the t4 cell the t4 cell as it were i'm simplifying this obviously it goes into a coma and the hiv says you're going to do it exactly as i say now what i just did to you i want you to go do it all your friends and it goes over there and it says hi remember me hi i'm just like you and and it spreads throughout your body and you die of aids you're looking at an image there of aids attacking and killing a t4 helper cell it's injecting its hiv into that system do you see that everybody when we don't have boundaries we get hurt that's why children don't play on freeways and when your heart is lusting for somebody if you have a heterosexual temptation to sleep with your neighbor or if you have a homosexual temptation to sleep with your neighbor you're supposed to resist that right it's sin it's condemned by god it's an abomination and like all other sin it takes you to hell but our culture doesn't want us to talk about this right now you know why our culture is led by satanic powers who wants that that wants to destroy the souls of humankind satan hates your kids guts satan hates and here's the sad thing we always always have fought this in our culture but when churches went weak 50 60 years ago the battle ended because the church quit that's right and the church said i'm not going to get involved in that stuff when you hear a pastor or a church leader say we don't get involved in that stuff they've surrendered that's right if you don't hold your school board accountable i was going to and might i be blunt whose kid is your kid anyway i think a lot of people think today well i brought the kid into the world but it's the state's kid oh well we act like it don't we if we're not getting involved then we are saying by no action that the state has control of our kids ask them if they think they have control over your kids they're not in doubt so i end with this picture what are you doing regarding not hiv positive what are you doing about s-i-n-positive i had somebody say in witnessing do you have you ever looked at somebody have you ever looked at a man this is a woman have you ever looked at a man and lusted after him that's a sin oh no i haven't because i'm a lesbian did you yeah exactly oh silly me you get you get a pass but that's the logic of our world and god says no it's not behind the mask ultimately is a lost and broken soul we do not condone what they do that would be a sin we reach out to them in love and extend to them the hope that comes from the cross that jesus christ transforms lives he makes things broken takes them and makes them fixed he takes what's lost and he makes them saved he takes what is blind and gives light and sight there's no excuse for our conduct as sin goes let's stand let's stand no i'm out of time i can't bring it anymore time's all gone i don't encourage you to do this but i'm going to ask you to listen to something in a moment it always ministers to me always because of the intensity of the moment friends listen you might be sitting here today and you said well homosexuality lbgtq that's not my this myth doesn't relate to me well do you look at pornography do you love money what is it what's going on because here's the deal we need jesus christ and and no matter what the culture decides to do imagine if all of a sudden the culture says you know what we're going to celebrate we are going to celebrate bank robbers we think bank robbing it's you have the right to bank rob you should bank rob safely you should you should wear a mask when you rub a bank and and and so we're gonna have a parade and we're gonna march down the street we're gonna wave our bank robber flag and we're gonna have floats and and parades with bank robbers on it you think that's weird why do you think it's weird because it's wrong listen to c.s lewis talk about the urgency that should plague every one of our hearts in a good way listen to what he has to say about you making a decision for jesus now listen another possible objection is this why is god landing in this enemy-occupied world in disguise and starting a sort of secret society to undermine the devil why is he not landing in force invading it is it that he is not strong enough well christians think he is going to land in force we do not know when but we can guess why he is delaying he wants to give us the chance of joining his side freely i do not suppose you and i would have thought much of a frenchman who waited till the allies were marching into germany and then announced he was on our side god will invade but i wonder whether people who ask god to interfere openly and directly in our world quite realize what it will be like when he does when that happens it is the end of the world when the author walks onto the stage the play is over god is going to invade all right but what is the good of saying you are on his side then when you see the whole natural universe melting away like a dream and something else something it never entered your head to conceive comes crashing in something so beautiful to some of us and so terrible to others that none of us will have any choice left for this time it will be god without disguise something so overwhelming that it will strike either irresistible love or irresistible horror into every creature it will be too late then to choose your side there is no use saying you could choose to lie down when it has become impossible to stand up that will not be the time for choosing it will be the time when we discover which side we really have chosen whether we realized it before or not now today this moment is our chance to choose the right side god is holding back to give us that chance it will not last forever we must take it or leave it is that powerful heavenly father yes heavenly father i pray every man woman boy or girl right now in the hearing of this message and the challenge of c.s lewis's words would say yes to jesus christ right now friends say yes to him right now in your life friends say yes say say yes and then saying yes you're saying god give me the power now to walk out of this lifestyle god give me the power to get back home give me the power to follow truth give me the power to put my demands to death i want to yield my life to jesus christ i want to follow him i want to be born again i want to have my guilt and shame removed i embrace the cross of christ and i proclaim him today as my lord and savior i repent of my sin and i don't want to burn for anything else in this world but for god [Music] you can pray that prayer my friends verbatim or you can make up your own words he'll hear your heart [Music] but in the words of c.s lewis today's the day and now is the time you have no promise of tomorrow death comes and it's over there's no second chance please choose jesus and live and it's in his name we rejoice and it's in his name we pray and it's in his name that all god's people said amen god bless you church [Applause] well hey thanks for listening and we appreciate you and of course we do in this time and in this age us being together and linking up together to get the word of god out is actually ministry being fulfilled and in fact if you would like to subscribe please do so hit the subscribe button tell your friends about us and listen if you'd like to help us get this out on a broader scale you can support us by hitting on the give now button and look we're going to continue on with or without you we're inviting you to join us no pressure but if you'd like to link arms in this venture you'd be greatly appreciated so listen keep praying for us we're praying for you god bless you and we'll see you back here real soon
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
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Keywords: The book of romans, bible study, book of romans explained, creation, creationism, jack hibbs, jack hibbs latest, jack hibbs romans, jack hibbs sermons, real life with jack hibbs, romans, romans audio bible, romans bible project, romans bible study, romans bible study chapter 1, the book of romans explained
Id: y-b3wWoGjXo
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Length: 60min 51sec (3651 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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