(Day 2) Understanding the Culture with William Federer

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um some shawarma and pita can we need your help tonight because um this is being recorded but we know that with all the dynamics going on the freeway closure the no children's ministry provided tonight uh because of other commitments that we had so we'll have few people this evening so what we need you to do if you'll if you'll be part of the solution tonight if you could get up and move forward because what they'll do the camera team will will capture the view so that it doesn't look like bill is teaching to an empty room because that's when it comes to production things it's it's never attractive and the fun part is um when this is all done and and re however they do this edit make things work uh this will definitely make it definitely make it out to to some of our platforms wow you guys you guys are actually doing this it's beautiful it's amazing what'd somebody say [Applause] you heard that there's donuts and coffee it's not a bad idea actually come on in we'll just kind of uh we'll stall for a little bit as people come and ushers can you remind people to come as far forward as possible and if you're not you know if you're sitting in the back somewhere alone then we're all going to think something's wrong so kind of want to come forward but um i don't uh maybe maybe the camera guys can even help us uh as we've they can tell us to fill in some seats and all while this is happening you guys want any questions any anything on your how was dinner listen second night no second night in a row for mediterranean middle eastern food it's so it's what yeah it's what we do yes i have not i have not had the time to watch mike lindell i will go back and review it i understand that he's been they have been receiving incredible you guys what you're remarkable to sh to prove how incredibly accurate and viable the data is by these global experts mike lindell was physically attacked yesterday and the presenters the presenters these are global experts on on what happened on uh election night uh their their homes it's like it's not even settled their homes this week were raided by the fbi and one of the guys is is a diplomat from brazil we're not in kansas anymore ladies and gentlemen we're not even in america anymore yes the huge question that's i'm stalling right now the green movement in the church it's going to grow it's biblical green movement moving into the church romans chapter 1 says that in the last days there will be a movement to worship creation over rather than the creator so that's going to escalate more and more you're going to see more and more churches the next move for awoke church is going to be a church that hugs trees i mean it it's going to be a church that worships nature and in europe it's already happening on a huge scale and the belief system is that they they're going to usher in a utopia that has always been a demonic plot that man could create a utopia bill wonderfully debunk that last night if you missed last night last night my opinion was one of the greatest messages not only delivered in this church but it was one it was one of the greatest messages i have ever heard in my life and um i wound up announcing to the staff today because you know many of them were serving so they missed it so i said which is very rare here in this church for me to say this but i told the staff it is actually mandatory required viewing you must see this because uh you will you will never understand socialism is clear wow we need to put them in high school yeah it's the sure we do the problem is we've allowed crazies to control and so but hopefully lord willing are you concerned with the voting process yeah of course the voting process regarding gavin newsom thank you for asking that ladies and gentlemen please hear this i sadly did a video today that i think i've recorded it and i'm like upside down but i'm not going to take it off because the content is important and part of this voter integrity thing here's here's what has to happen there has to be an overwhelming turnout to fl to flood the perpetrators of of the fraud fraud is already happening because as the governor has downloadable pdf ballots that you can it there's nothing that prevents you from voting six seven 8 10 times i'm praying to the god of heaven that people who vote like that wind up voting wrong and wind up voting the right way without knowing about it what you must do is you must do the right thing regardless you have to understand that as believers if 10 000 people are doing the wrong thing and the moment comes for somebody to do the right thing you have to be that one person to do the right thing because it has nothing to do with numbers it has everything to do with what is right before god so what we must do you're going to see on your ballot which will come out monday tuesday or wednesday you're going to receive it you're going to hear an announcement on sunday by the way about what to do with your ballot because we want to protect your vote we will make sure that your vote not only gets counted but gets to the right place to be counted correctly without manipulation we did it last time in 20 in november of 2020 and it was remarkable in fact we've been asked by other places we were being asked by virginia if we will come and show communities how to do what we did here it went that well so having said that we will we're committed to voter integrity unfortunately uh not everybody is you're gonna have one ballot you're gonna have two votes in fact i just got on the phone if you don't know senator grove i was just on the phone tonight just prior to coming out here with with senator grove and she was laying it out one ballot first question as she was looking at it it says right there should gavin newsom be removed from office okay it's going to ask you it's that simple listen you answer that question you answer it the answer is yes let me pray about it the answer is yes as we mentioned last night when you signed the petition a couple months ago you didn't vote you signed the petition to make the vote happen congratulations you did it now the vote's happening you must vote you can't can't stay you can't set it out you vote yes he must be removed from office next question watch this next question is who do you want to replace him you're gonna have a list of names okay whoever gets the most wins watch this it's not it's not delegates it's not electoral college it's just like this the question for number one is fifty percent plus one for gavin newsom to be impeached or recalled there has to be fifty percent plus one concerning the second question let's say let's say john cox gets 10 000 votes and larry elder gets 10 000 one vote larry elder wins whoever gets the most votes wins on that night in that moment assuming there's no fraud we're going to be asking you if you're up to this when you vote some people will vote in person some people will bring their votes here you should try your best to document yourself on your own device hi my name is jack i just voted for larry elder and i cast my vote and i voted to remove gavin newsom i i just did that why why do that because if the result is at the end of this election that 93 of californians voted to keep gavin newsom in office then there could be thousands and thousands and tens of thousands of us that say wait a minute i'd like you to watch this video this is what this is you know what we've been reduced down to um i've told you this before and then i'll introduce bill this evening i we're very excited to see what's going on with young people across america huge numbers of young people are joining the fight to defend our nation and it's fantastic beautiful turning point usa is doing a world world class job and and you know charlie kirk is you can't take the wind out of charlie kirk very easily but i was able to unfortunately succeed in doing that when he had made a comment about something and i said charlie i don't know man i said you're talking like what you just said is well the constitution says this and i said charlie man i got to tell you i haven't seen evidence of a u.s constitution as i review it i haven't seen the evidence of the constitution being upheld universally upheld from top to bottom i think it died somewhere in the middle term of barack obama and he stopped and i said listen supreme court look how they're acting they're not obeying the constitution look how congress they're not obeying the constitution look at what's happened this not obeying the constitution down and down down the list i went it's very possible when you have the fbi spying on americans as they are now then you have a weaponized irs you have a weaponized atf that's at the bidding of whoever the dictator is and i personally do not believe that we have constitutional rights any longer i think we're living off the fumes and i have a lot of evidence to back that up people don't want to hear that but we live in an interesting time great question larry elder he's asking other candidates are debating but larry elder is not in the debates and i don't think he's going to be in any debates for this reason there's no reason for him to go into a debate what larry elder is doing is causing his numbers to rise why would you engage in a debate to win larry's winning without debates this is something unique there's nobody close to him in the numbers he's in the polling and his social media and his personal appearances are just causing the trajectory to go so i know for a fact that his campaign team have told him you don't have a need there's no need to do that you are rising and the financial support is pouring in and so i asked senator i asked senator grove today i said what what is your gut on this and she's sharp and she ran through some numbers and and uh if the election was to happen tonight assuming newsom is ousted right that larry wins larry wins big if it were tonight here's the thing oh boy we need to pray you guys the other team they're always united almost always united they know how to unite the christian community almost never unites the christian community gets in fights over things like this trump no trump hillary no hillary you just picked the topic in the christian community it's almost like the christian community was born with something missing when it comes to being able to wage a warfare in this world didn't jesus say that the children of this world are more savvy more shrewd than the children of the kingdom that was an insult i hope you got that jesus said that jesus said the kids of this world they know how to fight my kids not so sure and we need to be careful because a christian will get in for example in this in this election uh there's some good christian people running but nobody knows who they are no nobody knows you might know who they are but the state doesn't know who they are and some of them didn't even won't even make it on the ballot i think they didn't even get the numbers so then what do you do oh no i can't vote well remember what i'll always be saying this if this person is pro-life and this person is not pro-life and i already know how to vote according to my bible yeah but that guy's not my flavor what is that see this is where christians go off the track we lose it we don't we don't have the skin to understand jesus said it this way don't go to war unless you first have figured out that you've got the ability and the means to win it but we never think like that we never think like that wait to be careful we have to be wise so unfortunately at this time uh the christian community doesn't believe that the candidates are christian enough so what's going to happen what could happen is that newsome stays in if newsom stays in i have to tell you personally if newsom stays in um i i have to relocate out of this state i will be he knows my name i'd have to get out of california so no i'm not no you're not because i'm not going to tell you where i'm going you guys he he needs no introduction especially if you were here last night i'm actually blessed that tonight uh we don't have uh uh worship time we're gonna go straight into class time and william federer is a prolific author his books will be available some of them will be available in the foyer after service i promise you if you buy any of his books and you're not blown away i'll i'll give you your money back because everything he's written i think i own and he is so reliable so dependable and why excuse me why he is revered as he is and i can i can say this he won't say this those who disagree with him fear him because what he footnotes and what he puts out there is not his feelings you can you can look at it and you got a taste of that last night so without further ado he's back he's had a very busy day filming and doing television stuff but we're happy to have him here on the west coast give a warm welcome to bill federer thank you pastor amen hallelujah thank you pastor jack him thank you lisa well i thought i'd pick up with where i left off to last night is that okay and i have a chapter in my book on socialism on how to brainwash a nation so let's just jump in um in the 1800s marketing was wells fargo wagon and sears catalog and they would list every single feature about an item that they're selling like a sewing machine and then the early 1900s came along and they began to sell things through magazines and not let people know about the product and the classic is crisco nobody knew what was in crisco and uh yet they had these slick magazine advertisements of happy families with really nice looking food and it made it look like everybody's using it and they even made up a term vegetable based nobody knew what vegetable based was but yet it was so effective it put out a business the lard industry right they used to render fat from animals that then use it to make soap and so forth and so do you know what's in crisco cottonseed oil so in the south they would grow cotton and then they would have these seeds that they wouldn't use and they just pile them up mountains of these things and somebody had that they would smash him into this black mucky oil that they would use in machinery in factories nobody ate that stuff and somebody had the idea of boiling it and bleaching it and putting it in cans and selling it with a nice ad campaign and we've all eaten it and um so but it was a phenomenon instead of people knowing everything about a sewing machine they know nothing about it but it looks like everybody's using it and so there was the popular cartoon in a new york newspaper called keeping up with the joneses and it's this idea that you're buying things because you see other people with things not because it's you've done your homework and then we see how to influence and brainwash a nation sensationalism through publications magazines newspapers and the classic is the spanish-american war and so the country was pretty isolationist we were busy with our own lives but there was injustice going on in cuba and william randolph hearst new york journal and pulitzer prize or joseph pulister who had done the pulitzer prize he had the new york world and they began to stir up public sentiment not to buy a sewing machine or crisco but to intervene in cuba with a foreign policy and so hearst famously had his illustrator frederick remington go to cuba and document it and there was the spanish general violer and he had concentration camps and hundreds of thousands were being killed and frederick remington hearst told remington you furnish the pictures i'll furnish the war now it did mobilize the country to get involved and to free cuba from the oppressive spanish government we need to do that again only this time from a totalitarian government but it's this idea that the press realized that they had the ability to sway public opinion not just to buy crisco but to change their views on foreign policy then we see the radio drama war of the worlds 1938 and orson welles is an actor and it's h.g wells's uh space novel but he is goes on the radio and he says we interrupt this program to announce that new jersey is being invaded by martians everybody in the country panics freaks out runs outside and looks for spaceships right it was a phenomenon that how you could get an entire nation to go into instant panic and fear and hysteria and so this was studied by joseph goebbels he is the nazi minister of propaganda and he realized fear of the war and people changing their behavior if they see everybody else buying a product or whatever and so he would orchestrate these events with a hundred thousand people and they would begin to give the hitler salute at the front and it would work its way back and then everybody would see everybody else give him the hitler slot and then you would feel pressured to give it then people would see you giving it and they would feel pressured to give it and all of the country was suddenly wrapped up in supporting this i mean how do you brainwash a nation well he figured out that you have fear and you you make it look like everybody's doing it right and then um so it's actually got a term it's called fear mongering and it's the manipulation of people into hysteria now america begins to do something similar and we have a army and air force motion picture service i mean what are they doing making motion pictures they just think oh we want to do some entertainment no they realized that this is a powerful persuasive means and they would even set up tables in the lobby of the movie theater to sign up recruits i actually talked to a guy that joined the military by signing up in the lobby of the movie theater they would have patriotic movies now it was legitimate in the sense that it was mobilizing the country for a patriotic purpose to defend our country against a genuine threat but it shows the power that they've been studying on how to manipulate and how to get people to not just to buy a product but to buy an ideology this was studied some more with uh the movie gaslight i don't know if you have how many have seen that ingrid bergman and if you've not she is a young woman whose aunt was a famous actress in the movie and the the aunt was given some jewels and she dies and all of her acting stuff and whatever else is stored in the attic and um ingrid bergman inherits the at the house it's in london and anyway a guy wants the jewels and so he becomes friends with her and courts her and marries her and uh he wants to um uh you know the old black and white movies he like puts her in her bedroom and he says i'm gonna go for a walk and smoke his pipe or whatever and he goes out of the house down the street and like in london all the houses are connected like mary poppins you know and so he climbs along the roofs and goes in through the attic and turns the gas lamp on in the attic and when he turns it on in the attic it gets dimmer in her bedroom and she tells him she goes you know every time when you go out for a walk the light gets dimmer in my bedroom this is how your eyes are playing tricks on you you're seeing things you're going crazy maybe you're going and then he would egg her on he would show her brand new watch and then he said hey we're gonna go out to dinner to this big public event and everybody's there and he's showing his watch and then all of a sudden he says my watch is gone and everybody's looking around for it and then he reaches in her purse in front of everybody and pulls it out and says oh you took it but it's not your fault you're a kleptomaniac and you didn't know what you were doing you're just going and he was convincing her that she is crazy and he's about to sign her into an insane asylum then he can go in the attic and dig around all he wants for the jewels until the hero of the movie sees the guy go down the street and saw the light go on in the attic and it goes dimmer in the bedroom and he breaks the story and he gets drug away but it's this concept that went into our vernacular gaslighting how you manipulate a person but now we're taking it to a national level how do you manipulate the perception for an entire nation now it actually goes back to ancient greece and uh now the most common form of government in world history is kings pharaoh caesar kaiser sultan czar and if you have an agenda how do you pitch your agenda to the king right so in china the emperors had 2 000 concubines and they had the mandarin eunuchs and you would have to bribe the mandarins to arrange for you to get a meeting with the emperor so you could pitch your agenda well in athens they didn't have an emperor or a king it was the people who were in charge and if you have an agenda how do you pitch your agenda to an entire city that's when they invented theater they get the whole city in a big outdoor amphitheater and they would put on plays comedies satires tragedies where they would ridicule and buffoon some points of view and honor and extol other points of view and if you've ever read you know greek aristophanes who was wrote comedies i mean they would ridicule politicians by name sort of like you know saturday night live where they'd make somebody act like the politician and make fun of them and and people would leave the theater saying i don't want to be like that poor guy that was made fun of and they start backing away from them and then they portray somebody else or other views as noble and you know upright and people leave the theater said i want to be like that and from that time till now theater is always political in a country where it's the people who are in charge somebody's paying for all that stuff to be on there and they're pushing somebody's writing the script somebody's hiring the people that write the scripts right and so you think of your favorite sitcom or movie and there is a character that you like you identify with they're cute they're funny they're the hero and as this series goes on this character begins to make morally compromising decisions a little lust little cheating little lying little revenge and you find yourself apologizing for him saying yeah i know james bond is with a woman he's not married to but he's about to save the world so can we get on with the story and it minimizes something that used to be really important right marital fidelity it's sort of that's not that important and and then they will call people portray people who hold to old traditional values make them look like simpletons and bumpkins and backwards and idiots and you turn the show off like man that guy did look a little bit he was like too strict and he was dude and the other person you know he was cool a matter of fact i'm going to go out and buy the tennis shoes that he i'm going to wear the cologne that this you know this actress was you you want to emulate those and so from that time till now theater media is a way to manipulate the public so if you have an agenda you want to begin to portray it positively and then those that you don't like you begin to portray them negatively and you're moving the population in your political direction the same way that the greeks did so it's sort of a gaslighting type thing now this was studied uh we are all familiar with the psychological or operations called psyops during world wars one and two and after that where our army would drop pamphlets in the other nations language that would say things like oh your side is already lost and you're just your general just hasn't told you yet but but you're really just fighting futile and you just go ahead and give up and it would mess with their minds but they did the same thing to us and so the famous says tokyo rose she had a really sort of seductive voice and she'd be on the radio in english and she'd be telling all the americans like oh you're terrible and you know and so forth so this has been studied how you manipulate uh and so it actually is a um sun tzu's art of war fifth century bc in china and generals would fight and sun tzu said the best general is the one who can get his enemy to surrender without even fighting that you psyched them out you make them think that you're more powerful than you are you make it look like your troops are everywhere you make you mess with their minds psych them out and then they lose heart and they surrender and uh so that's called the sun twos are the war but then there's something else called fifth generation warfare and that's where you get your enemy to surrender without them even even knowing that there was a war and that's what we're experiencing right now right so they get you to surrender but you don't even know that you're in a war i mean that's like the ultimate and so this this wanting to influence the this mental psyche the view of a large population another step in it is the cold war and our country was busy with all of our lives and the cia director was alan dulles and he realized that we needed to mobilize our country to fight communism and so he had it's called operation mockingbird he had the cia feed stories to all the top news agencies in america and to to get people you know mobilized to the threat against but he confessed to it and so it's in uh carl bernstein who was the famous watergate washington post reporter uh he wrote about it in a rolling stones interview in 1977 how the cia is feeding stories to our press and but we see articles recently of now it's gone online and so it's not just your major newspapers and major tv here's one article facebook voter drive suede election to biden another is a big tech's effort to sway the election revealed another npr is in twitter we trust can social media sway voters so now we have big tech wanting to sway what people think and so if we do a little connect the dots in america the country is controlled by laws laws are controlled by politicians politicians are controlled by voters voters are controlled by public opinion you can't vote for what you don't know about and the only thing you know is through right and public opinion is controlled by media education the church the church helps form public opinion for those that go to church and the internet now why is the internet different than media because all the other ones now use the internet it goes through the internet for churches to communicate and education and so forth and so if if someone can control media education and infiltrate the church and uh control the internet they can control what the public knows and they can control public opinion and the public opinion influences the voters and the voters vote for the politicians and the politicians make the laws and the laws control the country can you see it now if i can figure it out they can figure out right it's sort of like in a home uh the um big sister uh knows that uh you know maybe the dad uh is the one that might make the final decision but she knows if she can nag mommy then mommy will will go neg dad but but um you know but if she can tease little brother and get him to cry then that'll get mom upset mom get dead i mean you know how little kids are they can figure things out and uh one time it's it's i have 11 kids in my family five brothers five sisters and so i have twin little brothers and when they were uh we lived in a house with wooden floors and there were two cribs and they were on the other side of the room and i heard my one little brother crying and uh i go in and my other little brother's crib had been moved all the way across the room and he is in there sucking a bottle and his feet is another bottle and the brother brother's in the other crib with no bottle and he's like looking like like what he had scooted his crib all the way over climbed over took the bottle away from his brother climbed back into his crib he's like little kids can figure that out right how to do things and so here people have figured out if you can control the internet and the education media and the church you can control public opinion which controls the voters which controls politicians and laws and controls the country uh one of the people who is known for this is antonio gramsci and he uh at this time realized that america cannot be defeated on the battlefield we are invincible on the battlefield so his idea was to rot us from within so it's called the long march through the institutions it's sort of if you've ever heard of the seven mountains of influence it's sort of the seven mountains of influence in reverse it's him saying we have got to win all of these mountains it's this long march through the institution and rot every one of them so antonio gramsci he's in the is an italian socialist dies in prison but he has his notebooks and in there he says the civilized world has been thoroughly saturated with christianity for two thousand years any country grounded in judeo-christian values cannot be overthrown until those roots are cut now what's judeo-christian values that basically is the concept of the individual all other structures are what they call honor shame and you want to be part of a group whether it's islamic you know muslim male or hindu you want to be in the brahmana caste on the top or whatever the judeo-christian concept but you you have a worth and an identity because you are made in the image of god whether you can contribute to society or not you're worth the same and the god that we worship there's no respect to persons everyone's equal so those are the judeo-christian values but he says we got to get rid of those because we want people to identify with the group and then whoever controls the group is in charge so he says socialism is precisely the religion that the religion that must overwhelm christianity i think it's interesting he calls socialism a religion he says in the new order socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools universities churches and media see he's sort of listing those mountains uh transforming the consciousness of society so it was this this long march of going in them george orwell wrote a book in 1948 the title of his book is 1984. he switched the numbers right for the book and in this dark futuristic novel george orwell has a character named winston and he works at the ministry of truth and his job is to edit history and change it and put all the evidence of the real past history in a pneumatic tube that he sticks in like you know like with old banks he'd stick the thing and suck it up there and it would suck it down the memory hole and throw it into an incinerator and uh he writes this every record has been destroyed or falsified every book rewritten every picture has been repainted every statue and street building has been renamed every date has been altered history has stopped nothing exists except an endless present in which the party is always right i know of course that the past is falsified but it would never be possible for me to prove it even when i did the falsification myself after the thing is done no evidence remains the only evidence is inside my own mind and i don't know that any other human being shares my memories everything faded into miss the past was erased the erasure was forgotten and the lie became truth if there's no god there is no absolute truth and you can change history all you want the same way they spin news articles today they simply spin history the classic of this was the egyptians and the hittites which is area of turkey today had the famous battle of carcamesh and you're familiar with it because this is the battle where the wonderful king josiah comes out and tries to stop them uh from coming up from egypt and the king says look i don't have a bone to pick with you you know but that's when josiah gets killed but nevertheless the pharaoh on the monuments in egypt's carves uh that he was victorious in this battle and he like and everybody thought oh the the must have egypt must have won well then they finally discovered the hittite records and hit that record says we had that pharaoh surrounded and he barely escaped by the skin of his teeth with his tail between his legs and he ran back to egypt and all of a sudden they realized uh you can't trust everything they don't want to put negative things on their monument i mean who would do that right so um the idea is that if there's no god and there's no absolute truth in absolute right and wrong what's wrong with manipulating history if it accomplishes your political end george orwell said those who control the past control the future and those who control the present control the past so if you can control the present you can decide what's in the history books about the past and people draw their identity their trajectory their purpose from the past and so that's where the 1619 projects come is com comes in and howard zen's people's history of the united states this idea that you want to manipulate it to push your agenda carl sandberg a poet said when a nation goes down one condition may always be found they forgot where they came from and here's the sun suit quote supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemies or assistance without fighting and then fifth generation warfare getting your enemy to surrender without them even being aware that there was a war so that the picking up from last night we talked about brainwashing a nation well the term brainwashing came from the buddhist concept of cleansing the mind right of thought sort of an emotional reset and this was comes to the highlight during the korean war so young guys are very patriotic they go into the war and they're captured and when we rescue them they hate america it's like what happened to them they did something called brainwashing where they would put somebody in isolation for a long period of time and go through sensory deprivation and and trauma to the place where they craved having things get back to normal they craved having relationships with other people they craved it so much that then they would bring them out and they would have a a room with six chairs and sitting in those chairs were guys who had already caved and before they could be accepted in the group they had to confess their whiteness they had to confess that they were part of the evil western capitalist system and they were fighting and they were doing all this bad and once they confessed all that then they were accepted into this group of other guys and so it was a manipulation of the strong desire that people have to fit in with the group but doing it it's sort of like if you have a dog that is very unruly and doesn't like you and imagine locking it in a room for half a week with no light no food and this dog barks itself out and it's finally just lying there half dead and you open the door and you give it some water food and pet it and you close it you keep going you give it water food and pretty soon it's going to have an emotional reset and it's gonna look at you as its new benefactor right that's what you do to brainwash prisoners but the idea is you also do it nationally now a little side note they found out that if someone had a sense of humor it was really hard to brainwash them because they'd be like oh this is fun you know but they also found that the same thing was done with captives from indian tribes right so early colonial america the indians would capture people from villages you know and um and they would leave them outside the teepee through the cold and then when they finally would um you know give them some food and then they would have them go through different things to be accepted into the tribe and um and then also in islam they would capture the young christian boys they called it the dev sherman or the blood tax and they would take these christian boys away from the christian families after they would capture an area and they'd have them live outside in the backyard for a year and these poor guys were like traumatized and then uh in order and they would forget their family forget where they came from and then they would begin to give them little bits and and finally they had to confess islam before they would be accepted into the community and then they would become really fierce soldiers they were called janissaries there's also the term stockholm syndrome where the captives ended up you know liking their captors they would and so this idea is you isolate somebody put them through isolation maybe like having them stay in their homes right maybe uh with mass and so much so that people just crave crave crave having things get back to normal and they say okay but before before we get back to normal you've got to take this you've got to have this done to your body you've got to sign up for this you've got to waive your rights and freedoms and everything and people want to get back to normal so much that is the the the manipulation so human beings have a natural desire to want to be in a group we all know that growing up there is the clique uh right in in school and uh the you want to be part of the clique and the worst thing is to be kicked out of the clique and ostracized it's it's going online now everybody wants to be liked and followed and friended and nobody wants to be unliked and blocked and de-platformed right you're emotionally attached to this now at the beginning of america's history most of the country was christian right at the colonial founding time and so there were some people who were not christian but they wanted to be part of the group and so they would change their behavior and have basic christian morality just because they the natural human desire you want to go along with the group unfortunately we've lost that and the other side now has the the the magnetic the gravitational pull and we're trying to hang on but they're pushing this group perception to move in their direction so approval of man is uh it's something that human nature craves but it's an ever-moving goal post because if they you say we got to do this to be accepted okay you do it and then they say okay we're going to change it up now now you got to do this to be accepted now you got to do this and so they move the goal posts again most cultures is called honor shame culture that's not a an actual term of what's right or wrong it's you do what's what brings you you and your family honor and you avoid uh those that um shane bring you and your family shame so some sharia islamic families if the daughter embarrasses the family in front of their group their uma their community they'll kill their own daughter in an honor killing so the idea of manipulating the group to get people to brainwash a nation uh is um it was studied in the 1970s it's called the solomon ash conformity experiment and they would do it on college campuses i talked to somebody that actually was been part of one they would have eight students that they would pull into a room seven had been paid ahead of time to be actors one was a naive participant and the teacher would put two cards on the front desk one card simply had one line and the other three lines one longer one shorter one the same and beginning with the paid actors one by one they would say that the shorter line was equal to the to the first line by the time it got around to the eighth knife participant 30 percent of them would deny their own eyes to fit in with the group could you imagine that they could see right there that this line is not the same but they would they would cave and now if only one other person disagreed it went from 30 down to 5 so that encourages us to stand up but this is again this has been studied and it's called the spiral of silence that people will self-censor their views if they think they're in the minority they even did a wine tasting test and they had all these couples in there everybody was in on it except one couple and they poured vinegar in the wine and this couple writes on the little card this tastes terrible right but then all the other ones stood up and they said good things they said oh that has character this is just robust this is really good it finally gets around to this couple they've scratched out what they had put and they stood up and said yeah yeah it was it was good and then when somebody said well you know all they did was pour vinegar in it the couple who would change their views criticized that person for saying that and was defending it and it's a phenomenon called false enforcement once people buy in to the deception they will help enforce it and make you oh you're not wearing your mask and it's like why are we wearing this anyway i don't know i'm not going to think about that but i'm just i bought into this and so i'm going to help enforce it now it's a powerful powerful thing to want to fit in with the group i mean here's peter who was with jesus three years and now he's with a small group around the fire outside the high priest house and when this unnamed woman comes up and says you're with jesus he looks over and he sees the disapproval of the group and he caves and denies jesus because of this group around this fire i mean if there was not a group there i'm sure he wouldn't have denied it i was just the one girl but there was this pressure from the group now after jesus resurrection peter filled with the holy spirit had courage and he stood up to the group he stood up to the sanhedrin and when they said we gave you strict orders not to teach in his name peter replied we must obey god rather than men amen so if somebody's not a christian if they don't have the holy spirit the pressure is great to cave it's called the fear of man and jesus calls us out of the fear of man to only have the fear of god right he says you got to love me more than being accepted by your mother sister brother or any other group you've just got to care about what i care about right so you take your eyes off a man and you look to god i love it when the early church was persecuted they didn't pray that the persecution stopped they prayed for boldness they said lord look on their threats and grant that your servants that with all boldness they may speak their word and then jeremiah in 1 8 says be not afraid of their faces for i am with thee to deliver thee if you read that chapter in jeremiah it says if you do get afraid of their faces i will shame you in front of them so you better have backbone right i love the uh athlete that wouldn't bow sam coonrod it was a giant pitcher and he was july 23 2020 he was the only player not to kneel and when they asked why he says i'm a christian so i just believe that i can't kneel before anything besides god [Applause] and uh orlando magic forward jonathan isaac was the lone player to stand during the national anthem and he said all lives are supported through the gospel everyone is made in the image of god and we all share in his glory [Applause] jesus says to some he says you receive honor one from another and seek not the honor that cometh from god only right so we are to seek the approval of god not the approval of men and guess what i think god is going to let it get to the place where you are squeezed and going to have to make the decision you know you think of it the uh you know the romance novels and the the hallmark movies or whatever it always is some crisis point like a girl has you know the love triangle it's got two guys that are wanting to court her and it gets to one place where one guy is squeezing oh i got this business meeting and i'm supposed to propose to you tonight and i'll take a rain check and the other guy will crawl across glass just to be with her for a minute right so there's this crisis point where somebody's heart is revealed and i think god is wanting to do that with us right i mean here's humanity and he's letting us put to the place where we're being seen you know i was thinking of of god knew abraham's heart but he wanted to see abraham be willing to put his son isaac on the altar imagine a guy um you know he's watching football on tv and you come up to him and you say hey when was the last time you told your wife you love her uh i can't remember what she knows my heart it's like okay uh when was the last time you did anything to show your wife you love her i don't know but she knows my she knows my heart it's like dude we need to have a little talk here it's like oh god knows my heart yes he does know your heart and he wants to hear some words out of your mouth and he wants to see some actions and he's going to put you in a position where you're going to be squeezed to have to do that [Applause] now we remind ourselves that the church was born into a one world anti-christian government the roman empire so evidently god is not afraid of one world anti-christian governments right and 11 of the 12 apostles were martyred and they tried throwing john in a pot of oil but he survived and uh jesus says acts 1 8 you shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem judah samaria and uttermost parts of the earth and that word witnesses in greek is martyr so in other words you're giving your life for what you believe and we just have to acknowledge it that you the moment you gave your life to jesus you died and it's no longer you that live but christ that liveth in you and your life belongs to him and so nero uh is the one who first started persecuting the christians you know outside of that the sanhedrin and everything and he had his infamous nero's torches i don't know if you can see in the picture there but he's in the big palacy throne thing in the middle and over to the side are christians wrapped in burlap and tar they set them on fire and there is ten major persecutions of christians in the first three centuries and uh the government made it a criminal act for christians to assemble does that sound familiar uh and if the government caught christians meeting together they were subject to being arrested and killed so christians met in catacombs these are caves that they carved into the rock i went to school in rome for six months in college and we toured the catacombs you know you'd crawl through these little tight spaces and you'd see first century graffiti on the walls and the little niches where they would stick the bodies of those that had died and then they would have the bones later they'd collect and they'd wrap up and uh so forth but this was the christian experience for three centuries and christianity exploded in growth it was intensely personal it was you and your christian friends and they barely had the bible i mean they had maybe a a letter from paul floating around but their hearts were touched by jesus and they were willing to die for jesus and so uh they had these diocese uh persecutions and the worst was diocletian so he had lost some battles with persia and he asked his generals why and his general said well you've allowed the army to neglect worshiping the roman gods so diocletian says okay army everyone has to worship the roman gods well this is the third century and so there's a lot of christians by this time in the military and they cannot worship the roman gods so they are purged out of the military once the christians are out of the military diocletian decides to use the military to force the entire roman empire to return to worshiping the roman gods and he carried on the worst persecution of christians arresting pastors imprisoning and killing the believers so when you see a purging of the military maybe through a transgendered agenda i talked to a general a couple of months ago and he was in 30 years and under reagan it was donut you know it was um the homosexuals could not serve you know unit cohesiveness and so forth and clinton said well don't ask don't tell and then president obama says no you can serve openly and no sooner than that happen is they forced everybody to have to this is the new policy and you have to go along with it and this general told me he says then they said you cannot sit there silent when they do their stuff you have to affirm them and he says he says i knew i'd get in trouble and so he says that was my time to leave and so it was this purging of all the old guard and now we see the critical race theory and it's another purging of anybody and we say oh well you know that's fine well who's left once they purge it historically once you purge the military of people that have judeo-christian moral values all you have have left are those that will push whatever agenda they're being told so what happened finally diocletian gets struck with an intestinal disease and abdicates the throne on may 1 305 a.d they sort of have a a recall right a divine recall and he abdicates the throne it's sort of interesting because by this time uh the roman emperors had been declaring themselves a god and sprinkling gold dust in their hair and demanding that their image be worshipped and so this was sort of like a god resigning right i think that's sort of funny um the next emperor is glorious he dies of an intestinal disease must have been something in the water and then it's a toss-up between four generals and constantine wins the day before constantine's battle at the milvian bridge he sees the sign of christ in the sky and he uh orders uh the the persecution of christians to stop so now christians can come out of the catacombs and they can worship worship openly great and then constantine decides well you know what i'm gonna be really good christian i'm gonna build basilicas and so now we have these big marble churches and they're beautiful and everything and this new generation of kids their christian experience is big marble churches right they don't they no longer it's you meet in this little catacomb when you're with your brothers and sisters that you're willing to die for and um and then arius starts the aryan heresy first heresy in the hit the church area says jesus was a little less than god a created being and so forth and it begins to split the church and since constantine had made christianity the de facto religion for the roman empire it's splitting the roman empire so diocletian orders all the bishops pays for them all to go to nicaea they settle it they write i see in creed a little trivia the tradition is that saint nicholas was at the council of nicaea and he was so upset at aries for starting this first of all heresies that nicholas slapped arius and so jolly old saint nick had a little temper he is the most popular greek orthodox saint i was going on the internet to find a picture of him and i found this i came to give presents to kids and to punch heretics i just ran out of presents but then there's another heresy another consul to settle it and another heresy another council another heresy another council and they're all the state approved belief systems right and then you have an emperor theodosius 379 a.d and he outlaws paganism right he's going to church in milan italy the pastor of saint ambrose and now that paganism is outlawed you have a flood of pagans who are now nominal christians coming into the big marble basilicas and saying okay whatever the state doctrine is i'm fine with it and they've not had a heart change and so a movement starts called pietism that says look being a christian is more than just agreeing with the state doctrine you have to have a personal experience with jesus and as important as that is there's a ditch on either side of the road so one side of the road is oh it's impersonal it's just state it's jesus doing it and the other side is it so personal that some people with drew from society completely gave away all their money and lived in a cave as a hermit or joined a monastery and so you'd never see them some of them even took vows of silence they wouldn't even talk right and so they yes they got it right that it's personal but now it's so personal that they're just forgetting that a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children right you want to leave a country where the kids have the freedom to be christians don't you right and so there's the middle of the road yes it's personal if it's not personal it's all over it's personal it's personal but we're supposed to influence the world we're supposed to be salt of the earth we're supposed to provide so that there's an atmosphere where the gospel can be spread anyway so um is this interesting well i am listening thank you so we we're talking about uh the brainwashing the nation and the idea of uh the natural desire for people to fit into a group is being manipulated right in front of our eyes to pressure us and we feel it you feel it you know you go into the grocery store and everybody's wearing masks and you're not you feel that pressure right um but um but then there's persecution and god's not afraid of persecution because that's when we show that we're on his side no matter what and so we have this initial persecutions but uh then uh there's a till of the hun that comes across across and he kills thousands and the christians at the time thought he was the antichrist but then he's off the picture and the next big threat is islam so muhammad is a religious leader only makes about 70 converts he's chased out of mecca and then he goes to medina as a religious refugee and the jews that controlled medina led him in as a muslim immigrant and then he goes into the minority neighborhoods and he begins to organize a following of the pagans and medina we're sort of familiar with the term of community organizing and um and when his following gets big enough he goes to the jews and pressures them to accommodate him him and his followers politically so now he's a political leader and then when some of his followers get chased out of mecca he allows them to rob the caravans headed back to mecca and they become military and he fights in 66 battles killing 3 000 people so he personally went from being a religious leader to a political leader to a military leader and since he is the ideal muslim there is a desire for those that uh not all of them but some of them want to follow his example to the t and they want to follow him religiously politically and militarily and so we see that within the first century right after muhammad's death the muslims under the rightly guided kalis conquer arabia yemen and then they conquer into the middle east and they conquer jerusalem they conquer syria then they conquer into persia into armenia and then they conquer into egypt did you know egypt was evangelized by mark that wrote the gospel matthew mark luke and john and egypt was christian for six centuries until amir ibn alas conquers it syria was the first country between it in armenia first country that was completely christian the name christian was first used in syria antioch syria until khalif umar conquered syria and then there used to be 250 catholic dioceses along north africa in the seventh century right this is you know seven centuries before the reformation but morocco algiers tunisia libya egypt it was all christian saint augustine of hippo was from uh you know carthage today that's tunisia and then in in the year 711 they crossed into spain the muslim general was um tariq and um and he landed at a mountain and the arabic word for mountain is jabal so they called it jabal tariq or gibraltar jamaltari gibalto walter anyway so he lands in 7-eleven and within just 10 years he conquers all of spain because he's on horseback with stirrups and cemetery swords spaniards are still fighting on foot with heavy metal swords 10 years they conquer all of spain cross the pyrenees conquer southern france and they're finally stopped outside of paris at the battle of tours in 732 a.d exactly 100 years after the death of muhammad in 632 a.d and then they take total control of the mediterranean and they attack rome italy in 846 a.d and they trash the basilica saint peters and they trash the bone to saint peter and then they go to the church of saint paul outside the walls and they trash the bones of saint paul and so pope leo decides to build a 39-foot wall around the vatican to protect it from these um islamic warriors and so here you have the the pope building a wall i just think that's sort of interesting and then they invade into the byzantine empire this is where all seven churches mentioned in the book of revelation were and they were all conquered by the islamic turks and they finally conquered constantinople in 1453 ending the land trade droughts from europe over to india and china and uh so the you know the the the greeks were begging the west for help and the west sent help it's called what the crusades right but then when the crusades end the muslims conquer constantinople so the land trade routes to get from europe to india and china marco polo had crossed that route in the 1200s but now it's shut off and so the europeans begin to look for a sea route and that's when columbus comes up with the idea of sailing west and he thinks he made it to india so he names the people he meets indians so think of it we never would have called native americans indians had it not been for jihad conquering constantinople 40 years earlier so everybody that hates columbus really bad needs to turn one chapter back in the history book and realize the very fact columbus that sale was islamic expansionism conquering all the christian world over there and so by the 1500s you have sultan suleiman the magnificent and he controls all this huge area that used to be christian and the holy roman emperor is the king of spain and he is defending europe and he has all the new world in the philippines and so forth and so the two most powerful kings in the 1500s are the king of spain and the muslim sultan and in the midst of all this martin luther starts the reformation and uh the king of spain charles v is at the trial of martin luther and he sees a bunch of monks over here saying one thing and there's one lone mug named martin luther saying something else and martin luther says unless you can prove me wrong from scripture here i stand so help me god and the the charles the fifth is like okay a lot of monks over here and there's only one guy i'm gonna go with these guys and so martin luther is taken out of his protection and he's they think he's going to get killed but he swept away hidden in the castle where he translates the bible into german and meanwhile the muslim turks surround vienna austria in 1529 and martin luther says the fight against the turks must begin with repentance we must reform our lives or we shall fight in vain our sins have earned god's wrath so he just looks into the hands of the devil and the turk and so the charles v spain is faced with a double dilemma he has protestant reformation on one side and muslim invasion on the other side right he's trying to do two things which i'm trying to keep the islamic threat away but now i got the reformation started and so he tries to stop the islamic invasion all by himself and he can't so in 1555 he decides to make the piece of augsburg with the protestants and um in this piece of augsburg is a little latin phrase that made a big difference the phrase was cuios reggio eu's religio which means whose is the reign his is their religion and um so he basically let every king decide what's going to be believed in his kingdom so believe whatever you want let's just work together against this islamic invasion but if you don't believe the way your king did you're persecuted and you fled so we're talking about freedom of conscience now and the northern germany and sweden were lutheran switzerland calvinist scotland presbyterian holland dutch reformed greece was greek orthodox spain portugal france austria italy so forth catholic and england anglican and so it went from all of western europe as catholic to all of western europe is these different denominations and they begin to fight each other and so it's one christian denomination per country in europe and if you don't believe the way your king did you're persecuted and you fled now just a little insight into this uh luther had a very personal revelation that the just shielded by faith and some german princes wanted to break away from rome and so they decided that their kingdom would be lutheran and so they go to their kingdom and say okay everybody in my kingdom you're now lutheran and the people say great we're lutheran uh what do we believe so it it was not the same personal revelation that martin luther just agreeing with a brand new state doctrine a little more scriptural emphasis but some people it's just okay whatever you tell me and so the revival movement comes along again called you guessed it pietism that says no no no being a christian is more than just a state doctrine you have to have a personal experience with jesus and when you do your life will change and you won't do worldly things anymore like going to bars and brothels and lewd theater and get involved in worldly government right what's that yeah government's filled full of worldly people and if you're really a christian you're not going to get involved in government that is the origin of our current separation of church and state concept so in germany it developed where there's two kingdoms the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of the church and they don't touch and there were even some german kings who would donate money to the pietest churches so they would teach their people not to get involved in the king's business and this allowed hitler to take power right he's like okay i'm in the church is like well well you know whatever you do you know we can't tell you what not to do and he's like you just shut up and do your little church stuff and i'm going to take control and they're like well okay we're you know we've got this two kingdoms and they're separated and we've had this doctrine for centuries and so we're not going to get involved they had a little tweak to it in germany everybody in the country paid taxes to the government and the government paid the pastors so that way the pastors didn't have to take up offerings and all that you know dirty money stuff and so so the government would collect and they still have that today in germany all right i know somebody had a job over there they fill out their w-2-type form they put what church they belong to the government withholds the money from their paycheck and gives it to the church but the younger generation realizes they can give themselves a raise if they don't check the church box so you have this whole generation of young people who identify as atheists they have a financial incentive to be atheist anyway so we're talking about what's happening uh freedom of conscience-wise and we're gonna look at henry viii he's catholic he's married to the daughter of the king of spain and after 18 years she does not have a son so henry decides to divorce her and uh he ends up having six wives divorce beheaded died divorced beheaded survived not a really nice guy to be married to his advisors suggested if he's really serious about breaking from rome he needs an english bible the german princess of martin luther's german bible he needs an english bible he says great get me one just so happened a few years earlier he had william tyndall burnt at the stake for doing what for translating the bible into english william tinda's last words before he died was lord open the king of england's eyes and now the kingdom of england wants an english bible so they basically take william tyndall's work polish it up and they call it the great bible and it's the first time the common people of england have access to it he orders thousands of copies put in every church it's nicknamed the chained bible because they would change it to the pulpit it was so valuable and they would rent time to go up and read it your 15 minutes is up it's my turn right now hurry up and read through it someone would do like like bible roulette where they just like let it open and then you know even you know that's where judas went out and hung himself and go and do likewise and anyway they didn't have those verses but but here you have henry viii putting this english bible all around england for the purpose of breaking with rome so we're no longer he dusts his hands and goes that's it we broke with rome we are now completely independent we look to our own country for all the spiritual stuff and he set it up so that he's the head of the anglican church so it's a hierarchical model where you have the the monarch the archbishop of canterbury the bishops deaneries vicars rectors curates all those different ones well a group starts and they're sort of like the pietas but they want to purify the church from the inside so they're nicknamed puritans and then there is another group that said it's beyond hope of purifying we're going to separate ourselves and so they call themselves separatists and we call them pilgrims and so they uh the attitude of the king of england was yes you can read the bible in your own language but no you can't believe whatever you want you still gotta believe what i tell you to believe you don't have the freedom of conscience and so they come up with a book it's called the act of uniformity of common prayer you don't make up prayers because you could make up one that's wrong so we've written all the prayers you could possibly pray in one book and when you want to pray you just open it to the right page right meals baptism funerals or whatever it is you just open it up and you read the prayer and if you they pass something called the um the five mile act and if you're caught preaching within five miles of a town without approval of the governor all right then you're a criminal and they'll drag you before the star chamber and uh that's because they had stars on the ceiling and then uh they would twist your arm brand you on the face as a heretic even cut off your ear or cut your nose in half i mean um and then they passed the conventical act of 1664. comes from the word covenant where jesus says two or three are gathered in my name i am there in the midst and so the conventional act says if you have five or more people meeting talking religion without approval of the governor you're criminals and they'll bust in and arrest everybody and then in 1714 they change the name of it to the riot act because you you could be planning a riot even though all you're doing is a bible study and so the police would show up at your meeting and they would pull out a piece of paper and they would read the riot act that says everyone must immediately disperse or we will arrest you we'll put you in jail uh and you're not fed in jail and you just disappear and um so this is how john bunyan got arrested he was having a bible study and more than the the number of people that were allowed and they bust in and they arrested him as they're dragging him away he says better to be persecuted than to be the persecutor and he spends 12 years in jail because he was having a bible study without approval of the governor and um so these were considered the founders of one of the separatist groups branched into what's called the baptist and three guys john smith john merton and thomas hellwise and uh one of them the is uh thomas hellwise and he is a dissenter and he dies in the new gate prison and another one is john merton and roger williams who fled from england came to america and founded providence rhode island and the first baptist church in america he's writing something and uh it's called the the the terrible persecution of christians for conscience sake they use old english words but that is the against persecuting people for their conscience and he tells the story of john merton and nobody knew that if you're in a british prison the prison does not feed you you have to have some friend that misses you hey where's pastor i haven't seen him in a while check the friends and um so they uh they had a friend that would bring him food and a bottle of milk but instead of a cork it had a wad of paper and they put it in a cell and the guard would leave he would unfold the wad of paper take a splinter dip it in the milk and he would write out his pamphlets the milk would dry it's clear and he would fold up the paper and stick it in the empty bottle when he's done the guard would come and take it his friend would pick it up take it home unfold it hold it over a candle and the heat of the candle flame would turn the milk brown they could see what he wrote and they would typeset it they'd print the pamphlets they'd be like how is he getting messages out of the and so the baptist called it the milk of the word right and um so uh thomas hell wise in the prison in 1612 he writes this the king is a mortal man and not god therefore he has no power over the mortal soul of his subjects to make laws and ordinances for them or to set spiritual lords over them if the king's people obey all humane laws made by the king our lord the king can require no more for men's religion to god is betwixt god and themselves the king shall not answer for it neither may the king be judged between god and man so in other words if the king can stand there on the day of judgment and answer for your conscience fine believe whatever the king or the governor tells you to believe but if the governor is not going to be there at the day of judgment you are accountable to god for your own conscience and like the early church standing up like peter standing up to the sanhedrin right to the early christians standing up to the romans it's the the test is that do you follow your conscience or do you follow the state and so one of the baptists that helped found the baptist church in america in 1791 is john leland and he writes a pamphlet called writes a conscience inalienable and he says every man must give account of himself to god and therefore every man ought to be at liberty to serve god in a way that can best reconcile to his conscience if government can answer for individuals at the day of judgment let men be controlled by it in religious matters otherwise let men be free and the baptist wrote to thomas jefferson jefferson writes back and says gentleman believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his god you know i did a book called miraculous milestones and science medicine innovation i give the history of hospitals and did you know it was christians that started hospitals right it wasn't egyptians or it wasn't you know the india where the caste system when they step over the person dying in the ditch no jesus says i was sick and you visited me and so they would um go on pilgrimage after constantine legalized christianity they go on pilgrimage to the holy land and wind up worn out and so they decided that every basilica church where they have people making pilgrimage needs to have an infirmary for people to convalesce and get better and the latin word for traveler is hosp hosp like hospitality right and so they called the place a hospital so the very word hospital comes from these christians going on pilgrimage to the holy land and and then there's a bubonic plague and the christians take care of that and so the whole idea is it's christians responding and now you have them telling the christian medical professionals set aside your christian conscience and just do what we tell you to do right take whatever shot do transgendered surgeries or abortions or euthanasia you just lay aside your christian conscience forgetting the fact that it's the christian conscience that gave birth to hospitals in the first place and um anyway um so we have the pilgrims they're separatists they're they flee england they come to the new world and they uh write in the they're going to originally go to jamestown and uh jamestown was the first colony but the pilgrims get blown off course and they land way up in massachusetts and um then uh let's see here they do the mayflower compact and they do a switch and instead of top-down rule by the king it's bottom-up rule by themselves and a difference between a dead pyramid and a living tree i um let's see there's there's i just looked at the clock and realized i'm supposed to want to wind up so we have the king the king of england virginia was a royal colony and it was under the king and in virginia you had to take the oath of supremacy a matter of fact it says this the virginia house of burgesses there shall be a uniformity in our church as near as maybe to the cannons of england then it says none be permitted to pass in any voyage to said country but such as shall have taken the oath of supremacy what's the oath of supremacy i declare that the king's highness is the only supreme governor of this realm in all things spiritual and ecclesiastical they had to say hey the governor's the head of the king's head of the church you've got to do what you say and not to take the oath was considered treason and so and i found this in the early virginia records they grew tobacco and you not only had to go to you know you went to church you had to this is what they passed in 1624 whosoever shall absent himself from divine service any sunday without an allowable excuse shall forfeit a pound of tobacco hey miss young church on sunday uh pay up you know and um and then we should be loathed to allow any person be permitted to pass that we suspected to be affected by the superstitions of the church of rome so there was not a catholic in virginia until after the revolution the first catholic church in virginia was 1795 because it was illegal to be won before so every colony was started by a different christian denomination virginia was anglican massachusetts was puritan connecticut was congregational so was new hampshire rhode island founded by baptists new netherlands became new york it was founded by dutch reformed they shall within the territory practice no other form of divine worship than that of the reformed religion and then it's taken over by the british turned into new york and delaware new jersey were originally new sweden and it was swedish lutheran and maryland was founded by catholics north carolina was anglican protestant and then south carolina plain protestant and georgia protestant pennsylvania quaker and they didn't like each other and the same way in in europe when they had a different kingdom with a different religion and they had religious wars in the colonies in america their attitude was if you don't like our denomination start your own colony and they tar feather each other but then the revolutionary war starts and they have to work together against the king of england and um anyway i have stuff about roger williams and how he uh believed in conscience freedom of conscience and that your worship of god is only pleasing to god if it's freely given not because you're being told by a government to believe a certain thing or another and so we realize that the god of the bible is interested in your free will and even the baptists write to jefferson and jefferson writes back adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation on behalf of the rights of conscience and so um roger williams says this in 1644 he's the baptist that founded rhode island persecution for the cause of conscience is most contrary to the doctrines of christ jesus the prince of peace god requires not a uniformity of religion to be enacted and enforced in any civil state and forced uniformity is the greatest occasion of civil war ravishing the conscience persecution of christ jesus and his servants so we see that the founders of america really believed in freedom of conscience that your worship of god is only pleasing to god if it's voluntarily given not because you're afraid of the the sanhedrin the roman empire the king of england and so in america our founders set it up so that you're not forced to believe and it's not because they wanted to get away from christianity they wanted it so that your worship of god would actually be pleasing to god because it's voluntarily given that make sense so you get a chance to hear the gospel on a voluntary basis and with that my my favorite way of explaining the gospel is adam and eve sinned and hid from god have you ever sinned against anybody you sort of don't want to be around the person you've sinned against let's say you're talking about somebody behind their back and you're joking about them making fun of them and you look up and that very person is walking towards you question are you drawing and want to go over that person and smile or like oh gee i feel really awkward i think i'm gonna slip out the back your own conscience does not want you to be around the person you sinned against so it's like two magnets that are stuck together and one of the magnets turns the first one wants to talk but the second one wants to get away so it's not so much that god sends people to hell it's once people sin against god it's their own conscience that makes them want to get away from god remember jesus bring the adulterous woman and he writes in the dirt and he says he that's without sin cast the first stone and it says their conscience convicting them they left one by one in the presence of jesus they're made aware of their sin they want to get away from jesus because they realize how bad they are right so this is what happened with adam and eve god still wanted to walk with them but they wanted to hide so adam and eve said we blew it we have to do something to make ourselves acceptable to god they put on fig leaves that was the beginning of false religions man coming up with man's idea how to make man acceptable to god did the fig leaves make adam and eve acceptable to god no and this little line god made adam and eve coats of skins we read it really fast but how do you make a coat of skin kill an animal something has to do you think god went to the other side of the garden killed an animal and brought adam and eve some nice tailored outfits or do you think maybe he killed the animal right in front of them and they witnessed the first death ever creation just happened according to biblical account this is the first thing ever to die and adam and eve are watching in dismay as this innocent animal goes through the pains of dying and they're thinking to themselves we're the ones that sin but this innocent animal is the one that's dying and god wanted to make it really clear the animal was dying in their place that right in front of them he strips the skin off the animal and he puts it on their naked bodies maybe it still had some blood on it they were covered in the blood and so for the rest of their lives they're wearing the skin of the animal that they watch die in their place and whenever god sees adam and eve he sees them clothed with the skin of the animal the lamb slain from the foundations of the world so adam and eve tell cain and abel and cain decides he wants to worship god but he does an offshoot of the church of the fig leaf and he starts the church of the fruits and the nuts cain's is a religion of works and we know it's works because god told adam the ground is cursed for your sake and you'll bring forth fruit by the sweat of your brow so sweat is work and so here's kane tilling the soil planting hoeing pulling out the thorns and the thistles he gets all of his works and he piles them on the altar did cain's works make him acceptable to god no and abel does the lamb thing and it's this picture god is on one side we are on the other side our sins separate us from god and the lamb pays for the sin takes the judgment for the sin so abraham offered lamps moses had every family in israel kill a lamb and put the blood over the doorpost of the house so the angel of death would pass over the high priest would take the blood of the the sacrifice into the holy holies and sprinkle it on the mercy seat got the ark of the covenant box covered with gold the gold lid the two angels on top the presence of the lord inside the box of the ten commandments the high priest sprinkles the blood the blood changed it from a judgment seat into a mercy seat if the high priest would have approached without the blood god would see the ten commandments in the box until they break it would be judgment but the lamb took the judgment for him solomon had a thousand of him sacrificed when he dedicated the temple finally john the baptist points to jesus and says behold the lamb of god that taketh away the sins of the world so god is on one side we are on the other side our sins separate us from god we're repelled right the magnet will push and the lamb pays for our sins so i ask people are you approaching god as cain or as abel if you're still hoping you're good enough to go to heaven you are approaching god as cain i hope i piled enough good works on the altar maybe a couple more handfuls of barley that'll do it or are you approaching god as able it's not me being good enough it was the lamb that was good enough to pay for my sins now if you do work she can be proud of your works god resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble when you're trusting in a third party to make you accept you're acknowledging that you're not good enough in yourself and you're trusting in that sacrifice to make you acceptable you're humbled and so um why did the lamb have to die right and i mentioned a little bit of this last night but god's a just god and he cannot help it he's just that means he has to judge every sin if he let a sin slide and doesn't judge it his silence would effectively be giving consent to the sin and if god gives consent to sin he's no longer a just god you know the wedding ceremonies the pastor says anybody against this wedding speak now or forever hold your peace if you're sitting there silent your silence is giving consent to the wedding if there are sins going on god's silent he's giving consent every parent knows this the parent tells the kid don't do this and the kid does it anyway and the parent doesn't do anything about it the kid's like ah it's okay no god is a just god his very nature and that's the only side of god that the devil knew here's lucifer beautiful angel puffed up with pride he wants to put his throne higher than the throne of god god said you have sinned against me you are out so the devil goes into the garden and he sees adam and eve and he says hmm if i can get adam and eve to sin against god one time god will have to judge him it gets him to sin that was pretty easy and then he stands back says haha you're a just god you have to judge them because if you don't judge them your silence is giving consent to their sin and if you give consent to sin you're no longer a just god you deny your just nature you deny yourself you ungod yourself you're cast out of heaven and so god sends a fireball of judgment but insteps the lamb and takes the hit so god is just and that he judges every sin he's love and that he provided the lamb to take the judgment for the sin i love it i mentioned it before but abraham and isaac are going to the top of mount moriah and isaac says father we have the wood for the sacrifice and the coals for the fire but where is the sacrifice and abraham says son god will provide himself a sacrifice and it has a double meaning god will provide a ram up on the hill i've got faith that he's going to do that he's the provider but the other meaning is god will provide himself as the sacrifice and that's what happened jesus the second person of the trinity the only begotten son of god and the plan of redemption the mystery of the ages jesus became the lamb he became a man he knew it from the moment he was on the earth he told his apostles i will go to jerusalem and they will spit upon me and they'll crucify me right he knew that he was going to take the penalty for all of our sins and the book of revelation is god pouring out the viles of judgment and the angels cry out righteous and true are your judgments o lord and so why is that well that's god judging all the sin so for the rest of eternity he won't have to do any more judging but in that sense jesus took the book of revelation judgment on his head he took the judgment for every sin that everybody would ever do upon himself on the cross you know i spoke one time in kansas and it was really flat and the pastor says you can see forever out here but there's nothing to see i mean you can see corn fields as far as you can see and he said the worst thing that can happen is a hail storm and you can stand in the field and get hailed upon or you can run in the barn and the hail comes but it hits the roof of the barn you know tin barn you can hear it jesus is our barn we are in him he took the judgment that we deserved upon himself so we don't have to someone someone might say ah i don't need jesus it's like dude don't you understand god is a just god he has to judge every sin you've ever done because if he doesn't judge your sin his silence is giving consent to the sin if he gives consent to sin he's no longer a just god he denies his just nature he denies himself and he is not going to deny himself so judgment is coming so you can stand there and take it or you can run in the barn and the judgment's poured out you know it's interesting that so god has to judge every sin and jesus is on the cross and he's dying jesus is completely innocent a just god would want to judge the people that's killing an innocent people that's what happened with the with cain and abel so god tells cain your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground what was a crime an innocent person is killed you are a just god you've got to judge the guy that did it because if you don't judge it you're giving consent to it god says your brother's blood crying out for me to judge you and so here we see that um that god has to judge the sin but he provides the lamb to take the judgment and uh it's so powerful when you think of it that jesus was sweating drops of blood because he knew that the judgment for every sin that would ever be committed was going to be punished on him and so so let's look at this for example here's here's god he's got to judge the sin there's jesus on the cross jesus could have said father sick sicum and a just god would have been just in judging all of humanity but jesus says something he says father forgive them so god the father forgives and so jesus is like the umbrella he's like the barn and for 2000 years people are coming underneath of him and then finally we get to the book of revelation and when everybody that's in that's going to come in is in and believing in jesus that's when the lamb comes and what does he do he breaks the seal and the judgment of the book of revelation hits everybody else it's sort of like on the cross the judgment is coming and jesus pressed the pause button it's like god give me time and he gets everybody in that's going to come in and then when he breaks the seals like taking off the pause button it's like oh god okay god you can go back and pour out the rest of the judgment on everybody and so we are in the ark we are in jesus the judgment comes in the flood though on the world but we are in him and he took the judgment in our place and i said it before but amen that a day with the lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day jesus experienced that day on the cross as if it was a thousand years we don't understand the whole spiritual aspect of things but he took it and so uh if you think of an eternal being who's innocent suffering for a finite period of time is equal to all of us finite beings who are guilty suffering for an eternal period of time it's it's deep it's an eternal being jesus who's innocent suffering for a limited finite period of time is equal to all of us finite beings who are guilty suffering for an eternal period infinity times finite equals finite times infinity jesus literally suffered the equivalent of eternal damnation separation from god in our place and then he rose from the dead to prove he was who he said he was and so as long as you think your relationship with god is based on you being good enough you will always have this nagging thought in the back of your mind did i do enough and your own conscience will tell you no you didn't and that very thought will cause you to hesitate coming into the lord's presence but the moment you put all your faith in jesus that he paid for all your sins all of them yes all of them all of them yes all as far as the east is from the west so far as he removed you from your sins he's thrown all your sins in the depths and the seas blotted all out all your transgressions there's no more memory of it he's got rid of it really yes really the moment you believe that boom your magnet turns around and you are instantly in the presence of the lord and you feel his forgiveness and you feel his love and then he fills you with the holy spirit and i was thinking of guys in the workshop know this but let's say you have a big fat fingers and you've got a teeny screw and it's got to get into a teeny place and you have a screwdriver and you just can't hold it if you rub a magnet on that screwdriver like a thousand times the screwdriver screwdriver gets magnetized and then you can pick up the little screw and the screw stays on the end of the screwdriver you know i'm talking about and you can stick it in a little hole so when we come to jesus and we rub up against him his spirit the holy spirit fills us it's like his magnetism overpowers us and now it's him reaching out to a lost and dying world through us people are attracted to us but they're not attracted to us they're attracted by the holy spirit through us to jesus and then to the father right so instead of us doing good works and piling them on the altar thinking we're earning brownie points with god oh do a little bit more no no no you're already accepted by god and you can do the exact same works but instead of you doing it to earn brownie points it's him doing the good works through you and his burden is easy his yoke is light it's him do it you're just letting him live through you the god of the universe the god of the ages has the plan where you are not forced to believe anything but he's drawing you pulling you like a gentle pull of a magnet to come to him god loves you and he wants you to love him back and he won't force you to love him because love by definition must be voluntary but he craves it he wants it think of it the god of the universe the god that created 93 billion light years worth of universe that god is jealous for your thoughts he says i'm a jealous guy he he cares about you thinking about him right you fill his mind one time when i and i'm way past time but you're so kind to listen but uh one time my daughter was six years old and before the seatbelt laws and we're driving and um i'm driving and she's talking talking talking and she's daddy you're not paying attention to me i go yes i am uh melody and and she's talking talking talking daddy you're not paying attention to me yes i am and she takes her two little hands put him on my cheeks and turns my head said daddy pay attention to me yeah but i'm driving the car i thought if a six-year-old can tell if we're really paying attention you think god can tell yeah god yeah sure yeah okay okay no no he can tell and he's jealous for your thoughts the god that created everything is jealous for your thoughts and and you have the freedom to love him and he wants to pour out his blessings on you and he has eternal life planned for each and every one of us i has not seen or heard all the great things that he has ahead for us so when we look at this world and all the terrible things going on he's he's our destination it's we're in christ already and he's got great things ahead for us and let's live for him thank you so much god bless [Applause] you that great so let's all stand together if you would i didn't ask bill if he's going to be out in the foyer where his books will be at but you know last night you guys he he spoke as he did tonight remember he's on east coast time florida time and he stayed he signed books he prayed with people he got tired so he sat and prayed and talked with people and i think he wound up leaving here at about 10 20 our time remember he's on east coast time his heart is is bigger than his brain that means both of those things are gigantic but he is a treasure tonight with his invitation such a clear invitation let's pray right now together because you know we assume on a midweek service back to back wednesday night and thursday night and we'll be back tomorrow night for his final presentation that all of us here are christians who would come to a church on thursday night but maybe tonight you know several times you heard where the pietists would say but you need to have a personal relationship with jesus maybe you're very religious but you lack that and you and you lack it just because you haven't asked the bible says we have not because we ask not so let's ask father we thank you for tonight we thank you for the remarkable education that we've received this evening i think it's safe to say for all of us lord that tonight covered more information and accurate information than what we've gotten a year in college and so father we pray that the most important education of all would be us knowing you when it all comes down to the end and to eternity it's not what we know it's who we know and so father tonight i pray for the man or woman the boy or girl that would just simply say jesus christ i want to know you now i'm inviting you into my life i'm asking you to be my lamb i'm asking you to wash away my sin receive me as i come to you in prayer i'm asking you to write eternity into my heart lord to make me your child and i give you my life and i live for you now father bless these as they go this night father in this world that is ever darkening we have hope because we're still here it's not us that we hope in but as long as we're here representing you you want to work in and through us and so father god i pray lord that you would bring forth not only revival in our own lives but an awakening maybe one last time you've done it in this nation several times before you have a history of doing it here in america we ask you dear god in heaven that you do it one more time we love you god give bill good night sleep bless all these that are here keep them safe going home and father we pray that you would do things in our lives and through this church that no one can explain may you and you alone receive all the glory in jesus name and all god's people said amen amen good night you guys god bless you books are out in the foyer [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
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Id: my4314Sywlo
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Length: 107min 5sec (6425 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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