What You Really Need To Know - About Who's Out There (Part 3)

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we're in second peter chapter two remember this second peter is not first peter first peter is all about being anchored to what god provides i love that that's where you start being anchored to what god provides so first peter gives you tremendous arguments regarding the security of your salvation regarding the power of the word of god and how god is with all those who are being abused and persecuted and outcast because first peter was written to the diaspora those that were literally rendered homeless jobless family-less because they had made a decision for christ second peter is all about a combat faith now that you're in this world and you've been saved for um it'd be a minimum and peter from first peter to second peter about four years time uh two to four years time now it's time to get into that understanding that this is not a sprint this is an onward plotting until we go see jesus either by death or by the lord's return and that whole experience peter is speaking to us about a combat faith and we have been methodically going through second peter chapter two slowly by design when i say design i think it's god's design because the lord knows i have all of my notes and i intend every week to finish those notes 11 pages of notes today and um it never happens it just why because there's important things going on that he wants to wants us to know about and how to exercise that combat faith so i'm going to read the even-numbered verses if you'll join with one another uh out of the new king james version bible read the odd-numbered scriptures if you don't have that version just look to the screen it'll be right there and you know we've been looking at this little theme actually it's come out of this what you really need to know regarding our combat faith is regarding those that are out there about those that are out there who's out there that are hostile toward your faith peter's going to tell us those who want to rob us of our faith and those of us that are out the those who are out there who want to rob us of our liberty that is in christ what does that even mean to have liberty in christ so second peter chapter two i'll begin verse 10 and we'll read all the way through the whole context so we have it clear he says in verse 10 and especially those who walk according to the flesh in the lust of the uncleanness and despise authority they are presumptuous he's speaking about false prophets false teachers false pulpits they are self-willed they are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries verse 12 but these like brute beasts made to be caught and destroyed speak evil of things they do not understand and will utterly perish in their own [Music] corruption verse 14 having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin enticing unstable souls they have a heart trained in covetous practices and are accursed children but he was rebuked for his iniquity a dumb donkey speaking with a man's voice restrained the madness of the prophet wow verse 18 for when they speak great swelling words of emptiness they allure through the lust of the flesh through lewdness the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error [Music] verse 24 if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the lord and savior jesus christ that they are again entangled in them and overcome the latter end is worse for them than the beginning we'll end here but it has been but it has happened to them according to the true proverb a dog returns to his own vomit and a sow having been washed to her wallowing in the mire father we um we open up to this portion of scripture and we know that out of these last several weeks you've been showing us lord the the perils and the dangers of these last days in which we live in and part of that lord in our hearts who know the you who know the bible we kind of um take comfort knowing that all of this spiritual deception and all of this stuff that's going on in the world around us is actually a harbinger of your near return that's our hope but also to the fact lord we pray that at a time like this truth may go out quite frankly lord turbo charged and lord that it may rescue people that are open and willing to receive from you your truth so father we invite you by the power of your holy spirit to be at home here reign here lord be our teacher this morning we pray in jesus name and all god's people said amen you can be seated second peter peter opens up in this book and he's introducing his audience that has been now dispersed it's amazing the region by which this letter was to be sent now don't think for a moment that peter wrote this letter and uh they all had to just wait around until it made its circuit peter wrote the letter and then there were copies made and it was distributed and sent out in fact as we sit here today the most listen the most documented record of any writings in all of antiquity there is nothing that comes close to the bible did you know that there are over thirteen thousand nearly fourteen thousand manuscripts of the scripture i think the only thing that comes close out of the almost fourteen thousand manuscript uh evidences and manuscripts is uh homer's iliad i think has 613 something like that the bible authoritative the bible clear direct the bible you don't have to worry about believing in god and science don't ever think you have to decide between the two in fact when you look at the bible and when you look at science the authoritative power of the bible the bible tells us that the same god who wrote the bible is the same god who invented science so you need to remember that students in school you've got to combat faith friends you have to tiptoe around this book is alive it's living it's powerful than any two-eighth sword the only way that you'll know that that's true is if you actually put it to use and that's what peter was all about and in second peter chapter one verse one second peter chapter one peter introduced himself by saying simon peter it's me simon he says that he's a bond servant you ought to circle that word bond's servant an apostle of jesus christ to those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of god and savior jesus christ listen grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of god and of jesus our lord as his divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by glory and virtue listen to this verse 4 by which you or by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature this is awesome having escaped the corruption of this world through lust peter goes on to introduce so as we look at this today everything that we're going to look at this morning is rooted in second peter chapter one verses one through four peter talks about his experience he's talking about his reality he's talking about the power he's talking about his confidence and he's saying this is who we are in christ this is who we are as believers based upon the death of jesus christ based upon the authority of the bible based upon the fact that god transforms human beings i think by now if you've been coming to this church for any period of time the last thing that we want to do here is to do church on a sunday morning and that's it we are only here now because we have discovered that the bible is what refuels and re-energizes us so that we might get right back out into the world that's before us that we might live out this act of faith church is for you and i to be refilled replenished strengthened encouraged and peter today is continuing on in this warning to us about false ministries false pulpits and even false gospels without the holy spirit there is no way that you and i can experience this salvation life that is our foundational beginning before peter even gets into the militant actions of the faith when i say militant i mean evangelism discipleship making confronting the culture with light and life he lays the foundation of the security of the believer and we need to hear this it's no stranger to you but in john chapter 14 i love this i love this john 14 jesus is getting ready to leave earth he's going back home to heaven and in john chapter 14 he's talking to the disciples and and in verse 16 through 18 listen to this and by the way as i read this i need to ask you is this true in your life in john 14 16 jesus says and i will pray the father and he will give you another helper another comforter some of your bibles translate the word is parakletos paraqualitos clitos is to comfort pera is to come alongside jesus is saying i'm going to send to you another comfort that's going to be alongside you to be with you and he says that he may abide with you forever notice church at the scripture he says i'm going to pray to the father watch the father is going to give you another comforter and the intent is that he will abide with you forever verse 17 he tells us who he is he's the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him they can't the world cannot discern the holy spirit's work or presence it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you the indwelling of the holy spirit is key listen friends listen before i finish this verse you're not going to heaven unless that statement by jesus is true in your life for you to get to heaven you've got to have so to speak a ticket you got to have a mark you got to have a a token you got to have a pass right what is that pass it's the holy spirit he'll be in you and then this this to me blows it up verse 18 i will not leave you orphaned i will come to you by the way in those few verses is the trinity of god god the father god the son god the holy spirit and jesus said if i don't leave it's not good for you i've got to go but when i go i will send the holy spirit to you the believer oh yeah and if the holy spirit's with you he says i will not leave you orphaned i'll come to you today jesus christ lives in your life by virtue of the fact of the holy spirit indwelling the life of every true believer that's the question today for us to make sure that we're not deceived by these false teachers these charlatans these ones who are out to beguile people who teach liberty but in fact it's actual bondage who go about conducting themselves one way on tv or one way in front of people but they live a lewd and corrupt life in secret the deceivers how are you gonna know the holy spirit the holy spirit will use the word of god one more verse before we get going second timothy chapter three second timothy chapter three verses one to five we all need this the bible says know this that in the last days perilous times will come i want to submit you today we're living in those days right now everything that's going on around us indicates to me that we're living in those days these are the latter days by the way the word perilous times uh it's it's the word that means to just ever so slowly shave down a log into a toothpick until it's not even a toothpick do you feel like that don't you feel like the world is just grinding on you i hear people say all the time i get it i understand the emotion it's just that god's not telling me to do this but people tell me all the time i can't take it here i'm moving and by the way there are more people moving out of california than all of the other 50 states california there's a there's there's the great departure the only bummer is i wish we could send all the bad people away and all the good people say but that's okay god knows what he's doing here's the deal i get that the reason why you feel that way is because the perilous times are wearing you down but god may be calling you to stand and so the bible tells us there that these perilous times will come verse 2 men will be lovers of themselves is that true or false you see that on tv lovers of money boasters proud blasphemers blasphemers did you see the latest blas blasphemer now on cnn did you hear what he said donald donald don lemon don lemon you know don lemon is he says jesus was jesus jesus wasn't perfect jesus sinned where did he get that from that's blasphemy now the bible says jesus is god and he's sinless and uh by the way he's the only one that's ever been sinless that didn't make him god he was god before he came if you want to be sinless that's how you're gonna have to pull it off too you're gonna have to you're gonna have to be god to come on down and and do it there's only one and it's jesus christ but anyway blasphemers disobedient to parents glad that's not going on these days unthankful unholy unloving unforgiving my goodness slanders without self-control brutal despisers of good traitors headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god and if you think that's enough it gets worse this is the worst of the worst verse five having a form of godliness but denying its power the power of godliness is the cross the power of godliness is the empty tomb the resurrected christ they deny that all the cults around the world deny that did you know that they all deny it they'll be those that will have all of these appetites either externally or internally they have them but verse 5 tells us that they live and act in the trappings of looking religious having a form of godliness but denying its power and then the bible is very subtle it says from such people turn away the word means run from them that's the command of scripture run from them god has a plan church very quickly we're going to run over where we've been this whole segment we're talking about you and i knowing about who's out there in our day in our life and how we're going to navigate these waters remember verses 10 to 14 warned us that those that are deceivers are proud the first genesis of their actions is rooted in pride they're proud it's all about them it's all about their name it's all about their place constantly elevating themselves and we saw three things about that they will prove to be authoritarian verse 10 they will be without feeling they'll have no empathy they have no feelings it's almost like they're serial killers and maybe they are when it comes to the soul of a man or a woman they're deceivers they're without feeling authoritative and then we saw in verses 11 to 14 last time that they're given over god gives them up to their vile passions the bible says we're living in those days in technicolor i might add last week we saw the argument second argument verses 15 to 16 and it's the fact that they are those who are forsaken tragic isn't it verse 15 we learn that they're deceived they're not only deceived but they deceive them of those that are around them we saw also that they're compromised they are deceived they're compromised and in verse 16 we learned that they are in fact judged the bible warns and tells us that these who go about to deceive you remember maybe you're here today and you're not a christian you say what's the big deal man read a lot of heavy stuff already i don't know i thought the bible is just like a bunch of sweet stuff hey this is sweet stuff here's the sweet stuff this is god watching out for your soul i mean think about it think about if some think about if somebody insults your kid you know what if some what if some adult takes a swing at your kid what are you going to do pray about it the bible says if you do not provide for your home you're worse than an unbeliever if some if somebody tries to steal your kid what do you do i'm gonna just leave that in the hands of the lord no man you turn into a mama bear in an instance listen peter here is being led by the holy spirit to announce and to declare that god takes your soul seriously and if some false prophet or some false ministry comes along to try to steal you away god takes that eternally serious which leads us to today's argument verses 17 to 19 that those that are out there that are dangerous to us is the fact that they are destructive write that down they are destructive these false leaders and we're going to see just how in a moment verse 17 tells us number one that there are wells without water wells without water they are incapable of refreshments they do not give out now people listen these are people cloaked in ministry trappings they may not believe in god at all or they could believe in god but it's not a biblical definition of god they may be listen very spiritual but not true and the bible warns us right from the beginning and listen all of you we all each of us need to judge those that influence us in our lives the bible warns right here they are wells without water what a remarkable statement it's pretty graphic isn't it by the way at the time of this writing in the first century which had been on been like this for millennia beforehand when you see a well you know every time about a well you know we live in the 21st century what's a will the well when you go to your kitchen you turn it on that's what we think a well is but when you see a well number one it implies that you're in a dry place and it implies that you're thirsty that's why you'd care about a well oh look there's a well what do you care unless you're thirsty hard for us to to relate to this imagine if we're all in death valley today where it's going to be 117 today imagine we all go to death valley and um we get out we have a little you know we have a little water and we're going to walk 20 miles hey listen when you're wat when your water is done if up ahead you could see what looks like a well would you get excited absolutely in fact when you you see that well and your step even picks up oh boy let's go hurry up pick it up there's a well and you get to that well and you know we've all done this right there's nothing worse especially when you're a kid you get a rock you hang over the hole of the well and you drop it and what do you do you listen and when it goes that's not a happy sound what do you want to hear splash you want to hear water the bible says false prophets false teachers false ministries they got all the looks they've got all the things that can spin the emotion into action and get you going for 60 minutes now there's nothing to them they cannot refresh you our world today is covered with people who have been inoculated against the true gospel and inoculated against true spirituality they've been given something of an injection in some religious experience but they were never given any life-giving water they went to wells that had no water and you hang around a well like that and you begin to think that this is a definition of a well it has nothing in it but a sandy bottom and i can get nothing from it and the danger that peter's been warning and think about it god's been warning us for 2 000 years ministry there's ministry that kills people because it offers them nothing that can give life we send probes out into space looking for water with hopes that there'll be life are they not looking for a well if you think about it we found a teaspoon of water on mars what are you so excited about there could be life what about your soul on the inside of you are you refreshed is that helper the holy spirit who was alongside is he in you now by the way a little bit of a tip i'm going to ask you at the end of this regarding the holy spirit's present in your life and if he's in you you don't have to guess you'll know and he will make himself known but there are wells without water jesus warned of the pharisees remember that the disciples jesus was speaking and he said beware of the leaven of the pharisees remember he's warning them beware the false doctrine of the pharisees and the in the disciples it's so cute you read it in the gospels and the disciples hear jesus say that and then it says that they began to see them on themselves we should have brought bread is teaching the pharisees they lead people astray woe unto them they're terrible they're all religious they look amazing but inside their life is full of dead men's bones so beware of the leaven of the pharisees and peter goes james i told you you should have gotten a couple of loaves of bread last night and jesus has to tell them i'm not talking about bread he does i'm not talking about bread i'm talking about the pharisees doctrine the pharisees lead everybody into legal bondage they use the law of god to wrap people up and keep them bound so wait a minute jack i thought the bible says the law is good oh no no the law is beyond good the law is perfect the ten commandments are perfect i don't think anyone uses the ten commandments more effectively than our friend ray comfort ray comfort can walk up to anybody and ask them hi what's your name my name's bob so bob uh do you think you're a liar no well let's look at the ten commandments okay and the next thing you know bob's on his face crying out to god and asking for salvation why because listen everybody god gave the law the ten commandments to show us our sin when jesus warns us watch out for the leaven the doctrine of the pharisees they were teaching hey get circumcised do these rules and regulations keep the law of moses and you'll make it to heaven the only problem is nobody can do that jesus said they lay that burden on you and they don't even pull it themselves false teaching false doctrine there's the church of legalism you do these things you do those things you reach this standard and you get a certificate and you can be a member of this church there are the cults all of them rooted not in grace and peace not in god's mercy all rooted in good works there's probably never been more of a error in spiritual matters then for the cart to be in front of the horse when it comes to this issue of good works every born-again believer who's got the spirit of god of course dwelling in them good works will naturally come out of them because that's the holy spirit's work in you you don't do it oh come on let's get up it's monday we've got to go do good works for what so god will smile on me today stay in bed it doesn't work that way by the works of the lord the bible says shall no flesh be justified in the sight of god it's faith in him not a sunday hour and a half faith but a faith that's every day every day of the week and the legalist will say something like you need to keep the ten commandments the ten commandments cannot be kept you see how dare you say that oh it's simple to say it god gives it to moses exodus chapter 20 and god says these are the ten commandments anybody who breaks these they die however moses in the day that someone breaks these go get this animal innocent unspotted sacrifice get its blood come back to me and we'll apply the blood of innocence and they'll be forgiven you're going to sit here today and you're going to preach some legalistic gospel like when paul the apostle was preaching to the churches in galatia and they came along and they tried to undermine the grace of god when they said you know what you can be born again you just have to be circumcised listen legalism always hurts if you know what i mean it it leaves you wounded legalism always wounds you no one ever goes whoa awesome oh what's up i'm so legalistic it is so cool it's fantastic they can't do that because they never even sense that in their lives because there's always a load and there are so-called christians walking around today that are either so-called christians or they're christians that are wrapped up in false doctrine follow me i'm a christian it's so awesome to be a christian come on let's go it's fantastic the joy of the lord will be your strength what's wrong with you i'm bound in legalism that's destructive they can never refresh you always do's don'ts rules regulate never the love of god which listen truly transforms you see well i believe in god but as it transformed you this love that you have for god it's very important but they're wells without water what a great disappointed appointment how do we combat that in second timothy 3 16 what are the great verses of the bible second timothy 3 16. it says what does it say what's the first two words all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is watch this it is profitable for it number one doctrine number two reproof three correction for instruction for what reason all in righteousness all in the area of doing the right thing in life this verse i'm convinced this verse alone once that you're a christian if we focused on that verse alone all of our lives we would do well the bible is the answer that's what that scripture is saying everything that you need to know about how to live your christian life in the 21st century is tied up in that verse you know what that verse means by the way this is the criteria for those of you that are church shopping or church i don't know what you call it you know you're going from you're struggling hopping no no i mean you're actually i forget hopping that's bad don't hop if you're church seeking church shopping hopping hopping means you just keep you just like a bee on a flower who needs that that's great you'll never grow by the way if you're a hopper you won't grow if find a church this is the criteria you are mandated how many of your christians raise your hands okay so you're mandated right here all right so honey sweetheart let's go look for a church okay what are we looking for well we need to look for a church where all scripture is present the full counsel of god okay we need a church that is going to teach us that's what doctrine is reproof means that uh it's it's it's kind of like a correction but it's um speaking into your life by way of hey come on let's do it where it's a you know kind of a kind of a you know uh correction is exactly what it means jack you know that's not me you did that repent of it and don't do it again yes lord he corrects he shows you the right way instruction what's the will of god for my life all of this culminates in a simple meaning to a big word righteousness righteousness friends is not attaining some spiritual status righteousness is taking what you know and doing it it's called doing the right thing just do it just do it god will bless that but the law points us to a righteous holy god when used rightly that law should communicate to us that we cannot live up to god's requirements in the moment you cast your face down on the ground and utter sheer terror and hopelessness saying things like who then can be saved then the gospel of christ comes in the word gospel is good news and it just scoops you up and the gospel of christ sets you on your feet and that gospel is that jesus died on the cross for you your sins i know there's a big group here at second service and i've said it once before i'm going to say it probably many times before i die we have a tendency to look at things in groups did you get a group did you get a groupon for that did you get or did you get uh how many can we listen when it comes to salvation he died for all the world but we're tempted to have that generic it cannot be generic for you it has to be specific for you he is your savior listen we know this is true because sometimes in our lives we can see when we get our eyes off the power of his promises we can see ourselves as being the only one that cannot be saved or redeemed or forgiven you know what i'm talking about we have that feeling about us well i know god loves you but i'm talking about me right now and we listen we're funny people uh don't the one original thought i've ever had in my life i don't think i've had any other ones but this one in fact i said it one time and it wound up you can google it it's a quote but not now because you're paying attention but uh i i said and it was picked up by uh brainy quotes or goodreads or whatever it says and never underestimate a man's ability to justify himself that's true as the pendulum swings over here never underestimate a man's ability to justify himself he'll go to great lengths or the pendulum swings all the way over here and we so condemn ourselves that we are absolutely without hope and both are gross lies answer is jesus you find yourself on one side of any one of those two options the answer is still jesus but the gospel comes in and saves and it shouldn't be a surprise we want to stand strong against those that are leading so many people astray i heard it again this week on tuesday that according to a certain group in los angeles if i'm not baptized in their water i cannot go to heaven watch out for stuff like that this is nothing new the gospel of god redeeming us from the holy righteous standards of the law jeremiah 31 31 starts right there love this jeremiah 31 31 god speaks to jeremiah old testament book nearly 3 000 years ago behold the days are coming says the lord when i will make a new covenant hey jewish friends listen up what's the old covenant the old testament the law jeremiah your prophet is saying that thus says the lord i will make a new covenant with the house of israel in the house of judah verse 32 not according to the covenant that i made with their fathers and if you have some doubt he's going to tell you what that is in the day that i took them by the hand and led them out of the land of egypt my covenant which they broke remember that remember moses is coming down the mountain carrying the 10 commandments in stone god wrote god wrote them moses walking down i wonder how big they are don't you wonder i'll be there were they like a little thing for some he walked down the mountain with them so it's like moses buff and strong was it supernatural that moses carried them i don't think so it's always wonder i've always wondered what how big they were but it has nothing to do with their bible said i was just wondering that so moses comes down the mountain and poor joshua he's been waiting there at the base of the mountain for 40 days what a guy he's not with moses and he's not with the people it's all by himself and the mountain shaking and he sees it trembles joshua's standing there moses comes down and joshua goes the people are rejoicing here and moses go moses says they're not rejoicing they're partying and come on and they went and the people were is not no it was not good and moses they didn't even get that he didn't even get to say the first one no you just said nothing nothing oh oh man before they even heard it but there's a great story in that there's a great meaning in that they broke right here in jeremiah tells us that they broke they broke them though i was a husband to them says the lord verse 33 this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days says the lord now watch this because throughout the bible this a appears and applies to israel and gentiles it's universal i will put my law in their minds and write them on their hearts i will be their god they shall be my people that's the born-again experience jesus said i'm going to send the spirit of god remember and he will be in you the mark of the believer is not an external ten commandments the mark of the believer is the internal truth of god welded to you it's placed in you god does that it's called salvation you don't conjure it up you don't try to do it and because it's the thing to do he does it sovereignly does it in your life he takes over and he shows you that you're not only his but he turns you around and he sends you as it were down the mountain to a lost world cool thing is the law of god is in your heart now and you want to fulfill it you want to live it when you break it you go straight to christ and you say lord i shouldn't have thought that i shouldn't have done that that's the amazing thing the ten commandments could only be broken once you committed the crime but the law of god can be broken in the heart and the mind never even lived out that's good news people because that's how personal our god is but that's only true for the believer see the the cults and the false prophets and the false pulpits they'll never teach this constant dependence upon them constant dependence upon our movement or our denomination our our thing watch out and we could go on and on by the way ezekiel 36 26 echoes the same thing about having a new heart look at that i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh remarkable awesome hebrews chapter 10 verse 12 says this is the covenant that i will make with them after those days says the lord i will put my laws into their hearts and into the minds and i will write them then he adds in verse 17. their sins and their lawless deeds i will remember no more but what about legalism listen don't anybody leave yet ushers just lock the doors this is so important after i give you this verse you can leave but not before if today you are saying to yourself i'm okay okay i want to ask you why are you okay first of all i never heard of a believer who knows jesus to say regarding their soul i'm okay here listen i've never talked to a real true believer who says regarding their soul oh i'm okay now you may be struggling with your walk sure of course but don't we sing it as well it is well it is well with my soul that's the foundation today is the true gospel generates a real peace in your heart do you understand what's going on in the world no mask no mask uh job no job socialism communism republic i don't know it's all so messed up it's all crazy you know what that causes me to do fight for what's right but at the same time i'm looking up i'm looking up lord come on lord please come lord come today jesus come for us today so i'm not ready yet are you getting ready get ready right now you need to get ready i don't know what the direction our nation is going to go only god knows that but at the end of the day i lay my head down tonight knowing that i'm safe in the everlasting arms of the lord and i hope you can do the same it's what he's promised so here's the big deal have you ever bumped into people or maybe you are this person and you say i'm going to heaven how's that fantastic how i was baptized i'm going to heaven how's that oh i gave money to the church how about this one wow i'm going to heaven i'm really good imagine how many good people are in hell the bible makes it very clear you'll never get to heaven by being good wow so what are you leaving me with here you're having you're not leaving me with much that's the point we ain't got nothing all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of god you're not going to get that from a cult unless they lead you to the answer that they've crafted which is total dependence upon their group oh yes yes you're a sinner but we will absolve you here and now and we'll do this and we'll do this special thing to you this thing but listen so-called christian denominations can spin the same thing in galatians 4 verse 27 it says for as many of you as we're baptized into christ we're have put on christ and there are people who actually teach that means water it has nothing to do with water there is neither jew nor greek there is neither slave nor free there is neither male nor female for you are all one in christ jesus and if you are christ then you are abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise isn't that great remember a moment ago god said in jeremiah i'm going to make this covenant with the house of israel and we all went oh i'm not a jew well that's okay the bible says that the gospel had to go to the jew first before it could go to the gentile isn't that great god looks at the cross he looks at his son jesus he looks at the empty tomb and god has no bearing on the fact that if you're a gentile or a jew you all must come the same way i don't know why this is a debate today in religious circles how was a jew saved these people have conferences on this question well let's talk about this what's we know that the bible says this but how does a jew get saved excuse me the first way we ever heard about how that happens is in john chapter 3 for god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that whosoever would believe on him would not perish but have everlasting life right who'd he say it to everyone no not everybody sort of wait you're good but just your minute too soon he said it to a jew nicodemus how's the jew saved jesus said it two thousand years ago end of story conference over i'm dead serious jesus said it to nicodemus was nicodemus a good man good man did he tie the bunch he tied the bunch did he know all the rules and regulations did he keep him yes he did jesus said you're not making it unless you're born again born again the word means born from above did you know that it means to be born a second time but the birth comes from above to be born from above you see why didn't it but it does say in john 3 that it's through water and spirit no it doesn't jesus says you were born once through water through water every one of us came the same way water the water broke the baby came you're not coming out without the water your first birth into this world was water it's not water baptism you cannot get saved getting wet the second he's talking about birth in fact he goes on to john chapter 3 and he tells you that the things of the flesh the water that's of the flesh of this world he said i'm talking about the things of the spirit which is from above you've got to be born a second time at your age you need to experience a spiritual birth but i've been going to church all my life doesn't matter you need to be born again how will you stay clear of the false prophets and teachers and ministries that peter's warning us about you've got to have the truth and he is the way the truth and the life and he said i'll be in you remember he said i won't leave you orphaned i'm going to be in you and he does that by the ceiling of the holy spirit the the mark you guys remember when we were little um well i mean if you're old there i used to go nuts i used to dive into my mom the grocery bags to get one of two things blue chip stamps or green chips green remember the green chip blue chip anybody please raise your hand if you remember that okay and yeah remember the books you have a sponge just seal those babies up why why would you do that this you take your you take all those things that apparently seemingly look worthless you go down to the redemption store that's what it was called that one huntington beach redemption and you walk in there he's so cool because i remember i had so much faith seriously i'd walk i had that thing i i knew every page was covered but i'd walk in there boom want that right there that one i thought this is an awesome country [Applause] i didn't realize my mom and dad were paying the bill i got the stamps i thought i got that tonka truck for free somebody had to pay the price somebody paid the nothing listen salvation is not free it costs god everything and it's not cheap it cost him the price of his son's dear life he offers it to us and that the law is satisfied in christ jesus see jesus satisfied the law see the law has no empathy has no feeling the ten commandments just looks at you but i'm sorry right so then when you follow on your face before the ten commandments and you cry out to jesus he's the one that comes in there is i was a church i was in a church in salt lake city years ago and on the wall they had a mural that they had lifted from uh one of the great reformers commentaries and there was this wretched terrified sinner it was all in black and white pencil there was this wretched terrified sinner like this his eyes were wide open and he's like this scared and jesus is standing over him and jesus is holding up his hand like this covering the center and moses has got the ten commandments coming down on the center there's fire in moses's eyes the law and jesus takes it that's why jesus had to die he lived and fulfilled the law but because i am a sinner someone had to die and it couldn't be me because my death would have been worthless but i was condemned to death but christ came to save that's um we have we're out of time um i could keep going but then i wouldn't even understand what i'm talking about if i kept going but um listen how do you know you read about all of these conniving manipulative wolves in the last days and they're out there right now listen watch out they're out there right now in numbers more than ever i firmly believe that we are and i don't want to get too weird on this but we're living in an age right now it seems like in the last six seven eight months something i don't know if somebody like unlocked a gate in hell somewhere or left the door open but have you noticed here's a weird thing you the people you talk to i talk to these people too you say what everything's great man things are great where have you been no something's wrong i say something's wrong it's not wrong it's just not good but as a believer i jesus said there'd be days like this before he'd come back so you look at the way that people are thinking we think it's great that we should release prisoners because they could get covered in the prison seriously are you kidding me you know i mean i i don't mean to upset you about this but i mean things just don't make sense and i'm i'm this may sound funny but i'm dead serious about deception we think deception's going to pull up in a car oh no no without the holy spirit some some of it's very obvious some of it is the what you gotta you gotta be careful so you talk about this thing the whole the whole world is under the sway of fear right now and some people i don't know if they love it or what but they'll beat you up but listen here's the thing and i mentioned this recently so if you heard this um you know forgive me in advance but um if you've had the covid test they put a thing in a they it's like oh wait don't let it wait [Applause] it's no small thing what are you doing we got to get it that's my brain you're up against whoa hang on it's like three inches in there what are you doing we've got to see we're gonna test you does that make sense everybody's walking around wearing something because we could get it but you got to go into my brain to get it why don't i cough on a napkin and hand it to you what is this you say well you shouldn't talk like that but that's how the enemy works listen if it's not this is going to be something else have you seen how we live in a world now where the bible tells us there's a man going to come on the scene and he's gonna tell people you can't buy or sell anything oh no what do we do just take my mark it's okay you'll be able to buy milk and do your you know fast pass on the road you can get a pizza you just have to have this number and with that i'm sorry he's not the antichrist is not coming the master of deception is not going to come and say listen i'm going to give you a mark it's not going to happen it's not going to happen you can hear violins and the antichrist is going to say something to the effect you need the number you're going to need my number because of your own safety you're gonna love not you none of us will be here if you're not a christian i'm telling you be careful so listen here's the deal imagine listen we have i have seven seconds left but i knew i mean that listen seven seconds left what if what if right now you started to feel a flutter in your heart and you started to get dizzy are you gonna go to heaven on what basis are you gonna go to heaven that you're kind of good it's not good enough that you've been attending church faithfully not good enough that you've kept six of the ten commandments not good enough you're baptized not good enough do you hear me god will not let you in god's looking for one thing the same passover in egypt he looked for blood the true passover today is he looks for blood is there blood accounted to be upon your life recorded in heaven that's what god does he looks he looks at the ledger in heaven imagine if god were to right now supernaturally reveal the seating in this church at this second service to show us right now in real time who's covered in the blood well how do you know because the person who's covered in the blood says listen naked i came into this world naked i depart blessed be the name of the lord jesus died for me i couldn't save myself i'm a sinner saved by the grace of god salvation is his gift and he offered it and i took it and i'm washed in the blood of the lamb that's how you get in trusting what he's done so because time is out listen someday time is going to run out where will you be here's what we're gonna do i'm not gonna play any games we're gonna pray if you've never gone public with jesus christ if you have never accepted christ as lord and savior if today you are really doubtful that if you died you'd go to heaven or not yours you speculate on that remember the bible says these things have been written that you might know that you have eternal life do you you are supposed to so we're going to sing i'm not going to sing someone's going to sing they're going to sing out here i don't want listen i know people want to get their car out of the parking lot before the other people but we're locking the doors nobody moves for this reason don't interrupt anybody there may be somebody near you that's making a decision don't you pray christian don't move pray but if somebody starts to get up to come forward you let them out but today i'm going to ask you today to seal the deal with god maybe even you've accepted christ but nobody knows you need to make that public today maybe today you've realized wow if i died i don't think i'd fare well you need to come today and i'm going to lead you in a prayer and we're going to give you a bible and you're going to leave with a new life because he's for real so let's sing this song and i'm not going to play listen i'm not if i have to coach you into coming okay then anybody can coach you out be intellectually honest with yourself if you battling inside oh i should go i don't know maybe i should that's the holy spirit in you having a fight it's best to surrender so without games we'll play this song father we ask in jesus name that your holy spirit would move convict those who you're drawing into your family and lord we pray that there'd be a holy awesome divine separation right here right now from one birth to the next father we praise you for the power of the cross thank you lord god that though we are now 21 centuries removed from when you walked this earth to preach the gospel your disciples took it to the ends of the earth the witness of the cross for two thousand years and the same effect every day all around the world place of hope place of forgiveness a place of restarting new life real life with you friends that are standing here right now let this fall from your lips out loud but let me qualify it i'm going to recite i'm going to give you a prayer to recite and that's just about all i'm going to give you because let's be honest this is not some kind of a rote thing you need to take these words and individually personally mean it we all may be praying the same prayer but you've got to own it you're not going to go to heaven because of the person on the right or the left you're going to go to heaven because of christ jesus and so as we you pray you talk to him you're speaking to him but let these words fall from your lips please dear lord i come in the name of jesus christ thank you father for sending your son to die in my place at the cross and to be buried and to be resurrected that my sins might be forgiven me today almighty god i receive your offer your free gift of eternal life in the name of jesus you are now my lord and savior [Music] and i give my life to you willingly thanks for watching the real life youtube channel we love bringing you content that will help you grow in your relationship with jesus christ you can subscribe to this channel so that you don't miss one single video or live stream and you can share it with friends and family if you'd like to support this ministry by helping us reach others by taking the gospel and the teaching around the world you can do so by clicking the give now button so thanks again for watching and god bless
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 62,329
Rating: 4.8954248 out of 5
Keywords: false teachers, is steven furtick a false teacher, is todd white a false teacher, jack hibbs, jack hibbs live, jack hibbs 2 peter, real life with jack hibbs, jack hibbs calvary chapel, pastor jack 2 peter, who wrote 2 peter, false doctrine 2 peter, verses about false doctrine, bible
Id: ZwFkQkkAcms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 35sec (3695 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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