Fusion 360: Ribs [for Airplanes, Boats and whatnot]

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Thanks for your tips! Really appreciate them.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rey_perroflauta πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

man i discovered your videos a few days ago, and even tho i have been modeling for maybe 8 years now, I always get some new tip when i watch them. keep up the good work!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FlyHoenn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just discovered your vids , very helpful content , thanks.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/koopke πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great Video, thank you I just discovered your channel, great content

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ABQintune πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys welcome back to my channel this video is about ribs ribs for boats say ribs for airplanes or ribs for other applications but a few things before we begin first don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon so you can get notifications every time I'm releasing a new video and if you have a question don't forget to contact me on my forum and I will do my best to help you as best as I can and also I want you to remember that most of the technique that you are seen on my videos are universal and can be used with many other designs I urge you to watch all my videos even if I'm demoing a model that you are not going to build because it's all about the techniques remember that so let's begin when you when you should start working on the ribs is very important you must make sure you are not creating the ribs too early and here's an example as you can see here we have a wing and on the wing we also have the flaps and the ailerons so if I have made the ribs too early then it would have destroyed a the flaps and the aileron okay so which is why you have to remember that point think before you're going to create the ribs also for example in this situation here you could say in some way that I've created maybe a little bit too early because if our I was going to create a mechanism below the flaps that go into external extracted so if the mechanism itself it's going to sit inside the wing which means there is a good chance now that one or two of the ribs will be sealing on top of that mechanism and disrupt it okay so remember that so really make a good plane and to when you should start working on the ribs don't just create it immediately you can wait with it okay so next thing is that techniques that you're about to see are not going to cover every situation which is why I want you to contact me if you get stuck and I will do my best to help you so let's start with the first example and this example you can see here we have a normal straight wing which you can see the width it's the same all over from the roots to the tip so this one is going to be very very easy what I'm gonna do now I'm the ribs component is highlighted so I'm gonna go back to the beginning and we're gonna build it from scratch okay so what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to create a new sketch and right here you can see this is our wing so I'm going to create a new sketch and this sketch is gonna be on the face as you can see here it's a little bit difficult to see of the the wing now I'm going to project as you can see we have two edges we have the outer edge and we have the internal edge and this is the one that I'm going to project and the bottom one as well now there is another thing that I want to project and that is if we open the wing then we go to the sketches we have the camber line and the reason is because the camera won't tell us where we are in the center okay this is gonna be the center line here and yes and that's it so at this point now we can start working on the holes basically the holes that it's the our way to remove material okay so we can collapse this one and we can also hide the wing right now because we don't need it so I'm gonna start creating circles on the camber line right here like that and I'm gonna have another small one right here now the camera line I'm just going to make it a construction line and at this point all you got to do is yeah just play with the size of the wheels and this those circles make sure that they are aligned and they're sitting correctly and there is also space between them and I'm just going to show you a tip if you want to create a space between the the circles which means tangent to each circle and not to the center of the circle so we choose our measurement tool we're going to when it's highlighted going to right click and then pick circle arc tangent and now I'm going to be able to select the edge here and go to the other side and as you can see now I can choose the distance between them okay so let's just say I'm gonna give it a zero point eight millimeters like that okay and I can do the same to the second one like that okay and it's gonna be zero point eight I just need to move it to the other side so maybe we can do minus zero point eight let's see if it's gonna work no not so sometimes it can happen like that can see just a little bit so I'm not quite sure why it flipped a but you know what let's try again it's good that I'm having this error here so you can see basically how I'm going to fix it so yeah it can be sometimes annoying kind of really weird behavior but I think it's same because I am on a curved line here but let's just try again quite click here between this one this point and this point and now I'm going to do the same here right-click between this this point right here and this point right here I'll just say I'm gonna check the measurement from here good so now it's working and we're going to do the same from here select a point to the other side again I'm going to select the measurement from here good I'm gonna do this the next one as well looks really really nice and the last one from here to here really really nice good so now all of them they have the same as you can see the same distance from each other which means that if I'm going to see resize this one or the other is going to move accordingly and if I'm gonna move one all of them gonna move together which is really really nice so but remember also to give them a dimension to each one each of them otherwise say yeah as you can see it can cause some issues if we are not gonna change if you're not gonna give them a dimension so they all can suddenly move now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to create a straight line from here to here and from here to here and I just want to make sure that these aren't tangent and so far so good so I'm happy with the results and now we can finish the sketch at this point what we all what we need to do is it's very simple we are going to create a an extrude okay so we're gonna extrude a this profile okay we're not going to select all the circles we don't need them because it's a hole and we need to create minus one so it can go to the other side and one is one millimeter and gonna create click okay and that's it so we have our first rib and from here as you only probably guessed and we're gonna gonna we're gonna use the pattern and we're just gonna use pattern on path and I'm gonna choose a feature so I'm gonna select the feature film the timeline and I'm gonna select the path it's gonna be this edge right here and now all we got to do is just drag it to the point that you want and I'm gonna increase the quantity like that and it okay and voila just hide it and as you can see very quickly very simple we created all the ribs that we need okay so but this one against the said it's very very simple it's the straight wing the same weight all the way a piece of cake let's move on to the next one in the next example here you can see that it's not the same with all over and sometimes it can be a narrow narrow all the way to the end without an angle right here it can also have an angle in general and also with much a narrow tip so what we're going to do in this situation how I achieve this one here so I'm going to show you it is also very very simple um let's make sure that the ribs are selected the component and I'm gonna go back in the timeline so as before we have this is our rib and again there are there are different kind of techniques we can do this I'm gonna show you a one which is yeah very simple so what we're going to do here we're going to do it exactly the same as before and so we're gonna go and create a sketch on the face right here and we're going to yes you guessed right and we're going to project the inside edge okay it's a little bit difficult to see it but you can see if you hover the mouse then you can see exactly where you are and I'm also gonna project again the camber line like that and click OK and now we don't need wings so we can also make the camber line is a construction line so it's not gonna bother us and when I do this one a little bit more quick okay because the point I dia it's exactly the same as the other one there is no point to spend way too much time on this one and I'm gonna create another small one right here gonna connect between them and gonna make sure that everything is tangent and it looks nice like that perfect so I'm happy with that now what we're doing so we're gonna finish the sketch in order the way we created the wings there are different ways of creating it what I did I used of course the sweep comment okay and in order to create the wings so we are going to use again the same comment and we're going to sweep the body of the ribs which we are going to create in a moment so we're gonna go to the sweep comment here I'm gonna choose plus guide rail so this one we first we're going to choose our profile again this is our profile the path a it's gonna be this one and guide rail it's gonna be this one if for some reason it's you're gonna get a shorter distance for example let me show you I'm gonna start by choosing this is the pass and this one you see what happened is something something like say oh what's going on why it's not going all the way to the other side then a actually does going to the other side so we just need to zoom out okay and voila so here we go so you have the actually no it didn't work what we actually seen here this is the the wing itself okay so what you get you need to do is you need to switch between them okay so this is going to be the path and this is going to be the guide rail and voila turn off the wings it's not going to bother us so here we go as you can see now we created our buddy for the solid-body for our ribs and everything looks really really nice and I can show you how it looks and also from the other side so yeah now only that it's left to do is cutting it into pieces and this is very very simple eh now this wing it's on an angle if you notice that you can see this is the front now we're straight so if this is our straight line goes right here let me turn on the original they cannot see it anyway you can see that it goes up on an angle so we need to find the construction line the construction you can see this is the one that gives us where is it that gives us the the angle okay so I'm going to use because it's hidden so now I'm going to create a new sketch on this one okay so we're gonna have to just turn it around a little bit and at this point now you just need to decide how which angle you want to create to rectangle I'm gonna choose three points and I'm gonna hit the control now it's gonna allow me to move find the angle that I want much more easily okay so I'm gonna do something like that and click and goes all the way down good so I'm just gonna drag it a little bit and I also want to give it thickness of I don't know one millimeter don't worry about it first we need to give it dimension of the length but don't worry about it so yeah at this point all we got to do is a now we can select our sketch I'm gonna do like that I don't know what's going on behind there turn off the wing let's see yeah so now only the those sketches are selected so we can go to create and rectangular pattern and I want to move it this direction all the way here and let's see if this is the right one yes I'm gonna add quantity the number of a ribs that I want click OK and finish for this point we can basically select the sketches you can unselect this one loop so I'm gonna have to do like this maybe and add this one is well all the profiles can go to extrude and from the extrude command you can go to the operation and choose intersect and if you haven't using it except intersects but intersect by now sorry and now you can use it and you can also see why it's what can we use it for okay so basically what we're doing in we're creating only the intersection okay and like this section between the profile the sketch profile and the body so we don't need to use the cuts because if you're gonna use cut we're gonna have a lot of excess bodies that we're gonna need to hide and it's too messy but here we're just creating what we what we need okay only the intersection click okay and voila here we go so as you can see it this one it's also very very simple let me turn back on the wings so you can see exactly how it looks how it's seen again so you know you just need to play with it exactly and figure out how the ribs are gonna look like and use this technique and it's gonna work it's very very simple now let's move on to boats I decided I'm gonna show also with boats because yeah the boat guys there we're not gonna be happy if I'm only gonna show on airplanes so I'm gonna show also on boat so exactly the same I'm gonna go back and make sure that the ribs are a you know selected component selected what I'm going to do here we're going to go to surface I'm going to a patch and sorry not patch I'm gonna go to create upset and I'm gonna select this the face is inside my boat like that and hit ok now we can hide the whole we don't need it anymore we're going to create a love between this side and the other side I'm gonna a select everything and stitches stitch it now some of you probably thinking okay why didn't you just use a thickened basically I can you stick and right now if I wanted to and but I can also close everything and then use the whole comment okay and but you know what let's just you know go back and we're just gonna use the thickened let's say I want one millimeter and it needs to think wallah I know some of you experience problems with it and one of the main reasons that the thicken or the shell cumin doesn't work that is because of imperfection in your surfaces especially at the areas where you have some connection over here and you think that it looks good but if you're gonna zoom in then you're gonna see that there are some issues okay you must have perfect as you can see here surface everything is smooth and connected and you don't have any kind of artifacts on the edges and you don't have also sharp and because sharp corners okay this also sometimes it can cause some issues and if you have sharp corners it's not gonna work you're gonna have to use the other technique to close it completely and then use the fielitz fill it's all the sharp corners and then you will be able to use the shell comment the best would be to contact me on my forum and I will show you exactly how to do it okay and it's much easier and in every case it can be a little bit different so it's better that you're gonna contact me and I'm gonna show you so here we go so we have the solid body for our ribs you can see the hole is from outside and this is our rib so the next step again it's very simple we need to create the sketches for the ribs and exactly as before I'm just gonna zoom in and I'm gonna create the first rib gonna be all the way here give it some dimensions so it's not gonna move and the thickness it's gonna be I don't know one millimeter I'm gonna give it a little bit more three like that and again exactly as before gonna select this one rectangular pattern and I'm gonna move it almost all the way to the end let me zoom out a little bit like that and let's see how many we need put as many as you want I'm just gonna put in finish the sketch and voila okay I'm just gonna select all of them go to our extrude select a symmetric and it gets white intersect so we gonna actually at this point we don't have to choose a symmetric because it's right down below it's only one side so I'm gonna drag it all the way up as you can see we also have control over how much okay so let you say you just want part of it not all the way up you can also do it like that okay and yep like this and you also have an angle here I'm not even try it before and I'm not gonna play with it now but just click OK and here you go here's the ribs for our boat and it's perfect and it's also there is also relationship between the ribs and the scheme which means if I'm gonna change the shape of my whole it's also gonna affect the ribs as well the same time okay so as you can see it's very simple but again there might be situation where those techniques are not gonna fit 100% there are always some kind of exceptions then please go to my forum ok don't be shy contact me over here and I will help you cannot see already many people contacting here M for kind with their own projects and I'm helping them individually I'm doing anyway my best to help them so I hope you enjoyed this video don't forget again to subscribe hit the bell icon also the like icon if you liked it and and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Fusion 360 NewbiesPlus
Views: 13,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360 join bodies, texture, Fusion Tutorial, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, CAD modeling, 3D modeling, 2D sketching, components and bodies, combine bodies, custom threads, threads, beginner tutorial, fusion tutorial, Propellers, modeling, autodesk, fusion 360, design engineering, mechanical design, computer aided design, cad software, mechanical engineering, product design, Gears, Worm Gear, Boat Hull, Fusion 360 tutorials, Fusion 360 Loft, Airplane
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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