Creating a Hinge with Fusion 360

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all right i'm going to make another video here um using fusion 360. i've decided to create um what you see here on my screen a hinge uh that is going to have some motion to it and rotate around and i chose this part in particular because there's a couple features a couple tools that i want us to be exposed to one of them is extruding with an offset which we're going to be using here as well as the whole feature [Music] i'm going to actually in the part that i create i'm actually going to create holes that are countersunk and not just straight through holes like this because obviously if it's a hinge you need you need a countersunk hole so that the screw kind of is flush with that surface there so i thought this part would be a good chance for us to look at how to create this this motion here with our joints as well as create holes as well as create as well as to extrude parts um using an offset so let's begin and you can follow along here with me i'm just going to create a new design here make sure that i'm in millimeters which i am okay and i'm going to start if we go back here what i'm going to do is start just with this bottom portion here and i'm not going to worry so much about these cylindrical parts just yet i'm just gonna draw a big uh rectangle that will go to the edge here okay so we're gonna start there then i'll add the cylinders with appropriate spacing afterwards uh using that offset uh extrusion that i told you about okay so we'll start there we're not gonna worry about the holes until the very end we're gonna start with this bottom plate okay then create the cylinders then do the top plate then create the cylinders for the top plate okay then join the two parts together and create the motion all right and then of course there's this pin that's inside here as well that will be pretty straightforward to create as well so we'll we'll throw that in there and then lastly we'll do the holes all right so let's begin and i'm going to start by creating a sketch and since i'm doing that rectangle on the bottom i'm going to choose my top plane here okay and i'm going to create a rectangle so r on my keyboard and i'm going to create it let's go with 70 tall okay by 150 wide okay so 70 tall by 150 wide and remember at any time you can just fit to your screen here okay and that's about it for that and i'm going to extrude okay and i'm just going to orbit around my part a little so i can see where that arrow is and i'm going to extrude up five millimeters okay and a couple other things i don't want this to be a new body i actually want this to be a new component so i'm going to click on new component there and hit ok alright so if i go back to my home view you can see i have kind of the basis for that bottom plate but obviously i don't have the cylinders just yet okay so i don't have those just yet so let's go ahead and create those okay and i guess it doesn't matter which side you can do them here or if you want to do them here it doesn't really matter okay so i'm going to create a sketch but this time i'm going to create a sketch on this surface here because this is where i'm going to draw my first cylinder so i'm going to draw it here okay then i'm going to draw there's going to be a space i'm going to draw another one here and then space and then another one there and you can see how that works if i turn off these components here we're gonna end up with something that looks like this all right so let's go about and do that okay so we're going to create a sketch right there and okay so now i'm going to go about and create a circle and i'm gonna just kind of align with this corner here uh i'm gonna dimension this so it doesn't matter right now so my circle my inner uh diameter the inner circle will be 12 millimeters all right and then i'm going to do another circle c on my keyboard and that one's going to be 24. so double the size okay and then i'm also going to dimension so d on my keyboard from the center of the circle here to this line we're going to make that 7 right on okay and that's going to bring the bottom of my circle to line up with the bottom of my face there okay so that works out okay so i'm happy with that uh as it is so i can either hit finish sketch and then hit e on my keyboard or i can just straight away hit e on my keyboard and it'll automatically finish the sketch but i suppose we'll hit finish sketch then hit e okay for extrude okay so i want to extrude this portion right here so see this part right there so hover your mouse in this space click on that and orbit around so you can see where you're doing this okay and this is going to be a 30 millimeter so you can see that there it's negative 30 i'm going in the opposite direction there so negative 30 millimeters is what i'm looking to do and i'm happy with the join uh operation okay so that's all good uh and so i should be good to go uh and hit okay all right so now you're probably saying okay we need to do two more of those right well one of the things i can use to do that is what's called our rectangular pattern tool so rectangular pattern tool will either do a pattern in a rectangular shape or in a straight line okay so it does either one so let's check that out and let's see because i mean we can there's a couple and so i'm going to show you to in for this plate i'll show you how to do the rectangular pattern tool but for the top plate we'll use the offset extrusion feature so you'll get an idea of both alright so hit escape hit rectangular pattern okay and i want to change from faces to let's go with bodies not bodies okay there you go features all right so we change from faces to features so i can select this cylinder here so i'm going to click on that okay the next thing it wants me to click on here is the direction so i'm going to check that off so the direction basically it's saying okay choose the line that represents the direction you want to go in and i want to choose this line here because that's the direction i want to do it in so i click on that line okay and it's saying that i have a quantity of three which is what i want okay and as i extend these out you can see i just pulled out that arrow all right now you could drag it out to where you want it to be but i'm going to drag this out i know that it's supposed to be negative 120 because what's going to happen is this is 30 there's going to be a 30 millimeter gap in the middle and then another 30 millimeter cylinder then another 30 millimeter gap and then another 30 millimeter cylinder so that's 30 right here plus 30 is 60 plus 30 is 90 plus another 30 so to the end here will be 120 so i know that it's going to be 120 okay so that was rectangular pattern tool switch to features select your object and then choose the direction by clicking on that line and then simply drag out your cylinders to the desired distance in our case it's 120 and hit ok all right well there you have it that was pretty quick okay what looked to be kind of confusing i think you can see is fairly straightforward okay so we're not totally done with this bottom plate we're actually gonna cut out later on we're going to cut out this rectangular area right here as well as this rectangular area right there we'll do that later though okay for now if i go back home okay i'm actually going to create the top plate with the cylinders that are going to fill in this space here okay and to do that actually what we're going to do is we're going to actually hide this component right now and make sure that we can see our first sketch right there because i want to create another one of those right i want to create another one because i need to do my top plate so i basically hide my component and then i uh unhide my first sketch which was my rectangle okay so basically like if i bring my component back in you can see um i can see that sketch that's at the bottom there i'm just going to hide that again and i'm actually just going to hit e on my keyboard and it already knows to choose this sketch it's the only thing that's there and again i'm just going to bring that up five millimeters make sure that i choose new component and hit okay all right so i now have two of them so i should probably rename this let's call that uh bottom bracket and let's call this top bracket so there's two of those rectangles right now one of them i just hid so you can't see it but the other one this one that you can see is the one that of course that you can see okay so i've got top bracket i can kind of hide that sketch now again because i don't want to see that rectangle on the bottom so let's just get rid of that there okay and next okay what i'm going to do now is bring in this sketch again of my circles that i already drew there's no need to draw them again right i can bring in those circles and then i need to do two of those right i need to if i bring this component back in you'll see i need to do a cylinder to fill in this space and a cylinder to fill in this space so let's remove that again okay and let's go e for extrude again okay and this time now this time i'm gonna use that offset um my i'm going to use a profile that starts from a distance offset from where i drew this okay so watch what i mean by that so i'm going to go to instead of profile plane offset okay and we're going to offset type it in here we're actually going to offset 30 millimeters oh and actually see see where the arrow went that's 30. i don't want it there i actually want it to be negative 30. see so you always got to pay attention okay that's where we want it so the offset's going to be negative 30. so now this cylinder is going to start 30 millimeters into this body and i'm gonna drag out now to another 30 okay so there's 30 here and then another 30 here and again i'm happy with the join operation hit okay right and let's do this again e choose that again switch to offset okay how much are we going to offset this time let's see so if this is here so we're going 30 60 90 looks like we're going to do 90 right because we want to get to the front of the other cylinder that's there so let's do negative ninety okay and there you go it's that simple so hit ok just to recap in the bottom bracket here if i bring this back in one two and three and let me hide this one what i used was i drew because this one the circle uh was starting right where the cylinder was being drawn i was able to draw the first cylinder and then use the rectangular pattern tool to draw the other two but for this top bracket we call it the top bracket right i decided to keep this drawing here of the circles and then just offset it 30 millimeters this way right and then draw my 30 millimeter cylinder and then i did another one i offset this time 30 60 90 okay and then dragged it out to a 30 millimeter cylinder okay and we can now hide this sketch again we don't need to see that okay and so now we have something that looks like this and you can see that right now this isn't right my top bracket and my bottom bracket they're kind of they're right on top of each other so we obviously need to adjust that okay we'll do that in a second first i'm going to cut those holes that i was talking about here's what i mean if i let's start with this one so i'm going to cut out from here come across here to there there and there i'm going to actually cut out that whole shape i'm also going to cut it out here and i'm going to cut it out here okay because if there's going to be motion here we need clearance there so we've got to clear this space out so what i'm going to do is i'm going to start a sketch on this surface okay so if i can just draw a rectangle here and then clear out that space it might help if you project this circle so in a lot of my other tutorials i showed you how to use the project or what the project geometry tool does so if you hit p while you're in your sketch if you hit p on your keyboard okay and it says okay what geometry do you want to project this here and what it does is it actually draws that circle it's actually um it won't be part of any sort of it's just almost like a construction line basically you can think of so it doesn't actually exist as part of your model but it's there for reference so now it takes that circle and projects it onto my sketch and that's powerful because now when i hit rectangle and let's hit ok when i hit rectangle r on my keyboard okay you can see now that i'll be able to snap see how i can snap to this point because now this point actually exists on my sketch i could also kind of line things up here as well okay so i would say let's go to the edge of the circle right there right there okay and click to close off that rectangle all right and i'm pretty happy with that and so all i now need to do is hit finish sketch and let's hit extrude and i like to go to my 3d view here so i can see better and i'm gonna now just select this here okay and i am going to drag that out negative 30 millimeters okay negative 30 millimeters okay and by the way that was the cut operation that was the cut operation okay let's repeat this now since i need to repeat this two more times let's use that rectangular pattern tool again let's see what we can do here i'm just going to orbit around so i can see better okay let's orbit around there okay so again let's go with features let's stick with features and i'm actually going to now select this feature right here so basically this cutout so i'm going to click on that the direction okay that's easy i mean you can either just pick this line you can actually also pick this axis as well this line it's like anything that's going in that direction okay so this time i'll choose the axis but you can just choose that line as well all right so i choose the direction and now it's like okay now pulled it pull it out and how where do we want to put that you can see like i can just eyeball it and see that it should be 120 okay and hit ok and there you have it okay so that's going to give us the clearance we need for eventually this thing to kind of swing open and close because otherwise we wouldn't have that clearance we'd have that interference happening there right okay perfect so let's hit escape and let's bring the bottom bracket back and this time hide the top bracket okay and what i'm going to do is actually bring back this sketch of my rectangle okay so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to do the offset extrusion or cut operation so i'm going to hit escape and i'm going to hit e on my keyboard and i want to extrude this shape except i want to offset it 30 millimeters here right because i want to do it right here so i want to extrude the shape this this cut 30 millimeters so i got to get past this cylinder so the next thing i do is i switch from profile plane to offset and i want to do this the offset to be negative 30 okay now i can grab the arrow and i know it should be 30 millimeters so i'm just gonna eyeball it there hit 30 i'm good with my cut operation and hit ok let's do it one more time to do this space here so hit e on your keyboard choose my sketch there change to offset and this time let's look right so if this one was at 30 then we've got 60 our next one's going to be at 90. we want to offset this face 90 millimeters this way so let's put negative 90 and now we can drag out 30 millimeters and hit ok perfect and now let's hide this sketch again we don't need to see that and we can bring everything back and you can see now now watch if i pull this out we actually have two different plates our top and bottom bracket okay so i separated the two and the fact that i can separate them and move them around means that i need i i haven't joined these together so we're at that step now uh where you know we kind of have done the the the nitty-gritty part where we kind of drew everything out and now we've got to worry about joining everything okay so let's take a look at what we need to do there so i separated them i simply clicked and moved it and the reason why i can click and move it it was it's a component and i can i can just click and drag them kind of wherever i want right now okay but i want this bracket here to be the one um that i'm so i'm going to bring this top bracket and attach it to this so i'm going to ground this bracket here all right that's my bottom bracket i want to ground it so what you do is you simply right click on the component area here and ground and then just hit capture position when this pops up meaning it's just gonna stay in this position here and you can see now i'm trying to move this this piece this component and i can't so i'm clicking and trying to drag it around and i simply can't move it because i've grounded it so next what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to join now this piece to here to do that i'm going to click on joint okay so what do i want to join i want this let's go with this right here okay to join with the inside here so let's roll orbit around right there now they're joined however that's not the orientation that i want like if i go back to here you can see like i need this flipped the other way so what you do oh let's just undo that and let's go back to join it's kind of finicky sometimes to there to there but what you're gonna do now is actually scroll down before you hit okay and hit the flip but uh little button there toggle okay and that actually flipped the top bracket for us and now what we can do is just hit the arrow to move this downwards and just slide it right into position right there okay so we hit flip and then i use the arrow along the proper axis here to kind of just slide it right into position and you can see it all is fitting nicely now and before i hit ok i'm going to switch to motion okay because right now by default it's on a rigid joint meaning like i won't be able to move this you need to switch it to a revolute joint all right this way it you see that it just plays the little animation there for you okay meaning that it's going to be able to rotate around there and just hit okay all right so let's go home and see what we've got we're almost there the only thing i don't like is i need to do a little bit of editing here because look what happens i can orbit this all the way around or rotate it all the way around i don't want that right that's not realistic okay so i'm just going to um revert positions there if you happen to move something and you want to go back to the the way you had it just click on revert position see how it it adjusted okay um in this case like if you happen to move this this around and you can't get it back to its original position just make sure you hit that revert position like watch like i do this and i go to revert so it takes it back to the way it should be okay all right so let's adjust how much it can rotate let's play around with this so i'm going to go down in my timeline here and i'm actually going to take this joint right click and say edit joint limits okay so let's let's see what we've got here let's go minimum check off minimum and actually also check off rest okay because i want rest to be this position right here and that's going to be my zero degrees right that's going to be my zero that should end up being my zero so what should my what should my let's start playing around with numbers of what my minimum would be let's see here let's go with i don't know negative 100 okay so that's negative 100 okay so it's going in the proper if i did 100 it's going to go in the wrong direction right see it's going to go like through my bottom bracket so i want it to be negative 100 degrees okay because it's going in a clockwise direction um and that's not going to be good enough for me so let's go with negative let's try negative 270. i think that's going to be too much yeah that's too much it's going into my part so that's no good let's go negative 240 maybe is that good yep looks like it's clearing everything right so let's go to negative 240. there you go and let's animate and see what we've got ah but it's going negative 20. i don't want that i want this to be zero there you go that looks good i think that works so let's hit ok and now what you can do is try dragging your part you can see it stops there that's negative 240 degrees and it stops here at zero degrees that's my resting position and there you have it okay so we've we're almost done now let's quickly do that cylinder and then i'll show you a nice quick easy way to do your holes here with a counter uh little countersink all right so let's draw that little pin in here uh that'll be easy let's create a sketch on this surface here right there right okay and let's fit to window here so i can see better and i'm simply going to draw a circle that lines up so c on my keyboard and i can snap it right to here i mean i suppose you can make it a little smaller in real life but i'm just going to snap it right to here okay obviously make it a little smaller so it can actually fit in the hole there okay so there is a circle there and hit finish sketch hit extrude and choose this circle inside there and again i like to orbit around here so i can see what i'm doing all right i want to get this pin to go this direction but i also want it to stick out a little bit in this direction here right just a little so what i'm going to do is i'm happy with where that's starting that's fine instead of one-sided i'm gonna say okay let's do this on two sides in two different directions this direction i'm just going to drag sorry let's start that again oops so in this direction distance one right let's pull it out just a little bit this way and i guess sure five millimeters but you probably can do even less or oh i put it in the other one and this one so i click on the other one here and i drag it through i know that that should be 120 right because or sorry 150 right 150 plus another 5 millimeters so let's go with 155 because we want it to stick out five millimeters at the end okay and my operation is going to be a new component it's gonna be a brand new component and hit okay okay and there's your pen now one thing is right now it's a component right but i can move it out which i don't want right if we're going to be doing some joints here let's revert position go back to where it was and all you need to do look how easy it is because it's already in position go into your assemble menu and say as built joint meaning it's already keep it as is but just put a joint there so i can't move it so click on as build joint and select this component right and then select you can select the ground okay rigid component sure hit okay now look i cannot move if i try to click and drag out that pin i can't do it all right so we're doing good last thing is is i'm going to show you how to create we can create like four holes here to kind of screw in to our door and our frame of our door as well okay so that'll be pretty straightforward so watch uh how i kind of do that now so i'm gonna take it's gonna orbit into a nicer view here something like that just something more on the top and i'm going to go to create whole and where do i want to draw it just hover your cursor over where you want to draw it i'm just going to put it anywhere right now like right there okay so i click but it makes like by default this massive hole i don't want that okay so let's adjust how big we want this here okay so i think 30 millimeters is fine it just needs to go through both plates and it does so i'm happy with that actually technically we would be doing two separate ones so no let's sorry my bad there let's make this much smaller let's go like 10. oh that was 100 okay or even we can go down to now let's go with 10. that's fine okay so 10. now how wide is this that's way too wide i don't know let's go down to something like 11. okay let's orbit around and see what we got and last thing here okay so if this is 11 the wide part here of my countersunk hole the smaller diameter here let's go with eight let's go seven okay it doesn't matter okay and then hit okay let's see what we got and there you go okay not bad so we've got a little countersunk hole there that will allow our screw to be kind of flush with this top part of the plate okay all right i'll do one more hole here and then i'm going to mirror them across on the other side so that they're on the exact same position on the other side so i'll do one more hole so again let's go create hole okay and i'm going to just do it maybe right about there okay and it by default it's going to create the exact same hole that i had already made which is nice hit ok and there you have it okay um now next i need to mirror this right so because i'm already because i'm in my 3d model i need to mirror across a plane if you're in a sketch you mirror across a line but in in your 3d model in your 3d space you have to mirror across a plane so i have to create like a mid plane here okay so i need to create a plane that's in the middle here so i can mirror those across it and so what i'm going to do is go to construct mid plane it's really easy just click i want a plane in the middle of this face and this face here okay and hit okay perfect and now all i need to do is click on create mirror okay so it says features here and you should be able to get your mouse on that hole there okay so i want to do this one and i should be able to do this here as well it's kind of tricky there you go okay and my mirror plane should be this here and then hit okay and there you go you have a nicely uh it's nicely laid out in a nice symmetrical manner okay and you've got your holes there and i'm not gonna do it on the bottom plate you would you now can see how to do that so you can kind of finish that off um so there you have it and if i hide let's hide that middle plane i don't like seeing that so i'm just gonna under the construction tab here i'm just gonna unhide or hide that and let's go back home and there you go okay so you can rotate that around and uh we're done our hinge there okay like i said you would still make your holes on the bottom plate as well on the other side here so on the underside okay but you can see now how to do that and you can do that on your own all right so to recap there some of the important things that we uh kind of learned how to do was how to use your rectangular pattern tool okay also how to offset an extrusion okay that was important um we created a joint uh a a revolute joint that kind of rotated around an axis and then we created holes there okay countersunk holes that we mirrored across a plane so we also took a look and we've done this in my prior tutorials though but how to create a mid plane right so uh those were all kind of like the newer ideas here uh which is why i chose this this part in particular because i thought uh it was a good way to to introduce that to you all right thank you
Channel: Daniele Palermo
Views: 706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yW9M7Tmc8-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 49sec (2269 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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