Getting Started with Fusion 360 Part 1 - BEGINNERS START HERE! - Intro to the Workspace

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what's up guys it's Justin here with the fusion essentials comm so this is actually the inaugural video on this channel so in this video we're gonna get started by getting to know the fusion 360 workspace so where the different tools are how everything comes together and maybe some basic shapes I'm in this first intro tutorial so some of you may know me from the Sketchup essentials YouTube channel so I've been teaching Sketchup for a long time so for a while I've wanted to branch out into other 3d programs as well not necessarily because I dislike Sketchup or that I'm gonna stop doing that but because as a person I want to become more well-rounded in the different 3d applications I can use so on this channel we're gonna have tutorials about how to use fusion 360 to create lots of different kinds of shapes different objects other things like that so I'm really excited to be here and let's go ahead and just jump into it when you first open up fusion 360 your workspace is gonna look something like this now Autodesk has been known to kind of move things around on this so some things have changed in previous versions to this one so generally things may move around a little bit but for right now at least they're going to look something like this and so what I thought I'd do is I'd start by giving you a tour of the workspace so where everything is located and just how you can use that in order to create and manage your different files things like that so when you first take a look at this at the very top you're going to have a menu bar along the top that's gonna allow you to basically access things like where your files are located so this is where you're gonna manage the opening and saving of different files so if you click on this button right here for data panel that's gonna have information about your different projects as well as libraries and samples and some tutorials and other different kinds of things so you can use this to create new projects if you want to do that so you can use this button right here or as you move to the right you can see how you have a file drop-down which is gonna have all the the options that you would expect so everything from you know where you can create new designs and new drawings to where you can open them to where you can save them now let's talk a little bit about saving because inside of fusion 360 you save everything to the cloud so this is a fairly cloud-based program and that means everything's going to be saved inside of the Autodesk cloud and so you can see how if I was to click on the Save button for this file for example you can see how this gives me options for locations while all of these are contained inside of Autodesk's cloud offering meaning that these aren't being saved locally but instead they're being saved online now you can download these files and access them locally but it kind of breaks some of the functionality of the different saving and things like that so instead what we're generally going to do is we're gonna manage all of this online inside of the cloud so I'm autodesk recommends that if you need to work primarily with local files rather than online files then you probably need to use Autodesk Inventor rather than fusion 360 and so there's options in here for projects so your overall projects are going to show up over in the project section here and then within each one of those projects you're gonna have the option to create different kinds of folders so you can see how for example I can create a folder for essential style videos and then within that I can create another folder to save different models inside of there so you're going to use projects and folders to keep everything organized inside of fusion and so then you have your undoing your redo buttons which are fairly self-explanatory but then you're also going to have these tabs across the page so that you can have multiple different designs open at once so let's say right here I wanted to create a simple sketch with like a circle I wanted to offset that in a little bit and then I wanted to extrude that so this would be my first file right here and we could save this as whatever we wanted to save this as well you could click on this button right here to have a second design open so let's say for this one we wanted more of a rectangle or something like that so if we were to draw a rectangle here we could do the exact same thing you know and extrude that up and you can see how we can have both objects open at the same time so you can click back and forth between your different designs that you have open using these tabs and so these aren't really like associated with each other like these are separate files meaning that the cylinder is not in the same file as the boxes right here so I don't believe you can really move those back and forth I haven't actually tried copying pasting or anything like that I don't believe there's any way to move these objects back and forth just by like dragging or anything you might be able to like insert them or something but generally speaking think of these as being separate entities that don't really affect each other they're just different files that you have open at one time so you also have tools in here for like extensions which we'll talk about later on but then the one thing I want you to know about is if you click on your name right here there's options in here for you to change things about your account but also things to change your preferences for the way that your user interface is going to work and the way other things are going to work as well so for example if I wanted different units in here I could click on the unit function and this is where you could change if your material units were going to be in English or metric and kind of how they're displayed so you can set these inside right here so you can also set your default units for new designs as well as a bunch of other things in here as well so this is where your preferences are going to be located so you can also access the learning information by clicking on the little question mark right here so anyway that's kind of the top bar and then the bar below that is where you're going to have the different tools that you can use in order to create and model different things so you can see how right now for example I've got tools in here for solids or so surfaces or things like that these are things for drawing and working inside of 3d however you can see how right here this button under design this is going to give you options to change what you're doing inside of fusion 360 so for example if I was to click on this drop-down right here you can see how there's options in here not only for design which is where you're working and drawing in 3d but also for different things like generative design but then rendering and animations and different simulations so some of your other options are going to show up in here as well so manufacturing so for example if we wanted to render this out or apply light to this in order to create a more realistic image we would do that by going into the render workspace and note that when we do that the tools that show up in here are different for different things so if I was to go into the animation you would get a timeline down at the bottom and then animation related tools up here at the top so depending on what you're trying to do you're gonna use this drop-down to select the tool sets and the different things that you're working with inside of fusion 360 so then as we move to the right these are all the tools that you're gonna use in order to work inside of your drawing so like for example things like if you wanted to cut a hole in this object tools like that are going to show up in here so and there's a number of different tools there's actually more tools if you click on this button right here for create you can see how that gives you options for all of these different tools in here and as you mouse over them you can see how this gives you kind of a description of what each one does so if you're looking for a tool in particular try clicking that drop down and just kind of mousing over this and this is going to tell you how the tool is going to work it'll give you kind of a general idea so you can know if you're selecting the right tool or not but this is how you're gonna access all of your different tools at the top of your page and these are all editable meaning you can take these and click and drag them in order to reorder them you can also add or remove different tools from the toolbar as well so for example you can see how there's a lot marked down here then are shown in the toolbar well if you move your mouse over each one of these objects you can see how like for example the sweep function which is not shown up here right now if we were to mouse over that you get these three little dots so this will allow you to pin these to your toolbars and then that'll actually show up in your list so if for example you were using this sweep tool a whole bunch you could set this up where the sweep tool is going to show up in here and let's say for example that you weren't using the create forum you could turn that off by just clicking on this right here and unchecking the box for pin to toolbar so you can see how you can use this to uh you can use this to reorder your toolbar at the top of the page and one other thing about this is you'll notice that a bunch of these don't have a keyboard shortcut associated with them well if you decide that you want them to have a keyboard shortcut associated with them because keyboard shortcuts are a lot faster you can click on the button right here and you can see how like for the sweep for example you can click on the button for create keyboard shortcut and then you can add a keyboard shortcut in here basically as what ever you want so you can see how you can use any key and then you can also use modifiers like the shift or ctrl so if you wanted the sweep to be like a shift S or something like that you would just hold down the shift key then you tap the S key and this will tell you if there's a conflict or not so sometimes there's a conflict in there so maybe I would do like a shift F or something like that but you can use this to make sure that you're not overwriting the existing tool and then once you were done with that you could just click OK and then now you can see how that a keyboard shortcut actually shows up next to your tool inside of this list and so will talk a little bit more about creating 3d objects a little bit later but just know that there are multiple different tool sets in here for different things so solids are going to be where you're going to use solid shapes to kind of interact with each other and to work with those and then surfaces are gonna be where you can create more organic or abnormal shapes manually so that you can bring them - fusion so I haven't really done much with the sheet metal tools we'll talk about that at some point and then tools on the right-hand side gives you options for different add-ins and different inspection things and other things like that so these are going to be your options for working in 3d and creating different objects inside of fusion 360 so now let's take a look at our navigation space or our 3d workspace so our 3d workspace is going to be where you're actually going to create 3d objects and adjust them so like for example we've created this cylinder right here so this is where you're actually going to work in 3d and so if you looked at the right-hand side you've got your view cube or your navigation cube and that's gonna allow you to actually adjust the way that you navigate inside of this object so you can see how it's really easy to find like a front view or a top view of this object using this navigation box so you can also click on the different corners and the different sides in order to kind of adjust the way that your view looks and then if you ever get stuck or lost you can just click on the home button and what that's going to do is that's going to take you back to an isometric view of your object that's basically zoomed in so you can see the extensive what's inside of your model so you can use that to navigate you can also use different keyboard and mouse shortcuts so for example if I click and hold the middle mouse button that activates the pan tool so that allows me to click and drag my view left right up and down if I scroll in or out using my scroll wheel then that's gonna let me zoom in or out and by the way you can adjust that inside of your preferences so like for example by default when I first opened this up there was an option in here that I flipped for reverse zoom direction because I'm used to zooming in by scrolling in and out by scrolling out but by default this was set up where I would scroll up and this would zoom out and I would scroll down and this would zoom in so I changed that setting the reverse zoom Direction inside of my pref for instance so that's just a good example of your preferences kind of driving the way fusion 360 is going to operate so in one other thing and I probably should have covered this first but so I highly recommend using a mouse with two buttons and a scroll wheel so that scroll wheel is going to be very helpful when zooming in and out and also moving around it acts as a third button so you can click and hold that down in order to move things you can also combine that with keyboard shortcuts in order to do other things so for example if I click and hold my middle mouse button this pans if I hold the shift key on my keyboard and click and drag my middle mouse button this is going to orbit around inside a fusion 360 so by clicking and holding the middle mouse button and holding the shift key I can access a completely different tool then I could access by just simply clicking and holding that button so I would recommend kind of practicing that and getting used to that because that's really going to be a huge time saver for you in the future so on the left hand side of your page this is where your browser is going to be located and so you can pop that out or in by clicking the arrow next to browser and what that's going to do is the browser is actually going to contain information about all the different bodies and sketches and objects inside of your fusion 360 model so you can see how you can access different things inside of these folders by clicking these little arrows right here and so for example when I first drew this cylinder what I did was I started off with a sketch and you can see how I can turn that sketch on and off using the little eye button right here so you can toggle different things on and off using the eyes so that you can really only see what you want to work with and not a bunch of other stuff but you can see I can toggle that sketch on and off I can also toggle that body that I had in here on and off as well so this is really good for keeping everything organized and getting to the different things that you want inside of fusion 360 so we'll talk more about this in the future there's also a number of tools at the bottom of the page that adjusts that allow you to adjust not only your view so you can see I can access like the orbit tool by clicking on this and then clicking and dragging my left mouse button so there's also zoom tools in here so the zoom window for example is a really good way to zoom in just on an object so it allows you to click on this little button right here and then click and drag a box in order to zoom in on a specific space here and then these options on the right hand side allow you to adjust the way that your view looks so you can see how for example under the visual style I can adjust if this is going to show my edges or not I can adjust if it's like a wireframe or if this is actually going to be shaded with only my visible edges showing so you can use this to adjust the way that this looks including things like being able to adjust your environment so if you wanted this to be like a darker view or something like that if that was easier for you you can adjust that inside of your environment settings so you can see how there's a number of different environment settings by default this is set to photobooth and that's usually where I leave that right now so there's a number of different things you can use to adjust the way that things look inside of your models so there's also options in here to adjust this grid that shows up so this grid shows up automatically inside of fusion 360 so you can see how if I was to work in here and let's say we were to turn this body off we were to add a new one so let's say I was to create a sketch so if I was to create a sketch you can see how this allows me this grid it gives me a snap in order to snap to so I'm in here with millimeters right now but you can see how this is set up so it's a grid on every 5 millimeters so I can snap to options on 30 or 35 depending on what I'm trying to do and then if i zoom in you can see how this automatically splits this into even smaller increments so if I was to zoom out to here each one of these would correspond with one millimeter and so you can use this to be really precise without having to type in a whole bunch of different values so you can see I can use this in order to really quickly create objects to certain dimensions so the grid is really helpful for that but sometimes you want to adjust that so sometimes you want to turn your snap to grid off you don't want this to snap to those increments so you can adjust that in here you can also adjust the size of those increments and right now this is set to adaptive meaning that these adapt as you zoom in and out but you can also set this to be fixed if you want to force this to be increments of like five millimeters or something like that so you can also setup different viewports if you want them by clicking on this button right here so you can see how you can set up a viewport from a top view from an isometric view and then a front and a back or something like that or you can go back to a single view just by clicking on this button right here so if you want to work with multiple different views you can do that and then finally down at the bottom you've got kind of a timeline err tool that's going to represent different points of time in your model so like for example you can go back to when you first created your sketch for your cylinder you can use this little slider to go to different points in your model so like for example you can see how this point right here is indicating that I extruded this object up but if I was to click the slider back then I can go back to right before that in time and I can make different changes and different adjustments but it gives you a really good kind of timeline of all the different changes that you've made so you can use this to kind of manage that you can also play through them if you want to so like for example you can see how you can use this to kind of play through all of the different changes that were in here and note that you can turn that function off by clicking on the button for do not capture design history so that's kind of an overview of the workspace inside of fusion 360 so in the next video we're gonna start creating some basic shapes and getting an idea of the way that the drawing and the drawing and modeling tools inside of fusion 3 sixteen works so if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here member to click that subscribe button for new fusion content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it not we'll catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The Fusion Essentials
Views: 42,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autodesk fusion, autodesk fusion 360, fusion 360, fusion 360 tutorials, autodesk fusion tutorials, autodesk fusion modeling, the fusion essentials, the fusion essentials #1, the fusion essentials for beginners, fusion essentials beginner tutorial, fusion beginner tutorial
Id: whXHotDT8n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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