Fusion 360 — Settings & Preferences You Should Know About— #LarsLive 68

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you're doing welcome to livestream number 68 today is Tuesday it is October 3rd 2017 thank you so much taking the time to join today's live stream today's topic is settings and preferences you should know about way long ago on the live stream we talk something about settings and preferences but you know what I get quite a few emails people who's kind of like asking me what kind of settings I'm running with and you know that is kind of like those hidden I don't know if you want to call them gasps but there's those hidden things in there that you know unless you stumble over it then you maybe don't know about it so that's what we're gonna attack today as always if you look down in the description area you will find my email address large stock Christensen reduce calm absolutely more than welcome to send me any future topics you would like to see here on their live stream I can see we already got a bunch of people in here it's absolutely awesome got people from absolutely anywhere thank you so much guys for taking the time out of your busy day to join at the live stream and if you're watching this on youtube the recording hey thank you for doing that if you haven't already I would really appreciate it we'll hit that subscribe button there and of course thumbs up thumbs down depending on if you like the topic or if you don't all right guys let's jump into a fusion and just kind of like go through some of these settings that I think that we definitely should know about and then of you guys if you have anything to add put it down in the comment area right like let's share the knowledge so I have lost my mouse there it is so fusion um alright I will start by turning off the grid okay I reset my values back and one of the questions that I got for few people is this grid and this British is kind of cool actually it's not completely you know just in your way but you can control it down here on the bottom down here and bottom you have some different options so you can actually go in and kind of like lay out the grid you can change some settings in there if you wanted to adapt depending on sizes or if you want it to be like a fixed size in here so you can kind of like put in the air and and kind of like break it up into kind of what you want and you know what if you are if you're doing kind of like concept modeling trying to sketch something out grit is not a bad idea but preferably what I know I'm gonna do is I shut it off but I mean whatever kind of like floats your boat so I want to start out with that just because that's a question I get quite often people install fusion 360 they get the grid and then they see that I don't use the grid so that's how I get rid of that right down there at the bottom let's go in and look at some of the preferences of Gamma click your name go into preferences and you know I am not gonna blame you if you never went in there and looked around it's a little bit like a little darling sometimes to try to go in and go through all the different settings but you should know about a few of them so you know let's uh if it's late where you are and you're having a beer let's go through this with a beer if not then let's just hold hands so first of all what I'm gonna do here is I'm actually gonna go in and say we set my my defaults for you right here and hit apply because that's important to know that if you ever kind of like get to a point where you don't really know you know something is acting up a little bit you have been in here messing around hey that could be good problem all right I'm not gonna go through all the different ones because I don't think that you need to know about all these if you want to go deeper come in here and play around of course we've got different languages um I will only do this in through the seconds that then in here this isn't a bonnet I definitely want to highlight you can choose between a couple of different our graphics drivers in here there's a direct x11 direct 911 and I think also if we go over to a graphics area here over on the tree over here we were in general section go over to the graphics area you will see over here there's also kind of like better performance versus better display and then I'm just gonna jump outside these preferences for a second it's really something that probably I would imagine a lot of people have missed if you go up up here you have our name if you go next to it it says help in here there are actually some pretty neat tools in here in that drop-down go in here play around with it there there is a access out to the learning portal and get it started portal that can be nice for you guys to know about you can access the forum from here the gallery is always cool to go in there then this one a lot of you guys probably would you know people email me and ask me what is coming infusion they're actually putting it right here on the road roadmap but what I want to get down to is that it's a graphic diagnostic section here and you can you can click on that and that will show you what graphics cards you have it will show you what kind of settings you have and it will show you what I just showed you before like with better performance versus better display in here so this kind of can give you some some feedback in here that you can use so that so let's go back into your preferences and talk a little bit about so when I brought this up before then you are probably looking for a good explanation about direct x11 directs x9 I'm not a computer guy okay so I'll tell you what I now and then you know what I know no so when it's one of the cool things about Fusion is that it's you don't have to go out and buy a very expensive graphics card so back in the day we will make in the 90s the CAD companies decided to use something called OpenGL and I don't want to turn this into a graphics technical thing graphics company decides you can't come designs use something called open G now on graphics card kinda like about where the memory goes in the graphics card and then the gaming companies decided to use something else so for many many years if you had ever had to buy a cat computer you had to buy a very expensive graphics card that had this OpenGL version but Fusion is using Direct X followed that graphics driver I mean you can use gaming cards for fusion but it's awesome and that's where this Direct X 11 and 9 comes in really as far as I know and like I said I don't know much but 11 is a little bit well maybe a job he's a little bit better higher end than the 9 but it's kind of like a driver status so if you do see graphics issues play around with one of these and kind of like see if that is working and then of course so you can play around with this and see if anything changes and I'm actually not sure if it's gonna read this right from your graphics card that could be somebody at that in the comment but play around with that and then I would say tweak around with better performance versus better display what probably is is pretty obvious by the way I also just wanted to suspend and by the way if we go back into where I was before and you go into this graphic diagnostic down here there is an option to there's a limit effects to optimize performance so you can check that but will kind of like turn all this off and you can see if that's better but also be aware of that there is a still performing issues and you can actually create a ticket that you still have some graphical issues and that brings me to a point the other day I when I was doing my livestream the other day using 360 crashed on me did you see that um yes it happens right software but a couple of people send me emails and that happens with them fairly often that should not happen so if you see on a regular basis that fusion 360 is is is acting up and you know that you are not running a computer from 1996 but something this should be a little bit better you got a you know reach out to support because that's not the way it should work I will say I'm running this you know I'm running fusion all day long and I'm running it on Mac and I'm running it on my Windows 7 and I really don't see these crises very often so I just want to say that all right now I'm start reeling on crushes and graphics cards so beware of that offline cast time period so I've talked about this before also so the cool thing about Fusion is that it is storing all your files locally and on the cloud if you remember correctly well in here you can choose how many days is saved locally so after 60 days if you have not opened up a specific file it will be deleted on your hard drive but it will still be up in the clouds you can still access it up there as long as you're connected to the Internet you know I played around with this at one point ahead at 9b because I was thinking oh that's three months that's pretty good then I actually did start because stupid petition on my computer but I did start running into issues with storage and now a default is 60 you know if you never really go offline and need to work 30 might be okay um another thing that you should have is this okay is automatic recovery save time so it saves every five minutes just to get the latest version however another cool thing about Fusion is that infusions should crash it has an automatic recovery happening the last thing it does before it crashes it actually saves so it's like two smart enough to that and you actually have if you go in and you click up on your file up here click a drop down you actually have an option right here to recover document so if you ever seen fusion crass or you shut it down like with letting it save you've probably seen that this little pop-up box comes up in the middle of the screen saying do you want to recover your files and you know many times I'm just like yeah whatever get away right but that same checkbox that you see coming up it's exiciting you can access that right underneath the file so that is definitely helpful so you say click on that comes up this is the box that always pops up so just be aware of that whew should we like see when if it crashes but should not happen it will it will automatically save and that pop-up is whatever it comes from some of the things that I normally have checked tooltips you know you can choose what you want to show nuts show this is important if you are coming from another software to use fusion they're actually some of the settings that can be defaulted back to to the pan zoom and open shortcut and if you're a little bit unsure about how old is pants room orbit we did a live stream you're not too long ago about that that is really all that I want to talk about on the general page the API I am going scripting and programming that is not full hours he's gonna pass right by that if you do this stuff you're smarter than me in the design in here you have a couple of options you probably should know about you can set your design history to either capture do not capture so we talked earlier in the livestreams about parametric roses are editing you default workspace you can set that up in here one that is failing you in here is the last one out here Auto Heights cats on feature creation and if you ever have gone in to create a sketch and you maybe created some different kind of entities and you decided to use one to extrude up like this you will see the other sketch goes off when you click OK it's kind of like consumed in here but it's getting automatically turned off so if you wanted to use the next one the sketch you have to go back in here turn it on hit Q if you wanted to exclude the other one well this preference under your name preferences on the decide this if you uncheck this it will not turn the sketch off so we'll stay on what is a nice checkbox if you I know some people bring in like files for like extruding text and different things so they maybe want to break that up so that's a nice little feature um not really doing anything in the render environment if you're doing cam definitely I recommend enable the cloud library we did a live stream on that's I like to show my tool numbers arm and maybe this is something we should talk about on Fridays when we talk about cam there's some different checkboxes in here too but that's I definitely make sure that it's checked and the cloud library should be on in the drawing you can choose what kind of default you want to come from so if you always are working in I so you know for my European friends why say inherit from decide when you can choose that you just always come up with ISO to this sheet so yeah wherever you have that option simulation we talked about simulation not long ago that's in there same thing when it comes to the material I think we're gonna be talking about some rendering very soon here mass never never about that graphics not really very too much well the graphics we talked a bit about you can go in and play around with some different settings so be aware of that um I don't really play around with network either data collection and use this here I think is important that every new user just take two seconds and just you know read this and especially you know these different statements down here I had one guy just commented the other day on my youtube channel about what my thoughts are about starring you know that you store your CAD files in the cloud and about having Auto less people having access to your files and that's one of the things if you're going to read in there like I can't go and look at your files it's your files it's under you login all the all your your kind of like under your login under your control not under my control if you have certain settings like these in here checked certain things that artists can see is for example they can collect data as how many people are in the kam workspace and not that you Jo are in the kam workspace but like how many people are in the kam workspaces any given time versus in the drawing space that's kind of like the information that that is getting collected but read about that inside of the data collection in here you know that nobody should feel like that they that they have signed up for something that they didn't want to UM unit and value displayed that's another good one to probably just go in here just check what you have like my general position would actually always be five places what I normally did and the reason I used to do this and this may be be silly it's because I used to program CNC machines that would go to four decimals so I always made my CAD go one more decibel hmm yeah whatever that's worth you can also set in here for your simulation so you can you can kind of like go in here and check that out you can set your default units so what do you want to display for your design for you can for your simulation and then the last one in here that's probably worth talk about is the preview so we don't have like crazy many like crazy beta kind of programs where like thank you some of the other software they used to use becoming a beta member like listen like a whole you know initiation you got to go through swear that you will never share anything what fusion does is that down here in the preview section you can go in here and you can turn on the functions that you would like to to be part of so you can go in here and turn on the different things like ego or you know these different things now that kinda like in beta so what the development team is saying is that you know it it might be a few things in it that is not quite finalized they're holding on to it until you know that they can say alright and give it a green go but that's the previews I can should know about on you said all your settings hit apply and hit okay a couple of other things that you should know about if you're fairly new inside of fusion this viewcube up here you will see that I'm using that I'm actually using it more and more on the on a regular basis I think to kind of like navigate around but if you right-click on it you can actually control like your view and I normally work in perspective with Auto faces so what this is is excel combination between the two other ones and right now you're like what are the two other ones although graphics is literally like looking at something straight on without any like perspective and if you I know that some people just like me English is not your your first language perspective means if you're standing on a railroad track and you're looking down a railroad track you know how it kind of like narrows I'm doing it from my perspective from you it's gonna be wide and then it goes an arrow that's perspective so how we're looking at things if you're looking at it from from a distance and that's what you can control in here so if I stretch this perspective if you look at these two blogs you will see that they're kind of like you know how when you're looking at a house corner that these are kind of like longer that's the difference between although graphics and perspective may be easy if I look from the top down you can kind of like see some zooming in we can see the sidewalls because we're kind of looking from stop down if I turn it in through all the graphics then it's straight up so what the heck does perspective with auto races do it's kind of cool it goes into perspective everywhere until you look straight at something so if I go in and look at this right now it would be the same as in perspective but if I go straight on then it turns into the ortho graphics so this is definitely my preferred kind of way I like to see things in perspective when I'm kind of like you know roaming around but when you're going so for example start a new sketch I want to look at an author I don't want to see kind of the sidewalls of this thing so that's important so that's definitely one of the settings that I play with other thing that I want to talk about quickly before we're going to wrap this up is like I pointed out before that the gridlines exist down here um and you know you can turn those are enough and I don't want that quite a few people and then came back on because let's restore my defaults another thing that people will sometimes censor me is they don't like this background like this white background so if you hit display settings you can exit go in here and you can change your environment so if you're not playing around with these different ones down here you should definitely do that so if I go to dark sky then you see how it turns dark I know a few people who like the trunk good already blue as that background so that's a way that you can kind of like goings and and you know what this is actually very nice if you're sitting if you're sitting working on a drawing and CAD all day long I really change I change these around a couple of times during the day just to kind of like give my eyes something else to to to look at so definitely that's down on the little TV screen down here you can you can change that all with all the things the last thing I want to leave you with there you need to know about is if you click the next one over here viewport so I'm click on this and I select multiple viewports it actually splits the screen up into four different sections are in here so this is our isometric view this is from the top see when I clicked on it see if I click on it it will it will switch it to be orthographic from perspective this is our it'll be our front view and this will be our side view so it just broke the screen into look from the from 4 different cameras not if I whatever you will see whatever I click the screen highlights so that's now the view that is active so it's not spinning around here you will see that this is now moving around in that view and I can do the same thing I'm going to work in here and start spinning things around and everything works in here like the view cubes you can't actually go in and and work with this now why do you want this it's actually kind of nice if you're working especially with like curved surfaces so if you were working in the sculpting environment but what we could do is we started the sketch right here now look at what happens around on this screen on this screen and this screen over here so if I right click here and say create a new sketch and I go in and just take ass and do my my draw a little sketch here you see how this gets being drawn over here - if I hit Q and I click on to do a little cut the arrow X appears in the all of you and now I've got this box in the way now you will see that when I drag here it actually resembles of all the different all the different views right so be aware of that you can do this this is really nice like I said if you're doing like sculpt the surfaces of things like that so now are we looking from the top I think this is making sense now aside and we'll see over here this is cut from so this is a nice little trick to control right down here from the viewport you can go back to a single view and boom now you're back to to where you were before okay I said one I said the last thing but now I actually got to show you one more thing huh and that was do you see what I just did I'm gonna go in ahead and feature I ended up moving this menu have you ever done that suddenly your menu is like in the center of the screen you're like you put it over here and then a little bit later you're like well alright I want to go back if you hold down your left mouse button and you drag over towards the screen you will see a green line appears you see that green line appears and you can let go and it's gonna snap into place and now it's back into to where we were before it's actually the same thing if you're dragging and I've done that on a couple of live streams just by mistake you know it can happen anywhere that you're dragging any kind of like icon off and then suddenly you're like man why do I get it back grab the little two lines here go back up and you will see the green line you can actually then you can't place this okay I thought maybe you could place it on the sides the doesn't do that that's a Windows thing so yeah just be aware of that I hope that was helpful so for anything else you can't alikes all the settings that I'm kind of like running with them the things that I think that you should be aware of is in there this is definitely helpful if you're brand new right but if you also have been in the software for a little while and never really went through this you can't like get set in your ways I hope that this was helpful we got 83 people in the live stream absolutely appreciated thank you so much guys I'm gonna do what I know I'm gonna do I'm gonna end the recording so for you guys who are watching this on youtube as a recorded thank you so much for taking time for you guys who are watching the live stream as always I'm gonna end the broadcast and jump in and say hi to everybody thank you so much take the time out of your busy day and until tomorrow have an awesome awesome day
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 21,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, CAD, 3D, 3D Printing, CAM, Manufacturing, CNC, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include
Id: bBdaPjmWkVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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