The Durango Kid - The Desert Horseman - Charles Starrett, Smiley Burnette

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] easy easy boy Oh [Music] on jobs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you gonna do some shootin that's right but we're gonna hit what we're aiming at oh I got to practice ain't I I don't want to be no cook the rest of my life your life's gonna be mighty short if you don't shoot me I'll do some singing or something saying that's another thing we're scared of I'll let him sing he's not so bad start singing boy and it better be good well you boys get your instruments and play for me will ya history is written from the deeds of the great but they've all accomplished but not their mistakes perfection is the Lucy you sufferin abounds Nero made music Rome burned to the ground and he was an amateur once he was an amateur once just because he set up the world of fire one day that don't mean a thing he wasn't born that way he was an amateur once impossible stupid a dunce nobody knows how good a fiddle he played it was much too hot to listen anyway he was an amateur once he was an amateur once he struts around with this in this way many years he couldn't who can tell how to eat the well by the handle on the pump give me time I'll bet a dime someday I'll make you jump he was an amateur one someday I'll show you he [Applause] [Music] that done oh oh the cook house is on fire no that's my dinner [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] it's the boss he's been shot Oh tom we'd better get him inside who's a stranger I'll bet you he's the one that shot Tom Jarvis maybe so anyway I'm aiming to find out here what do you know about this stranger well nothing I saw the team running away and by the time I caught up with it mr. Jarvis was pretty far gone how did you know it was mr. Jarvis well that's what you just called him mighty strange you were johnny-on-the-spot you accusing me that's right any of you others feel the same way you lowdown you killed tom Steve Godfrey why just like old times you're mistaken Lester you think I'd be fool enough to bring him here if I'd killed him who's been killed Tom Jarvis has been murdered mr. Treadway murdered yeah we think the Steve Godfrey did it too Oh nonsense Godfrey's right he wouldn't brought Tom here if he'd killed him where's Mary Ann in the house just what's the idea of not recognizing an old friend I want you to meet me later at the old-line Shack smiley I [Applause] just heard about it Maryann and it was quite a shock if there's anything I can do what can anyone do first dad and Uncle Tom it just doesn't make sense mr. chadway why should anyone want to harm them I don't suppose you'll want to go on living here after this I don't know what I want to do all mixed up pull yourself together Maryann and don't worry as your uncle's lawyer I can take care of everything for you thanks mr. trenway goodbye were you watching me I sure would owe some no account must agrees my saddle it look like it good see again smiley well a funny way you got a show on it considering how I looked after you in the cavalry I don't blame you for being surprised nothing surprises me after this what is it where'd you get this I was in the sheriff's office the other day when that come in the mail good old smiley I could always count on you for everything except your cooking well you don't need to pay me no compliments all I want to find out is why did you do it well since I never could keep a secret for my Audley here it is I was in charge of a detachment escorting the paymaster when sighs and javis got a tip were gonna be held out I change the route of March but we rode right into an ambush lost a few men and all the money and they suspected that you done it my change from the routes instead Tom javis got a dishonorable discharge for following my orders now my only hope of clearing us both is to find the leader of those outlaws oh you know who done it no all I know is he handles a gun with his left hand and he and his gang headed this way well maybe Jarvis caught up with him that's why he got killed as possible unless there is a reason for someone wanting that ranch do you think miss Jarvis will sell out and leave well she preneur sold it when her daddy was shot she ought to hang on of that place Steve she's not gonna listen to you unless you tell her the truth like he did me I can't do that but there is someone she might listen to Durango [Music] so the Jarvis girl still doesn't want to sell out I didn't press the matter because I didn't want to appear too anxious but I want some action you'll get it but at the right time meanwhile I want you to take care of this stranger Steve Godfrey who's moved in here Godfrey have any idea where hangs out you'll probably find him around the Jarvis ranch he won't be there long [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh I'm a baking a pan of biscuits and I'm gonna try to fix it so the boys can have a steaming pot of beans then I boil a coffee longer cause they like it black and stronger used to sharpen butcher knives right on the steam they don't care so much for mutton but I tell them better nothing and a cup of axle grease can make it's well I don't worry how to fill them I'm afraid someday I'll kill I just know it on the plates and ring the bell ring the bell ring the bell you would really take that beat of mighty swell ring the bell ring the bell come and get this breezy poison while you're well they're all tired of stewed tomatoes and they're foundered on potatoes and they turn a grassy green on Spanish rice we ain't got no vacant frames and I'm plumb wore out a lion cooking ham and eggs in cold remakes and ice now this bread would be quite tasty if it wasn't made so hasty I should use baking soda still alive has the cook I am please these mushrooms sure look totes delish but I'll cook them up and hope nobody dies ring the bell ring the bell call a Kyle [Music] ring the bell ring the bell just be sure to keep your boots on when you [Music] hey that's right young Lee's outfit in it yeah it looks that way jumpin scorpions that means a fight pooper Coloma smoke pots around us the boy [Music] you're not walking on this ranch young what are you doing here the strains of anemic Godfrey hang around here we're after well he ain't here we think he is well you got another thing coming then Steve rode away from here a pack of Lion calories one of you watch this bunch rust if you take a look around eat let's see who's in the house [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a dragon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I near fate Durango what are you doing here well uh I was just chasing the Durango kitten you had to go and do all that shooting and scared my horse and he bucked me right off did you see Durango I saw some where right over there hey we better take a look all right let him go ring right let's go home [Music] come in the Durango kid miss Chavez Steve God for your friend of mine sent me here I'm already indebted to you for what you've done would you sit down No thank you know of any reason why somebody should want this ranch bad enough to kill both your uncle and father no I honestly don't but there must be a reason for those killings miss Chavez and I intend to find out what it is that is if you don't run away give up why should I hold on to this ranch and try to run it alone all its ever brought is heartache but don't you see if you run out now you're playing right into the hands of those responsible for everything I'm sorry I can make no promises to anyone not even to you you know if you hold on to this ranch a while longer you might help clear a dishonorable discharge from your uncle's military record what do you know about my uncle's record you'll find out only if you stay here hello mr. Treadway this is a pleasant surprise come over here and sit down Mary Ann I can't stay but a moment I came to thank you for taking care of Uncle Tom's funeral no thanks and necessary it was the least I could do for a friend but Maryann you know I am worried about your being out at that ranch all alone oh I'm not the doctor tection really the boys are very loyal I realize that but I have an offer for the place not what it's worth I grant you but fair for a quick sale you seem anxious for me to sell I'm only thinking of your safety Maryann I know that mr. chadway but to see the Durango kid dropped in unexpectedly the other day and well he's he's promised to keep an eye on things it does make me feel easier still if I were you I'd give the offer some thought my mind is pretty well made up I'm keeping the ranch thanks again for everything not at all my dear goodbye I just saw the javis girl leaving here yeah she was here there isn't a chance to make a deal with her there's more than one way to skin a rattler she's trying to get tough it isn't the girl it's the Durango kid we've got to set a trap for him have you got any ideas I think so we will spring it tomorrow morning hi smiley how you feeling oh pretty good today I saw Treadway leaving while ago what do you want he's worried about a rumor that Rex young is up to something at balky mule cut Rex young he's always up to something I'd like to meet him face-to-face someday what would you do I just walk up to him and I'd say friction don't you reach for them shooting irons I can draw faster than you can and he'd be a dead pigeon before you could say Theophilus distance it says well I hate to interrupt a good fight smiler but your eggs are on fire that's the third pan of eggs I've burnt up this morning hey you know I located Rex young Jack up in the hill you did yeah and I should like to know what's going on inside you would would you just come to the right fella - gun Burnette they call me our nirvana Deadeye now don't you go getting any wild notions that's a dangerous undertaking man-sized job are you insinuating I'm not insinuating anything I'm telling you now you stick the burning up a good child leave young to me I'll go tell the boys breakfast we'll be late again as usual dangerous job man sighs I'm tough I'm me she's good and Burnett I have two guns oh man enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] reach for the sky you Viper's gone consarnit they know towers come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where we gonna meet the boss the meters at the cut well as sooner we get there the better I've been itching to take a shot at that Durango kid that goes double for that coyote Godfrey you may get a chance at both of them it was burning ain't funny get these horses out of here [Music] hey get that hungry [Music] spying on us huh no I wasn't I want to get a drink water I was thirsty we just wanted some water I got something better than that you have yeah a dose of lead we may as well start on him as anybody else no not here you know he'll make a good decoy for the Durango kid find his horse and put him on us well there's a boss now you boys wait here they're all set good I'll let the word get noised around the ranch that there might be an attempt to hold up the stagecoach here today and if that doesn't bring out the Durango kid I've got some sure bait for a trap he caught smiley snooping around the shack figured he might be used as a decoy that's fine shoot him II leave him out here in the road when the Durango kid shows up I'll pick him off [Music] something's gone haywire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] did I shoot you mr. gringo you didn't miss by much why don't you make up your mind whose side you're on well I didn't aim to I'm just learning to shoot I wouldn't hurt you for nothing in the world [Music] Maryanne yeah there's something I want to tell you that I don't want anyone else to hear what if how don't get too excited at least not until after we've investigated what would you say if I told you there may be gold on this ranch old oh you're not serious I'm not sure yet it's just a rumor could that be why we've had all this this trouble very likely it's supposed to be right behind the old-line Shack I'm going up to investigate and if you'd like to come along of course I would I'm ready now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's agitating you Treadway and Maryann just rode away what's wrong with that maybe they're heading for town on some legal business but they didn't head towards town they went out towards the line check line check and they both looked excited the Durango kid better do something about this put up your hands and turn around I don't know what you're up to but whatever it is you won't get away with it my boar is a little nervous you better come inside before they get careless [Music] young you've been ordered to stay off my ranch from the day on it'll be my ranch unless you're foolish enough had to do a little favor for me certain is Jarvis refused on my advice and you better change your advice that way a dead lawyers no better off from the dead rancher now you'll sign that quick claim deed to the ranch and then I'll escort you out of this part of the country you have to fight me first that won't be too tough no no wait I'll sign all right there's a paper I would in the dermis get her out of here all right get over there let's have you unbuckle your gun belt and all right get back closet [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm not going to do that Rex young or any other man run me off my place I admire your courage Marianne but you may be endangering your life hello hello Godfrey may I come in yes certainly Steve Rex young just tried to kill both of us and he would have to if the Durango kid hadn't interfered well why should he want to kill you mr. Treadway thinks there's gold in my land I didn't say that Marianne I merely said I'd heard a rumor to that effect well you know I can't tell you how young knew where you were heading yes I'm puzzled - don't take you there necessary chances Marianne what's in your mind Steve oh nothing I just thinking come in Oh howdy Treadway what can I do for you guys free I can't get to the bank at Red Steel for a few days huh little uneasy carrying all his money with me wondering if you'd put in your safe for me I'm glad to accommodate you how much is in here 500 bet Akane 500 it's correct I'll put in the safe right away it'll be all right in there that's fine you might give me a receipt not at all I notice you write with your right hand yet you do other things with your left yes I'm what they call ambidextrous I can use either hand I say thanks for the accommodation glad to help you anytime [Applause] folks this being our regular night here me and the gang from the Jarvis ranch are going to put on the entertainment for you yeah in case any you folks don't like our plan and singing please don't start shooting till we put the instruments away there have been so many tears in your eyes I know my dear and I'm sorry for the way I made you cry oh I know I've been untrue so I'll leave it up to you won't you try to smile and give me one more turn [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry now you see good evening Eddie hello Edward mind if I sit here not at all I've been watching Steve Gadd feel like he told me and he's been up in the hills all day a little while ago he headed toward town I tried to trade him when he gave me the slip thanks Eddie you find out anything else let me know yes sir I've got those papers ready for design drop by the office on your way home I'll be along directly good [Music] don't move Fred way what do you want here a confession they're insane I have nothing to confess I think you had a long while I catch up with you for every way now you're gonna pay for the killing of the javis brother you can't prove that I can prove that you held up an army paymaster or a year ago somebody left that money sack here I won't hold up in court today [Applause] I'll tell you what the right [Music] wait here I'll be right out I want to know who else was in on that hole up with it I tell you 2 rango I know nothing about to hold up at that army paymaster Pete Durango kids inside surround the place don't make any noise I'm going in quit stalling traffic and we strangle we don't put up without laws in these parts we're gonna unmask you and blast you full of holes take his mask off leak him my men are outside you'll never get out of here I think I will start walking both of you open the door I'll tell you what to say [Music] leave your horses here and walk down to the pavilion what about the Durango kid shut up and do as I say [Music] he's gone [Music] [Music] there's only one thing left to do and that's kill the Jarvis girl and forge your name to quit claim deed once we have control of the ranch I know how to cash in on the gold without anyone knowing where to find us well tonight's as good as any time I'll get the boys gone let's be smart wait a day why wait the stagecoach comes to town everybody will come in to get their mail that'll give us our chance yeah that's right I didn't feed him I wouldn't have to wash him dirty ding busted dishes busted how there's an idea hi smiley hi way say aren't you going into town Mary Ann's almost ready and she doesn't like to be kept waiting what's she going town for same reason everybody else is I guess they should we come in with a mail that's right i plumb forgot that well it won't take me long to bust up if you wash up a few dishes then I'll be right with you Oh [Applause] smiley uh where was Steve God for going a while ago town I reckon I wouldn't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Eddie come on Eddie [Music] [Applause] comes the boss let's give her a tune [Applause] please don't think me impolite if I make a constructive suggestion and please don't think it isn't right to ask a personal question you look like a cowboy you act like a cowboy and you pick a string like one [Music] that's where nature's done me so wrong I'll explain it in the chorus of this song I wish that I could be a singing cowboy hango FBI ai ai you mean you'd like to be a singing come on I go you buy ie all day you do sound absurd I don't doubt but what your voice could Stampeder I wish that I was singing cowboy I'd go if I I ate all day but I'm the saddest cowboy that sings on the range I don't even sound good singing home on the range so we'll show you [Music] where the deer and the Antelope play oh I'll go bye [Applause] what's the Treadway yes Eddie I went through Steve Godfrey steps today and I found these so he's a deserter from the Army this puts a different light on everything and that money bag proves he's guilty - hold up doesn't it yes it proves something else - yeah what never mind for now I'll tell you later good work Eddie I'll turn this over to the sheriff right away Thanks now just a minute how many yards did you say that target was Oh hiya Sheriff I've got to rest you got three arrests Steve that's right ma'am I just found out the Army's looking for him for desertion I'll take your gun well are you going alone without even a fight what's the use had to come sooner or later well I can't figure that out Steve going along without some kind of a scrap Mary Anne mr. Treadway what's wrong with Godfrey sheriff just arrested him for desertion from the Army I can't believe it we've got to help him mr. Treadway of course of course I'll do that later but right now there's something else he's not excited I am remember my saying I'd heard a rumor about gold on your property how can I forget it well this morning I found out that it's true I'll have to see it to believe it while everybody else is in town we'll slip out and check it but there's just one thing Mary Ann I don't want young to suspect anything so I'll go on ahead I'll give you plenty of chance to get out of town and you ride to the big rocks Neil's back at your place don't worry I'll be along good [Applause] sheriff I like to get a job as a deputy sheriff I don't need no deputy leastwise not one like you well you'd be surprised how good I'm getting with guns I got you don't move pretty good in it yeah I don't lots of tricks to look at me spend two guns to one first I spin one walking backwards then I spin to wait a minute all right Sheriff get to keep smiling holding this out your turn now sheriff you men are making a mistake you let us worry about that what's up well I don't rightly know Treadway said something to Maryann then he got on his horse and rode out towards the ranch Marianne seemed pretty excited and she got in the buckboard and went out after him you round up the boys and bring him out I'll go on ahead [Applause] [Music] [Music] you better hurry Mary Ann's in trouble I'll lead the way hey we left her horses here didn't we sure I did some coyotes ran them off [Music] oh I'm getting an idea that'll be good it is come on [Music] [Applause] something's going wrong get the horses [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get in I'll blast you down [Music] so treadway's the desert draft that's right ma'am he's the man who killed your dad your uncle he's also the one who ambushed the army paymaster I want you to drive me in the badger city in your buckboard miss javis but I'll be where I can keep an eye on him all the time well I guess I better be on my way I have to Bigfoot Blaine after tomorrow and here I thought I was gonna collect the reward for your capture Steve but that confession the treadway's sure puts you in the clear no hard feelings about my locking you up in your Jail is a oh I reckon that's about the order way you two kept me from interfering thanks for clearing Uncle Tom Steven for everything else I was glad to help don't forget what I told you keep an eye on smiley not all happy since he was so lucky with those six guns I was pretty good shooting morning yeah Willy practice long enough bye Mary Anne bye bye Sheriff good luck Steve captain you couldn't use a good orderly could you you'll do better stay here smiley [Applause] may I be the first to ring the bell ring the bell ring the bell ring [Music] you
Channel: Audio Video
Views: 89,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Durango Kid, Desert, Horseman, Desert Horseman, Durango, Charles Starrett, Smiley Burnette, Smiley
Id: -371FzaMhrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 36sec (3216 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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