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Chris one one was - there were like whispers one I'm grateful because there are like are you over there it's a shield it was such as Christmas I called him Crocodile Dundee show dear Christ my god oh no guys sorry Oh sausage and brisket okay oh you're not expecting for Heroes so clumsy food to be so human so it's human exactly a modern time go get coffee yeah [ __ ] my pants on camera Chang say something convening oh oh uh okay I didn't go stupid yeah y'all are stupid waiting in line for hours who what what all right get out of here Jeff drag where's the chair is a chair yogurt now get out of here do you ever age not since 2008 gorgeous as an Android sort of coming to your emotions will you pathetic person clean terribly sorry you know like when you have a pet and the pet starts to look like you was the answer for more buys yes yeah yeah I look at him now I'm like yeah that's me Yeah right and I take a photo like oh my god I'm on a billboard you need somebody a little bit funny like Terry Crews don't you make me go home I want a latte so I'll probably want to buy Captain American just make him food to pay for for a second as an interesting Messiah you see your favorite holiday cuz you about to eat some chocolate homie 20 rivalry concept Mackey's got a big big loud voice he'll he'll make it feel like a four divided that he doesn't mean a reason again you know understand what he's saying play sound I really wanted say to it what it's really weird the problem so spider-man's a problem Tom's a problem Tom Holland comes on and said any kind of anything that goes on to the times of the [ __ ] alright so this dog did alright alright Tom's ass alright sound like a problem so you don't want to be in the spider manually I have no desire like I would totally just realized that he's now you want someone come to terms makes large open space what you want everybody I know to be yeah yeah it's breezy you know it's really good life yeah whatever - that is what I call them good so sorry to read out Internet dammit people talk too much Fagin is the black pad to do and that the winter is over and then it said winters real you know we are winter squiggle pepper gorillas if I could read minds I know mines a lot to know what my wife was thinking occasion thank you are yelling at me again and it's nice we have a sex scene like a sexy scene in rehearsing that for 10 years Ryan was with it he bragged about something we want to make sure when he was not lying to us because we don't like to be like telling dad I don't know how I'm in a mask I mean what do you hear but yeah she knows that's me so well obviously you've worn that around the house yeah yeah yeah only Wednesday night yeah you said it's something very very interesting about none of you guys doing something for me I'm gonna be from hell hello sir I met my wife let's do this really how I met her so you know wait on it what's good my family welcome to my next question here is from from a Blake Lively from New York City New York hi he writes Q I tried calling you on the burner phone and you didn't answer are we still meeting at the Gansevoort hotel this afternoon I don't know much time because Ryan's having a mani pedi from three to four yeah I'm rushing a mani pedi from three to four you're gonna yeah super weird evidence out of Hobbit do you ever say flame on when you use a grill all time for fun I guess I was in for everything yes what's like a creepy text message that Thanos could send you Drex what are you wearing I was on the hunt for headshots but I was completely broke I was at the post office in West Hollywood which is a an area in LA that's like a predominantly gay area and I was there getting heads getting your own brother yes rabbi Connor what Mary you're gonna no no way I don't got to kill Thor have a nice yeah I'm not going to marry any of them and I'm not going to happen either I'm not playing this game making of them yeah and it look like a diva the costumes the Winter Soldier has the hair well I said I can't move without a wind machine I just thought he would take his mask off and blood how long do I have to wear this thing oh that yes and exactly I was just turning to huh I used to do shake that you've got a new suit which looks pretty sleek it is very sexy mind you did you enjoy wearing it the wings and everything was it cool or did you find joy wearing it just as much as you enjoyed seeing me in it okay the guy's like I do headshots I live like two blocks from here oh no I will give you headshots I was like well what is the cost he's like just cut is fine I'll cover you I was like oh sweet okay let's go will grind me if I need a shower like that's a really good idea these again I don't know that I ever saw him again I if you're watching thank you for my head shots that you're probably making money of those pictures he took of you in the shower do you know who starred in the Covenant Elizabeth oh okay last one last one I say we start with the three C's concert tickets Jesus right I would take you that now I surround myself with like a army of women to kind of protect me again to all the testosterone huh um and you know we're talking about after them yeah I mean oh yeah they're very delicate so they're not really meant yeah if the Krista's would win in armwrestling match why it's like when we do it yeah what are we doing here what you're gonna bring a mean come on Chris can benchpress more come on what have you questioned what which Krista smaller we know the answers are Josh you're trying to hurt my feeling we're not going to look of a constant right now a lot of fun may you die I know that you always hear that like great are you unwell they're coming in Hawaii laughs I was in Hawaii I live in a band now I'm going back on the starved record worst job you had before acting cleaning breast pumps did you clean the lab - I didn't work I'd have to unscrew them replace the pump the press myself thing well these women are gone Frankie bums in the corner is that working I know him very well - well I'm yeah sure I mean everything that he's gonna do both of you are nearing end of your contract and a lot of people are actually legitimately concerned and they want to hear what possibly to write back to cleaning breast pumps you can seriously though reason why not need rest comp gig sounds pretty good yeah yeah usually I know somebody so I didn't tell you what you know if cap doesn't work out will be a common thomassie how are you amazing actually who I'm wearing who are you wearing I'm wearing a human whose name used to be Chris Pratt [Applause] Bedford oh okay Matt are you there lavender yes you're super double-l yes exactly I am I'm sorry our lady lavender already like you made me look like Sun of the Year Sun of the decade at the Critics Choice Awards we are walking out you remember my mom came up yeah yeah yeah cherries is your mom and because we just met right now they're real quick well you little one then you went there sorry go if you want to punch me you kid I feel like I've seen you on my life and who you are and personally look so great thank you you're funny going for you actually [Laughter] okay sorry Joe Wow whoa my god me too what's very Latin that moment yeah exactly let's get one more and three two one [Applause] [Applause] wife likes me better fat which is pretty cool yeah that's true love oh there ain't brother can soon enough she's gonna be real happy 3/8 for chubby dumpling the pronunciation of my name in Chinese I said bad - [ __ ] oh yeah so they just all agree poor and chubby down in bed just natural yeah that's not nice now that's enough oh oh you're having a great time today with these 1x2 you know I'm having a great time I am I'm gonna with I got me he's fundoplication turn his version of that yeah like yeah let me cool sorry about him no reason to apologize no no it's fine he nobody's let him know yet but he died an hour ago boiler yeah yeah that's a bummer to panic away gonna get in there oh they're not cool no actual fibrous um with the other all the Marvel movies you've done what what has been your favorite line Oh star-lord honey would you please pick your towels up off the bathroom floor no I won't I've been learning about dr. Strange's hand gestures and I'm very curious to see them in the flesh mmm because you might have to rival sauna life and gestures oh good that's good so in that one my gosh girls look at this channel perfect conduit was that [Laughter] some of us had intense stunts well because your character to that rave the whole movie yeah [Laughter] [Applause] oh do you talk you do a whole talk about it and know a lot of your stuff I'm imagining is just hand waving um I would have called handle highway there is an arts okay but increasing in generals like yeah it was a fire in here yeah I work with Jenny white who's is amazing like modern choreographer rightist answered I had rotten silly drilling and Ansel we start off with like a center energy kind of thing look at is gonna close up on a very high yeah that's ridiculous better you guys know I can move stuff with my mind right any different nuances tooth or whether he's on Asgard or on earth or whatever you'd like you bring them you a special men with with Captain America it's like as you see down you know that's the rod is yeah it's direction we're just actually to myself because pocket is Rodya Korea which it's not a cliche stereotypes villain you know he had this very human motivations he has his reasons so that gives exactly most likely to wake up on a beach not remembering how they got there Chris represent that is professor people believe that I'm not quite as tough Lenny Wong even notice me listen I've got powers too and they're pretty sweet I'm gonna go bro like Danny what I'm huge in Korea I could say that we just make a gesture like this and maybe [Music] and they were crying and falling on the ground I'm like no not really they don't do that when I come home I must be mellowing for days but I want to say this very clearly the next time I'm not asked the first question [Laughter] last doing a death scene so why we're doing this you never listen when they get a Bucky will start talking it's like summer camp it really is like you can't even construct a world where there would be some sort of friction speak for yourself there's a white team iron one of eat man but the right team no negativity for me push it by bishops for us all of them hot out yeah he used to go out on the runway reading level and just ejaculate halogen is the heavy darkest change we like like coloros in DC cap cannot live without a war yeah hmm selfish right view but the rest of this again we just saw this self Chris's favorite sexual honeymoon fantasy Winnie the Pooh with y'all she's happy boy she's with trap halfway caught into a tree okay you uh is Ryan Reynolds missing a tooth what do you know these are all my teeth what the hell is going on I'm missing a lot of getting fun let's get these calf implants out there already the anatomic record Liam like the overtone really a bunch of like BMX bandits like 10 year olds ride past me and stop and he look like Liam Hemsworth before I could even respond just do you like that I could happen out they like over him what does Jake Yoho this could just end right now what is Jake Gyllenhaal I play like a military veteran sort of like a a tough brat John Wayne kind of a character 3 2 1 no I have I can solve this well we have some questions here sure yeah I love grapes I'm about to have a burger now I miss a burger with a bun you know what I mean so how the bread I don't yeah cops yeah I love a burger with the bun I don't get the bun anymore to wrap it in like lettuce like some kind of when you eventually die what do you want to see fans go up to your star on the Walk of Fame and place in tribute severed human head looked finished at cage the best was junk food you'd miss the most if you were abducted from Planet Earth alright a seven-layer breed of the Taco Bell and got bomb I immediately regret it I just like don't even know what to put in it like lead paint or something because it sleeps my guts hurt so bad but it still want more and there was never enough seconds for everyone so you always had to finish first so you could get the second and then then the next thing I do is I just start looking at honest food and I just reach over and start taking food off her plate and she doesn't say anything but haven't filled in my really bother because my son is just like her but but not conditioned to be so sweet hey that's my food you just ate my food dad like sorry I didn't even know so I was doing it a lot of people asked me what I had to give up to maintain this level of physical fitness and it turns out it's my personality and what I'm left with on Instagram is talking about this diet we kid ourselves into thinking that we're satisfied with the crap that we have to eat if we want to stay skinny and at the end of the day don't do it if you don't have a reason you're no I don't do it what is Gyllenhaal what does he eat well funny you should ask baby panda I can't if you just you just drop your head I can get up I'm three one rubberband are some sort of hair holding apparatus not a rubberband you wouldn't wanna user veneks damage to hair we gotta use is something called scrunchie cat cat pieces his physical abilities are somewhat limited you know he does has good friends oh he's good yeah I don't babysit your dog it's got a town we're in that scene Brian is looking through the result glass and I'm behind him any turns in the middle of those we're all gonna die I mean I couldn't table that's very good date at home all the time well have great wond it'll cruise through the lineup and I was sitting and looking off the back and my friends like what most arts doing I mean we'll just huddling together trying to be a bigger shape in the water is just right well back this Christmas were you got more people died beestings alright well people shake vending machine not on the 405 avoid a great one cap needs to somehow figure out this placement in the third one I carry you around that's really did I get my big way Mikey I love you too man good kid what girl don't like chocolate well do it every day like yummy everybody loves you guys is it hard for you guys to just like step out like you guys are your own person yeah yeah it works out I mean we're all in agreement yeah yeah grab really some pies go we're just young hot guys just hanging out let them wait you know just try to protect the world honesty in our anger issues yeah or not yeah dishonesty man is a dangerous here yeah perfect yeah they just you teamed up you probably like taking the movies in at dinner you're like I'm happy for you do another universe maybe we'll check out the nine realms yeah I don't know Chris Evans do you understand Hemsworth's accent yes Hemsworth do you understand Evans accent no why don't we go and find all your man right I don't know what's scarier his expression on her face Oh Captain America I don't even Sara tell us about chakras or energy or power or movies according to recent online video you can't pronounce penguins posses yeah I talked about this penguin you're saying penguin Kasich Jamie suffered a double unit sex oh that's an elk angling thanks it sound like a legs penguins penguins again the Benedick that everyone sees is a little different to the Benedick you know the real Benedict is like and only talks like that and is very ungainly and he's not a why call dis praxic which means you can't dance anytime sort of like physically mmm moves up but you switch a camera on the guy who becomes this super sexy lied Sherlock super intelligent it's like cut inside will get any good and you're like forget someone's going to see that and they're going to know so what after it take what benefit will be shepherded into a small room and he just kept there and we telling me therefore you know I just stay in that band will be out we all grown-up dinner and look stuff and he just sits there like playing with it right you know we've got a little toy realized like a Rubik's Cube is simple but a four is like four not six if you guys could send somebody to outer space right now that do you don't want to put on your life what would you know send the actor part of me is thinking Ryan yes a stick of Miami there is uh yeah mine is just sleeping in Horsham your group of course my fun of course your darling son grooves whom you taught everything three words don't know if I'm ready to as you are yes Father what does this mean I mean that oh oh you know you do it really well like you've never seen a tree do that before Matt Babel Entertainment Tonight Canada thank you oh he was a [ __ ] yeah yeah I think I can it capitated me with his laser eyes on radio the kind of little person for my second religion is kind of nice yeah yeah I mean I'm glad you said it because I was we were all thinking oh wait wait should I not say that you can say it I mean he's knocked over by the cookie in the very - yeah it's actually not six-month watch here I know it might be big I don't mind it I care about showing you what I mean when two men this handsome get to get a picture yeah you you had me at men how many is there initially a struggle for dominance oh is it how much dominance early which is what I've learned so most likely to know the word through Taylor Swift song I mean no Chris Chris he works out to Taylor Swift let's garlic Sam said you scarlet just so you know that's why because I'm a girl you know I the first day I don't use my restroom in my trailer I use his I just like I usually like that place also known as my couch yeah ouch it's this carpet it to the walls it's like everything you know you really want to get into early and make sure that you say they I love this so behind rear in my town now it's likely to keep up with the Kardashians oh no no I'm gonna throw spam under the bus there he gave me another one Sam now look car - she's a damped if any of you on the Kardashians brough Samuel Jackson me what's up Chloe haha yeah most likely to sweep a certain with selfies me what's up Chloe yeah and three two one that's Hulk smash compression now I'm not a couple shots of tequila copy oh yeah just be kind of sliding a bunch of glasses across the counter yeah and then most likely to win a dance competition I took ballroom for five years I challenged Maggie two idiots up multiple times he refuses to compete Evans literally challenged you to camera to a dance-off no cuz you do see this the problem you do that Justin Timberlake dance all that getting dances I'm too much dance to step in a twist all day any man that can make just sexy that's dancing right there baby you're promising Captain America himself you can address it right how about dancing before Chris Evans he coming sweat out his t-shirt I could dance all night on sweat on my t-shirt it's a very complete and even film that I really think it's a masterpiece I do like how you can say these lines and not break a smile saying therefore Tom's a masterpiece no just any luck put two three two one [Applause]
Channel: Aynn Tale
Views: 4,575,268
Rating: 4.9162607 out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, Interview, Compilation, Hilarious, Funny, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Avengers, Scarlett Witch, Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Bucky, Winter Soldier, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, Anthony Mackie, Jeremy Renner, Hawkeye, Falcon, Press, Junket, Ryan Reynolds
Id: qMov_uPc6aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2017
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