Elizabeth Olsen - Funny & cute moments

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I mean hello I love it Elizabeth Olsen has weird it's true I do yeah weird [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is a good morning breakfast for a superhero in a super villain you see why they yeah super villain what are they probably see a coffee or just like fresher or just like babies hearts Oh babies in this time became more in control of the her powers I think she is in in more control of her powers and and I think she's she's going to be just fine yeah yeah I love you always forever near and fico sick together everywhere I will with you I like to say you love me love you forever never stop steppin we're never even far enough food and everywhere I don't know the work through song you have so many intense stunts in the movie everybody's jumping off stuff and flying around some of us had intense stunts well because your character is mostly you'll have people just going yeah she's at a rave the whole movie yeah I mean yeah yeah yeah Rob Jack her up huge I started feeling uncomfortable seeing Paul look like this far more weight when we were instructed by children but we're in Scotland I was just looking at him like he looks so weird with your skin Jennifer Connelly's is the same thing all the problem Elizabeth's let's see Scarlet Witch this is rather [Applause] I was trying to draw a necklace and it looked like hair so I had to specify there's this character Scarlet Witch that I'm interested in for you to play and then he said and when you go home and google her just know that you will never ever have to wear what she wears in the comics this is sort of a basic Scarlet Witch right there and that that probably made you fairly happy yeah because you know I I did ballet growing up but that's not a confident look you come up with the hand stuff yourself I work I work with Johnny white who's this amazing like choreographer British dancer this face could sell any product on earth look at look at this worms look like it's thing why it just wants to come off it's really hot it wants to come off the whole day the greatest is sometimes if it's a really hot day in Atlanta you can just kind of squeeze right here and it just kind of pours you watch it good I got it yeah why are you this yeah thank you and maybe and I'm worried about what I'm allowed to say oh there's bow and arrows is that and you just have to do I end work yeah I do I get to do a lot of this I mean I feel like it's not just like that some of the moves what are you going give us some of the moves I mean we start off with like a center energy kind of gonna close up on the fingers you want to move it around and you kind of play 200-300 person crew they're working their tushies off to get things done well I don't know what I can say you can say what you want but she was kind of adorable she's off then go really girly or you just throw in the towel and become blow-dried loca fine I rather just hold my own without having to be extra girly or blow cough I yeah I think just like hanging as your self is good okay we get a bit of lights out you move you get a little bit you need to see you soon ami tongue this is good now have you been approached by any hand modeling agencies since the films come out not yet he's very talented let's just watch these actors blow each other for a minute shall we now you say nice things about her that's literally the nicest thing you've ever said to me I thought you were great too buddy let's try and move this cup to there you're the most powerful let's go you may be a show maybe be a medium I'm gonna call again thank you so much congratulations tonight believe this you're my favorite Avenger okay I don't know if you can put tamale great okay let's oh I'm so sorry no I'm keeping it thank you so much I think the skill I'm most proud of is being really nurturing to my friends I'm kind of like a mommy to them I think not like I'm talking down to them but I like taking care of everyone yeah I missed them [Music] [Music] yeah I don't embarrass you but I heard you just met Harrison Ford huh you I heard you froze does that happen to you a lot or no how do your hair colors change I go to a hair salon and then a woman puts chemicals on my head and makes it change colors I dye my hair yeah I wore a wig on my head Oh mine's gonna be spicy [Laughter] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Julia R
Views: 3,218,331
Rating: 4.955276 out of 5
Keywords: elizabeth olsen, elizabeth, olsen, funny, avengers: infinity war, comedy, elizabeth olsen movie, Scarlet Witch, elizabeth olsen funny quotes, elizabeth olsen funny moments, elizabeth olsen funniest moments, elizabeth olsen funny interview, elizabeth olsen joke, JuliartStyle, elizabeth olsen interview, interview, bloopers, funny video, elizabeth olsen scenes, infinity war Scarlet Witch, Scarlet Witch bloopers, captain america, scarlet witch
Id: 0qa12bjZKds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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