avengers/mcu cast moments that i can watch over and over again (part two)

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we'll have you know civil wars the is the ultimate example of that you know and I always look at him now and I always feel like somehow we're always one or two steps ahead chris loves taxidermy no it's it's greater oh is it Renner ah controversial haircut manner ah that's you buddy oh is that here okay let's move on do any of you do that really just go to I think Tom you talked about doing that right are you still doing that I did it a lot Ashley you did I went to sparked around once wearing a spider-man hoodie I didn't even try and hide I just showed up it was like enjoying the movie people shocked over there costing you the funny thing is is someone comes up to me and they'll be like oh my god you're spider-man Hey and I'm like hello how are you and they go you're English each term you'll want to buy Captain American just make him good just just to play for for a second as an interesting as someone with layers Wow you know layers you know I like our depth behind the eyes monsters are great we're just kind of like oh oh there's something if you look into the meaning of that ladies you are delicious more Alex like Hemsworth's abs yeah you knew that I had to quickly another Evans or I failed biology atmosphere tell him why this room is more fun because we started it off by doing what we've been apart for what's your party car was your party who would win RuPaul's Drag Race Tom Hiddleston Bradley Cooper or Robert Downey jr. and by the way Tom well done on RiRi which we love it was line between RiRi and crime fighter spider-man when it comes to the moves I think Downey would win a drag race I was gonna say yeah [Music] that kind of drag race I'd say no rapport man I'd say I'd say so time power reality space time mind mine Chris was voted mostly a triple in high school everybody know this like it literally freaking out this looks amazing hydro man Sandman Mysterio Nick Fury Mysterio black suit can't wait why is that a question mark though cuz because they're like is a black suit like you're like most excited about that right yeah I like that that's a no that's been through something yeah worse but you did the chest of Winter Soldier oh my ass it's very close we hear evidence miss Evans it is culture it's a but it's a but it's a but but that's my I've noticed about four that's so great is you bring these slightly different nuances to Thor whether he's on Asgard or on earth or whatever you'd like you bring new aspects women with with Captain America it's like then see Captain America balding into his leadership role but to see you evolving like more and more as we see at the end of every day I lie awake at night and I think about all the things you think you feel defender mr. Ruffalo I'm going to start with the really important which is do we have a name for the Paul and Jeremy bromance yet because these photos are blowing the Internet's mind yeah and I'm going to pitch for rudder rudder mm hmm hmm wait whit gosh that is so sweet it is isn't it yeah it really is so is this the name for the bromance that he was on my shirt Missy and so then and then they took me I just put my shirt over his face and then he recreated the kind of a pose oh my gosh this is crazy oh my gosh look at that yep that's love you know what this is this is just a match made in heaven look at you mmm I wish that someone would lean on my shoulder like that someday Oh more smushy you lose and now look off its kind of cute they didn't feel Israel is bit not special I know is you know wise has a weird angle I couldn't I couldn't I can't use your shoulder your shoulder it's what you insr I know you don't I just need a beefier head oh yeah you need a much beefier which Chris won the fantasy football league they play it too much teasing I like a lot of elves in my name in aids I respect anyone there's a double consonant even though about two elves in money whatever first things first you're being chased by being couldn't shake it ant-man good one right yeah like that because he could talk to the baby like a bro yeah this is my friend but how big is he isn't it be much bigger than him yeah but they're kind of like Bros yeah cuz they're both yeah they speak the same way who's not really an insect he just the Chinese ice wasp watch and ant-man ant-man there are cocoa by the way I love how you bring me in the FO the other Marvel toys yes Marvel person that could save you again I wouldn't like him if the movies weren't good you know just so happens that this spider now hold on a damn second just cuz I did this to you in Berlin doesn't mean alright alright Ivan will glosses to try very body J right it's very good you really are taking cues from the master now he's bum-rushing us because I pulled a little stunt or what did I do he faced on me in the middle of an interview really yeah right a minute he never faced Humphrey this is so weird hey man how you doing he's never faced on me ever done now it's become a bit of a thing why are you answering your phone in the middle of an interview because it's you being scared by stuff like loud noises or that's scare me it's just it it annoys me or like okay flying birds like if someone turns if someone is talking too loudly yeah well someone's playing music this is the quiet kind of still gonna like he's got a long way to go I just don't like Jake Gyllenhaal I wish no it's impossible you
Channel: tori's happy place
Views: 179,266
Rating: 4.9906187 out of 5
Id: MurhxPM6SqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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