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Thighs and quads, man.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/gh954 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2018 🗫︎ replies
I'm going to start with our directors at the back you if that's okay and antonin Jill you guys you guys seem like action geeks action lovers but what comes across is that your action has to it has to have a story there has to be a story even in set pieces there's kind of so much going on kind of within things that you watch would you agree with that and can you elaborate on but this particular fur to ourselves as action fetishist that's right ah yeah no for us that you know action is like you know it's it's the it's it's a it's of a piece with all the rest of the storytelling that we do it has to be a strong expression of narrative and character at every moment that's how we find our way through action and you know it's like this movie we had such an amazing cast so many great characters all the action sequences are designed around how we're pushing those characters through the movie on a storytelling level joining back to that yeah yes yes it's like amp said every every every piece of action the movie either has to define character and move story forward or it's vacuous action and I think an audience can only handle about 30 seconds of that before they start to get tired of it so we really put a lot of thought and effort into it it's also great making these films because action really is an integral component of it it really does help us to find the characters in a very dynamic way before I threw out to the huge audience stay a quick question for our two gents in the middle if that's okay and staging I'll start with you if that's okay one words to describe Captain America please just one more that was quickly scarce oh yeah one word to describe Captain America what what for you to describe our mind and our minds describe oh um charismatic well that account what do you got turn my mic up thank you rad ass I don't know let's open the questions after audience i'ma gonna head to jewel come on ro who is from a wonderful organization called in to film who's going to have the first question Joe 17 years old and a big Marvel fan and I just like to say I thought the film was brilliant and thank you for it my question is for Robert Downey jr. and you spend a fair bit of time in the film Mountain costume or what as a civilian what difference does this make in maintaining your superhero persona well I mean III remember from the beginning trying to establish all all the Marvel characters I mean for the most part is you know how do you humanize them or make them relatable you know I mean and it's I mean I can only relate to someone so often when they're all gussied up so I figure you know but it was a great opportunity I'm not really here yet and there's a lot of people here I just all turn around for about a half an hour until I'm back in my body excellent question by the way what was it and just next to George or if you want to pass the mic that'd be great thank you oh that's Chris so civil wars possibly want the most political superhero movies that's kind of ever happened now and it focuses on quite a few real world issues as well as kind of just fingers within the world of the superhero world um but of course we live in a pretty complicated world ourselves I mean the questions I suppose mainly for Kevin by anyone else about the opinions I feel free to chime in I mean if you could choose one superhero to be in all well to try and help our problems what would it be mmm in real life yeah what's - here I gotta tear this a great question we usually get what's your favorite superpower what superpower they want that's not a good question alone oh it's coming gosh which superhero in real life - that's a tough one it isn't just tough it's a tough one it's not that time made a vision that answer I'm just so pretty from when he's omnipotent and he could pick up the hammer I mean come on but when he talks everybody turns off their hearing aids somebody wants I think if there were leaders that had you know such such morals as both Tony and Kat we'd be in it we'd be in a pretty good place no I don't like that answer I want as a Kevin so said one I I nominate Hawkeye cuz he retires every ten minutes yeah how stressful it is is a little stressful going to a barbecue okay next question in a second or if you want to pawn the mic just behind you that'd be great thanks hello there film's amazing by the way my kids loved it it's this is question from why eight year old son Khan for Captain America Iron Man the film is about Captain America and I'm a falling out yeah have you two ever fallen out over something silly on set and what was it about oh god no not at all that's one of the best things about these movies they really somehow manufacture an environment that I can't imagine arguing with any person on this set and you know listen sometimes that happens on film sets and for some reason when you step on a Marvel film set it's just it's like summer camp it really is like you can't even construct a world where there would be some sort of friction and even as they grow the universe every new person they add to the fray never no one ever is out of place they always fit right in and feel like they've been there for years speak for yourself here's a way to say when my son extint started wearing entirely Captain America PJs and hats and everything I felt the natural resentment but being a consummate professional I didn't bring it into the workplace a gentleman in the front row here please thank you we've got one microphone really hello this is for Emily Emily hello my name's mark do you think your character is looking forward to a further romance with Steve Rogers or does your character think is a little bit icky because he had the hots for your auntie all right I just was the first British question we've got um well in the comic books they actually went on to have a very interesting complicated love affair so that was something I loved about you know when I was doing the research for Sharon but I don't know how far we'll go with that we'll see I suppose I mean it's it helps that it's like the great aunt it's not you know there's like one generation I guess I get it some people think it's weird little icky it's like sure little icky feel a bit Emily was it great to see your character you kind of get up get in and get dirty with us in terms of get some art you know get involved in the action in this yeah yeah we'll see it was so fun I mean Sharon is a badass in the comic books it was nice to be able to kind of play with that a little bit and yes these movies are great fun to make so happy to be a part of it right next question let's go to the lady there with it awesome here hi my questions for Paul um Lisa which switch what oh yeah oh my own tell awkward and mr. Owen is the goddamn question Paul Rudd yes all right we saw you a little bit with Falcon in unmanned and and I was of sea laundry this is your first time with everyone and I wonder if that was a bit of a sort of initiation or anything like that to sort of get you it's a part of the group it was it was there any sort of horrible noogie ideas everything yeah like it no everybody was very nice and very welcoming and you know it was a bit surreal to see everybody in their suits and no it was it was a very very welcoming feeling I've this reference will just drop like a lead balloon but I felt a little bit like cousin Oliver coming along and joining the rest of the Brady Bunch thank you very much that's real good stuff Bethany would you like to comment on that comment yeah why don't you two just get a room you know why don't you marry a Paul G Paul there's a couple of scenes a particular that feel I don't know if it's right or not but it felt like it was it felt like a real injection of your humor in those scenes in terms of the scripts and stuff were you allowed much freedom with you know ad-lib and improvising and things like that was very much stick to the script alright yeah I think I was although most of stuff is written but there's you know these guys were definitely saying go ahead and play around with a little bit I mean that's part of the fun of a character like Scott Lang you know even Roberts saying that you want these people to be relatable this is a guy that doesn't was not born with any kind of super ability and so it's fun to kind of see meeting these characters through Scott Lang's eyes and that that's kind of the way that I felt just being there shooting that scene it was you know very little acting required I think of that part okay next question gentlemen Garrity signed up and if we get a microphone to the gentlemen there as well make you just flip to that question straight after they are right in front of you next time I want all of your body might hi this is to end with what so in the surname should we interpret the recruitment of spider-man by Tony Stark as him using child soldiers and if so what's it say to it on one's character a bit heavy you know it's perhaps the most powerful child soldier in the world yeah he's um look there's a certain narcissism to the character and you know Tony doesn't want to lose this fight at the same time I think he also sees a Spider Man as the greatest living non-lethal weapon if you're going out to capture a bunch of people who you don't necessarily want to hurt you couldn't ask for a better character than spider-man to take with you he does show up and and and you know illustrate that spider-man he knows how powerful he is in a video where we see spider-man stopping a car moving 40 miles an hour where he catches it and puts it back on the ground so I think he believes that he's taking with him perhaps one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe and I think he feels like the kid will be well protected under his tutelage you also find out in that sequence when things go wrong the kid says what do I do and Tony says keep your distance Web them up so he's already he's he's obviously mentored the kid for what's about to go down but it's still very irresponsible and what what can you a little bit about about working with Tom because that scene in particular where you arrive at his house in his bedroom so it's wonderful and just about how you first met on what that meeting was like an ending cast well now that two out of three Spider Men are English I really I really got to talk with Maguire were off the ledge now but mr. Hollin anyone who experienced him you know he's uh he's not a work in progress I mean he's really something else and I think by the way folks reacted to this I mean it's always you know it's a good to anyone you know I think he really came on with a with a bang and there's a lot of excitement about seeing what'll happen when he kind of holds its own you know but uh did anybody no one did anyone dislike Holland or we all look David we'll talk about it later yeah we'll post something if there's any dissension I think Jenna's got microphone over there um my name is Arthur I'm from Germany I have a question for Daniel uh yes I really loved the performance I thought you are villain was one of the most sympathetic one that Marvel has put out so far and his motivation is very understandable like that he's still alive at the end of the film so I wanted to ask you are you under contract for more food question for Kevin then uh I couldn't answer that question I hope so but no I mean this is not something I can I thank you talked about into the quick answer I hope so but no but I can you wanted to elaborate on about your car to be in being sympathetic the most pathetic villain that's what attracted me right away because it's not a cliche stereotyped villain you know he has this very human motivations he has his reasons so that gives that gives the character you know that fence you know makes him ambivalent X question please a good mic from there we go a question for Elizabeth and Emily when you're on set with this much testosterone do you kind of dig your heels in and go really girly or you just throw in the towel and become bloated fried Loki fur I rather just hold my own without having to be extra girly or blow cough I yet yeah I think just like hanging as your self is good I almost made it by the way without having to say anything shots that's why I'm here I'd relate the same to you yeah no I mean it's a lot of it's a lot of dudes I will say that but yeah everyone's everyone's great it's it's a really good environment I don't think there's any girl flying or blood flying they kind of watch that language when they're around you know oh I'm looking I'm still trying to work on watching my own yeah exactly they're not eight by the way as well I know I do car I understand and look like can I ask you about one thing that I love about this is the parents of the relationships whether those are you know the allies or or indeed the kind of conflicts that you have between all the Marvel kind of superheroes and for you and Paul's character in particular this is wonderful kind of play you know off each other was that fun to kind of to work with Paul in person if the frustum will talk to you in a second pause that's okay bad Paul can you just hold on one second and but yet working on those that kind of pattern in the relationship particularly with I think it's something that um that fans have wanted but we're just trying to route it into something that's like more pure of a of a of a friend and a companion because they they we have to make up like what liket I'm eight I am made from I'm a mutant I'm made from his stone basically and so we have that in common and to use that as a thread that roots our relationship I think is really important and grounding in a way Paul Bettany what she said Bob Rudd take this one I think they're both they're joined by the fact that they don't neither of them know the extent of their powers and that's that's terrifying but also unites them and for you being there as a physical being well how much fun was that to you know for the whole entirety of the film oh it's hot thank you was it was it was it makeup it wasn't a mask it wasn't kind of you can disappear it on you but it was it's makeup that they then they continue on with computer-generated stuff so I'm wondering every time I laugh and blowing up my life oh thanks you want a handout she'll give you a handout you can stop it shine I'll just stop like that whisper and you want to finish the answer to that I was thank you okay gentlemen in the check check please can we get microphones in please and then if someone over this week but at hand I've will get a microphone to use well lady in the pink top I think yeah oh thanks I haven't seen the film yet so no spoilers please this is a question for Anthony and Jeremy as the guys who have the lacking of superpowers but a whole lot of weaponry at your side how do you feel your characters contribute to to the the overall war that's less than civil a lot of leg workouts I have it in my contract that I have two behind shots twice in the movie so you know thighs and quads man thousand almost like we answered a different question I gotta give them what they want baby you know I can't have a tree without the trunk you know what I'm saying called some thighs the same thing yeah no no no two different must all go to different muscles on either side of your leg your hand problems in the back leads down they are on the or thought they are they are on yeah yeah so corn silos no no your thighs are here your quad is the frontal salutes last question would you like to have my quad anybody here watch three Renner oh brother I love you guys I love you guys you want to add to that sir what know about my blood no I will move on to the next question I do with a microphone there hi Tina from the Sun it's one for Roberts and for Chris has the emergence of the Justice League whereas it has enough okay oh there and sorry Weston was has the emergence of the Justice League by The Avengers up their game well III don't think anyone up here you know makes movies based on what other people are doing I think you know for the most part we're kind of doing what we do because it's it's you know it's it's really we're really well we do it's true I shouldn't say we it really is the the Marvel you know the higher-ups oops who somehow figured out this formula of good movies listen when they get a Bucky will start talking I was just about to ask you a questions first oh good I was hoping I want to ask about the ears about your quads uh not about your pores ya know about the airport scene because it's it's a huge scene er there's there's kind of so much going on in terms of the actual reality of film in that how much was there when you were filming it and kind of how was it well always half of us were there as in the team cap because I hear team irony was a liar hey you know that's all thanks welcome dude um no it's what we spent over five months oh is that one Scene yeah yeah it was sort of chopped up in different bits and most of the time it's like what Anthony likes to describe acting with a tennis ball because you're just you know there with your imagination in the green screen the relationship between between you and carpets you know he he saw his spoiler and because your ears for a second anyone else has not seen it I haven't seen it okay when Steve loses Peggy look he's he's only in connection to his previous life he's he's the thing that he wants to hold dear that he which is a real kind of tenderness to this you know kind of superhero film really which you guys just play was that something you kind of you know talked about in terms of that relationship what it would have been like in the past you're bringing it's not yeah that's that's one of the best parts of the movie in my opinion that I think you have these guys who you know they shared a battlefield together I think any guy you know it's been in war will tell you that once you actually risk your life and I've seen war with someone else that's your brother for life and they were brothers even before that and then given the fact they both have gone through such trauma you know cap they've each lost they've each lost you know and Bucky more so than me things were taken from him but as a result we both kind of have even more of a connection and more of a bond and and and we are the only remaining thing especially I don't want to smell spoilers the the last remaining chapter the last remaining elements of a previous life so it really kind of transcends that kind of family dynamic that we've you know built in in the Avengers where you see a guy like cap who typically does what people need and in this movie he does kind of what he wants and he prioritizes his personal ties over the needs of the masses and it's all because of this kind of Brotherhood foundation they've built right thank you and gentlemen here with a question and then if we get a microphone over there as well it's a question for Robert on behalf of the male members of the cast and for Elizabeth on behalf of the female members of the cast how do you see the characters progressing through the movies and how much of that evolution is down to you as actors as opposed to what's on the page I don't really want to talk for anyone else oh here's all I want to say Feige and I were out to dinner last night and you'd have thought they'd dosed our bubby water we were looking back at the last 10 years and all the kind of little miracles and the blood sweat and tears that had to happen to keep developing all these character he's just got kind of like not in a self aggrandizing way but just kind of gideon kind of super super grateful at how things have gotten but as far as the people who really have to hash it all out i mean you have to talk to Kevin and the team I want to say because I generally give no credit to writers and I'll try not to do this again that Markus and McFeely did an exceptional job on this which is a really tall order Varys said it a lady down the front there and then we'll get her who on this side hello I don't really mind who answers this but I just wanted to know did everyone end up on the team they wanted to be on did they get the script to go ah I did kind of want to be on team and there's a similar question as you come in from we're streaming online and we've had a question come in on social media from Phoebe who wants to know if you could switch powers with another Avenger at which one would it be um that's a good one III mean switching powers I'd take vision not switching makeup oh it's a real nightmare but but the ability alone yeah you can't you can't beat vision he has an infinity star in his head I don't know how you top that Paul would you want to swap with anymore just stay here you are yeah I'm okay where I am mm yeah I mean it might be nice to be Iron Man now and again yeah but I'm pretty good bro Thank You Jeremy what okay I'm sure I don't give you all right so that's supporting a very high man yeah I've always thought spider-man oh oh do this on you get at it great stop and okay next question Jenny's got a mic a little bit get out of here go on ask your question is that this question Robert so I've seen the other Avengers films you'll kind of cuddly and nice to everyone yeah but there are you yeah and so what do you prefer being like horrible to Steve or not acting words obviously I mean it really just depends on you know what's the what's the narrative of the movie as you can see I'm a I'm a worker amongst war and I like I like getting in where I fit in in any movie where I can spend weekends with Renner he's Lord of the underworld this is Pluto back here gonna get you home in one piece but you're actually finally going to have a good time I've got microphone here as well go for it hi this is Kevin I'm when are we gonna get our Falcon Bucky roadtrip movie yeah that's a good idea we're doing like we're shooting a weekend at Bernie's spin oh yeah with the three of us who's the Dead Guy Jerry Bernie Bucky's weekend at bucket that's what we're doing you know bucket Kevin I want to ask you about the the kind of the additional characters that brought in to the Senators we see new characters kind of coming in to join the teams how do you know when in the process of putting that idea together and who was coming in and where they were going to be how did you want that it's a kind of like a chessboard is it know that well the chessboard on this movie was who who sided with who to your earlier question sort of and there were a lot of characters that went back and forth for a while before we landed on on the on the makeup of the team but in terms of the addition of Tom Hollander spider-man and chadwick boseman who who couldn't be here today but who was unbelievably awesome it's got like Panther it came from the story we didn't sit down and go okay we want to introduce these characters because we want to make more movies and how do we wedge them in it it was we are telling civil war we have cap side we have Tony side and we wanted to bring in somebody who wasn't allied with either side and black panther in the comics is great because he doesn't really give a about either of the other of the other side's he has his own agenda and it was I don't know if the quarter the way through the development process where we thought this would be the time to bring in panther good next question please gentlemen over there please we got Mike and so anyone this side as well for your hand up okay and the gentlemen there if we get Mike to I have a question for Kevin John Anthony what are Nick Fury and Maria hill doing during the events of civil war you'll find out soon that's the answer there is there is story around where they are but it's story that's coming down the road future movies sort of fare okay and there you go you got microphone girlfriend uh yeah a special B Kevin I was just wondering how early in the whole MCU process did super war come about was it you know pre phase one was it after Winter Soldier when it was it actually a Rihanna Ethier it was before yeah before the MCU even existed in the early days of I think we were even just beginning to dream about maybe becoming our studio and getting financing was about a little over ten years ago which is when Civil War was published and and it was an amazing comic series and I remember reading it you know every month when when it came out in thinking it was probably be impossible but would it be cool someday to do this and it wasn't until about two years ago two and a half years ago that we thought now is the time we've assembled enough players that we could do it then can I ask a question for me how do you decide who stands going to be whose family what Heidi do in each phone who decides where he's going to pop up and it's very sometimes the idea comes about very early and is incorporated into the script and sometimes based on his schedule or where he's where he is willing to travel it comes about sort of later in the process on guardians of the galaxy it was uh it was shot later and I think this one was shot during production but I remember when the idea came up for this one was in the draft I think it was in the draft yeah yeah I usually would comb through when the script is done and try to find a spot for stamp yeah okay next question there's a lady at the back in a blue shark and get your microphone and anyone else on this side where's your Hollifield question I'll get my you've had one you can if there's time you can have another one but they'll gentleman behind it hi really it's a question focus Evans so there's this time around like models that Marvel Universe is really like stepped up so like what were your initial thoughts when you first read the script the Civil War uh it was it was exciting you know I mean a lot of it rested on down his shoulders whether or not that he would be willing to do this you know and and you know right away that when you bring Downey into the equation the movie is gonna you know it's it's gonna have a certain level of awareness and it's gonna have a certain level of charisma he just he'd be you know that that's what he comes with and it was it was it was exciting it was exciting to think that you could kind of you knew what it meant as a jump-off you knew what that meant because obviously the civil one the comic books incorporates so many characters and at the end of the movie you know Marvel has this great history of never leaving you completely satisfied you kind of anticipate the the next chapter and this would obviously leave the entire MCU and a little bit of disarray which is exciting because it's only going to be more rich for the next Avengers film so for me I was I was thrilled I mean I'll take all the help I can get gentlemen their question hi this is a question for Chris again and where are you there yeah yeah following the film last week a lot my friends who saw it at the same time one of the things they were talking about was that scene where you pulled down a helicopter I don't know the shape of your arms yeah little bit of bicep power insane teasing both and was it more than vagina how what was it how hard is it supervisor I missed it how hard is it to look like much oh I don't think it was Kevin did you know that's alright I think I think it was me but it's you know you do those things luckily between scheduling and Russa everyone you try and get those scenes as early on and in filming as possible because you you gradually shed weight as you're filming you wear in that suit every day and you just I was helping him work on his shoulder about six weeks after that I I really genuinely did mess up something in my armor we love that shot doing it you know it's very unnatural position to be in and you like luck you're trying to flex you're trying to look good on that like you know madness it's not a utilitarian shot you it's really just trying to look good that come on in I was just dumb what do you want I was eight um you really were holding back a helicopter too it was on a rig clearly but the first take we did rig it it didn't go far enough and so you're kind of just you look silly almost and you say guys you got a can we get it so it actually extends to the point what you really are trying to hold something and they did and you really do all of a sudden you are trying to hold something may not be a helicopter but regardless it it did something and that's true they were they were many days that I would come into Downey's trailer and he has all these amazing contraptions he's like well I was gonna say another comic book character we don't want to bring DC into this but he has all these amazing toys and uh and and he really had all these little will you know stickers and weird things and like electro medicine whatever it is and it actually was great it's a mess again though I'll mention this I remember the day we shot that scene there was a miscommunication with the costume department and Chris came the set to start the scene in a jacket and Joe and I were like no no no no it would've been a different scene yeah and jacket.look onset physio mr. Don junior like that no sight closer that's nice you Robert thanks Jeremy rubbing down Chris that's sweet little digital stimulation never have anybody we're talking too much we really owe each other I get along gentleman there with the beard bro question and then but I have a questions you're an intermission in this press conference do you want to go no no I'm fine you want to go answered a lot götze question of rollin yeah if superheroes were a reality in 2016 what do you think the government's reaction to them will be teamironman hey would there would have to be some sort of responsibility you have to answer to somebody that you you couldn't just let these group of vigilantes answer to themselves right I mean that'sthat's the sad truth I mean the truth is of this if it really were Avengers I would be team Iron Man I would I mean what god you're here I was really having a hard time grasping that concept yeah and then last question to the met Jenna just behind there yeah you got a mic yeah the next question is for rather than alter Paul Daniel with his German few I would be interested who is at the movie said the big boss who has got the biggest trailer and Wow it wasn't mine I think it's Matthews that would be correct continent where did the biggest trailer uh well I have a lot of stuff you know so I just you know it it's really nice just really you know I got a you know yeah like five bubble yeah what you gotta fit the time I got off at them thighs and quads so yeah right you know but he guys like five five of them yeah where Robert actually has a smallest trailer he just has another four trailers right this beautiful Airstream trailer again there's there's actually the state of Georgia want to give it its own zip code it's like a kiddie choo-choo train and it just goes around it Circle and what's about you trailer go train I didn't get one no but we're maybe you got a chair you have really come back from Germany I remember that the first day the first scene I had with with Robert after five minutes he asked me if I had allergies I didn't understand the question and when I had lunch and was eating my burrito in my humble little trailer somebody knocked at my door and said and he was sitting in the Gulf Kenny he said like you're cordially invited to Robert Downey's Village my burrito and then in the far distance I saw that huge space with yeah four or five Tyler's you know thank you long poetry's I had a three-course meal right did you get my and I always quite said when he left because I was at the invited price that's everybody's goal every day is that lunch to see who's gonna get invited to the villa and you get so jealous like the day he was invited I see him gone I'm like I'm not a Brandon Carter of the mg you probably introduced me to quinoa I was like what is this beautiful grain a lot of marbles I'm putting in my mouth like that's keen now where do I buy that he had a good one I I wanted to have Sebastian over sooner but he sent me this video of him just ripping out my sub pearls with a decapitated Iron Man just all of that thing and I was like this guy's method that's now it's find out what his allergies are and it's time for intermission I'm afraid and thank you very much indeed for you time your questions and you
Channel: Flicks And The City
Views: 2,249,316
Rating: 4.9594045 out of 5
Keywords: Captain America Civil War, cast, interview, Captain America Civil War interview, cast interview, press conference, Captain America Civil War press conference, Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Paul Rudd, Elizabeth Olsen, Daniel Bruhl, Jeremy Renner, Paul Bettany, Emily Van Camp, Robert Downey Jr interview, Chris Evans interview, Sebastian Stan interview, Iron Man, Marvel, Vision, Black Panther, Spiderman, Captain America, Flicks And The City
Id: TqfAL9oCCyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2016
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