Avengers: Endgame Cast Funny Moments 2019 [pt. 1]

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I can't I don't know the films going to begin are we gonna expect more of that in this film that's what nothing gets done we're all together I can't I don't know the films going to begin easy to my face it's my excited face I can see it free will is it like joining this group in this universe apparently Mark Ruffalo is not good at keeping secrets that's why he's not here the tone on the set this film has a different tone how was the tone was it was like a b-flat I think so yeah B flat which I always I always think that's the nicest tone and it's one that's really not used very much you got the shield did you get the suit no Ivan asked it for the suit I'll get to occupy I'll get you can't get the sound get this Hemi get those he did yeah did you get your whole suit away my stretchy pants this is one of the most interesting junkets press situations to be in because we haven't seen the movie and we can't talk about it you can't contain him right Don what was it like when somebody new comes in is there like an Ishi Asian is very like officer you accepting you're like I don't know there was definitely a hazing period still in it she's still in it look these lips are sealed Tom Hollands very bad at keeping secrets because it's why we turned him to dust what has been your highlight of your experience so far in the Marvel Cinematic Universe what it's been the highlight highlight this moment really not not cheating for you you're pretty amazing at all but prepare me what do I need to expect going into this film am I gonna be emotionally wrecked or am I gonna be very satisfied the film will start and then it'll end and there's a real I think affection among cast members except for you know do you know what happens or are you just keeping secrets I'm just good at forgetting stuff we haven't seen it and there are many things in the film that we don't know because we didn't read a script yeah that's not even a joke I'm doing a Easter screaming Easter oh yeah mr. Sunday yeah up in Malibu the the day before the premiere we'll have it on a loop Oh in your house yeah this is not a there's not an open [Applause] addressing that is Easter Sunday most of you have kids has this up to the cool factor I was just telling the guys one of my kids thinks that I'm cool yeah just one and he gets fed the most to get food our food the other ones like Wonder Woman so they sleep outside when is the best time to take a bathroom break in a break I'm here to tell you Mark's got a problem so she kind of fit right in she paid her dues on time the initiation dues the paid promptly so waiting for my membership card that'll come the card comes the reason we weren't even in work off we went we went on a ping-pong tour across Europe right we were visiting France yeah swim lessons together right it was a really great time it was a fun summer and then we got back and found out everything that had happened that's right thankfully we avoided it that's right we did well where where does this little creature it lives in Australia right with you let's go to corker and they're in this attic kangaroo family marsupial nocturnal cutest little creatures but you said it yourself that they're nocturnal why were you bothering it during the day if they're not terrible I mean social media you know it comes at a price it got them from yeah how's it going guys talking about a movie we can't talk about anyone movies and up here I like the man whose shoes untied more than you I'd like watch you talk about the movie you just blew his cover I mean we can fast-forward through the dump stop what the dumb yeah what is the dumb stuff like you know your character [Applause] that's just that's the game changer who are you most excited to see come back to life in this film it's almost art and then wind you guys all the way so good oh good I'm just sitting back in kind of admiring Paul Wong I'm just gonna talk to you I remember when I interviewed you for animal with me the first ant-man I could talk about that one [Applause] [Music] the merchandise he's like I'm ensuring oh did they I had like a redeem occasion they have to go on brainwashing that's going to that's gonna be major so this was like I think of it at some time when I was like getting you know all around just trying to get sea legs oh I just say legs why'd you do that my question yet for something no this has been and I'm excited to see you wearing Paul Rudd on your body that's my friend yes I know that you're wearing him on your body yeah yeah yeah we're friends okay yeah yeah yeah may be worn in the last movie and we decided to make t-shirts again I see you guys are like to hit the left outers just crits just chin looks like him unfortunately Thor should have gone for the head yeah he blew it Thor falter was it's it's it's a you know what's his name their star star-lord you know he's one should have been turned into star dosti good ol emotional about his girlfriend of mine I dressed off I will trim back him it's how I see you mark said that you should wear a diaper well that's not about getting in your own urine that is a bad idea what do you want to talk about and you said you had broccoli for dessert no yeah that was true i but now you're in this movie yeah we don't know did that new haircut help add to your performance yes what are you guys gonna miss most about I know I'm being such a jerk what scares you there I mean vending machines no this time Paul oh boy uh well not having seen the film I would say get one of those giant tubs of popcorn yeah and they just like lower it in the middle of the movie and you don't have to go fishing is fall your best Avengers friend well I know if I could see that but he's he's uh he's not he's on my body what would you say has been your favorite Marvel film over the past ten years I did it yeah I did I liked that it you know you found another way like you said to take it the irreverence hilarious buddy yeah and mine but right there with it was probably kept tomorrow Oh I mean they're neck-and-neck not with that attitude I'll get there exactly bootstraps and we'll get you double not that's it okay good now we'll never do it again that's not fair somebody outside of the film come on this is literally torture this is torture I have a scratch-and-sniff of Paul Rudd's face and by the way it it smells like me to mix the smells what are some of the craziest few easy pairs for this one so far aside from there the weird boat one but like aside from that have you heard like it reminds me you gotta floss where everyone's like I think I know what the ending is I think I know what the ending is oh we heard one the other day that was just so bizarre what was it it was like someone that's it's really tough to get past about one that seems to me to I don't know where digis power is like a counterintelligence operation is it because mark can't be trusted is it because probably I saw it for the first time at the premiere and it just like made me feel so many things because you're watching all these characters that you've seen for so long have these very quintessential and surprising interactions and then you're really upset any thanks thank you you look very very good no you do look good and I say that because I feel like you need someone to compliment you because it has to hurt you were the sexiest man alive and now in the magazine you're just as sexy Chris like like in and like with Chris Pratt with a bunch of Chris's yeah yeah you know you were demoted automotive I would imagine that everyone wanted to same let's go get the son of a right I mean that's you one and Chris got let's go get that son of a at the end of every day I lie awake at night and I think about all the things I can say oh you think you feel that what happy defender mr. ruphylin re-education camp you you posted this tell me what's going on here because you posted this as if I was unable to buy tickets in my area I'm gonna tally I I searched up it's that thing you know I looked and I did not see it what advice would you give the next generation of superheroes don't screw it up yeah okay um I feel like when I cast you this that question like two years ago I was like kind of like a book and like had people sign it was like can you give me advice I think yours was like eat snacks frequently everyone's advice was practical no one really said anything was get some sleep manager poops yeah that wasn't for me no it's not from you manager poops yeah Oh manager poops that was an actual advice that I got that suit you got a really time no you do it makes sense it doesn't but I was like okay but I I feel they've welcomed me with open arms and and it's been a you brought a whole lot it's thank you vanquish yeah you finish this sentence you bring a lot rashes what about your children are they excited to see this film and have they told you I thought that - who was going to begin who spends the most time in hair and makeup I think lady Hemsworth so you're saying that this is no indication that you've switched Hawkeye has switched to Ronan where as Hawkeye did in the comics Hawkeye became Ronin the assassin oh wow 50 of virgins in theaters Paul is he Ronan or is he Hawkeye Paul please tell us because your navel detector mouth you know they were still working on Black Panther essentially while we were doing bidding war and all these movies are going out and same time that's craziness and so we didn't know anything about Black Panther what it was gonna look like like nothing cuz obviously Marvel's keeps the secret even from all of us right and then we get to there it's me and Chris Evans and Sebastian and I think Maki was there and we're standing there in Wakanda we're like this is what Ghana and then all of you guys all came in with like your food and I was like this is gonna look crazy and then like all of a sudden you guys are doing like your warrior chick cry no no guys this is how we enter back to your vigil we cut down and we're like so we're like I don't think this is gonna work that it's gonna look insane but yeah I think it was people saw the movie I have a dinner for smoke stamp the only thing we could go on is the tagline avenge the fallen look what that means there's some standing there are some standing right yes yes and will there be more standing if we could talk about the movie we'd still be sucking think of one animal that is yeah I wouldn't want to be in a room with Wow I was awful I was almost wonder if I was missing something I did not at all punch it I went straight to like retreat retreat I think that was a corker than when I woke up I think it was a quokka let's take a look I didn't it was so fast wouldn't want to be in a room with me [Applause] one day she'll know that your crazy badass action Shirley thinks that anyway okay talk about in-game right the true that you all have Avengers tattoos we can get you help your kids are alright yeah are you there is a man there favorite super yeah they like a man they're not crazy about the actor who plays him Bri was pushing a Jeep in her training for Captain Marvel what did you guys do this around training wise did you help you gain a lot of naps but jean- my stretches stretches stretches and naps you gotta stay limber that's important today he's more flexible thank you no Hulk is afraid of red horses have you told anyone what the end of endgame is no just you yeah get out of pen so Gerry there's a lot of talk about Hawkeye becoming a ronin I don't even really know how do you feel about that I think it's gonna be better than ratatouille cook shish kabob baby every single actor I've ever seen this mm and I'm extra small no no you're the same amount of small you're not particularly I'm a smallest Avenger by looks I'm always looking up around I'm always looking up you know you don't know what that's like no you tell me just the most outlandish lie you can think of about your character another lightning round really killing those the only thing you can guarantee about in games that it's gonna begin and then it's gonna there will be a movie no no II had a lance or something we did an arrow it was all arrows with you isn't it you know I just get right to the point um I'm not gonna ask you any more jokes well if he dies this time around which maybe you all do I mean isn't that what's supposed to happen everyone else dies did you actually you haven't even been able to get a regular answer might even say I gotta keep trying it's impossible not to be humbled by it hell if I if I've been then it's completely I was in it you just couldn't see me I'm like who looks good he'd really die no I was gonna say I like you like mugs appropriately disastrous my moustache was for a role where I'm supposed to be that moustache I saw him in that play he was amazed unlike you I've been doing the 20 year 30 years it was just the mustache it is weird how much they just have a life of their own but yours was pretty creepy though and you're like legit good like it did I could pull off the stash yeah it's kind of like the last week of school you're like I might see me yeah for sure I'm gonna let you go and you I'm gonna you're gonna get to rub the plaque was that the vibe on set as well it was like Ron just I know that's why I said it oh do you know how this ends storming out in frustration and this bursting into flames and then I had gotten him that alpaca that he wanted cuz that's his favorite animal that really that really blew me away I named him I named him Dennis oh he's got a bit of an attitude but he's fun any other you know but you didn't have to shave your head this time I didn't yeah I've been negotiating more hair so like some actors negotiate more money and I get more hair and I'm happy with that I got you something Robert yeah yeah Oh oh my god and uh Hemsworth I've like met the guy twice so you should be ashamed well I did get your present but like the Postal Service from Australia to here is like MIT ended up right of me and and then I did actually you are tricking [Applause] very rare there they don't find it a nature customer who is not yet seen the product in any way I took my daughter on it a couple of years ago when it was previously called the Tower of Terror something and she wasn't tall enough and and she was really upset I was like now forget this come here so grabbed a couple of Snickers bars and things and slammed in the back of her shoe under here so I propped her up try this first shot walked up it's like what about now so and they're like okay and you come responsible as well I get teary so I was sitting in the chair this thing it's you know know how many hundreds of feet high greatly stop and I'm looking at she strapped in the you know the CDs massive on her and I'm like yeah we beat the system honey one of them and then it drops and she's like grab on this is like screaming the whole way down like [Applause] like maybe there's a reason that there's a God do that don't do that she's fine she's well I had this it's very creative the Snickers bars yeah that really is a pinch I have a delivery for Tony stank and that's the interviews do begin [Music] you
Channel: Cracked Fandoms
Views: 1,585,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, Avengers, funny moments, endgame, infinity war, cast funny moments, Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Paul Rudd, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, spoiler, avenger
Id: JZ_jLWXX828
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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