Anthony Mackie & Sebastian Stan panel/press hilarity Ultimate

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yo I'm sexy sexy hit both your characters at one point become Captain America in the comics or and someone ask you what would life be like if it was Samuel and you said it would be like Biff from Back to the Future to [ __ ] over that guy I guess and that was the future you wake not better I think that would be amazing I wake up every day of my life wishing to represent this well and all of this ideology if you need somebody a little bit funny like Terry Crews don't you make me go off I want a latte yeah I know I do not always look home he does but it is a you know steel-blue eyes let you know where home is you know what I'm talking about that's my safe place looks like gimme more like a young gimme more me okay you think st. Elmo's fire so pretty yeah he's got a pet now - yeah Redwing is dope not a pet he's his own person Redwing is played by Elijah Wood is the voice of Red Wing yeah what do you wish for your texture and next movie to marry Black Widow do anyone who wants to marry in the movie that I have to marry black widow before him like in the comic whatever I know would know the Marvel Cinematic Universe use the different assume it's different and he's stuck in my holidays don't you recognize she still taking on and that's why every time she sees me she goes oh that a real metal arm that you're carrying no it's not it is not no it contains a lot of Lube that's funny enough oh yeah seems to notice every time running it has lumen well I got to get in there right take everybody else into space in the next Avengers movie I know I'm not going [ __ ] I don't know the arm can make it though what are we gonna do yeah can you walk you're Elliot BBC sir it's my arm you guys do anything to make the new cast member is welcome like first-time Chad Reed comes on and said or first-time Tom Holland comes on and said I think part of mine is the best any kind of anything that goes on with the times a little Adam all right no this dog did all right all right Tom's Axl all right tom has his own base camp yeah it's like an entourage this is live and he's a lot to deal with and you know he's like he's a lot sounds like a problem so you don't want to be in the spider manually I have no desire so I would totally just realize that he's now brah he's a problem I had a chance to talk to a dumb [ __ ] all back in Paris and it's helping me that there will be bad blood between the two of you oh yeah no just because I don't like him I mean I don't mean if and I just know like Oh is he here today and Reba see we're here yeah cell in our movie because we love it and we appreciate the opportunity to be an Avenger but you know teamironman they have this little diva thing you know like they come when they want to come that you will take one hour flight or interviews a day either question short intermission in this press conference it took them literally three days to get here because they have to rely upon us hop hop all the way over here yeah because they gotta stop at a restaurant he was what's your favorite scene in the movie when I pushed onto you in the face yeah when I punch on and secondly the face look at that look at those those eyes are just piercing we have the coolest powers and also it's the coolest suit whose name did everything about spot about is better than everybody obviously he never saw my suit all he has is spandex and west I can cut webs with my wing I can shoot him with my gun I just walk around smacking fools with my wing who from Team cap would you pick in real life to have your back I mean I probably would have to say I'm not saying you don't so don't say me you could scare people off three well you know this is my scared face that's it it works yeah just don't say nothing just like otherwise who we got ant-man no II see your favorite holiday cuz you about to eat some chocolate on me I'm sound somehow the AC in the room has never sounded better consider yourself uh-oh consider yourself or other family come on man black copy would you consider doing a movie in London based in London with a possibly most Captain Britain my god listen you know again like being a comic book super why don't we go and find all your man that's good right I don't know what's scarier is his expression of a baby Oh God in America yeah it's for Brooklyn Wow all day you walk on the Queen haha deal with that should be like pity point right get Molina's depends what because collateral damage how's the Queen collateral damage coming our Laurie I why the Accord rest come on everybody wants to shoot the Clarins and the other good sound by Anthony you kill me the conductor said I want to be everything you have to offer to the world Wow Lachie know about complying how fun Dalida was hanging out this is going well what girl don't like chocolate well do it every day like I do spooky you know I have you're worthy lucky I feel so real I feel like you're a glass half full person oh no Emma are you I feel like we're meeting you we have nice glasses yes Captain America walking a dog yay I catch that I say captain america walking the hallways oh no you had it looking here like a chicken wing get along there what a kid is a huge problem tantrum yeah just you know he comes to setting shake at all time yeah the handler because he's like eight and a handkerchief cause he's secretly 87 okay first one like international one I mean what's the one question ask me with one burning question I know aren't we looking at me is that and that's the meanest and you I keep talking every time I look at here you just keep looking forward I can't look at you man you do stay on your side am I still my daughter and that's what I was told oh you're having a great time today with this one next to you oh no I'm having a great time I am I'm gonna with like a painting that it wasn't so guys to go you know no I know I gotta get nice way coming through the door who eats the most Sebastian is 20 pounds of muscle let's be clear I just want to make sure they're walking around eating everybody's food like you couldn't keep a protein bar just Sebastian with his metal arm peuta bar i'ma point you there's a lot of conflict in this film there's constant confliction it's called civil war hey I'm sitting next to a sexy sea bass I know what it feels like to be in second place baby look at that come on man listen show them up but none of them really survive the Mac attack so we must come on come on what time the must what time I can't right now I just have launched you know tilt I'm still trying to digest which way is the beach the best which way is to be down there where's if you go hey sorry sir words posted little girl okay alright guard you wanted this I've seen this movie before here it here it is you own it we got it come and get it we wit it you know I'm dumb out that rhyme album coming out to some cop that you're Barry sebastian you had an arm i guess that's it you had a denim jacket he got a new denim jacket yeah you got this great new student you had an arm yeah I know that's how I was shot he goes to the mall he's like to get it away mmm trendy which one we help you move your furniture if you decide who do you call which Avenger do you call for that you'd be like you know he'd be like you call me I can help you move I Archer because he knows I don't have fun cabinetry to move in a mattress yo man it's the best move ever yes Sebastian how's it going you know what I'm all right I'm all right I'm actually right now taking in your cologne a little bit it's kind of good kind of strong just stop yeah he said he said he's a big problem I mean this kid I've never I've never seen anyone and it's good that he's on Team Harmon he has to have a break every two hours for a juice box that's how much of a brat he is I folded them myself 36 flips to get this right like I know I know you have to pin it and stick my homie they're like you look like you just took that from a Chinese restaurant maybe I did the tough guy badass in an app pack what you find is he nearly come on Anthony your character has an entrance better than Beyonce in a concert Wow Canada yeah learned my suit towards my inspiration which was Beyonce before everything I played beyond to have a vanity fans cuz I've been going after your workout which is legs only legs only legs only not trying to break but the thighs are the way to heaven you know what I mean how do you show your characters contribute to to the usual wallet that little a lot of leg workout I have it in my contract that I have to behind shots twice in the movie so you know thighs and quads men thousand almost like you answered a different question I've gotta give them what they want baby you know can't have a tree without the trunk you know what I'm saying quad from size the same thing yes no no no different must all get to different muscles on either side of your leg your hand falls in the back leads down they are on your side they are they are on yeah yeah but what's that oh no no your thighs are here your quad is the front glutes and last question would you like to have my claw Maggie's not here I know calling I was thinking about how quiet it was in here without him but the thing is his voice is in my head now everyday got an ear in there and when we joke together in perfect that's all on me side by side and I'll both wagon be dough together you know I was important [ __ ] but I don't live in Venice what I think you are a phenomenal person and I would hope to have the privilege to listen to your trial tribulation success failure intake and aspiration uh-oh what do you hear - ha ha ha you want to hang out you want to go to bed that's it that's the winning line you've got a new suit which looks pretty sleek it is very sexy thank you did you enjoy wearing it the wings and everything was a color did you file enjoy wearing it just as much as you enjoy seeing me okay I feel like I've seen you on my life we're gonna okay you are pretty cute at this one I do feel like to call us did you want to that's hurt you like potpourri that's what are you like the legend new name lavender oh okay that is your lavender that's your super double-l yes way I am I'm sorry only are later lavender already I'm like I'm taking good at washing up German dishes Oh Fisher yeah dishes it's my thing I was thinking if you could have an everyday superpower what are you particularly good at that would be your superpower I'd be like being to see you girl I know I wasn't going to try you literally to be driving for you don't look like a good Drive I'm a great driver good a couple thank you and I don't know texting I would one off Sharon Stone on a date in Romania kind of like this Jeff I would you bite me in the neck oh my god now let's get back to serious and journalistic questions okay I have to fight you know do you making this hard sorry darling one last question I think yes yes I feel weird being you wouldn't ask wait don't make it weird did you bring Sebastian agree okay since both Winter Soldier and I never grow old what would you do to stay young well Rhino crap I'm saying that's not 7up haha oh wow walk outside and everybody go blind from my friend you know yeah yeah do you want to be in tell you she loved you and if you could just say hi to her please gonna be great thanks highlight thank you see you at the club oh I'm trying he's not here but I'm trying okay we all know who I'm talking about yeah yeah though and I'm trying I'm trying to represent that was pretty good [Music] but you're still have these mysterious speaking evil dead eyes I think that you are so welcome the two frozen so you already know yes is it really going black Sebastian is kind of a mess he looks like in that kind of a lab did you say that again I got I just I got our come in enamel she take it off the performance in the building so many lines anything out is it you know lines are always great didn't have that last time then then I got worried because that meant like I'm happy I have to say things now to make such an amazing performance without having more than like she loves every really who would you challenge to a rap ballon teamironman oh wow okay that's a great question I would definitely challenge Paul vision yes I would definitely challenge fish in that order vision Ironman Black Widow uh-huh uh-huh then I'd knock Black Panther and I saved one person for last just because he's a young knucklehead he needs to be brought down to sign know that guy yeah that guy Robert says that wing-chun know what I mean like hey like I say good morning that I would have to say probably the day I met Robert Downey jr. the first time that was pretty fun because I couldn't understand why he's talking to me and then I thought oh I see what he's doing it's a strategy yeah he's breaking me down legends of the Justice League's Mighty Avengers off my game listen when they get a Bucky we'll start talking I was just about to ask you a question for us oh good oh I wanted to have a Sebastian over sooner but he sent me this video of him sheis ripping out bicep curls with a decapitated Iron Man horn apart between being a killing machine and a really nice guy did you find it easy to switch backwards or forward well when you are yourself very unstable person everything from 17 hours in that loop oh I'm just curious what would you guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on Chile's one way over the ceiling Dettol who gets the shield from kathleen retired she passions about trying to spider-man right is a rentable Hydra to that Oh someone one time agency her now I'm so we have that human absurd have retired oh you know just disinterested I think because the most cinematic universe doesn't follow so if you'll indulge in you some followed I see how is told you keep saying comes out there click thank you see another one about we're not shooting he does like ultimate prison you know goes to meet you throw the frisbee aha that's like making Brian for so we can hardly know I try to get the guys out and have a good time together but you know Sebastian is not the type of guy who likes to have fun he's more of a you know I'm old so you know I have to sit around and think about what I'm doing tomorrow so I can die and [ __ ] nasty right didn't [ __ ] nasty baby yo [ __ ] Nick day janela ice okay that's what he calls me but uh you think you outgrew bad nicknames after high school but apparently Weiner soldier no absolutely not quite the opposite of in fact I keep gaining them Oh sexy sea bear kind of look like a diva the costumes the Winter Soldier as the hell I thought I can't move without a wind machine I just thought he would take his mask off and blood how long do I have to wear this thing know that yes and exactly I was just turning to huh I used to do shake I'm here down you're very handsome this guy has the face of a Greek god well you know and it's hard it's hard to get over you cuz look at that face just keep only one man can have that face oh never put a mask on that face see RDJ you have to cover his face up and the bass you don't cover up that like these guys in the cameras oh I'm so happy you want West this nice agenda gon roll down cut the check cut the check condo check check check I kind of want to see the wesley's man is my friend Nishka with de-ice and I'm a gold digger do you really want a lovely an ass answer that's not me thanks so much good as my friend nish would say for that positive where is my friend Misha do we say always wash it before and after you go to bed intellectuals like this is where you hit it real yeah okay we first met like you I need a thesaurus to talk I turned on Siri I committed he's like the Nic Cage of and I'm just kidding imagine Nic Cage black its own fuel clip I think Anthony this this is one of my favorite bits in the film where I know those marriage that everything no next year sevens I love you guys like Hello openness to the past I know your name your name 3qi really rich homie you'd like to give me a cab [Music] the Winter Soldier costume the mask was it uncomfortable how you got me oh uh yeah that's the method is getting in them right right and maybe you could take about that I think that could be their words right everything is a lot better now that is a man there with a book out the other day it's not that one man in the audience what are the chances amazing amazing you gonna be with that oh you know yeah I'm sure it being British you expected a lot but you know the - every two hours he has to have a Capri Sun break for his juice box you know you have a bunch of friends that comes to steadies like a military spouse yeah and they come in text that back what a side he can't be too hot
Channel: Aynn Tale
Views: 1,147,704
Rating: 4.981029 out of 5
Keywords: Sebsatian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Press tour, panel, Captain America, Winter Soldier, Civil War, interviews, interview, funny, Marvel
Id: PAYQ3uegdcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2017
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