Tom Holland, Sebastian ͏Stan & Anthony Mackie: Spider-Man & Avengers Panel | ACE Comic Con Seattle

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[Music] welcome of course to ace Comic Con I'm sure you've been here all day is everyone having a good time so far he's a folks who put on a hell of a show for us and they've gathered a bunch of cool people from movies and TV shows that we love tonight we know what we're here to do we're gonna sit down talk to some bona fide Avengers ladies gentlemen now I'm a 47 year old man in August I will be 48 and I certainly thank you I certainly don't dress like it and I certainly don't feel like it inside because I am still very drawn to the same material that I've been reading my whole life these stories the stories of Marvel DC of all of John rakamma Karen's fiction fantasy I've always been insanely close to my heart and we live in this wonderful time where they're taking properties and characters we didn't never call the properties when we were kids we just call them characters that we love turning them into features making magic and we just got to see one of the greatest comic book movies of all time this summer with Avengers infinity war movie built on a very strong back of ten years of Marvel movies that have come before and these movies become my religion I'll be honest with you as a comic book person I was always more of a DC than a Marvel person because I was a big Batman fan but it's a confession I'll get there but these movies have taken it to a whole new level for me case in point Captain America was a character I always respected but was never like a wild fan of until they started making the movies man Chris's performance is fantastic Markus and McFeely scripts are absolutely wonderful and tonight we're gonna talk to three people who've been in a bunch of these flicks we're gonna break it up we're gonna break it up into two separate sections a half hour and a half hour and stuff so you're gonna see everybody that you're supposed to see but some of the two of them are still taking pictures right now so we're gonna get gone so you guys aren't sitting around for like 45 minutes I'm waiting and start by talking with somebody very [ __ ] special who we all came to see I always loved the character of Bucky as a kid when I heard they were making the movie I was like gee I wonder if they'll put Bucky in it and they did put Bucky in it and they found a way to do it where it wasn't creepy where an adult was putting a child in harm's way so there were a couple of friends who were in the service together and that is that the core of these Captain America movies is that friendship as we've seen each one of those movies the friendship between Steve and Bucky is central and kind of like what the character of Steve Rogers in the movies has been built upon so Chris Evans don't get to be as wonderful as he is in those movies without leaning on the support of his bestest buddy in the world in these flicks and when I saw the movie first time I saw Captain America First Avenger I had no idea we would go on the journey that we've went and we'd watched Bucky grow up to be the Winter Soldier here to talk about his journey and talk about these flicks that we all love so much give it up for Bucky Barnes himself ladies and gentlemen Sebastian Stan what yes what's it why don't be weird sit right here man I'm couch come on closer it's not like we're in a movie theater I'm like you sit over there how are you sir no I'm good I'm just seeing this couch is big for three but of course there's only one you know work I'm the only one here because of course you know Tom Holland is two hours behind two hours behind and he's not gonna be here with me so I wonder what that is he doesn't like sharing the stage with you no he doesn't as what I actually heard a rumor from Joe that said you know that he was like Hollin doesn't want to have any scenes in the movie with you and Mackey and I was like I come on that's a joke like you know if the whole thing's a joke but I you know there might be some truth to it I don't know it was that for that first the experience of civil war is like I'm done with these guys yeah maybe I mean that might have been it or just any of the other times we've walked into each other sort of you know like on you know on the lot or on the onset or whatever he doesn't you know you know he just seems to be very after his own needs he's not looking after Bucky's now the downey camp and and wondering when am i gonna have that camp that's kind of that's kind of what he's like anyway we're gonna tell him when he comes out here and see if he cries please do what take us back to the beginning man one when you first find out you're gonna be in captain america first adventure did they tell you this character could keep going was there plans at that point yeah I mean they you know they did talk about that and and but but it was a very strange kind of conversation because it was there was nothing definitive about it you know it was just sort of like look we'd like to see this go that way one day if we're lucky enough and the movies do well and and I was like great sounds great let's let's do it but yeah I didn't I didn't necessarily think that that was what was gonna happen you know I just it was good that they told me because I kind of was trying to think about the future when we were shooting that first movie and just hopefully laying some stuff that you that make aynd of you know you may be able to track later in the movies in the character so when you were shooting a First Avenger like and Bucky dies for all like intents and purposes there was no guarantee you'd come back in like this could actually be my death scene well you know I had a little guarantee I think I've said this before where like the first time I fell off the train I did only have the one arm you know what like I like I had you know like a green sleeve meaning that they were gonna do something with it and I was like oh this is good that though that means that we could probably maybe you know that that's where it's gonna go and then we ended up reshooting that scene without the green sleeve and I was like oh maybe I am dead this comparative not Bucky as much as I sucky and they cut me out of the movie what so when when do you find out though that they're like hey man next movie your character is right in the title with the main character well I'm pretty sure the way I found out about that title was a friend of mine called me from comic-con and said dude they and I was like oh really no like yeah because the title is your characters in the title and and that's how I found out what it what is it what was it like I mean as an actor I'm sure you were never gone like man I want to be in like big blockbusters but it eventually happened what is it like when somebody's like you're gone from playing a very supporting character in the first movie - it's gonna be your movie your co-sharing that movie the second time around well I mean you know it's probably like a lot of a lot of pressure or whatnot you know you definitely feel scared I mean I I certainly was you know III don't but but you you know you rise up to the challenge I mean it's good to be scared right like I feel like it's a good thing and and there was a real opportunity there for me and in the sense of like kind of taking the character in that direction and so it was I welcomed it you know but but again I never you know I never I'm used to it now but I don't usually kind of know where they're gonna take that situation you know I didn't even know what happened in the last movie until we were shooting it really because we spoke I spoke to Elizabeth and to Paul Bette and Elizabeth awesome Paul Bettany this morning and we were talking about the ending of infinity war and they said that like the Russos hold them into a van and and right before they shot the scene they were like this is the ending of the movie that's how they found out about did you get the van treatment as well I know the van they're talking about I didn't I I said I'm not going in that van if you erase right you had smart parents I was like I want to be around people when they tell me this but but yeah it was like this is when you disappear and I was like but what does that mean what it like really or you know I don't know I mean so yeah it was right on the day but it's kind of amazing though the Russos if you think about it like you have I guess it works for my character to be in the dark you know in a way cuz he sort of is in the dark but just a way that they were able to put that movie together you know it's fascinating I mean it was kind of exciting for all of us because when we were sitting there at the premiere we really were seeing it for the first time especially something sprawling is that like Winter Soldier I imagine it's easier to keep track of as you're making that movie cuz like you're in almost like every scene but something like infinity war you know you're like wait where am i Connor what's going on in space like don't worry about it yeah yeah it was yeah which is kind of what you know the character was sort of got as a message anyway it was like you're needed again and and so if you want to gain anybody's trust like better go with the flow you know moving like this in terms of other performances an actor gets to do a lot of it is physical you know there's gonna be a lot of action and whatnot so how long in advance I've always wondered everyone in these movies impeccably in shape and sooner or later they like take your shirt off and we get to see dudes with their shirts off which always makes me feel bad he's not gonna take his shirt off they're not asking anthony mackie to take his shirt off you know he's up on those wires anyway but I love how house how long before the movie begins do you have to start getting in shape getting physical or is that normal part of your regime anyway or you have to double it up when you're doing a Marvel movie you know look it just kind of becomes like an all-around routine because when you're not working that's kind of what you're doing you know what I mean for your sanity but yeah it depends I mean you you definitely start out with a goal and then kind of when you start shooting it's just you you know there's no way that you're gonna make it to that gym like at 4:00 in the morning I mean you still try but after you shoot all day you know you're sweating a lot you're like losing actually a lot of weight so by the by the end of the movie I think everybody kind of is at least 10 pounds less than when they start that right like making one of them these Marvel movies is a good way to lose weight it kind of is because here's the thing you're if you're shooting in Atlanta it's like really hot down there and then you're strapped into these you know like really tight outfits and you know like why you're moving constantly you're running around I mean you're just your body's like a furnace so it's just burning burning burning and then you know I mean you know we were we all go through some stress when your bro look at me I never lose weight on movies it's the opposite I gained 10 15 pounds I'm like this looks good well this free I'll take it I've definitely done the craft ista because you're waiting around to so that's the other thing you're always waiting around in that part I know what you're saying but fortunately with these I think it's yeah it's just the moving around and and you kind of start you know having like a lot of your sort of like your ego is pretty high because you're like yeah I'm gonna do the stunts you know I'm gonna do as much as I can I'll do but then when you're doing it on the 18th take you know your body is like Connor wrecked by that point you know soon you're like bringing that stunt person please they might bring him a lot earner earlier than that but they're also like the best of guys I mean those guys really make you know make those action sequences I mean they just you know Sam Hargreaves and James Young were just unbelievable all the way back to the to the Winter Soldier I mean you know they were in a way really reinvented sort of the the Captain America kind of fighting style my uh particularly that second one man yeah that's badass it's the boat in the beginning it just takes everybody out there have been three Captain America movies and you've been in each one of them you got to have a favorite which one is it Winter Soldier yeah I really liked that one I mean I had I don't one has got a lot of sebastian and sorry soldier no I mean the Civil War ah does I mean but Winter Soldier was cryptic and kind of like strange and you know if the whole process for that was a lot of fun for me I actually really you know I'm saying this in like they'll be like great perfect let's never write a line for him again but like you know I didn't have a lot of lines in that movie it was just all kind of like trying to tell a story physically and you know it just it's interesting it was interesting in a different way I guess it's just that's true I hadn't thought about it but yeah you you have way more dialogue in Civil War than you had in winter so yeah I was like who the hell is Bucky that's it and you're like haunted by that line I mean like I was like haunted for a long time I I really think I was going in circles forever like like just just because you're like I got one line in the movie I got to get it right it's like show me show me show me show me the blue peg cellent pole on the Aviator man all right take us into the world of making the Marvel movies who are you friendly with who do you spend a lot of time with on set who's your buddy I mean you know I think I think Anthony and Chris obviously were you know where were the the guys I'm the closest to and you know that I've spent the most time with and and I genuinely feel like we you know we could we could not talk for a year and and we'd pick it right up you know like it's just nothing happen but I Paul it Bettany's become a friend and also just I just love interacting with him you know anything I ever you know that I I had like two scenes with him barely in last movie and and I just you know I I loved every minute of it and then um you know everybody like shadrach's are actually really funny as well you know he he has you know he has a sense of humor that like maybe you don't see right away but he's he's really funny and it's just yeah a good group of people honestly I don't know Paul Rudd is you know I'm can't keep a straight face around him you know a lot of a lot of great people it's awesome to hear like you just call him chadwick like the rest of us like chadwick boseman you're like Chadwick and you could just leave it right there because you're like I actually know the Black Panther well well when I first really you know them in civil war like he actually you know he was kind of doing his you know you may have done the same thing in black panther but but he was actually kind of doing like a little bit of a method acting situation he was not really interacting very much with people he was off on his own oh really so yeah I liked the character he was like I was like so we weren't really talking very much and I remember always you know in that on that rooftop scene like in civil war that we were kind of going head-to-head like he and I didn't really exchange a lot of words and I all I remember is just that mask just coming at just like these long arms just sweeping you know so maybe it was effective I don't know he's a really really really talented take us into the airport sequence in civil war which is one of the greatest comic book secrets has ever put the film there's there's like 928 superheroes in the scene so it's like a real [ __ ] what was it like to shoot it like what did it take place over the course of weeks or months I mean it really months it was always coming back to it there was always another sequence in that in that whole bit that we hadn't shot yet or needed to go back to and but surreal when you know when you did have a little downtime I mean everybody was there interacting and kind of you know you didn't always get everybody there but the few days that you did there were a couple shots that really had everybody like the line ups you know and and that was pretty special I mean you didn't want to be you know I was always concerned like I was gonna be the slowest runner and so like I I really was like I can't be like the last guy getting across but so making a Marvel movie is just like high school gym a thousand yes it is it is like I'm not letting Evans beat me no I mean it gets a little bit like that you know like I mean you didn't have Hemsworth so that was a plus right because I mean he gets on set you're like I don't know why I even go to the gym like why would I even do that because it's mental strength you know like he's just you're like I'm not even in hems worthy enough to be here definitely not I mean he's he's insane it's amazing during the course of making these movies a lot of physicality you ever get hurt you ever get injured oh yeah yeah yeah for sure you you're always taking yeah you're always getting some hit and you don't really know until much later because the adrenaline is really high and keep doing it and butBut it's usually the next day when you're kind of getting trying to get out of bed and and you can't you know that that like things you feel it yeah at that point is just like [ __ ] Marvel or do you work through it you're like the money's good yeah you're like I like my job no no yeah you're always grateful of course I mean but you know but I think the thing is you remember what it's like when you were little you know it's that it's that cowboys and Indians thing it's that it's that sort of like that never leaves you in a way you go to work and then you end it's that you go wow like this is something that my job this is my job or whatever but but you you want to try and sell that fight as best as you can and you can't really sell it without once in a while let you know something yeah I mean when you watch it they you know I having worked in production I know they added it and stuff like that and I know they throw fake punches but sometimes those cats go to each other so hard you're like they had to have connected oh I'm sure yeah I'm sure it's happened a million a million times you know what is your best memory of making a Marvel movie so far happiest moment best day on set or in post to sell on the movies it seems like you guys have a lot of fun going out on the press circuit and stuff yeah I mean yeah I'd never you know I'd never been on a press on a world press tour for anything before that was pretty special just just going to different places and and you know going you know going to Asia for the first time is still like a big memory for me because I'd never been and you go there and you see how everybody's so excited about the movies over there and then same in Europe and just the way that they're resonating globally it's just kind of you never get over that it doesn't you don't get tired of that but yeah I don't know I mean I think I think at the end of the day it's like you know going home at night and just feeling like you know you're you're you're part of a good goal like everybody's on the same page you want to make the best possible product you know the thing that you can so and there and people are looking out for you that way so it's you know it doesn't feel like as you know sometimes in movies it can be a more of a toxic environment you can be in an environment where where you feel like people are competitive or it's weird or something you know and other than trying to run fast and you don't really feel like you know everyone's on the same team with this one all right I'm gonna open it up to these cats because I know they want to know some stuff there are two microphones right there and people are jumping up to them right now uh-huh most of them is about 98% of them are women staring like this we're gonna start right over on this side what's your name hi Sebastian oh my gosh honey my name is crystal don't let the mic break your nose that's the first thing everyone give it up for crystal ladies and gentlemen crystal what do you need to know well first of all um I love you I love you too what what's the worst part about being an actor like what's the worst things that happen the worst thing that happens to being an actor Oh God I mean probably you know falling in love with a project and then not seeing it come happened or having a fall apart you know like right before your shooting I mean that's happened to me a few times but you know or or or hearing the word no you know like over and over again I mean that happens a lot a lot of rejection yeah yeah you have it but but there's a way to kind of come you know use that in a way to get a comeback you know in a way stronger or something like working with Robert Downey jr. I mean you know it's just like the guy's a legend I I don't know I grew up on like Chaplin and all those movies I mean it's just you know you never know with him like you're always gonna get it you're always gonna end up having a real reaction you know because you just don't know what's gonna come at you he's so quick and witted and and and you know in the moment it just like it always amazes you but but uh yeah how close does he stay to the page I've always wondered because it sounds like he ad-libs a lot of his dialogue but is it or am I wrong is it does he doesn't he doesn't I mean like he'll you know he'll he'll do it a few times I think that's the thing like he says it so naturally that you go was that even written or you know but but once she's once he's done it a few times like I feel like he can't help himself he's gotta like do something different you know each time so I guess he keeps it new you know that kind of thing beautiful love you what's your name everyone give it up then you talk to the warrior I would I would gladly look at your schedule come find me after that what you said kidding somebody you want pass it up here while we answer the next question we can use everybody to just pass it forward and if you don't get it back Sebastian stole it yeah it would be me send it up send it up we'll get it into his hands meanwhile we'll jump over here and then we'll jump back to you for a review of your portfolio but over here what's your name over here I'm jasmine we'll give it up for Jasmine Jasmine what do you want to know ask him if Bucky got hold of the Infinity Gauntlet what do you think he'd do with it it's a great question that's a great question there's only one place you'd go which is back in time you know yeah you'd probably go back in time right try to try to fix all the things he's done wrong for for starters you know maybe not get on that train I don't know this is really great by the way I think I'm like oh my god hello oh that's nice flip it is this way that's legit man I know you didn't ask me a lot excellent job complex things going on in there oh my god beautiful you're very talented is that snake is that literally is that the moment where he grabs a snake and he's like he turned into a snake and he stabbed me excellent interpretation each one of these pictures is like my worst nightmare very much Wow was a sharpie you could tack you want him to tag the book for you while he's got it great it all right I think it's on the back of the book there it is I mean wow [Applause] he wrote I drew this oh the telephone booth is really great excellent job we'll get people drawing don't stop meanwhile we'll jump over here hey what's your name I won't give it up for Joey Joey what do you need to know before I ask my question my brother is a huge fan of the Captain America franchise he has like a group that he caused players with but like all of his friends and he's Captain America and his best friend Nathanael is Bucky obviously so I was wondering if you could like just give a quick hello to my brother and his best friend Nathanael okay hello also you might want to look there hello Nathanael and the brother thank you thank you that would be so cool okay cool see you on this couch so my question is - I fell in love with you first when I saw you as Jefferson and once upon a time yeah by the way I love you hi I love you too okay so you play a lot of these characters that deal with a lot of these like heavy issues they deal with a lot of like hard emotions and it's it's sometimes difficult as an actor to reach that place um and sometimes it's hard to come back from that so I'm kind of wondering actor to actor how do you not let the negative emotions that you portray in your characters affect you and kind of translate over into who liked you so how do you keep those two things separate because you're always like this happy puppy Wow well that's that's well happy what do you say yeah exactly I don't know if I'm a happy puppy all the time but look I mean no one really is right like I know I I think I think you have to try to not isolate yourself you know I mean I think that's the you it's who you keep around you know in your life that's why it's so important your family and your friends and like who you trust and you know you can't lose that sort of sense of ground that that is you separate you know that is you yourself and and I guess I just you know if I'm away somewhere on set or were you know I always try to check in with people and and it's okay to check in you know like I think people are so scared sometimes to admit that like hey I'm not having a great day like like what's up what's going on like I think it's okay to say that if in and one of your good friends is gonna listen to you and call you back you know so please tell people when you're not having a great day that's what I do I guess I'm gonna have a quick question about when you play Bucky you're playing a character that carries expectation with it because people look I've been reading this character in the books since I was a kid and stuff so there's a certain amount of pressure there but there's freedom because nobody knows what Bucky sounds like until they put him on for the first time in the you so you get to kind of set the tone but recently you were in I Tania right and so in that case you had to play a person that the world knew like as somebody who's well documented on film and stuff like that what was the difficulty level like in that versus like the Marvel stuff well I mean yeah I think that has its own like weird expectations in its own way I mean III expectations it's like that's like the biggest enemy like no matter how you cut it that word you know but I think it's I think it's you you have no choice but to like almost it's more mechanical like you know I just watched everything I could on the guy over and over I like listen to any audio I had of him over and over and over again until I could just feel like it was a little bit becoming more like you know sounding more a little bit like myself or something but it's it's tough because you have to adjust to something that already exists but sometimes that's good too cuz at least you know where you're going you know I mean even Bucky had source material but in the movies which is what you said at the beginning you know the comic books he was like a kid or he was like sort of this there's really nothing oh and then they came in and they were like you know what we're gonna have it more like a bigger brother we're gonna have him me sort of like this guy who may or may not have wanted enlist and like it had a different sort of it's it's its own pros and cons I think we jump over to this side hey what's your name I'm Diego give it up for Diego Diego Sebastian jurors hi what's up I was a German Shepherd the German Shepherd is great his name's Rhydian um as a gay man I've really appreciated when you've played gay characters do you feel like you're ever gonna go back into doing an LGBT character uh yeah I mean why not like I don't you know I I would I would in in in a second it's it's always about the you know the script that it's always about the storytelling I mean it's always about like you know what kind what obstacles a character has in their life and what they're trying to get there and that doesn't matter whether you know we're all we're all fighting against something or we're all you know facing one thing we want to change or we want to get better at or whatever so that's universal you know and and it's just about having the right story but you know I if it happens why not yeah no worries and now for the best superhero in the Marvel Universe the guy who gave you such lines as on your left the guy who gave you such lines as taught the check the guy who saved Captain America's ass from Bucky Barnes for most of his Marvel Universe life we give you Sam Wilson aka the Falcon aka hot chocolate aka Charlie Sheen Oh aka every fans best friend Anthony Mackie everybody you know I want to thank the dude in the back for that introduction go I don't know his name but he killed dad he know a lot about he killed that he killed that he killed that ladies and gentlemen give it up for the one they all anthony mackie it is fair to say and also very pun worthy that you have made these movies flies sir when did that first come into your life when did you first learn about Sam when did you first learn that there'd be a falcon when did you first learn you'd be once we close oh my god you guys look like you're in the back of a Volkswagen story I was talking about could happen now no I was get away from me scram no it was a I guess about 2005-2006 I've started writing marbles letters telling them I wanted to be in the universe like once a month I would write him a letter like yo what up doe I was the black dude and Hurt Locker and that's literally what the letter said like 2008 2009 then around 2010 Kevin Feige was he wrote me a letter back and his letter literally says stop writing me and that was it but it was nice stationery nice letterhead first-class stamps not bagged in there with 28 cent stamps he used like 45 cents on his stamp they have all that Marvel money so Marvel money I mean this was right after the second Iron Man I knew I wanted to be in I wanted to be a part of it so it just kind of came to fruition one day the Russo brothers called to have a meeting with me and they said you know we're doing these movies we can't tell you what the character is we can't tell you what the story is about but we'd like you to be a part of it now are you were you a comic book person growing up did you know the mom no I had no that wasn't me I was like I read the Hardy Boys like Nancy Drew I read stuff like that when I was a kid I didn't read comic books and nobody read comic books back then those those Hardy boy adventures were very much like comic books without masks right same idea but they just didn't have capes and stuff right definitely definitely um so at what point did they tell you you're gonna be the Falcon the first day I showed up on set I don't real rest real round-out they I signed on and they were like we want you to be the Falcon I was like ooh so I went to go visit a set that they were like we want you to be in the movie I went to go visit a set for was it was it was I think it was Iron Man I got to meet RDJ ball out of control I called him ball out of control rob that's his nickname first men introduced me to caviar ball out of control Rob if you ever get the chance eat caviar with our DJ just do that for yourself just do that we'll be doing that tomorrow at 2 o'clock right here on the main stage just give yourself that he has kavion a fridge everywhere it's nice it's nice cut up onions sour cream toast told you about that workout it's like one inch about one inch like I would toast is like 4 inches by 3 inches his is like cute little squares ball out of control Rob that's his name that's his name so day one they tell you you're valcon yeah they invite me to set I go to set know like you know here's the character and they showed me all the drawings and they do like the CGI thing and I look all badass and I was like yo that's me I can do that you know but back then I was fat Mackey and I was like fat Mac you gotta get in the gym Mackey so he can be in shape Mackey so you know I'm saying so you know the the gallon of chocolate milk had to become chocolate Chino so I had to compress our leg that's part of it seems like it's part of the regimen you not only are expected to act with words but you have to act with your body so there is a bunch of getting in shape I mean you know I mean some people you know some people skip leg day but some of us you know no me no no me like some time listen watch this listen to this listen to this listen Shh you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying every black day I I when I hit my leg like that it keeps jiggling for 10 minutes though I've never had a leg day what do you say to this leg day business leg ding come on give me a break I mean like he he worried but he does he works out legs like at least three times a week I mean every day you know every day I'm caught literally look I'm doing legs right now what makes sense because they were talking out right here right it would make sense because every time he's on set he always sits so maybe it's cuz he's sore it's like you're giving a lap dance to the cow I'm like in a Western right now just riding on the Perry you know that's what I do is what I do it's crazy you know what I feel a burn so I'm a stop I feel a burn years ago I sat in for an episode of Ebert & Roeper and Roger Ebert wasn't there so I got to review movie called a Half Nelson and shouted you out because it was an incredible performance thank you did they ever when you got into the Marvel Universe if they ever mentioned that what were you coming off of when you got the flick I think I was coming off a few bad movies actually no no I've only done two bad movies real rap look at my resume too bad movies other ones are good which ones what we're not telling you which ones I don't know I don't know if he's got bad movies on his right two of them are really bad they're really bad they were they're laughable bad they're like Tom Holland bad you believe that who knew he was gonna get out of this oh so I have to tell y'all something the reason why tom is not here is because Marvel told us that we have to start being nice to him because we hurt his feelings true story so you know what I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry so I take that back it's not Tom Holland bad you had him you lost him he's great let's get him back let's talk about like a nice fluffy pillow on the couch the first thing he said to me this morning is I'm getting sick all right I was like again already he got me sick last time he's tired he's very fragile there's no immune system No [Applause] ladies and gentlemen give it up for the greatest spider-man who ever lived ah Molly it's a lot of people this is a much bigger room than I thought it was welcome sir everyone's been waiting how have you been how have you been in a post infinity war environment cuz the last time we saw you you were like I don't want to go and then you left us very fragile very fragile how what is life been since the movie come out a lot of people coming up to you and being like don't go don't go and [ __ ] like that everyone a fight Tony Stark it's their time I don't know your language Tom oh my bad don't play tell us look I'm gonna put my thigh next to his thigh nice big good man it's been good anytime anyone asked me for a picture I just turn to dust so super easy this is what infinity war was essentially second time you got to play our third it did you do a little piece in something else no it was just Civil War and then infinity war right then of course there was spider-man homecoming coming home I've been alive in this best of all possible worlds 47 years so I've seen any number of different spider-man's animated TV movies and whatnot news you're not just saying it because you're here hands down easily best spider-man best interpretation and this is what I loved about the most coming from the East Coast I'm a Jersey kid that accent is flawless its impeccable you were the first you don't buy the stop stop as enough of that there's enough it's a great [ __ ] exit dude why don't you go back to [ __ ] like dead that isn't a it's a flawless Queens action he sounds like a queen stop it you're doing to who you sicko you're too sexy for me it's a flawless Queens accent thank you where did you pull it from you think yeah no I just have a dialect coach I just work with a dialect coaching and for me that's the most important part is the first step of convincing an audience that you're from Queens so I went to Queens a heck I've been asked so many times to do chat shows with you and I just say no I'm like I'm not doing a chat show with Mackey there ain't no way but yeah I just work with a dialect coach and did the work and put it in so yeah yeah well what what is what's life been like since taking on the role of spire you've been an actor for a while but this is something that put you like insanely high profile I mean he's crazy I'm sitting here with the most annoying guy alive the mices be more than on the boat was good wasn't it it was a movie on a boat that you were on a boat the seamen the sea men the men on the soup men of the sea yes say that it was a [ __ ] and covered flow yeah yes you actually cried in that movie too actually all your movies there's a scene where you like I want to go like nah man stay here no I nearly drown in every movie I'm in as well I can see that is so good at rounding what was the movie where with Naomi Watts where you get washed out the impossible I nearly drowned no for real wanna see I think I've nearly drowned like six is not actually nearly drowned acted drowning which there's not really that much difference but uh but yeah so I've become really really good Adam at drowning which is not a great skill when this is something I and you be honest or not but how often are you in the suit because anybody could be in the suit once they put the mask on is it implanting the question isn't the truth tell the truth now and now the truth taking out all the CG sequences yeah when well it's just a guys saying and they're talking tell the truth if it's if it's just if there's no stunts involved it's always me sometimes with some of the stunts they are just too dangerous to let us do them so we have doubles but Evernote but the amazing thing is about CGI now is that we have motion captures so all of the motions all of the CGI stuff has been has sort of been taken from my movement and then put into the film we're good we're gonna blow him up a little more get used to it man he's doing a great job no he's doing a great job just he's doing a great job just you know yeah yeah I love you Tom Tom you're so great Tom the what I'm talking about and that de semana [Music] [Applause] sorry sorry sorry Tom the moment in infinity war Tom moment in infinity war hey the moment in infinity war were you where you died I read on the internet that you ad libbed it true or not well what's happening it is kind of true but really all I say is I don't want to go I don't want to go I don't want to go three times in a row so it's not that amazing of an ad-lib you know it totally works I'm so cold I don't want to go no sunlight grandma that was the outtakes you go when you see the outtakes it's pretty funny it's pretty funny I just got a note here since on Facebook live everybody's talking about Tom's Instagram message today what did you do what was it I don't know what you're talking about and I don't you're an Instagram how old are you 18 I'm not I'm 17 oh well that's why okay all right yeah no I just go set the new scripts but I might do this summer and I might have accidentally revealed the title of the movie what and can you give it to us here hang on I forgot what it's called hang on I forgot what my movies called it's cool far from home coming spider-man far for there's gonna be a scene where he's gonna go I want to go home one hundo P exactly yeah today it was like Tom signing autographs I just I'm Way excited for the second spider-man movie because I've heard and I don't know you can't confirm and [ __ ] but I've heard that it might be Mysterio as the villain that's one of my favorite villains of all time did you read the whole thing from top to bottom when you sit down to read do you do it in one sitting and you break it up and do other things well I can't read so I have Macky read it for me he makes me do urban book on tape for him explain urban picante yeah it's pretty simple Suffolk's I have an example his line give me a line from spider-man I don't want to go technically from civil war but good enough thank you give me a let give me a line from spider-man a good line a good line since you're on man lines you know you stand in a mirror and say your lines every night my mind's gone blank wish it how do you I'm the guy from u2 I'm definitely not the guy from u2 I love you too by the way as the third best band of all time a line from Sparta meant homecoming does this does this come with money or whatever does this remember that's a civil war line a business of Orland mr. stark just goes up like 14 octave I can't think I can't think what's the line you say to the girl dude honestly my mind's gone so blank I was quit when you when you first when you first meet Tony what do you say to Tony when you first meet him I go what do you what do you what are you doing here so urban book on tape will be what up doe what up with it what'd it look like bro you won't get any one of those phrases so he was your acting coach right here I went to Julliard trying to break I joined the bread yes I went to Julia so dogs second hardest school in America to get into I danced with a well-known ballerina by the name of me failed Baryshnikov yeah not trying to break not trying to break the Russian assassin that's him that's it let's see so bragging we were on set one day and he comes up to me he's like oh yo I hear you was you were Billy Elliot well I danced with Baryshnikov I was like morning okay geez smack Thanks let's open it up to the audience man we got a bunch of people lined up starting with you right there what's your name I will give it up for step at a cavity the boys are here it has your questions I don't even understand that question do I think he's not witty enough no do you think he's witty enough to not to rocket rocket likes to take no he wouldn't go he wouldn't go to wit he would just go straight to the point meaning like you're know you're gonna you're talking animal you're dead which is what almost happened in that scene in a few takes that we were doing look we had we had that scene we were doing a few times it kept you know we were trying out different lines and stuff and and none of them really worked because he just had to be as dry as possible good beautiful jumping over here hey what's your name give it up what is it you think it's a Chinese thing everyone give it up a routine here they are talk away so first love you and really good job being of a nursery feel sorry for what happened to all of you in the movie we're now gainfully unemployed so since none of us are in Avengers 4 if you have any work out there let us know we're around so my question is um if you three eyes for four of you it's you three are going to eliminate by channels by random well well be your last war like I'm not feeling good for Tom and Steve or okay so what's the thing you want to say the most to the war why you please God let them go first I don't know the last thing I would say will probably be can I at least here or Earth Wind and Fire your song my last request I don't want to go thank you dump it over here what's your name and we'll give it up for hope I have a question for sebastian stan and the rest the first time you saw the new arm that Bucky got infinity war um you know I I liked it it was good I thought it was alright I mean I was kind of married to the to the last one still a little bit selfishly you know I did miss that red star but but uh I liked it yeah I wonder how they feel about it since clearly the rest of them will have to answer this question god Falcon suit suit is the same as it was a civil war not at all it's not an issue no no upgrading not at all man don't talk about my store okay although that might Thanks is it thank you that's your whole answer me you know we're going to no detail about what about your own I like my arm it was alright comfortable he's sticking to it you would know that wouldn't you actually I know what that means it's it's alright well cuz you caught it cuz you caught the arm remember you caught the arm when it alright yeah so how would I know I don't know where you were going with that yeah it's alright it's alright jump it over here what's your name we'll give it a brandy [Applause] so my question goes out to all of you guys what kinds of okay also first of all I love you guys you guys are amazing what kinds of stuff did they do to prevent you guys from spoiling the movie they didn't do another dream they just gave it to Tom and let him spoil the whole thing before we could get to it thank you guys thank you that was pretty much it was it they gave him the spirit first and they knew he was gonna mess it up so yeah we got to try to spoil it they're like yeah we already know that thank you guys thank you Andy jump on over here what's your name you got one question Natasha don't be selfish I wanted to show you guys some stuff I made whip it out show hold them up to the camera back up right there oh those are nice but that guy's handsome hey who's that guy next to the shoes hey hungry eyes I got if I was Jack Bauer watch that God does not belong at a con no makeup no like with that guy this is out there angry like I could be home watching soccer and it would be stupid I told I didn't want to come to this couch maybe come to this guy they don't even have food I'm hungry I'm angry sweater too tight I hate this place made me wear my Father's Day sweater I hate this [Laughter] way to keep it back on track man well done they're just like they gave you a weird present what has been the most memorable thing I would say one of my first cons one of my first cons gave this guy gave me a Nintendo controller belt buckle got still rocky I'm still rocking old-school Nintendo controller with like duck hunt y'all never mind but I would I wanna make sure my man is good make sure he's not upset about the Nintendo reference but yeah Nintendo a Nintendo controller belt buckle that was my jam still rocket today I get brunch when I go to like vegetarian restaurants and stuff okay rocky yeah you mean certain places you can rock that yeah not never unlike day you can't always own leg day alright thank you what about these cats you guys did you get anything ever from a fan that you were like ooh this is awesome or this is different or I love getting fan on I mean I get really amazing fan on some of the stuff is seriously seriously amazing oh and I get jealous as well because I can't draw at all and I find myself having to draw for films all the time and then it never makes the Edit but yeah that's what I really like the fan your mustache I can actually do a mustache it's not very good one but I can do it I've always wondered a like in let's go to football moustache there's just 11 on each side Oh that's good that's British humor that's good no I get these books from sometimes that like are just messages and messages that people have written from all over the world and it's just a compiled in these sections and I have I feel like I have like a few from every year it's it's it's that's always amazing he's not in that book though all right we're going over here thank you what's your name I won't give it up for Jenny first off I want to say I agree with you Sebastian I really am a fond of the the Winter Soldier Starr and Anthony if you ever need any resistance training for that leg day let me know [Applause] spider-man just saved you man anyway big stories in infinity war that doesn't get a lot of the quiet moments of what might have been happening with the characters between the last appearances and infinity war like Tom Peter just found out that his big anime was his girlfriend's dad they found out about him Sebastian Bucky finally got the code Driggers out of his head but he still has to deal with so much PTSD and anthony you've been on the run for you know years I was in Jamaica so what do you guys think might have been going on with your characters in the the quiet times have you ever been to Jamaica I was in Jamaica chillin like the open day a jerk chicken and jet ski business call it three jerks and the best part about it is like you know when you go rent a jet ski you have to wait for your jet ski to come back in because somebody else is on it so he's jerk and chicken so you can have chicken while you work while you wait for your jet ski and so it's like three jerks see what I mean I feel yeah yeah that was the business he started in the Jamaica and oh you better let the writers handle this but now since says he was practically useless in the infinity war yeah that's that's because he wasn't invited to three jerks that's what a hater a right there I was invited I was there within the whole time hey MA boy oh boy what you can't bring your family come down to Jamaica get a jet ski good thank you thank you over to you what's your name man I am hi I'm Oscar hey Bo give it up for Oscar Oscar you got bonafide Avengers here ask him a question okay I have a question for all of you so for Tom I would like to ask did you know that the whole time that you're gonna die at the end of Avengers or did you to lie the whole press tour saying you knew nothing and you actually kept the spoiler for once it's an incredibly passive-aggressive question I knew I was gonna die when I filmed my death scene genius I'm kidding I'm kidding no I knew I was gonna die but only until pretty much today I filmed it and that came as quite a shock when Kevin Feige takes your side and says now you're dying no I don't want to go that line is gonna haunt you your entire life and when you die on your grave is gonna say he didn't want to go might be like that I'll be back line for you like down the line you're gonna end up saying that line different movies and then you're gonna still can you say Croxon I basically in an interview one time said I enjoy a croissant right okay the whole road for some reason thinks that's how you say it son no the joke is dead thank you wait what was the joke that I said crash on where are we what instead of saying croissant he said croissant which is a little more European and that was the joke but they said the joke is over the bad joke I didn't come up with the joke like can you say Chris sandwich and that's a better joke don't say it unless Burger King gives you a million dollars would you good all good all right we jump it over here right what's your name didn't you get I don't want to go to you on your shoulder yes are you serious it's a key on your left is gonna go in the other one no but first of all everybody must know we have a long interesting history with this woman that involves and you decided to come today without your traditional Avengers 6-hour flight man I'm not gonna wear no put it in a bag I'm still waiting for my Falcon sorry I mean okay next time I swear it alright alright we're back we're back you all punished you will your punishment but I did want to say Sebastian when you said no one asks Anthony to take a shirt off maybe they should you would own the room man Falcon soar Falcon Tom told me what I couldn't do today and one of the things was get undressed he literally said that a lot of your characters have lines that become iconic kind of out of nowhere like on your left who the hell is Bucky I don't want to go are there moments or lines from your characters movies that you felt like should have had more attention or you thought were pretty cool and wished the internet had picked them up I like that Mackie less whoever said that Mac you less I like that Mac you Wow wait what was your question we had really that you loved that didn't really enter the public consciousness or even character moments got a fierce pin kick as a falcon when you're working with Mackie he makes you feel like every line he's delivering is revolutionary by finishing everything with cut the chick I remember walking on Civil War working with these guys and I was I was 19 or something I was very nervous and I had to ask someone I was like why does he keep shouting cut the check what does that mean or number five on set roll sound I'm like you the sound man as well are very true are very chance are very true nobody has a line I don't know I couldn't even remember one line from the face oh you can remember one line that's it though I can't think of our did you say Ace Ventura No thank you I tell you what a really cool line which I wish they'd let be in the movie I need to watch this movie [Laughter] I haven't seen the Falcon uh no there isn't one Oh your spider-sense must be tickling bad oh yeah he shot webs all over your face oh yeah oh yeah we name some of those Tom Holland classics oh yeah they aren't any what is it the semen men what is it what if you wish you in that everyone give it up for Angelica take it away at Geauga I was you could say hi to my friend Mary she's a huge fan I'm Mary hi Doug that's probably gonna make her like anyways so I don't really okay all right my first comic-con but I just wanted to say that you guys are amazing actors and a huge inspiration and just to point out to Anthony and said Tom Holland here is the only one who actually has his own movie I didn't say it I didn't say it things are getting hostile avenge that comment man first of all first of all last time I checked the movie was called the Winter Soldier foul play right right right and I guessed him a little too Academy Award nominated movies up there don't mean it I don't mean I don't mean but I know I know you you you know you just got into movies so you don't know like about movies about movies I guess the 8-mile don't count up it you don't know about then to say something a little less hostile for you doodles would like to say hi that's about it besides fact that I did wear a spider-man hat just to trigger you to I have to say we do these panels all the time and this is the most stressed I've ever been before I came on stage I was like they're gonna kill me up there one last thing and this point is totally intended your guys's acting totally blew me away oh that's good as good as good as a Thanos joke well that was good all right man we jump over here we got time for about three more questions how are you what's your name I'm good man my name is Jesse everyone give it up Jesse take it away sir yeah my question is for Tom yeah earlier I got an autograph from you and I mentioned that you would do great as a Marty McFly in Back to the Future [Applause] because you literally sound like you look like a younger version of them everything doc don't go would you be that's good would you be open to making a like if they offered you a role in like a prequel when he first met doc would you be open to that or why or why not for me I thought your perfect movie you know I'm talking about a prequel yeah when I started doing research for spider-man homecoming the director gave me about 10 DVDs to watch of the sort of vibe that he wanted me to try and emulate and the one I went back to him with was the first Back to the Future and said this is what I want to try and do so the fact that you're saying that is the best compliment I can have man because that's what I tried to do thank you and he did it very well you did it very well but I saw the commercials the commercials were good over here what's your name everyone give it up ray Eddie take it away Eddie so I first wanted to say that I love you and your movies and I think you bring great life to your characters so thank you and my question is you all were like affected by the snap from Thanos if you could choose the way you die or like your character was killed off and where in their storyline would you kill them off in hell that's a great question man I mean how long do we have I could go on and on about that we have 40 minutes the Wakanda you know that would be a that would be a perfect place right there he's looking at the lake he's got you know everything he needs I'll be my way out voila I don't want to go so I I don't wanted that no I like the way the Porsche Spyder man died yeah he's very dead okay watch a movie his daddy's dead is if you google dead there's a picture him on there my favorite thing about my dust scene should we call it was Joe Joe Russo's idea of Peter Parker's sort of being able to know it was coming because of his fight a sense that he felt kind of wrong inside before it happened so yeah so that was a pretty sad moment on set yeah I would have liked Falcon to like die in Jamaica at the barbecue grill flipping some legs with some shirley rieger three jerks you're jerks on a beach the Appleton estate large cubes overlooking the ocean the jerk crackling on the grill listening to some beanie man shot the entire third act of the movie I mean my dev scene would have been legendary it would have been a whole movie good all right jumping over here hey what's your name my name is Arianna give it up for Ariana yeah first I just want to say that Tom Holland you are like my favorite person in the whole world thank you so much you've never met Tom hallo give it five minutes thirty seconds I also just want to say that I'm Sebastian you are one of my best friend's favorite person and she wants you to say hi can so can you say hi to Sarah please hi Sarah how are you and I just wanted to ask Tom if you could have any one of the other spider-man villains in the Marvel Universe with you what one would you choose great question man who would be the only one you only know like two villains maybe venom whoa whoa coughs mark I think venom venom it's venom a second death venom oh good okay thank you you're welcome thank you all right over here what's your name my friend you're gonna be the last question of the night what's your name okay there's two questions of the night wow that was pretty intense so I'm bowing to your well one more fine it's fine they'll be too but we're starting with you what's your name everyone give it up for Amelie take it away Amelie oh my gosh I just love all of you guys and my sister does too she's somewhere oh she's over there question is for Tom oh my god that was the best thing I saw at comic-con man oh my god so since you're like the youngest of like all the actors and actresses like do you ever feel kind of left out or do they treat you like a kind of like a little brother or something I feel so left out guys here it goes there it goes small violin playing away no not at all not at all Marvell the whole family of Marvel from actors to crew members to everyone who's on set is so welcoming and it's such a fun environment and everyone's always laughing and even though the last film we shot was incredibly emotional incredibly sad every day was filled with people laughing and having a good time so I felt like I had been there for 10 years since the beginning when I started working there and and I wish I could have done it for a bit more yeah I'm kidding I realize I announce spider-man 2 and oh yeah that doesn't work anymore Kevin both ways Hey homecoming two is on its way yeah all right record oh it's a prequel it is a prequel yeah all right we promised you you would be the last one you learned you the one that screamed like one more you know it's a two-parter well done yes what are your names everyone give it up for Jamy what's your name I won't give it up Liz take it away ladies you're gonna bring us home and us well here we go that's a super cool I would thank you so much who's Tess oh my god you just shot the Winter Soldier in her face make that guy have a good time on the internet tonight wait time out time out how do you know who Tessa he posts all the time oh he's posting pictures of him and his dog yes he's just hanging out at home with his dog baby I'm an adult [Applause] I follow no man just so you know write it down take a picture tweet that [ __ ] I follow no man y'all got a lot of free I like that I like that she clipped your wings Falcon I don't know the term friends I know the term family but stop when stuff get tight when stuff get tight let me see where your friend will grow a little bit you would get there as a friend you guys need to make up what did your friend say tell us what your friends say you and your friends oh hello iris there you go where's iris stand up iris great friend and I've know I'm getting to you Sebastian so my childhood nickname was Bucky so you're like you are automatically like my first favorite character for Marvel ever have a question okay over here over here since the idea of the word question is lost on you two over here young lady what's your name my question was were there any aspects that you got to take from your own personalities and infuse into your characters in the MCU universe a great question you know what Hallie thank you well for me um Peter Parker's kind of just a young happy-go-lucky innocent little kid and I feel like I'm pretty much the same how about you sir I I kind of stopped living like 20 minutes ago I know a tiny is laughing somewhere aspects of ourselves with the characters yeah because you're kind of making your own interpretation you're drawing like from the comics but yes obviously get to take from your own experience as well well I really like Chris Evans and so it's so that was easy for me to like Steve Rogers Thank You Maggie you want to take us home he didn't get answer the first part of the question I'd normally I'd say [ __ ] your first world problems but go ahead that's fair I totally give you that that's fair okay my question relates to hers are there equalities in your characters whether it's like your superhero or their alter ego that you see in yourself for all of you by the way Tom can you please tell my friend Lexi you love her I love you the most [Applause] [Laughter] okay here you go last question take us home Lexi I love you thank you so much similarities between spider-man and myself that's a lot I feel like yeah I mean yeah I think I'm similar to spider-man in a sense that I'm a child and he's also a child um you know for me spider-man is someone who I can really look up to you because if I found out that I was spider-man if I had superpowers I would tell the world immediately and the fact that he's able to keep it a secret to keep the people around him safe and he does the right things with his powers is is amazing you know I mean I feel like I would rob a bank or Simon if a so for me it's really nice to play someone who I can look up to you know thank you love you too you know I mean he he's always trying to reinvent himself and kind of go through different you know processes of sort of like starting over and I and I feel like life is like that a lot you know and you get to do that so just searching for identity all the time right I guess Anthony take us home answer that question it begun to answer the first young lady's question I'd do a lot of work with military vets so when I first got involved with Sam Wilson one of the big things was you know he's in the Air Force is this net let's make him a counselor for x4 soldiers that are coming home and it kind of played out really well but the other thing is you know just I was going to say some those after coming off that I can't be an idiot when I answer the second question no his um his love for adventure you know if you think about Sam Wilson you know he was a part of a government experimental program with these wings so that takes a certain type of dude to just jump out of a you know off a building with wings on and fly and not knowing if they're going to work or not so his that that that adrenaline rush it's the same thing ladies and gentlemen that is going to wrap it up for the panel give it up for your heroes Sebastian Tom and after day the Avengers ladies and gentlemen
Channel: ACE Universe
Views: 3,260,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, MCU, Marvel Comics, Infinity War, Civil War, Spider-Man, The Winter Soldier, Falcon, Marvel Universe, Kevin Smith, Tom Halland, Peter Parker, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie
Id: q4XiBWDf7Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 21sec (5541 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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