Anthony Mackie & Sebastian Stan press/panel hilarity

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but yo I'm sexy sexy sit both your characters at one point become captain merica in the comics or and someone asked you what would life be like if it was Sam Wilson and you said it would be like Biff from Back to the Future to over yes and that was the future you wait I think that would be amazing I wake up every day of my life wishing to represent Biff well ideology you need somebody a little bit funny like Terry Crews don't you make me go home I want a lot a psycho yeah I know I do not always look homeless you know but it's it is you know steel-blue eyes let you know where home is take everybody else into space in the next Avengers movie I know I'm not going arm can make it sir it's my arm do you guys do anything to make the new cast members welcome like first-time Chadwick comes on and said or first-time Tom Hall in comes on to say I think is the best all right all right Tom's answer all right tom has his own base camp yes like an entourage it's a lot he's a lot to do good and you know he's like uses a lot sounds like a problem so you don't want to be in the spider he's a problem I had a chance to talk to our Dom shadow back in Paris and it told me that there will be bad blood between the two of you ya know just because I don't like him I mean I don't mean is bad like Oh is he here today no Deva see we're here yes selling our movie because we love it and we appreciate the opportunity to be an Avenger but you know teamironman they have this little diva thing you know like they come when they want to come that you can take one hour flight or interviews a day I have a question sir with intermission in this press conference it took them literally three days to get him because they have to leave pop all the way over here cuz they gotta stop at a restaurant diva's what's your favorite scene in the movie when I'll punch dawn cheeto in the face yeah when I pass on sex in the face look at that look at those those eyes are just piercing I just walk around smack and fools with my wings is the coolest powers I don't so here's the coolest suit whose name just everything about spot about is better than everybody else obviously he never saw my suit all he has is spandex and webs I can cut webs with my wings I can shoot him with my gun who from Team cap would you pick in real life to have your back I mean I probably would have to say yeah I'm not saying you don't so don't say me you could scare people off pretty well you know this is my scary face that's it it works yeah just don't say nothing just like it's otherwise who we got ant-man No your favorite holiday chocolate come on yeah doing a movie in London London you know I don't know what's scarier damage [Music] flying house hanging out this is going well [Music] don't like chocolate where the kid is a huge problem yeah just you know he comes to set and shake he has a handler because he's like eight and a handkerchief cuz I know looking at me as much and this amazed into news I keep talking every time I look at you you just keep looking forward I can't look at you man you stay on your side of the room I still must go and that's what I was told oh you're having a great time today with these one next to you oh no I'm having a great time I know I gotta get ice who eats the most Sebastian there's 20 pounds of muscle let's be clear I just want to make sure we're walking around eating everybody's food like you couldn't keep a protein bar just Sebastian what is meadow arm give me the bar imma punch you there's a lot of conflict in this film coz there's constant confliction it's called civil war hey sit next to a sexy sea bass I know what it feels like to be in second place baby look at that come on man really survived the Mac attack come on come on what time the muscle what times I can't right now I just had lunch you know so trying to digest which way is the beach hey where it's supposed to be right you wanted this I've seen this movie before here you here it is you own it we got it come & get it we wit it you know I'm dumb out that ron album coming out to some cop that you know get ready for the beach you know yeah which one we help you move your furniture if you decide to move who do you call which eventually you call for that you'd be like you know he'd be like you call me I can help you move my furniture cuz he knows I don't have moving a mattress yo man it's the best move ever yeah well say for me I'm not just stop yeah he's a he's a he's a big problem this kids I've never I've never seen anyone and it's good that he's on Team Harmon he has to have a break every two hours for a juice box that's how much of a brat he is I bolted that myself 36 flips to get this right like I know I know there like it looked like you just took that from a Chinese restaurant tough guy which was actually harder to shoot for you great question Melissa this definitely when you have lines then sometimes walking is just you know he gets a full wardrobe there he goes in his trailer and cuts the sleeve off yeah just so the arm will hang out my shirts it's like you'll forget it's him if the arms covered up it's like oh I got it myself every day I have a lot of pieces to my costume especially the Red Wing see what I mean hey once that thing is locked and loaded baby because I've been going after your workout which is legs only legs only legs only not trying to break but the thighs are the way to heaven you know what I mean how do you feel your characters contribute to a lot of leg workouts I have it in my contract that I have to behind shots twice in the movie so you know thighs and quads man thousand it's almost like we answered a different question I gotta give them what they want baby you know I can't have a tree without the trunk you know what I'm saying no no no two different must all go to different muscles on either side of your leg your hand falls in the back leads down yeah so cords are thoughts no no your thighs are here your quad is the frontal salutes and last question would you like to have my claw anyway what are the biggest trailer I have a lot of stuff you know so I just you know it it's really nice just really you know I got a you know like five of them you know I think you are a phenomenal person and I would hope to have the privilege to listen to your trials tribulations success failures and aspirations that's the winning line I'm particularly good at washing up doing the dishes oh yeah dishes it's my thing and I was thinking if you could have an everyday superpower what are you particularly good at that would be your superpower driving force you don't look like a good job I'm a great oh wow walk outside everybody go blind from my suspenders you hi Leslie thank you see you at the club I'm trying he's not here but I'm trying okay we all know who I'm talking and I'm trying I'm trying to cause his end that was pretty good you go do karaoke so how's my go-to is sir mix-a-lot baby got back good one kills every single time but Sebastian is kind of a mess he looks like a mess kind of I got I just [Music] the proceeded to talk much in the movie you know lines are always great didn't have that last time and then I got worried because that meant like I'm I have to I have to say things now you know performance without having more than like two who would you challenge to a rap battle in teamironman oh wow okay that's a great question I would definitely challenge Paul vision yeah definitely challenge fish in the otter vision Ironman Black Widow uh-huh uh-huh then I'd knock Black Panther and I'd save one person for last just because he's a young knucklehead he needs to be brought down to sign no that guy yeah that guy I would have to say probably the day I met Robert Downey jr. the first time that was that was pretty fun because I couldn't understand why he's talking to me and then I thought oh I see what he's doing it's a strategy yeah he's breaking me down so the Justice League made the Avengers off their game listen when they get a Bucky we'll start talking I was just about to ask you a questions first oh good Conley invited to Robert Downey's and everybody's goal every day is that lunch to see who's gonna get invited and you get so jealous like the day he was invited I see him I'm like I wanted to have Sebastian over sooner but he sent me this video of him sheis ripping out bicep curls with a decapitated iron man what was the most challenging side of the movie watching Chris kiss a girl [Music] [Music] with that I try to get the guys out and have a good time together but you know Sebastian is not the type of guy who likes to have fun he's more of you know I'm old so you know I have to sit around and think about what I'm doing tomorrow night what can we expect from you guys from the Calgary mine we'll probably be on the string puking all over myself and begging for help or another probably be mine I haven't seen it but everyone seemed to laugh when I was drowning in my puke and I didn't make it in the trailer no I guess is caught there is a little girl being as my friend Nishka would say I'm a gold digger last answer that's not me thanks so much cuz my friend nish would say is my friend nishan do we think always wash it before and after you go to bed as buck nasty right there that's buck nasty baby yeah this day janella ice okay that's what he calls me but you think you outgrew bad nicknames after high school but apparently weiner soldier no I absolutely not quite the opposite of in fact I keep gaining them Oh sexy sea bears kind of look like a diva the costume the Winter Soldier white I said I can't move without a win machine I just thought he would take his mask off and be like how long do I have to wear this thing in exactly I will just turn it I used to do shakes I'm here down you're very handsome well from this guy has the face of a Greek god well you know and it's hard to get over and maybe you could take everything is a lot better now Jake Reed oh how a team cap celebrated victory would they go to shawarma would they go to the ice cream and 11 he's everywhere I don't I couldn't say any it was like I can't remember the name of what thoughts with Anthony you know yeah I'm sure the two every two hours he has to have a Capri Sun break for his juice box you know he has a bunch of friends that come somewhere that carries a towel for him yeah and they come and pet pet pet what a Spidey can't be too hot
Channel: Aynn Tale
Views: 1,469,021
Rating: 4.9788003 out of 5
Keywords: Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Captain America, Panel, Interview, junket, press, Civil War, Winter Soldier, Bucky, Falcon
Id: K4qCdL-ZN38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2017
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