Funniest Things Drive Through Window Workers Heard | People Stories #22

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people who work at a drive through a window what are some things that you've overheard on the headset that customers don't know you heard there were two homeless people fighting in the parking lot some guy rolled up to the speaker with two kids in the back and i hear him say do you guys want to watch them fight okay i'll go through and get the food you guys stay here i was watching on the security camera as this man lets out two kids around six and eight years old so they could stand by the dumpster and watch two drunk guys beat the crap out of each other with bricks holy crap that's so freaked up that i can't stop laughing it sounds like something that would happen in an episode of it's always sunny in philadelphia lol we had ran out of salads and i was taking a drive through order the dude said one second please and called his mom they get into a three minutes argument where i recall him saying i'm not gonna drive all around the city for a freaking salad mom tell mom you got salad at home ultimate revenge worked at a mcdonald's most memorable one was a woman who got a call after she placed an order and burst out crying person in her passenger side asks what's wrong she responds windows still down my dad just died taking her payment was extremely uncomfortable i found out my mom was dead in a taco bell drive through not sure what this adds except that i relate to that person's need to say something in that moment instead i just went back to work for the night and finished my shift kind of a backwards example but one time i was having a tough day and my roommate and i went to grab food from this local diners drive through she wanted to get food from somewhere else so i just got a burger and fries after a bunch of driving around she finally decided she wanted food from there so we went back and i got to shake and she got fries and then after we'd already ordered i said to her how i honestly wanted more fries but one i shouldn't spend any more money and two we'd already finished the order and three the drive-thru guy was gonna hardcore judge me especially since we'd already been through the drive-through in the last 30 minutes when we pulled up to the window the guy gave us our food and then gave me some fries said no judgment it's on the house and went at me it was super nice but also i died of embarrassment and that was the day i learned they can hear you even when you don't think they can shout out to that dude a girl was in the middle of ordering when her boyfriend called her he was breaking up with her as well as confessing he had been cheating on her her car put the call through the speakers i couldn't comp her order but i did tell the person at the other window to give her a free ice cream of her choosing i'm surprised she didn't just pull out offline at that point you have to comfort eat when i was working a drive-through window i was more worried that the customer would overhear what i was saying about them one time i called a guy an idiot under my breath wasn't holding down the talk button and he pulled up to the window to pay and it was my pastor here's your change father [ __ ] a couple had a full-on boxing match at the speaker i just said let me know when you're ready to order as i heard the punches land on each other's faces while they yelled at each other then the lady yelled i wish you were dead and the guy laughed manically then they ordered like they didn't just go rocky versus draco ps thanks for the award love you them i had to take their money out the window and they were still calling each other names under their breath while smiling at me and acting totally fine i was working drive and i had a customer pull up to the speaker and then order then afterwards she didn't pull up to the window and i can still hear what she says even though i'm not taking her order she then started having a loud phone conversation and started talking about how was cheating on her boyfriend i gave her a little time and then said you can pull up ma'am lol how did she react to it a girl's orgasm late teens early twenties girl and her boyfriend were coming through mcdonald's drive-through apparently she was enjoying a bit of manual magic from her boyfriend under the blanket while waiting to order on a busy night she was very flushed when they got to the window no shame at all oh this might actually be a specific kink fetish i used to be a drive-through bank teller and this woman dropped 100 bill from her withdrawal envelope inside her car she accused me of stealing and while i rechecked my drawer she called me a racial slur that came to her country to steal from americans bc she tough the microphone was off my manager overheard the while interaction well by time the woman came into the bank screaming her younger son came running after her bc he found the bill underneath the driver's seat my manager closed her bank account and told her to not come back i'm glad your manager stood up for you suru men are parents yelling at their kids to make up their minds also once had a guy ask for jay lepinos on his sandwich i started laughing and he got super mad and demanded to talk to my manager i feel like i should clarify jlopino man was an old redneck in the middle of missouri so it was funny not only because of the pronunciation but because of the southern midwest accent i also didn't mean to laugh at him both me and my co-worker forgot our headsets were on my co-worker said it the same way he did and i laughed and when he pulled up to the window that is when he asked to see our manager not a worker was just standing in line behind this guy at a subway he asked for that asian sandwich the girl at the counter figured out he was asking for chicken teriyaki we have a camera at ours and it's right there so it's hard not to see but still i get to see parents smack their children couples arguing the nasty nasty faces you make at me the arm gestures of how freaking stupid are you when i ask if they want cream and sugar in their coffee bc i'm supposed to know you want 13 and 9 in a medium the worst is dumping garbage right in front of the camera ugh i feel like i don't hear a lot of crazy stuff but see a lot i see people's cars filled to the top with garbage this old lady came through with blood all over her sleeve crazy stuff lol mine is actually reverse i was the employee that accidentally said something through the headset that the customer heard it was a steak n shake about 10 years ago the headsets had a button to push for talking through just the headsets and a button for talking to the customer you can see how the mistake happened we were joking with one of my co-workers about her having to sleep here instead of ever going home and i said hope you brought your pillow cause you're not going around anywhere year then i heard the customer laugh and died inside guy came to the wendy's i worked it and got in an argument with his wife about if we served tater tots or not after a few minutes i butted in and told him we didn't serve tater tots he told me they were on our screen and he was gonna get them tots he was looking at the chicken nuggets was taking an order for a college-aged couple they ordered a couple happy meals after i told them they're total i heard the girl yell excitedly we're getting toys and they pull up and she has the biggest genuine excited grin on her face honestly made my day it was super cute not going to lie that sounds cute off sometimes after we're closed we keep our headsets on so we can talk to each other while closing up when someone pulls up to the drive-through screen we have a pre-recorded message saying that we are closed there have been many occasions of people driving up hearing the message and yelling well frick you or something along those lines to the speaker box happened reversely i was waiting at a wendy's drive-through it was kinda late 10 30 or 11 and the girl at the drive-through's headset was being weird and i heard freaking piece of crap slapping sound apparently the battery was almost out and she was trying to switch them i had to try super hard not to laugh most costumers don't realize that everyone at work can hear the conversations in the drive-through we sell angus burgers at new work a costumer once ordered an anus burger in the drive-through and the entire staff was in tears laughing at the poor guy when i worked at mcdix a lady pulled up and started saying how she hates coming here because the drive though person is always an idiot and never gets her order right and how mcdonald's only hires idiots i greeted her with hello ma'am sorry for your past experiences but not all of us are idiots and in fact we all can hear you on the headsets as soon as you pull up she drove off not that i would ever do what she did but after directly insulting the people making your food not eating at the establishment afterwards was probably her smartest decision one time we had a person sit in the lane for seven minutes having an argument with the other person in the car over their divorce on top of that there's conversations about deadbeat baby daddies and whatnot stuff can get weird most if not all of starbucks drive thrust have a camera so we can see you we can see when you flip us off we can see when you're doing something you shouldn't be we can see the faces and hateful glares you make and more importantly we can see when you and you're so are for some reason trying to get it on in the dt lane like y'all can't wait and pull into the parking lot for that we can see when you and your so are for some reason trying to get it on in the dt lane to be fair the starbucks drive-through is like a good 15-minute adventure got to kill time some way i don't work at a drive-through but witness some horrible behavior from my sister at mcdonald's once she ordered nuggets and extra barbecue sauce food comes out and she opened the bag before driving away no source she sassed the lady at the drive-through i asked for source i think mainly because of her tone the woman didn't acknowledge her so my sister shouted at her again and again but added an expletive or two finally the woman opened the window and tossed half a dozen sources at my sister and my sister picked one up and chucked it at the woman's head and then drove off god i hated driving around with my sister it would do your sister well to remind her she's being a bee in those situations i was working at mcdonald's and we had just upgraded our headsets for the drive-through we no longer had to hold the button down while talking now we could push the mic on button take the order then push the mic off button there was an adjustment period for those of us who like to talk crap i was one of those people the worst one i can remember was when a lady wouldn't stop changing the order and asking questions that the menu in front of her face could easily answer she said oh wait on that third mcchicken can i get and i said b you have got to be freaking kidding me i had no idea how to recover so i just took my headset off and went on break nobody even said anything when i came back i'm sorry but this is freaking hilarious even better because i read it as you've got to be mick [ __ ] kidding me once had the opposite happen my friend and i worked at fast food place and friend randomly asked whatever happened to chelsea last name no ill intent we just hadn't hung out with her in forever then from the drive through window we hear a man raw what about chelsea last name yep her dad was at the window wendy's driven through in the 90s so many people drinking beer behind the wheel on friday nights there was another time this didn't actually involve a customer but we had just gotten the headsets only the person working the window and the person working the grill had them i was on grill and the manager was talking to me about something when i hear in my right ear tell manager to kiss your butt sixteen-year-old me struggle to keep a straight face worked at mcds for three years funniest i'd heard was a guy asking the passenger what he could get for a big mac there's s legit h in my town who does discount apparently for fast food worst had to listen to a women list of stds her doctor told her she had and what treatments to get literally begged the grill team to hurry and move the line a woman was talking to her passengers children perhaps and we heard sounds of children when she pulled up got her shakes and left the drive-through person said there was no children in the car if that's not the most freak-up thing i heard she was probably talking on bluetooth and reached to the back to put the extra shakes in backseat cup holders when i was in high school i worked at a fast food place at night it was about two minutes before closing and two guys came through the drive through super drunk we were out of something they wanted so the guy tells his friend that i'm a sea and that he's going to go in and violate me until he gets his food my friend was also working that night she didn't tell me until later but she had picked all the veggies for his burger out of the bottom of the garbage bin where we had just thrown a bunch of expired meat plus hours worth of other gross stuff i don't really believe in messing with people's food but frick that guy i still thank my friend to this day the nasty patty i had some drunk girl last night talked to her male friend about drama for five minutes and when he pulls up she baths in the drive-through and i had to clean it up i once ordered 75 nuggets person at the window said the machine wasn't letting her do 75 60 or 80 quick argument with friend in passenger seat decide on 80 sat there talking about all the nuggets when we get to the window it's a friend of mine who started that day she asked you guys hi not yet i worked at mcds for a very long time from middle school through college and the funniest thing i've heard to this day is a man ordering cheeseburgers for his kids he had a very thick accent and said she subbed and 14 year old me could not handle it i once overheard a customer talking to her friend therapist about how alone and suicidal she felt our line was backed up and she was still stuck over the sensor and had called them while waiting there were about six of us on the floor we all felt abysmal and wanted to comp her order or upgrade but didn't know how to explain that yeah we just heard you spill your guts out unwittingly to absolute strangers my girl on windows settled for being extra nice and taking her time saying hello etc comma she's not a regular wasn't working at a drive-through and didn't overhear anything but my job sat right behind a jimmy john's and i liked to watch the cars pulling through while i smoked a cigarette one day i watched a lady in broad daylight mind you pull up to a small tree that sat not far from the drive-through intercom of this place and start ordering man that was a good day como i liked to watch the cars pulling through while smoking a cigarette pretty sure her cigarette was better than yours several times we'd hear someone speaking in a different language for a few moments which is annoying as a drive-through worker in any language the timer starts the second the car pulls up to the speaker no matter how long the customer takes to order and then finally after a minute or two we hear a child's voice finally start ordering in english a lot of parents hadn't learned english well enough to feel confident ordering food so they'd have their kids do it this could be difficult depending on the age of the child but i always admired it i used to work at starbucks and some mom was yelling at her kid who i thought must have been a teenager because of her voice and all of the cussing she pulls up and her kid is like six years old calling her mama b c crap head act i heard it all my customer service voice sounds very happy but is very much fake and has led to a lot of interesting customer experiences one time i did my whole introductory crap that you have to do in the starbucks drive through and the lady mumble about me being way too loud and happy so i just asked her what she said even louder and happier she didn't repeat her remark and just ordered that time i also had multiple incidents where people are like wow somebody's had a lot of coffee and one incident when somebody said that i responded with oh no man this is just my customer service voice which is very much fake starbucks drive-through is one heck of an interesting place finally someone else who can't help the customer service voice i had a lady get real angry thinking she was talking to a computer i type deal and actually asked if i was a computer they've probably heard my wife and i repeating the part from lethal weapon where joe pesci talks about getting fricked at the drive-through that's right better check the bag or we'll be miles away my husband and i purposely have ridiculous conversations for the people to overhear i love seeing people's smiling faces anything from our unicorn versus pegasus debate to how they pick the test team for flavored lube and ribbed condoms i absolutely love this and the humor and creativity behind it more people need to be like this well done the amount of times i've seen [ __ ] on the drive through screen blows my mind first it seems sort of weird that you like i could use a mcchicken also suck my dong second it's the 21st century if you don't think business have cameras everywhere for lawsuit reasons you are sadly mistaken a guy kept changing his freaking order and i finally hammered out something that i thought would appease him i read it back to him we agreed that this would do he couldn't move out of range though because the drive through was a little backed up with a karen who couldn't understand that due to company policy i wasn't going to take her order at the window just because she had to wait to place it at the speaker that's not how the real world works not when i have a line behind you that was perfectly able to place their orders at the window anyway right before i disconnected with him i'd been busy making drinks to carry out to the car behind karen i overheard him cursing me out on the phone to whoever like how i was a stupid death [ __ ] of a bee can you believe they discontinued real fruit slushies here it's all that retard's fault obviously and she got my order all wrong yada yada balls i finally decided to act like i'd half heard and asked i'm sorry sir what was that would you like to add to your order there was a strangled sort of noise someone in the car who i had not previously heard in the car started laughing and then it all got muffled because he rolled up his window i hung up and proceeded on karen soon peeled out of the parking lot like she was late for her 4 p.m chess game with satan as soon as i was able to move some cars the last car to place an order excused him from the line and peeled out as well it was real fruit butthole i know because i checked with the cars around him it's like yeah we can still hear you up to a certain point jackass i hope he learned something but probably not i worked at tim hortons when i was young a person pulled up gave their order and then rang a bell it was a bicycle bell dude was pushing a grocery cart that had a bell attached to it i had to deny him food because my manager told me to he walked inside and made a big scene about it then left with his ten pack of timbits it was a weird experience used to work at rmc donald's overhears a woman verbally abusing the passenger who was a male it was definitely odd to overhear and made even less sense to my 16 year old brain because socially women are never seen as aggressors and it was just a shock comma because socially women are never seen as aggressors i almost forgot that i used to think that too as an adult i discovered that woman can be just as mean if not meaner than men one of our female employees would bone using the internal communication function while we were trying to take orders to mess with us it made doing our job very difficult i ran a fast food place during the graveyard shift for almost 10 years but don't operate a drive-through anymore one a phone call where the women was upset that she received crabs from the person she was talking to we interrupted her and she just left out of shame two verbal abuse usually aimed at children or a spouse there is a line between a parent being frustrated at a kid in the crap i have heard i remember a poor kid who was so upset over the driver screaming at them to pick something to eat that the only thing the kid could manage to do is cry the kitchen was used to yelling but the tone and volume of the driver made everyone stop and listen in shock and anger the driver was still screaming at the kid as they sped off without ordering three two women planning to attack me when i came out with their remakes the buns were originally too toasted and apparently that warrants assault for large truck engine sounds speakers are usually tall enough to catch only the engine sounds of a large truck trying to order nothing else can be heard except for the occasional snippet of human speech almost completely drowned out by a constant incredibly painful piercing white noise blaring directly into the air the sigh of annoyance from the driver is usually crystal clear as soon as they turn off the vehicle though at least with the company that i worked for as soon as a drive-through person talks to a customer via speaker any following conversation can be heard via kitchen speakers for all staff to hear and depending on how loud some of the customers dining inside can hear too even if the employee puts the customer on hold everything can be heard customer here i'm usually just cussing out the driver in front of me for not pulling up closer to the car in front of them that's right karen you definitely need three car lengths between you and the next car that's okay because i have a lll freaking day and so does everyone else who is behind emmy and would like to order who knew i was going to eat at the same mcdonald's as the freaking queen of the universe i am so honored please put your goddamn phones down and roll on through other people are hangry and would also like to get some food this has been a public service announcement from a redditor who would like everyone to tighten their crap up worked at a 24-hour panda express i got the pleasure of taking the order of a group of women coming back from a late night bridal party all i could hear besides the quiet dd ordering was the girl in the passenger side throwing up into a plastic bag it was fun if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 45,183
Rating: 4.9132457 out of 5
Keywords: drive through pranks, drive through rap, drive through, funniest drive thru argument, funniest drive thru orders, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: NT-M9fBc2XU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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