FUNNIEST Moments of Season 6! 😂 | 30-Minute Compilation | The Loud House

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Make way! Theatrical emergency! The show starts in just a few minutes. We won't make it in time like this. We need a faster way. [gasping] Limburger Lane is a five-mile-an-hour zone! We're clocking 30! GO, LUAN! DAZZLE THAT AUDIENCE! I'm here, Cream Team! Let's get out there and- Hey, what's going on? Cheryl fell into a vat of funnel cake batter. Her ears are clogged and she can't hear. The show won't go on. I've got it. The show will go on! Oh, Dairy Godmother, it makes my stomach churn just thinking about this dream having to end. It doesn't have to, my little cheese curd. <i> ♪ Eating yogurt And feta cheese, too ♪</i> <i> ♪ All of this dairy's A cream come true ♪</i> [cheering] Bonjour, Clyde. Ready to cook French food? I'm so excited. I can't wait. Wow. Thanks, Mr. Loud. I had no idea you studied French cuisine. Well, I follow a French cooking vlog, which is basically the same thing. Every time my boy, Charcuterie Sheldon goes live, I feel alive. We're going to make escargot just like you were going to learn in Paris. Charcuterie Sheldon said the key to snailing it is the sauce. [chuckles] Get it? Cause- Cause we're cooking snails. [chuckles] Good one, Mr. Loud. Let's start by mixing some butter. Look alive. The lunch rush is starting. Uh, should I come back later? No, no. You'll learn on the fly. Next step, add some garlic to that. Hold on. Don't forget the nacho cheese! Mm-mm. Oh, oh, way too hot. No worries. Just add ice cubes. Okay, you're the teacher. Gotta pour on that pesto. Need to use that milk before it goes bad. I gotta throw those fish heads someplace. It's time to dump all the chunky chili. Stir til frothy. Finished! Order in the window! [grunting] Ugh. Sorry I got busy, Clyde. So, did you add the garlic? Oh, I added everything you said. The crew is enjoying it right now. [gagging] All righty, who's ready to twin it up? Let's get this competition started. [cheering] Down Home Double Dutch Chocolate. Yes. Uncle Charlie's Chicory! [dinging] [bleating] Bah-bah Blueberry, you're absolutely right. [dinging] Shriekin' Butter Pecan. [dinging] [snoring] Grip it... and whip it! We played a little roller derby in college. They used to call us the Slingshot Sisters. [chuckles] [bleating] [whistling] Disqualified! Disqualified?! For why? Violation of Auntie Pam's Double Trouble Contract. I can't have my twins fighting. They need to be united. Oh. [gasping] Oh. It's the Eiffel Tower, y'all! Just like the one from Las Vegas! [sighing] We're the Doo Dads, and this is Hot Rods and Dad Bods. [chuckles] One, two, three, hit it! [music playing] [music playing] That's not the song. I was jamming out, taking the accordion for a little walk. Jamming is for hippies. Now, let's pick up where we left off. Uh... [gulping] [groaning] Enough! I can't stand those cowbells! Well, B-hof... Can I call you B-hof? [growling] Right. [chuckles] Mr. Bolhofner. This is kind of a cowbell band? Not anymore! Looks like we need some changes around here. My cowbell... [groaning] Chicken bones? Oh. Yeah, honey, Grouse said not to mess with those. He chews on them at stoplights to get the last of the meat off. [groaning] Yeah, thank you, Santa, for the nifty satellite set. Now, let's just hack into the Royal Woods transportation grid and create a little traffic, shall we? [chuckles] [clicking] [honking] Dang it. Where did all this traffic come from? We're never going to make the appointment now. I know a shortcut. Turn here. [tires screeching] [screaming] [tires screeching] See? I go this way all the time. Really? Because I don't think that was a road, hun. [grunting] Hmm. Perhaps some precipitation will slow us down. [chuckles] A little cloud seeding and voila. We are not missing that appointment. Hmm. Alright, Gramps, time to get your proverbial camp legs back. Surely you must remember archery. It's a sinch. Watch. [grunting] You're up, Gramps. [grunting] Dang it. Hmm. I know just the thing. [thudding] [groaning] Water skiing? Why, slap my hull. This I'll get right for sure. Lola, sweetie, you ready?! Prepare to be dazzled. Ooh, look at the size of that one. He's getting away! Hang on, kids! Whoa-oh! [screaming] Hmm. Looks like he got away. Uh, can somebody help me out here?! Oh, Lola, sweetie, I forgot you were back there. [groaning] Another net full of nothing, Leonard. Cheer up, Gramps. There's no way a fella can foul up s'mores. Knock on wood. Yeah, you can do this. Here you go, my little minnows. Gramp's famous s'mores. Now, the best part, pounding it. [crunching] I'm tasting chocolate. Definitely graham cracker and marshmallow. But there's something I just can't place. Yep, that's lake trout. I thought the scales would give it some extra zing. Ew, gross! [yawning] What a day. I'm glad Nana Gail forgave us. And Bernie too. His face should heal nicely from all that cat scratching. Well, thank goodness our fur babies are so well behaved. [screaming] [meowing, music playing] [meowing, music playing] [meowing, music playing] I'm calling Madam Furball's Academy and demanding a refund. After this song. Come on, Dads. Whoo hoo. [music playing] There it is. Chip Micro's headquarters. Let's go! [slurping] [clanking] We made it in. <i> Countdown to detonation in T minus two minutes.</i> Oh, no, the control panel is sealed. How are we supposed to stop this thing? <i> Looking for this. Agent Steele?</i> <i> It's the only way to open the control panel.</i> Malice Agent Chip Micro. I should have known. <i> You're just in time to see me annihilate Royal Woods.</i> Not on my watch. [gasping] A hologram? <i> Did you really think it was going to be that easy?</i> <i> Good luck finding the real remote,</i> <i> Agent Steele.</i> [laughing] You have any bright ideas, Agent Steele? How's this for a bright idea, Agent Alloy? Activating super spy flashlight. [laughing] Sorry to push your buttons, Chip, but you lose. <i> ♪ Forged in a fire ♪</i> <i> ♪ From chromium carbon And irony ♪</i> It's David Steele Cut. And that's a wrap, people. [grunting] Oh. Pretty sweet, bro. Now tell me about the watermelon mole pizza. <i> It's hard to describe. It's sort of-</i> [groaning] Well my old suits aren't cutting it anymore at the bingo hall. I need a fresh look. [groaning] I can't get a signal on my cell. Whoa. What are you doing, kid? Oh, you really think I could pull off leather? I'm going to go try this on. So, what do you think, Thorne? I don't have a reflection so I can't tell. [crowing] Ssh! I'm pretending I'm a vampire. Thanks for ruining the fantasy. Sweet, my signal's back. [music playing, grunting] Step to the left. Step to the right. Like this, watch and learn. [grunting] [crowing] I've been struck! Thorne! Avenge me. Hey. Ooh, those chinos will be great for your deejay gig, Ty-Ty. I don't know, babe. Let me test them out. Party people, can I get a "What's up?" [scratching] Mmm. I think I need a second opinion. Hey man what do you think of these chinos? <i> I'm spending all my tickets on this ergonomic neck pillow.</i> No way, that is the worst option. Oh, you're right. What was I thinking? [crying] Nice work, bozo, you crushed his chino dreams. [ringing] -<i> Ha-cha-cha!</i> - Dad! <i> I won't be back for a few more hours, Rust-Man,</i> <i> the fabric guy is more stubborn than wrinkles on rayon.</i> <i> Okay, gotta get going, See ya.</i> [groaning] At this rate, I'm never gonna get to Gus's. But, maybe I can get Gus's to come to me. [music playing] Rusty, this was an awesome idea to hang out while you're working. Yeah, this rocks. Hey, Rusty, don't take this the wrong way but don't you have to work? Stella, Stella, I am working, and vibing. I can do both at the same tizime. Besides, if a customer needs me they'll give me a shout for help. Hello?! I'm shoutin' for help! I'm stuck in my leather pants! Woo hoo! Pump up the volume. [music playing] [gasping] Great moons of Jupiter. So shiny. Must try on. And now, feast your eyes on my new move, The Sweaterfold. I found them. The perfect pants. They were on that rack in the back of the store. Uh-huh, little busy, bro. Just ring us up before we change our minds. Have a dudlightful day. Next up, Stella Zhau. [popping] For my presentation, I will discuss my Coaster Toaster. First... [speaking gibberish] Then you... [speaking gibberish] [gasping] [thudding] [gasping] Uh-oh. Brief intermission, folks. Please enjoy the snack bar outside. [groaning] Zach! Why did you do that? I was crushing it. You crushed it alright. [gasping] My Coaster Toaster! I did that? I'm sorry Stella, it's my fault. I accidentally recorded over my parent's tape, 'Aliens for Amateurs: Volume Three'. So when my recording ended, theirs continued. <i> ...And when you wake up</i> <i> your fear of public speaking will be gone.</i> <i> ...Therefore if you ever find yourself abducted by aliens</i> <i> from the Cluvarian Galaxy, blend in immediately.</i> <i> This means running backwards,</i> <i> eating by slamming your face into your food,</i> <i> and speaking in their native tongue.</i> [speaking gibberish] This part of the tape got into your brain too, and you woke up with alien behaviors. You mean I acted like an alien in front of the whole school? Oh yeah, dawg, you did a total face plant in that grilled cheese. Well, that seals it. Now I'm definitely never speaking in public again. Listen. The problem is you've been focusing on the wrong end. You need to shake those hiccups down through the body. Then they'll blast right out of your butt. We proudly give you... [Luna hiccuping] the hiccup eradicator. You slide down the slide, bounce on the trampoline, land in Lola's princess ride, jump through the bubble hoop, fly through the air, then at the end, you land in that kiddie pool filled with pudding. [Luna hiccuping] All that motion will lead to a ginormous butt blast, and your hiccups will be gone. [Luna hiccuping] Bam, science. Uh, why pudding in the kiddie pool? Not gonna lie, that part's purely for our entertainment. [hiccuping] Let's just get this over with. Luna? [Luna hiccuping] For the love of gravity, don't do it! Well, you'd be happy to know that actual science has triumphed. After many grueling hours in the lab, I have finally created an anti-hiccup throat spray. [gasping] Let me give it a try! They're gone! Ha-ha! Now, bear in mind, it only offers temporary relief, so be sure to use it every 15 minutes. Specs, you're truly the rockin'-est little sis <i> ♪ Ever! ♪</i> Whoa, whoa, whoa! [splashing] One, two, three. [music playing] <i> ♪ When everything is going Smooth ♪</i> <i> ♪ Life will you send you a [hiccup, hiccup] ♪</i> <i> ♪ Then when things start To improve ♪</i> <i> ♪ You hit another [hiccup, hiccup] ♪</i> <i> ♪ Please tell me What I'm doing wrong ♪</i> <i> ♪ How am I gonna get Through this song ♪</i> <i> ♪ Everyone just play along ♪</i> <i> ♪ Every time there is a [hiccup, hiccup] ♪</i> [cheering] [clicking] Oh. What's with the lights? I, a normie like you, just saw a ghost. Run. Boo. [screaming] [screaming] [hissing, screaming] Mm, baked crab legs. [screaming] Quinn, all these romance vibes got me like, "Whoa!" So there's something I gotta ask you. Will you- I do. [screaming] <i> ♪ Farewell and adieu to you Spanish ladies ♪</i> [reeling] I am the ghost of Lake Eddy. <i> I'm so sick of all the noise!</i> <i> The conga music is driving me mad!</i> Take your foghorn and toot off! [hissing] You heard him, run! [screaming] Okay, I'm at your bunker. <i> All right, listen carefully. The password is-</i> Your birthday, everyone knows. Enter it and duck. I entered the code, but I don't have a duck. <i> I was warning you about the booby trap</i> <i> I had Luan install.</i> [gasping] Oh, no. What's wrong?! Is the control panel off line? No, it's your decor. You call this a color palette? Leni, that is not important. Look, I promise I'll let you redecorate if you focus on getting control of the ship. Now, go to the keyboard and enter this code: 2-0-3-3-7-5-7-5-1-9. -<i> Uh-</i> - NOT NOW, TODD! [gasping] On it! [beeping] LENI, YOU ENTERED THE CODE FOR WARP SPEED! [screaming] <i> There goes Venus. There goes Mercury.</i> Leni, I need you to look on the left side of the console. Your left or my left? <i> IT'S THE SAME LEFT! See that red button? Press it!</i> Oh, phew. That was a close one. Leni, your mistake almost destroyed this ship as well as Todd and myself. <i> Actually, Lisa, it was your mistake.</i> <i> The code for regaining control of the ship ends with an eight,</i> <i> not a nine. You gave Leni the wrong code.</i> No, I didn't. Wait, did I? Oh, my stars. I honestly don't know what is wrong with me today. Great glowing orbs, that's the sun! And we seem to be caught in its gravitational pull! Without steering, the ship will crash into the sun and melt! I don't think SPF 1,000,000 is going to be enough. Oh, I'm sorry, Todd. This is all my fault. I've been making silly mistakes all day. If I were on my game, we wouldn't be in this mess. <i> [gasping] Lisa, I know what's really going on.</i> You've been messing up because you haven't had your snack or your nap. [scoffing] That's preposterous. Besides, even if you were right, what could I do about it up here? It's not like I have a snack handy. Look in your backpack. Apple slices and carrot sticks? How did you- It's a babysitter thing. Now, eat up. Well, I do feel a bit better, but my brain is still foggy. Mm, probably from missing my nap. <i> Well, there's no time for that,</i> <i> so let's do this to get you focused.</i> <i> Shake the willies out.</i> [sighing] It's too hot for this. [grunting, music playing] Hey, I think this is actually working. [giggling] Whoo hoo. <i> This feels great.</i> <i> Yeah, that's it, Lisa. You'll be focused in no time.</i> [music playing] I must admit, that was rejuvenating. Darn, I thought it'd make you feel better. That is precisely what I- Never mind. Thank you, Leni. Now that I'm focused, I'm going to try and fix the steering because... [gasping] WE ARE FLYING DIRECTLY INTO THE SUN! Okay, remember, you two, we are on the lookout for a mom replacement who has that certain something it takes to win the crown with me. Any questions? Yes, Eunice. I'm not buying you another mani-pedi! Stop asking! Ooh, big hair, on-point makeup... Liam's Mee-maw has potential. C'mon, Virginia, honey! Bath time! [squealing] But we still gotta scrub behind those cute little piggy ears! Ugh. I think not. Ooh, such grace. [thudding] Ugh. Eunice, look at that form. Ooh, my hip! [groaning] I'm never gonna find a fake mom. What am I going to do? Alright, Wilderness 101, tag as many trees as you can so you don't end up walking in circles. Let's move. Huh? Could have sworn we checked this area. <i> Come in, Snow Squirrel, this is Winter Possum.</i> <i> We have a visual of the target. I repeat, we have a visual.</i> Great! We'll shake Bolhofner and come meet you. I knew it! You've been trying to sabotage me! Where's the beast?! Sorry, we actually have no idea. <i> BT dubbs, we're at that pond where we used to ice skate.</i> I have no idea what pond he's talking about. Exact coordinates are 55 west by 22 north. Ha! [panting] [bleating] Guys! We've got company. Get away from that thing! Wait! And we're live. Mr. B, you can't do this. We messed up, that's no abominable snowman." It's my sheep, Roxanne. [bleating] [grunting] My frostbitten four-toed right foot that's a sheep. We can prove it. [buzzing] [bleating] [coughing] Well, this is Katherine Mulligan saying our whole town has been duped. And Mr. Bolhofner only has nine toes. Eight! Lost one on my left foot too. Ugh. Ooh. Hi. So glad to finally meet you, Mr. Santiago. For the first time ever. Really. Um, it's nice to meet you, too, Lori. I've been so- [sneezing] Oh, you poor thing. Better go dry off before you catch a cold. [sighing] Babe, why are you in my kigurumi? And why are you wearing my foot cream on your face? Eugh, uh, kigurumis are very in right now, and they say foot cream is good for your complexion, so, uh, just trying to look my best for your dad! [sheepishly chuckles] Don't sweat it, Babe! He digs you already. I can tell. Ah, nice to see the rain clearing up. Alright, pizza time. Who's buying? Just kidding, I'm buying! [chuckles] [shrieking] Hey, Vito, sorry, just need to borrow this. Ow, it's starting to burn! Oh no, it's spicy! Hey, Lori, the pizza place is this way! And why are your eyes so red? Are you okay? Just allergies! You two go ahead and get a table. I'm gonna go clean up real quick. C'mon, Dad. We'll save you a garlic knot, Babe! Margarita, can you help me? I need a complete makeover in, like, three minutes. I wonder what's keeping her. Everyone knows pizza is best in the first five minutes, when it's really hot. [screaming] I'm excited you'll finally get to see her actual face. Wait, duh, I have over 1,000 photos of Lori on my phone. [gasping, grunting] Here, take a look- Ah, my phone! Hi, guys. I'm back. Oh, I'm sorry. You must have the wrong table. Bobby, it's me. What do you think of my new look? I call it uptown chic. Babe, you look great! I'd take a picture of you, but I don't have my phone. Lori, so glad you're finally here. Eat while it's- Hot! I have your large pizza with mushrooms, anchovies, and... Cell phone? Oh, I'll take that. Okay, my little show-and-tellers, we have Miss Lily up next. I brought... Burp Me Blarney! Ooh. [giggling] [burping] [laughing, applauding] A-tank you. [applauding] Very nice, Lily! Michelle, you're up. [farting] [flushing] Whoa. [giggling] [groaning, squeaking] [burping] [cheering] [grumbling] [music playing] [gasping] Mm. [squeaking] Whoa. [giggling] Yeah. [gasping] [grumbling] Ooh. [honking] Whoa. Whoa! [tires screeching] [gasping] [giggling, honking] [groaning] Wiwy want to be show and tell star! Wiwy need to be star! WIWY WILL BE STAR! Alrighty, here's our room. Oh, my. Ugh. What is that smell? Ew. I've located the source, Father. I believe it used to be scrambled eggs, or chicken. This is so not like the pictures. More like something out of a horror movie. Oh, yes, please. [gasping] Look, you need quarters to use anything in this room: blankets, towels, pillows. The can, too. [rumbling] I need a quarter stat. Those gas station burritos went right through me. Ugh. Hmm. Our time for the lights must have expired. [crying] It's terrible. Daddy, do something. [rumbling] [squawking, screaming] Okay, give me spring break vibes. That's right. Vic, we need a different room. Ours is a complete dumpster fire. Sorry you feel that way, but currently, your a level yellow client, which is why you're in the yellow room. Now I could upgrade you to the purple level, where you might be more comfortable, but you'll need to pay more. [screaming] That's a car payment for a very nice car! No, thank you. We'll stick with the yellow room. [laughing] Ugh, Gilly, no more fish heads for dinner. Well, we're going to have to make it work unless we want to hand over the kid's college funds for an upgrade. I am so sorry. [crying] Uh, now's not the time to say I told you so about the contract, right? Look, guys, I know this room is disgusting, but there's got to be some stuff we can enjoy, like the pool tomorrow. Ooh, and the dreamboat finale is on. <i> Tonight on The Dreamboat...</i> <i> She has an eye condition, Stan, you can't splash her.</i> How did Stan respond? We missed it. Hold on. Hold on. Move over, Daddy, you're not fast enough with the quarters! [thudding] Ow. <i> Well, that was the most shocking thing</i> <i> we've ever seen on Dreamboat. See you next time.</i> [groaning] And Rusty and I now have a state of the art security system. Guys, come check it out. This bad boy is souped up with voice recognition. [clearing throat] Open locker. Retina detector. Fingerprint reader... and self defense mode. Whoa! That sure is impressive. Now come take a gander at what Stella and I got in our locker. What's a locker without a fine feathered friend? [clucking] Which gave me a great idea for my science project, an egg collector. [clucking, dinging] Whoa. It doesn't get better than a locker to table breakfast. Did somebody say breakfast? Because I made fresh baked blueberry muffins. [shrieking] I know what you're thinking. It's a little messy, but don't worry. I'm gonna fix it right up. Ta-da. What do you think? [chuckles] I think I can't wait to tell Dr. Lopez about it. - All right, off to Bolhofner's. - See ya later. Phew. 385, 386, 387- Rusty, I just need my math textbook. I'm already running late. Would you relax? I need to finish my 500 daily brushes. What? 500? You think looking this good just happens? Now, where was I? Uh. You messed me up, Zach, and now I've gotta start over. One, two, three, four, five- [groaning] Hey, Clyde, mine if I grab my gym clothes real quick? Actually, I just set down a pretty fickle souffle and it needs to rise. Any locker disturbance might deflate it. Okay, so when will it be ready? Not sure. Only this souffle can tell us that. [sighing] Hey, Liam, Mr. Button asked me to alter the Glee Club outfits. Have you seen my sewing needle? Uh, I think I saw it right before I sat down a bundle of hay for the cool. [gasping] Literally finding a needle in a haystack. Great. How many times are you going to forget your Latin homework, Rust Man? Oh, right. Open locker. <i> Whiny nasal voice not recognized.</i> [growling] <i> Bloodshot retina scan not recognized.</i> [growling] <i> Greasy fingerprint not recognized.</i> Zack! Open locker! Open locker! <i> Self defense mode activated.</i> Uh-oh. [screaming] I'm all right. [panting, grunting] Book reports, book reports. Aha, there you are. Oh, no, Lincoln's magic hat. [grunting] Come on. Charles, is that my book report? [gasping] Get back here! [whistling] Whoa! Well, hot dog. What a bounty. Let's get these here eggs all scooped up. Dog gone it. Looks like a jam, and not the kind you put on biscuits neither. Probably just needs a good [unintelligible] Oops. Fire in the hole! Huh? [sighing]
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 2,008,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, casagrandes vlog, nickelodeon loud house, nickelodeon casagrandes, casagrandes podcast, loud house full episode, casagrandes full episode, familia sound podcast, music video, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, movie, song clip, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, loud house season 6, full episodes, loud house full episodes, casagrandes, funniest moments, 30 min, compilation, ytao_lh
Id: 1P_mfifXShA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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