Loud Family's Messiest Bathroom Moments! πŸ›€ | The Loud House

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Now if you'll excuse me, I have some guy-liner to apply. [laughing] [gasps] Gross! Lincoln! You clogged the toilet again?! I'm telling Dad! What makes you think I did it? Maybe because you've made more clogs than a Dutch shoe factory! [laughing] So long, liverwurst loaf! [flushing] I'm telling Dad! Mom can't make me wear you if she can't find you. [flushing] I'm telling Dad! Has anyone seen my CDs? I gotta practice for karaoke tonight! β™ͺ La la la la la la La la la, la la la... β™ͺ [flushing] I'm telling Dad! All true. But this time, it was not me, I swear! Well, there goes my Saturday. Forget that pitiful plunger, Dad. This is a class 5 clog. You're gonna need Big Bertha! Well, Mr. Flush-My- CDs-Down-The-Can, I assume this was your doing? No, Dad! For real! It was not me! Well, somebody did it! Toilets don't just clog themselves! Until one of you fesses up, everyone's grounded! [yelling] But, Dad, I can't be grounded! The convention's in a few hours and I gotta get my Ace Savvy comic signed! Until I know who did the crime, you're all doing the time! [yelling] [Despairing] Noooo! [grunts] Big Bertha coming through! Well, I'm not doing the time for this crime. I'm gonna find out who the real clogger is...Ace Savvy style! Dang it. [growling] That must be Tentacle. [growling] Ah! Thanks for volunteering, Linky! [screaming] Hey, look! If Tentacle is in the pipes, we just need to lure him to the toilet. Wait, take this. When you're in position, pull the string and drop it. - Oh, Linky, you're so brave! - Ah! [grunting] [screaming] No line for the bathroom? Sweet! [screaming] What's your damage, bro? You woke me up. Look! The bathroom is disgusting! You're right, bro. We can't live like this. Let's go clean it! We'll start with the toilet! Huh? Hey hey hey! Swirly time, dude! [screaming] [laughing] How's it goin', Stinkin'? [laughing] Ow! Aw, you're fine. Shake it off. Leon? You wanna kiss my boo-boo and make it better? - Ow! - Kiss your boo-boo? [laughing] Never mind, I think I'm there. Whoa! -Hey, Lincoln. -Thanks, Luce. Everything okay? Yeah Clyde. [grunting] Everything's perfect. β™ͺ A plumber's job is never done Especially in this house β™ͺ β™ͺ I've been dubbed The number one β™ͺ β™ͺ to get the number twos To go down β™ͺ β™ͺ When life throws me a storm I still sing along β™ͺ β™ͺ To the bang bang Of those pipes β™ͺ β™ͺ That's my kind of song! β™ͺ Killer song lines. -What song? -The one you were just singing. I don't know what you're talking about, I wasn't singing. But this baby will be once I've replaced her trip lever. Okay, got my soft lighting, my flowers. Time for the mirror selfie. Literally a classic. And done! Lana! What are you doing? Installing a dual flush valve. Get out. I thought you, of all people, would appreciate the pressure-assisted flush. Out! Yeah, that's not going to be Carol. Delete. [yelling] Sounds like someone got trapped in the bathroom again. Grr! Somebody let me out! Bobby's coming over to study and I only have three hours to get ready! Aah! Oof! Grr! This house is literally falling apart! Lori's right. With 11 kids, four pets, and two parents who insist on fixing everything themselves, our house is a bit of a-- how do I put this nicely? Disaster. You've got the faulty water pressure. Eh, I'll go borrow some water from Charles's bowl. Try to have a little dignit--eee! Gotta go, gotta go. β™ͺ Oh, knock, knock, knocking On the bathroom door β™ͺ Huh, oh. I gotta go. No. Boo Boo Bear, you go first. Oh, Babe. I'd never go before you. You're my number one. No, you're my number one. Well, I got to go number two. Ugh! [grunting] Lynn Loud with a steal! Ooh! Ooh! Hey! Ha! [groaning] Wait a second. I need that. [sighing] OK, no one went in the bathroom yet, so I'm guessing there's some pranks waiting to go off in her. Perfect. Unstrap me. [coughs] Sorry, I'm still waiting on that juice. Uh, I don't know. Do you want me to find the real prankster or not? Okay, fine. [sniffing] Shoo, Charles. It's not safe in here. [barks] Hm... check this out. [whimpering] Huh? But-- - Whoa-- - Shh! So have you figured it out yet? Nope. Whoever set this up, they're good. Didn't leave behind a single clue. Come on, let's keep looking. [screaming] What? Now burger guy and smoothie guy are hanging out without you? Leni? Are you in here again? My brother really needs to pee. Sorry, I'll-I'll be right out! Just washing my hands. I'm really sorry, guys, I have to go. Oh, I guess your other friends are more important than my life. Fiona, it's not like that. O-M-gosh, are you talking to your work friends right now? [shrill scream] Leni, are you okay? [faucet squeaks] [yelps] I'm so sorry! I--I'll clean it up. Don't bother. Mandee will help me. We won't take up any more of your time. Yeah, neither will we. [dial tone] It's chore day at the Loud House and taking out the trash is my job. And in a family as big as mine, chores can be pretty intense. But we get through 'em because we all do our fair share. Chores all done. Well, except maybe for Lenny. Doo doo doo doo. Phase three. Code Flush. There she goes. [screaming] And there she flows. Frida, this book on the history of water slides is fascinating. It feels like I'm really there. Ah! Flood! [crying] You're making it worse! [crying] Ahh! Aye ya yi! Hurry, Mama, waterfall ahead. Ay, mis bebes. Mama is coming. [screaming] [spitting] Are you gonna be done in here soon? [spits, laughs] Dude! Done in here soon! Too much, man! All right, everyone out here. Now, I see what you guys are doing, and it's not going to work. I'm done with comedy. [spits] Done with comedy! Ha! Classic Luan. Leni, knock it off! Who's there? [growls] [meowing] [spitting] Hey Poppet, how goes the gig? Bad, I am so overwhelmed Mick, I haven't made a dent in everything I'm supposed to do, and the McB's'll be back in a few hours. Well you better get crackin' if you wanna catch my show with Sam. [gasping] Sam! She's great with cats. Thanks, Mick. Wait, love, let's not do anything too hasty. [screaming] Ah, ha! Uh oh. [coughing] Ah! Towel towel towel! Where's the towel? [screaming] Don't give up. No one likes a critter. [laughing] Mr. Nakamura, what are you doing here? My toilet's not working! Please help! I gotta go so bad. [whines] Don't worry, Hector will fix it. Me?! Why do I have to do it? Because my tacos, that you asked me to sell, are a gold mine. Remember? Please, anyone. Just fix it soon! How hard can it be to fix a toilet? How fun has this week been? Homeschool! Homeschool! Homeschool! [laughing] It has been great, but we should probably do those workbook thingies tomorrow. True. We did promise Mom we'd get all of our work done. Hmm, then again, tomorrow is Friday. So it's practically the weekend already. Might as well wait til Monday to get a fresh start. Good call, brah! Why are you guys still yammering? Go to bed already. We have a test at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. Test? What test? That's how home school works. You take a test every Friday to make sure you've been learning instead of SLACKING OFF all week! [grunting] What? Why didn't anyone tell us that? Hello? It's on page two of your workbooks. [gasping] All the way on page two? Well, of course we didn't see it. But if we don't pass, that means... Yup, back to.. [in slow motion] regular school. [gasping] [grunting] OK, guys, you're going to split the money and that's final. That's not how money works! Tomato juice will take care of that smell. [groans] No, get away from my sister! Ah! [screams] Uh, guys, little problem with the shower. I'm on it, sister. Hmm, I've never worked with this particular model before, but I'm sure I can figure something out. Wow, Lana, that was amazing. Here's my card. Referrals are welcome. [both scream] Linc has to use the bathroom sometime, and when he does, he'll be in for a big surprise. Toilet paper made out of sand paper. [laughing] Okay! All done with the toothpaste! Oops. Got some on my hands. Sid! No! [screaming] [squawks] Minus another point! [buzzer sounds] Oh my gosh, Ronnie Anne, I am so sorry. Let me get that for you. [screaming] Open wide Eagle boy. Here's lunch. [vomiting] Maybe it was Beagle. How about some turkey giblets and gravy? [vomiting] Come on Lily, just get on the ding ding darn seat. Dang it. Come on. I-I-I'll give you this cookie. [sighing] Come on, we'll give ya a cookie. It'll be so good. - All you have to do is pee. - Don't be scared. That's it, Lily. Now-- Oh! Now, Lily, throwing cookies is not-- Ow! Uh. [laughing] [groaning] Lily, using the potty's easy. Watch how daddy does it. Oh. Oh, great, great. Now, I'm stuck. Rita, help! [grunting] [laughing] [groaning] I take it you enjoyed your bath? Yeah! It's worth being clean to see how brown the water got. But the best part was this. [chuckles] I found it in the drain. Can I keep him? - Sure. - Wee! [laughs] Lola, you gotta meet my new friend Harry! I couldn't let our sisters know I read Princess Pony. You know how they are. They'd make fun of me for the rest of my life. So then, why do you read it? Even I need a break from the darkness now and then. So, how'd it end up in the toilet? The bathroom is the only place I can safely read it. I was reading it last night. And when I heard someone coming, I panicked. [flushing] Uh, what's going on? Brother, if you have valuables to protect, you can store them in the safe room. Why is the bathroom the safe room? Because of the cameras I installed last year. You installed cameras? Nooo... I think it's the perfect place to dump our stuff. [laughing] Get it? Whoa, toots, you're leaving me locked in here with Count Creepy? Ugh, please, Edwin is the one who should be complaining. Sancho, where are you? [cooing] [cooing] [gasping] [cooing] Sancho! Not time for a toilet bath! [cooing] [humming] Ay! PerdΓ³n, Sergio. Ah, almost done! [water splashing] [groaning] [disgusted groan] Okay, I'll be right outside. Sancho! Oh! [squawks] [straining] [laughing] What is this weird sparkly towel? It's called a dress, Lana. Now, hold still while I work my magi. Ugh! It smells like princess farts! Oh, hey Lola, your hairspray makes a great deodorant. It really covers up that musky man smell. Hmm. [sighs] Help me get my arms unstuck. You're gonna feel some slight discomfort, and... [ripping, screaming] [thundering] I so enjoy our nightly strolls, Fangs. [squawking] [Leni] Guys, this looks so good! [Lori] We should literally be interior designers! Hey, guys. [gasping] Why are you painting the bathroom my least favorite color? Uh, duh! We all voted on it at the sibling meeting, remember? So, based on the leftover paint in the garage, are options are pink... [giggles] ...or black. All in favor of pink? AYE! [squealing] Great! We all agree. Pink it is! Sigh. Well, I wasn't there. But of course, as usual, no one noticed. Oh, come on! Exaggerate much? Whoops. Sorry, I didn't notice you. β™ͺ Better at this β™ͺ Ooh wee, that's a nice john. I could've spent the afternoon in there. [screams] Sorry! I forgot to put out the wet floor sign. [yells] Hot cheese! Ooh, that's tasty there. [panting] [whistle blowing, panting] Faster. You want to sweat that nasty pimple out or what? Are you sure this is going to work? Margo's older cousin said it does, so it has to be true. [shrieking] Wait. Margo's cousin also said the Jaguars were going to win the title this year and they beefed it again. Yeah, sorry. Whoa, Clyde, you gotta see this! Check it out. Wow! A real life space toilet! I wonder how you flush it. Oh. I think it's this handle. Ah! Help! The space toilet's got me! I got you! It ate my loafer! Mind if we stop at the Burpin' Burger? I need to use the bathroom. I know it's for paying customers, but I really have to go. It's the apocalypse, Clyde. I think that rule is out the window. Huh, looks like everyone left here in a hurry too. Or were attacked by zombies! Clyde? [zombie moans] The zombies. Never mind! I'll pee later! Remember what Colonel Austin said? We might not be able to stop them, but we can slow 'em down. [both grunting] [zombie moans] - Clincoln. - McCloud. [screams] [screams] Anne, I don't remember normal life being so hard. Meli, Meli! [whimpering] Meli, I'm so sorry! Lola, don't! The floor's gross. No, I'm gross. I was supposed to help you fit in, but instead of listening to what you needed, I told you a bunch of junk that probably only works for me, all so I could check off a requirement for the pageant. Oh, I see. Well, did you win? I dropped out. I didn't deserve to have that crown. And I didn't want you to have a bad time at Dairyland. This place is actually really fun. Wanna go on a ride? Maybe split a candy apple? That sounds nice. But first, I got you this. [gasps] My favorite color. Okay, two minute combination, shower, toothbrushing and clothes washing, go. [beeping] Dang it. Um, hey, so the bathroom door is broken and I can't get out of here. Oh, hang on! I'll get Flip! It's a little temperamental. You just gotta sweet talk it a bit! [straining] Dang it! One of yous owes me a doorknob! Okay, Boo Boo Bear, the fire department's on their way. Oh, I hope they get here soon. You know how terrified I am of confined spaces. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay on the phone with you until they get here. Ah, thanks Babe! So what should we talk about? Um, well, I could tell you about that funny thing that happened in math? Oh, yeah, I totally want to hear about that! Oh, and last week for dinner, my dad tried this new thing with cod. Cool! Like fish sticks or more of a fillet situation? Okay, so would you rather give up all cheeses or all desserts? OMG, hmm, tough one... I know right? Because what about-- Cheesecake! [both laugh] [both sigh] -This is so nice. -And so easy. What did we think was so hard again? I have no idea! I guess I let that one awkward phone call get me all freaked out. Same! Maybe we've been trying to fix something that isn't broken. I mean, we know we love each other, right? Of course! You're the best thing that ever happened to me. Oh, Boo Boo Bear-- [fire truck sirens wail]
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 957,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, casagrandes vlog, loud house vlog, Lincoln loud vlog, ronnie Anne vlog, nickelodeon show, nickelodeon loud house, loud house full episode, music video, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, cartoon love, loud house in real life, lincoln loud, the loud house full episodes, loud house full episodes, casagrandes full epiosdes, compilation, loud house messy, loud house family, loud house family bonding
Id: WAd6MTgKgG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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