Loud Family Weirdest Supernatural Moments! 😈 w/ Lincoln, Lori, & Lisa!! | The Loud House

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[humming] - Hey, Luce. - Hey what? Come on. Time to visit Pop-Pop. We voted on where to sit in Vanzilla, and you got the soggy seat. You guys go without me. I'm in the middle of something important. Hmm. We'll see who sits in the soggy seat from now on. Round about the bedrooms go, on their pillows, spell dust, throw. By sunrise, they will have no choice but to listen to my voice. Night night, Great-Grandma Harriet. Yawn. Ugh. Lynn. This spell can not work fast enough. Hey, guys. Yes. [growling] Thanks for volunteering, Linky. [screaming] Hey, look, if Tentacle is in the pipes, we just need to lure him to the toilet. Wait. Take this. When you're in position, pull the string and drop it. Oh, Linky, you're so brave. Wah! [thudding] [groaning] [flushing] Locked? Well, at least Mom and Dad always leave a spare key under the- Oh, that's weird. They must have used it and forgot to put it back. I'll just go in through the doggy door. [gasping] There's no doggy door? That's also weird. Well, there's always the other way in. [thudding, coughing] Mom and dad are going to feel pretty bad when they hear we had to- This feels different. [gasping] That's cause it is different. Mom and dad would never shell out for high quality upholstery like this. The blood. I mean, ketchup stains on the walls are gone. This carpet feels softer than normal. And where are all the mud stains? And it doesn't smell like Cliff's farts or Lynn's. Oh, I can fix that. [shrieking] What happened to my room, my trophies, my hedgehog. Mr. Sprinkles, my head shots! Why is your room full of gym equipment? [shrieking] Hmm? Guys, look. It's a wall of just mom and dad, looking amazing, I might add. Where are the photos of us? Well, I'm in this picture. I'm forming a terrifying hypothesis, but I need confirmation. [honking] [gasping] Europe was amazing, babe. 17 countries, three weeks. What a vacay. Wow. Mom and Dad got it going on. They went to Europe without me? [gasping, shrieking] Who are you, children, and what are you doing in our house? Mom, Dad, it's us. Your kids. Uh, what are you talking about? We don't have kids. Look, I don't know what you want or who put you up to this, but I think it's time that you all go home to your real families. Shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo. Ugh. Kids are the most annoying creatures. [thudding] Well, it seems my hypothesis was correct. We've altered the course of history. I'm afraid we don't exist. [gasping] Hello? Ah, my faithful crew guys. Thanks for coming back. There's a real ghost in here. We're not your crew guys. And why should we believe anything you say? Cause my cherry soda just disappeared, and everyone knows groundskeeper Jim loved cherry soda. Wow. You're really going for it. [thudding] Uh, that seemed pretty real. [scraping] [gasping] Groundskeeper Jim's shovel. Uh-huh. C-Cherry? It is him. [clanking] And he's on the run. What do you say, guys? Should we catch him? [laughing] He's over there. [laughing] I got this. [screaming] Little help? [thudding] He's in there. Follow my lead. Now! [screaming] It's working! We got him! - Yeah! - Incredible. That was amazing, Hunter. I'm going home to write you another fan letter right now. I believe! I believe! I feel bad lying to Clyde, but I'm glad he believes again. This paint can shaker really did the trick. And the fishing line on the door was perfect. And that spring behind the picture frame worked like a charm. And that was a nice touch with the flying soda can. I didn't know you were going to do that. Yes. Wait. I thought you did that. No. [belching] [gasping] It's destroying my clothing and spilling my most expensive cologne, Night Sweat. You have to help me. Ghost, reveal yourself. [gasping] Spirit, what is your unfinished business here? I was supposed to be buried in a real tux, but this joker put me in a tuxedo t-shirt. I want a refund. No refunds. Besides, your order form just said tuxedo, so I went with our casual package. I can't cross over in this. I'll be laughed out of the afterlife. Hmmph. What about an exchange? Ooh, now this is what I'm talking about. And here's your complimentary bottle of Night Sweat. Yeah, I'm good. We challenge you to a game of hoops. First to make it to three points wins. And if we win, we get your shards. What's in it for me? Hmm. Uh, if you win, you can have all the shards we've collected. [gasping] [laughing] You're going to regret making that offer. Deal. Uh. Okay, now who knows how to play basketball? [groaning] It's all you, Luce. That's when it came to Triton. They needed to summon the spirit of the best baller ever. We summon the ghost of Dominic Dunkster. [gasping] Sigh. Mr. Dunkster, sir, can you please help us beat an alien in a dunk contest? Anything for my fans. All right, large athletic alien bipedal. Let the competition commence. Ha ha. [buzzer sounding] [grunting] [buzzer sounding] [grunting] [buzzer sounding] [laughing] [buzzer sounding] Huh? [thudding] [buzzer sounding] What? How did you guys beat me? Clyde, sweetie. Any idea why your father is outside in the middle of a snowstorm and wearing that hideous coat? Harold? [thudding] Wait. If that's not you outside, then who is it? [snoring] [alarm blaring] [buzzing] The front door camera detected movement. Go, go, go. - Look. - What is that? I don't know. It made off with our Christmas lights. Uh, we've been meaning to take those down anyway. Ah, the ding dang thing won't start. No worries, Dad. I can use my shovel. Whoa. Those are some weird footprints. [grunting] How much farther? You know I charge by the nautical mile. This is fine right here. [grunting] So long, sister. What are you looking at? Nothing. I don't want any trouble. Keep your yap shut and you won't get any. Now, row. Hmm? [gasping] [screaming] I'm Hunter Specter, and we're at a haunted salon in Erie, Pennsylvania, tracking the ghost of Armando, the hairdresser. Wait a minute. I'm picking up something on my AARGH ghost detector. [gasping] There he is. Now, to trap him in my ghost containment device. Ugh. Does anyone sweep this floor? He's on the run. I'm going to have to improvise. Back! Back, Poncey hairdresser! Got him by a hair. Ha, ha. - That was amazing. - I know. I thought he was a goner. When that chair spun around, I peed a little. I'm going to write my weekly fan letter to Hunter right now while I'm still excited. Don't forget to tune in next week for more of ARGGH's tour of the 25 most haunted places in America. We'll be visiting a spooky groundskeeper's house at a cemetery in Royal Woods, Michigan. Did he just say Royal Woods, Michigan? Sure is dark in here. [female laughing] [screaming] [screaming in distance] We'll go this way. You chumps go that way. See you chickens at the exit. [screaming in distance] [screaming] [screaming] [panting] Brains. [screaming] We got to find that bailout door. My thoughts exactly. [thudding] That was the scariest experience of my life. I need a hug. We got your call, Dad. Where's the ghost? It's in the dining room. And it took all my tiny forks. Catch me if you can. Free flippies for all. Get 'em while they're cold. They are not now, nor have ever been or ever will be free. Help! We got this, Flip. We can trap him with salt. Sounds good, but you're paying for it. [gasping] Get back here, Buzz. [thudding] [laughing] Huh? Salt? Why don't you cover me in butter and roast me while you're at it? Ha, ha. But seriously, I ain't going back. Oh, okay, fine, but be gentle. Well, this has been a gas. [farting, laughing] Hurry, Haiku, before he makes another tasteless joke. Close the portal, lock and key. Buzz has returned. The spell is complete. Hello? Mr. Bogie? Can I call you Shanks? [chuckles] I'm not quite sure of the proper way to greet a ghost. I just came here to tell you I'm sorry. I had no idea how important you were to Fairway, and I never should've scared you off. So I guess this is me asking you to please come back. [sighing] Well, that didn't work. But as long as I'm here, might as well play a hole. Huh. This pitching wedge ought to do it. Right, Shanks? [thundering] Oh, am I using the wrong club? Would you suggest I try something else? Nine iron, huh? [grunting] Whoa. Good call on the nine iron. Yeah, I literally have no idea how to play this one. Play it off the tree? If you say so. Yes. Nice caddying, Shanks. Okay, that was terrifying. [creaking] Uh, it doesn't look so bad. Thanks for the encouraging pat, buddy. You too. That's not me. Boo! [screaming] [thudding] Whoops. This is my fault. I gave you too much fright too soon. It's okay. To win a contest Halloween night, send us a spirit to add to the fright. Open a portal, send over a ghost. Allow us to scare or mesto the most. [shrieking] [screaming] Greetings and salutations. The name's Buzz. Ugh, what a surprise. Hello. A delight to see you, Lucy Loud. To what do I owe this conjuring? Hello again, Buzz. So there's this Halloween contest, and we need you to scare- Let me stop you right there. Instead of what you need, let's focus on what I get. You can have anything you want in the Mercado. Now you've got Buzz's attention. Hey, I know why the lights went out. Cause they light each other. [laughing] Get it? Get it? That one was so good it deserves a cookie. Oh, thanks. So, anyway, what does one light bulb say to the other? [all gasping] You're glowing. Oh, I already told you that one? No, dude, you are glowing. - Hey. Wow. - Everyone back away from Luan. Lisa, Mom and Dad said you're not allowed to use your siblings as experimental guinea pigs anymore. Yeah, not after what you did to me. My face fels funny. Classic. All I did was infuse the bioluminescent DNA of the Aequorea Victoria jellyfish into a cookie. I call them gloweos. Besides, now we can see. Okay, everyone huddle around Luan. I always knew I was the light of your life. [laughing, groaning] [gasping] Huh? Maybe I've been practicing a little too much. Okay, and these are all the books you have on putting greens? I need to know every blade of grass on that tournament course. I'm under a ton of pressure. Shh. I'm a librarian, not a counselor. Shh. What is happening? Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. I know. I know. Shh. [screaming] [screaming] [tapping] It wasn't me. Ow. It's just nerves. A little iced tea, a little lemonade, and I will be fine. Hello? Anyone here? I just wanted to get an Arnold Palmer. [shrieking] We ask that you reveal yourself to us and Mr. Grouse. [giggling] That tickles. [female voice] My word, I'm so tall and hairless and young. [laughing] Ah. Why does Boris get to be possessed? To whom are we speaking? And why are you destroying my dang house? I'm Lady Emmeline. I owned this home ages ago, and I'm not the one destroying it, you are. I hosted the season's best soirees in this room. We had gold plated antiques, Persian rugs, fine art on display. Now there's just this. [grunting] Unless you redecorate, I'll haunt you forever. Ah, so she's in limbo. The place between our world and the afterlife. Until her unfinished business is dealt with, she won't cross over. Well, tough. I like my stuff. I'm not changing it. [grunting] Fine. [laughing] Beautiful. Oh. Eh, it's okay. That was a crazy feeling. Well, now you're just rubbing it in. Well, that was fun. And don't even think about changing it back. Oh. [giggling] [babbling] Aw. No, Lily, home is this way. [groaning] [chittering, splashing] [unintelligible] [thudding] Hold it. Hey. Morning, ladies. Why are you dressed like a hoodlum from the wrong side of the forest? Yeah. What's the sitch? There is no sitch. Warren, come in. It's Danny. I thought of some topics for you to discuss with the new girl. New girl? Like this. Butter lettuce. Is it butter, or is it lettuce? Discuss! Danny, I'll call you back. Tell us everything about her. There's nothing to tell, Betty. It's just a new girl at school. I hate her already. You don't even know her, Brenda. Neither do you. That's why we're helping. Ooh, I love matchmaking. What's the use? Life's just an endless stretch of misery, occasionally brightened by despair. I think your chakras need some, like, realignment, Bella. Look, guys, I've captured the moment in oils. I call it I call it "Portrait of a Clueless Boy Being Saved by His Sisters". Uh, hello? [moaning] Hey, guys. [moaning] Uh. [chuckles] Lori, I think something's wrong with the- [shrieking] [moaning] [rattling] [moaning] [screaming] [grunting] What the hex was that? I ain't got no idea. But every morning when I come out to feed the animals, it wallops me. Show yourself, spirit. Whoa. [braying] [gasping] It's Meemaw's prize donkey, Dolly. Do you know why Dolly is haunting you? I do. I once broke our fence mud wrestling with Virginia and then blamed it on Dolly. [braying] I know, ain't a moment I'm too proud of. Dolly, I'm going to make this right. Brace yourself, Meemaw. You're about to be madder than a wet peacock. [laughing] [screaming] Trashy! Bad! No, no, not you, Janice. Lisa, what have you been feeding him? His name is Trashy. What do you think, genius? [growling] [crying] Baby? Great, Lincoln, you made Lily cry. Let's do this. Good luck. I got to go break the bad news to Lana. [screaming] Hmm. This doesn't look like a different dimension. That is literally lol. Hurry up, Lonny, time to go. Ooh. Whoa! Who moved the doorway? I'm ready, brah. Let's rock. I wouldn't miss it. [chuckles] Good one, Mrs. Coconut. [laughing] 62! Hut! Ahh, sigh. [honking] Quit honking, Lexx, or you'll get a frog down your pants! Touch me, and I'm telling. [honking] MOM! [fighting] Can you Cro-Magnons diminish the cacophony so our youngest sibling can suspend consciousness? Speak English, Levi. Shut your pie-holes so Leon can nap. Something keeps changing our channel. And we're missing the season finale of Southern Hospitality. This is definitely the work of a ghost. Spirit, show yourself. [gasping] This used to be my pad, brahs, and I need to find out who wins Hipster island. I use bra pads, too, but we got to see if Sue Ellen chooses Brad, or his evil twin Chad. You could always record Southern Hospitality and watch it later. Well, we'll have to delete some of our crime shows, but it's a deal. Make yourself comfy. I'll be right back with three bowls of ice cream. Um, are you sure the spell book says you have to wrap me in toilet paper? It doesn't. That's just payback for cursing our family. Fair enough. Carry on. Everyone gather around. It's time to banish the curse. [splashing] Ancient mummy sleeping tight, we lay these gifts upon your shrouds. Deadly nightshade, moss and stone, lift the curse placed on the Louds. Everybody, lift the curse placed on the Louds. Lift the curse placed on the Louds. Lift the curse placed on the Louds. [laughing] Guys, it worked. Ha, ha! Well, would you look at that? The Louds conquered an ancient curse. Go us.
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 1,981,081
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Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, nickelodeon show, nickelodeon loud house, nickelodeon casagrandes, casagrandes podcast, ronnie anne casagrandes, loud house full episode, casagrandes full episode, familia sound podcast, music video, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, movie, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, loud house halloween, zombie, loud house compilation, the loud house full episodes, halloween, ytao_lh
Id: UzX29M5QteI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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