Lana & Lola's BEST Twin Moments! 👯‍♀️ | 20+ Minute Compilation | The Loud House

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Louds never quit! [clearing throat] Can you keep it down? We're watching TV. Here we are. Hazeltucky's finest party supply store. Wait here. I'll make sure they're open. Uh, I see customers inside. [gasping] Those could be thieves. Stay here where it's safe. Midge! Lola, how did the Parisian table runners go over at your tea party? Midge, I don't have time to talk about that. Okay, they looked fabulous. But listen, I have a party crisis on my hands. I need you to hide everything poop colored now! No peeking yet. [panting] Okay. Ta-da! Look, Lana, so many things that are just perfect for our party, huh? Ooh, how about this? Tropical, fun, flirty... Mm. Nah, those don't really scream "Lana" to me. Hmm, do you have a dumpster? Ooh! Midge, how much for the half-eaten cheese? It'd make a great centerpiece! Uh, gosh. Well, I don't know. Can I get a price check on the dumpster cheese? Uh, free? Cool! Yes! Wow! Old batteries? Rotting fish heads? These would make perfect party favors! It's an invitation to a sleepover my friend Kayla's having. But as all of you know, I'm really bad at sleepovers. Oh, honey, you're not bad at them. You've just never made it through one. I always get so homesick. Sleeping in someone else's house on their pillows, smelling their smells. I prefer my own smells. We don't. [fighting] All right, Clyde, what do you think we need here? Um, confidence? [fighting] What seems to be the problem? Lana's supposed to be guarding my princess tower, not attacking it! - Now, Lana-- - Guarding is boring. Attacking is cool. [grunting] Clyde, any guesses? Um, caring? I think I know a compromise that will make you both happy. The evil troll's attacking your tower. [roaring] [both] Get him! Nice and once again, you didn't need the C.O.O.K.I.E.S. The troll's got cookies! I got him! Another tip: six year olds can spell. I need cookies! I know poop when I see it, and that's definitely some poop. Drat! The po-po! I can't go through, so I'm gonna have to go over! Hey, fur ball! No speeding! Hey! What did we just say? Get back here! [groaning] What's wrong with this thing? Lana, you told me you fixed it. I did. Calm down. You're being such a shmirken-beagle! [gasping] That's funny, coming from a real figgle-snaggle! - Huh? - Come again? They have their own twin language. Even Lisa can't crack it. Here's your problem. Oh. Thank you. You bet. Drive safe. We can't get ahead of ourselves. We gotta pass the tryouts first. Which is why I'm giving you my lucky princess wand. Aw, thanks, sis. And I'm giving you my lucky plunger. Oh, don't worry. I only use this one for sinks. Thanks. Shall we? Are we doing this, ladies? We? [gasping] Charles, is- is that you? Go ahead, Charles, shake. [gasping] Good job, boy. [gasping] That deserves some ear scratchies. That's right, Charles. We don't want to mess up our fur. Well, well, if it isn't Lana Loud and her mangy dog- [gasping] Wait, you got a new dog? Nope. This is my Charles. [gasping] Oh good, you'll wanna have practiced that face when he wins. [laughing] Come on Victorie, I want to re-fluff your bangs. [chuckles] We so got this. Lori Loud is now two under par. On that last hole, she handled Cliff's sand trap with ease. [yowling] That's right, Lola. She's looking sharp. Like the all-new sharp cheddar chick-Lynn club sandwich at Lynn's Table, sponsor of today's match. Lynn's Table, come in if you're able. Let's get back to the action. Oh, no! Flip is gonna drive right by Mom and Dad! They'll see the couch! Lana, go I'll get their attention. Oh, no, you don't. Use your own shoes. Well, you're no fun. [grunting] Was that your sick bass drum or did a shoe just hit Vanzilla? Uh-uh. Ha ha! Tour's over, lovebirds. Hey, that's not fair we still have ten minutes. How about a refund? Show me your digs, Will. Wow! [laughing] And everyone in the Tree Top Kingdom lived happily ever after. What's on the dinner menu tonight, Lar? We're having Lynn-til soup! Is that my Miss Kiddy Kalamazoo sash?! Bye, Larry! Dad, these green beans taste weird. Well, that's because I washed them, sweetie. Okay, interesting choice. Dash of dirt, anyone? Sheesh. It baffles me that we share the same genetic material. [gasping] [both] We get to pick up trash? [sniffing] Mmm. Spicy Italian. Ew, ew, ew, ew. [screaming] Ooh, how about this cake? Nah. Ooh, how about this one? Nah. Ooh, ooh, this one, this one. Nah, nah. Okay. Do you have a sink and some dirt? Are you with the health department? - Nope. - Then follow me. [buzzing] We'll take it from here. [laughing] [gasping] Speechless, huh? Well, I think that means we've found our cake. Whoa! What do you have for toppings? Any worms or bugs we could sample? I'm sure we could find something in the pantry. Ah, those are just some exploding candles. Wait, be careful with those. [gasping, screaming] [gasping] [screaming] Hang on! I'll get us out of here! What do we do now? You guys push, I'll steer. [grunting] I'm walking in mud. There is nothing more disgusting! Come on, everyone. Push! I stand corrected. Ah, lucky. You want it, you got it! There. This will get you where you need to go, but keep it under 50. Much obliged for all your help, folks. I wish I could repay you in a bigger way. But, how about you take some of my cherries for the road? These are delicious. It's all about using the right manure. Blegh. Yes, I'm picking up some horse notes. Nail inspection! Lola, come on out! Mm-hmm, good job, as always, sweetie. Go tell Lana it's her turn, please. Of course, Mommy. Sorry, gotta make it believable. 'Sup, Mom? Ready for my bath. - [Lona] Lola. - I mean... do I gotta? I like all this mud and filth and grime. Bath. Wow, Lana, you're sparkling. You know it. I mean, uh, don't get used to it. I got plans to hang out with, uh, some worms later. This plan was genius, Lols. I'd say it's nothing, but we both know modesty doesn't suit me. I was thinking, why stop now? We could switch places whenever we want. [gasping] We've never have to do the things we don't like ever again. The Little Miss Unblemished Pageant is tomorrow and look at me. Do I look unblemished to you? I can't compete looking like a total ickum-blicken! Just put some mud on it and argum-flarg-marg. You don't have to fling it at me. Hey, it's going down. Thanks, Lana. You're welcome. [screaming] [crashing] Ow! Watch it you clod. You know how long it's going to take me to bump out this hood? Sorry, guys! Apology punches! - Ow! - Ow! [gasping] My princess bed! Come ba- [screaming] What is this?! It's slimy and it's gross and it's ruining my gown! We gotta help her! Hang on, Lols! Quicksand? Will the wonders of this microclimate never cease? Ugh! Wait, I got this! [grunting] [groaning] You got to be more careful, Lols. I can always build you another princess bed but I can't build myself another twin. The sign up line for our unlimited double trouble ice cream party starts here. And remember, its VIPs only. Morning [crying] Roosters. Today's lunch will be two identical twin fish sticks! Sorry, Principal Huggins. It's just that Meryl is gone. [crying] After our tussle at Auntie Pam's parlor, we was both madder than wet hens, so this morning, Meryl packed up her stuff and left for the bus station! [crying, blowing nose] [clanging] Alright, Cheryl, let's go. Get up. We're getting your twin back. [gasping] What? [screaming] Up ahead! That must be Meryl's bus! Hurry! We're gonna miss her! Hang on! [screaming] [coughing] What is she doing here?! Look, Meryl, if you want to be mad at someone, be mad at us. Yeah, we wanted ice cream so bad, we tricked you two into fighting. [gasping] It was stupid and we feel so terrible. If anyone knows how much twins need each other, it's us. Yeah. You can't leave, Meryl, twins gotta stick together. You know what happens when you make Lola mad. I don't know what she wants you to do, but you better figure it out. Did I ever tell you about the frog fiasco? Do I want to know about the frog fiasco? [croaking] Aw, you're a burpee derby today. Isn't he the cutest? [chuckles] So cute. Who's hungry? Seymour, where'd you go? [whistling] No! I mean, I can't prove she took out Seymour but I never saw him again. Get changed, princess, the rope is waiting. And it will continue to do so, Coach P. This is 30% of your grade, kid. [groaning] [grunting] [bell ringing] I mean, right away, Coach. [clearing throat] Uh, I gotta pee, Coach, uh, P. So do I. Okay, everyone, move it, royalty coming through. If this damages my nails, you will be hearing from my attorney. Alley-oop! [bell ringing] Wow, Lola, I've never seen that kind of hustle from you before. Oh. Oh, right, um, I'm in training for a Miss Survivalist Pageant. [giggling] We warned you, dirtbag! It's the clink for Linc. Look, Luan's making a jailbreak! - Hey! - Oh, forget that bum! He's out of our jurisdiction now. Yeah, let's get doughnuts. Stop looking at me. You stop looking at me. [fighting] Okay, people, we've got a check in to make. [groaning] Uh, it's okay. It's just a little scratched. [croaking] My babies! I thought I lost you. Wouldn't that have been tragic? I was using it first! Uh-uh, I was. - Give it to me. - You took it away from me. Lola! Lana! What's going on?! Don't worry, Dad, I got this. Now, children, if you can't share the jump rope, then neither of you gets to use it. Ha. Kids. They just don't get it. Huh, Dad? Hey, Lincoln, you like seafood? See food. Blegh. Hey, Lucy, I want to suck your blood. Which of you vultures swiped one on my mac and cheese bites? If you guys wanted one so badly, you should've saved some of your own. I'm not saying it was me... [belching] but if I did take one, I only did it cause Lola ate the rest of Dad's tater tot bake. I was saving that. I'm not copping to eating the tater tot bake, but if I did, it was because Luan ate the last slice of dad's pie, which I was saving. Actually I didn't eat it. Oh, my bad. I smashed it in Lynn's face. [groaning] Four score and seven pieces of candy ago. Give me your tired, your poor, your delicious treats yearning to be in my tummy. Mmm, patriotic, but unlikely to generate maximum candy collection. Oh, yeah? We're also a mermaid and a pirate. And salt and pepper shakers. This way we can hit each house three times. That means three times the candy. Yes, I am familiar with basic multiplication. Your strategy is cute, but mine is far superior. Going as a kangaroo? I doubt it. Kangaroo plus baby roo. [cooing] [gasping] Precisely. That awe factor will increase my candy revenue exponentially. And the best part is she only has one tooth, so I don't have to share. Snap out of it, Lana. No running in the hallway! Huh? What are you talking about? Lana, is this maggot giving you lip? We're the new hall monitors at school, so we're practicing at home. If we catch you speeding again, you're going downtown. We already locked up Luan for telling bad jokes. Hey, did you hear the one about the thief who stole a calendar? He got 12 months. [laughing] Get it? That's five more minutes, dirtbag! Okay, okay, I'll walk within the speed limit. I swear. No swearing! Okay. We're all set up for practice sleepover number one. We're going to start you off slow. Barely ten feet from the house. And after this, we'll work up to farther distances from home. I see you're getting nervous. I have an idea. Whenever I'm homesick, I take my mind off it by watching TV. We'll bring it out here. But Lynn's got dibs on the TV. And said anyone who changes the channel gets a camel clutch. Okay, okay. Okay, you can change back. Change it back! Well, we don't want to mess with that. Let's just make our own TV. On this channel, I'll be retelling the story of when I won Little Miss Sugar Loaf. There I was center stage, looking fabulous in a satin gown - and I-- - Boring. Click. Okay, people, Operation Cover for Brother is a go. Man your stations. I told Lincoln I'd help him with his math homework. Oh. I'll be your plus one. [laughing] You get it? Oh, yeah. It's mine! I had it first! You don't even like yarn! - Girls! They're so strong! - Oh! Uh, honey! [Clyde] Number two, tell Lori I remembr every dress she ever wore. You started it! No more fighting! Okay, Mom and Dad! I guess you're going to help Lincoln with his homework, then! Guys, I'm baking cookies! Who wants to lick the beaters?! [rumbling] [all] I do! I do! Out of my way or I'll find you in your cell after lights out. Lola, you really gotta stop watching those prison shows. Girls, Lincoln has a friend over. Let them have the beaters. Lona and I have an idea. We call it the prank me not poncho. The inflatable lining cushions you from all manner of pranks. Ow. Ooh. Ow. I can feel that. Not a problem. We just need a little more air. Roast potatoes. Scram! Nice try, sister, but as officers of the feast force, it's our job to protect this food till tomorrow. - I was just-- - We said, "Scram!" Where were you two when Lynn took my chicken stock? [growling] Ladies first! No, dear twin, after you! You're too kind, dear Lola but I must insist you go first. I shan't hear of it! And I would never forgive myself of I went before you. Oh, please, age before beauty. You are two minutes older. [both] Oh, dear brother, you go first. Thanks. Cartoons! Cartoons! Cartoons! Did someone say, "tea party"? Yee! Thank you, Lincoln. Hey, I don't want to be part of some dumb old tea party. I'm gonna watch TV. Not even if these guys are invited? [croaking] Yee! Thanks, Lincoln. And I'll even learn to... pee in a bucket. Sloshie Jr., Lola! He has a name. It all makes sense now. That's why both bunnies have been bad. They just need their twin. Like Lola and me. I mean, sure, sometimes she can be awful, but I still love her and need her. And if Snazzy has twin powers like Lola and me, he should be able to find Jazzy by his smell. [sniffing] Like right now, Lola is getting her nails done at Suzy's Salon. [sniffing] Hmm. I wonder what Lana's doing at the mall. We're headed for the red zone. Copy that. We're headed for the green zone. [groaning] Lola, what are you doing? This is the red zone. The door is red. Uh, hello, the carpet is green. Ah, come on, it's not so bad. Yeah, for you. The girl who eats trash hoagies. [belching] You know sometimes you just got to step out of your comfort zone. I'm already out of my comfort zone. I am eating without a tablecloth! Still hungry? Ooh. Go ahead, have a little taste. We won't say anything. Wait a minute. Is this a trap? This seems like a trap. No way. We would never trap our favorite sister. Oldest and most important. Yeah, I literally am. DAAAA- ♪ Shing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh ♪ Kee cat. She didn't see it, Lana. Guess you'll have to do it again. Bells on bobtails ring Making spirits bright [singing] It's working. Lola, go. DAAAA-niel Day-Lewis is a really wonderful actor, don't you think? Doggy. Lily didn't see it, Lola. Guess you'll have to do it again. [growling] Trick or treat. Oh, aren't you two adorable. [knocking[ Trick or treat. So cute. [knocking] Trick or treat. Great costumes. Thank you. And that is how it's done. One house, six pieces of candy. Princesses first. [screaming] That skunked me. The real 1A's over there. Don't touch that handle! Remember what happened to Leni. Hi, you guys! I have an idea. Charge! [screaming] I'm okay! I landed in pie! Of course, she made it rhubarb pie which I'm allergic to. Uh, Lana's been driving me crazy! Her animals stink up our room! And look what she did to my dolly. - Mama. - Why would she do that? Whoo hoo! I got pit hair! [screaming] Lola and I've been working on a new song. It's called "Happiness is a New Van". Can it. He already said yes. We've been practicing for four hours! Sit down! [growling] Yo, Hops, give me a baseline. [croaking, snapping] [croaking, snapping] Whoo hoo. That's my sister. And this is your other sister! Wait. It's my fault, not Lana's. It was all my idea. [croaking, snapping] [cheering] I have worked for years to build my pageant reputation and you just ruined it! Lola, listen. And the winner is... Lola Loud. Whoo hoo! [gasping] Lola. I'm so sorry I pretended to be you. Please don't be mad at me. I don't like what you did, but you did win, and I respect a winner. I think this belongs to you. No, you earned it. You both did. And the Dairyland tickets. Thanks, Lana. I don't know how you figured everything out like that. Eh, it's a twin thing. - Hey, I'm off to the- - Grocery store? - Sweet. Can you get me- - Cereal? You bet. - And- - Toothpaste? I'm on it. Wow. Guess that's a twin thing, too. [gasping]
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 9,181,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, loud house vlog, Lincoln loud vlog, nickelodeon show, nickelodeon loud house, nickelodeon casagrandes, ronnie anne casagrandes, loud house full episode, casagrandes full episode, familia sound podcast, music video, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, movie, song clip, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, lana loud, lola loud, loud house, twins, twinning, fun, sisters, siblings, compilation
Id: vudG1MTWZw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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