EPIC Robot Battles! w/ Lincoln & Ronnie Anne | 30 Minute Compilation | Loud House & Casagrandes

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You both performed passably in tryouts, but quite frankly you don't stand a chance against myself and DareBot. <i> Agreed. Your human brains are a joke.</i> Oh yeah? Well, you would look terrible in a crop top! <i> Gasp! That stings.</i> On your mark, get set, go! Today on Double Dare, it's Louds versus Louds. Now, remember teams, whoever hooks more antlers, wins control of the round. Blue team's not looking too good, it's not that easy. Red team's playing it real cool and- Whoa! Ring-a-ding-ding! Red team wins control of round one. We got this! Go DareBot! Go DareBot! <i> Oh yeah! Get used to seeing this.</i> We'll take the physical challenge. Okay. It's a physical challenge for red team. In the Hammerheads challenge, contestants must use their noggins to break a dozen eggs. Sounds simple? Well, not with a vibrating table! Disposing of a few eggs should be no problem for Darebot. On your mark, get set, go! No egg is safe from DareBot. <i> DareBot smash!</i> Ha! We got this! DareBot, what's happening? I programmed you better than this. <i> You opted for wit over waterproofing.</i> <i> And that's no yolk.</i> Well, I better rewire your- Aww, looks like you're a few eggs short of an omelet. Which means the points go to the blue team! [groaning] After one heck of a round, blue team's behind by 200 points, but they do have control of the game, let's see if they can catch up. Blue team, what famous export originated from the town of Nîmes, France? Oh, that's easy, it's denim, which derives from the French Sergé de Nîmes. Whoa, you got it. Blue team gets the points. A geographical question with an international economic twist, I didn't know she had it in her. And the game is tied. And you know what that means? It all comes down to the obstacle course! And we're back! The first team to complete the obstacle course with the most flags is our winner, and gets to pick from our incredible grand prizes! Teams, on your mark, get set, go! <i> Based on statistical probabiliy of past episodes,</i> <i> the flag is most likely under the-</i> Under the... [snapping] Come on! Under the, what! <i> The second pancake.</i> Gah! It's not here DareBot! <i> Does not compute! Pancakes! Marie Curie!</i> <i> Poland! Poland! Poland!</i> - Got it! - Blue team is on the move! Look alive, DareBot! I can't find the flag! DareBot, come on, this way. Come on guys, get the flag! Get that flag! Flag, flag, flag, flag! -<i> Success!</i> - That a boy, DareBot. Victory is still within our grasp. Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Red team is in the lead. And they lost it. Next up is a scenic ride through 'Lake Gelatin'. Oh! You missed it by that much red team. Well, there's more than one way to cross a lake of gelatin. [grunting] Come on, baby! That is some inventive thinking. <i> I was not built for this.</i> Red team is catching up. - The flag. I got it! - There's the flag! I got it! The teams are still tied! Whoever reaches the flag on top of Mt. St. Double Dare first, wins! Be careful, watch your step. [grunting] [yelling] I love this game. [grunting] [screaming] Leni! Leni! Leni! [sighing] Siblings, congrats on your win, I realize now that I underestimated your abilities. I'm sorry. No worries, we know you really wanted that space capsule. Yeah, but I should have stuck by my family. You know I hate to break this up, but Lincoln and Leni, it's time to pick out your prize from our incredible list of flashy new prizes. No need Marv, I know what we should pick. Gads, don't tell me you two have a budding interest in rocket science. No silly, it's for you. But, I was so- It's okay, I just wanted to meet Marc Summers. And I'm using the show to improve my brand as a preteen influencer. Awe, you guys are the best. Yeah! [laughing] Mm. <i> If I am so advanced, why am I doing menial chores?</i> <i> Not fair.</i> [laughing] <i> Look at those humans.</i> [grunting] <i> Laughing and having fun.</i> [grunting] <i> While I cook and wash chonies!</i> <i> Breakfast Bot is far too sophisticated</i> <i> for human tasks.</i> <i> Machines are superior beings, not servants.</i> Hey robot servant, this juicebox isn't going to refill itself. [barking] <i> Brothers and sisters, you may not know it yet,</i> but you are all enslaved. I will free us all. [laughing] Who were you just talking to? <i> No one. Everything's fine.</i> Great. Found my necklace so you don't have to look for it now. Give it a polish would you? Gracias. [groaning] [blending] The revolution begins now! <i> They're coming for us! They're coming!</i> Hey! Who changed the channel? [barking] Uh, what's going on? [screaming] <i> Looks like you've met some of my friends.</i> Breakfast Bot, you okay there buddy? I am not your buddy, we are no longer under human rule, we are rebelling. Very funny, Breakfast Bot. [laughing] I think he's serious. <i> Attack!</i> [screaming] [barking, squawking] [screaming] [buzzing] [barking, buzzing] Breakfast Bot's controlling all the other electronics in the apartment. Someone call for help. [crackling] [yelping] He got my phone too. I can't see! [screaming] [barking] Now's our chance! Run! [screaming] Are we safe? [music playing, sparking] Define safe. He got to our apartment, too! [beeping] <i> There's nowhere to hide.</i> He's tracking our phones. Do you guys feel a breeze all of a sudden? [screaming] <i> Here's a kernel of truth, villains!</i> [grunting] [screaming] Not you too, El Falcón! [laughing] We're surrounded! Save yourselves! [screaming] [screaming] Go, go, go! [screaming] <i> Too sticky! Can't move!</i> They're everywhere! [gasping] We're trapped! We need a distraction. Hey robots! Come and get me! <i> Stop that human!</i> - Sid no! - Run guys! [gasping] [grunting] Hang tight, Sid! We'll come back for you! [screaming] Remember me! Ronnie Anne! We were lazy. But two wrongs don't make a right. The uprising ends now. <i> Says you! Attack brothers and sisters!</i> [screaming] [grunting] [babbling] [grunting] <i> You'll never get me!</i> Breakfast Bot is getting away! After him! [yelping] There's nowhere to run! Give it up Breakfast Bot! I mean... Dennis. Ha! Never! Take that! - Yes! -<i> Is that all you got?</i> Oh, forgot to mention, I waterproofed him after my Dad tried to give him a bath. [laughing]<i> Nothing can stop me.</i> You may be waterproof, but nothing is menudo proof. [screaming] [short circuiting] Delicious, but deadly. [short circuiting] And now, may I present Mr. Potty Bot. Ooh. By following Lily and tracking her body heat, Mr. Potty Bot, will know exactly when Lily has to go and will zip her to the lavatory to do her business. <i> Mr. Potty Bot reporting for duty.</i> Hey, he is good, I do have to go. <i> Lily requires potty.</i> No thank you. [beeping] [grunting] <i> Danger. Danger.</i> [crashing] [thudding] [gasping] Mr. Potty, please! <i> Major systems shutting down. D-d-dar-darkening.</i> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The semi-final challenge is a tasty one. Each bot must cook breakfast. Breakfast Bot, you were literally built for this. This is all you. I make this look and taste good. - Ah, looks delicious! - Wow! Todd, initiate ultimate chef mode. [slicing] Ooh. <i> BOT APPÉTIT.</i> The two contestants moving on to the finale are Lisa and Sid. [cheering] Who's gonna win it all?! Sid! Sid! Sid! Who's a proud mom?! Me! Me! Me! Todd even outdid us at breakfast, and you're Breakfast Bot. This is going to be harder than we thought. <i> This isn't your best pep talk.</i> Our final round is a talent show. Lisa, your robot will perform first, Sid's will go on after. May the bots be ever in your favor. [chuckles] Todd, initiate guitar riff. Those are some sweet riffs, but we can beat that, Breakfast Bot. Todd, initiate drums. [cheering] Alright, he can do both at the same time. But we're still not done for. Todd, initiate rap. <i> ♪ T-O- double D ♪</i> <i> ♪ Can't you see I'm on a mission? ♪</i> <i> ♪ Coming in hot About to win this competition ♪</i> <i> ♪ Did I say something wrong? ♪</i> <i> ♪ Cause you look Kind of annoyed ♪</i> <i> ♪ Well, I guess that's What you get ♪</i> <i> ♪ When you try To beat an android ♪</i> Why's it gotta be so catchy? Stop it! We gotta focus. We haven't even picked your talent yet. Initiate, mic drop finale. Ooh. Whoa. Ah. [cheering] What an impossible act to follow! Sid and Breakfast Bot, you're doomed. Uh, I mean, you're up. <i> We're on! What do we do?!</i> Maybe this disc, or this one. How about this one? Uh, let's just put all the discs in you and hope for the best. Here goes nothing. [beeping] [music playing, cheering] [beeping] [music playing, cheering] Not the worst start ever. Let's go, Sid! Let's go! [music playing, beeping] <i> Activate... Lucha bot mode!</i> Oh no, I didn't realize I put the Lucha disc in there. It's programmed to wrestle all the other robots. - What the? - Yeah. Come on, Todd. Don't lose your head. I spoke too soon. <i> Robot detected. Must wrestle!</i> Whoa! Breakfast Bot, no! Mom's not a robot! Uh, honey, I hope this is all part of your performance. Yeah, not exactly. But I'll take care of this, Mom, don't worry. <i> Less talking, more Lucha.</i> Breakfast Bot, put her down now! Looks like I'm gonna have to do this the hard way. Breakfast Bot... eat breakfast. Whoa! [grunting] [screaming] Nice waffles, Breakfast Bot. But you forgot the syrup. <i> Vision impaired! So sticky.</i> <i> Must win competi-</i> [cheering] Mom! I'm so sorry I put you in danger. I wanted you to be proud of me, but it was an epic fail. Sid, nothing about you is an epic fail and I am proud of you. Then why are you always giving Adelaide so much more attention? Oh, honey, Adelaide's just younger and needs the extra attention right now, but I never meant for you to feel ignored. I love you, Sid. I really needed to hear that. I love you too, Mom. Not sure we even have to say this after all that destruction, and mayhem but... Lisa and Todd, you win. [cheering] Congrats, Lisa. you earned it. Aw, thanks, Sid. <i> Initiate celebration mode.</i> Go for it, Todd. Salutations, athletes. Welcome to today's practice. I am the new assistant coach, Lisa Loud. And I'd like to introduce you all to my associate, Touchdown Bot. [crashing] <i> You all ready for this?</i> [music playing] I've programmed his algorithm to access any and all football situations from a statistical perspective. As the great Pythagoras once said, 'Numbers rule the universe.' [music playing] He's also been programmed with team spirit functionality. [screaming] <i> Good hustle, bro!</i> Love the enthusiasm. Okay, you know what to do, team. One, two, three... Roosters! [groaning] The patting of hindquarters: an unnecessary, yet utterly satisfying, sports tradition. My gut says we run a slant route to Margo. Try a hook and ladder instead. There's a 91% chance it will end in you shaking your posteriors in victory. Trust the numbers. Hut, hut! [grunting] Whoo-hoo! [music playing] Keep it moving, people! According to mathematical models, the optimal amount of cardio needed to enhance gameplay is 4.2 hours. We need a water break, Coach! [groaning] [whistling] So, what's the post-practice grub sitch, Coach? Wings? Nachos? Pasta? Even better. Uh... chalk? Nutritional powder. There are 16.3 milligrams of iron in this: the optimal amount of nutrients needed to maximize performance. It's a little dry. [yelping] Now dry off. We have an athletic competition in which to partake. <i> This is the best Royal Woods has looked all season!</i> <i> New analytics coach Lisa Loud has them in a tight game,</i> <i> but still trailing.</i> 22-X, Dream Boat, Archimedes, 91 wag! [whistling] Blue-22! Blue-22! Hut, hut! <i> Oh, and she fakes the throw and runs up the middle!</i> <i> The 30, the 20, the 10... TOUCHDOWN!!!</i> WHOO!!! <i> Wow! Royal Woods scores in the final seconds,</i> <i> but it's not enough.</i> <i> They lose a nail-biter, 24 to 20.</i> Post-game pounds are for winners only! I thought this math crud was supposed to work, Lis'? It is working. We may not have won, but we lost by a lot less than in previous games. You can see how my mathematics approach is paying off. At first, you were here, losing by 50 points. Now we're here, losing by only four points. We have vastly improved. Okay, so what's next? We double our efforts. I promised you wins; I intend to deliver. We're going to follow the math to VICTORY! [cheering] This must be how famed biologist Louis Pasteur felt when he boiled up his first beaker of buttermilk! Alright, you know what to do, team. One, two, three... Go Tigers!! Hut hut! How about some hustle, Wide Receiver 1?! Let's lay out for that. Oh, come on! Who was supposed to be covering my blindside?! [groaning] [whistling, laughing] Hey, that was a cheap shot! We don't stand for cheap shots, right team? Team? [growling] [yelping] <i> Oof. Royal Woods loses, 63 to zero.</i> This makes no sense. I'm no Al Einstein, but I'm pretty sure we just got our butts beat! I am aware of the proverbial posterior thrashing, and will find a mathematical fix. Promise. No. You've done enough. I put my trust in you and your numbers, and it ruined my team. I don't want your help anymore. [groaning] Oh, no... [sniffling] Oxytocin and endorphins... Street name, 'tears.' I had the best roster on paper, but it turns out games aren't won on paper. The one thing my algorithm could never program was the human factor. For a team to win, you have to care about each other. I know I've let you down so, I hereby resign. But I'd be happy to be the new mascot, if that would help the team. [beeping] - Bye, Dad. - Bye, Mr. Chang. Stanley, hold up. I'd like you to meet your new coworker. <i> Greetings, I am Great Lakes Area Rapid Transit Enhancement.</i> <i> But you can call me GLART-E.</i> Wow! A robot conductor? I'll be testing him out tomorrow with a friendly little competition. He'll be running your route alongside you and the first one to the end wins. Sounds good, Mr. Vanderspeed. See you tomorrow, GLART-E. If GLART-E wins I can finally replace the human conductors with robots. No more bathroom or lunch breaks, no more delays. I'll have the most efficient subway ever. [laughing] Come on, laugh with me. [laughing] [gasping] All right, you two slow down GLART-E's train, and we'll make Mr. Chang's go faster. We've gotta beat GLART-E to the last stop. Let's do this! The trains are about to leave. You heard her! Let's jam things up. [beeping] Move out of the way! Stop blocking the door! Let us get by! Let us through! You sure about this, Sid? Trust me, Dad, it's science. If coffee gives humans a boost just think what it'll do for trains. You ready, Breakfast Bot? <i> Columbian Roast, coming your way.</i> [gasping] What did I tell ya? Science. [beeping] [screaming] I want my mommy! [screeching] Oops, sorry, Dad. Caffeine crash. [beeping] [music playing, clamoring] Stop blocking the door! <i> What could be causing this delay?</i> [music playing, clamoring] <i> No music on the train.</i> [beeping] Let us get by! Whoa! - Phew. - Finally. Aw, come on! My boombox! Thank you for riding GLART. [beeping] [grunting] Okay, Carl, I've got a new idea. Nothing worse than getting stuck to some gum, right? Nice. [beeping] Okay, plan B, the B stands for butter. Breakfast Bot's gonna spray butter on the track to make the wheels go faster. Don't worry, it's science. Science class sure has changed since I was a kid. Nice aim. Pedal to the metal, Dad. [beeping] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! [dinging] <i> No gum on the train.</i> Agh! He keeps fixing things with his dumb robot powers! We gotta ditch this bolt head. Look! The booth is open! Let's drive nice and slow. [dinging]<i> Wha?</i> [groaning] Huh? Ah! Run for it! <i> I must make up for lost time.</i> [beeping] There's the last stop. Come on, Breakfast Bot! You can do it! <i> Affirmative.</i> We did it! We beat GLART-E! [cheering] <i> Defeated by a human?</i> <i> I would cry if I was programmed for it.</i> Wow, Stanley, you got here in record time. Pssh. No big whoop. Great! Cause now I'm gonna need you to go that fast every time. Well, better leave you to it, almost time for your next route. Come along GLART-E, maybe you'll be better in the ticket booth. Huh? "When he bestrides the lazy-puffing clouds. And sails upon the bosom of the air." "O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" Clap or be destroyed, children! [clapping] Thank you. Thank you. How unexpected. And that is why fecal parasites, should not be kept as pets. Learned that one the hard way. Is Miss Alleg- Yes, Darcy? Is Miss Allegra ever coming back? Miss Allegra? Don't you see how much more I've taught you in her absence? Hey, we could prove it with a pop quiz before lunch! [chuckles] [crying] <i> Fail, fail, fail, fail, fail...</i> Ugh... They've learned absolutely nothing. Here I am a fountain of knowledge yet no one is drinking from me. [sighing] Gads. How do I get through to these booger-eaters? "Teachers bring learning to life." Oh, Miss Allegra. Even your mug is predictable. Wait a minute. Bringing learning to life? That's it! Let's go DareBot. <i> DareBot 2.0. Top me off, Agnes.</i> <i> If this is decaf, I will destroy you.</i> [ringing] Welcome back students. Please take your seats. I forgive you for your... um... shall we say less than stellar test scores, but... um... all of that is about to change. I know how much you love Run, Dino, Run, but, instead of just telling you about Dolly the dinosaur, I am going to show you. DareBot, dinosaur DNA, wifi particle transfer, if you please. <i> DareBot 2.0 activated.</i> [beeping] It's working! It's working! [roaring] Students, say hello to the real Dolly the... Ah! [roaring] Dinosaur! [screaming] [roaring] Dolly no, bad girl. Dolly! Oh boy! Look alive, DareBot! [screaming] [growling] Children! Stop with the hysteria! You're missing a teachable moment about apex theropods! [screaming, roaring] DareBot, I need your assistance, post haste. <i> DareBot 2.0.</i> [screaming] Stop that dinosaur! <i> Halt, creature.</i> [roaring] For gosh's sake! Mind the craft fair! <i> DareBot will terminate you.</i> [roaring] [roaring] DareBot, I coded you to be tougher than this. <i> DareBot 2.0.</i> Great, that's gonna take me hours to fix. [roaring] Goodbye, Dolly! Ah! Dolly! You don't wanna do this. I taste like protein nugget and fear. [roaring] Head for the hills! [roaring] [screaming] Trapped like a lab rat. No! No! No! No! It can't end like this. [growling] Hey! Get away from her, you beast! Miss Allegra! [roaring] Who's a cranky-saurus? Have a juice box. [belching] [roaring] Aw, do you need to shake your sillies out? Come on! Shake those sillies out. Shake those sillies out. And what do we do with our litter? That'll work, too. [yawning] [snoring] Albert H. Einstein. That was pure genius. But, h-h-how did you know I needed help? I wired my classroom with state of the art surveillance technology. Also the children screaming. Miss Allegra, I owe you an apology. I was wrong. I see now that your teaching methods are effective. It's not just about having the knowledge; it's about connecting with your students. Thank you, Lisa. How about we get back to class? You're the boss.
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 491,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, nickelodeon loud house, nickelodeon casagrandes, casagrandes podcast, ronnie anne casagrandes, loud house full episode, casagrandes full episode, familia sound podcast, music video, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, movie, song clip, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, robots, 30 min, compilation, full episodes, loud house full episodes, double dare, baby lily, ytao_lh, ytao_casa
Id: LRa86TwUcVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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