Loud House Best Vanzilla Moments For 30 MINUTES! | Nicktoons

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H maybe vanzilla toy work oh I'm afraid this is no toy my dear Junior sibling it's our actual family van shrunk down to scale father was incessantly complaining about having no space in the garage to park vanzilla so I shrunk it down using my most ingenious invention to date a concentrated radiant energy diminution device street name shrink ray [Music] give me give me give me give me please I should say not this is a complex piece of technology it requires a great deal of skill and coordination hot coming in hot [Music] we just need to get guy out of that van long enough to grab the flash drive with the footage I've got this Lincoln let me just tap into the cellular network [Music] uh hello Mr guy Grazer I have an anonymous tip for you there's a culinary snafu in the works at John Juan's French Mech Buffet you might want to get your posterior down there toot sweet you Jean WS step on it nice Lisa okay this is the nearest farm keep your eyes peeled there he is what's he up to he's stealing a horse wow fast horse come on let's tail him I take picture no good get closer trying it's not easy in the dark oh no the M look [Music] out looks like we need a new ride don't let that old gezer Pat us dad floor it what it's it is floor it's been floored the whole time didn't show off in his hot rod look come on dad let's get our dig back I'm right there with you LJ father this is not advisable factoring in the angle of our descent current wind speed and the condition of this aging Heap I fear we are going to wind up no first in a ditch my baby what have I done stand back and let me work wow nice job sweetie how'd you do that H it was no biggie there was a crack in the cylinder block so I just rerouted the exhaust manifold past the carburetor and then don't ask if you don't really want to know wait okay now we can go dang it [Music] it's so hot dad can you turn on the AC before my hair totally frizzes huh doesn't seem to be working the coolant must have leaked when we crashed pull over pops I'll check it out no can do remember 8:00 check-in well can someone just roll down a window sorry honey but if we roll any of these windows down they're not coming back up I know it's hot but just pretend you're at the beach in this oh no anyone want a low cal Bean chip vomit they're delicious and soups high fiber yes apparently it was the seat see now it's not doing it suffocating be strong kids no windows oh oh it's in my [Music] mouth this is better what is everyone okay I've been better ah road trips that beloved tradition of families everywhere tomorrow the loud family is going on a road trip of our own sounds fun right now with 13 of us packed into the family wagon or as we affectionately call it vanzilla every seat in vanzilla offers one kind of torture or another getting stuck next to Lily's car seat is no good Lily the back row is so far from Mom and Dad that it turns into the wild wild west stop looking at me you stop looking at [Music] me come on we haven't even left the driveway yet and this seat has the exact opposite problem it's right in Dad's sight line feet off the seat plus it's next to the one working speaker ooh honey it's our prom theme and the rest of the seats only get worse there's the sticky the Soggy the springy and the slanty by my calculations that leaves just one seat safe from at all I call it the sweet spot and tomorrow it will be mine cuz I'm going to stake it out tonight what's all this it's my gear dude I have rehearsal and who is that this is my RO chunk no no no no no he was not part of the plan you out I'll take care of this thanks bro operation complete and with 10 minutes to spare a loud house first I might add let's roll station [Music] stop phew that was close [Music] yay all of this work this will be perfect we can catch up with each other have a little burp and burger soak up the sun seriously oh well give me them chicken tendies back off their mine yeah if anyone touches my meatball Shake it's over if anyone touches my salad it's over who orders his salad at burpin [Music] Burger no no no no no not a fi F hey come on guys today we're supposed to bring us closer but instead we're going backwards yes that's exactly how I feel no you're actually going backwards [Music] hang on I'll get us out of here what do we do now you guys push I'll steer I'm walking in mud there is nothing more disgusting come on everyone I stand corrected are we there yet today we're going to Grand Venture State Park and it's going to be awesome we're going to hike and fish and check out the caves and I can't wait to see Pop Pop the guide book said there was an old gezer in the park geyser not gezer see here it is I hope we get to see a blow that would be rocking I wouldn't hold my breath it's been inactive for years so it is like pop pop now are we there yet Lana stop asking well hops is asking not me the SEC Bel is wrinkling my dress why don't you guys play some car games how about football I'll be the QB [Music] hike how about something a little less dangerous I have a new deck of fortune telling cards I could give everybody readings over here Lu over here Lucy it's Madam Lucy Lori you will go on a long trip oo maybe Bobby's taking me to Italy is working at That Pizza Place Lola the universe will open doors for you tell me something I don't know Luan you will soon be blown away how fortunate good one ow poppycock could these predictions be any more non-specific Lisa you will make an amazing scientific discovery before entering the park today is that specific enough for you specific yes plausible no as a woman of science I cannot take any of this seriously well the cards don't lie last but not least Lincoln what what does it say so uh who wants to play football Lucy come on tell me fine your day at the park will end in tragedy oh a radio station of Music stings Neato burrito we're here all right we're going to do this David steel Style ah playing spy again Lan this is not playing I have this Mission planned out from top to bottom so first we got to disguise vanzilla so Lori doesn't spot it good thing I always carry my David steel family van camouflage now all we have to do is find Lori guys it's Lori yeah three Pars in a row it was UN real wow hey laori it's me your sister Lenny oh thank goodness she's okay and maybe she passed no she did not she did however drive on the wrong side of the road neglected to check her mirrors and commented on the driving instructor's waight well that makes 14 guess I'll have to drive a lawn mower forever look Lenny it wasn't your fault yes it was you worked so hard to help me pass you even learned to speak leny which I still can't believe there's a country named after me I blew it I was just thinking about all the fun places I would drive us to the mall the comic book store the mall I'm sorry I let you down I can't take it anymore it was my fault I sabotaged your test sabotage it's like she went and bought the dress she knew you want want it how could you I'm really sorry Lenny but I know how to make it up to you you'll buy me the dress it was really nice of you to help Lenny practice for her next test it's the least I could do is this the carpool [Music] lane hey guys we're going home you literally did it l thanks to go dude and you guys wanted me to give my rapper to flip H better check out the engine block of ice if you just let flip give us a ride we'd be home by now there's no signal here I'm going to warm up inside and use the landline don't worry hops we'll figure this out I know just a thing Burger warming lamp dang it safe at last who wants to go to the burpin Burger Stop something's not right what where look at the couch what Charles is just sipping from a juice box totally normal Charles come here a moment now [Music] okay well I've never seen Charles do that before that's because it's not Charles Lincoln it's l wait Lily is the prankster duh wow this is all really impressive Lily the whipped cream the toilet rocket Lan Focus oh right sorry Lily you've got to call off your grand finale Al right this minute no don't [Music] watch a dog bone remote well played Lan Focus right right Lily please you have to stop all right kids here we are I just got a text from Lan Lily is the prankster what but Lily's right here and she's such a little cutie watch this we're locked [Music] in oh no she rigged vanzilla to drive around on an endless loop forever that's really dark funny but dark sorry Lily but Lincoln and I are here to shut it down hurry she's getting [Music] away she's in the Attic wow she truly is a pranking [Music] genius I got to shut down the console Lincoln distract [Music] her hurry her little teeth are so sharp dang it should have seen that coming Lan hurry I can't hold her off any longer oh hey there's that juice I've been looking for L come on right right [Applause] well guys this is it I'm really going to miss you but wait wait I changed my mind punch it Dad I want the blue clown shoes not the pink ones here take them all take mine too just to be safe a dang it sorry guys looks like vanzilla just died on us I'm on it Dad huh that's weird I thought I packed my toolbox it's okay sweetie we'll just get a toe in the morning there's a motel right there Lola loud does not stay in twar motels well there you go now it's a one star so you're good finally one normal ride oh the rules don't apply to you go ahead your majesty hey move it oh great Mr bll Hoffner okay high schoolers got everything you need great have a good day bye wait I can't find my weing cushion I don't have time for thanks mom to too oh Mom I forgot it's my turn to bring the team snack for practice uh here's a half-eaten banana just you know cut off the brown [Music] Parts oh oh no I'm here officer ma'am are you aware that your parked in the bus Zone oh I didn't even see that well apparently there's a lot you don't see this is your 50th parking violation oh it can't be that many I mean I know I've gotten a few but oh wow I'm so sorry you know I'm I'm shuttling 11 kids around and sometimes I don't see the parking signs hey isn't this the time of year you sell those police fundraising calendars yes it is but I'm not sure you can afford one because you now owe this city $2,000 in parking tickets what I can't possibly pay that well there is another option giving me community service just see what happens next time when you call trying to sell those calendars maybe this won't be so [Music] bad well that didn't take long guess I have time to [Music] relax oh is it already over too bad I only got one day of community service you really need to watch where you're parking ma'am all right that's going to be I'll just take the community service so where's the time machine you're looking at it you built a time machine out of vanzilla in 7 minutes well it's not like it was hard all I needed was an alkaline coated crck chea and some plutonium mhm you even had time to get a tux now if you'll excuse me I have a wedding to attend good luck my friend and farewell to you mundane toaster all systems go is it just me or did that van appear out of thin air h another scientific success without a hiccup what was that um nothing no one here hiccuped green juice out of their nose that was a close one huh dang it Wendy how in Galileo's micrometer did you get here We snuck in the back seat when you weren't looking you have terrible peripheral vision we want to help you with the mission and I'm not one to miss a party hey tots why you taking the creepy stuff lizard to preschool so and tell I hope they like it oh I remember those days all that pressure trying to find something to wow your classmates struggling to reign supreme is the star of show and tell but there's always that Trump who brings in something cooler Billy Donovan how am I supposed to compete with a talking Miner bird Billy huh it's my time to shine my [Applause] time I mean boy I loved Show and Tell I think it's over can't believe we made it wait where's Lenny I have my suspicions okay everybody in the van let's find Lenny and then afterwards frozen yogurt to [Applause] celebrate man aw the end of April fools always makes me feel a little blue get it voters have you noticed there's no cell service at Tall Timbers Park when I snap a cute nature selfie I want to post it now Mother Nature deserves five bars is this what you want an inexperienced baby for mayor vote for Davis a grown adult oh no he did not hold on [Laughter] sweetie oh you want to play Let's Play you mess with the wrong family buddy oops thanks for teaching me to drive it's going to be so nice to have someone who isn't yell or sleepy no problemo I am incapable of raising my voice and I don't require sleep okay let us start by learning how to [Music] park rotate steering column 45° that's 47° that's 90° maybe less gas I think that was more gas I think you want to please stop I'll leave a [Music] note can't wait to get out of here seriously you took my away my hey hands off the radio what of you you done to my baby 1 2 three that's four new dents since last weekend who let a chicken in the car I don't know how many times your mother and I have to say this but when you're out there on the road Lori you need to be 100% focused which means the rest of you need to keep quiet and behave if we find even one more Nick on vanzilla you can say goodbye to your driving privileges indefinitely we promise Wow way to dish out the discipline hun thanks you know we have really got this parenting thing down to a science we're experts yes Dairyland was awesome great idea Lincoln yeah way to go bro [Music] whoops sorry you should be sorry cuz that was weak that was nothing check this oh yeah well nothing beats the real thing Chow Time boys G is games in grub no way okay kids Steady As She Goes Lola you are not in up get down here and help us push Mom this is the third time vinzel is broken down this week don't you think it might be time for a new car I would love a new car guys it's your dad who won't go for it vanzilla was his father's van and his grandfather's someday he hopes to pass it on to you Lincoln thanks for the assist kids um after dinner uh I'll need a push to Ceramics class there's got to be some way we can convince dad to get a new car you heard Mom all our arguments are just going to stall get it unless we try the subliminal approach wait where's Lola I got knocked off by a tree branch three blocks back thanks for noticing that's dude I need one of those for my room ta you are looking at Royal rid's newest shuttle driver check this out we thank you for your loyalty we'll treat you just like royalty let's go shesh and this will track all the money I'll be making toward my new car customer pickup at the Royal Woods Mall my very first customer okay bye where's vanzilla I got band practice with K dog I got you Pops hey scoots oops one sec we thank you for your loyalty I don't got time for your nursery rhymes step on it Blondie [Music] huh we got the fuzz on us lose him please tell me you bought that pudding machine just drive [Music] step on it you knows we got a gig customer pickup at the royalwood cemetery the cemetery well more money toward my new car I guess oh don't worry I'll drop you guys off at your party gig [Music] after hi I'm dinky greetings dinky [Music] come on guys just try to get along it's a short ride clown dad by [Music] B hi Liam hi Liam's Mima do you guys have any luggage nope but Virginia Clarence and Caroline sure [Music] do okay everybody in teeth and Talons to yourselves dad cookie oh don't mind Clarence he's just sad vacation's [Music] over hey how did your first day go did you rake it in I don't know let's see $30 Royal rides must take a huge cut of my earnings at this rate it'll take you millions of years to save enough money I think I'd have to have Lisa check my [Music] math no I've got to have that car now I know I'm just going to have to pick up a few more jobs wa hey what's all that stuff well in addition to being a shuttle driver I'm also delivering food and doing mobile babysitting you get to babysit people's phones fun no Lenny you babysit kids in the car food pickup at burping bger time for my first food delivery wish me luck bye Lori see you later
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 394,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nickelodeon, Animation, Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, Full Episodes, Cartoons, Nicktoons, Nick Toons, Cartoon Food, Food, SpongeBob, Loud House, Casagrandes, Big Nate, Alvin, Kids Cartoons, Cartoons for Kids, Family, Kids, Patrick, Krabby Patties, Krusty Krab, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Smurfs, Kamp Koral, Rugrats, Patrick Star Show, Paramount, Paramount+, Transformers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Rock Paper Scissors, ytao_lh
Id: 1904bXiwOVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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