Funniest Karen Freakouts

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Hello friends it's me and today we are going Karen hunting before we start I have some very exciting news for you after months of begging G fuel performing candlelit rituals when will it be my turn please I'm gonna be getting my very Unlimited Edition G fuel flavor and it's called wolf Berry it tastes absolutely delicious it is the perfect blend of citrus strawberry it tastes like the most delicious Juicy Fruit it tastes like what I imagine this to taste like y'all know I love drinking G fuel it gives me energy before I go to the gym before I record videos it's a real life cheat code for getting things done the collector's boxes are limited edition so once they're gone they are gone they come with an official sniperwolf logo shaker cup which I love so make sure you click the link in the description below sign up for the wait list so you get early access to purchase my flavor five lucky people who sign up for the waitlist will get a free collector's box and it launches the 17th I am so excited for you guys to try wolfberry well baby like a kid why would you do that I don't know I like to play in elevators I hate these people they literally go into an elevator press every single button so that it stops at every single floor and she just admit to it well maybe I'll push on buttons like a kid all right some people never grow up come on you like 50 60 years old no I like the boy you know Invaders I don't know I like playing elevators go run around the park go beat your pillow in your bed like an elevator of all places this is where I have the most fun he's just weird this grown male Karen decided to throw a temper tantrum and decided to destroy the seat in front of him because they're kicking him off the plane for not wearing a mask yeah because they're definitely gonna let you stay after doing that average Spirit flight toddler behind me be like I don't know what they'd be doing they'd just be kicking my seat non-stop I really don't understand people who just like act up in public like you're probably gonna go to jail get humiliated on the Internet or both just wait till you get home plop your face into your pillow and have a nice little scream Tick Tock let's look at this lady who won't get out of this parking spot she's just standing there when it's illegal to park in a spot her son is behind me who wants to park there even though this person's leaving right here and he could park right there if somebody is leaving then there's gonna be two spots open so why do you have to go through all the effort of getting out of your car and waiting in the parking spot like you can't physically hold a parking spot like that people actually do that this happened to me a couple of times in California this mom sent her children to wait in a parking spot I was like what are you guys doing I'll park here anyway but this Karen will not move say hi to tick tock tick tock tick tock hey dude she's nuts say hi to miss Karen where are you from Australia I'm from here Florida baby I live here why would I take a hike you're setting real good example for your grandkids it's Florida Where Are You Gonna hike the Everglades y'all ain't got no mountains y'all flat lands I'm trying to move to move get out of this other car trying to back out like hey I'm literally leaving then you will have two spots and you don't have to fight over this wood spot is the parking situation really that bad somebody gonna take one spot like circle around find another spot it's not that hard this Karen is absolutely nuts where's your manager I asked her what is it what is this bro you literally asked for extra ketchup that's what they gave you they gonna slam it on the counter like this what is this because they give you too much ketchup I mean if somebody asks for extra ketchup here you go I'm gonna give you extra ketchup so much ketchup I can't eat them or you're making fun of me because I'm on a diet no are you making fun of me because I'm at a diet how are you gonna go to McDonald's when you're on a diet you're funny okay how much sugar there is in ketchup yeah I only asked for extra ketchup I want to pump some ketchup on the back of my hand and just smack you out of there they handled that way better than I would have like this cannot be real chicken driving here are your finest downtown Fargo district 64. oh oh wow bro you didn't even touch you what'd she say ow everybody knows when you're losing an argument all you gotta do is start screaming was she barking or did she pretend like she got hurt like he doesn't hit me ow ow or was that a really pathetic bark Karen wants parking spot I got to play you're gonna be in real trouble you're sitting in the car I need to park here what do you mean you need to park there like there's somebody already parked there you know getting out of your out of your car and body blocking a parking spot is one thing but going up to somebody in their car and being like well you're just waiting here you gotta go like I want to park here no I'm parking here I live here well get out we don't have a car pass I do and it's all your business I live there you're here a lot and I see you you don't live here you're here a lot and I see you a lot but you don't live here like what do you mean if you see him a lot in the neighborhood he probably lives there Karen are you dumb even so I need to pocket that's not how it works you are a disgusting piece of crap your mother she just look at him he did not just say that oh yeah that'll show him that'll show that windshield it probably correct or Fred a little bones and more damage to her than the windshield you can't just go up to somebody be like hey I want to park here get out that's not how the house Karen don't share a table with the elderly people you want to be famous right her birthday what don't share a table with elderly people you want to be famous right it's her birthday what does Karen want what does not sharing a table with the elderly people and being famous have to do with each other this dude went to this grocery store and started opening up things and eating them and drinking them in the store what the [ __ ] you doing man I've been created by the owner of this year I've been treated by the owner of yeah the owner invited me here to taste test all this wonderful food that's a pretty good story don't worry about it and I know the owner and trust me some random guy opening up a bag of chips in the middle of the store trust me I do this all the time me and the owner we homies he just let you come in here and eat some snacks for free I'll be the owner go back in the office before you you do say anything on glass go ahead I mean come on let's go let's go let's go maybe you're going to jail are we gonna get out they didn't tell you let's go man they didn't tell you they let me come in here all the time I eat for free I drink for free it's like the Walmart Buffet you know this is why they're closing Walmart in Chicago a family literally went into Walmart started opening up all the food feeding the entire family and posted it on Tick Tock like eat it free at Walmart you can't do that let's go man let's go man you know why would they tell him oh yeah my homie is coming in here he's gonna be open up bags of chips in the store some drinks and just having his lunch you know if you see him just be cool if you give him a high five he chill though this Karen is sick and tired of the construction if only you could tell by all the empty lots in front of you that there was gonna be construction but nah she's just gonna stand there on wet cement leave her Footprints all over the new sidewalk you know that'll show them then they'll have to do even more construction to fix it and let me guess then she's gonna complain about the sound you knew exactly what you were doing buying a house when they're building a house across the street like it's gonna be loud there's gonna be construction me I bought a house and then they're like oh you're not gonna have any neighbors they literally built like a hundred new houses next to mine working at this this Sunday Arthur gets disgusting that you're walking on a Sunday bro is just doing his job fixing a roof and a while Karen appears not everybody has the luxury of only working on a weekdays some people want to make their money on the weekend have you got nothing better to do when you mean it's literally his job my son is a lawyer and this is breaking noise pollution laws and I'll have you know there's a family across the road with a newborn and all this racket is bouncing it give them a load of stress oh like the newborn screaming crying throughout the night isn't gonna be enough stress you know it's a little construction noise I don't mind starting a bit later we can ask the clients who's happy with it that's fine it's your client the woman who lives here yeah right I'll speak to her back right tire speak to her then why does she sound like an NPC let me go speak to the other lady I'm gonna complete this Quest like it's not the worker's fault they're just being paid to be there it's not necessary to bang that hard is it look I'll bang on this door as hard as I want don't you tell me what to do whoa there Karen she's got a little bark to her I'll tell you what today I mean you're trying to tell them what to do no just ignore I just cracking with the job uh excuse me what did you say she's telling my colleague to crack on with the job I don't think so you make any more noise and I'm calling the police okay we have we have to whisper while she's literally screaming like you called the police what are you gonna say these men are working on a Sunday morning the police is gonna look at her be like yeah me too what do you do when the birds are tripping a little too loud in the morning you throw rocks at them tell them to shut up did you get these men the mission to start work here at this time Sunday oh absolutely hashend of yourself working at this time of the morning on a Sunday she's a little too angry for a Sunday bro chill she woke up that morning was like I want a beautiful day to cause a problem so they decided to ignore her for a little bit and you know what she did she [Music] she's away I mean I mean call the cops on her for are stealing your ladder I'll give you the ladders back if you stop working oh it's gonna work just tell her you're gonna stop working stop working for literally five minutes get the ladder back and then cause the most Ruckus you've ever caused in your life just to piss her off Karen's way too entitled Karen takes down a seven-year-old's lemonade stand what's she gonna do ask the seven-year-old for a permit are you legally allowed to sell these lemons there's plenty of other letters because sir please they're literally selling lemonade in a park and she's like you can't do it here do it somewhere else why are you asking a seven-year-old to move their lemonade stand like why does it bother you that much you mad they making more money than you just because you were deadbeat at seven years old doesn't mean you got to take it out on this kid it's at HOA you have to have a permit she literally bringing out the permit card y'all gotta have a permit for a lemonade stand there is no way I just don't want this traffic you guys didn't even consider the people who yeah I look into the regulations and everything you have freaking Lemonade Stand give me a break call I'm done talking to you and then go away and let us sell until the cops come no don't stop you're not allowed to sell lemonade here take your lemons and leaves thank you you're amazing Karen is so lame for this this is so embarrassing literally pack your things and leave go home so usually at the bank they have like drive up ATMs and her card got stuck into the machine and then the camera behind her is gonna get out of her car and get mad at her yes I already said that there's a problem with the machine it's not me well go somewhere else it has my card lady it has all of my money in it goodbye have a wonderful day [Music] if somebody is taking too long literally just back up go inside the store Banks usually have more than one ATM you already got out of your car for this and why not get out of your car and go to the other ATM kind of a wonderful day Karen love you I love you she said I love you too she ain't that bad she just wanted to see what the commotion was about I think this is Karen versus Karen but anyway is all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the click the link in the description below sign up for my GPU flavor and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the Wolfpack oh I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 4,647,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, worst, karens, ever, karen, who, went, too, far
Id: gCHvydXT9ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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