Karens Who Didn't Know When To Quit

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you need to respect my personal space and leave me alone hello friends it's me and today we're going cairn hunting karen goes insane because the neighbors are doing fireworks [Music] so you do this every fourth of july we got a show in the sky and on the sidewalk this is how my dog be acting when he hears fireworks shout here yelling at the mailbox leave the mailbox out of this he ain't doing nothing wrong oh my mail flap hurt what are you building me for what i'm doing is i'm wrong i live here ma'am you don't live there you live inside the house go back in skater versus karen my favorite who's mine in his own business trying to skate she's trying to block him girl you better watch them shins playing a dangerous game you are getting real close to him you got a crush on him or something she chased it after him girl he was like half your age oh let's try and trip him does she really have nothing better to do than mess with kids on skateboards this is a grown woman doing this my day is not complete i cannot have a good night's rest without messing with at least one skateboarder karen's food was taking way too long in the drive through so she got up out of her car walked up to the window you're holding up the line there karen shut this mail you want to before i spin on you oh she did it i love when they give you permission to record them so you won't mind when this ends up on the youtube right does that saliva out your mouth there karen holding up the line i need my mid-chicken in mine make nuggets get out the wine there carrie he needs his mcchicken get out the line i love how it says warning approaching object the car refuses to acknowledge her as a person like back up no karen you're holding up the line there karen yeah get out of here now karen thank you very much there four or nothing in my business you stupid i think this was a very effective way to deal with a carrot literally annoy the spirit of karen out of them there was a karen on a very crowded new york city subway and she wants somebody to give up their seat show me which one of you is going to be a gentleman show me show me which one of you is going to be a gentleman show me are there no gentlemen left in this guy there are no ladies left in this world you can't expect guys to act like a gentleman when you can't even act like a lady you got this band she's screeching in the middle of the subway like show me which one of you is going to be a gentleman show me i'll be a gentleman if you just shut up this karen is angry that this guy was supposedly taking pictures of her no no stay right here don't go nowhere no no i'm not the old i'm the cops i don't care what you don't take pictures of nobody that's against the law but is it against the law i don't know i don't think so because now he out here recording her it's against the law keep it up keep it up you're illegal and that's against the law uh you just said taking pictures was illegal now the whole entire guy is illegal i think of america a gentleman here he's recording me and my kids i don't know if he don't speak english but this is against the law and i'm telling him and he just spoke english and she like i don't know if you speak english is that supposed to make him a threat or something all right you're parked in front of me i'm parked in front of you yeah i can see your car then get in the car walk to the car where where are you at i'm at the door no i'm i'm in the parking lot i don't know where you are do you see my car oh god so i'm gonna walk over to your car but one of the reasons that i call for a ride is so that i do not have to walk karen you know when you order uber you still have to walk to the car what do you want him to do bust into the front door of the store like yes ma'am your chariot awaits there she is she literally had to walk like 20 feet you just like totally went past me and then over there and you're over here did i have a way of knowing that actually i just called you and told me i'm standing at the door right i've never been here before i don't know where the door is is i'm gonna cancel the ride if you're gonna be disrespectful so it's it's up to you do i have to pay for it if you cancel it i'll cancel it free of charge okay let's do that i'd like to see you cancel it i'd like to see you cancel it he just canceled it just great okay the reason you put in an address is that you can you can hop out you can hop out oh now she has to walk another 20 feet back to the door and wait for another ride boo hoo boo hoo oh there's a phone here hey hold on she looks strangely familiar vegan teacher that you oh there's a phone here somebody left their phone somebody left their phone that's my phone well how do i know that i just found a phone here so how do i know that it's yours because we're filming a tape top okay i don't even know what that is uh i don't know what that is uh tic tac you mean like a little mint i i don't know what that is oh my god you know this could all be solved with what's your passcode puts in the passcode and oh so it is her phone i can't leave y'all this isn't a public parking lot where some dude needed help parking and asked his wife to get out of the car to help him park to be his backup camera and karen started freaking out because they almost hit her car watching you navigate your ass in here almost hitting me and you're telling him to stop and you don't fit i'm asking you to stop going you don't you come closer i'm in a legal proceeding for people like you that do that to me it's a human rights violation case what they're just trying to park next to you they didn't even hit you the wife's like yes you have room put the car in here's like no you're too close you're too close to my car uh this is a human rights violation i could have lost my life because you wanted to park too close to my car hmm it's a white female thing and white females don't understand but no don't stop and go away mean they violate me thank you record it oh anyways please what my name is carla ace capital k cowboy capital k capital a she was a cheerleader back in the day you're the one standing close to me you're approaching me because this is all you know how to do is violate people's human spaces actually lay down somebody roll up the window shut her up i'm in my vessel my space ma'am you are the passenger of a car you are violating my rights being that close to me it's only it was a crime to stand that close to somebody i think i'm within my vessels shut up okay well all right you need to respect my personal space and leave me alone i'm minding my own business that does not sound like mine in your own business minding your own business is rolling up the window and shutting up zip it this carrying battery hundred percent she says don't stop i'm saying back off and white women have a hard time backing off she acting like she lives there she pays rent on that parking spot and all the ones around her i've been in this community for nine months they know who i am she's got a reputation in this community all right yeah that crazy cannon that lives in her car barks at people when they get too close and i'm in within my lines my space and i'm asking people to leave me alone and she came closer and approached me so whose rights are being violated whoa there i can't believe this has escalated to this point i feel like the person recording is just like okay okay keep it coming how much more content can you give me i am triggered by white females that do have respect personal space what that is oddly specific triggered by females who don't respect my spirits i can prove intense it's specific it's measurable thanks let's get her she's insane like actually insane no this is funny no honey i want to go home i don't even want to go to this park no more it's karen insane a karen got a hold of the airport mike because her flight was delayed supposed to be on a flight to memphis our connection was delayed we're at l24 so the gate was closed when they got there and they're like trying to blame everybody like you missed your flight what do you want them to do they already closed the gate the plane took off hello tell the plane to come back i must be on my flight this happens way too often l 24. he's really banging on the window like hey can the people on the airplane hear me how could the plane leave without us so they were at a carnival and this karen was like y'all need to leave my 10 year old is here and you guys are just like hookers i don't see nothing wrong with what she's wearing but you better quit because i'm two seconds from socking you so stop she's about two seconds from greasing up my pan with that face i bought my ten year old with me get out of here i'm sorry it's so embarrassing going up to girls and being like you need to leave because you're dressed like that if you don't like them you need to leave this karen is calling the cops on this dude because he's in her neighborhood he works as pest control oh perfect we got a large pest right here what are you trying to sell i'm selling pest control do you want to buy for pest control no okay have a good night so do you have no i want to no i'm a trustee here in the village and i want to know what you're doing here i'll call you right back she was on the phone with barbara like you know what barbara i'm gonna call you back i need to call the police on this one this dude out here selling pest control to people handing out flyers advertising his business i've got some solicitors here that are going around trying to sell pest control and i'm a little worried about it i'm a little worried about it that this dude is going around selling pest control like advertising his business i'm scared for my life in my own community you see i can be a pest and i'm just worried that he might exterminate me at least she's self-aware this lady kicked my husband out of his seat so she could sit there now he's standing at the window wondering what he did wrong he's holding a baby there are plenty of other seats it's all empty i like this one specific seat i farted here once and it was a pleasant memory for me and i will be sitting here from now on this dude has been living in the same house for 25 years and has been dealing with this karen for over 10 years i can do whatever i want i'm allowed to cut wood no you're not you sure yeah wow that's amazing i i i already talked to the village you can call anybody you want but i'm allowed to cut wood i have a big giant truckload coming in a half hour i'm gonna fill up the whole yard you said i can't cut wood what is this dumps out an entire truck full of wood i hope you like cutting wood because i got a lot more where that came from i mean i get it if it's making a lot of sound that's annoying i don't know who's in the wrong here neighbors who are very loud are just annoying in general i don't know how i feel about having a neighbor that like is constantly karate chopping wood but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one of these was the most annoying karen if you guys enjoyed this video make sure that that like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolfpack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,179,487
Rating: 4.9537439 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, karens, worst, karen, ever, who, went, too, far
Id: 8zNOd46cVeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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