LUCKIEST PEOPLE Who Avoided Disaster | SSSniperWolf

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Hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some very close calls I thought some ice was going to fall down what is that somebody threw the door to their dungeon when the ape titan starts throwing things he ran away at the perfect time bro he was just about to get in the car you know what at least he got away with his life because that was insane oh oh how did he know when those Spidey senses kick in oh cameraman told him to duck I can't believe how close that was that cop really swung that full force that feeling when you successfully evade in a video game ooh that was way too close but no move move move move move move move move oh ah ah and kids got to watch where they're going you can't just go in front of a swing going like full force oh that was way too close bro you got to move before you get yeed into another dimension so they left their sink on and got home at the perfect time you know right before the thing started to overflow okay if it starts to overflow wouldn't it just go in the other side of the sink yes maybe not so bad also why big hole and no drain with clogging it some vegetable remains hey hey hey no no no no biting no biting that is a bad shark you tried to eat the boat you can't do that why does it suddenly look like it's a blow up boat oh it is you literally blow that up oh he knew exactly what he was doing he like I'm going to work extra hard for my food oh they've gotten too smart can't you just like bnk him on the head just like bad this dude had insane reaction time catching this guy who just like was passing out how he would have bunked his head real hard on the pavement if he didn't catch him it happened so fast so he opened the door for him and then turned around and then suddenly this dude is passing out like o saved so I tried to DIY a gym mirror in my room what I imagined reality it's giving wish how are you going to order this and they sent you this even the mirrors refuse to stay on the wall even the mirrors are ashamed of themselves sorry sorry I'm sorry sorry sorry a giant boulder the size of a house rolled down this hill oh just barely hitting the house it got the brick wall though but the house untouched you know if the ball had any bowling experience you might not have a house anymore when you step into a board with four nails and it goes right through your flip-flop but somehow doesn't even poke through your foot and you know why this is why you always got to wear platforms I like a little thickness to my flipflop cuz have yall ever been like stabbed through your flipflop it hurts I'm wearing Footwear I thought I was safe when you're trying to but you have a kid abort Mission Billy what are you doing here Mommy and Daddy are playing Lea frog she really dropped it into a Hop come on dad time to ribit Ribbit ribit the perfect save a sinkhole opened up and took out a house and a pool where did it go this is one of my worst fears as unreasonable as it sounds it does happen the Earth can just like at any moment just open up swallow whatever it wants and just create giant hole you just bought a million dooll house cool eats it that is very unlucky oh might as well eat me with it oh no the Eiffel Tower it's falling once again unfortunately it's just a regular Tower but nobody got hurt it didn't even fall on any cars that car was right under it I whoever the owner of the black Volvo come outside and move your car before it changes its mind and decides to just smoosh car um okay I realized this the other day what can I say I like Fast Cars by every time I accelerate my drinks spill ass oh oh that was close oh that was so close he saved it that was such a graceful fall and who put that cardboard there he probably did not realizing that he would later slip on it and oh oh salvaged most of the sauce he's a sauce saver this guy got shot in the pocket where he just so happened to have his phone and the phone stopped a bullet ah you know why cuz it's a Nokia those things indestructible iPhone however can barely survive a drop on some hard floors that phone really ate it spit it out the bullet barely went through the screen you had a screen protector it probably would have deflected it they bought a generic charger for their MacBook plugged it in and somehow started a fire I want to know how this happened sorry wrong charger charger self-destruct in 3 2 1 suddenly your whole house is on fire because you refused to buy a $30 charger from the Apple Store what the freak Snickers you almost killed me today oh what is that what you got in your candy bar it kind of look like chocolate oh that's not chocolate that is a piece of wood oh you know a good thing you found it out do I smell a lawsuit y'all I left the room for 2 seconds and my cat lit her tail on fire what the cats are a different breed they swear they're so independent like I don't need you human and then you leave them alone for 2 seconds light self on fire okay but why does it look like that I thought it was covered in dirt kind of looks like extra crunchy turd they were at a baseball game and one of the players threw their baseball bat and it almost hit this unsuspecting child who was on his phone probably playing Clash of Clans instead of paying attention to realize that a baseball bat almost got yeed into his Noggin but this dude dude just reached down was able to block him and then we got her in the bag like it ain't even near you you're being a little dramatic don't you think I like how everybody was prepared except the person that it was actually going to hit this lady forgot her professional camera on the back of her car and she drove around town for 20 minutes and then realized wait where's my camera you know sometimes it pays driving the speed limit I'm surprised you got out and it was still there you know I did this once with my phone I always put it on top of my car and then I started driving 2 minutes from my house it fell off my car and got run over by several cars and I had to get a new phone I was looking at the location like where is it did someone steal my phone no but somebody did run it over it might have been me take better care of your expensive things she went diving and then a Stig Ray just swooped in like all he wants is a big old kiss me when a sight offers me cookies no no no she didn't notice that she used the dog's peanut butter oh she just put it in her mou the top wait y'all have a peanut butter that the dog eats out of oh they dip the dog's treats and bones in it still kind of gross it literally says on the lid for dogs only and would you look at that for humans only it's beautiful day to know how to read I almost caused a fire trying to be aesthetic oh no I know those things are really cool but like you have to hold it and like do it the other way cuz the actual m match holder has the strip that you ignite it then you have the tops of the matches so the whole thing catches on fire like it's just not it's not practical oh no they should not do this this should be illegal you see anytime I see a bottle that looks like this you're going to automatically assume it is eye drops that go in your eyeball no this is actually eyeglass lens cleaner you clean your glasses with it but you accident H your eyes with that you might not have eyeballs anymore I act like it's going to like disintegrate your eyeballs like they're going to melt right through your skull no it's probably just going to burn and you just have to flush it out but still not a very Savory situation I started work this morning put my headset on felt something furry in my ear please don't tell me it's a rat there is a bat in my headset oh you know a bat is basically a rat with wings because they have wings they are somehow less disgusting maybe because they fly Feet Don't touch the ground rats however disgusting land animal feel a little sick where's thermometer oh you know it's a good thing you labeled this one you know one goes in the human's mouth and then the other one goes into the dog's butthole don't get them mixed up me nearly falling off a bridge so my friends go viral I was like wait that's not so bad and then I realized that it's an actual bridge and they grab her just in time of all the people there only one of them even cared enough to grab her before she literally fell off the bridge if you put them in your will it's time to take them off these people were this close to avoiding a [ __ ] storm so they crashed into a tree look where the bridge came out of this just makes me want to back up in my own seat just o so close so close that's a real nut Tickler that's some Final Destination [ __ ] I almost died today and my mom got a perfectly timed picture of my dad saving my life oh he went face first into the rocks and his dad grabbed his ankle get you a dad like this oh wait you can't so this dude gave his phone to his mom and he got a text from his dealer need Bud my son no longer has this phone or a number does he need what bud a buddy I heard he lonely AF this is a good guy he got your back he could have snitched and been like your son he's smoking the devil's lettuce that Jack as cabbage but no a buddy I'm here for him mom's ready for tonight babe you're going to use that mouth so hard I'm Sarah's father and what is she going to do with her mouth oh she didn't tell you what it's karaoke night somebody give this guy a high five get your man with a save like that 10 hours ago no fap November begins now 9 hours ago no fap November failed his mom is going to comment fap what is fap fatty animal preserves duh Mom I had some midnight snacks last night and failed to stay fat free this month sure what a good son he tried so hard not to fap but failed I like how everybody liked this comment like they're all in on it nobody snitched I almost killed my family this morning morning making pancakes Great Value how could you I trusted you they're going to make the butterf flavored cooking spray and the lemon scented furniture polish look almost identical check yourself before you wreck yourself literally imagine frying some pancakes and some lemon scented furniture polish all I could say is it's probably not going to taste like lemon it's going to taste like death and vomit lots of vomit have fun at the ER almost went to jail today scared the crap out of me OMG mate what happened how why what did you do it was really scary all those Monopoly games could get pretty [Music] intense we all know that guy you want to try so hard to look like a badass on Facebook but no you ain't so they were building something and it fell but it caught itself just in time woo yikes how does it even fall to begin with and how did it even get up there is it's on like a fivestory building I have so many questions a a a b c d e f g h i j k k k k i wonder why only the K's oh they caught themselves all of them have three letters but the KK k k got four check yourself it's almost 4:00 a.m. and this dude over here almost brushed his teeth with athlete foot cream almost bared my teeth with this on accident I I mean I'll take the spelling error over the mouth full of athlete foot cream I almost rather have athlete foot in my mouth than athlete foot cream oh this dude got a tattoo of Lauren his now exgirlfriend so after they broke up he had to hide it had to cover it up somehow with his love for Ralph Lauren and their overpriced Polo it's so good Lauren who that I only know Ralph Lauren oh no so cops came into this dude's house see he getting ready to bust in I don't know what he did but he hided on the roof and the neighbors they go see him they go oh this sneaky [ __ ] like he just jumped out of his window just chilling on the Roof oh I hope they never find him or when they walk back into their car what's he going to do they're going to see him oh wife keep the receipts in case a ho want to be ungrateful hm look at her face I got her all those flowers and snacks girl you want to be ungrateful I can take it right back to Walmart I got the receipt and I'm going to get a refund that's just rude well I'm never using Tinder again you match with Matthew so he recognized his aunt in her picture and he was like how do you know my aunt I uh she's my aunt well she they're cousins she out here trying to find love and ends up getting matched with her cousin my great-grandfather was shot in the chest by a German soldier during World War I luckily the coins in his breast pocket absorbed the bullet and saved his life you could say he didn't need much money to survive dang I've heard of this happening so he had coins in his pocket and somebody got a good shot a heart shot it ain't a head shot but you know but they absorbed the bullet bulletproof BL who we got coins out here saving lives so somebody threw a bat and it was about it hit his kid's face and dad over here comes in clutch knocks it out of the way what a beast of a dad this one too this is insane this is insane so safety glasses save this guy's eye from an exploding angle disc grinder you know those like machines it broke and it hit him in the eye and his glasses saved him this is why you always wear safety glasses I see y'all in chemistry like why do we got to wear these this is why also they're cute y'all see that this dude is on his phone he jumped over it he literally jumped over it holy and then just casually goes back to talking on his phone Yep this guy he's not human not buying it just casually goes back yeah so LGE pepperoni pizza L the coke this dude got a fortune cookie that said you will have bad luck for all eternity hello Satan oh but he got another one that said ignore previous cookie I don't know about you guys but I think fortun cookies so seriously like if it says my life is going to be blessed you know my ass is going to sit there and wait to be blessed almost set my cat on fire his cat Blends in so perfectly too perfectly with the oven this is so scary also I want to know what the cat doing on the stove oh don't mind me here just trying to be a snack do you like anyone yeah you um I have a BF yeah you question mark oh Punk situation matters o but this save though so smooth you can't say anything like n it was a mistake I don't like you I almost threw up in my mouth a little I just asked you if you liked anybody Excuse me while I go cry now so a shark bit her but she wasn't tasty enough so he let her go what so researchers believe that in the initial bite a shark can detect the ratio of fat to Bone or muscle and whether it's mouthful is worth eating or not so he took a bite out of her and was like nah this [ __ ] she ain't got enough meat on her bones it's not worth my time she ain't a snack that is actually so funny it's like you about to eat something like nope I don't like it she got rejected by a shark but accepted by life so can you really complain I'll take it this person found a bug inside their toothbrush and trust me I have seen this before this is legit they put the toothpaste on it and then they caught themselves ah holy [ __ ] there is a dead bug in here hell no burn it throw it in the fireplace just kidding I'll rinse it off you guys throw it away or just rinse it off and just brush your teeth comment below somebody stepped on a nail and luckily it only went through the skin on the side imagine stepping on that and trust me that little [ __ ] would go all the way in if you stepped on it this happened to me before this is the absolute worst top 10 anime deaths a friend of mine almost lost his wedding band to the drain today the drain had mercy that seems way too convenient like it just plopped down perfectly like oh okay ready to be picked up now I don't like the outside world I don't feel safe when I'm not on a finger so can you please like pick me back up and put me back on that finger I can't believe that dude took a picture before picking up the [Music] ring oh my God I can't believe everybody just stopped oh my God the luck the luck that kid is so lucky to be alive this girl left her camera a hella expensive camera on her truck and drove around town for 20 minutes before realizing it was gone and then it was still there the next best thing is if you left it on and it was recording everything but dang I did this before but not for very long I just pulled out of a gas station and I had my phone on top of my car but it was still there I almost stepped on this little nope rope while shooting nope rope that is officially the new name for snakes nobody will call them snakes anymore they are now referred to as nope ropes thank you a I can't I can't with these anymore an axe this is actually one of my worst nightmares like you know those construction trucks that have just everything in the back of the truck like what if the [ __ ] falls out so an axe from the truck in front of them came flying out and hit their windshield and it just came in and stuck oh God that could have been awful oh if this happened to me I would just never leave my house again anxiety Fest they opened their fridge and then the pitcher with juice fell and was caught by the door oh I think we could all agree this was the best save of them all cuz ain't nobody like cleaning up juice Hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some very close calls so she was in in this Piata and then swung again after the candy was already out and the kids ran she swung again and then everybody ducked perfectly dodged that attack I cannot believe how Flawless this was that just everybody ducked at the right time candy saved everyone today she playing boxing on the VR girl you get a little too close to the screen she going crazy the screen is just this close to getting knocked out and this close to not being a game anymore this is so scary this is one of the scariest Tik toks I've ever seen like imagine being on this ride and a family of bears just comes out of the forest they're blocking the it's a mama bear and she got her kids with her oh my goodness I would have done piss myself they crossed the track just in time and the person made it through safely but watching this gave me so much anxiety like would you try to take the seat belt off and like Escape From The Ride how can you just sit there and expect to be safe also they got bears at theme parks the only bear I want to see on a roller coaster is this one that one was a butt clencher cheeks clench so hard right now they could hold the [Applause] iPhone it's okay it's okay it's okay it's saved we saved the pasta you know I'll take a few lost pen and necessary sacrifice for the whole box she really brought it in the work kicked open the door ripped the lid off didn't exactly go as planned the Alfred was secured what are they digging what was that it's like a pipe he knocked something out and ran before it gushed out I don't think that was water at least he knew it was coming got out of there at the perfect time they were in their Jeep crashed into this tree that the bridge went so far up depend on how you were sitting this could have hurt a lot you know right in the baby maker it's too close I hate to lose my virginity this way when you try to do a little something for your man but remember you have a kid just a Lea frog away whole family going frog now mommy what are you doing hopping myself out of the situation so they went down the slide and then going down the kid fell and then the mom saved her and just grabbed her in a hot second like going down something went wrong I cannot believe that she just it's okay Mommy's got you uh-oh that looks like a lake why is there a shark in there no that's a catfish isn't it is that a shark what's it doing there like it looks like a lake ooh it's so close uh you are safe in the canoe you got a paddle bunk shark with paddle apologize and paddle away and paddle away all right you know what I am a out this CL that door way too close oh but it's so satisfying the way you could just open and close it without fear of hitting the car very nice they threw him his wallet and he fumbled it this close to falling in the ocean and a shark stealing your identity no identity theft for the fishes today being late to work saved their life if they they would have left home 2 seconds earlier this car would have fell on top of their head as they were walking into work I want to know why the car garage built like this there's no barrier or anything me not being able to find the exit and just skirt fly off into the lower level honestly I don't blame him I thought it was a stick so he thought his dog had found a stick hey that's a goodl looking stick that ain't a stick that's a deer leg I hope he didn't do it I don't know maybe you just find deer legs in the wild it's like a drumstick walk into a KFC and find one about the same thing so she I found my friend's car so I'm going to scare him goes and sneaks into the car it's the wrong car so is this a reverse kidnapping also you just walked into a random car oh this one's unlocked going to go sit in the back seat how do you get yourself out of this one wait for them to go home go inside the house fall asleep and make your Escape plot twist they on a road trip across the country now what what could possibly go wrong I'm just driving in mud uhoh went a little too deep in the mud I didn't think it was going to be that deep I thought it was a little puddle how are yall going to get yourself out of this one jeez he got himself out of it this is for the Bros because I could never I would have abandoned ship the truck looks like it's coming towards them but it's just being towed that was mean would have woke up thinking that's my last nap that's [Music] it I thought he was going to just no the ultimate test of trust like do you trust me yes I do and just slam right next to her also why my dude dress just like the scouts this guy threw a can of coke with some Mentos in it if you throw it down right it'll just launch itself like a rocket this dude ended up getting blasted uh you're done someone got two Nails stuck in their knee and when they got x-ray it missed both his femur and his kneecap and went right in between the bones so it was not that bad it could have been way worse that's way Too Close you know that is why you always always always wear protective eye gear my dude wore face gear cuz it just snapped in his face woo it's a good day to have two eyes look how dang close my sister was to die oh not a single drop of orange popsicle touched the rug it all melted on the table and that's on surface tension and adhesion not all heroes wear capes this dude dropped his airpod right under the weight he couldn't do anything anything he couldn't even say anything and this dude came in clutch and moved it before he put the weight down that airpod secured cuz it's like when you pick up the weight like that you have to just drop it that would have been ear shattering for those of you that work in restaurants this was a remake of a dish it's taken out to a guest sometimes we sleep only in the kitchen he said anything but drop the plate he'll never guess why your food was light I hope Tic Tac me after convincing everyone that it's a swim area was that a swordfish that looked pointy woo it is no longer a swim area when you got these swimming around unrelated fish like jumping out of the water is like the equivalent of humans holding their breath and going under water right trying to get some fresh air Hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some very close calls this guy in the Olympics did a no he's going to hit it oh wow I thought this was going to be a fail she was going to slap his head like look how that was way too close way too close this close to nail in his Noggin instead he nailed this trick I didn't think he was going to make it but he did dude kick the wall it's just like hanging the wall ain't touching the ground oh he Tri oh no the Wall fall the Wall fall oh all right avoided it just like that it's okay he's got his hard hat on he would have been fine but like he Tri whoo wo pick out right as the drywall fell you kick house the house would have kick you back that was way too close look at this truck oh oh no it's going to tip it's going to tip over it's going to that was too close if I was driving that truck I would have abandoned ship right then and there the way it just hit a little more than a curb like that thing was going to tip over yeah I'm going to have to pull over take a break after seeing that hey hey your hair's on fire you better watch those candles I've seen this happen a couple times and apparently like when you're on fire you don't realize right away that you're literally on fire surprisingly easy to put out like all should have do is like wave it around a little and you're good my greasy hair would further ignite the flame that one time I didn't notice a whale shark swimming towards me ah I almost pooped myself oh too close too close too close how do you not notice that it's wearing polka dots horrendous choice of attire oh my God look at Ash look how she's sleeping oh she's awake now I've awoken her oh you are the sweetest thing in the world this was surveillance camera footage at a convenience store where this guy accidentally dropped a can of soda and it got launched up until the register that was a can of soda somebody put some Mentos in there and Shake It Up that went flying you know good thing they got those plastic barriers at the register that would have slapped somebody in the face nobody was hurt in the shaking of this coke this mother Freer crawled on my face last night so I caught it and put it inside this jar I planed to kill it this morning but it has multiplied as she was pregnant with a million toets how many spiders came out of that like that thing was crawling on your face oh I can't even imagine what if you just like and she decided to give birth early just hurl me into the Hellfire I'm done if that exploded all over my face I don't want to live on this planet anymore it's a good thing I watched all that Animal Planet as a kid or I would have mowed right over these little guys oh no they made a little nest in the ground a little family of bunnies is just chilling there oh that would have ruined my entire life if I mowed over them poor things they just chilling the little bunny hidey-hole so sweet good thing he didn't this dude takes his skateboard puts it over the clip and closes his eyes and just flips it just like that you are real confident in this trick the way he flips it that could have fallen that could have fell no more skateboard he I cannot believe that that was actually really impressive this guy wanted to pull a little prank on his wife so he decided to hide in a pile of leaves and like get out and surprise her when she got home from work and then the phone starts ringing and so he gets out but wait a few minutes later his wife came home and did this oh no that would have been a murder husband dead not very funny prank anymore when the parking lady is on its way but you're you're parked in the loading zong go she's coming uhoh you got like a good 30 seconds go down there move the car before she writes you up a ticket hurry your finger away get your finger away I would not trust my finger with that W and the way that the slicer goes diagonally you getting those fingers a little too close anyways this is how business cards are made do you happen to be in the business of losing fingers no I started to film a Tik Tok [Music] and hey hey hey hey wait she literally put it on top of the toilet in a stall and was recording her Tik toac the school toilet the perfect tripod it just ignores the girl doing a Tik Tok let me just walk in when you got to go you got to go oh good thing she noticed so they are watching the ocean from their hotel room and wait uh oh is that a shark oh no somebody's literally floating out in the water there's nobody else at this beach except these two people just like chilling in the middle of the ocean um say something literally scream I don't think they hear them the ocean is so loud oh my goodness it didn't even see her oh no that was way too close uh-oh it's coming back it's circling back it's circling back do they realize they don't even realize oh my goodness give me anxiety watching this like that could have ended way worse good thing that shark was a vegan I don't like your blood type I'm AB intolerant what is this device you lift it up oh you crack an egg with it there is a whole device that you lift up the metal part and it's got like a little hammer on it forget cracking an egg you are literally this close to cracking your thumbnail like one wrong Pop you ain't going to have a nail anymore and you're telling me all of that just to break open a hardboiled egg like can you just pop it on the table or something like the rest of us top 10 most useless devices I've ever seen we just moved into this apartment and I broke the door handle and when you pull it you can feel it I need to find super glue you going to get in trouble you know even if it wasn't your fault even if the handle was handled one too many times and it just she comes home right now mother still going to blame you okay so I found some you got some super glue oh no that's nail glue I have her location on like 360 and she's literally on her way home so basically I'm going to put it all over that and all over that so the handle can come back up to where it used to be okay it's okay sling the glue all over that bad boy I just need it to hold until works and it better hold it okay she just got here so this is a major test run it better hold oh that glue dry quick it worked oh don't do it again let mother break it it worked now don't touch the fridge anymore it ain't your responsibility and now if Mother grabs it and breaks it she ain't got nobody to blame by herself hacks trust cats outside they really do whatever they want I want to climb this pole I climb this pole wo she really just a stingray he just wanted to say hi maybe give a little kiss me and my crush this person almost got their credit card information stolen from them I was telling you about this they have this fake credit card reader attachment that attaches onto the real one so when you put your card in the scammers will steal your credit card info so next time you put your card in the ATM make sure there's not an abnormal protrusion coming from the card reader almost set my cat on fire oh I had to raise my brightness for this one I did not see that cat at all completely camouflaged and you got to make sure you have your glasses on very dangerous place to hang out we got everywhere in the house all these countertops and you want to chill on the most dangerous one that will literally light you on fire I like to chill dangerously he out here recording a Tik Tok when my mom comes home early and I'm supposed to be in fourth period oh she really came home oh but you're skipping class if you miss a class do they not just like instantly call your parents can't you just be like we had an early day today parents don't keep track of that what you doing Mom I'm spreading this um buttercream on my bread that's not butter mom huh Mom butter mom like Frosty mom what mom is it cardi B recording that's body butter huh that's body butter it says butter coconut body butter coconut body butter eat that witha butter it's for it's like lotion but why it smell so good that's girl girl this smell like coconut and butter at the oh my God I was going to give this to the babies she about to feed him a lotion sandwich M smells good I mean that'd be pretty cool do they got like coconut spread cuz that sounds good he kicked the soccer ball and put his foot down on it at Reaction Time crazy ooh please tell me they ain't going to break the egg it's going to go through the tires oh yeah that was nice oh I again let me see it it was so strategically placed the feminine urge to stick a hand in there no no sometimes my thoughts get the best of me she was on one of those electric scooters and oh this is why you got to watch where you're going like she was looking back for way too long and then just o are you okay ouch my knees this is way you got to wear knee pads if she went face first she would have fell anyway so choose your injury oh I mean you made the shot how does that even happen got the ball in the hoop and then also himself in the hoop it's almost like somebody like lifted him up and hurled him in how you accidentally dunk yourself I'm confused this company makes a sleepy time pill and a laxative and they look almost exactly the same why so you pull a orange and blue box out of the cabinet at night either you getting a good night's sleep in your bed or you going to be on the toilet all night fighting for your life you guys remember for this video that you guys blew up thousands of you guys commented oh my God there's sharks in the water why isn't she scared blah blah blah personally I'm not scared of sharks so I thought those comments were really funny you guys won't believe what happened 7 minutes away from where I filmed that [Music] video you guys weren't wrong woo and that kid got lucky real lucky the shark literally just just a little push I could eat you if I wanted to but I'm not trying to get cancelled this dude threw his umbrella and look it was about oh he caught it before I could stab him in the eye that was actually really cool you just throw your umbrella and then the wind come in this one just merry Poppins moment over here hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some very close calls I'm talking about like these again this is something that everybody needs to know about so if you go to a sketchy ATM hackers or thieves they will put like an attachment card reader over the regular card reader that will steal all your information have fun with the $16 in my check-in account but yeah if the card reader is like janky try pulling it out this is why you always got to be paying attention when you're driving so this dude in the porsch look he goes to the side for a second you know I do [Music] that ooh my dude would have been dunzo Porsche more like dead on the side of the road yeah but I do that all the time when there's traffic I'll like pass the yellow line just to see what's going on in front of me but this truck came like flying he ain't even supposed to drive that that's not even a lane they just had their camera recording I saw that lightning let me see if I can get it on camera this time they got the whole entire tree being decimated right in front front of their eyes I can't even imagine seeing this in real time and then the whole thing come down that's scary not today I can't deal with this right now imagine being in bed and then waking up to this do you see the placement do you see where it would have hit I mean if you sleep with your legs slightly open you might have been able to perfectly avoid this but you see I sleep with my legs closed on my back that Branch or the devil's Pitchfork whatever the heck you want to call it went like St it's a good day to be alive and well yo apparently this is a thing where moms be filling empty milk bottles with laundry detergent I don't know if putting laundry on it is going to be close enough I mean ain't nobody going to go into the laundry room and be like wow what an excellent place to have a glass of milk and then pour up a cup the chances are low but not impossible I'm sure somebody has accidentally sucked the sip of the Forbidden milk and live to tell or maybe they died I wouldn't know so this brand has two different kinds of pills that have the same exact packaging one are some sleepy pills and the other are laxatives so this night can go two ways we sleeping good in bed or we staying up on the toilet all night long Choose Wisely they got a fortune cookie and it says you will have bad luck for eternity I'm sorry I can't do this right now a cookie how can a tasteless crusty musty cookie determine my fate then they opened another one ignore the previous cookie y'all do exact what you were doing or maybe it's fate but the fact that they just canceled it out like that whenever I get a bad fortune cookie I just open another one and I'm lit I'm going to go with the better one what are y'all running from I know oh it's j right behind them this is why you go inside when it rains so my dude decided to bully a chimney kick it down now and the whole thing collapsed into the house what did we learn today don't kick chimneys what does Santa like Slither on through and steal your girl what you so mad about Sir oh no you can't do this you can't take off your ring you they dropped their ring and it's landed so perfectly on a gray okay you only halfway done bro this ain't over yet you still got to like somehow manage to like pick it up without it falling down oh I'm sweating just thinking about that some level 10% de ision right here yeah I'm stupid and with my luck the frequency in radio waves my phone emits from taking a picture will make it fall that's not even a thing oh and then okay this one's not as bad because the ring it's just it belonged to the Sewer now but with the key I think the key is going to be a little easier to just pick up and take but like woo this is turned into trying not to get an anxiety attack and that's a fact no I went for a walk today until the Splinter on steroids decided to stab through my sandal but it doesn't even look that sharp that went a good imagine if that went into your foot it went through the whole entire sole of the sandal poked on through my feet hurt looking at this so they bought a Micro SD memory card off Amazon and they ended up getting this big old box with all this stuffing in it and the person almost threw it away like bro there's nothing in here what did you ship me air literally air in a bag in a box but it is so small that it is hidden inside there check your boxes did y'all know that Samsung phones make excellent armor it's actually not that uncommon to have a bullet go through a phone and save somebody like look it took that blow like a champ this what happens when I literally drop my phone 5 ft onto a tile floor useless it happened to another person bro this like a desert eagle shot when you have full armor aka the Samsung and it still works the touchcreen still works Apple could never always check your toothbrush they put the toothpaste on it they were getting ready to brush put it in their mouth and then saw imagine if your bristles were black the perfect camouflage this whole entire insect just chilling in the bristles like yeah I live here now you kind of died there too but at least you caught him I would have put that in my mouth and started brushing like this toothpaste is a little too chunky I don't even want to think about this very unpleasant imagine walking through the desert like oh what a pretty Rock that's not a rock that's that's a snake he's just chilling he asleep it's okay take a step back take 10 steps back go back to the car and leave the country cuz I ain't never going for a walk again if this happen to me this snug is a bugging a rug I'm real tired in the morning no tuy before coffee so instead of popping in the coffee and the curg nothing gets me going in the morning like some ranch dressing in my coffee machine oh but they stop themselves before they just crank that lever down this would have done brewed me some destruction you ever take your McDonald's ice cream and just press your tongue against it a little too hard and then we bam it said nope not this cone but then they caught it congratulations cone crisis averted imagine going to the mall getting on this escalator we playing escalator roulette today it's like a 95% chance you'll go down the escalator fine but like still 5% chance you'll fall to your death and be crushed inside the escalator that escalator real quick who knows what it's like in there I imagine it's be like a grinder now I'm scared of like stepping on one of the steps and like it's it's a trap door and you like fall right in what if nobody was there to witness it I feel like that's it that's the way that's how I'm going to go so if I suddenly stop making videos you know where I went almost got my meat stuck in my zipper so I've heard this is a male issue when y'all wearing jeans with no underwear which why would you do that anyways can also happen to your lunch so they're recording the sky right during the storm and lightning literally struck on his Porsche a few feet away from him yikes this is scary when I was younger I thought like one of the top 10 ways people dies by like lightning strikes but I don't think so anymore oh they walked into the bathroom and almost stepped on their dog I was like wait that rug look a little too plush but there is indeed in fact a dog just chilling on it my dude just camouflaged I don't even know where it starts where it ANS wear the Paw where the snout y dogs playing a dangerous game oh you ever open up a cupbo did I call it a cupboard oh no this is the cabinet I'm not a Boomer yet and then the cup just like no no you don't no you don't no you don't you know sometimes they just want to commit cup aside but not today do you ever set your alarm and then for some reason it want to do pm. why would you want to wake me at 6:00 p.m. now this happened once never again I always got to check the a.m. or P p.m. you thought it was going to be 6:00 a.m. but sometimes Siri want to play a little prank and make it PM so this tree in the middle of a sidewalk decided to collapse like I'm sick and tired of being a tree I'm going just pass away and then fell but somehow curved over the car was the tree even curved to begin with OR it just like decided to grow a spine or actually it wouldn't have a spine if it could bend it like that when I tell you this person got so lucky their car came out of this untouched oh my goodness it happened again except with this tree Oh I thought it was resting gently on the hood of that car but look look closely closer even closer this close to touching that was like no they F to asse me if I'm going to touch this car ooh the absolute luck I tell you I can't believe it's not even touching that tree may have been depressed but I still got respect you know I think it's real cute that they decide to make athletes foot cream look just like toothpaste it was the close one y'all would have had stinky dinky foot cream in your mouth spicy someone thrw a dart oh it's so dangerously close to that big toe but so conveniently landed in between the toes oh that's toe close see he funny joke I almost set my cat on fire I was like what cat I had to turn up the brightness for this one y'all cats got a death wish or something they be chilling in the weirdest places you know I have this perfectly good bed Bama chill in the middle of the stove it just hit different that's by fire literally yall ever cook someone on the stove and it just Rises you let it boil a little too long and you going to be scraping it off the stove for the next week macaroni I'm looking at you always want to overflow for no reason Hello friends it's me today we're checking out some people who avoided some very close calls SC what do you call these a drive- Through Safari where you in your car driving through the animals and this lion just chops onto the door handle and ends up opening the door my dude why wasn't it locked in the first place she really opened it like hey y'all got any snacks got any games on your phone this girl wants to get her head out the window trying to record a video and then a train just comes the other side excuse me ma'am it costs nothing to not do that I don't even know you go open the windows on a train yes she out here maybe like even look for oncoming traffic if you're going to do that bro was weak as a bro what do you mean that was weak yeah that was weak the container literally exploded what was that a cooler could have cooled some drinks with that no it really said psych don't you just hate when you're riding a dirt bike and you try to do some super crazy trick you know go off the hill and then you just let go of your butt you can't do that buto what happened next it's scary when you do stunts like this in a game I can't imagine somebody actually doing this in real life this is why you should always wear a helmet this dude got into a motorcycle accident and it look what it did to his helmet sliced that helmet like a a honey baked ham ooh all I know was that dude went skirt at least it was the helmet and not his head cuz that would have been real [Music] bad oh o she was this close to King him in the face oh man they even high-fived it out at the end it all worked out he's like okay I'm recording my Tik Tok and then she's like no I'm recording my Tik Tock but but then it worked out she would have like horse kicked them in the face you know when like horses like kick back their hind legs and then just like that could have happened it was so close look look look oo it's like they touched could have ended very badly okay those car RS are way too close bro why would you even attempt to cross the train track when a train was coming what people oh wait couldn't see trains back then he saw his homie across the track he ran for it I don't know why the other guy ran I don't want to be a part of this look at this guy casually crossing the road when did he run over his heel or something this kind of look green screen to me an attempt to break wasn't even made that car just like I see Road I Go BR I don't stop for nobody I only break for quailes though no bro how do you do you see how much Sky there is and you want to be right on this plane like do you mind if I just do you not see him oh he kind of like under him maybe he doesn't see him that's scary I thought when you drive on a plane there's people like telling you where to go and stuff that that this is too close smash like if that was way too close forbidden milk o I really hope this wasn't in the fridge they took an empty milk bottle and filled it up with detergent wrote laundry on it I mean it says laundry right there if you look the date it expired 3 years ago somebody's still going to find this and be like ooh Why thick and taste like daisies oh no y'all really thought you were going to fit the truck was like yeah I thought we were going to make it through this but Noe wo oh I can't believe the top just like boom skirt detached someone's getting fired that was way too close so she was trying to cross the street and then just slipped it today is your lucky day literally inches away from Death I can't believe he break the time she was about to be a pancake but then she pan skap not funny first time playing basketball kind of nervous kind of nervous guys I don't really know what to I was about to say why would you be nervous now you fine the basketball hoop was nervous he just fell he was like oh this dude he going to play basketball I'm going just pass away weird timing for it to just collapse this car went on an icy Road slid and then oh we back it's all good we good back on track all right McDonald's we go is this what you call a kickflip is that how you do oh you know thank goodness he paused himself right before he fell don't you wish you could just like pause life a man that' be great pause do something stupid pause a't nobody can hurt me anymore all I want to know is who's recording did they throw the stuff down the second floor like hey yo we got a yard sale oh wait I thought those were TVs for a second were they demolishing some and he just like got out of the way just in time how did he know it was coming did he have just like a signal like a spark flare up in his mind like well would you look at the time it take cover a [Music] clock bro I would have been terrified but she just like barely touched oh no she like actually wanted the but I don't think this was supposed to happen I tried to scream but my head was underwater not going to lie that does look pretty fun though insane o is that a sinkhole I don't really know how these work was this guy just like driving and just the ground collapsed top 10 irrational fears but I mean I mean but happened to this guy luckily they were able to like get out of the car in time the driver's side is on the street side passenger had to jump down like peace oo is is that a rope oh ow that that don't hurt wow I never seen somebody have so much fun on a rope oh you jump rope that's cute rope jumps me pack [Applause] n
Channel: SSSniperWolf Top Videos
Views: 2,957,125
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Keywords: reaction, reactions, reactor, SSSniperWolf, sniperwolf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 7sec (3307 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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