Crazy Karens That Went Too Far

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Hello friends it's me and today we're going Karen hunting this Karen decided to cause some problems at a restaurant because her egg fell off the salmon that makes her food no longer instagramable the egg was not on the salmon I'm joking right right I can't make this [Music] make this not on the salmon I don't know if you're stupid but the egg fell off so pick it up and put it back on the salmon where it belongs it's not that hard you don't have to send it back into the kitchen and they remake it okay so I ordered a salmon Benedict which the egg clearly is supposed to be on and then why is the sauce even on the side like it's supposed to be on top could I just speak to the master this is a real problem we're having like she literally sat down and recorded herself arguing with the staff the food is for eating no sorry I didn't come here to eat I came here to take a picture of my food and this it's not aesthetic it's not gonna get any likes I'm gonna need y'all to remake it is that what we're complaining about now I really don't know who inspired you to be a manager but I can clearly see that you are not you know the right person for this job I'm gonna try to put this on if it like opens on the way I'm literally gonna have to ask you to bring me another one okay so she's gonna try to take matters into her own hands I'm gonna get a new one sorry yeah can I please get a new one with like a new plate to be aesthetic for my story because I'm honestly not eating this until you bring me a new one throughout all of humanity we use food for eating nourishment like there are people starving out here and you're gonna send food back have them remake it because it wasn't aesthetic enough for your Instagram story we are doomed and just serve this to the next person because I didn't eat it yet but but you breathed all over it you tainted it that fish died for what that looks so good too a salmon Benedict and you're not gonna eat it you know this ruined my day I can't believe this is a real person she wasn't even trolling either are you the manager here yeah may I please have your name no can you spell it for me and oh okay what are you gonna do now huh I would like this pizza and oh you know I'm gonna call your corporate district and regional manager actually I'm gonna write them a letter about n o y'all need to stop wasting everybody's time and just go you can redraw foreign is like a decent tip for doordash is it not you know it's a percentage depending on how much you spent and this woman is complaining about an eight dollar tip and is refusing to give them their food until they give them a bigger tip it's not you need to try to drive it I just drove it it's 40 minutes it's it's 12 and a half miles that sounds like a you and a doordash problem like why are you complaining to the person they're hungry give them their food man my door Dasher did this we throw in hands like don't you see the tip and like where you're supposed to take it like before you accept the delivery but also I think it's weird that it let you order somewhere that's so far away better than you realize how far it is [Music] to make it right getting an eight dollars heck what the hell are you looking for I gave it eight bucks okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no absolutely no I see somebody walking away with my food like that like I'm running after them because when I order delivery you know I I am desperate I am hungry personally I would not let her walk away like that dang you drove 40 minutes to give me my food or better not be cold personally I would tip her more but just because I want my food this is a hostile negotiation this girl mad because I left a six dollar tip so I'm in your truck right what does that have to do with leaving a six dollar tip is a six dollar tip really that bad that you gotta follow this man out to the car I mean if you gonna say anything about anything let it be his parking and he deserved to get roasted for parking on the line like that poor thing maybe she wanted a bigger tip so she could buy some pants to not break for 20 mm an hour speed limit is it really what's she gonna do this is a 20 mile an hour speed limit there are children on this road children work and one of their children on the road the road is for cars it's a 20 mile an hour limit that's all we were doing 20 miles you were not doing 20 miles an hour I'm a little bit cross here we have fought long and hard along this road she said long and hard you know what else is long and hard are you laughing at me are you laughing at me I can't take British people seriously sometimes I forget that I'm British you would never know also I've had Karen's do this to me multiple times not like come up in my face like runs in my car but like I'd be driving the speed limit and they're like you're going too fast because my car is loud and then one was yelling at me because her kids were in the street like man why are your kids in the street trying to sacrifice one of them get that insurance money like I do not understand I thought you to get out of the car always listens and agrees with me I'm so upset every single person here signed a petition to get this being a 20 mile an hour speed limit and then we have foods like you coming up and down this road going crazy in your Range Rovers it's just jealous I'm so upset because I have been the one that's been making sure that all these people do this so that we don't have people like you coming in your cars your big cat what is this what what car is this being real mad for a little idiot why do you even need to go so fast I just like 25 miles I was five miles now do you understand the difference when a child gets hit between going 25 miles an hour and 20 miles an hour nah it's probably very similar love do you have any idea yes I do I have watched the videos of children being hit at 25 miles an hour oh what kind of messed up videos you watching like you just Google search children get a hit at 25 miles an hour versus 20 miles an hour like what's wrong what's wrong you look at this car see what this car is doing okay see how slow this car was going another Range Rover he doesn't seem to be doing 20 miles an hour or over 20 miles an hour he doesn't have a problem he's doing the same speed as that and it just goes on and on and on you know it sounds like something a person with no life does just chase down random cars drive it through the neighborhood going five over the speed limit you all got way too much free time okay one second hi how can I help you what the [ __ ] is your problem is just you you want the manager how can we get manager This Is Me by the way I want to rent a yeah I see them all around there we don't have any Yachts for rent I see them whose brats are they they're personally so she walks into a rental place like usually you have to make a reservation if you want to rent a boat and you can't just walk in be like I see yachts in the water um I would like to rent one please those aren't ours they're not for rent bring me your manager you know why don't you swim out there hop on the boat and then ask if you can borrow it what do you want what the thing for me that is against me it's like going to a store yes I would like to order the blueberry pecan pie oh it's sold out you don't have it anymore how dare you there's nothing I can do we just noticed you didn't pay the meter at all yeah we were watching seriously let me get your ideas I'll take your license if yeah absolutely not because this is ridiculous yeah keep in mind these are random dudes wearing neon vests filming a tick tock and they're handing out fake tickets who are you representing as far as handing out these tickets and it's like a third party wheel for Deeds yeah nuts [Music] got him she's she's too stupid to even realize it is so satisfying when somebody Falls for that and they just won't keep a straight face third party yeah D is nuts how are you gonna say these nuts twice and not realize what you said can we have one intelligent Karen just one I don't know if they exist I just wanted to let you know that you are going at the same look like his face no I don't know I'm in a disabled parking space right you know that you you can't be so this person is actually disabled and this Karen comes up and it's like well you're in a disabled parking space uh yeah isn't that what they're for disabled people you're not disabled you know that we were only for disable control it's rude to be taking up these spots and it's really quite unfair when the rest of us having to park all the way over there and you just get what can you explain to me what your full-time disability has been please right well not you you're walking it doesn't mean they don't have a disability if they can walk like clearly it is an elderly person coming out of the car why is she so pressed over this did you want to park there um Karen you don't look disabled at least not physically like oh I have to park all the way in the back and walk to the front like it's not fair yeah it's not fair that you have perfectly working legs that can walk you no problem to the front like why complain you want somebody to like bust those kneecaps so you can get a handicap sticker and park there what do you want and you walk can you walk I can walk the short distance shots were they right thanks then you're okay you're not disabled be thankful there are some people out there with real issues be thankful you don't know what disabilities I have got I know you don't have a disability look at you you're fine you're talking but you can't see my disabilities right then it's not a disability it doesn't exist if I can't physically see this ability it does not exist oh she is going to anger a lot of people on the internet day of your become a consultant or something if you're not already she is clearly the disability expert just give her that parking spot because that brain don't work I'ma consider that a disability you don't need a PhD to see whether someone can walk and if they're disabled or not that doesn't mean disability all right who are you I'm a daughter can you stop filming that's really mature because you're embarrassing yourself no you are oh this is this is why people don't ugh I listen I have got disabilities I have got prove it I've got a blue band prove it isn't it like against a lot I ask somebody like what your disability is look at the end of the day disability just doesn't mean that I can't walk well disability mental health it could be mental health give me that you're walking you're not disabled respect you [Laughter] imagine attacking like an old person for being able to walk I saw an old man Park his Ferrari in a handicapped spot today he got out of it and walked just fine hey to your little car and go and play with your dollies little girl because you clearly don't understand what a disability is no you don't have a disability you don't understand why you don't have a disability you don't understand why I can't believe she just like goes on and on about this like oh you are so nosy is my proof that I can park yeah okay what now you don't need to touch it you look with your eyes you're happy now getting that is so embarrassing I knew what to do that is so embarrassing y'all did her the world's biggest favor by blurring her face but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button make sure you turn on notifications click click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at OG I'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 3,196,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, worst, karens, ever, karen, who, went, too, far
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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