Karens Who Got What They Deserved

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Hello friends it's me and today we're going Karen hunting here's that banana bread not warmed up actually can I get it warmed up okay so when I asked you wanted what I'm done you said no so now you're taking time out of Adam so I can warm it up excuse me time out of your day your busy day bro you are on the clock you are working at Starbucks they paying you it's literally your job I have never seen such a horrendous customer service some people get anxious like you tell them if you want to heat it up they're like uh no then when you get to the window they're like oh heck I should ask for it warmed up so you asked them out the window this dude just got an attitude for no reason and he tossed that croissant like Starbucks is gonna toss him foreshadowing this Karen decides to cause a commotion at the nail salon personally I wouldn't want to have beef with somebody who was literally drilling my nail bed they can cut you make you bleed make you cry or even worse make your nails chip after three days talking to you as as the owner I didn't talk to her I don't understand you just speak English 10 and the rest of the other language I have to do my nails you know she does speak and understand English so they're trying to kick her out for being rude and she's like no uh I'm staying here y'all do my nails first then I'll leave I came in at 5 30. I made the appointment to do my nails I have to do my nails or I'm gonna call the cops I thought what are the cops gonna do hello 911 do my nails hello hello I have a flight please yes yes I don't care about the camera please I need to do my nails I have never seen somebody so desperate to do their nails bro I will walk to the nearest CVS get some stick on nails some DIY gel manicure before I caused this much of a commotion in a pedicure chair also who does their nails a few hours before a flight that's on you you should have did it the day before or something sounds like bad time management to me no seriously me I did not make enough I made an appointment this is how it is I was going to bed reviews I'm gonna call my friend she has a nail salon at Winter Park and I'm gonna ask her to call you corporate suddenly your friend has a nail salon well why don't you get up and go there worst liar in Ohio man you are literally disturbing the whole Salon I would appreciate if you could just take this outside there's a decorum that you have to have some decency and be a little bit more respectful dang she told her there was a Decor room does she even know what that means I cannot believe she literally just threatened to call the police over not doing her nails you're kidding me there are bigger problems in this world [Music] I got to play you're gonna be in real trouble you're sitting in the car I need to park here no I'm parking here I live here okay valid answer are you not allowed to sit in your car in your own parking spot in front of your house well get out you don't have a car pass I do and it's all your business I live here you're here a lot and I see you you don't live here what do you mean he's here a lot like to drive by on my time off I need to pocket that's not how it works you are a disgusting piece of crap your mother when you're talking to a boomer and you roll up the window what can she do she thought she did some damage to the car but instead she probably bruised her little Knuckles and some of these Karen is just so entitled for no reason yeah well I want to park here so you have to leave that's not how parking spots work you can't just see somebody in their car and be like yeah well you have to go because I'm trying to park here bro where is your car she's walking she's on foot you trying to park your shoes there or something Karen uses her child to block me from parking so he waited five whole minutes before he even whipped out his camera and started recording please move I need to park here please you're gonna hit my child no I want to park go why do you even have a spot on on the street you using him as a meat Shield what I wanna Park you all did the parking spot my husband dropped drops off he's looping around and he's gonna Park here I understand but I'm gonna Park you in the meantime there's no one here I cannot tell you how much this annoys me when people use themselves to reserve a parking spot you cannot physically hold a parking spot what you gonna do when you get run over I'ma go to jail but it's just the intrusive thoughts winning this guy has got to be one of the most patient people in this world how are you just letting her talk on the phone and rock her baby to sleep I would be holding down my horn like get out of the way you are being way too nice personally I could not please move hunk at her some people like refuse to honk no matter what on the clock is this the rich housewife life just not a care in the world can you please move you can't reserve a parking spot just get in the car she whipped out her camera to take a picture of his license plate like he's doing something wrong he didn't even honk at you thank you I appreciate that oh literally it's about dang time and you're gonna thank her can we get around the park for how patient this guy is and somebody was standing in a parking spot I wanted a parking I ain't got time for this what do you need oh that's my I'm taking something walk the hell away from me I'm taking selfies bro don't walk up on me stupid phone I'm taking selfies though oh does this guy even work here okay I almost didn't believe him at first because he kind of walked up to the guy and has the phone in his face I would have thought he was recording too but look he's actually just taking a selfie or he could be like FaceTiming his mom oh that's why I'm thinking I'm taking a selfie walk the hell away from me I'm taking selfies bro don't walk up on me with your stupid phone I'm taking selfies though all right she's trying to upgrade my Tinder photos man he broke his phone too I mean to be fair if somebody walked up on me with a camera in my face like that I would have grabbed that too I mean he was a little bit dramatic but like usually when something like this happens step one you ask are you recording me no I'm taking a selfie oh okay carry on with your day this guy did a prank where he snitched on his cameraman so his cameraman is recording him so he went to go get the Walmart manager he's in the store harassing people my family's law enforcement you're not you're not allowed to record me okay you have to leave my store you gotta leave no no no no no I got something for you bro no no no I got something for you bro come here come here hey who were you where did she come from Grandma nobody asked you her family's law enforcement don't mess with her where's your family at right now she just butt into a random conversation you're not allowed to record me okay you have to leave my store you gotta leave no no no no I got something for you bro no no no I got something for you bro come here everybody just started ganging up on this guy why do they act like you're not allowed to record in Walmart I've seen so many videos of the employees getting so mad when you whip out your camera and start recording and then they're like nah you gotta go shouldn't y'all be watching the self checkout and what are you doing bro you're a scooter get out of the way there's a car behind you oh now he's gonna get mad oh no scooter breakdown how are you gonna get mad at the car like you literally went into the wrong lane and then just like cut him off and then just stopped his scooter went out of battery or something like shouldn't you be in the bike lane do you think you're a car this dude got a roll of receipt paper and in the middle of the Walmart just let it rip difficult oh that's satisfying nice oh here comes the manager out of the store I was gonna pick it up I was gonna grab it yeah I can leave you don't have to like I was gonna grab it Walmart final boss but he just wants to talk does Karen just hit my car and goes wild when I ask her for her insurance info I mean yeah when you hit somebody's car you ask for their insurance normal right you cannot scream in my face like that I'm an idiotics I understand you didn't do it on purpose but you hit my car what are you even talking about so Karen hits her car and calls her the idiot you're an idiot ha you got your car hit by an old lady nice you know from experience they're gonna get mad when you ask it for insurance when they don't even have insurance that's when you gotta call the police you hit my car I didn't do it on purpose it doesn't matter everybody hit mine right now in the black car man have you hit my car yeah but I didn't do it on purpose yeah so if I accidentally like swing and it manages to hit you it's okay because if it was an accident right you just hit myself I didn't do it on purpose honestly is what you should have done from the start just shut the door call the police she doesn't want to take responsibility does she hit your car the God I didn't mean it Sally so are we gonna buy me a new bumper don't talk to Mike I'll buy whatever you want for Christmas sure don't say easy grandma oh no she said I'll give it to you though he literally said so he goes and by them and buys shoes and then comes across a Karen excuse me Daddy can you get these 10 and a half sorry we can't do any of this stuff follow this man right now you heard it you guys turn off that camera should we just pay for this and leave please I could actually deny this why what's the point fine you don't want to be called Daddy I'm just trying to buy him shoes we just want to pay you're arguing with us literally okay we're just trying to buy it for this kid like can we just pick it real quick come on move bro we're trying to buy this kid's shoes and you guys are tripping no you need to move with that video camera and get the hairline really they're just trying to buy this kitchen I will sue you ass okay I am not playing tell them oh my she just pushed him out of the way y'all got her on camera for assault who's suing who and you know it's bad when they had to manually upside down remove a Karen from the convenience store which is worse the Walk of Shame or getting carried out like this I think this she Barefoot too I'll read the sign outside no shirt no shoes no service someone tells me she's gonna run back inside I'm just leaving the grocery store right now but some ladies stop me when I was checking out she's like you know you're wearing the brand of and I was like um you know you need to get your eyes checked because my sweatshirt 100 says balenci Gaga not Balenciaga police I'm not gonna lie he almost had me in the first half I looked at his shirt I'm like wait where's the Cameron this dude is wearing a Balenciaga shirt what's going on and then I looked at it again and then they're really excited balenci Kaka you're too heavy I'm gonna have to trade you with this oh no he's just too heavy I want to say that don't touch my stuff what I thought that's Walmart no that's not Walmart what do you mean that's mine was it a selfie you can't just walk into a Walmart and take people's carts I like all my stuff bro yeah let go of this thing yeah for real oh my God go ahead touch me touch me no I don't swing that way mine like that oh man when I was in Middle School like I got close up in your face and they're always like touch me hit me because as soon as you swing first then that gives them the okay to go all out so somebody gets all up in your face swing touch me don't do it it's a trap but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button comment below which one was the worst Karen in this video and make sure you turn on notifications click click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at OG wolfpack.com I'll link it below and make sure you make sure you're using the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,793,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, worst, karens, ever, karen, who, went, too, far
Id: wZNcJ7ysLno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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