Funniest Kids and Parents On TikTok

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Hello friends it's me and today we are checking out some funny parents on Tick Tock time give her Taste of her own medicine she's sleeping soundly oh now you upset she's looking at him like what I sound like no she's supposed to be the Baby I'ma do this to my dogs next time they want to bark me awake at five in the morning imma wait till they're sound asleep pull up to their ear and just Tebow come here I'm on the phone with your new second grade teacher they have to do it virtual meet meet your teacher say hi that is teacher she's hot dad oh my God you are way too young to be calling your teacher hot bro fell in love right there he gonna be real disappointed when he shows up on the first day of school and it's not her trying the not hungry Challenge on my grandma I'm not really hungry bye I'm not really hungry you can't talk apologize give her a big old kiss on the forehead you know what sucks about growing up chances are nobody's ever gonna do this for you again so if Grandma gonna bring you food to your room cherish it dad's choosing how to ask for a snack in the car pass pass pass smash I know the only snack my dad wanted was a cigarette but I could tell you guys that I've grown up to be the dad who asks for the snacks now I don't care who's in the car I don't care what you're eating I want to bite that realized you messed up but wait a second you weren't supposed to get that much I would know I'm the tooth fairy the Tooth Fairy got scammed I think the Tooth Fairy was drinking last night that's a pretty good deal 110 dollars you know how much I got one whole dollar teeth are expensive these days she's taking some boxes going to put them together but wait a second you have to trust the process so she's taping the boxes together throwing in some markers oh and then you put the kids in there I'll cut them a little window so that they can talk to each other it's a box of Gremlins you know who needs a babysitter when you had a box of Gremlins they will literally sit inside these boxes and entertain themselves for hours drawing on the walls you know you could draw over the walls in here bedroom no no this is actually a genius idea also this would be so fun as a kid children just love to be in boxes you know what I used to do I used to take one of these and just slide down the stairs my mom had me take off my wig for her Snowman the Snowman needs some hair she's just gonna sit here bald in the snow what mother takes her photo even dad wants to pose with it like oh our daughter turned into a little snowman we heard screaming so we came downstairs director yeah did you break my Sally ball you know what son take the money and go deal with your mother Carl's really bribing his son like Sally ball you know what for a couple hundred I would take the blame too like yeah Dad okay whatever you say growing up my dad did this too you know anything but deal with the wrath of mother throwing things in my roommate until they figure out what it is part one where's your roommate that's her you're going to your child is your roommate you know I don't think that little hand is gonna stop that table hey Mom do you have time to talk for a second I'm just feeling really lonely lately like nobody likes me that's why I don't talk to my mom I'll try to have a serious conversation here my crunchy mom cares more about our acai smoothie like nobody likes me like oh did you say something it can wait that's not gonna kill it though foreign ly picked them up with a spatula why is my dad holding hands with his foot [Music] caressing the big toe like that oh no maybe he'd give himself a little toe massage the dogs need some love too you know if my boyfriend doesn't hold toes with me under the dining table then I don't want him I'm gonna just keep him 100 with you oh you better keep it 100 huh I'm like your grades what Darius what first of all problem are you guys about today dude okay I've had these earpods for years they're broken it's filled with dust ear wax disgusting I know so clean up I need the new airpod Pros please I had jokes forever because of that I'm broke and I want a new son oh look I have one Jameson so you can go find another mom and have her get you some dusty musty crusty do airpods look at these sorry bro you are no longer the favorite you got the dog and a child in the background and you want some new airport find a sugar mama if she's pretty her dad is bald time to go bald why because all pretty girls have bald dads no no stay ugly I just hit different when you hear it straight from your dad you could stay ugly and I'ma keep my hair I guess I'm ugly because my dad got hair thanks to my oldest daughter thank you for doing the laundry a whole hundred dollars for the laundry thanks to my youngest daughter thank you for washing the dishes my middle child you did seven chores out of eight here is a Carl's Jr coupon the middle child gets no love I don't know what it is it's like the oldest was there the longest they were the first and then the youngest is like the shiny brand new toy like oh we have a middle child I feel like sometimes parents forget they even got a middle child scaring Mexican dad oh he got a magnet and he's gonna make a fork move under the table okay this is actually terrifying when's it gonna notice Bro Look up the Fork's jiggling [Laughter] what's wrong scared of a little Fork you ain't ready for the real world my brother's saying another one of mom's favorite lines are you bored who came [Laughter] got him I don't think she's ever gonna use that line again oh you're bored why don't you go clean your room who cleans that room when they're bored not even mother wants to do that hey Mom yeah I like your hair today it looks really pretty can I touch it yeah dude I like your hair can I touch it oh your mustache is real soft you can't blame me Scott told me to say it now Scott in trouble um guess what I got partner on Twitch who is your partner what do you mean you got a partner now a whole boyfriend girlfriend that's not what that means it's like I get a badge oh I bet yeah aren't you proud of me uh yeah yeah she got partnered on Twitch that I'm a little more excited she acting like it's a bad thing when I first told my parents I make videos on the internet get out of my house right now I'm like not those videos I asked my dad to not throw away my straw and he sent me this oh no no he's going to throw it away just kidding dad learned how to use the camera oh you naughty naughty mom acts like her kid coming home from work what's up [Applause] yeah just throw everything on the floor dog is number one priority how are you gonna leave the fridge like that you know don't forget to stare at the fridge for a whole minute before realizing we ain't got nothing to eat mother can we get we get Donald's these kids are so messy no no might not liar because they're kind of funny I caught them caught them hugging [Music] um yeah yeah get out of there run oh he snuck in a little kiss on the cheek that's what Dad was recording yeah that wasn't too bad I feel like some parents would have done way worse you know my household you wouldn't have made it out the door the cops would have been called that's why I didn't bring anyone over how did it happen [Music] [Applause] at least he's gonna laugh about it probably only laughing because he knows he's not the one that's gonna clean it oh yeah a huge mess in the kitchen hilarious [Music] on a rainy day okay well I guess now they're gonna get extra water y'all got an entire rainforest in the backyard mommy look mommy hook you look like a walking catfish what does she mean by that how does she know what a catfish is well you're never too young to grab your phone press record and expose you like this someone's dead put some double-sided tape on the Crocs outside so when you stuck a speeding oh [Music] okay Daddy Ming is funny but you go buy him a new iPad I made my dad believe that I was possessed my parents would personally not tolerate these shenanigans are you all right [Music] oh God forbid okay I'm calling the password I'm surprising is Malcolm but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button make sure you turn on notifications click click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at OG I'll link it below and I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 3,365,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, parents, funniest, funniest kids, funniest parents, on tiktok, funniest kids and parents on tiktok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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