Karens Who Got What They Deserved

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Hello friends it's me and today we are going Karen hunting this woman went to go get her nails done you like that color no I don't like that take it off I'm not an expert on anything I've only been getting my nails done every single month for the past 10 years of my life but when you go to the nail salon you get to pick the color yourself are you sure yeah you know if they paint One Nail and you don't like it that's fine they'll wipe it off and then you can go pick another color it's usually no problem you okay with this color yeah I like this one you like this one this one's good okay okay so she found the color she liked is Barbara approved it's so pretty you like them well well I don't know what do you mean I don't I don't know if I like it rewind that big when you said yeah I like this one you just said you like them and then waited for her to finish every single nail to be like yeah I don't like it what's she up to what you don't like about it you picked it but I just the more I'm looking at it I don't like it I think you're gonna have to redo them all why didn't you tell me when I finished two fingers or one thing I just why you wait till I finish 10 fingers and you don't like it I don't know I don't know while you were doing the rest of my nails I was in my own world thinking about what excuse I can come up with to not pay for these nails and cause a problem today I just don't like it uh so I want you to redo them okay if I mean if I redo them I'm gonna have to charge for another set no you're not you're gonna have to pay double no because I'm taking my time out to redo them for you no what do you mean no go on out of the chair pay for your nails and go home some people love to start a fight and argue for no reason you can sit here missing redo them okay so I don't do refund and I don't I don't do that either well they look like how's that redo them no sorry I'm not redoing that okay well I'm just gonna sit here okay you have fun sitting here then because I'm not gonna redo them Barbara you might have your day off go ahead pull up a chair I and you can sit there staring at your nails until you like them and some people got nothing to do all day I got a lot of time to waste so I'm trying to waste everybody else's time you can sit here all you want to sit here all day and um if you have nail polish people coming in I'll be here okay go ahead this is so embarrassing like what is the reason for this like it's so annoying when people just think they can just walk into an establishment and just take advantage of the workers like what if she redoes your nails again and then you don't like them again this sounds like an indecisive issue oh she must be an asparagus we got a male Karen over here he hit This Woman's car and refused to show his insurance card you hit my I know I did you're not lit speak English okay she literally said you hit my car I speak English perfectly and I understood what she said now maybe he's just hard hearing you hit my head that sounds like English to me I know I did you're not listening also you replied to her in English so you understood what she said you literally admitted to hitting her car you hit my car and I need no insurance now I don't have my insurance card he literally thinks she's stupid like oh I can just hit your car and get away with it no I mean if somebody hits your car and they're not cooperating you call the police simple you hit like behind my car shut up gotta go get my daughter doesn't matter you hit my car big good deal Colonel Sanders getting real scary greatly inconvenienced him on his way to his golf tournament this is what happens when you hit somebody's car this is exactly what the popo were for just making it a bigger deal than he already is you know a few months ago I was driving an old man rear-ended me Rachel like barely topped my car and he was like so sorry about it I just let him go it's whatever because someone did that to me once I accidentally hit them there was like no damage they're like whatever you're fine your car is way nicer than mine anyway you're right they love you're right excuse me Yep this is a disabled parking Bay okay yeah well done well done Karen you can read well yeah how much you guys want to bet her phone is not actually recording she's just holding it up because he's holding it up it's like a modern day sword you see your opponent holding one you whip out yours you're disabled to me okay and what's that supposed to mean Karen Karen you just walk up to people and ask why they're disabled and now you want everybody's business also I can't walk up to an old lady and be like hey give me a copy of your medical record because I want to know what's wrong with you this is a disabled parking place and I would like to park my car here okay have you just not seen my disabled parking badge yes does it look like my badge well it looks nothing like my bag well that's that's great like we we don't like each other it's not great because I believe it is not real and I believe you're actually breaking the law oh here comes the ambulance she's clearly out of her car so that means she already parked somewhere is she gonna inspect every single car in the disabled parking and be like dang I could have parked there like just park your car and then go to where you need to go get your extra steps in did you borrow this information it looks like a photocopy smart photocopy it's a genuine disabled barking badge you don't look disabled at all what do you mean love there's no competition who's more disabled yeah everybody knows there are tears to your disability badge the more disabled person wins and then they get to park in the spot wheelchair always wins what's her disability well there's there's a badge but it doesn't look disabled show me the badge you see right there take it out and show it to me she literally sat here for several minutes arguing with this guy to take out his badge and show it to her like you can see it clearly on the windshield not everybody's disability badge is going to look exactly the same what's your disability prove it on your business prove it to me let's say what bags right there that's that's all you need to see right I'm going to take that out what do you need excuse me someone loses an arm it's because it was in a place where it didn't belong I can't quite reach you well no you can't reach her because because you need longer arms love yes well I'm sorry but you should be here your right to be here you don't look at you know what I learned all people got no more time to waste so they straight to the point they got a problem with you they will fight with you plans running out I ain't got time to be chill no more this is a random woman just walked into the salon and just started brushing her hair and then the owner is kicking her out I want you to leave my salon I'm asking you to please get out of my salon Stop Standing and combing your hair and leave Ken do your own hair at my salon that's illegal get out get out stop like do you have an appointment no I'm busy brushing my hair stop brushing your hair comb brush whatever get the out of my goddamn salon now I should get angry get out you rink of alcohol get out of my salon get out I'm telling you right now I asked you guys you crazy fruit the crazy fruit I feel like she's tweaking on something like she don't know what day it is where she is you know she probably recognizes the blue chairs maybe she thought she walked into her own bathroom she brushing her hair at home I don't know these people crazy hey boss I just have a question I'm not trying to be rude but isn't this kind of crazy for the horses you guys aren't security or anything is this just you showing off your horse because it's cool or is this really cool for the horse I'm sorry what of all the things to pick a fight about in this world what are you guys doing at the park on a horse I think you're cool because you own a horse it's been my lifelong dream to own a horse and then these guys are just flexing their horse at the park ruin my whole day I know but you enjoy it but did the horses really enjoy it though uh yeah there's a lot of people if he kicks me right now so if I touch the horse right now what's going to happen I know but what some little kid walks up and wants to touch the horse what happens you you you're speaking on the behalf of an animal that you can't just you can only control so now you're worried about kids going up to the horse to pet them I swear he's just like whipped out his camera walked up them trying to start a problem God you know what I wish this horse kicks me then I could sue you and take your horse you know what that's it I know my no that that's nice but what about little kids yeah as I'm touching it what a little kid just wants to come over and not talk okay I'm just saying what's the point no I just want to know what what's the point like the horses you bring him up here she just said you can't walk over here what's the point other than you're showing off your horse well sometimes you just want to show off your host what's the problem he's acting like it's such a dangerous animal imagine somebody taking their pet tiger for a walk in a public park then there might be an issue with a kid coming up to a Pedic I just want to know if a kid gets hit by the horse what do you do foreign what do I do if I'm riding my bike and I run over a Karen you know we could what if all day okay so you just don't care you have nothing even ready just in case it happens yeah sorry let me just pull out my Med kit from my inventory I can heal the kid back to full health no problem if they get hit by my horse yeah I just want to know security officer if the kid gets hit what happens if this if this horse hits me now what happens if this horse hits me right now what what happens yeah I'm just gonna stand super close with the horse's backside he's begging to be kicked through the teeth I swear some people just wake up in the morning take a big old deep breath of air and think I want to start a problem today very sad people out of all the illegal drugs you do in your garage in my garage oh yes it is and there's evidence hello there yeah they were watching a little too much Breaking Bad what kind of drugs are you making your garage illegal drugs you do in your garage in my garage oh yes it is and there's evidence poor grandma she has no idea what's going on she is simply existing at this point you know that is quite the accusation if you have seen drugs in your neighbor's garage why go up to them recording if you have evidently call the police or something or don't nobody likes a snitch whatever my neighbors doing their garage that's their business as long as they're not causing a ruckus ma'am do not move ma'am ma'am are you ready yes cops are on their way ma'am I think you're intoxicated so why would you leave the scene of an accident that you caused because it was an accident I never heard that one before yeah it's common sense it's definitely something a drunk person would say if you literally run somebody over I got a hair appointment I gotta get to sorry it was an accident I'ma be on my way now doesn't mean you could just leave the scene of a crime just because it was an accident damaged my vehicle I could give you my insurance information and what I need you to do is stay where you are well we can pull over but I have you on on video your license plates been taken you leaving the scene and you mean it's on security is going to make it that much worse okay so why are you trying to leave a tea your appointment is at the hospital you hit me that's more important right now okay you realize that this is going to be a lot more a lot worse you leaving the scene of an accident I mean technically you can just give your insurance and be like there take a picture of it bye I mean sometimes when it's a minor accident like those cops can take like hours to get there it's a misdemeanor okay you're fine with that I will press charges and this video is going to be it's work you realize that right I didn't realize Tick Tock was court because that's how I'm watching it it's up to you man if you're grown and you can suffer the consequences of your own actions so be but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one was the worst one and if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit that like button thanks and make sure you turn on notifications click click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at OG wolfpack.com I'll link it below and subscribe to the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 5,642,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, worst, karens, ever, karen, who, went, too, far
Id: pwDdHrhdhuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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