My new pomeranian puppy! First days home vlog 🐶

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hello we're here to pick up a puppy i'm so excited i've got a blanket that i'm cutting off bits foreign [Music] okay because he might be sick oh yeah for the motion and also don't worry if oh your nails caught my jumper puppies puppies this is one of the mums that's the other one i can't tell which one's dolly and which one's fizzy they're really similar coloring he's been crying all car journey guys his harness is an extra small and it's too big for him i think i think it's extra extra small as well not just extra small because no because the grey one's extra small so this must be extra extra small yeah and he's slipped it both his arms are out of it because he's it's too big for him he hasn't peed yet which i'm a little bit he's going to pee on me isn't he he's getting a full clothes he's drunk a load of water as well it's hot yeah it's hot mushy he looks like he's ready to nap now yeah it does should we go home then marshy need to be brushed and cleaned a bit because you've got dirty now and it's hot out here it's boiling all right we should probably get back into the aircon come on let's go home hello hello outside okay i don't know if i got everyone just brought him home hi hey so he did pee in the car on uh on one of the puppy pads so i've just brought him over to his little grass patch and hopefully he'll pee for us now he's just slushing it out can you pee first sussing please the plants don't eat that stuff i'll get you some food in a minute he started weed on the side he picked him up and put him on the pad but he didn't do anything i'm just feeding him some of his puppy food in his crate hoping that he'll likey and i've got chick bits of chicken and he really likes that because he keeps sniffing it and then i keep being like he comes out and then i keep luring him back into the crate of it and saying great can you smell the chicken marshy coming out again it's not a chicken what's this what's this okay come on come come come what this come come come there we go great good boy good boy good boy marshall stop crying you got toys and everything come on [Applause] drop more chicken you peed the carpet so you have to stay in here for a while okay you're so jumpy oh so cute guys he's having a nap in his pen but he really likes to sleep around that bit i wanna like lie there look at his little face it's so cute oh marshall mushy hello oh marshy was so good he woke up from his nap and then i took him outside and he peed on the right spot so good rewarded him twice because he peed he did it twice and he wants to play now so it's play time just so i'd give him no update he started chewing this do you want to this not yet not yet huh okay do you want your little knife no don't want to play just want to sniff just a sniff so he's now loving chewing his little rope bunny bunny he loves knowing it hey guys so it's like 10 30 now i just woke up marshy from his nap he wanted to snooze longer but i need to keep him awake before um we go to bed because otherwise he'll be up in the middle of the night won't he so he's just chilling on my lap we've got a toy here he's trying to trying to make him play because he likes to bite my fingers so this is quite a good toy because he he can munch this instead can't you much so i'm trying to keep him awake so i like woke him up and i was like oh i'm so sorry baby but we want to sleep through the night or at least as much as possible probably have to get up every couple of hours just to like let him out he's been mostly good we've had a couple of in the house accidents do you want some water to put you in the pen we've had a couple of in-house accidents but that's okay and he really likes to spill his water so i don't know if you can even see him so it's 5 30 a.m he woke up he didn't i put him on the peep peep on the grass patch he didn't pee and then i was like we kept trying to eat the grass i was like well maybe he needs food so i was like bring him in on the way in he peed before he came in at least he peed on the balcony outside though now he's playing with his food i mixed it with some water and um he's he's like he was really thirsty because it didn't give him any water before bed last night so he wouldn't have to pee too much in the night which was good and he didn't mess and mess in his crate or anything i put the blanket all over the crate so it's really nice and soft for him and obviously that's his breakfast but he's like sculpting down the water and um he's just getting one piece of kibble out at the time even though i've mostly mushed it up with the water and um he's like playing with it although now he's eating his foot again is that tasty no more she is my gotcha another toy that's the spot where he peed earlier or yesterday see he's gonna go back in for more food again oh you're supposed to go inside for food supposed to go inside just to get inside the food okay good boy he actually was so good in his crate last night the only time he cried in his crate was when i went to shower because he couldn't get out and come and see what i was doing see like he took out a piece kibble and he's just like playing with it is it well it should be soft because it's soaked in the water i don't know what he's doing what you're doing babe he did go out and pee one time i've been setting my alarm every two hours but the second time he didn't so i was like i'll just wait till we wake up at 6 30 but he woke up at 5 30 and i heard him so yeah that's that why did you have to sit over there marshy i don't even see your little face it's so tiny it's play time now apparently he didn't finish his breakfast that was still somewhere trying to bite his foot it's fine don't buy the carpet no no don't bite the carpet there you go there you go you like that he ended up liking this milk chicken looking to get bite in the bowl last night this is like a matte bowl gave him this seem to enjoy it hmm you're enjoying it i'm excited by his blue bunny he keeps jumping over it and biting it and stuff's well key he's so little still i hope he doesn't grow too much so sweet sweet he's like lying down for a nap his feet was always paid out okay he decided to play again so fluffy he looks like a cat he's actually really tiny like this is my slipper he's the same size as my slipper are you sorry sorry for feet he's up in plain now he's got his little milk bone ow no not my fingers and every time i chuck it inside he goes and like attacks it it's so cute and then he brings it out again sometimes his body's like half it in half out of the little pen i just keep chucking the toys back in the pen why'd you like being half in half out marshall so weird hopefully if you get some energy out we'll try and do some sit training in a minute because you know he needs to learn he's got to be a good partner [Music] so obviously this is day two and he's already had an accident on the floor this morning but he has also peed on the grass but he did just chew it just now and he put he was gonna swallow it i quickly got it out of his mouth and brought him back inside after he peed but he thinks it's a toy and i'm just a bit like you can't eat grass babes because it's plastic grass gonna die so take a tiny piece of chicken oh he's already sitting yes that is a good boy you're not supposed to do that you're supposed to stand up oh you're already sitting you are being a good boy it's not fair okay maybe we can try and lure you away first okay all right come here all right sit so let's get tested yes good boy did you guys see that he stopped for me when i said it oh i'm such a good boy good boy marsha good boy good boy yay ordered a cooling pad for him but he it's gonna come tomorrow on amazon so instead of a cooling pad i've just wrapped a ice pack from the freezer in a tea towel for him and he seems to love it let me see if i can get a better angle oh he's enjoying that oh looking nothing so i bought this new bed for him and it came in um from amazon today and um volunteer got in there and i was like oh we'll see if we can use it as like a snuffle mat so i put some of his like kibble bits in there and so he's like trying to find them out it's quite cute and then he just willingly got in there he's so cute so freaking cute i can't believe it i also got this map thing which i thought was quite cute that can go in the crate but it's too hot at the moment so he ain't having that yet are you finding are you snuffling so the the dry bits of kibble are actually they're really hard and they're quite big bit so for his normal food i mix it with a little bit of water and then wait for it to soak in and then mash up a bit with a fork but he seems to be doing okay with the big bits i put i think i put in like four pieces just so that he can uh have a little play because i didn't really want to put chicken in there because it would like get stuck in all the fluffles okay fine can you find any more there's a piece here he's still snuffling good boy good boy huh you found it well so i put his milk bone in the freezer because he seemed to really love the um ice pack he kept like licking it and like i think it's nice for his gum so i put his milk bone in the freezer took it out and he did like it for a little bit but i don't know he's lost interest but he also went out on the grass and peed twice in the fake grass so that's good and then he actually did it as soon as he's woken up from his nap i pretty much just take him out straight away have you found all your snuffle bits are you coming out now i is there any more bits huh you can't just pick out the fluff is there anything behind you because i swear there was a piece like somewhere around here hey that's the floor i can't feel anymore oh look you can be so snuggly in there [Music] oh marshall he's so cute no he's still snuffling marshall okay he's getting out now that's so cute so tiny did you find more bits were you just playing with the name of the tassels now are you playing with the tassels now no tassel thing that's a good sip walk us through your childhood creation and tell us what favorite ingredient you use from the extra sweet pantry we both love hoes and so we brought hawaii to you guys we have the rainbow we have the mango we have a little bit so because it's so hot i've been putting ice cubes in marshall's water bowl to keep him to keep it cold and stuff and he's just decided to play with the eyes and he's made a mess on the floor bloody hell oh i think he's paying for inside now marshall are you peeing you better not be peeing if you peed on your toys i'm going to be really upset i don't think you have but he did just drink a whole bunch of water though every time food he didn't want it so you got marshy here with some chicken these are his treats because he's too young to have like real training treats yeah so we're going to show you some treats some things that he can do so the first thing look yes good boy so when i say look he has to look at him look at me obviously so his eyes and my eyes you looking at me now good okay well he's in a sit already so we'll go down down down side your back legs okay yes that's a good enough down sometimes i can't tell because he's so little sit yes good boy look at that look at that look yes good boy there's a pc can you come here come here come [Music] okay sit yes good boy did you see that he was standing and then he you're sitting down down all the way yes good boy so he slides his back legs out which is kind of cute well i think you need a bit of a brush today can i brush you or try some training so up up yes good boy down come on you know how to get down okay fine yes that's that's good enough look yes good boy he did a look and i see at the same time look yes good boy okay so now i'm gonna use the chicken he's gonna like the brush okay should i get the brush smell do you like the brush yes okay so because i'm trying to get him used to the brush yes he touched it with his nose good boy come here can i brush you while you're having chicken oh yes oh yes let me brush you while you're eating chicken i'm just letting him have a little piece at time he's using his tongue to lick it and he's letting me brush him which is pretty good i'm not doing it very rough and it's mainly the top layer but it's better than nothing cool sorry chicken brush brush brush brush brush brush oh yes good boy all right so we're gonna keep training marshall is loving his ice cube so i just put another one in for him but he keeps pouring pouring at it like with his paw oh look see he's carrying it out now marshall you're gonna make the floor wet my toes in the block marshall okay he brought it back inside i'm so happy and then this ice pack there's a nice pack under this wrapped up it's so cool it's like luckily i've got two because the other one like went all um wasn't cold anymore so but he likes to lie on it like puts his paws and stuff on it which is really cute and then sometimes he chews the tea towel but it's fine because it's like um it's a bit like cold and wet and then um the tea towel is old and it's not worth a lot so he can chew that and that's fine as long as you know i keep inspecting it and making sure that he doesn't eat any of the pieces of material because he does like to get in leaves and stuff as well which is great fun but yeah i think um we're gonna call it a night soon he did do well with some of the toilet training stuff today he did poop on the grass again so that was pretty good and then he keeps running to the door way to go to pee but then he pees at the doorway so i keep picking picking him up and putting him on the grass so he is he's kind of learned that he doesn't want to pee in this area of the house which is good but he also will still pee in the carpet in my bedroom so that's also fun but you know there's a lot of puppy pads around there now so yeah masha there you are say good night say good night bye guys
Channel: moonbeamstarlight
Views: 95,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new puppy, pomeranian, pom puppy, puppy, dog, bringing my puppy home, vlog, dog vlog, puppies, pom, poms
Id: p4qIvjIe_ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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