Funniest Damon Salvatore Moments | Season 1

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give no sense of humor Stefan actually I just have no sense of Damon Damon it's been 15 years Damon thank God I couldn't take another day of the 90s that horrible grunge look did not suit you remember Stefan it's important to stay away from feds why are you here very good with the whole face laughing he didn't tell me he had a brother well sevens not one to brag wow this is your living room living room parlor seventies auction very emerson the way you reveal your soul so many adjectives oh that reminds me alright I have a date sweaty palms [Music] isn't that nice Stefan joins a team makes a friend it's also Rocko team yeah all right I deserve that there's a mountain lion like big one it attacked a hunter this morning it's all over the news deadly beast captured all's well in Mystic Falls some girls just can't resist my good looks my style and my charm and buying flensing ability to listen to Taylor Swift what's so special about this Bella girl it's a wit ha Missy Anne Rice she was so honored how come you don't Sparkle because I live in the real world with vampires burn in the Sun you should come to the founders party with me not if you're wearing a dress didn't know you were here just going through Stefan's homework why this country sure has dumbed down the last hundred years why he wants to go to high schools beyond me maybe the seventies he went Ivy League Harvard I understood actually no I didn't get that ear my goodness I'm driven you drink you're dead dude get over it I like being the internal stud yes being a 150 year old teenager has been the height of my happiness crack the funny Stefan I don't really dance oh sure he does you should see him waltz the jitterbug the moonwalk he does it all my therapist ISM acting out where are you I'm at the sizzler I had the buffet I'll get it back but I need time would you FedEx into Rome where is it I think I know what can help you yeah you're dead I'm dead yeah well it's not like a big deal out of it what is it yeah what is it it's skunk Saint Bernard Bambi our values and our actions they define who we are okay count Deepak and good morning to you little miss I'm on a mission where is Stefan he's upstairs singing the rain in Spain knock yourself out what are you doing she's been cooped up in your room all day she's not man Franklin little Lou oh my god where have you been it's really good to see you much better Stefan smiles alert the media does it get tiring of being so righteous it flares up in the presence of psychopathy how much will consider this psychopath feelings hurt I got the town off our back was for the greater good but I'm sorry and prove it I'm not gonna feed on a human for at least a week I'll adopt the Stefan diet only nothing wood feathers you mimicking me yes Stefan now that the secret society of vampire haters is off our back I can go back to my routine of how can I destroy Stefan's life this week and I can go back to sulking and then Lena longing and forehead fruiting this is fun I like this and I will finally reveal the ulterior motive behind my evil and diabolical return to Mystic Falls yeah I'm done this is like you Damon always have to have the last word I can't trust you to be a nice guy you kill everybody and you're so mean you're so mean you're really hard to imitate and then I have to go to that lesser moon place let the adults handle this stuff take me down make a look around make a look real where are we Georgia Georgia no no no we're not seriously Damon where are we seriously we're we're in Georgia stop the car uh you were so much more fun when you were asleep this is kidnapping that's a little melodramatic don't you think you're not funny you can't do this I'm not going to Georgia you're in Georgia David I swear to God if you touch her you have a good day mm-hmm bye now he didn't know him I've never met him I wouldn't know him I mean something we all hang out together at the vamp bar and grill men parts can't procreate but we love to try how can you even eat if technically you're supposed to be dead give me in a bed sorry I can't unhinged my jaw like a snake to consume alcohol whatever all right so why did you bring me with you well you're not the worst company in the world Elena I know you were there in the road all damsel-in-distress like and I knew it piss off Stefan and you're not the worst company in the world the land I think we need a fresh start you tried to kill me but I didn't and if I wanted to I would have does that not count for anything Elena would you like to dance I would love to may I have this dance rise and shine sleepyheads what do you do please Oh stopping somebody seriously get out of here if I see something I haven't seen before I'll throw a dollar at it what exactly a grimoire anyway which is cookbook every spell that a witch casts is unique unto itself so every witch we've done occu meant their work yeah good book you know I really like this whole menagerie threesome team thing it's got a bit of a kink to it speaking of Stefan where is he he's missing family night which I am enjoying immensely hot trumps weird for asked me he's an ass we have met a man not as a reason we haven't met you and I are going that way let the adult hang on this stuff can we talk yeah without the Tri delts anything you have to say to me you can say in front of them ever really good at keeping secrets great job I have to go and exploit some women and then great which I'm sure you understand TTFN said the triad l hmm behold the teacher Samson pavers - great well we're short of bachelor is this what you do when there's no one vampires a room full of women clamoring to win a date with me sounds tasty nothin better me you look dashing gorgeous irresistible rats you're correct no reason why do you know that I am one of those two false most eligible bachelors Damon Salvatore we don't have much on you well I'm tough to fit on card she was delicious whoa easy there bye take a look everyone else you enjoyed that are you really this stupid Samuel take care of us they were in the tomb yeah about that uh how long are you gonna blame me for turning your birth mother into a vampire I'm not blaming you Damon I've accepted the fact that you're a self-serving psychopath with no redeeming qualities hunting party I did a number on me last night when you stabbed me I got to get my strength back out five two litres of soccer mom in the fridge no talk when I get back all right give my regards to the squirrels they're ignoring me the six missed calls sorry my phone's dead you're not going in there I'm going so when you get me in get out as quickly as you can because I know it's sneak around where they can't hear me you'll basically just be in the way Damon now is not the time to be the Lone Ranger fine Elena you can you can try the getaway car you're not going to the house you don't understand oh I understand I understand he's the reason you live his love lifts you up where you belong I get it can you just not joke around for two seconds just can't protect you Elena are you married no parents children anyone else who lives on this property no it's no good that should be she was supposed to stay in the car all right let's go clothes on how many of those vervain darts you have left one not gonna be enough that was fun oh don't look at me like that and I Amy guess what everyone hates me happens it's not annoying yet you're really enjoying this aren't you just watching me struggle very much so actually have it under complete control you do hmm well then you should just carry on making the rest of us vampires look bad okay here you ask I come easy no Elena I will not go to your bedroom with you just like I remembered what happened right there please don't make me sorry for asking you this is what it is Elena come on don't be a downer party for the founding families that would be us it would be rude to skip it I really liked you a lot better when you hated everybody oh I still do I just loved they loved me I'm gonna go find a later don't embarrass me young man have I entered an alternate universe were Stefan his funk oh but sheriff someone buried her who would do that I know I know bad news a little really bad news actually I don't want any news Damon alright wonder Chris do you want to hear how the council's back in vampire mode or how I just killed Uncle John Gilbert but pretty party by the way huh sounds favorite son look at his ring yeah and then come back from the dead five minutes ago we have a problem Stefan and when I say problem I mean global crisis seem off the chipper lately less doom and gloom more pep in your step and you think it's because I drank human blood again I don't want to brag but I would definitely take responsibility for this new and improved you Stefan let's be serious for a second you spent the last century and a half being a poster child for Prozac and now you expect me to believe that this new you is nothing to do with human blood I couldn't have him running around chewing on people while the town was looking for vampires not good I it had nothing to do with you RC caring about it your thing not mine so you'll be here again tonight is that a problem yes you are a complete nuisance hold on what he has to eat what's his favorite kind of um it's a favorite kind of what type of animal blood they prefers who grows you're joking doesn't help helps me Stefan likes puppy blood little golden retriever puppies cute floppy ears that's his favorite can we'd not kill anyone that I am please you just brought me along for my company let's not kill anyone tonight your words just pointing that out I can't keep searching for her really after only two years that's actually moderately healthy yeah what are you going on 146 I figured 200 marks probably a good stopping point Oh God you're still here were you expecting anything else but I wanted to check in first well I'm doing great thanks for asking check in on Stefan Oh him oh he's he's terrible what's the matter he's just back to boring straight-laced off the junk you've successfully cared about anything that was interesting about his personality don't forget to help me I hate myself I found with mr. Queen I know I did [Music] lena cold thanks for coming sorry I'm late dog ate my nevermind she's threatening to go on a killing spree oh I take it that's not okay with you guys oh oh sherry you want again hope I'm wearing my good underwear mm-hmm I like being a living dead person I've been practicing it's not piano lessons honey [Music] well I know that you and Elena bonded and I know that she cares about you and I know you care about her well this is going in an interesting direction Elena is a very good friend actually she might qualify as my only friend so at the risk of sounding like a yeah like a jealous boyfriend oh that wasn't a risk you do what are you talking about am I the only one around here who was the ability to put two and two together Isabel hello she dated John when she was 15 she gets pregnant and ends up at the doctor's office of John's brother now what do you think John's Rowland isn't on this I mean good think about oh wait you get it you Dan mm-hmm so you think that John is Elena's father ding ding ding ding what proof do you have I need any proof that's a DNA test for John and Elena and Maury Povich to deal with you all Retro are you doing it why would I be here Bonnie deactivated the Gilbert invention Isabelle's gone and Founders Day I'm here to eat cotton candy and steal your girl as long as you heard it quit huh but mm-hmm gives no sense of humor Stefan actually I just have no sense of Damon Damon so I think you should stop with the flirty little Commons and that I think that you do what I think there's so many emotions but I don't have any way to express them being a teenager so hard what are you doing saving your life 15 words or less to vamps are here founding families at the target you're out of here now where are you going more than 15 word stuff [Music]
Channel: kathryn frances
Views: 1,649,557
Rating: 4.973371 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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