Damon Salvatore: The Big Bad Vampire (w/Daddy Long Legs)

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don't you do yourself a favor and stay away from my brother and you must be the brother who hates him he's a monster i've heard about you damon right damon salvatore heard great things about you damon really that's weird i'm a dick the crazy impulsive vampire hello brother why are you here damon why are you here after all these years can't we just give it a rest you know damon once told me that he promised you an eternity of misery i promised you an eternity of misery what could his brother have ever done to inspire so much hatred you just really remind me of someone after all these years it's still only catholic she knew where you were damon she didn't care you really are a monster why are you being like this what are you really doing in mystic falls aren't you brave i have a diabolical master plan anybody home big bad vampire out here yeah it's all fun and games damon huh wherever you go people die what happened to you damon you used to be so sweet oh that damon died a long time ago you're afraid of me [Music] anyone any time any place i choose to be this way [Music] you do not come into my town you talk to the game but you don't actually know your grand plans always seem to get ruined don't they going after arena bad move there's nothing good about him i wouldn't try it again don't ever do that again i'm sorry about what we can do this together my life has been over for a century and a half stefan for being the guy who made you turn 145 years ago since you took it from me what i did was selfish i didn't want to be alone got what you wanted you and me for all eternity this nice act please give me another chance yes i just needed my brother is any of it real in love with his brother's girl you salvatores are truly pathetic when it comes to women who was in the church that they wanted to save [Music] a woman i guess how will i ever choose doesn't it always come down to the love of a woman it wasn't real damon there's no world without you know i look at you and i see myself i've never left you i love her oh i know i've been where you are our love for catherine it was always stephen it's always gonna be stefan damn it's a lot like me he wants to care catherine will only rip your heart out the minute he does he runs away from it let me do it for her is this the part where you give me a dream [Music] what do you want to hear that i cared about rose and i'm upset miss oriental please careful damon better be careful brother well i didn't and i'm not i can't be what other people want me to be your humanity's showing what she wants me to be i start to think you actually care she wants me to be the better man which means i can't be who i am my true self is dark you're the most important person in my life and you ruin me and that's just who you are he'll always be a monster well maybe this is who you are now call this place your hell it means you feel remorse love does that damon it changes us it makes you different than kai and all that light just keeps getting in the way keeping me from being who i really am there's hope for you we're more alike than you care to admit damon i've pretty much been on my own since our little falling out in 1912. neither of us can bear the thought of being alone did you ever think that i just need my little brother i've missed you brother this is who i am jessica why don't you let people see the good in you she ruined me because when people see god they expect good don't let your pride leave you all alone look at how much control she still has over you damn it i don't want to have to live up to anyone's expectations i love her damon prove her wrong so do i each one of you truly believes that you're the one that can protect her stop you and i are the same damon the obstacle standing between two fates damien is he the best thing for her the worst thing for elena gilbert is i don't want you to be what other people think that you are what the two of you thank you i don't know if you remember this but liz and i are pretty close you're my friend for being here i can see how much you care about her damon salvatore is my friend she's good a monster when you lose somebody every candle every prayer is not gonna make up for the fact that the only thing that you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be you're gonna get yourself killed damon i remember wouldn't have been that stupid all this over one girl because i think he loves her as much as i do i can't be selfish with you you can't be selfish with her you love elena you always will i wouldn't have done it for you i love you elena love is the most powerful emotion but i bet i'd say you were becoming halfway decent person i never asked for your respect good for you damon you are a good brother because all i have is disappointment i didn't get the girl never get the girl remember what i love you you got the girl man and as long as stefan's in the way you will never be with elena i got the girl i don't screw it up let me do this for you no i don't see a fairy tale ending for you you need to let him go then let me do this for me i wonder what'll happen when elena finally makes her choice all i see is stefan and elena that dance that they did today i like you now kind of reminded me of when we dance together just the way you are well we see you shake i love you little brother you're gonna have to let me go someday and it's gonna suck when that day comes i love you too you say it like write this every relationship is doomed to end we were doomed from the beginning elena elena was too good for you i'm the finalist she held you back from being the monster you really are it's the best thing that ever happened to you promise me this is forever don't you think i know that i promise i can't live without it i don't abandon the people that i care about i'm so sorry i left it won't happen again i don't need revenge damon do you think that there's a chance for us we need redemption come on brother for redemption you're gonna be bad be bad with purpose otherwise you're just not worth forgiving there is no such thing as redemption absolutely let me tell you a story my brother's a lot stronger than you think about a vampire that i wanted to kill once who eventually became my best friend catch nothing more important than the bond of family i was supposed to do the right thing by you and the right thing by my brother you won't wake up until she dies bonnie elaine is the only thing that damon salvatore cares about he'll kill you damon and bonnie who would have thought tonight i saw a side of damon that i hadn't seen in a while the older brother i looked up to i always did like the sheriffs and this time now is when you prove who you really are whenever you go too far i will be there to pull you back every second every day [Music] till you don't need me salvators their unshakeable bond i forgive you for making me what i am you love this don't you the salvatores may fight like dogs but in the end they would die for each other he's the better man at least they know what family means goodbye brother he's the right man well i see them again my family damon hello brother we'll see him again i think you will see whoever you want to see
Channel: Daddynegan
Views: 142,539
Rating: 4.9845619 out of 5
Id: l2UXTjXR6A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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