Delena Scenes S01 [1080p+Logoless] (The Vampire Diaries)

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[Music] I'm sorry for barging in the doors open you must be Elena I'm Damon Stefan's brother he didn't tell me he had a brother well Stefan's not one to brag please come I'm sure stuff it'll be along in a second wow this is your living room living room parlor Sotheby's auction it's a little kitschy for my taste I see when my brother's so smitten it's about time for a while there I never thought he'd get over the last one nearly destroyed him oh you two haven't had the awkward exes conversation yet no oops well I'm sure it'll come up now or maybe he didn't want to tell you because he didn't want you to think he was on the rebound we all know how those relationships end you say it like every relationship is doomed to end in the first those Stefan yeah I should probably go it was nice to meet you Damon great meeting you too a lamb all right let's start with a double pipe empty hurdler what do you say waiting for Atlantic don't buy me oh yeah you know no he can't he can't stay can you give me get in here we're just finishing out it's fine just come on in a few but beautiful home Elena thank you one more thank you nice save I like you you gotta laugh and you make Stefan smile which is something I haven't seen in a very long time recently seems like it was yesterday what was she like she's beautiful a lot like you in that department she's also very complicated and selfish times not very kind but very sexy seductive so which one you'll be dated her first nicely deduced ask Stefan sure his answer differs from mine I quit cheerleading why do you say that no I saw you have practice you look miserable you saw that my long I used to love it it was fun things are different this year what remember problem soul but uh some things could matter again maybe but it seems a lot realistic to me I'm sorry about Katherine you lost her too hey you scared me what what are you doing here I'm hiding from Caroline why I need a break she talks more than I can listen that can yeah sign but she says she's awfully young not much younger than you are yeah I don't see it going anywhere in the bigger picture duly noted I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable that's just not my intention yes it is otherwise you wouldn't put an alternate meaning behind everything you say you're right I do have other intentions but so do you really I see him you think about me even when you don't want to think about me I bet you even dreamed about me and right now you want to kiss me what the hell I don't know what game you're trying to play with Stefan here but I don't want to be part of it and I don't know what happened in the past but let's get one thing straight I am NOT I want to apologize to you for being such a world-class jerk the other night when I tried to kiss you there's no excuse my therapist ISM acting out trying to punish Stefan for what it's all in the past I don't want to bring it up let's just say that the men and the Salvatore family have been cursed with sibling rivalry and it all started with the original Salvatore brothers a battle here the Battle of Willow Creek right I know we talked about it in class Confederate soldiers fired on a church with civilians inside what the history books left out was that the people that were killed they weren't there by accident they were believed to be Union sympathizers so some of the founders and the Confederacy side back then one of them rounded up and burned alive and they went to rescue them they were shot murdered in cold blood who was in the church that they wanted to save a woman I guess doesn't it always come down love of a woman I just I hope you two can work it out how to tell Jeremy go upstairs you're afraid of me I'm gonna go on a limb here and guess Stefan finally fessed up stay away from ya there's nothing to be rude I'm just looking for Stefan make him in only of course yeah I've been invited we can cut to the chase if you want I'm not gonna kill you right now that wouldn't serve my greater agenda so nurse Stephanie he's out looking for Vicki don't look at me with those judgey little eyes girls gonna thank me for what I did to her did you think Katherine oh yeah oh I doubt that tell my brother I'm looking for him Oh tip for later be careful who you invite in the house is Stefan here yep where is he and good morning to you little miss I'm on a mission how can you be so arrogant and glib after everything that you've done and how can you be so brave and stupid to call a vampire arrogant and glib if you wanted me dead I'd be dead yes you would but I'm not yet you should go I got this you did this this is your fault you confuse me for someone with remorse none of this matters to me people die around you how could it not matter it matters and you know it you need to leave your wounds are bleeding and you need to leave [Music] don't do it [Music] what I want what do you want to know I want you to tell him that Vicki left town he's gonna miss her but he knows it's for the best [Music] they doing they're stuck it's my seat ball I want you to put your hands on the roof just like that [Music] okay can you stand there any broken [Music] whoa you're fading fast Elena Elena look at me focus look at me I look like [Music] what [Music] where are we Georgia Georgia no no no we're not seriously demon where are we seriously where we're in Georgia how you feeling there's no broken bones I checked my car there was a man I hit a man but then he got up and who was that that's what I would like to know where's my phone okay we really need to go back nobody knows where I am all over I mean it Damon pull over stop the car uh you were so much more fun when you were asleep I'm fine we have to go back oh come on look we've already come this far why are you doing this this is kidnapping that's a little melodramatic don't you think you're not funny you can't do this I'm not going to Georgia you're in Georgia without your magic little necklace I might add I can very easily make you agreeable what are you trying to prove he wants to talk to you yeah I know I don't I don't think she really wants to talk to you right now please just go back we're almost there where is there a little place right outside of Atlanta oh come on Elena you don't want to go back right now and do you what's the rush pan out trust me problems still gonna be there when you get home am I gonna be safe with you yes you promise not to do that mind-control thing with me yes can I trust you get in the car come on don't don't please don't hurt him but so are you and your twisted away and as hard as it is to figure we're all on the same side after the same thing not interested yes you are because you were willing to work with us yesterday we have something an understanding and I know that my betrayal hurt you different from how it is with you and Stefan but I'm promising you this now I will help you get Katherine back I wish I can believe you you know we don't stop by the way no matter what I do then we'll deal with it I didn't compel you and Lana because we were having fun I wanted it to be a real trusting you don't make me regret it please [Music] [Music] I'm sorry what happened where is he they haven't I can't get in why not because the woman who owns the house is compelled to not let me in I can get in you're not going in here I'm going you're not going in there why are they doing this what do they want with him revenge they want revenge we gotta do something I know we can't let them hurt him we've got to get him out no Elena I know but I don't know how to get him I don't know how many vampires there are in there that's how long it takes you to get your head ripped off I have to be able to get in and get out can't be distracted with your safety or this will end up a bloodbath that none of us walk away from clearly Stefan I know and get it you know did you know that your uncle's been kickin it with the founders council what yep perfect we'll just add it to the growing list of how everything's falling apart what happened right there look Damon I'm worried about Stefan few days give or take it's been a few days give then I don't know it's a big deal Damon well maybe his problem is he spent too long not being himself and you have not been paying attention he's not you not even close well he doesn't want to be me that doesn't mean deep down that he's not Jeremy's been asking questions about Vicki Donovan's death he knows that her death was ruled an overdose really oh but sheriff someone buried her who would do that I know I know Maggie compel him he's wearing vervain no I don't want you to compel it Damon no I'm serious I'm not gonna do that to him again I'll handle it okay don't say I didn't warn you escorted by mr. Stefan Salvatore right now I decide to get to this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Evelyn Jackson
Views: 382,005
Rating: 4.958344 out of 5
Keywords: stefan salvatore, elena gilbert, the vampire diaries, stelena scenes, stelena logoless, logoless scenes, logoless scenes no background music, logoless scene packs, logoless tvd scenes, logoless tvd, tvd, tvd logoless, stelena moments, stelena moments season 1, elena gilbert logoless, stefan salvatore logoless, damon salvatore, delena, delena logoless, the vampire diaries logoless, stelena kisses logoless, stefan elena, delena scenes logoless, tvd s01, stefan damon and elena
Id: jXE16wabzB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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