Damon Salvatore | The Best of HUMOR (S1-S8)

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Mason Lockwood oh sure hey Damon Salvatore I know I heard great things about you really that's weird I'm a dick some girls just can't resist my good looks style and my charm lion flinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift you want to see me naked I have to do his ass I like being the internal stud came to me in the dream I was naked you would've loved it you staying for the show or you're dead dude get over I really liked you better when you oh I still do I just love they love me dear diary chipmunk asked me my name today I told him English Joe that lie will haunt me forever are you worried that one day all the forest animals are gonna band together and fight back cover up Fabio and Shirley they talk Damon germaphobe I don't get flood on the couch please yoo-hoo big bad vampire out here here I thought she slept standing up like a horse don't worry Care Bear I have issued a no hanky-panky Zone know how this is the face I make when I don't understand you coolest cucumber don't know wine it always makes me smile take off your shirt plain under children program I didn't like Rick like wait I'm not gonna be stuck in the middle this no no I've asked him very politely to make sure that Marty stays alive and if he doesn't then I will cut their thumbs off and feed them to the squirrels you know I could shoot up little tiny pieces and beatitude squirrels right guys she really like see stuff like even the bear nail I saw them from a mile away my friends made of cotton it's soft Rick more than soft your brains liquefied activate our wonder twin powers kick the damn crossbow down Pocahontas no Elena I will not go to your bedroom with you smile for mommy yeah I'm shocked Stefan's on version when I tripped and accidentally ripped mountains thanks a Donovan a phrase no one has entered ever explain why Twitter just notified me that Cobra Kai 1972 is tweeting for the first time in four years selfie city why are you still following him I'm catching the [ __ ] that will destroy your lives for all eternity okay diamond towel not Caroline no one cares no what I don't get is why she likes you that's cuz you haven't had sex with me so the ex meets the new guy how freaked out are you right now I feel a little threatened but I think I could take off I'm sorry you are Elena's ex-boyfriend confident sexy habitate sweaty palms I don't Damon if you kill everybody and you're so mean you're so mean it's my audition tape for real world London fingers crossed I think I'm finally gonna make it you on the other hand look cooked if I see something I haven't seen before I'll throw a dollar at it trains leaving the station Chu Chu to risk another Brown line and coaching on very crowded for EXO EXO Damon
Channel: TheDomiww
Views: 6,317,616
Rating: 4.9812984 out of 5
Id: 7QWm-mwt7fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2017
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