FULL FOX POKEMON TEAM! Zoroark, Thievul, Ninetales Alola, Eevee, Alakazam

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[Music] [Music] today's channel sponsor is brought to you by curiositystream if you're a fan of nature and animals curiosity stream has thousands of these streamable documentaries for you to watch ranging from stuff like lizards insects monkeys different sorts of animals and a lot more you can stream to any device for viewing anytime or anywhere i really enjoy the david attenborough series for learning about different kinds of animals and nature curiosity stream has a really good deal going now by using code night you can sign up for an entire year just for 14.99 for unlimited streaming access so go check it out thanks curiosity stream for the channel sponsor what's up with you fat day video will be full fox pokemon team straight away right i wanted to put tail fox on this team but i couldn't write because it's not in the game so i come up with some other pokemon that resemble foxes or had fox like appearances and i think i make some pretty good picks here now if you do want to come and watch me live or some of these battles live pokemon sweeps live live soul check your boy out on twitch here twitch.tv my yt the link in the description of the video today we've got three battles because i didn't actually get around to putting an upload yesterday i've been fairly busy but uh i really hope you enjoy those battles people there are some crazy ones so the first battle here we have is against mr guzzle and he's got a very very funny theme team here i want to see if you can guess what it is maybe leave a comment in the comment section below right now my first fox is going to be thieving here this is a stakeout bulky feeble set so we got knock off fire fang sucker punch and play rough pretty decent moves all around there for a physical set and i've got this is brave nature right because i want to go second with the red cup now vulpix is gonna slide a sheer coal just right by me i was actually very glad it didn't land so i went for the play rough there it didn't do amazing damage now i can either go for a fire fang to take it out or a knock off here obviously i want to go second because i want the red card to activate swap my opponent's pokemon out and then i'll get a boost on my stakeout ability as they swap out unfortunately here i went for the fire bank and the uh lola vulpix did have another move apart from sheer troll and a sharpie is going to come in here so i went for firefame but look at the damage that firefang did that was actually really really impressive with his ability quite a difficult ability to use his snake out especially on thief or like i don't know people's one of those pokemon that isn't terribly amazing in any sort of uh you know stat right so we got the sharpie to go for a close combat there and unfortunately thiefer is going to get demolished but it is pretty good in some of the other battles i've got in this video now the next pokemon i'm going to be swapping into this i was thinking maybe i could swap my ev in here i've got choice scarf double kick only on people's channel right and i was hoping maybe i could out speed i know the opponent did get a plus one and speed right but i had no idea what this was going to be a bulky a bulky one an offensive one anyway it's going to get one shot at by crunch there which was uh unfortunate so i did run a fairly risky play there where i could have played it safe and maybe brought in later on but that's how it is right now the next poker i'm gonna bring here is the nine tails right i'll obviously explain more that ev set as the next battle and third battle gone now this nine towers was a physical so that was actually pretty fun and we had i shard triple axel which was a good addition to its moveset on the physical side iron tail and aqua tower so i've got max speed and max attack jolly nature with the choice band now i chose to bring this out pretty much because it couldn't really do a lot to this team as you'll find out so here comes the crunch there from the sharpedo it doesn't really have obviously a lot of moose to hit me with there i went for a triple axel and it turned into a single axle and only landed widespread it always happens to me like i have to ask you like people watching this i get a lot of single axles and double axles and even zero axles you know like it happens all the time so go for another triple axle the uh sharpener's gonna go for protect there and it's gonna protect yourself and get another speed boost which really isn't gonna help it out too much because obviously it's already gonna out speed my nine tails right so here comes another crunch from the sharp header it's a clean three hit ko on my nine tails um obviously they didn't have any other moves to really hit me with right as you'll probably see with the rest of the team so down goes the sharpeda there and there's still a volpix left now the next pokemon to come in here right you wouldn't believe it it is going to be another sharp heater so they're all different kinds of sharpies right so you'll be able to see you might be able to see what this theme is yet i mean i'm going to say it might be a blessing in disguise that you don't know what this theme is let me put it that way so we got this out rough skin uh charpeda is going to take me out with that i did get a little bit of damage i guess you know nothing uh some damage is better than nothing right now the next pokemon are gonna swap it out i gotta get back into this game i'm getting absolutely destroyed right so a little bit of hail damage there on the go grandpa shark and next pokemon got here is my nine tiles which is actually a zara walk right so some more zoro rock trolling this set is to mimic a nine tails completely right so we've got flying through our substitute and exit century i've got no step at all and i've got uh it's a real trolling set right so i'm gonna be going through the nasty plot there hopefully i don't get hit by a super effective move uh maybe the sharp header will go for a different move and maybe not so here comes a snarly which is actually going to be not very effective against by zoro but unfortunately it's actually going to drop by special attack there so i was only giving you me like a plus one there so my illusion is gone i'm revealed and exposed it was very very sus people however i do have a plus one in special attack now i've got neither moves that the sharp pedal is so i went for the flamethrower now the item this thing has got is actually a king's rock right flamethrower actually that's a pretty good damage and i got a fleece on the first one i was like man that was really really lucky right now i can't go for another nasty party or i could just keep going for flamethrowers and hope for a fleet so that's what i did uh max feed and max best shack and the second flamethrower was enough to take out the sharp header which is very very good so really this this worked very very nicely with ninetale so zorrowood works good when you can actually disguise it as another pokemon and try and trick the opponent too also a fun fact too you can see that obviously my nickname or the name of the pokemon says zara but my opponent wouldn't be able to see that right so out comes gibbel very appropriately named right there and it's gonna go for a scary face i get it i get it because yo it looked like looked like a shark so it's gonna drop my speed however zyrock is running a tip of nature and is actually able to out speed the gimbal and it's gonna be dropped in two hits which is very good right there next pokemon to come out here was the vulpix it's like okay i know this has got shear cold i think i can leave its attack if it does miss or it goes for a frostbite and obviously it's gonna miss it which is very very nice and it's gonna be going down to a plane try so vol picks us down and zoroark has actually got me back into this battle now we've got a couple more pokeball left and that is another shot but it's just almost like it's not a it's not okay it's not a full shark team right that would be the wrong thing to cola but you're on the right track if you're thinking that right so anyway we're gonna go for a flamethrower on the sharp header and obviously it's not gonna do too much damage right the unfortunate thing about this is right it's a flinching set with the extra sensory now extra sensory already has a chance to flee so king's rocks are not gonna affect it but flamethrower is obviously affected by that item i just had to uh you know say that one there too uh so once again i was versing these sharp headers right i couldn't use my psychic type move and i had obviously had a not very effective move so i was trying to counter by the dark and uh you know water topping right there so it's alright it's going to go down to a poison bank and a bye bye for that one but i still have a normal uh nine tiles left to try and do something right so this uh these are very very fast pokemon too or with speakers now alakazam is probably the biggest stretch on my team however you know all the abracadabra and alcazam line right they actually all have fox like appearances right if you check up on it unfortunately i'm going to get destroyed in one shot i had a physical curse set there i'll explain that one later because i got counted so hard by this thing when you're looking at my team wizard you're barely counted by all these sharpeners next pokemon here is the nine tasks and this was the pokemon that had to try and get me back into the game right now this nine tails is actually a really really interesting setup we got mystical fire paint split fire spin and scorching sands the eevees on this one are kind of odd right we've got max health and max defense impish no sorry bold nature so i wanted to make this a very very defensive nine times right and we're scorching sanji had the chance of 30 of burning the opponent so once she got a burn this thing was very very bulky on the defensive side right even against like super effective moves like nine times is obviously known for its bulk on the defensive side so i thought i'd make like a fun bulky one now obviously you want to try and trap the opponent with fire spin too so if you come across a physical attacker you trap them in the fire spin and you burn them right so the only way they could really get around that would be to set up with like sword dance or something like that right now the other moves i've gotten here are mystical fights so say i get really bulky on the defensive side i burn a lot of the you know the users or opponents are you know physical monster i can definitely start spamming missile fight to drop the opponent's special attack when they try and bring in a special attacker once my health gets kind of low i've got a decent amount of speed still even with no investment and i can get that off with the pain split right which i think is a pretty fun set now the item in this one is leftovers too not a pokemon i'd probably dynamax but in this stage i really had to do it i was bursting all these sharpies it was scary man so here comes a night slash from the sharpie it doesn't do a lot of damage obviously the bird hopefully i can get through the infatuation and i don't actually waste dynamics so firstly i had a little bit of a plan for the last jump here right i was confident i could get through this one obviously it was bad so i was gonna put the uh the drought up on the field there or the uh the sun's the sunny weather now i'm thinking if my opponent does dynamics of sharp header when it sends it in next right inevitably they're going to i could initially leave quite easily the you know the first max geyser then i could go for the max flare and it could go back and forth right and maybe i'll be able to stall at like two turns of their dynamics or one turn right and then i may be possibly able to get a burn with scorching sand and if i do i believe we'll do some very very uh you know i'll be very very good right because these water type moves won't do a lot all i've seen this sharp header so far is aquajet right so i was thinking about this should i go for maxwell again expecting them to go for a max geyser or should i try and stall at the first turn of the dynamax right and go for max guard that was sort of the thing i was thinking about right i was thinking oh do i go for max cart or don't go for max player max guard determines like actually stops him using a move altogether so the sun will stay out so that's not a bad move to go for right so here comes the uh dynamic sharp peter here and your champion looks really really cool in a shiny form so it's like a a big pink purple shark now i got one more turn of dynamax after this one so i'm thinking okay maybe i should go max flair on my third one right so throwing up that max guard there on the uh light shot better here comes the max geyser and i'm assuming that one is coming off like a waterfall or aqua jib right that or liquidation one of those moves right nine tiles would not be able to lift that very well outside of dynamaxx and if the rain's up well then i'm done right so i have to make sure the uh i get a burn on the sharp header or the sun is up until i get a burn right so instead they're going to use max mine saw there doesn't do a lot of damage as i said i'm running a very bulky defensive set here right so the psychic terrain is down on the field it's like okay let's go for max flare again i was definitely expecting a max geyser so i don't do a lot of damage to mummy sharp there but at least it's down to half health what i need to do right now is try and get the burn on it if i can get the burner i got a chance maybe of taking it out obviously my attacks are not going to do heaps of damage like you know maybe mystical fire will do a little bit of damage there but i'm going to need to probably get the uh the sharp pedo maybe with a fire spin or at least out of dynamics right so i thought about going for a paint split i thought well i might get hit pretty hard here but then i'm running like quite a bulky set so let's go for scorching sets and maybe i'll be out to get the uh the burn right so here comes the inevitable max geyser and look how well i take that like dynamaxx versus non dynamic so that was extremely good now the problem here is the rain is up at the moment right so go for scotch there's hoping i can get the burn on the sharpie i get a crit ride and i do not get the burn however sharpedo is out of its dynamics next soon so it's going to be curious what move it's going to use so obviously this is going to be out out speed me too so i'm thinking okay what do i do here do i go for pain split or do i go for scorching stance for the bird i decided here the best move would be to go for property playing spit right and that's going to be about it i really don't see myself vr to winning this match up at the moment right i was like playing sphere scorching sands i could go for damage on the scorching sounds like no let's go for paint speed they only have aquajet as their attacking move as a water type move and psychic terrain actually blocked that so that really helped me out the problem was i wasted a term because i went for painfully whereas i could have gone for scorching sands like oh man that really sucks i could have got like an extra turn of trying to burn it right so i was like okay well they can't use aquajet right let's go for scorching scents so here comes the crunchy crunch doesn't do a lot of damage there to my bulky nine tails and we're gonna be going for a scorching sands here scorching sands doesn't obviously do a lot either but i got the burn that was very very very important that i got that so as you can see the i took the crunch so well i could probably go for it's getting to the range where pacemaker isn't going to be so good so it might be better if i go for a fire spin here right and spam mystical fire so we've got a psychic terrain on the field and it's still raining at the moment we've got three minutes left on this battle as well i'm thinking what do i do it's either it has to be pain split or fire spin that's really my only options here um so going for just an attacking move in the end there here comes a poison thanks like okay i knew why they did that for to poison my knights are so now night tires are going to be taking poison damage i just went for scorching stands for a little bit of damage right i was thinking that's going to be better than none right firespin could miss as well and it's also going to be powered down in the raid i mean it's going to be nice at the end of the turn for some extra damage here but now since i've got that poison on me it's very very close here like now obviously the psychotrain is gonna disappear this sense that means my opponent can go for a awkward jet there's like uh-oh that's bad i mean it's it's probably not gonna take me out at this range but it's gonna be very very close right so once again i've got the option to go for fire spin or scorching sets i was so worried that fire split would miss here but once again the opponent is burned so if i can get that fire spin to land and the initial damage after it let's do that right now nine tiles managed to lift that aquajet really really well they're in the rain that burn was crazy and i get the fire's been off on the sharpedo here now the next turn the rain actually runs out however i've got that leftover recovery i'll probably be able to lift the poison now and sharp peter is gonna go down to the fire spin damage and the burn damage all in one and i live on 69 health man that was such a crazy close battle there if i didn't get the burn on the sharp pedo that definitely would have been gaining definitely helped that my opponent did have aqua jet not like something like waterfall because obviously i would have been taking a lot more damage there but a really really cool team there and some very very interesting move sets uh too let's get on to the second battle this was about against lily i'm not sure if this is actually on the white comb or not or on my twitch room i can't really remember but once again this is actually a really cool theme team as well so the first pokemon got here is the sudowoodo and i've got my nine tiles lee which actually was quite good against this team now this is a physical nine tiles there with the snow warning and the choice band right it was actually really cool how it got triple axel made this set this is a little bit better not not it's still terrible though so i've got iron tail aqua tail and triple x so i thought well echo tau will do pretty good damage to sudowoodo going for that one right and it does fairly good damage to sudowood it's a clean two heat ko now sudowood is going to be setting them stealth rocks up shaking its little booty there did you see that like the little tree was like just shaking its booty now i look and look at sudowoodo's expression it changes so much let's look at his face so it's going to be having the leftovers as the item even with the leftovers recovery i'm definitely going to be able to take it out with the aqua towel right the only bad thing would be maybe if it missed and then it had something like head smash right however it's not gonna miss and sudowoodo is going to be going down which is very very good a nice start to the battle too the only bad thing is i am locked into acatar which really isn't the greatest move on nine thousand next pokemon is executor called these nuts right so all right oops i just banged my microphone then i gotta swap this out and we're gonna go into ninetales now which is of course zoroark in disguise but my opponent doesn't know that now this is gonna be a hypnosis executor it's going to miss which is very very good now i'm gonna have the opportunity to be able to use a attacking move here then the executor had blunder policy i'm like what that's gonna make it really really fast like i mean it's not a super super fast pokemon but if they're running something like max speed right it might be bad like i could get out speed here now i do have to stop i went for that and they outspent me and they got a stomping tantrum off against my knight and it took my zara lock up that was really really cool there um my nine tiles would have got destroyed then even my like my bulky one so man zoro i got destroyed again my trolling didn't work now the next pokemon is swapping it is steve all right though okay i can definitely have attack on this thing and i can probably try and finally get uh some big big stakeout you know red car damage so i decided to go for knockoff here that's my most strongest move here comes a stomp riser oh no so stop as a chance of flinching right but before any of those things can come into play the pokemon is going to be swapped out or mallee with red card and snorlax is going to come in and the bad thing was right i missed out on my stakeout boost right because i wasn't able to attack that turd man i can't get a break at the moment so i still got knockoff to use here on the strike so it'd be cool to get rid of its iron because usually it has a berry right i might say it's probably thick fat so let's go for knock off right so out speeding snorlax which definitely isn't hard or anything and i'm going to get rid of it sally berry it went for fisher fisher sally brew snorlax i say that probably was like a scummy gluttony set right so i obviously can't go for knockout well i mean i can go for knockoff again but it's going to be nowhere near the base power so i decided to go for the sucker bunch here now my opponent is going to choose to gmax the snorlax here for very very appropriate reasons okay now if you haven't guessed what this thing team is right now i'm going to spoil it for you i mean you should be able to guess it by now it's a tree team now as you can see right it's pretty cool because gmax flights has got a tree on top of it so it works really nicely in this uh in the steam team right i'm actually due to do a new tree team so the last one i think i did was like four or five years ago i think it was like around there so in the coming future you will see a new tree team from me as well so we're going to have the uh they evil fainted at the snorlax obviously and i'm gonna bring an eva here now evie got absolutely decimated the last battle it's time for it to shine now i was running different items between choice scarf and with lasso obviously it didn't work really well with last resort right i wanted to run like retaliate but i was running different items with it so retaliate was really nice with really obviously with the choice scarf right but then i had choice go up with some other moves like uh double kick and stuff like that and fun things along those lines so i did mess it up with like uh you know troy scarp and normal gem like i went between and silk scarf will work well too so go for the max knuckle there on the snorlax coming off the mighty double kick i knew the first one wouldn't take out snipes right it's very very bulky but it would give my ev a nice attack boost right so here comes the gmax replenish the good thing about this is right snorlax cannot replenish a berry because i knocked it off right so say if you have an item knocked off or plucked or something like that you cannot obviously get your berry back through uh gmax snorlax's rg max replenish ride so that's just like an interesting thing to know right so getting another plus uh in attack there that's two now on my ep so it's gonna be hitting pretty hard plus i could actually use a normal type move with ev2 now the next pokemon here is the phantom like dang it i can't use a normal type move it's gonna see my choice scarf here however i do have the move bite on here so i can go for a max darkness this allows me the like dark types and stuff too the other move i had there was iron tower so i could eat like rock types right so go for the max dungeons at plus to an attack man it took it well it was definitely a everlight fan top there must be at the standard of uh tristan treven at the uh the trevor and from the undercover picnic sweep i'm sure you've seen it anyway i'm gonna get out destroyed there by a literal stump and buyer by evie but eb did a good job there getting with the snorlax and softening up that little phantom right next pokemon is alakazam i was like hopefully i could do something with a set this time this is a max a max health max specimens curse recover drain punch psycho cut said magic guard only on pimp nice channel so firstly i thought okay let's get one curse up i should be able to lift the attack from this thing and then i can take it out with a psycho card right so phantom obviously is a even if it's like no investment it's still probably going to hit me fairly hard and then it had a foul play i'm like oh no that's uh that's a two-year cut that's bad now i do have the leftovers on the alakazam because we're trying to make alakazam really really bulky okay right now and one bell i had with this alakazam set i'll kid you not i had plus six in the fence and it was still a two hit k or one pokemon it was so sad so i could go for a cycle cut or i could go for a cover here there's really no point going for a cover because i'm not probably going to be able to leave like you know attacks really really well and it's just going to end up in like a really big stall fest now alakazam's going to go for the psycho card here and at least the one health you wouldn't read about it and when it lived on one health right it went for a curse that actually took itself out to you so it wasn't all that bad i guess but man i just can't believe alakazam cannot catch even like a break here right so we're gonna get a little bit of leftover recovery there and since i've got the magic guard right i wasn't affected by curse which is really really cool so i was just lucky i had that right now speaking of our tristan trevor here he is so we got our willow here so that's not a bad name for our treven so i've got psycho cutting i know psycho cup won't take it out it probably won't do much damage at all right but i've got to do something here i have to go for cycle cut or i go for a cuppa and then the treven is going to outspeed me with an astonish i can't believe it so it's gonna outspend me and also get the flinch which is really really unfortunate there now i'm gonna get some leftover recovery but the problem is right since i was running a bulky alakazam and i had a negative one of speed trevon obviously took advantage of that and it scored my alakazam completely out of this battle on your pimp nice channel will you say a trevenant defeat and not a kazam with astonish next pokemon to bring in here is my nine towers i'm going to take a little bit of nasty damage there from the stealth rock however this pokemon is actually fairly good against my opponents team right when you look at all the typings of this team right usually tree like pokemon obviously you can see what it is uh you know most of my grass types they're going to be weak to ice so here comes another astonishing i'm sick of getting flinched by this thing i've got to take the tristan trevor now so go for the triple axel there after the first one actually missed and this one actually is going to land three times which is very very good right there i mean i was just getting sick of missing it hitting a single axle and sometimes a double axle next pokemon to come in here is going to be the executor which is called these nuts of course it is these coconuts has anyone ever right gone to a shop or had a coconut like you have the cold coconut right and you cut it open and you just drink the milk out of it straight up has anyone ever done that like what does it even taste like don't say coconut milk i want to know what it tastes like give me a nice realistic description does it taste nice or does it taste does it taste similar to like actual milk milk or not really i don't know just a bit of trivia right then comes the alolan executor there it's gonna have a yakiberry harvest i was like oh here we go and i'm gonna hopefully land three times there but the second one absolutely demolishes it and that my friends is the second battle a very very cool team there uh lily i'm pretty sure that one was done on my twitch chat too but very nice i will be bringing a new tree team in the coming future too probably very similar to that one i'll try and use maybe some pokemon that i didn't in the first place but there might be a couple of repeats too so the last uh battle we have today is a video this one's against our fox fire we've got a new burn lead here now this was also an interesting theme thing too if you can guess what it is um i think i could guess what it is but i i couldn't really put like a uh a word on it anyway so we've got thiever's elite here i'm going to get that activation on the red card this time i'm not going to have any scummy flinches or anything going wrong hopefully and in comes frostlast and this was absolutely perfect right because knockoff was not only super effective i got a boost from fake out and that took out frost that's this entire family tree wait they're already ghosts so they're already gone man i got trolled again so that's one pokemon down at least and here comes the neue burn again obviously for round two with the boom best and then it went for hyper boy so i'm like wait that had boom burst and hyper voice and it also had the throat spray too which is really really interesting also it's a fun fact too if you notice right which is quite cool the neuven didn't waste its throat spray because red card actually activated before throat spray which is really really interesting so now it's going to go for a swift so that add hang on that a boom burst hyper voice and swift which is uh a very interesting move set next pokemon is my choice scarf evie and i'm going to be going for a bite here and that is enough to take out neuber which is really really cool so that was nice getting a nice easy revenge ko with evie next spike combo to come in here is the dumb manaten i mean this pokemon is difficult so i thought i'd do something unpredictable i thought let's go into ninetales i bet they won't expect me to swap in ninetales because of the clear weakness right then i might be able to go for a aquatale choice band and do some pretty uh solid damage right so getting the hail up and now it's going to go for flair but it's like man i i i i guess like it could have gone for a fire type move but i thought it wouldn't be obvious swapping for me to go into like a super effective weakness but obviously that's how it is right so diamante is going to take like a bunch of damage here from the recoil from uh you know flare bits it it's a very strong uh flip it's used right so now i'm going to bring in my uh flash fire nine tiles here and it's gonna go for firefang and it's got a flashlight i'm like okay my opponent definitely knows that i don't have drought right i wonder why they did that now remember they've already used flavors then they use fire effects you might be able to see some sort of uh you know pattern with their moves they've been using right uh regardless i can definitely take this out with another move on this nine tiles right this is the bulky scorching sands run so i went for scorching's head and then they used fire punch this star mountain only has fire moves so i'm starting to sort of get what this team is right i still can't work out why the neuven had swift or like i i get the noise out of boom burst and hype voice but is that all like does that mean oh it's only going to use normal type moves in there you know the frost sass was probably only going to use uh ice type moves and then this is only going to use fire type moves i think that's what this team is all about looking back on that now next spot going to come in here is gary so i started thinking okay gyarados is it going to have all watertight moves it's going to have all flying type moves i'm not really sure right and the garage is going to go for surf so that answers my question they're like okay this is kind of cool i'd say this gyarados is probably going to have hydro pump as well if it's the same sort of theme they've been running on their other pokemon so i thought okay this might be a nice opportunity here to set up some curses with the cursed alakazam hopefully right so outspeeding the gyarados they're getting my first initial curse off which is good and i might be able to get some recovers back on and start spamming the psycho cut right so i've got that plus one in defense and attack now which is good and now it's gonna it's a mix it with aqua tower no no so it's possibly gonna have waterfall too like i'm trying to think of the other like water type moves that can learn maybe it's got water gun people maybe or bubble bubble people bubble gyarados anyway so it's gonna have a uh another physical move it's gonna have skull so this had uh scald and it had aqua tail as well so and had a hydra i said it's probably got hydro pump as well i'm trying to think of the other moves that could possibly have is gonna get burned there which really really sucks because it's not gonna really gonna worry me in terms of losing help because i've got magikarp but it's gonna halve my attack which is already really really terrible and alakazam like poor alakazam out of all the battles i did it just got destroyed every single time i was also thinking about running like an everlight cadaver with cursor from maybe some extra bulk but man i got trashed every time i use that set now that gyarados is going to get a free moxie i'm like uh-oh i mean the only good thing is it's going to have to use like aquatal do you obviously take advantage of that right so i thought okay let's go into evie and let's see how much damage i could possibly do with my ev here right maybe i'll be able to live at aquatell uh maybe aquatail may miss who knows right i believe there's a chance i could still live it it also depends on what evs they've got maybe this gyarados or something i don't know like if i was running like a gyarados with four watertight moves and two of them are physical or three of them physical or three of them special i'd probably try and get the avs like max on both sides anyway so we got a special move there on the garage i went for the gmax uh cuddle and the gyarados is going to be going down there would i leave the aqua jet possibly it was a it was it was a low chance i would have lived in around there um but there were regardless right they got this thunderous coming in it's like okay this is going to be dynamic sunrise is this going to have all electric giant moves what's it gonna have right now i won't be able to know what moves out because it's in dynamics right but if it has any some sort of like powerful electric type move maybe it's got something like thunderbolt i'm thinking rising voltage wild charge things like that right evie is definitely not gonna be able to live that one so he comes here through the max lighting on ev and it's gonna go down there and also the electric train is going to go on the field as well which is gonna kind of be bad right now i've got two more poker left i've got my bulky nine tails and that's about it i wasn't really sure how i was gonna get back into the game at the moment like it was sort of like that first battle right all those sharp peters and i did my nine tiles left right so we're going to go to up this time right let's see if i can get some damage on this thing at least so what i thought right if i can out speed this thundurus i could go for a substitute substitute substitute right and stall out the dynomax then i could attack it right and maybe i will get lucky with a uh you know a flinch possibly who knows i've got accessory anyway right so once again we're going to go for a substitute here that is the final turn of dynamax or thunder suit thank goodness i was actually able to out speed it because i would have taken like you know lots and lots of damage it would have been over right there's no way i would be able to tank any of those attacks right so that is the last turn of dynamics for the thunderous thank goodness now i knew that i couldn't definitely take this out in one shot i would need to get a couple of flinches on this thing maybe like maybe two in a row right so go for galaxy brain extra century right there and it's a three hit ko i popped the air balloon i do not get a flinch now it's gonna go for a rising voltage something else is rising and zoroac is going to be going down there right and you can see it's revealed i quite like subdued on zoroark too because you can you know you can hide behind the pokemon it's illusion and you can hide behind the substitute until you get hit by a sound type move of course okay last pokemon here is the night again like the first battle and we got that swapping out and the next pokemon coming here is the groudon am i okay groudon's definitely using a ground type move right i mean what's it gonna have fissure precip blades uh mud slap mud shot i don't know so go for the mystical fire there does a like a lot of damage i was like wow that did so much it was a very very good crit there so dropping the special attack on the groudon right there electric train is gonna go bye-bye i'm gonna go for yet another mystical fire so hopefully i could get another critters wishful thinking because it's gonna live there the next move is definitely gonna take me out and the precipitates actually misses that was so lucky there i definitely would have gone down to a groudon's our precinct blades and no worries like even with my bulky nine tail set it would have got smashed so the last pokemon yuri not that is is the uh thundurus right now i can go for mystical fight in the sun once again here comes the thunderbolt here i thought that'd be quite good if i could drop the special attack of this pokemon right and the next thunderbolt wouldn't do as much so go for mystical fight there i'm going to get that nice clean special attack drop there which is very good plus i've got the leftovers as the item too and we're on the home stretch here people all i got to do is tank this attack and take that pokemon out there i tanked the thunderbolt very very nicely and the bulky ninetas once again was the mvp but i definitely would have lost there if i didn't dodge that move earlier on hope you enjoyed the fox team people i'll be back tomorrow with another alphabet team peace out [Music] you
Views: 63,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fox Pokemon Team, fox pokemon, fox pokemon sword and shield, fox pokemon evolution, fox pokemon starter, fox pokemon gen 8, fox pokemon sword, fox pokemon eevee, alakazam fox, Thievul fox, Ninetales fox, zoroark fox evolution, pokemon fox evolution, pokemon fox with nine tails, pokemon foxy, pokemon fox sword and shield, delphox fox evolution, PIMPNITE
Id: _RlnGaoD01o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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