FULL HALF HP POKEMON ABILITY TEAM! Shiny Zygarde Power Construct, Berserk, Zen Mode, Emergency Exit

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up youtube photos video with me full half health ability pokemon team so these are pokemon abilities to activate at half health we've got berserk defeatus emergency exit power construct wimp out and zen mode now some of these abilities are really good some are kind of bad now if you do want to cheat me on twitch people this right through all my live streams for my theme teams pokemon sweeps shiny hunts all forms of salty entertainment drop me a follow there the link in the description of the video i've got two battles today with a half health abilities team and i really hope you enjoyed that were amazing battles now the first battle this is against a blockhead and this was like this was a crazy roller coaster battle okay first pokemon that we got is the victor but once again if you can see a theme team or anything like that let me know in the comments section people love to bring them along it's awesome right so i've got a whip bodice lead here we've got this interesting whimside set right so i've got the fence going roll out with leech life and spikes the set is uh 252 ev's in health and attack so we've got the vicar fault getting hit by a roll out and now it's going to use a zap cannon and zap cannon is going to annihilate little windpoint in one shot he wasn't the easiest poker one to swap into either when you look at my team now next focus i'm gonna bring in is my drampa right this is a max special attack max health trap of modest nature i've got substitute uh echoed voice dragon breath and water pulse it's pure scum right so with this set you can keep going for echo voice over and over again right but sometimes you might be able to get a paralyzed with dragon breath and when the compara fusion water pulse to try and set you up now it's going to be a scumbag guillotine uh set on the vicar vault going for echo voice they're trying to build up some power uh on that now the next turn i get a quick club which is great so that's going to allow me to get a free sub up here now the reason i did that in case it did have bug buzz because if it hit me with a bug buzz right that would actually help me and put me into berserk range that's what i was sort of hoping for um until i seen the rest of the moves right so the big world is going to get a special defense rise and it's going to be boosted uh you know it's next electric type i'm behind the sub so i'm okay so go for another echo voice that's going to do nothing because obviously i use a different move and you know when you use that moving position it's a lot more powerful so i've got to build those up again but it's okay but we've got the vikavolt actually missing with zap cannon the guillotine that is almost going to be enough to take that that one more will do the job and guillotine is going to move so that was like that was like a zap cunning guillotine vika vote if it's high risk like that's crazy here is like imagine if all those moves hit though like it's got a lot of special attack and guillotine just chomps anything to resist it right so bye bye vikkaval i'm very glad to get around that that was dangerous next pokemon oh it's a goddess but i've got this on my team as well so it's going to go for a first impression obviously that's going to be able to break dramas so that's okay um i'm going to keep going for the echo voice now it's quite funny here because this is going to activate uh it should activate the filthy or this one no just one shot it so um you know it's ability emergency exit didn't even get activated but normally it would have there if i put a half elf overload next poker we've got here is the buzzwole um i thought well i'm going to go for dynamics grandpa because i'd say some form of fighting move is coming my way here and you know something really powerful might be out of one shot by even at full health because buzzwords got to my mark it's a nice attack stat too now go for a dynamic strap here i was thinking should i go for mac strike that's probably the best move i can go for i may even be able to out split the next but no exit out there here comes a dynamic punch it's a blunder policy dynamic puncher that's really cool i like that and i'm going to go for the max strike here and that's going to do some like crazy damage to boswell right and it's going to one shot almost is so so close so dropping its speed but remember it did get a couple of speed boosts from blunder policy before so i've got uh any move can take this out for me i've got max right max woman max geisler any of them will pretty much do the trick here comes donald punch this time it's going to land holy smokes that nearly took me out i am confused right here if i can get a single attack off of here it'll be so strong because berserk has actually been activated by the buswell so i've got a plus one in special attack coming off a modest nature trampoline its special attack is no joke it's very very powerful so while bye bye buzzle i managed to get around the uh the chickens and i've taken like half the team out so far this is this is awesome next pokemon is a center scotch it's called hot wheels now this was one i understood right because when i was a little kid right there was these cars they're called hot wheels they're probably still around now i don't know how popular they are right but you like you put them on like these little tracks you let them go and then like they go they go on the tracks and around and stuff like that how to wind up one too like you pull it back and let it go like go around all the loop loops oh man that that brings me back some very very good memories of my childhood anyway so uh we nearly took the center scorch out and some pretty solid damage it's going to be a rolled out set so hot wheels rolled out i get it very very nice nice touch and uh is going to faint there but that thing went on an absolute rampage there now the next pokemon i'm going to swap in it is going to be zygarde so you don't all know zygarde with power construct they're triggered on those uh you know that shiny dynamax adventure uh i bet there's still some people trying to do that so we've got to stop exchanging glare set with pain spit and scale shot now we got a quick little activation on the center scorcher and it's going to be going for a rollout the ev spread on this set was max attack and max speed we've got jolly nature and i've got king's rock so i'm meant to be doing like uh some damage with a scale shot and trying to go for a flinch at the same time it's gonna drop my defense so probably giving me a better shot to get put into power construct right and also got um glare and stomping tantrum too so i can go glare and then i can go glare again to make it fail and sometimes you get a paralyzed on that tent and then you can go for a stomping tantrum or a double bass trap that's the idea of this set a little bit if i give me a little bit of fun right so in comes the ninjas ninjas is going to be the dynamics pokemon something okay all right i wonder what this is going to be it's going to be a physical zed it's going to be a special that who knows who knows i do like ninja that's a very very cool pokemon then now we've got that a dynamic stingrage right that reminds me of in the fourth gen remakes come back i wonder if i can do anything new with uh shiddinja i have to have a look at that forgets any more moves or i don't know stuff like that or tutors or whatever like that i'm not really sure so we're going to go for scale shot and ninjas out speeding it which just kind of feels good out speeding it in just and we're gonna get some more speed boosts from the scale shot at the end of ten now i don't know what sort of set this is so i'm gonna get that defensive drop and we're gonna get that nice juicy speed rise there which obviously helps the scale shot and getting the flinches now the ninjas are to go for a max knucklehead it's a physical set right there or they're building it uh off the uh off the ninjas to try and boost its attack so got a uh i'm not sure i i don't know like some of these nicknames i i don't know what they mean like i understood the center scorch one but if you can see any other references just let me know in the comment section i always like to see uh there's always like loads of different topics that people bring into battles it's always not really cool so go for a scale shot here again i know it's not doing a lot of damage but it's not like i could go for a stomping tantrum right so i need to get like a lot of hits now i can't flinch the ninjas in dynamics either which is unfortunate and only getting a couple of hits it's not like i'm getting a nice gc5 in a row so here comes my max airstream coming from the nearest and zygarde is going to get destroyed there before i could go into its perfect form but don't worry don't worry power construct will happen in the battle number two this is where the battle start the tide of the battle start the turn so i had the uh the dr the early drampa really gave me a solid lead like that thing like just demolished half the team next fight caught his heart chops the fetus is a horrible horrible ability as you know it's uh attacking especially when it's a half alpha blow and this is a bulky set i decided to get around to the fetus by making a bulky archie offset it actually had some pretty good success so i've got toxic iron defense fly and ruse with the miranga berry max health and max special events now the problem here right is i was versing a pokemon that had a boost in attack already and i wasn't really built on the defensive side i was more used to uh getting some iron defenses up and it's a very very fast pokemon too so this could be simply the first time you ever see a ninja speeder art shop it's like only your pin rush down right so unfortunately early on the toxic miss too jew wingbeat is going to melt me with a crit though that's very very bad that this is bad so bye bye archops and we're going to go into a pokemon that can hopefully uh leave these attacks which i'm thinking i might use my damn mannequin for zen mode right so swapping the dark matter did now we need to get into zen mode right so i've got this flame charge set uh that's special that can match speed tim and nature i just went for flame charge here uh you just gotta pop a dual wing back wow that's doing way way too much damage darm management is going to get melted before i can even go into zen mode however it will be zen mode in the next battle i've got one more poker left right there's still two pokeball remaining and i've got to get past the ninjas all i've got left is golospot i'm like that's going to one-shot me with dual wing bait that's it you know i can't do anything i don't trust spec cd i've got okay frost breath will take the the ninjas but i'm not going to live with jewelry but it missed it actually missed on the very very most important part there um of the battle and uh ninjas is done like that's gonna be funny so i am back in the game right there that was crazy so we had the drampa absolute sweeping right then we had the ninjas and then ninjas being shut down so the last pokemon is a dollar i'm like okay dollar well um man i've got but wait this isn't choice backside this is a throat spray set with a bug plus so i was getting it mixed up with one of my other golfer spots so go for the bug bus here on the dollar dollar is thick it's very thick but the thing about this is right after a plus one is special attack i'll be doing a lot of damage like it'll be a clean two uk go now the dollar's gonna go for a iron defense here i'd say they've probably got recover on their set usually that's how a dollar runs like i've run around a couple of times now bug bus should do a lot of damage here as you know i'm at plus one now so i went for bug bus and i was interested to see what the dollar would actually be able to do here and golovkspot is going to create the dollar i mean i gotta say that would have done a lot of damage anyway like judging on the first initial hit i think that my opponent could only really truly keep going for a cover and recover and recover but uh a crazy battle there thank you for the battle blocker interesting team right there and uh man what a battle it's like a sweet and nearly sweep eight got stopped nearly asleep that got stopped and then you know it's just crazy next battle this one was against arts uh we got a ranguru lead and i've got my wim pod again so i was like okay maybe wimpod can do something this time let's see what we can do right so we're going to go for a defense girl here getting my defense up one stage and then i'm going to go for a rollout so we get this rollout sweep happening right now i've got quick little as the item here hopefully i can go first right so now we've got the uh future side on my whip pod i'm going to get the roll out but it's going to miss i hate that so much and rolo misses now we've got the orangury going for a focus miss here obviously future site is its only uh psychic move but uh you know focus plus still did a bit of damage there so i was like okay let's get some damage off on the orange why i can before i fight and you know that's pretty good damage i'm happy with the leech life damage on wimp i'm very happy about that i've got max health and max attack on this one now orenga is going to go for a focus messiah which is going to put wimpod in its wimp out range which is going to make it swap out of this battle so like okay that's fine at least i'm not going to get an annihilator right at least this time so going to our shop so i had a plan i know that i'm going to take future sites damage right this will activate maranga berry and make me very very bulky right so that's the idea so got a plus one at special defense which is nice i'm very bulky on the special side but i was thinking i need to get a toxic up on this thing and then maybe i can get some rusop and you know try and get some uh you know maybe a couple of pokemon i can down with this there right um i actually normally like to run sky drop with toxic but obviously sky drops not in the game so i couldn't get to that uh you know access that so the situation's going to come in which is this thing i'm going to poison that so i'm like that's not bad that's actually not bad at all now i do have fly in this set but the thing about flyers is not really meant to do like lots of damage and when you're in de fetus range it even does less so while the cgi is going to go for a giga drain putting me into fetus range like this is going to be interesting so this is back to full health now practically i went for an iron defensive just in case it was a physical set um giga drain is going to do nothing i'm not even worried about giga drain at all i mean maybe i nearly said maybe a z move maybe a dynomax would be a problem or if it's got nasty plot and as soon as i was thinking that right it used nasty plots i'm like oh man this is this is not good right so go for fly flying on the sky as you do when you're archeops it's sort of like it looks like it's struggling to flying it really does it's sort of like kind of hovering and just keeping itself in the end so decidua is going to go for a nasty plot number two oh dear this is very very bad like the only thing is i've got a defeatist flying coming all right what could go wrong so go for the fly gear it fails to take out the decision due to the fetus but i did have that initial toxic damage and that was enough just to get it over the line and the situation is gonna find man i'm so glad i got that much damage with toxic next pokemon is the uh doom blade it's like okay well there's not much i can do to do play like should i just go for fly here and it's gonna go for a shadow class like i'm gonna be able to live that easy i've got an iron defense up like this thing is thick so go for fly gear i know that dublin's got the no guard so at least i won't mess with the right then it went for enduro i'm like endura and the jubilee what the that's that's strange like what sort of sets this is going to be right so go for flying dubai right and to my surprise he did a lot of damage i'm like wait wait it's a soroc so zoroark is going to be hidden behind the dew blade and now it's going to get a uh sword dance up which is bad because like physical uh i mean any boost on zara is going to be bad it's got pretty good offensive sets all right so go for a fly again in the sky i need some fly damage and now zarok is going to go for an endure so i will never be able to take even if i got a crit here you know star wars is going to be able to live on one hill so here we come with the defeatist fly again it's so weak it didn't even take so right down to one health and then zoroark is going to eat a landsat very oh no you know what's coming it's going to be spamming night slash and it's going to be critting me every day of the week with a plus seed this is very bad so down goes heart drops that was my bulkiest pokemon right there outside and by zygote of course so bringing back in the wind pod is like maybe i can get a quick law leech life here that'll be amazing unfortunately quickly it's not going to activate only being a 10 chance and wimpod is going to get credit out of this battle now i'm thinking right here am i going to be able to take this thing out i might be able to live with like drampa really really badly or get a quicker on this thing as well so i was hoping for the quick lawyer after drampa's performance in the first battle night annihilates it no quick law just absolutely dominate so bye bye draper this is i've lost half my team now things are starting to get very desperate around here my fingers getting close to that desperation dynamics button so bringing in the zygarde right i'm thinking right here well i doubt this will be able to take a zygarde out in dynamics right and i could go for a stomping tantrum and i could also boost my special events so that might not be all that bad and i might be able to clutch myself back in this game but let's say like it's a very very scary pokemon and i've also got power construct too so even if it does do a ginormous amount of damage power strut will just come in there and give me another health bar you know what i'm saying but i really really do like this pokemon especially in the obviously with power contractors looks awesome looks so like intimidating you know they've got some like a lot of presents about it apart from the pump so anyway we've got the zara gopher and endure again stalling my uh one turner dynamics out i don't know whether they expected me to go for a dynamics or they just wanted to see what move i was going to use i'd say it's probably the latter uh so go for the max quake and uh we've got the zorak living on one health there the most of the time so i've got a free special defense buzz which isn't all that bad it's not all that bad at all and i can go for any attacking move to take out cesaro is going to go for a night slash and knight slash does a lot of damage like that was crazy so let's say i didn't dynamax i would have lived that but it wouldn't have been pretty i would have only had a little bit of health left right uh so go for another next quake and that is the end of zoroark thank goodness that was a very very uh disruptive pokemon dart to verse right there so i've taken the situaya and the zara there's still a lot of pokemon and we know there's a dublin left as well since it was like exposed by the you know zara right next pokemon is orang guru it's gonna be their choice of dynamics pokemon now this thing is really really thick right i wasn't expecting to take this out i do know what the set is however we know that it's a max mindstorm right it's going to help its features like we know that it's got focus smear so it's got a max knuckle max knuckle is not going to be handy though so i said it's probably just gonna go for the max wine store get the psychic terrain on the field and then try and hit me as hard as that but i've got a lot of max quakes up from earlier on so this thing is not hardly even going to touch me so i'm not really worried about it at all i may even be able to get a stomping tantrum against the runs that was my last turn of dynamics right there so oringu of course is going to go for the max mindstorm as you can see it's going to do hardly any damage in middle it doesn't even put me in power construct ranges like this would be great if it puts me out you'll just roll the health over and then i'll be like zooped up again but it didn't the next standard wheel still was fine so that is the end of my dynomax this attack will hit me a lot harder because one uh psychic trains on the field and two i'm not in dynamics anymore so going for glare on the ora guru maybe i might be able to get a paralysia and of course that didn't happen and here comes the maximize up on zygarde right now hits me a lot harder than it did before but still i ate it like a snack and uh we're gonna get some presents here people and this animation like it's funny with sword and shield there's some really really good animations in this game there's some really average ones but that was that's really cool i've always loved that animation on zeitgeist she looks amazing i like zygarde perfect for him too so go for a double glare there i i want to double the bass power stomping tantrum maybe loki hoping for a uh you know a little bit of a paralysis on the orin guru it didn't happen it's okay orangu is our dynamic so now i can go for a double bass power stomping tantrum i don't think any of the pokemon on their team are going to want to swap into this one right so bye bye oranguru it was nice knowing you so i started i started to peg this battle back now after that awful last start next pokemon we got is the crowbars like ah that could be a pokemon that could cause me some problems now it's gonna go for a haze and that's gonna get rid of all my boos i'm like man that sucks so going for the glare was sort of like my one priority on crowbar because crowbar is a very fast pokemon it's got a pretty decent amount of bulk to it as well so all i can do against this is to go for scale shot now if i can get a paralyzed or a flinch this crowbar is not going to be long for this world right so getting two hits was really solid and uh my defense is going to drop there it's okay i'm going to be very very fast so yeah i'm looking at the amount of damage i did so even with leech life leg scythe is going to do monkeys right if i can get five hits that'll do a heap of damage and maybe if you throw a flinch and a paralyzed and then i might be able to take it out first things first though let's go for a paint split there because you know two health bars on zygarde is not enough let's get a third health file right so here comes another leak slide from crowfat i won't be able to go for planes for this time it's not going to really do too much but when you look at it i did get a little bit more health back so i was kind of happy with that i can leave probably two more leaps like so now we're gonna go for the scale shot on crowbar hoping for a paralyzer of flinchier and it's going to eat a bear i'm like man okay that sucks so it's going to get lots more to tell back it was a citrus berry so that's unfortunate but at least i got rid of the berry that's a positive thing there so getting three hits and once again we're getting another defense drop and i'm gonna get another speed because i know that i can still leave a tailwind here however the crowbar is gonna go for uh the uh tailwind here sorry i mean i can live a leech life not a tailwind imagine what would tailwind do to his attacking move right it is i guess it sort of be like hurricane but not as much because i i wind's not really strong it's just like a little wind that sort of comes behind like there's a say there's a storm or something like that a tail wind is like the tail end of the storm so it wouldn't be that strong unless it's a really really strong like hurricane or something like that anyway crowbar is going to go down there to a solid two hits from my zygote and we're going to get another defensive drop let's put it this way if zygo gets hit by a physical move it is definitely going down next pokemon is the dublin this times the duplicate it's not as uh zorrowick hiding behind it i'm gonna go for a glare here and see if we can get that paralyzed on it too but i'm very very excited to use zoroarka when it comes i mean i don't know whether i really do hope they come into the main games you know uh yeah the legends are arceus like all those historian forms if that's how you say it i probably i probably pronounced that wrong but i am very excited but i really do hope to use them in the main series games not the like the the second or spin-off games you know and it really would make sense to me so anyway we got that double endure on the dubai that was a very very risky play right there i don't know what sort of set that was but it is going to get one shot of by stomping chantry my opponent only has one more poke all left i've got i've got a steady three and that is gonna be the fracture really cool shiny as well i'm gonna go for scale shot here it's got a lot of bulk to it it's definitely running like an everlight set i was hoping for a flinch here on the at and i only got two years again and i actually wasn't really lucky with flinches on this set i didn't get very many over the whole course of the time of using it uh here comes a stomping chamber we both got some attention even though that moves not going to do a lot of damage normally i've got like probably negative what four or five or six by now and that is the end of zyga this is kind of fishing so going to buy diamond and we've got three minutes left of the battle so i was like okay three minutes left of battle something like something's got to happen here i've got to try and put this diamantine into zen mode right because i didn't get to use it the last battle i do like zen mode diamanta but it's got awful speed so i need to try and get something going right so uh the the fracture's going to go to sleep with wrestle it's a i'd assume it's a rest sleep talk set and go for flame charges is there to simply boost my speed i've got a hindering and attack nature because i don't really want to do much damage to flame charges they're there you know to boost that speed up so while fracture is going to be sleeping here and indeed it does have the sleep dog we've seen stompy tantra already so i'm guessing that's what their whole strategy was like you know stomping chatter and it's got dragon dance for me oh that's that's kind of bad because that's going to boost speed and of course his attack as well so that's going to be doing a lot of damage so i was like okay let's keep going for the flame charge here i really need my opponent to put me in the range of a zen headbutt so it's not saying head but i zen mode right i'm getting my zen moves mixed up how many z moves are there zen head butt zen mode i'm trying to give moves and abilities i think zen might be the only other any other like move i think so i don't think there's enough tank to make a zen move steve anyway uh we're gonna go for a flame charge number three this time i was waiting for it to hit i knew that'll wake up eventually and put me in uh my zen mode range but i need to do that because my stats are trash at the moment very uh a max special attack he said it was basing off diamonds matter's normal sense so here comes the uh stompy chatroom and my sub is gonna fight which is great i'm gonna go for yet another sub and just keep subbing down into zen mode activates right 60 seconds left of the battle i am in zen mode now finally zen motor is going to be able to trigger and uh here comes a stopping tantrum so i can go for a psychic here and do as much damage as possible will i be able to take the fresh out i was like i don't know because it's got an everlight on it clearly you could see how bulky it was before and here we go here's his end mode dimension it's looking fresh i could go for psych again hope for as much damage as possible man that was matt's special attack too that was thick i got a special defense front which is i guess that's good and uh now we're gonna have a stomach change and that is the end of damage now watch this you're probably like okay that's the end of the battle it's not the end of the battle because right we were both spamming a here right and i got into goalless was like wait i can go for a frost bath can we get it off i managed to press the frost breath and my opponent managed to press for rest just before the zero came up with a 20-minute timer and uh this sort of determined what was going to happen in who was going to be the winner in this battle as you can see with my frost breath that was a clean two uk is a crit and there's always going to be a crit right there and that my friends is the end of the battle really hope you enjoy this one and uh it's a very very interesting team to run with all the half health abilities i'll catch you tomorrow for another video peace out people [Music] you
Views: 49,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power construct zygarde, shiny zygarde sword and shield, shiny zygarde dynamax adventure, shiny zygarde, shiny zygarde all forms, shiny zygarde pokemon go, pokemon power construct, zygarde power construct ability, zygarde power construct, zygarde power construct sword and shield, zygarde perfect form, zygarde 50 percent form, zygarde 10 percent, pokemon zen mode, pokemon zen mode ability, pokemon zen mode darmanitan, pokemon berserk ability, emergency exit golisopod, PIMPNITE
Id: cIiW068GHwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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