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Lowkey salty we didn’t get an exhaust clip of the toter

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 63 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iqstick πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

On my second beer he just now got to the evo. This is some Arnold Schawrzanegger flexing here boys.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tiddi-boi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

"I dont really care about the GT350 it's just a daily beater"

subtle but strong flex

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 44 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Josiah2402 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

An hour and a half video where the filmer was paid upfront
The real flex is flexing on Tommy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TooMuchCamberr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Flex god

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JustRival πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly? If i had to choose the 1 car that sounds the best it would probably have to be the GT350. Overall great car and i love mustangs and V8’s, strong second would have to be any JZ car. Especially the white chaser

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ajkgta17 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I just love the gt350 so much. It's my favorite car alongside the 335i.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GTRAle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

just shows how much of an oddball the Mustang is in that lineup with the JDM stuff, honestly if i had to pick one it would be the white chaser hands down

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SkippyJDM πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up guys and welcome to today's video if you look behind me there are quite a few cars so this is a video that a lot of you guys have been requesting for forever now and I knew that I wouldn't be able to make it happen until the open house where I would have most of my cars in the same place so behind us we have 16 of my cars not every single one of them I guess 17 if you include the Toder and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna start off with a little montage and then I'm gonna get into talking a little bit about the car maybe some of my favorite memories roughly what the specs are and then we'll end it with a cool exhaust note because I'm curious what car you guys think sounds best before I go into too much detail I do want to take a second and just remind you guys how unbelievably appreciative I am of being in this position and being able to be 24 years old and own over 20 cars in all different countries and all different states and be able to make content and share it with you guys I cannot express how rad it is having all these cars that are all drivers cars all very special in their own unique way and if you are new to this channel and you aren't familiar with any of them I'm excited to maybe open your eyes a little bit to a different chassis or a different platform or a different car that you may have known I've had but don't know why it's so special so before we begin there's one other thing alright this is an idea I had the other day and I have the place to make this happen but I need to know that there's interest and that you guys are going to watch the video and share it around because if you don't I'm not gonna be able to afford the track rental because it's going to be crazy but if you guys want to see a side-by-side drag race with every single one of these cars at the same time I need you to go right now and hit the like button on the video if it gets a hundred thousand likes I will do everything in my power to make it happen maybe it will help me be able to convince sponsors to be able to partially fund the track rental because the place that we got to go the stack of this mini car side-by-side is going to cost a lot of money so before we get started this is going to kind of be my disclaimer clip at the end of each time I talk about one of the cars I'm gonna start it up and give you guys a couple of reps because I want to hear which car you guys think it sounds the best so right now I wasn't playing in filming this but literally almost every single car is running so I can get them up to ten so I can walk by turn them on do a couple quick grabs that you guys will see at the end of each segment so I think the only thing crazier than all these cars here in one place right now is the fact that pretty much all of them run except the one missing the engine so that's right now we begin I've lined up the cars in chronological order from when I've purchased them and we're going to start with the e92 335i [Music] so here we have my 2008 BMW 335i and if you guys haven't seen a video already this car meant a lot to me this was kind of the car that gave me the motivation to really start pushing my merch and kind of push my YouTube as a business platform and give me some sort of reason and something to work towards and this car has been a very big symbol for me of kind of where I've come from the only car I've had before this I got in 2011 it was my e46 and I just kind of keep this car around even though it never really cooperates it's uh it's just a big meaningful part of me so going around aesthetically nothing too crazy one new thing that I haven't shared with you guys yet because I haven't gotten around to it you might have noticed I have a new headlight setup on the car these were from Z work lights they rebuilt my headlights for me blacked out the housings and put in some DTM halos I'll put a little link to them if you want to check them out but they did a really good job even out of these little carbon strips to the inside so it really made the car look a lot nicer I just haven't had time to really give you guys an update on this car because it's still not running perfectly and I don't want to start ripping on it until them 100% confident with the tune and everything that's going on with it this car did get ships to the Nurburgring that was a whole big scenario and it didn't actually make it so it is pretty much set up for the track it has big Brembos in the front and the rear it's on some grippy tires with BC forged wheels it's on some custom BC suspension that we actually developed for Sebring so the car handles really well right now it's not the most ideal fitment or alignment spec for racing but I guess the important part that you're probably curious about is what's under the hood so this is an N 54 it's a 3 litre twin-turbo engine from BMW a lot of people like to refer to it as the newer to JZ because these cars can make ridiculous power on stock block right now we are around 750 wheel with a garrett 3584 RS low mounted with a motive single turbo kit so this car like I said it still needs some work I think if it wasn't for the sentimental attachment to this car and kind of the story using everything I've had with it you know I'm one thing I want to do is share with you guys a memory of every single car that kind of means the most to me and that's what I associate the car with and for this it's definitely the beginning of my channel when everything started getting crazy just all of us happen in this car with the red seats with the roof rack on top with our bikes and showing up at the skatepark and doing pulls here and there was always a good time [Music] how to talk to girls without a movie I like your car nice colors it brings out your eyes I'm not it's sick you want a race okay your car actually sounds pretty sick today we're bonding I'll give her a head start but if I had to get rid of one car based on how it feels and how it performs right now it would probably be this one just because the n54 has been such a headache to try to get it to run perfectly there's always little bugs at the BMW these little electrical things going on and right now it's just kind of taking the back burner because it has the least purpose of any of my cars other than to be a fun Cruiser that was kind of my first car so it does have a very very cool custom titanium exhaust that Alberto did for me it's got a wave track LSD in the rear cryo treated axles I think it's got a triple disc clutch for motive it's got little carbon bits like side skirts and three side skirts arrow lip carbon diffuser carbon lip BMW M Performance wheel RTD shifter Brad low maxi and other than that other than that it's kind of stock so Carbon wraps did a cool job and they blacked out my trim for me ultimate auto tend to these windows and other than that it's pretty much a stock BMW so it does look the most stock out of all the cars in the fleet but this car is probably one of them that has the most money into it and I'm hoping soon to get it dialed so it is a good running car but right now it runs I'm just nervous to rip on it until I know it's perfectly sorted so I don't want this video to be 2 hours long so I'm not going crazy crazy into detail obviously you guys know I'm a youtuber and I have made many many videos of each one of these cars so if you want to know more stuff in detail I would recommend searching for videos with a specific car but now what I'm going to do at the end of each clip I'm gonna start it up and let you hear some exhaust sound so at the end you can tell me which one you think sounds the best [Laughter] [Music] so I've had that 335 for five years now and the next car that we're going to talk about that I've had for four years is kind of a hero car of this channel [Music] my s13 or if you want to call it 240 SX or 180sx it's a Nissan 240sx hatch 1989 SR 20 my very first drift car fun little story when I first got this car the plan was me and Jimmy we're gonna kind of share it he was gonna help work on it and stuff and then once I got it up to Connecticut we realized that Lime Rock stopped allowing drifting and I was better off bringing it to Orlando to drift and this car is the only reason why I know anything to do with cars because before it I don't really mod cars I don't know how engines worked and then within my first like couple weeks of owning it through some rocker arms ended up having to take apart the engine and I learned a lot very very fast so walking around will talk about this car aesthetically real quick origen aggressive arrow a door that needs to be slammed shut because of Alberto's in juku cage that presses up against the door panels that I had to have but walking around you know we got again the door mirrors I've got a bien hood some custom LZ splitters bash bar tucked down in there 1718 staggered works er Kies and then we have some cts-v Brembos in the front a little bit overpowered for this car but I like them dual caliper z32 brakes in the rear still the same Buddy Club exhaust that this car came with which is kind of funny it's had a couple different modifications throughout underneath the car but standard drift car stuff you know is our arm subframe bushings serial 9 shifter my favorite setup what else color combo I kind of kept on from the previous owner if a car was supposed to resemble a Frappuccino so it was like cream on the outside and then kind of like a chocolaty mocha on the inside when I got the car it was just like a stock SR hatch that hadn't really been touched or even tracked at all and still got an SR in it I'm not the prettiest engine bay I stole the filter for another car but uh kind of standard drift car stuff some big missions Misha radiator here at g20 5 turbo it is a fully forged SR that mean Alberto put together stock compression or half over I don't remember exactly but it is still tuned on a stock ECU our ascent will be tuned it and the car makes somewhere in the mid 500s and about five hundred foot pounds of torque depending on how much boost I run but if you want to wear those cars been driven in a while right now you'll notice an exhaust clip I don't start it because as a dead battery so I had to leave it running with a jump pack other than that it's missing a diff I brought it to get rebuilt because it was making kinda a little bit of noise and it's just taken longer than we expected so car certainly being crashed a couple times but uh I like to keep it clean and I haven't been really drifting it a whole lot just because I'm always nervous to get it crashed up and I have so many other drift cars to go crash so for me to take it out it's kind of on special occasions special tracks or driving with other people but um I don't know this car just means a lot to me because it is the car that I learned how to drift on and I don't know how I want to keep it around forever this car and the BMW that I forgot to mention are both on e85 pretty much all these cars are on e85 or specifically ignite ready 90 ignite is one of my biggest sponsors and and I run their fuel and pretty much everything even my cannon so it kills me knowing that I'm going to forget a lot of stuff when I'm going over these cars but I know a lot of you guys have been watching the videos forever so you do know a lot of the other end of details and stuff but all these cars have so much time and energy and effort poured into them that it makes it really tough to just kind of go over them quickly before we move on to the next car I would have to say my fondest memory how the s13 is doing my very first donuts at south-of-the-border with Jimmy during the wheel drop the clutch using enough [Music] bubble and some wasn't scared to burn rubber had a focus LLC oh come on there we go not bad around here you burned way more rubber than I was hoping you would I paid for the tires I was trying to conserve some wherever and Adam just like let me just burn all of it all but it's okay let's go we still got so much we're gonna go get some fireworks hi works so when we first got this car we drove it from Florida straight up to Connecticut barely even touch the car barely even worked on it made it the whole trip up sketchy things loose very bumpy suspension but um I don't know there's just a very memorable moment to me for that car and it's it's been through a lot with me it's been all over the country and one other cool thing I love keeping this little Summit pass in here from when I drove this car up to Pikes Peak the elevation was had it running so bad and that it was so rich I would have to unplug the injectors just to start it up there but anyway here's my s 13 and I'll let you hear it [Music] since we're going in chronological order before I go to the s 15 the car that I got after my ass their team that was technically my second drift car is actually over in Japan right now so I bought a jzx 100 Cresta that is kept at power vehicles over at FSU and I go over there and I drive it I try to drive it once a year sometimes it's you know not once a year or maybe two times a year but I'm just gonna put a little montage in here of that car maybe I have some clips going over the specs but uh here we go everyone this is Alexi from nori Erik coming all the way from Japan specifically every su circuit that down there is a bee suit Minami course or South course you may have heard of it before it's one the most famous drift tracks in the world and I've got something really interesting to show you guys so we all have watching Adams drifting shenanigans these days but this is his new drift car [Music] this is the car that Adams picked up at JC x100 Cresta so here's the engine basic 1jz vvt-i still got the standard turbo but that's fine keep it nice and reliable this cars gonna be really good here at ABC circuit my favorite part about the car definitely interior so I'm gonna start with that it's got these sweet Recaro seats I have of course my garage moon power collab floor mats has got dΓ©fi gauges all aligned in the - door cards are super clean this isn't wrap so I don't know if is a fter market trimmer what the heck it is but it looks cool I don't know if it's stock I've got the all seats harnesses in they look amazing very happy thank you - yahshua factory bride the car overall is it in terrible shape missing some headlights and got some dents and dings but it's in pretty good shape considering how many monsters it's been to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'd say fondest memory with that car was going over that jump at Minami that's just like such a famous track and such a famous spot that I've watched so many videos of to finally drive it myself and you know link it and tandem over it was just a really really rad feeling so that's that [Music] moving on to what is actually the most expensive car in the fleet which you may not assume is my f15 so this car was sponsored and built by an tjuku racing and originally when I got the car I was actually after my a Basu trip I had a 2j that turned into a 3/4 2j that me and Alberto were building that was supposed to go in my cream car because I was having so many sr problems and after Japan I realized that simple is better and I should keep an SR in it because keeping the engine that came in the chassis is just so much less headache and I was about to weigh over build my old reliable car so I actually bought this as 15 just as a extra chassis to put the engine in and it slowly escalated into what is now an FD car so when I was initially working through it within juku I kind of wanted an FD level car that I could take out to festival events like hyper-fast or grid life drive around town and I had no interest in doing any sort of program or FD or anything as you guys know I wound up doing Formula Drift Pro 2 with the car after petitioning for my license I didn't do the best but I did end up qualifying first at one of the rounds I placed second at one of the last rounds and I wound up winning my pro 1 license so that's pretty cool first year with this car it's a phenomenal car definitely the fastest car that I own this car runs on an ECU master EMU black and it was tuned by Titan and right now as it sits it is turned down just for safety and it makes right around the mid 7os for power probably in the 600's for torque so as you guys know we've had it turned up as high as a thousand but it was unnecessary for pro to to run that much power I don't know what we're gonna necessarily do for next year in regards to power but there's definitely gonna be some changes aesthetically you'll notice this car is covered in signatures right now was just kind of a cool little activity I thought we do at the open house let everyone sign the car since it is going to get rewrapped and or painted next year but aesthetically this is a vertex hood a full vertex edge wide-body we've got BC forged wheels z32 calipers ganador mirrors and there's so much to talk about with this car that I'm probably just gonna film stuff and show you but this car as well as that car as well as that car are all on full deesh works fueling with pumps and injectors all obviously a 90 or e85 safe I've got a pretty cool fuel cell with an integrated surge tank and then you'll see back here in the trunk is where the magic happens well that's a crazy fabric in here the whole entire chassis is stitch welded powder-coated for your mount radiator some big fans you notice down here we've got a quick change rear end wise fab front and rear we've got to tell you guys what do I have on this car right now I have chica Tek full arms and everything angle kit on that car this car is on bc2 way adjustable coilovers the f13 is on custom specked out grippy BCD S series coil overs quick note in case you aren't familiar if you ever go to our site LCM FG comm we are an authorized dealer of BC coil overs and if you want us to help you set up a set of coil overs for your car whether it be track you stripped you street use we can help you custom setup the perfect set of suspension to give you a good ride if you want stance we can help you get stance if you want grip we can help you get grip whatever you want we got you so this cars got a lexan rear window om side windows and front window doesn't have windows in the side bub from and juku who no longer works there unfortunately did a phenomenal job building this car his mom did an awesome suede - this car in the s 13 of Sparco seats this cars running I think like a 75 shot of nitrous to help spool the turbo a little bit forty shot actually electric water pump it's down there ECU master everything we got there PDM there - sam sona sequential transmission awesome billet plate that bub made and back we have a fresh air system we've got a cool suit system pool fire suppression system there's cars basically built to formula drift spec so there are certain things on a checklist that you have to have on your car in order for it to pass and this car has it all including a custom carbon fiber roof because my original one was dented so a friend of ours anthony low low carbon actually custom made me a removable carbon roof I haven't ever pulled it off but I can there's just little screws if I wanted to drive this around like a convertible still got to do that I've just never around to it but um Achilles one two three rubber very very grippy now the magic is underneath the hood on this thing so this car has a fully built three for Brian Crower stroker 2jz and see the wise fab down there everything's cut out we got our little nitrous down there I've got a custom sleeper designs intake manifold d schwarze fueling I got pretty cool intercooler power steering oil cooler setup polished Garrett 3584 RS full oval tubing underneath the car dumps over by the diff just in case I back in anything single wastegate it's got a modded subframe custom ma Motorsports catch-can man there's so much going on with this car this is a vvt-i engine so it does have variable timing we've got some rad Dan components down in there not the prettiest thing but this is a used race car custom milk spec firewall connectors originally based off of a wiring Specialties harness that we just made a few modifications to some custom tightened valve covers and like I said there's just so much to talk about it would be probably a three-hour video if I said every little thing about the car but like I said fortunately there are many videos on this car walking you guys through it the whole process of building it where you can learn more about it so that's gonna be it for that's 15 I would say my favorite moment of owning this car was the battle that I had at the last round in Texas against Beecham when I entered and I was a little bit too close but I didn't lift and I think I tapped his door like three times it was just such a rad feeling even though we ended up losing that battle it's still probably one of the best moments ever driving this car and I just put a massive smile to my face so we'll see a little bit more posture a little bit more poise there but Beecham a good lead front doesn't get lonely into that second again learn from your mistakes LZ noches it out of the way into that final outer zone goes Trenton Beecham and there is Adam L see a great run from both of these drivers Ryan let's look at it again congratulation extra noise for Adam LZ his that is minus 15 and now I will let you listen to it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank God we have an easy one we have my 2017 Mustang gt350 this is also one of the cars that I would get rid of if I had to get rid of it it means the lease to me I have the least time into it walk it around we'll give you a really quick rundown on everything I've done to it Ford Performance Springs upgraded sway bars originally I use this thing for tracking a lot so I did have nto one sticky rubber on it got a full American Racing Headers exhaust the whole deal sounds great flat playing revs great makes like 500 wheel got a lund flex fuel tune that I run mostly ignite read on this car is really really good when you have the Ignite red they're kind of naturally lazy down low but when you put these cars on e85 it just picks up a bunch of mid-range torque and it feels way better than it does in stock form underneath the hood looks fairly stock we got a carbon intake little oil air separator it's got about 16,000 miles on it at this point it's a fun car it's a great daily the purpose that it mainly serves is to let my friends use it or use what all the other cars are broken it's a car that I leave at the airport it's a car that I just don't really care about that much because it is something that I haven't really put much time or money into and it is just kind of it doesn't necessarily feel like my car so I know I didn't really say well the other purposes are for these cars so I'll go through it real quick s13 hero car drift occasionally this Formula Drift big Comp car this kind of beater daily used the loosely best memory with the GT 250 probably taking on adventure drives and driving all through the Midwest and the canyons and stuff and getting a drive around with a bunch of exotics see to the river see to the root in 2.8 miles turn left there the car really shined for me because it has a double overdrive and sixth so on the highway you could cruise at like 120 and the RPMs would be low and didn't really use that much gas a blast in the canyons super comfortable besides the fact that the seats give me back pain it's a good road trip car sounds great I've had a blast with it on the track and I've been blown away every time I drive this car how good it sounds and how rowdy it is [Music] did you tramline quite a bit which is kind of annoying so the front end will kind of like pull you around on the roads and you think that it would have a bad alignment but it's just kind of how the car is and unfortunately other than that it's a great car but um it's nothing I'm super super crazy about the like is the best thing about it is the sound and I'm about to play the sound clips now [Music] the next car is one of them that's probably given me the most I don't want to say return but the most fun per dollar my 350z say 2008 HR 350z that i originally got for $5,000 with a bad clutch and some body damage and this car the reason why i got it me and Taylor knew that driving is used was the way to go it was the most cost-effective most fun per dollar they just run forever and they're great for drifting we were never fully convinced until we convinced our friend method June so yet one saw him slaying and running everybody's doors with faster cars me and Taylor were convinced to get them and this was my choice so walking around aesthetically I've got an APR front splitter mounted to a bash bar I can't remember the guy that makes these unfortunately but someone will know and comment down below dual mission moto oil coolers or maybe actually just getting one so oil cooler winds power steering cooler if I remember correctly a nice little custom bumper cut we have carbon crown crafting front fenders I've rear ones but I like to leave it metal until you really need it because this you can hit up a bunch of times and it'll never really give you a problem but fiberglass cracks got these cool little door protectors that don't really do anything but they kind of look stupid and I like this thing looking stupid it's got a very very custom titanium exhaust that started off as a Tomei and ended up being remade like 8000 times we used to have it coming up through here shooting fire but it would just melt everything including the taillight and the bumper this cars purpose is just to thrash I'll let other people drive bang doors with people definitely fondest memories or banging doors with Taylor and Matt the ginge all over we want a team tandem comp and the Poconos with these things got some cool Zack tech louvers here's a really cool looking car and somehow it stayed somewhat clean with how much I abused it 18 by 9 and a half plus 10 cosmas wheels inside like I said it's still fairly clean Sparco seats still stock trans just some sort of I think it's got an action clutch in it nice little tucked-away PBM handbrake all nice still full interior still works well it does have nitrous on it my purge is in the car because I originally did it as a secret when I had a confidence man I didn't want him to know that I had nitrous so that's somewhat hidden back here I tried to keep it like black and orange theme with this bar but this is just tried-and-true Sally right here because the nitrous it actually is a little bit slower than it could be Martin did originally tune this car still stock ECU but it made I think I don't even know what it made maybe 275 wheel or something stupid but you have to pull a little bit of timing out for nitrous so without nitrous it's a little bit slower but it's got am intakes on it engines pretty much bone stock nothing done to it with nitrous I think it makes close to 350 wheel without nitrous I think we're in the mid high 200 so like 250 275 but it's plenty for drifting I run 265 tires on it it's got a ton of grip and this thing is a force to be reckoned with so suspension wise again custom BC Racing coil overs D S series ton of grip I think I got 4 K springs in the rear this thing practically does real ease it's got wise fab suspension dual caliper in the rear and it's probably one of the nicest driving cars it feels very nice and new inside very smooth wheel doesn't shake I really like it it's a great car and it's not going anywhere because I've so little money into it and this thing is just reliable as heck I mean I've had that temp gauge repeating so many times it's got like 130,000 miles on it it just keeps on ripping so here's some exhaust clips it makes lots of cool pops and bangs and let me know what you guys think [Music] [Music] all right the r32 skyline kind of came about in a weird fashion so I really wanted a chaser after being in Japan so much and I didn't want to pay the price for them because they're really expensive in the States fast forward I did end up getting two of them but when I built the skyline it was me trying to create a chaser I think the car actually paid way too much for I paid like 13 grand for a and RB 25 that was already swept into it turned out to be blown up so everything was pretty much changed but I just still did keep the same ps2 skit because I thought it looked cool added beyond hood to the mix I just put some I think D magic front fenders I can't remember um my friend ant did this livery and super Wow factory did the cutting and then my friends were written vision helped me do the all the graphics in my garage but I walking around it's got a D max OD max front fenders not D magic D max D max wing D max wing I did read tune because I thought it looked a little bit different again work see archive wheels 1718 staggered dual Z 32 s in the rear Z 32 in the front full G K tech kind of similar to my s 13 in terms of setup but under the hood it's a lot different it's not running perfectly at the moment after pulling the engine to do some leak fixes it started acting kind of funny so I need to retune it with Jaime Marsh who was tuned this car and had a phenomenal job makes around 600 real high 500s for torque it's got a pretty cool custom Doc race manifold with a Garrett GTX 3071 gen - I'm trying to get a shot to show you guys but it's got a like camo coated manifold down in there well you've probably seen it single external gate this is series 2 RB 25 RB 26 covers with better baffling looks pretty I actually have a VT see real Oh ocation so I could do the individual throttle body mod that comes off the RB 26 for better throttle response full d schwarze fueling painted the engine bay cool little aftermarket vibart vacuum manifold lots of vibrant goodies all over here this is a otaku manifold that they custom put my logo on lots of cool little custom bits or these radiator brackets made from togh a factory still got the same HKS intercooler that came with the car actually flows pretty well and I've got a little Mishimoto oil cooler tucked in back there that also has a fan that you guys can't see got a vibrant catch-can down in there very cool HPI radiator that I actually got there HPI radiator saver it's kind of hard to see but it covers half of the radiator so this car does still have a/c and it's ice cold I tend to daily this car a lot and stay super cool with this custom shroud that I made and these two fans that we were able to fit in their custom hard lines go into the turbo because I dish ooze melting stuff engine wise it is fully built it's got all the typical RV mods it's got different sized restrictors too less oil to the head it's got one of my blocked off it's got the head drain it's got the needle oil pump so it pumps a lot of oil it's got an extended sump LS coil packs nothing too too crazy but kind of standard stuff in the RB world but it is a very very cool setup car again custom setup BC D S Series coil overs thing has a ton of grip I've always taken pride at how clean the interior on this car is it's got bribed hello max reclinable seats it's got Nismo floor mats they are the cool carbon back ones going forward I think this is a mind shift boot that I got off Tommy with a Nismo shift knob it is again a CDO nine with the serial nine shifter perfect location I got no lift shift so I can shift fast cool little bits like this Nismo cigarette lighter a little radio delete panel I made since I control my radio right here I've got a little tiny amp in the trunk and then always trying to keep it clean and simple we've got a nice little handbrake setup here Nardi real custom little carbon backplate that our friend Anthony made along with an ECU master digital dash so I like to think that this is very tasteful and clean yet very functional drift car cool story and probably one of my fondest memories with this car is the fact that we built it I got this car only like a little over a year ago which is kind of crazy because I feel like I've had it forever and instantly brought it up to Connecticut and delete it for like three months straight and with a freshly swapped car that you've changed a ton of stuff on that's that's pretty well [Music] [Music] [Music] so it does take a little bit of maintenance to keep up especially with all the rottens getting loose and issues with them blowing out with all the bumpy roads in Connecticut being a very slammed and low car but this car is very very fast very fun to drive brakes feel great power feels great it sounds great it takes like all the boxes for me so I really really love it I was never crazy about sedans but it did end up coming out pretty cool I like how it looks I know I'm gonna forget some sponsors and some people that have provided me parts on all these different cars and I'm sorry in advance there's just so much to think of and me trying to do this quickly before we lose all our sunlight I know I'm going to forget some stuff so I will show you one last thing on this car inside the trunk we got a pretty wild set up like I said before I've got that little amp tucked out in there the battery is relocated to the trunk and then we've got a Dee Schwartz fueling system with a surge tank here two of their pumps and then a DW 400 in tank I do plan on may be doing bedliner or something to clean this trunk up I just haven't gotten time to do it yet so that is one of the things in the list for this car other than that I know DK tech came out with a revised version of the front knuckles that I want to try switching to and maybe make this car drive a little bit better but it is a very easy car to drive I like to describe it as a good mix of my s13 and my 350z because it kind of has a lot of grip and it's kind of more stable than my f 13 but it's more nimble than the 350z a lot more fun to drive so I don't know necessarily what the purpose for this car is going to be maybe at the bigger festival events since I found it's way too expensive and too much of a headache to run the S 15 I kind of am toying with the idea of putting a cage in this car and bucket seats in the rear one of my limiting factors is because this car doesn't have a cage I'm not allowed to drive a lot of the bigger events but also if you are familiar with race car stuff is any more dangerous to be driving a car with a cage on the street than it is to be driving a car without a cage on the track especially with drifting stuff and especially at a lot of the tracks that I drive with this but maybe I'll do bucket seats in the rear and this can turn into like a drift taxi or something but other than that it is one of my favorite cars it makes cool noises I don't necessarily know what the purpose is originally it was supposed to be a thrash car and then the RB 25 that was in it ended up having to be escalated into something wild and it lost all of its simplicity so it is still a car that is very very good stays cool rips makes noises and his blast to drive but it kind of scoped creeped into something that it wasn't intended to be like I said though even though it's kind of running funny right now what you guys might be able to hear in the exhaust clip it does sound great [Music] my all-time favorite car that is a little bit dirty right now you guys all know and probably as most of the air time on my channel as of lately is my 1998 evo 5 [Music] so this car if you want to know the story behind why I got an Evo I never realized how good all-wheel-drive cars were and I really had no clue even when I got this I wanted a beater car to have up in the north because I started hanging out more in Connecticut and I wanted a car that I could put snow tires on and thrash around in the winter I was looking at Evo weights because I heard that Evo's were more reliable than Subarus I thought it was cool in the 4g63 is an awesome platform and I wanted to finding this car for about the same price that I was gonna pay for an Evo 8 Tommy found it for me in Texas and it was just way cooler and more different and I thought you guys would like it on the channel and it wound up being something that I fell in love with this car I have build to be the ultimate back road monster also have been testing a lot at the track and I've upgraded stuff with track stuff in mind but this car is incredible more fab made me a custom titanium exhaust I deleted a YC and an Evo 8 rear-end it's got all custom chromoly race fab arms in the front and the rear just that stuff alone with a carbon driveshaft shaved so much weight off this car that it weighs in in the low 2700 s so a car that makes 500 wheel actually a little over 500 wheel almost 500 foot-pounds of torque weighs 2,700 pounds and his all-wheel-drive is crazy this car I did gyro disc two-piece rotors on it it's got upgraded gyro disc pads it's got the factory Brembos that were coated with aftermarket stainless lines I think the wheels are 17 by 922 te 37 s our triple-a our tires 245 all around some little custom carbon bits that I had to wait forever in order from Japan I never realized how good all-wheel-drive cars are like around corners and stuff I always thought it was more of a drag racing so when I learned how good these things handled I fell in love and I don't know it just looks cool it looks like something out of a cartoon again of our mirrors game the door mirrors you'll see a common theme with pretty much everything I own is ganador mirrors so this Evo primarily lives up in Connecticut where it's kept and I Drive it around on all the back roads up there and unfortunately I did blow it up at a sore point in time I don't remember his launch controller hitting limiter but I lost the bottom end and Hemi performance helped me out and sponsored an engine build so this thing has a fully built ma performance forged bottom end built head it's got GSC valvetrain cams runs again on ignite red fuel it is tuned on a thin loan by Jamie Marsh he did a great job on this car it always runs great Hemi performance manifold it's got a coil radiator still has AC engine bay obviously isn't the prettiest but you guys don't have to worry about that again custom SPECT out B C D S Series suspension with Swift Springs most of my cars have twin discs if I can get a twin disc for the application I'll have a twin disc in it this car is OS guy can twin disc I don't remember what other brand clutches are having all the other cars and interior wise pretty much stock comes with really nice Recaros it's got a suede and already in it shifter stock I thought about going to AC shifter I actually got one segment do but I just like the stock look of this car it's very much a time capsule when I Drive it I feel like I'm driving a car to the 90s I have a blast it just feels happy I set up kind of high and this car just really takes all the boxes for me it looks great sounds great gets decent fuel mileage it's comfortable I can fit four people in it it's a blast on the track it's reliable it sounds great it looks great that engine is awesome on the track it pulls hard out the corners it's special if I had to keep one car out of all these and get rid of all the others I say over and over again it would be the Evo only Ian can do it that is drift but other than that this car is sick probably one of my favourite memories with this car is driving it up to Florida right after I got it stopped in the Poconos and did a track-day up there I stopped in the Smoky Mountains ripped it around there scared the pants off all my friends but yeah this car is definitely one of my favorites I think it's one of the coolest builds definitely is the most character it's a blast and other than the fact that launch control is currently enabled because of car standing still and when we rub super high let me know what you guys think about how it sounds [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] all right next one's a quick one we have the 2019 is it 2019 I think it's 2019 Ford f-350 powerstroke so coolest part about this car it's got wicked customs leveling kit and some big fat specialty forged wheels in the back we've got some Toyo open countries in the front we got the same nice aggressive look but they make zero road noise i tota the wheels are 22s they look sick the car drives great the truck drives great and then we also have big effin trucks helped me out with all the paint match stuff like door handles mirrors emblems grills all blacked out white Ford emblem then my favorite part of all is the black platinum tailgate so this cars cool I really don't drive it that much it's usually just a kind of a tow vehicle I thought I would daily it but I kind of missed my single rear wheel truck originally when I knew that I was going to do FD I thought that I was gonna use this with a gooseneck but then it turned out better to get the Toder home which we'll talk about shortly and this thing kind of became overkill and is just used for my single hitch trailer so unfortunately I wish I still had a single wheel truck maybe I'll trade this in but it does have a GMO performance exhaust as you guys will soon hear it does have some special stuff going on underneath and it has a PPI tune so this thing's rad got a little bed cover on it most of my cars don't have any damage except for Tommy when he worked for me did hit his sign with it in front of my shop that he still denies but we know he did it just kind of an ongoing joke I don't really care but other than that yep that's my truck don't have much memories with this truck because I don't really drive it that often on my own but I will say one of my best memories with my last truck it was pretty much the same thing was not having any clue about how to tow and helping the big truck with a big giant 30-foot trailer and going across the country because I learned real fast what to do and what not to do so many like crazy circumstances happen and made it through [Applause] [Music] as I said before it was always a dream to own a chaser so this jzx 100 that I picked up I don't you remember how it came about or how I found out it was for sale I wish it wasn't so clean originally this was supposed to be a drift car but I turned out that this is one of the cleanest new zx100 I have ever seen and I just couldn't let myself ruin it so this one does have a vertex body kit it has these SS r wheels that i did have on my S 15 at one point it's got a pretty cool finish where they kind of have a color-changing face kind of aggressive specs so I have to run more camber than I'd like the car isn't really that drivable but it looks great and it's kind of my show car if you will so look at that thanks sick this car has very very nice fab work done by my friend Fidel cash flow it's got a full titanium exhaust underneath powder coated subframe with all serial mine bushings I do plan on changing out the trans in this it currently has a CD in it I just don't like how it feels it makes kind of bit too much clunky noise with the solid bushings that it might swap parts with my other jzx 100 and inside I'm not the craziest about it because it is tan interior this car was originally an n/a auto car that was swapped and you'll see in the interior it's kind of mismatched right now I did put Ricardo SR threes in it I got black door panels but I didn't get all the carbon trim so I've got wooden trim here and there different color - parts and I plan to change stuff around from the other car but this thing is currently stock ECU just from the innovate wide bin gauge but it does have some cool stuff going on underneath the hood oh and again the baddest shifter in the business the serial nine short shifter for the CDO nine another cool thing about this car that you don't see very often it does have a digital cluster it's kind of a cool thing that sets it apart makes you feel like you're driving a spaceship I don't know I like it again custom SPECT out B C D S Series suspension it's got a blitz intercooler up here this car actually does have a Garrett G 25 660 turbo so this car could make around 600 wheel even though it's a stock 1j it'll take it thing is I just never want to take it off a stock you see you because stock ECU is so simple and I don't really have the tire or the alignment to make more than what it makes now which is around 350 wheel after that you run out of stock injector but the cool thing is the stock is usable compensate up to so other stuff in the engine bay I've got a custom exhaust manifold began made by my friend Fidel cashflow custom down pipe tile external gate sounds great some custom fattened intercooler piping and stuff still math still stuck ECU not the prettiest engine bay but it works I want to do some gauges in this car and like I said swap around some interior bits at some point I would love to throw this car on ignite red you know put some injectors in and an ECU but we should be able to turn the boost way up Oh actually never mind the reason why I haven't done that because that is pretty easy because the car needs a clutch the clutch definitely won't handle around anything more than probably 400 wheel so there's no reason for me to do that but I do have a couple different transmission and clutch setups thinking about putting the v1 60 in this car man this thing looks so good best memory with this car I would have to say is when Jimi came down and we slammed it on these wheels and I was ripping a burn out in the parking lot out front side step in making all the cool noises [Music] and my god it's been a blast it is a show car which is you'll notice most of my cars are drivers cars they're all set up they all have great suspension good brakes I can take any of them in the track whether it be drifting or Road course or whatever and just go thrash but this is the one car I have that isn't really suited for doing anything other than cruising but it is fun because it just lets me kind of relax when I'm driving around and just kind of chill and have fun and cruise so this car is going to get some TLC hopefully soon to get it more how I want it to be but it isn't going to go through any major changes unlike some of the builds that we're about to get to [Music] [Music] [Music] before we talk about the gg3 which is next the next car that came about was my Evo over in Australia so the story behind that car I picked it up because it was super clean it's rare dandelion yellow it was fairly cheap over in Australia and the idea kind of was that I was going to do this crazy thousand horsepower build because there's a lot of companies in Australia that we're gonna sponsor stuff for it and I will tell you after doing five hundred wheel in my Evo I decided I do not want to do more than five hundred wheel an Evo it will just be an undriveable car I like to be able to drive the crap out of all my cars and it's just too much for the chassis in my opinion sure you can make it work but I'm really really happy with that power level I don't know what I'm gonna do that car I do plan on bringing it over I don't keep you guys updated once I figure out more [Music] I've had plenty videos talking about the gt3 RS and why it means so much to me probably the first car I have ever purchased that was purely for me and not for some reason that it was super cheap or something that I thought would make a lot of good content I got this car because it is the best driver car on the market in my opinion but a lot of people's opinion this is a 20-19 gt3 RS with a Weissach package exposed carbon hood exposed carbon roof exposed carbon spoiler everything about the car is pretty much stock I do have done Dhin headers and had done an exhaust setup it was really fun getting to work on this car myself I did it with my friend Matt and we you know put everything in I've got some tow hooks that I put in for strapping it down I should say strapped down hooks I don't know you'd call them and the rear end in the front presidential detailing fully corrected the car coated it and then auto paint guard did do a phenomenal job using Sun tech ultra repairing or not repairing of wrapping pretty much all the stuff that would get ROC tips because you know having this thing on the track doing over 140 miles an hour it's gonna get Rock chips favorite thing on this car my custom roll cage that Titan made for me with my LZ kind of cut into the metal looks very very cool very cool interior one of my favorite bits about it all the Alcantara and the orange stitching had to wait like three months extra for that stitching but super worth it this is well I should say used to be one of my only automatic cars and I was kind of on the fence about getting a gt3 non RS so I could get a manual one but the PDK is really fun it is the most direct feeling thing in the world super fast on the track it's just a different driving experience I will say I'm getting kind of bored of it it's a blast on the track and a fun to drive around but it's hard to be in situations where I can fully put the car to use and I like being able to drive the crap out of my cars so in Florida the thing kind of sucks because it's not fun just going stoplight to stoplight but taking this thing up to Connecticut having it with the Evo tearing up backroads driving with my friends making cool noises echoing off the mountains that's where this thing shines I'd say fondest memory with the car is probably taking it up to the Smoky Mountains and ripping up there with everybody and doing a whole smokey GT Cystic Fibrosis fundraiser with a bunch of rad older guys that love to abuse the crap out of their gt3 s so this thing really shines on the track I'm super super fortunate to have it it's always a blast to drive but it's not the most exciting car for content and you won't see it pop up on the channel that much but I don't plan on getting rid of it anytime soon probably keep it forever but it is cool because it is one of those cars that hold to tell you really really well I think on the registry only 1% of cars in North America are lava Orange and I think even less Weissach package I think there's about 10 cars in this set up in the state so it is pretty rare the reason why I did lava orange a it was one of my favorite colors and B they did a bunch of cars that were 99 1 this cars 9 now 1.2 their launch colour was kind of a lava orange so I knew that not many people would get it because they don't want to have their car look like the last generation but then everyone gets the new color which was lizard green and then everyone's got lizard green ones and I had a cool kind of unique one that was love orange originally I had to paint disable allocation but Porsche stopped that and this car was supposed to be maritime blue which would have been really cool it was gonna be maritime blue with black wheels but ended up having to revert to lava Orange and I still love it and it still is very cool and special to me you'll notice on the Rev clips it's not rubbing to 9 grand like it actually does because the cars just don't let you unless you're rolling so keep that in mind but it does sound great [Music] next step is my 2019 kin am turbo are XDS [Music] I didn't know whether or not I should include this in the video but I posted it up on Twitter and everyone said I should because it has four wheels and is technically something that can be driven on the street so it's pretty much stock but it does have some bolt ons from Evo race works her evopower sports one of the two I always get them mixed up it is on ignite red fuel it makes around 200 all wheel which is crazy with the tune it's got a few little turbo mods and stuff it has pretty cool exhaust setup a lot of this stuff I actually got through km for it like the speaker setup that is very rad and integrated their harnesses I still got to do a roll cage people like to upgrade the roll cage on these I have rolled it twice now so it would be a good idea I got the windshield the roof nothing too crazy I still got to change the arms out I have one vent it's just kind of like a weak point of it reason I got this thing Tommy had one kind of was probing me to get one so I go drive with him so I really like riding this thing up north and like rally trails and stuff not too crazy about jumps I'm not too crazy about going in the dunes or mud pit certain stuff but I like pretending that I'm a rally car driver so probably some of the most fun I've had in the past year has been on this thing doesn't make for the best content but it kind of was a random last minute splurge decision and I definitely don't regret it launches like crazy it's super fast it sounds cool I love it [Music] to the 370z is probably one of the biggest cars on my channels right now a Kaz Roy it's called Z Roy because it was kind of a mock of cletus's Leroy that had twin-turbo sticking out of the hood you'll see right now it doesn't have an engine in it because the engine has blown up for a second time but it is going to be giving another engine I don't know how soon but stay tuned because we will probably have an update on this car and the next day or two of all the new stuff going on with it it does have a pretty cool shine auto front bumper as well as some shine Auto side skirts that I haven't put on it yet did make around 700 wheel with twin Garrett G 25 turbos spooled like crazy tuned by RS enthalpy stock ECU big Akebono brakes some cheap wheels that I got just because this car was supposed to be a burnout car but has kind of escalated into more of a drag car I really want to run tens with this car maybe even nines at some point suspension wise custom BC has some Forge aligned we lie think that Titan was kind enough to lend to me with some big 28 bias-ply sticky tires nothing too crazy in the rear except for a very crazy setup in the trunk just kidding I kind of lied it doesn't have a battery in it so I can't show you what's in the trunk but it's got a pretty cool setup with an ice chiller for the intake manifold because it is water to air and then another tank that's a water sprayer for cooling the radiator if I'm doing super long burnouts this car still CD trans got a crazy gnarly twin disc setup in it it's got a dash that was destroyed I really got this car because it was a good deal was like 5 grand and I thought I could buy it and then flip it make some money someone would need a drift car it would make someone's useful drift big but no one wanted it and it was sitting my parking lot and I kept getting hyped up on burnouts from Australia so like screw it I'm gonna do something ignorant my friend Johan made me some custom exhaust manifolds for the twin g25 doc race made me that plenum and this turned into one of the coolest cars spittin flames and doing cool things everywhere Brad Lomax eats one of my favorite seats but well you can expect to see with this car I definitely want to keep beefing it up I want to be able to make a 10 second pass hopefully in the next week or two maybe a nine second pass by the first couple months of next year it's been really fun for me to kind of play with the drag racing stuff because it is different than drifting it's not very subjective it's much more numerical and data-driven I want to make it lightweight I got some carbon bits coming in for the car so you guys can definitely expect a lot of content with this it's fun it's new it's exciting most of these cars are specially because they are fun and they're different and it just they all take different boxes and they all kind of serve different purposes and this has been one of the most fun ones lately and I know you guys like it so I'm gonna have to insert a sound clip from another video since I don't have any videos with it right now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] but I will tell you favorite memory I did much with this one favorite memories probably rolling with Tommy because he's funny and it was fun to roll with him happen roll me over it's dripping favorite memory with this one would probably be honestly blowing it up in my parking lot the manifolds are glowing I was very very exhilarating having the whole thing go yeah I thought it was sketchy but it it was sketchy I guess real quick worthy mentions that should have came after the gt3 RS that is when I did get big old Bertha towed her home that I used to bring all of our squad to the FD rounds including can stack three cars in the back I'm not gonna put too much time into this because this is more of a car based video this thing's rad it's got a slide out it's got TV Xbox it's got food in a kitchen and a bathroom I could fit three cars in back if it mish I could fit three cars in back which I need with all these cars so that's cool around the same time it's also when 1jz e36 happened which I know I could have you guys an update at 1j car that I bought for this car [Music] it sounds pretty cool 1436 right so there's three 18s come with a four-cylinder right but this one has a six-cylinder can you guess what six-cylinder it has it's got a 1j that car has been that paint but hopefully you'll have a back in the next week or two so I can let you guys know what's going on with that car notice I'm kind of talking faster now because I'm running at a daylight and I'm stressed and I wanna make sure I get this video done because I can't have it bleed into tomorrow because I got a lot of other crazy stuff going on but another car that kind of came around the same time was my Evo that I have in the UK so walking around the cars fairly stocked still in stock wheels nothing too crazy about it aesthetically it's got some cool parts under though so one of my favourite things how cool is the interior on this car so the seats and everything have this cool like kind of texture to them comes factory with Recaros interior wises cars pretty much stock nothing too wild but it's a very very clean interior no cracks or weird bubbles in the dash just kind of just a simple example of an Evo 4 but underneath the hood it does have a cool couple little cool bits alright so popping up the hood first thing I don't think that Evo's comstock with these guys what is this the name you can always count on sookie sookie fetch that seems like a japan thing the american radius is the name you can always count on it they always say things weird but that's cool because it doesn't have a good crop how does it look as it blown out or can you see what's going on yeah overall the engine bay is super super clean if you guys saw Tommy's his was kind of like cruddy and junky and a little rough spots and stuff but the paint and like there's not a lot of oxidation and weird stuff going on I like to intake manifold and stuff parts wise though I'm pretty sure it's still stock turbo fuels like stock power this is a really really cool piece I don't even know if you could get this anymore how expensive this would be but it's an AR C manifold cover which is really really neat the reason I got that car Tommy you got an Evo over in the UK and we were just gonna like cruise together and do stuff so it's a ready before I'll insert some clips favorite memory with that one bump some drum and bass that came on the CD in the car my shirt off because it was hot and I think the AC wasn't working or something and it was tied around my head and making loud pops because it's about all that it did hanging my shirt up the window - I'm excited I'm starting to recognize stuff cool car I don't know what I'm gonna do with it all right next up is my other chaser this car came about because it was crazy deal five thousand bucks for a factory manual chaser I got it because I wanted to steal the manual parts out of it for my other car and because it did have a very nice black interior it actually wasn't crashed that bad to the point where I was able to bring it back and have this car as a replacement for the 350z once I get it dialed in this will be a great Missal car the one Jay Z's are very reliable this car did have a V 160 in it then I ended up changing back for another are 154 or car LS are three seats vertex wheel other than that it's got a cool agura super single clutch well i basu thing for my birthday just for some character custom VCDs suspension from VR wheels I have some ten and a half rear nine and a half front LX Z's rebuilt with some new fat chrome lips it's full origin racing line very aggressive but this cars supposed to kind of be a race car so I wasn't trying to go for a clean street car look was wrapped in this very cool color that I got the idea from from a friend in Australia by Guardian wraps they did a phenomenal job again we got the gana doors this car is pretty much stock under the hood this car and my other car both have extended control arms the other cars more for stance this car is for the mod and Knuckles that it has to give it a little bit more angle hula so definitely not the prettiest one dizzy engine bay especially compared to my other car similar in the sense that its stock ECU but this car is also stock turbo just rebuilt with a a metal wheel instead of a composite one that likes to blow up so it is externally gated which is kind of cool on a stock manifold sounds cool probably makes around the mid 300s for power I've got a koi a radiator in it other than that nothing too too crazy just have to redo the diff things in the rear this and the other car one of them other cars is a two-way this car has a welded if in the rear like I said it was crashed really bad and then brought back to life by our friend Billy Mitchell but it's a very cool car and I just need to put a little more TLC into it I think I need just a-- below errs in the front or adjustable uppers because the fact that this strut tower is pushed in a little bit i can't get the alignment right the car just constantly pulls to one side so i want to dial that in and then this car will be really really good it's very very fast and drift it's a blast to drive jzx 100 or one of my favourite cars and it sounds great well let me know what you guys think [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we didn't daylight but we got two cars left the Supra the 20/20 Supra I gave one of these away I wound up falling in love with it so I got another one for myself I want to run nines with this car too I know it can do it love the white white looks great favorite memory with this car probably with the other super I'll just say my favorite memory was doing my 12-hour trip from Connecticut to Florida just cruising super comfortable no back pain a blast to drive sounds cool favorite memory with this car since I didn't give you guys one would probably be doing a burnout with that right after we got it running in front of the shop with it going in a limp mode and being sketchy and just acting like crazy I don't know it was just it was sick doing a burnout in a car that looked totaled that was going to be sent to junkyard both very very riot cars and I'll do a quick exhaust clip for you guys as you know with the Supra [Music] last but not least my most recent purchase my r34 GTR midnight purple 3v spec [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so other than the fact that this car has the z-tune bumper this cars pretty much stock it's got aftermarket suspension along with some t37 s this car will be the car that is getting the most attention probably come January February there's a lot of parts I get to order for a lot of stuff I want to do I want to fully go over this car even more attention to detail than my skyline and my Evo Zink coat stuff undercoat it powder coat things get this car like rad show car but also rad driver's car so it already looks great I think tomorrow actually one of the next videos that you guys will see we're gonna go over to Norman's place and we're going to do a crazy detail job in this car because the paint even though it looks good right now is atrocious but sir-- behind this car as you guys know I want to do a thousand horsepower Evo kinda lost interest in the idea after feeling well my you will felt like a 500 wheel what's a good car to make a thousand wheel what about a GTR so probably not gonna be a thousand wheel right off the bat I want to kind of do this car in stages I will be making videos soon giving you guys a rundown on everything I'm gonna do to it and kind of what you can expect but as of right now it is a hundred percent stock with a Mainz ECU that makes the car detonate so I have to put race gas in it or higher octane gas otherwise it gets mad because it's not Japanese gas that it was tuned on but this will be a very very fun build that I think you guys can look forward to it's gonna be good but I'm gonna take my time with it I don't want to rush it it's a very very special car and this is kind of how I want to start my year of 2020 building higher level cars with special engines and doing very very detail-oriented but very very rad performing builds so this car best memory you guys know at our open house we did a reveal with it and having all my friends piled into it open up the doors and everyone freaking out because they're stoked that I got my very first GTR [Applause] [Music] so very very special car and a great one to end on but not the best sounding car in the world because it's so stock listen [Music] [Music] quick insertion one of the card that I forgot that I had Oh technically there's two other cards I forgot I had and they're not in any specific order but there is a 1j s 13 that I own in Colorado right now that I got to run some events out there I don't know what's going on with it I don't know what I'm gonna do with it but maybe I'll fly to Colorado and use it again but here's some clips of that car right now [Music] [Music] somewhere in the midst of all these cars we actually built a replica car of my s13 over in Australia it's a 180sx very very similar to that car I'm gonna insert a couple clips of that car right now I'm not gonna give you a full rundown on it cuz I just did that recently but I'm very very very similar to that other car it looks in the light I'm super super excited to get to drive this thing tomorrow hi guys before I close up this video I thought it would be cool I'm gonna put all the exhaust clips back to back to back to back let me know in the comment section which car sounds the best I want to know what you guys think I think I know which car I think sounds the best but I won't hear what you guys have to say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not gonna tell you guys which one I thought sounds the best because that'll probably influence your decision and I want to see what you guys think but moving forward this is my collection of very very rad very special cars that are all very different all very fun to drive and all very unique in their own way I hope you like them part of my goal of 2020 is to add a couple more cars to this collection and start this crazy driver car collection maybe get a new shop where I can have them all next to each other and just have every single car record hop in turn the key and go rip it's been a blast these cars I made a lot of great content and I could not do it without your guys support so I'm very very appreciative of that I hope you guys enjoyed this video it definitely took me longer to make it and I thought talking about every single car and get them all parked and everything was kind of turned into a job but um it's been really fun I hope you guys enjoyed it let me know if there's any more questions or anything you want me to highlight on these cars in the future and I can be sure to do that and make sure you hit that like button if you want to see the side-by-side race happen I think we can get all the cars side-by-side we might need to ditch a couple I don't know how many we can necessarily fit but that would be pretty pretty epic so anyway thank you guys so so so so much and I will see you tomorrow when you say when you say to love me [Music]
Channel: Adam LZ
Views: 7,538,499
Rating: 4.9304199 out of 5
Keywords: youtuber, car, collection, biggest, race car, drift car, s15, r34, gtr, porsche, 911, gt3rs, sound, exotic, supercar, chaser, s13, 180sx, 240sx, drifting, race, exhaust, compilation
Id: gZebnc1KnpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 1sec (5041 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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