Pikes Peak: The 10-Minute Pursuit

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With randomized weather patterns so is not always the same. I don't even know of any game that does this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vcdrny πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pikes peak and UDP support please...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Wolf_Lord81 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I miss the GT2 tracks, Pikes Peak was good, as were the Tahiti dirt tracks, but I ones loved more were Rome street circuit for muscle cars, and most of all, Red Rock Valley Speedway, the best "oval" track ever.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KasumiR πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies




πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fkappa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I would LOVE to see it come back, it’s been away since GT2 and it’s been far too long

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GetParayeeted97 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yes please PD

Don't they hav the track rights still?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_solidsnakeeater_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Who doesn't want this?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WAT_an_ABSOLUTE_unit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] so the biggest challenge of Pikes Peak is just finishing there's no do-overs you get one shot you get one shot to run the entire mountain on a race day that's it so you better have it all together when you roll up to the starting [Music] Pikes Peak is a narrow winding road with speeds of up to 120 miles an hour with no guardrails no runoff areas no protection it's pure and natural Road racing on an open winding Mountain Road the road will get dusty the road will get dirty weather could roll in you could have fog it can be dark it can be cloudy or it can be brutally hot you just don't know until race day you need to be able to trust your car when you turn that wheel for a corner you've got to know what's going to be happening ahead of time in my career a car that's drivable and confidence-inspiring as a winner the race day is the boys one chance one shot make it worth it don't overcook [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Kevin Wesley with Wesley Motorsports this year we're running two cars at Pikes Peak a 20-19 challenger and a 2019 Dodge Charger I have run Pikes Peak before this is my third year or third attempt at Pikes Peak I ran in 2016 and an ACR Viper ran last year in 2018 in the same Dodge Challenger I'm Randy post and at Pikes Peak this year I'm driving a Dodge SRT charger hellcat wide-body concept I have a 30-year career as a professional racing driver almost a hundred pro wins four championships and World Challenge I've been around this is my fifth time to race up the mountain I only made it to the top once in the last four keep that quiet to two drivers at the top of their game have agreed to take on the challenge that is Pikes Peak one of the most difficult things about driving up Pikes Peak is selecting a car that will not only be reliable enough to withstand the grueling conditions but also consistent enough for the drivers to trust while racing around monolithic cliff sides the car is a 2019 dodge challenger hellcat redeye wide-body if that's not the longest car name I don't know what is but it's you know it's a challenger and it has a red eye so it makes 797 horsepower from the factory we've bumped up the power on the engine but the engine is 100% stock internally so stop short walk stocks owner hoods it's on i-90 big night racing fuel so 114 octane ish and then it's got American Racing Headers and three inch opening sauce everybody asked me this question how much power does it make I don't know we've never put it on a chassis dyno makes like 950 makes a thousand somewhere in there makes a lot but it weighs a lot so the car weighs over 4,000 pounds last year it weighed 4,500 pounds with me in it it's not tiny so a thousand horsepower okay we run a lot of tire this year we'll run a 335 seven 10 18 Toyo praxis racing slick so it's a lot of tire at all four corners and you need that for a car that weighs that much Kevin Wesley's goal in the Challenger is to complete the hill climb in a blistering fast sub 10-minute run and Randy Pobst is aiming to beat the TA to class record of 10 minutes and 26 seconds [Music] working with Wesley Motorsports has been fantastic because they brought a whole team out here of guys that love racing like I do and a couple of incredibly powerful and fun cars but my car the charger is a brand new piece closely related to a street car and in today's world it's actually really difficult to turn a street car with all of its luxury safety fuel emissions efficiency all these features and systems and controls it's really hard to make that work on a racetrack you know because this street car is not designed to be a race car it's designed to be a high-performance street car those are two very different things it's really terrific to work with Wesley motorsports and with SRT because Wesley Motorsports is already running a very similar car the Challenger Hellcat and SRT knows the car inside and out upside down and forward the supercharged Hellcat 6.2 liter Hemi is so strong it doesn't really go up the mountain it pulls the mountain down underneath it Kevin's challenger has been modified to nearly 1,000 horsepower however the SRT wide-body charger remains mostly stock though Wesley Motorsports have made minor modifications to comply with the safety standards of Pikes Peak kevin wesley and randy post will be taking these to Hellcats up the mountain for a grueling week of racing and all of this starts tomorrow Pikes Peak is that week-long event and it starts with registration and tech on Monday Monday at Pikes Peak is really the day where you get settled in to start race week race week goes from Monday to Sunday Tech registration all that great glorious fun stuff that everybody has to do just like any other race weekend at any close trek event tech inspections are vital they ensure that all of the cars are legal for the respective classes but it's also the first time that the competitors get to see what other cars are making the climb [Music] fascinating tech are number one isn't McLaren I think the McLaren is amazing so the one car stands out to me is actually what's here last years that McLaren they got over there with Toyo tires I mean I think is pretty crazy we actually hit pretty close to them and they got a garage right near us so we get to watch and put the car together it's pretty exciting I get to look at something completely different from what we're doing and obviously the Toyo tires parts pretty nice about it but just to bring out you know an ex-world challenge car converted unrestricted things like that really makes it exciting I think I think actually the good there'll be a good battle between the McLaren and the Eve GT 86 Toyota from died I think those two cars will be pretty much running for number one I think in that class our goal is to finish in the top five we just have too much weight to compete with those guys but we'll be close we'll give it a good shot the Pikes Peak Hill Climb brings out some of the fastest cars in the world and this year is no different they range from open wheel track cars to giant Bentley's obviously these cars won't compete we against each other there are six different classes separating these cars to keep the event competitive classes at Pikes Peak are fairly basic unlimited is pretty much a free-for-all we're in Time Attack 1 which is production based car have to have the same manufacturer engine open is kind of more advanced than CA one there's a little bit of arrow restriction and then you have some of the you know specific record classes which exhibition is one which we have the second car running an exhibition where you could run for the time attack to record which is a pure production car record the biggest class here is Time Attack one I think there's 20-plus entries last year they had 21 so I think it's about the same size this year total cars this year should be about 65 it's usually capped at 165 cars 35 bikes I believe is what the split is cars from every class are brought here to run through tech inspection to ensure their cars are compliant with their safety and class regulations and the officials check and make sure all the safety equipment is correct my drivers suit etcetera is all checked we get to put it on the scales see how horrible it is hang our heads in shame a little bit but know that we have a lot of horse race oh I'm so excited for this week I've been looking forward to plague speed ever since we left last year it's a lot of work it's a lot of 20-hour days if cars not going well or it could be a six hour day if the cars are going gray you really don't know what you're gonna get you don't know what's gonna happen until you get to the mountain and honestly the spectacle is just something to behold I mean it's not like anything else the United States that's for sure and then all the magic starts at 2:00 a.m. the next morning when I get up to drive up the mountain [Music] [Music] Tuesday of race week is the first time we actually get to go out to the moment today we started about 12,000 feet actually have to haul all the equipment up to the pit space and the guys are really going to struggle today and the pits more than anything else I'll actually have oxygen in the car we're not being timed it doesn't impact any of our race start times today and again when you look at running Pikes Peak the only time you get to run the complete course is on race day race week testing is separated into three parts so there'll be a lower a middle and an upper half the course is twelve and a half miles long so each early morning we're doing one third roughly of the of the track and for us on the Weslie Motorsports Dodge SRT team we started at the very top which runs from Devil's playground to the summit this is from around eleven to twelve thousand feet to fourteen thousand feet the top sector for practice today is three point six miles long this portion of the course has some of the highest speed sections of the entire mountain and also some of the highest drop-offs if the drivers want to brake the ten-minute barrier on race day they'll need to complete this section in just under two minutes and 45 seconds [Music] running from Devil's playground all the way up to Pikes Peak something that's 12,000 feet to about 14001 and it's the first section it's sweeping a lot of fast runs will be well over 100 over and over and over this really benefits our SRT charger hellcat because of the power the power is great the hill climb right people we got 2,000 more feet straight up [Music] [Music] is off to a great start he's stealing confident through some of the most demanding corners his split times were blisteringly fast he competes the first practice run with an unbelievable time that's just six seconds off their goal it's Kevin's turn this hellcat red eye pulls up to the start line anxious to unwind it's 1,000 horsepower [Music] these are just practice runs but Kevin knows that he'll need to push hard for a sec the time of 2 minutes and 45 seconds if he wants any chance of completing the course with a time under 10 minutes [Music] we just had an issue with the brakes we've been you know struggling with vacuum because of the altitude and we just went the you know full manual brakes and the car didn't get stopped and and we went off so kind of is what it is and put it up on the rocks and I backed it down and got out out of the way and no major damage it's more superficial we broke a wheel we'll get a you know get another wheel on the way and and fix up the fascia in the splitter and pack it back together with zip ties with the damage to Kevin's car he's unable to complete the remaining practice runs today the team won't be able to fix the car until they get it back to the shop tonight so they'll have to turn their attention to Randy's car he's just discovered an issue with the brakes that could prove to be challenging on race day I just used light brake I use light brake not much happens right it's like you get a teeny bit or you get a lot on you get in but there's not in the tree but but you know when I feel the pedal it's like oh nothing's happening no nothing oh okay the lack of air density at this high altitude seems to have an effect on both Hellcats the vacuum booster isn't generating enough vacuum to allow power assisted brakes until the team can solve the issue Randy will have to drive the most of this top section without power brakes Randee post is truly a world-class driver by the end of the day Randy has managed to put down a sector time of 2 minutes and 54 seconds just two seconds off his pace for setting his goal of 10 minutes and 26 seconds on race day despite the challengers mishap the first practice day on the mountain was a success it's a good thing too because tomorrow was qualifying at the start line and both cars will need to be in tip-top shape to qualify early Wednesday qualifying day for Wesley Motorsports the crew worked late last night to get the Challenger fixed after yesterday's practice and it's back in attack mode [Applause] Wednesday was qualifying for us at Wesley Motorsports but qualifying is the lower section of the track and as each group runs the lower section that's their qualifying it's really important because it determines your start time and your start time on race day is very important because at Pikes Peak you only get one run and it's a mountain and part of the challenge of Pikes Peak is the constant weather changes it is so much a part of this race and you want to run as early as possible the later you go in the day the more likely we get a mountain storm and it can range from just rain to snow to hail the size of golf balls in 2016 and in 2018 I finished the event in snow at the peak a couple of my guys actually got pummeled by a golf ball-sized hail my brand new ram 3500 got to hail damage and it was just a complete mess I was actually happy to be at the top because all's I did was snow it can get crazy up there so you want to go fast because the faster cars run first so motorcycles run in the morning and then cars run from fastest to slowest you really want to be as fast as you possibly can in qualifying so you can start early the goal for the bottom sector is to qualify in the top five for both classes that should ensure an early run time on race day for a car to run a full sub ten minute run they would need to be faster than a four minute and twenty second sector time today a challenge that Wesley Motorsports is not afraid to take off [Music] this first ride take it easy because we've got cold tires no pavement and we've already had one spin we don't want anymore okay all right have a good run [Applause] [Music] [Music] both cars have completed their first runs but they're off the 10-minute pace they have completed the first sector with times around the four minute and 35 seconds both Kevin and Randy wanted to play it safe for their first run this ensures that they have a good time on the board now they'll start pushing so that was actually a decent run we had a complete time in which was the main goal the car actually felt really good or you have to make a little bit of a shock adjustment in the rear it's got a little bit oversteer but not too bad Tigers felt really good brakes actually came around I think they're finally bedded in which is good still get a little bit of a hard pedal but I think we'll be okay now that we got a time on the board we'll push a little bit and see what we can do as the day moves on the other competitors are not taking it easy Kevin and Randy need to push a lot harder if they want to qualify early enough to have a fighting chance at ten minutes on race day it's a little it's a little loose I mean no in the rear the front has really good grip but the root loop rears a little bit loose yeah cuz it's it's an exit where it wants to step out not it not on throttle there's just over an hour left in the qualifying day for Kevin and Randy to put down a faster time they're still behind the 10-minute pace and other cars are bumping them down further and further on the qualifying order [Music] they'll have to push much harder on their second run to get back up on the leaderboard [Applause] Kevin and Randy are pushing their cars and themselves on this second run they're feeling much more confident putting down even faster times to hold their spots in the qualifying order [Music] how'd it go doing good good finish how do you do how are you doing okay Tess had a ball I think I've got that problem in the corner snake figured out I still use a kit because it just pulls so good I'm not going very fast around there you know yeah just in a tight one spread and it's working sort of figuring it out you just can't let it start spinning no the different the different catch it won't do it what you're kind of straight then it's okay all right all right how was a good run yeah good I'm gonna go a whole lot faster than that without taking a lot of chances on the brake yeah it's not not worth that today good well that's good that's that helps how was yours that's good we're still dialed in the suspension now you know now that we made that big spring change in the back so we got a car looks high in the back it's too high yeah look Kevin random 4:30 Randi ran either a 431 or 432 I can't remember puts us in 2nd and 3rd in our group which if they're excited about right behind Clem - knows he's got about 20 second lead on us which that McLaren like I said earlier this week still doing good so we're excited to see what happens with the rest of qualifying hopefully we can continue - good luck on court Kevin and Randy have moved up to second and third place in qualifying putting them in a confident position for race day however the qualifying day isn't over there's still one more session left in the day and the other drivers aren't going to back down by the end of the day Kevin and Randy are bumped from their positions down to 2nd and 10th position putting them in 21st and 30th position overall on race day not a good spot to be in if harsh weather decides to roll in early the only thing the team can do at this point is to keep practicing and hope for the best come race day [Music] the team have worked hard overnight to change the arrow on the challenger to a more familiar set up the larger arrow had been holding the car back so they reattached the Viper ACR arrow that they use last year in hopes of speeding up their sector times this arrow is smaller and produces less drag and less downforce it should be exactly what they need yesterday in the lower qualifying we were slow which really kind of pissed me off so I said let's go back to a known good setting which is essentially pulled a big new splitter off we soften the car up a little bit more and put the new stand or put the old stay engines back on the wing and dropped everything down it was definitely a lot better today it's back to the car I like to drive last year last session felt really good cars neutral now which is great making some tiny you know tire pressure adjustments the car comes around rotates really well putting power down out of the corners not getting a ton of wheel spin so the car is actually in a really good spot so our benchmark is actually the old e30 that Tim Hardy drives his car will run sub ten minutes just barely under ten minutes and ten under ten minutes is our goal I think he's having a little bit of a problem so I think he's a little bit slower right now but we ran a 245 on this upper section which for us is actually pretty good we'll have to compare it to where we were last year on the same run but again it's testing so I don't push so you know we're right there with Tim here and I think of forty four or something so we're in good shape we'll push on race day when we need to we just get through testing and make sure it's all in one piece Kevin Wesley and his challenger have picked up some speed with the change in arrow and he is now on track to hit 10 minutes on race day simultaneously in the charger wide-body streetcar Randy seems to be in the groove I'm really happy with the Hellcat charger the car has combination of incredible supercharged Hemi power with handling that belies its weight it's a big car and it's a wall to drive balanced and drifting through those quarters what a big smile on my face and all the corner workers there clapping on the way back down the hill man that's a good time drummer driving up this hill this is real road racing this is like the old days and it's just such a thrill the adrenaline rush is unbelievable the way it turns on my brain 100% people you don't realize so you're doing something that requires everything you got if you don't know what that is for you and your life find it you'll love it I call it being fully trusted your brain has way more capability than any of us normally use you find what you love what turns you on go for it you'll change your life [Music] tomorrow is the last day for Kevin and Randy to practice on a mountain before race day kevin's challenger is nearly on pace to hit a sub 10 minute LUN and Randy's charger is surprising everyone however with their low qualifying positions it's still anybody's guess [Music] this is it the last opportunity for Kevin and Randy to practice on the mountain they're back at the bottom section the same section where they qualify [Music] [Applause] [Music] a four minute and 20 second sector time is what's needed for a ten minute race day run the crew hovers over the sector time leaderboard as they wait to see what effect their break and arrow changes have made [Music] [Applause] Kevin Wesley puts down a flying four minutes and 21 seconds and Randi Pope's is hot on his heels with a surprising four minutes and 28 seconds both cars are looking great and they might exceed all expectations that's bloody fun I was working it they can do off [Music] that was a good run okay nice work this thing handles God Mike playing on a streetcar ha ha nice work brother oh this thing handles good both cars are ready for race day Kevin is just barely off the 10-minute pace and Randy is close behind it's unfortunate that they qualified below where they wanted but there's nothing they can do about that now the engines been running great the whole time it's just a beasty bear just keeps on pulling practice I'm so glad we got to run today practice Toyo tires we put on a brand new pre-warm set and the conditions are perfect instead of just trying to remember what corners coming up I'm actually now working on apexis and that's kind of a new thing even after five years apex is and whether the road is going up right that gives you more grip or going down which is rare but there are some quarters so that's giving me more speed we're still trying to get the brakes to be a real reliable they're not as confidence inspiring as the whole rest of the car is because of the altitude the suspension I got no complaints the bill signs are beautiful and guess what the higher we go the better they get because the rougher the road gets and they're basically a street shock and they're perfect for the bumpy parts of the track and that's up high today we ran the lower part which is like a beautiful Road course it's so sleepy and funny some of those blind sweepers I came around and so on top of fourth gear almost going a fifth that uh okay I scared myself no I was just singing am I gonna make this but when I'm going really fast it kind of gets that way and I'm Pikes Peak it definitely gets that way when you're going too fast you've got to be a little bit on the edge wondering if you're really going to make it or your swing and I'm not going to be slow and neither is the healthcare charger this is stand fast there's the fan fest big party downtown drivers come down they bring the race cars it's a really big show forty or fifty thousand people every year which is downtown Colorado Springs a huge event I get about thirty five or forty thousand people come out to look at all the cars and we'll be sitting in Toyotas booth in bill Stein's booth with both cars this weekend fan fest is an opportunity for anyone to get up close with the drivers at Pikes Peak and see the cars that are about to go up the mountain it's also an opportunity for the drivers to relax a little bit before the grueling race on Sunday but relaxation is the last thing on their minds sunday is race day and race day is one run that's another one of the many challenges at Pikes Peak you only get one shot and we're starting much later in the day ten eleven twelve one two o'clock so the weather is completely different for one thing way warmer so there's all the concerns about that about how late you might be starting in the in the starting order whether the weather is going to be in effect every day is different on the mountain and it changes constantly and guess what we still have to get up there early early early because there's a tremendous number of spectators that go up the mountain to watch the race and they all have to be up the mountain before the race begins and the first motorcycles start early in the morning so again it's one of those two a.m. in the morning deals so there's not a lot of normal sleep time I'm it's been a struggle we've you know we've had some issues in the last couple years on race day we'll end up having great testing love great qualifying in the five-cent part sometimes will bite you so you really hope everything is is wrapped up you hope everything has been done the way it's supposed to be and and you'll make it to the top without any issues but really it's you know clear your mind and get ready to rule anything that you think isn't ready you might as well not worry about it now because you're not gonna fix it so just run what you got and keep it clean so here we are it's finally race day oh it's been a long actually month now if you don't even count all the build time that went into it all wraps up today the spectacle Pikes Peak is today everything builds up to today and we left off in a great place on Friday with uh with our practice session the lower half I think he knocked like ten or 15 seconds off of his qualifying time and he's not even pushing it so we're very happy to where he's at right now he's on pace to get really close to that ten sub 10-minute mark I mean our ultimate goal is sub ten I don't I mean that's like I don't know if we're gonna do that based on what we didn't practice we really just want to get through the day lay down the time have it be competitive I'll be happy with that and we'll be back next year my personal goal is the record in the t82 class which is a 1026 which is set by a Porsche 911 Turbo and that's what this car is really built for it's a lot like that but we're running the exhibition class I'm an exhibitionist that's a way to celebrate the brand new charger out that wide body and that's my personal goal is beat that record it's close so if the car runs good and everything works and I Drive it well I think we can do it today Kevin's gonna go first I think he qualified like 21st or 22nd Randy's close to the 30th that's gonna be about a 30 minute gap in between the two as long as everything goes well no red flags honestly very excited very anxious Kevin and Randy are both mentally prepared for the race and they're both eager to meet their goals but there have been some delays early on in the morning setting the start times further back it isn't until 11 o'clock that the first car rolls out for the starting line because the weather forecast is for afternoon showers and on the mountain that could mean four inches a hail if your does ring will still go and it changes the risk a lot I've got to figure it out as I go because we haven't had any wet practice the later you run the more likely it is to be in the rain now I actually don't mind the rain in my race career it's always really helped me we race in the rain and road racing we're not like those NASCAR guys to go park it in the garage so I really enjoy running in the rain and we've got a Toyota tire that is grooved through water but if the other guys all got to run in the dry I want to run a dry too and see how we line up it's nearly one o'clock by the time Kevin Wesley and his challenger redeye pull up to the line to everyone's surprise the pavement is still dry this is the best shot they'll have at making their fastest run [Music] crowds cheer as Kevin pulls up to the starting line but race officials have just received word that rain and hail are covering multiple points of the course the team will need to switch tires from their dry slicks to an intermediate compound that's meant to handle a wet track they're only given a few minutes to get their tires changed [Music] [Applause] [Music] with the Toyo intermediate tires kevin has a good chance at a safe run of the mountain however any chance he has of making a sub 10 minute passed has been stripped away [Applause] most likely you haven't tested in the race conditions so you make some adjustments you hope that the car is put together maybe you make a shock change maybe you make a little bit of a tire change but really you really have to be prepared just to run whatever the car is set up like because you get to run the whole Mountain little issues can creep up on the upper half typically it's a heating issue little issues can creep up as soon as you start maybe you don't have enough heat in the tires maybe you have too much heat in the tires maybe there's a some extra gravel from all the cars that rolled in because again those spectators they're not gonna sweep the track you have 20,000 spectators that are may all kinds of dirt and gravel and marbles and everything else on to that race line before you run from on race day but course starts like I said at 9,500 feet and the lower half is fairly flat if believe it or not it's long fairly sweeping corners generally not a lot of tight corners and the lower half of it half of the course and the course is really divided into two from my perspective because that qualifying ends about half way so it's about I guess it's about five or six miles in but it's fairly sweeping just before the halfway point it starts to really climb and that's where you get the corners that you can't see around that's where you get this huge inclines and just and until you're actually there to see it the video does not do it justice about what the incline actually is and on the far upper half once you get above the treeline is where you get to the W's and the switchbacks those are the really tight corners those are the corners where you're going no more than 40 miles an hour in typical cars and it becomes a point-to-point race you know how fast can we get between those corners but you also have the long drop-offs no guardrails thousand feet plus I'm sure I've really paid much attention I'll be honest with you so you want to keep it on the ass and you know where the asphalt is so I don't want to say drive conservative but but you really just have to have your wits about you remember where you're going today I'll push breaking zones I mean that's the main thing right just push push push and I'll literally tell myself mentally to continue to push the entire way because you know you just have to maintain focus I mean for me it's you know it's it's a struggle to maintain focus sometimes like that so you know consciously telling myself to continue to push and push and push that's that's how I think we'll get our fastest run today there's spaces that I'm not gonna push right there's there's there's corners where it's just not worth it but there's other places where you can push that extra 50 feet or 60 feet on the breaking zone and and there's time to recover if it doesn't but it now's the only time you don't get a second run so you have to try it now but you can't run 11/10 sits like a nine and a half ten ski [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right how's the conditions as dub yeah I mean completely dub cool good I'm just glad you got I'll submit it off my time like it stopped raining right I mean all of a sudden it was ice at Glen Cove I mean just think stepping out you know coming through the little slick yeah that's crazy [Music] now it's Randy's turn well reports from up the mountains say that it's awfully wet in certain places fortunately well normally I'm the last guy to go to rains hi I like to stick with my dries and get as much grip as possible and tell the board around but we have a Toyota tire that looks like the exact right tire you want to see it it just got a little bit attract not very much and I think this is the exact right tire to run right now we're looking at the option with rain blanketing the mountain randy has no chance to meet the 10 minute and 26 second record on which his sights were set but that doesn't mean he isn't going to try his hardest to put down a fast lap time the charger wide-body is a brand new unproven car and Randy Pobst is here to show what it's capable of even in this weather [Applause] the rain collects on Randy's windshield right off the start line but he's not going to let that get to him he's prepared to go as fast as possible and hard charges up the road the bottom section I'm just kind of trying to duplicate my last practice run except get engineer's corner right well I didn't quite get it stop the rest of it I'll Drive harder than I have any other time to get the best possible time I got to leave a little bit on the table to make sure we get all the way to the top but I'll be driving the car harder in the race than I ever did in practice [Music] every day you practice I've gotten better at the road and I got to know it a little bit better I got to know the charger a little bit better I drove this car only once in Michigan before we came out here for two or three laps every day I Drive it harder and every day I'd ride it faster every part of this course makes me nervous going flat out because it's a mountain road at the bottom it's trees at the top it's blue sky or mountain rocks he's nearly halfway up the mountain when the hail begins to Pelt the charger I really enjoyed the light stripes military parts where the longer [Music] no loser [Music] maybe writing up a little bit [Music] god bless inspectors [Music] [Music] [Music] Rick's again [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] America's what we're here haha don't y'all be so keen go job mostly motorsports holy cow the Toyota was really gripped except on those darn double yellow lines and we are here Lou Milstein shots are the hot set up in red and dry conditions we're hooked we are hooked and bar the brakes whoo that's our team you did a good job on him next year Beverly Drive will go for the record dude do you ever shut up oh yeah please 11:57 both cars might not have been near ten minutes but they were still nearly the fastest in their class despite the rain and they were definitely some of the fastest cars to run up in the rain it has been a trying week for everyone as Pikes Peak continues to be one of the most challenging hill climbs in history when you look at our times compared in the wet I was happy if you look at our times compared in the upper last sector compared to the cars that ran in the dry in the last sector was in the dry we were on intermediates which are a little bit slower than slicks and we were right on par with you know some of the Porsches and the BMWs that were running in ta1 so I was happy with that that really just tells us that again that our car is on pace with you know competitive ta1 cars to be in the top five we ended up seventh which not horrible you know since we had to run in the rain and everybody out of us got to run on dry ice already ended up second over second in exhibition you know again in in what conditions that's that's an admirable finish for him so we're happy we'll chalk it up to an experience that is Pikes Peak with the weather and just come back next year and hopefully we can get a clean run shortly after Randy's run they shut down the top half of the mountain due to dangerous weather conditions nearly 30 cars are unable to complete the full hill climb out of a total of 78 competitors at the this year only 10 managed to complete the climb under 10 minutes the finish of Pikes Peak is a great relief we're happy to have made it to the top we're happy to have had a great time all the testing all the preparation everything that kept me up all those nights leading up to the event were more than worth it and to get both cars to the top and to have success with both cars just can't say enough for the platform it can't say enough for all of our partners and we have to think yeah I mean our goal is to run sub 10 and we're gonna keep striving to do that achieving a sub 10-minute climb is an arduous task one that Wesley Motorsports will not give up on they'll be back next year and they'll try twice as hard [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Gears and Gasoline
Views: 974,877
Rating: 4.9105921 out of 5
Keywords: Dodge, Charger, Challenger, SRT, Hellcat, Widebody, Redeye, 1000hp, Pikes Peak, Hillclimb, Randy Pobst, 2019, Wesley
Id: VPw1eJ4YdHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 5sec (3005 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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