Adam LZ | Best of 2020 Pt. 1

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I heard part 2 is a solid 2 hours of slow mo fabrication clips

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 69 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Wellibeamonkeysuncle ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 04 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 48 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/esoe___ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 03 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Plan B throwback right off the bat lmfaoo

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 62 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/deadarsebruh427 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 03 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This video shows how Luke Fink was the reason the first drift week was so great.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 67 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Scynful ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 03 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Even with the slight drop in content over the past month or so, he really had a damn good year. Collete burning the GT350 up led to a killer build.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 36 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MX304 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 03 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Is it best of or a recap of the year? Cause thereโ€™s a huge difference picking & pulling random great clips & just montaging literally every upload from the year...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 25 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/zugzuggy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 03 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Collette absolutely raping gate in Adams chaser in the parking lot was the best part of the video hands down

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/grit_flanderson ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 04 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

My best of 2020 video would be a cool 5 min

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/saabbrendan ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 04 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I will watch through the whole video itโ€™s so good itโ€™s not like I watched every one of the videos, canโ€™t wait for part 2!!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 16 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Streetboyzzz ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 03 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
what's up guys and welcome to today's video this is basically a recap of 2020 with some of the best moments mike has been spending a ton of time going through every single video that we uploaded over the past year to make sure that we have all the best moments because so much happened and i'm thankful that i was able to share the journey with you guys it's been a wild year and there are so many clips that we had to split this into two parts so this is part one and then part two will probably be uploaded later this week it's a long one so either grab some popcorn chill out or maybe split it in two sections and finish watching tomorrow but i hope you enjoy it and i want to know in the comments what your favorite clip from this entire video is so make sure you tell me [Music] enjoy yeah that that was exciting that the fact that we just made it through the dmv so and we got plates with no hassle no hassle cheers are we taking the new whip we're taking the new whip oh buddy i'm pumped yo i just found jimmy's got an access port in his glove box jimmy's so nice to his new car what a nice guy all right let's go to mexico don't kill me [Music] well z brake works that's for sure look look friends i've been having so much fun driving this car it's really slow and the tune is not perfect but look at the scoop it looks so cool and the noises get ready you ready for this jesus christ i thought i broke something yeah what are we what are we going for um we're hoping to find some mud flaps some rally armors so wait didn't you say that we can use like kitchen cutting board to make that work hell yeah why don't we just get like a get like a doggie door yeah ikea doggy door yes this is ten dollars for i told you we got a good idea four mud flaps right here and we'll just like self tap them or something i guess do you hardware the shop one thing that really grinds my gear is you know when you go to the parking spaces and people leave their shopping cart like that you never know if it's going to roll back into your car show them how to handle these types of situations adam you're a superhero guy now you're a man of the people i can fix that ah let's see i'll line her up give her a good old team there we go oh boy a little bit more yeah the radiator support's done yeah all right yeah your friends don't let it happen again honestly here's my need to trim the edges a little bit a little bit i think that's meant i mean that doesn't look that bad dude that looks gangster you know hell yeah bro for sale hit me up 80 bucks a set i've never done one of these before oh is it closed the thoughts are that if the mud flaps can survive the car wash that we find on the rally stage you can put mud flaps and a bunch of stickers on a car and it's still gonna look kind of stupid amazing it does it does you're like oh let's make the door stickers and all of a sudden i come back from getting parts and the whole thing stickered up and i'm jealous because the last of my final i'm sorry i think we've made it i guarantee you he's gonna go full setting right off the bat jump jump jump oh oh he's ripping [Music] it looks so fun oh my god all right oh god i can't see i can't see them oh oh i knew that was gonna happen i knew it was gonna happen my dad hasn't seen a subaru yet he's about to pull down and check it out she's like i want to go i want to go i want to go i'm going to go i want to go i want to go i'm going to go i want to go i want to go i want to go i want to go i want to go you like subaru's that much you crazy dog get out of here dog no no no no no no no no ow my three favorites shown right in here but i think we're going to take the evo it's been a minute since i've driven right hand drive feels good to be home while i was out working on the z look who showed up what are you doing in florida uh i'm gonna make this go fast we gonna do nines uh yeah for sure all right for sure guaranteed first try that sounds like that sounds like a bad supercharger it's so loud all right let's hear how crazy this thing sounds on the street it sounds wild i don't know if you guys can hear that from the video [Music] dude with a little flutter too like you can kind of hear it surge we're not really even on the gas when you're on it it's just like i want a floor but i'm not gonna there's so little lag too i was very impressed with it today is the night where i'm shooting to go nines in the supra for the first time in the track with the hoosiers all right the wheels are on we're just gonna leave it as it is for the first pass then we're gonna log and see if we need to make any changes um nine second pass we need a one four sixty guys wow hell yeah that was the jam it worked it worked it worked i hope we did it oh my god so close to a nine you're getting there 10.03 oh my god i can taste it that's absurd um yeah technically speaking i believe we are now the third fastest super in the world i know the car from puerto rico the speedy muffler car ran like a 990 and then ek over in bahrain ran like a 999 i think so um almost the third super in the nines but i think we're still the third fastest super which is pretty cool considering we're a bunch of drift guys i don't know anything about drag racing of course the second you get here starts raining of course i want to die in a slippery car what do you think about this are you excited for this dude i want to feel it i'm curious i like how you described it like i don't like like your skyline where it's like you know not that into that yeah i like that yeah and go that's what i'm hoping i feel let's do it it's starting to rain but hopefully we can get a pull in before it does my seat belts tight no handle so i'll just everything about how it sounds well it's no longer a nice luxurious car this thing sounds intimidating oh my god i felt it this aggressive vehicle i think you'll get a first second good hit i don't know if it's gonna hug we'll try it ready i'm ready oh my god dude we spun a little you early shifted and still like jesus it's aggressive i love the shift that is a good feeling wow how wild is that i forgot it has so many gears yeah i'm like no holy crap that this thing rips i was very impressed with those tires on the supra and i have another set of them that i decided to throw on the z so tommy you're about to experience potentially the fastest this thing's ever been on the street scary if it feels right you can drive it feels right like it if it feels right i think it feels good remember remember remember every time we go out for a drive it starts raining dog you produce a cord what what'd you say i said you produce a chord did you see it what does that mean you produce a chord it's from step brothers he said every time i i produce a chord so every time someone says every time we [Music] this is ignorant i see you driving like this i can see it behind i'm for sure sure easier than the super bowl unless there's something directly in front of the car this thing is violent we're going to scare this focus question fun oh you're good you got three lanes oh my god it oh my god that's so accurate i love it [Music] is it pinching it at all you think nah we're golden look at that golden look at that that's sick best model so i'm not sure to what extent i've really explained this in any videos yet but uh this car is getting driven from austin texas to la so with that in mind i've been putting a lot of time into just going over little things and making sure it has you know cool road worthy things like headlights and a cigarette lighter to charge things mainly i just want to eat tacos to be honest it's been a while i like tacos with those words i say goodbye and i will see you tomorrow two goals today one i really want to get the super in the nines so i'm going to kind of do a pass let it cool down for like an hour i got some fans ice just get it super cold so the iets are super low and hopefully i can break it in the nines with a little bit of extra power and then also in between we're ringing zero and martin from our centerpiece coming to help vlog we had a few issues with launch control last time he's gonna help dial in so hopefully we can get that car in the tens too and then after that we're gonna be doing drift stuff for a while we'll probably be a hot minute before we're back at the drag trip so hopefully we get some good times today it like didn't hit launch control then went down then freaked out so this time we actually broke the drive shaft right in the middle um it's probably time to upgrade the drive shaft one of these carbon ones handle a lot of power but obviously they didn't like that launch [Music] it worked it worked but the axles are done so here's the thing i knew that this was coming i knew that axles on the supra were a weak point and i knew that i probably break one so we do have some upgraded axles and we're going to try to change them in the track and make the record pass tonight we're either going to run a tent or break another driveshaft let's find out oh my god what happened oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody everybody came up who's like yo thank god you have a background in drifting did that look is like ridiculous from the outside of it yes it felt i i think the the traction at eighth mile wasn't very good anyways because they literally sent the uh the traction truck out there they're putting compound down right now y'all want me to drive it back yeah i think it might drive to for real oh we're good we didn't break anything like there's a giant hole in it but it still works you think i should send it so mike is going to be joining us and he's going to be helping film and edit the whole trip since there's a lot of driving a lot of drifting a lot of stuff going on i'm very thankful to have you here i appreciate it it'll be a lot of fun and i think everyone will be stoked on how much better the videos will be instead of me trying to edit while driving and sleeping hey patrick howdy don't look back there yes we ain't at terry black's there's a bunch of cool drift cars outside yo papa wheelie dog with the burning that crazy tall australian guy stole the last scooter so i have to go get one give her a rip wow that thing's cool [Music] this is like an austin tradition whenever we're here we uh ride the scooters from terry black's to house park and then go play in the skate park it's so cool [Applause] [Laughter] what's that what's the process here so you just climb over like first your head first leg first you're tiny you'll be fine the third person's gonna have a really hard time mike's got it it's set up for four people but not not five all right all right we're ready when your suspension sucks that bad you don't want to do anything there we go yeah yeah perfect [Laughter] mike can you turn this into like [Music] my hair adds like an extra three inches so the headroom is like trevor let's see if you can do this small frame twin disc starting on a hill with a trailer and a 2j mustang not bad all right we made it here one of my favorite places come on baby there we go [Music] so i guess we're doing a bunch of donuts around everybody [Music] [Music] what you doing over there up in the booze brother [Music] [Music] wow this thing rips we're bouncing everywhere but his car still stays so planted [Music] [Applause] [Music] we begin dude i think uh there's a hour time change but right now i'm saying we'll get there ten that's not too bad wait what's the retail i wanna know what you're gonna quote yeah i'm gonna spin but i'm also gonna win got him with the fuel gun and everything it's your brother [Music] i forgot the toe in oh no no yep [Music] somewhere around the texas texaco texas new mexico border there's like a whoop section mike i don't know how you just edited through that dude you're a chimp yeah hey we're halfway done already though you're not wrong i mean we've only got like an hour and a half to go i think look at how insanely dirty these wheels are they look like they're not even polished anymore it's been crazy well unfortunately every time i come here you have bad luck dan i think this is a bad luck all the time i knock on wood my car feels great i added a little more toe out to the front and different front tires it's got plenty of grip feel like the perfect power for this track it looks good yeah you can't stop the copper top nope you're not wrong so we're gonna go back out i'm gonna try to do some big entries before we start doing too much tandem stuff and uh see if i can get this thing a little backwards it's really hard to do baki's on this track though because what you're going into is like a very wide sweeping corner so it's not like an ideal like short radius [Music] [Applause] corner [Music] [Music] you [Music] me oh my god was fielding shredder there dude you have to drive with him we've known each other for a while we've driven like so many times dude if you haven't caught hyperdrive on netflix this guy is the star of the show i'm so proud of you that's very kind of the most famous s14 now probably in the world [Music] i'm in love with this car i had to i was like kind of bumming on it like harris hill okay but here's yeah so we're uh so we're exploring whoa look at what we just found accidentally that's someone's house not a good spot to do burnout bro that view there yo this view is nuts there's a there's a horse on a person over there so we shouldn't go too far or a person on the horse so what you just got your kids happy meals and now you're trying to throw them all over the place they know what's going on [Applause] oh yeah luke is crazy i stalled it in seconds really well that stalled it it bobbed too hard yeah oh dude look at this gas station this is wild we are absolutely in the middle of nowhere i'm actually kind of excited to go inside there's definitely not gas here it's a good thing we don't need gas there's a tp dog they sell horse feed yo i need a photo in front of the tp yo you see it yeah remember remember on the highway when there were signs that dust storms next 20 miles that's what it does dude remember just making sure it works [Music] more so unfortunately i think i was the first casualty of driftweek did you uh did you get that on video yeah yeah so one of the problems is on a skid pad like this there's no real layout so no one really know they're going some people don't scrub some people are grippy tires rolling eight deep is a bad recipe i was really nervous because i hit matt and his corvette is very expensive and very easy to total um luckily i just hit his wheel but it did kind of do a number in my door the damage is kind of isolated to the door which is good uh but it sucks because finding another door is like next impossible not so much bummed about the car like being damaged as much as the fact that now we have to drive without a window so it'd be really nice if we can get that seal just for leaving the car overnight at hotels for theft stuff and obviously heat rain all that stuff [Music] um yeah it was a finger gun i never knew how to do it with a manual car because i could never figure out how to start driving right and then get out but the trick is to start it in gear this window it worked great last night besides it almost flying off once for keeping the inside of the car at a relatively okay temperature and wind noise not destroying mike as a passenger but it has proven very inconvenient for making left turns out of places so today on our adventure we are going to home depot and i'm going to do my best and by that i mean it's probably going to come out terrible making a plexiglass or lexan replacement window for this remember another country walk on the other side yeah remember [Music] [Music] now i just need to set up some sort of table or something to cut this i could almost do it on this right [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look wild shredder this is our first time driving with him believe it or not as he crashes into us it wouldn't be the first time should we let him in wow that guy was on netflix that there they were all right so fueling's been driving with us and of course luke and messer have been going 95 miles an hour the whole time legally of course and fueling as a fuel cell with no fuel gauge and he ran out of gas there's a gas station probably within a mile i hope one of them just pushes fielding because it's so close that if they didn't do that would be ridiculous i hope i hope we just see fielding go getting pushed by to be hilarious come on luke don't let me down mike what'd you do you put your wine bottle leaning against the wine bottle open the door and now i got my wine anything but the rosette so uh update fielding is getting pushed by luke was luke pushing you down the highway yes luke was bum drafting me just like boom boom boom boom at like high speeds a certain speed yes they were moving at a faster rate highway speed all right so here's the catch though they don't know that they're going to push him yeah they are possible what he didn't run completely out of gas inside cubes so today we're going to the canyons and uh i guess it was chelsea's car broken is that why you got that or did you just want to one-up all of us i don't know i think he just wanted to do flexing things yeah but no he i think he's just worried about getting pulled over in this car yeah well he also he wanted to rent a cayman to chase us on the canyon and no one would accept his rentals ontario maybe they were like looking at him he tried to get us tried to get corvettes all kinds of stuff he's flipping his arm right and just i don't know anything about those cars dude they might as well all be the same thing to me it's a four cylinder turbo hey is that a new supra let's go all right let's get out of here [Music] [Music] chelsea the question is can a chaser keep up with a jackpot let's find out [Music] my brakes are gonna get hot real fast that was pretty fun the chaser kind of ripped whoa i heard that little flame hell yeah these cars the factory ecu like dumps a ton of fuel once it starts getting warm and then just starts doing fireballs everywhere dude imagine we all do cyclones around the trees you think what i'm thinking i'll follow you second [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] look he's about to spin out the wheels [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you have to like keep all of it and we can line up and i'll start right here just like all nose to nose to nose like right now you can just start i'm down you want to do that raw rice yeah but yeah neutral roll race you mean like tails nose to nose and nose right i mean we'll just start see how it goes all right [Music] what are you saying rolling right here yeah all right wait on the third honk we go here we go ready yep [Music] i gotta get a lead on you dude come on i'm running you in the ditch brother god did you run him off oh my god look how close he's behind us bro he's touching us it's got to be the arrow dude it's slowing us down this is literally edge of the sea race right here mike bro we're going miles an hour coasting look he's passing us so it's crazy because one time over breaking and like you just lose all your juice yeah i'm very impressed with this car's handle right very impressed he keeps one of the lock itself [Music] just gonna grab him who's gonna pull you all right we're back on the helmet cam game we're gonna do our first laps at grange get a feel for the track figure out my pressures then start doing some tandem he's coming over here to make fun of what he did to me i just got him back for what he did you can't even tell from the outside man that didn't used to be like that it's not my first time doing it no this is the jcx 100 episode because they don't sell basketballs over there very few japanese basketball players [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so rudy get out of the car he's got it dog uh so luke essentially has no ball joint in his rear lower control arms right now he knows that it's so unsafe that he actually requested that me and mike take his wife and kids because his car is that dangerous to drive but he insists on driving with that and flat spotted wire showing fronts because australia it's good i love california weather it's so beautiful scooters electric vehicles taxes we were going to rent uh long boards like skateboards but apparently what happened then there's a difference between a long board surfboard and a longboard skateboard i didn't know that so he reserved like 12 longboard surfboards which aren't gonna do as much good you can't surf on the sidewalk unless it's got wheels not wrong we rented skateboards yeah i've never been to a skate park before with so many people just on the side rails watching there's more people than in a contest i [Music] know [Music] i just ate complete trash very dangerous the tracks you saved me honestly that's a deep hole stealing oh my god shut up stop filming so i'd say this lots about three times bigger than the last lot a lot more obstacles though which is kind of cool i'm excited i'm nervous that the jzx is going to get really hot so i might not be able to do as long with burnout as i'd want but uh the curious thing is going to be will i fit underneath this thing over here [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] yes [Music] um not bad look who it is i'm so excited to see your shout out you're moving to california that's what i read in all your comments that you're moving is that true honestly i'm not gonna lie i've been super jaded towards california but this trip i think the traffic isn't that bad and now that i had like a cool car to drive around it's pretty nice i'd consider it it's pretty nice i've wanted this car since i was like a little baby so to have this is like insane and we just straight piped it yesterday are you going to start it he's thinking about it he's thinking about it though i want to know the story how can you guys get away in california with just having like your name on the plate instead of an actual plate yeah so i got impounded his doors go up that's so cool [Applause] [Music] that sounds wild it's dude and ab12 can't beat that [Music] that does sound really cool how cool is that have you made any videos driving it with a new exhaust yet no oh wow this is unreleased special footage they just said release footage you're gonna see it before my channel some cool cars in this garage i think the owner of the airbnb has a tesla you guys know whose place we're at this is turning into like the the day of donuts huh everywhere you're like yo dude do some donuts do some donuts what do you got for tires on this thing jeez guys i really hope he knows what he's doing [Music] yeah look at the rubber look at the rubber one quick hey you got it i was starting to shut my pants a little bit yo oh my god bro i might have dropped a little curdle oh so these things are really weird advent and i told you i don't really they start to pendulum because i'm starting my pants a little bit i'm not gonna lie we're good we're good though wow good morning good morning you're gonna do this again because last night was too dark but check this out from last night let's take that out boom oh there's actually more there's actually a bunch in there bro just leave it that's barefoot look literally i'm gonna leave that plant in there there's a little plant i don't know if you guys can see that like there's plants from last night when he smacked the side of the bush my mom just got here and we actually have a meeting in 10 minutes but um adam is going to scare my mom in a drift car you're very good at scaring moms aren't you you're very known for that mom adam's known for scaring his mom in his car did you know that he has those are some of his most viral videos really yeah is scaring his mom in drift cars seriously my heart is beating so fast right now it is it'll be okay we already had some practice oh my god we good oh my god holy sh i think i ran out of gas did you i'm kind of glad you ran out of cash oh my god [Music] [Applause] hmm oh my god she had to have been freaking out she had to have been freaking out holy i'm almost gonna cry [Laughter] [Music] yeah both both is that the scariest thing you've ever done i think it was that is skydiving that in skydiving skydiving wow i could see you screaming are you so happy to be out of the car adam is this very calculated we'll see we'll see he's gonna do a donut he's gonna do a donut like that yo how how is that possible how is that possible you were worried about doing that bro you did that so easily i've never done it in a small area he he told me he's like is it like a big deal if i if i hit the garage and i was like i mean yeah like i'm trying to sell the house a little bit more plants inside the car now these things have instant torque that's wild just that instant it's the instant hit everything after that's boring you just like disappear out of frame you get a quick exhaust clip of me revving gotcha obviously it's limited to a certain rpm level so i can't rev it super high but it'll give you an idea of the sound [Music] difference once we get that crop yeah there you go dang those tips look so cool sorry we're on it's too far pull it out that's a heavy muffler to be fair i think that's a bit lighter than stock but i'm not sure so went from 38 to eight so we saved 30 pounds oh my god oh my god like it's a real race car now you'll like it so loud [Music] oh my lord [Music] [Music] oh my adam it sounds so insane it sounds so you feel it you feel it where it goes by you like you feel it hard hey man hey what's up hey are you that guy from that news newsletter man oh yeah hey what do you want what are you doing yeah i found this place to do things i heard it's a freedom factory is that what it's called yeah can i hop in yeah go for it i take you've done this before so imagine that with all of our friends it's way shorter when you're on the track huh i mean it's only three eighths of a mile my prediction for this thing drifting i know it's a z i know it'll slide well i'm going to struggle a little bit with angle probably turn the power down the one thing that's going to make this thing kind of difficult to drift i've got a lot of grip in the front so it's it's going to want to rotate over the front if i put like those steelies on it it would just slide in the front and i could drift it real good bro i did not expect that to happen that was not on purpose but it was sick oh dang brother he brought the freedom to the factory [Music] [Music] [Music] you guys want to hear a classic prank on any youtuber ready for this [Music] dude hey i wasn't recording you gotta do it again for real no i'm kidding i'm down to harder i mean i'm not gonna go out a second but i can build a little more you do you boo adam i'm not zooming in because i don't want to frame the shot back here [Music] oh he in the yard he's in the yard uh gonna give her old ripper rooney he might send it over the jump he actually rides pretty good wow dude tripped in the bank like a pro look at him go we had this conversation we're like no no drift in the bank keep it safe first pass um [Music] it's fun right it's so weird how this car like when you spin it out it like whips and it like flows backwards yeah like it like catches around though there's a lot of grip in the front and then it just like you look great though i can't believe you drifted the bang dude i mean it drives good it's a lot more difficult with the twin turbo setup but like the power man is really good you hit it where did where else did you get it [Music] one second longer and they would have popped oh my gosh look at this i know look in there i saw you see that yeah drive with aggression mike always drive with aggression i'm such a child mike it's what i found here at osw so what are we doing go give them the rundown today well i'm in town and you've obviously came and drove our demo cars at auto enthusiast day a year or so ago and i was like why don't you just stop by and take a rip in the real race car so we have a um ford performance racing motor that is built by ralsh yates it's 455 cubic inches it makes about a little over 900 horsepower n a and then we do about a 300 shot of nitrous i don't know that you're gonna need nitrous on the infield but if so we'll turn it on um it's got a four-speed dog box uh we run a nitto nt555 g2 315 on the back and it's got a you know quick change uh we've got all costs all the suspension as our own custom geometry all bullet arms and all that give our angle and then uh achieve the grip levels and the characteristics of the car we want yeah weighs uh three thousand pounds and just like you we run bc cool overs so you know you're going to get in there and you're going to feel it and i definitely wasn't shifting the fastest i'm not very experienced with dog boxes so i kind of took it slow but you'll see the other couple laps i started to shift a little bit harder and faster one really cool thing if you notice here watch when i grab the handbrake it actually adds a little bit of speed to the car so the way that they're designed i guess it kind of resets the chassis and the way that it unloads the suspension and i'm not fully aware of how s550 geometry works um but the setup they have in their cars when you grab the handbrake it almost like speeds the car up and it's really [Music] cool [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so i thought the best way to formally introduce someone new to the channel not necessarily the most new but someone new to the team uh would be with a customary burnout [Music] i love johan he's the best stupid so shulman's been up here uh pretty much all day i think he's what have you what have you been doing up there there's a he got a steering wheel hub adapter and he's just been no it's been really difficult start please break this thing please god [Music] yeah there you go thank you trevor you ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] i got this go in there get the car and it's fine that's it okay i got this i'm just gonna bring it home where are you at adam oh oh are you right there what oh yeah there we go you got this you're gonna fly so hard yes one last thing to complete the look link in bio subscribe like comment share [Music] subscribe i really really want to mix it up oh wait they love this one it's not the right shade of black oh they're right here be right here rev up your engine right up your engine [Music] sit guess the skies man i gotta go i was out in one [Music] hey what's up [Music] can't keep in character it's so much harder you have to deep water [Music] they're coming they're gone they're what's up i think we had enough bro man this thing is fast even in the rain holy crap one two threes man wow oh no parking fire lane them shulman oh we could park your crackers we were really bored on the drive so we let shulman drive other we're a mile away from taco bell whoa you wanna you gotta eat exercise anyway you're fine why don't can we park over there where all the normal people are look at what we're gonna park right here are you joking no you're joking no frill i'll make it i'm parking here oh my god oh my god remember there's we're like showing lilly parker in a separate town from tacoma oh man fried chicken homie made me walk through the bushes sheldon what is this what is this i didn't know there's such thing as a taco bell and the kfc combined shows how often he ever eats it that is wild you but bro like i could have gotten chicken you all got me getting a gordita i would like to bring up something does anyone actually like sitting in chairs without bags what's the purpose why would ever anyone choose to save and share without a back what is the advantage see the thing is there's no answer because he's actually right like always so but i'm genuinely curious you guys chose this table there are plenty of tables with chairs with backs i didn't say anything about this table i just saw the drinks here johan chose it so i'll tell you maybe we'll interview him when he gets back he also protects himself from the coronavirus and you can see yeah i get the aesthetic that like maybe it looks better johan i have a serious question for you yeah why would anyone ever choose a chair that doesn't have a back what what is what is so alluring about it i don't know you chose this table did it speak to you it was in the middle of the restaurant or something so it's location remember we were talking about earlier vacation location location remember remember okay i don't want to make fun of it because i probably wouldn't have done a better job but the look at the light bar yeah it's melting and not in the center make a decision we have a canned dark pepper bro put it back oh my mom said no i want it mom says no what you got there in b well let me see you got chips you got soda what is it i want to see come on in be there ready we just got popcorn mb it's almost midnight you don't need popcorn no you do what you want you want apple you you want apple oh my god you don't get it no no which truck's yours no that's not yours which which is it which truck's yours no that's not yours mb mb which trucks yours no it's not those come on you're getting warmer come on which truck which truck's yours is it this one no envy get back here [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] my this car is fast i think that'll probably be one of the slowest cars i drive against so it's good to know i can do it it wasn't pretty but it took me probably like 20 minutes in the car to convince shulman that cracker barrel was good enough why explain to me your problem with cracker ball i feel old i'm gonna go there so i have this stigma with cracker barrel where in my head it's like old people go there and and it's just gross every time i go there it's a great experience this is not sponsored by cracker barrel they have a nice store where you can buy nice things and the food is good and the service is fast and look at the parking tripping over me now you got there indeed our neighbors decided that we can no longer park here so i have to start selling cars so comment below which cars you think i should sell the most you can sell the jcx 100 to me you do like a big body car i'll give you that but for now we're gonna do a quick cold start burnout i'm just kidding i'm just kidding no no no we're not tonight we did that at 5am the other night remember [Music] uh [Music] [Music] wow hopefully we can get a one piece fun for half a corner [Music] holy moly this thing makes a lot of smoke hey [Music] [Music] i hear a noise rodnock [Music] i wonder why tommy picks up the camera next thing you know rodnock yeah it was my fault but that's fine because uh my jzx is broken so he's just gonna take the motor out of that right don't let my smile fool you i'm so sad internally apparently we're not having the best luck with cars today colette's broken down on the side of the road oh buddy what happened to your car dude looks like someone made a pretty cool u-turn in the middle of the street what happened to your car oh buddy really can i break it already so you ruptured your coolant hose and your clutch isn't working should i turn it off yes i'm gonna be prepping some stuff on my chaser and we're gonna go drive more today there's a three-day event this weekend there's probably gonna be another driving video the thing is on the road again we rubbed some parts off of it for the e36 but it's back um so so [Applause] i think she's stuck here for a little while because of the whole coronavirus thing so show them the one on the other side oh awful one that could have screwed my door it's not that bad that was not there this was a little bit more of a hit but then we have some nice tire marks so you know out of one two three four five six seven ten tire marks there's one bad one that dented it so i'm sorry but though you you pushed me to be a better driver and i was forced to be and uh yeah it was a lot of motivation i just want to get good enough so i can do that to your door she who shall not be named is joining us today oh why is there a blur on my face right now no there actually is that's exactly what i was going to do hey if you want me to unblur you out though just make like a really really ugly face real quick yeah yeah if you want to be unblurred well you don't want me to talk about your mustang you're a mustang that you love so much that looks like a mustang [Applause] um how wild is that wow it's like nothing happened it sounds quiet yeah it does it feels so much faster like it barely spooled for your rubbing before now it's oh yeah [Music] are you ready for rip let's [Music] [Music] i'm so excited i just said no clutch kicks don't let me clutch kick okay you need to learn how to control yourself i do need one my only concern is uh breaking the drive shaft so i'm just going to try to drive wow this thing is sick temps are good i'm gonna do a quick once over wow this thing is so much better by the way just appreciate this dedication i didn't even like trying to enjoy it no i like i didn't even try to enjoy all of that i just was trying to get the angle so i couldn't even fully appreciate that but that felt amazing just gonna go out once he says and then he gets really excited and decides to go out again i am stoked for him [Music] he said he wasn't gonna do any what is that [Music] i'm so happy the caravan's great it sounds great we've only hit 192 and i just did 17 one flyby [Music] i'm giving 1200 bucks away to the person that does the best burnout in your personal driveway or your personal garage let's see what you got i'm gonna need you to uh maintain a 10 feet distance from me this whole time dude we have been so serious about today did you get talked to right when you got here no i didn't have you been within six feet of anybody of course not good never we're taking it super cute all right i'm ready just look at that oh my gosh that is so big dude that's sick that looks wild pretty different from last time you were here today i'm so excited to see the cars these are your rides dude so check it out there's a lot of them they all have nitrous 10-pound nitrous bottle on the roll cage wow i didn't know they got cages yep and then they all have a radio in them so you can the race control will be able to talk to you and they all have transponders on them so you'll have lap times and live positioning during the broadcast no way that is epic we're gonna make a mad dash to the cars and start decorating them and get all our safety equipment all set up [Music] hey it came out okay i ran out of time i put some of the stickers in the wrong spot i've definitely underestimated the amount of time that we've had whatever i gotta go get my suit on i am such an anxious mess this is like kind of more terrifying than anything cletus i actually think i so i didn't talk right there so you hear my throttle i didn't intentionally spin that car out i actually lifted when they started going sideways hoping that they would drive out of it but they were just kind of going slower than my threshold of grip um people were intentionally spinning people out i didn't want to do that because i would be bummed if someone did it to me but um yeah they just should have stayed in and they wouldn't have spun out because i lifted so that happened to me quite a few times where i kind of got nudged in back what was able to recover see that was a good example of me letting off because i didn't want to spin them out i could have but i just needed to get through and they're in my way there we go bye-bye uh we're taking a quick break from the e36 content uh there's actually a private rental of one of titan's customers at osw today and we were able to squeeze our way in so we're gonna go with the supra um it's kind of been in no man's limbo land after the last time we had another dragon ship and i'll explain a little bit more why once we get to the track um but the goal today is to go nines side note um i owe this to one of you guys in the comments section i never knew that this card couplers are here because these are super annoying with a shifter you're like bashing your coffee and stuff i would rate these ones back here at like a seven and a half if this car wasn't slammed dude these are some firm holding capacity don't fill the cup bro if it spills i don't want to eat my words are you filming the clap double the cup did it spill we're good i think the lady next to us to spill their coffee though remember remember all right i'm gonna hit the nitrous way earlier this time and just hope that it works let's do it guys this is the one broken record or broken axle let's find out all right guys we're on the track if i hit the nitrous a little bit earlier i think we would have been okay i bet that was a low low 10. that felt good one four five sixty foot we're making our way better and better each time i'm hitting the night just a little sooner the car's getting a little happier and happier i think the problem was i was running it too cold i don't think i was letting the car warm up enough i couldn't see it in the logs but that's my hypothesis [Music] dude he almost did 140. yeah that pass gave me hope he did it we got a nine you did it no he didn't if that was a nine then we're going faster almost 140 992 i saw you i saw mike running over the camera and i was like that was like a 1005 maybe like it wasn't a nine like you just know when you hit a nine you know [Music] [Music] oh there goes a side skirt ethan encouraged me uh with a very cool camera angling car that you guys already saw and we got a little too saucy a little bit we beached it it's pretty stuck [Music] yep yep oh yeah that did not that was definitely not good so my goal is um he gets out of work i think in maybe like two or three hours i want to try to get the radiator done and i want to try to get the fueling done on the car that way when he comes over we can work on the pedal assemblies we need to do throttle cable clutch and then put the drive shaft in and like my goal today i want to see novel's car do a burnout so i don't know if that's a little bit of a stretch with me and nabo's mechanical ability but we're gonna do our best fine start you get red [Music] this is huge guys [Music] yo that is not first gear and there colette there's no clutch no brakes the steering everything is loose the exhaust is in the cabin welcome to florida that was awful why why why are you guys continuing to try to do something just for the record saying this is not the best idea you guys have ever had a fun idea yeah i don't know oh my gosh no all right listen we're doing again it's gonna be perfect [Music] wow [Music] is a good burnout that was it oh my gosh this car is barely alive to begin with limping out of the garage and this is the first thing they do i think i see her and i don't know how she pulled this off you got to be kidding me what is this actually yours you're joking get out of here you're joking i just had the most stressful situation in my life i'm gonna collect i'm assuming she's gonna make some video pranking animals or something and she'll give you guys a full run around i'm in the car having a heart attack because i'm sitting here and i know evos and i know how rare left-hand drive evo is and what's going through my head is that's not an evo cluster it's missing the intercooler sprayer it sounds like there's no turbo and i'm like did someone sell her a mirage conversion at first i thought maybe it was a proper conversion with a floor pan cut out and everything and i was just getting stressed out because i got worried that someone took advantage of her and i that was just torturous and then and then like i we went we pulled over because she had to go to the bathroom and get food because she's human and we needed i was like dude you just gotta pop the hood like she wanted to film this video like showing me her new stick oh it was like but it slowly crept in because in the front it was perfect and or like from the outside you know you think that's sick because the evo sticks and i'd already been kind of looking for one so it's believable and then when you sit and you start getting more and more stress like i saw the panic on your face and i was just trying to watch you process everything because i was like no i just found evo since it was such a good deal i like i scored big and it's amazing it's my dream car and yeah i see it in this bay right here another evo but not just any evo this is an evo six and a half tommy mackin edition but not just any telling back in edition come over here this is the six and a half tme rs super super super rare the fact that this car is even in the states is beyond me and not only that it was actually legally imported as a race car so if you look it's already fully caged and if you guys remember i've been kind of getting sketched out in my evo because it doesn't have a cage and i really want to take my driving farther but i don't want to ruin that car and this is going to be perfect it's an arctic evo but not only just any evo a six and a half team ers like as rare as it gets it was about a 10 minute 15 minute drive to go visit none other than the man himself rob dom he's been giving me some lessons on the rotary world and we've been chatting for a bit but he was just asking if i wanted to start it and i'm curious how far away i'll need to put my camera to see if it's going to max out the audio the only thing i'm a little bit nervous about is this guy right here do you have a light man that sounds cool up there [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] so hopefully i'll get an alignment and then you can stop talking crap about all my cars don't worry that won't make the video either don't worry i'll cut that out good cut cut it out cut the clip you can't know i can't know what you just said oh my god you're just asking for it god just constantly making up beef and drama i'm done with it [Music] hey guess what nothing's open the bathrooms are open again even your bathrooms do stand and start you won't standing start you won't do it right here no i don't want to because if we break on the mountain you're not going to be happy with me no no no chris is nearby i'll call because foreign needs to come up with a trailer you realize that right yeah but we'll figure it out i think you should just do a standing start like a little one just like a little light pop-up you know just a little tiny one you did it at the track it was just fine and look this is like the best angel we'll see you drive off into the distance it'll be so cinematic if maybe if there's no one around i will consider it but there's like nice people eating lunch over there and i don't want to upset them with me i'm done everyone's hiding evil all right let's take some photos and then we'll talk about this later stressing me out also that's how you know she's a racer girl because anybody else would be like launch it launch it use launch control two-step and she's like can you do a standing start it'd be dead no that's it's cool i'm admiring you like i live for my life i'd be showing you up right now wow i would do it hey you know whatever it's pretty bad got worse when i got down which way am i going that way anyway you just oh my god here we go with the anyway we're having arguments on the way because he's bringing me here and i don't know where i'm going and he's just like sitting there quiet when there's turns and stuff and i'm like you think you'd be happy to see me but no it's expected right back we pick up right when we left off yo not knowing where you're going i just assume that tommy knows everywhere that he's going because i feel like he watches my videos but apparently he doesn't he could all right this is still weird that's the second time you said that do you think your viewers could watch your videos and navigate your life dude is that what you think i you know i like to think about you more than a viewer now they're outside just one to hear your truck any cops never never bro i thought something broke in the rear end it sounded like it caught we got a heat and true track in this thing it's good to go i don't know what that means but it's not if it's like i could tell you they definitely oh it blew no oil pressure everyone at panera is looking this thing must be loud could you not hear it bro could you imagine getting your graduation picture taken in front of a chick-fil-a sign oh my god that's really happening to our left love i don't want to do her the injustice of filming it but i kid you not this is happening right there is a there was a she must love it maybe she graduated chick-fil-a school though how do you know it's was that a thing they put her name on the sign oh they must be tight with chick-fil-a maybe they own it damn that's sick some corona special a little bacon good a little big and gouda with a side of corona yeah someone's like i'm gonna i'm gonna pick it and throw it oh no no no i'm in a high risk category i'm old you catch the coven i'm not trying to do that let's see if it'll spin third out here you just broke third i broke them all i didn't just break third wait no i didn't i didn't bring them up i kind of broke them all good thing i have a spirit training i think i did it when i did that second gear shift no bro just have it right there it's not like you went to clutched up third dude i got pissed off you're here like oh yeah that's that's your third gear winding around it's okay it's fine it's fine it'll fix itself we can get you another one swapped out yeah they're like 300 bucks i'm just gonna do a little i can give you this footage if you need it yeah transmission man get it all right you're going to third yeah there's no third is there second yeah as you stop third you can drive like this it doesn't sound like i can drive like and it doesn't 30 years like wait i'm still here you might start to break the other gear yeah it sounds like there's a lot of gear in the other gears that was fun so we're here what do you think of the truck dude dude i love thirty now i have to fix that training training's key it's cool though right rages through the gear even with a 370 that's insane yeah this thing is sick i need ear muffs yeah what have you done we gotta go turn it off does it make more torque [Music] [Music] this might be like one of your fastest i mean it's gotta be like top three weight yeah just the doubt it like puts it down oh my god [Music] oh great oh my god oh my god are you okay no dude the car like a huge flame just it almost caught on fire i don't know what happened are you serious yeah i pulled over but i saw like a fire like i legit almost had to jump out of the car i mean i feel like i still i don't know i'm on like the back side of the track but there was definitely a flame yeah it's on fire it's literally on fire it's legit like on fire [Music] [Music] i'm regretting not checking the oil filter first the dealer was the last place to touch it and i physically haven't thought this morning maybe i should put a hand on the oil filter and just double check it it seems like the same thing that happened last time the oscillations from the flat plane vibrated the oil filter loose she lost oil car caught fire luckily she's okay i'm sorry clap i'm just trying to think if it's hard to tell like chassis damage wise might make a good drift car yeah maybe that is that's bad that's crazy huh it's written off it's all that plastic just catches on time yeah i mean it's definitely totaled for sure what i'm saying and buying it back from the auction maybe make it into a drift car all right so any second now a truck is going to arrive with another gt350 i've been speaking with a bunch of different places specifically the parts farm that specializes in parting out these things and it's just so difficult to get all the little items that we need so i actually negotiated and bought an entire gt350 from them that was in a front right rack [Music] i'll be so pumped if this thing runs sure i started i swear to god something happens it's not my fault it's on camera yep this is your fault does that power we got the jump box if not [Applause] happy birthday showman [Music] i'm so excited it's here it's here dominic just dropped it off and it is 1 30 in the morning taking everything in me right now to not start mocking this thing up in the stang alright guys welcome to today's video as you see by the title it is pretty exciting times and i have to be fully transparent with you before we actually pull the engine in the mustang we kind of had a plan to do this i kind of may have already had the engine on the way but this gt350 right here is gonna be the proud home of a beara i've got uh my trash clothes on today because we are going over to randy's and we're gonna go lay down some color on the engine bay of the gt350 all right so this is one coat that is kind of cool it almost it's very very very subtle yeah because it's so fine i am curious though if we like spray a second coat on to see how much more wild it would get all right two coats it's definitely starting to look a little more pink but yo dude the way it flops though is kind of wild because it's like nothing and then crazy i'm down to juice two coats what do you think hell yeah so are we getting it smoother are we just kind of scuffing it and the paint will lay down smooth got [Music] it [Music] all right so i can say official wow my i got a crazy thing on my hair bro [Music] so officially the first thing that i i somewhat painted i let randy do the final layer of clear just because i was really scared of striping it because we had to go crazy with the pearl um i don't know if you guys will be able to tell on camera but it's super super subtle i think it's one of those things that you'll only be able to tell in very certain lighting but it uh it's cool how'd i do for my first time dude got an a so i don't think i give you guys a proper shot of it in the sun and it's really hard to tell on camera but it does have just the ever so slightest pink you to it well you said it's actually red pearl or a little bit of played right but it looks pink randy told me it was red pearl but to be honest it kind of looks pink and i kind of feel like you guys played a trick on me or something yeah that that's something randy would do [Music] you guys remember when i had the bronze tees on my supra that someone may have messed up i'm not going to name any name children freddie does them now and his super that's wrapped orange look how good this car looks that's rap yeah oh wow it looks awesome that is oh if you guys don't remember freddy you said you're very familiar with ecu master and you like it yeah it's my favorite computer by far so that uh that works very well for us because this is such a finicky car so i want to hear your hypothesis on what this car is going to do i know my guess but yeah i have no experience with the g series turbo but going based off of what the super made yeah probably mid to high sixes and low 600 torque oh that's the water bro from the intake manifold it's water oh my god it just started flowing out what oh did the shifter fall out yeah that happens sometimes seven seven seven ten seven ten that is wild no drift thoughs [Music] yeah it seems pretty happy there's like a little verbal at one of the points [Music] that's a weapon wait whatever's in here i need to keep yeah yeah it's mine yeah forever all right guys so this right here behold your eyes here's the new shop look at it so like i said this is just going to be kind of like a storage facility for cars and we're going to beautify this place but unfortunately the first thing we need to do there's these nice offices built out but with measurements in order to get two cars here it would be really annoying we'd have to use dollies every time because of the fact that this is here but if we take this down it will be enough to be able to drive in and get two cars in here so i can park two cars here three cars here and then maybe i kind of want to take some measurements and see if i could do like a four post two car left back here how's that working out for you wait wait wait wait what oh gosh oh my gosh hand on the wheel hand on the wheel while you did that i made it dead it's going again wow yeah we do it one more time because the whole thing dented in that did not feel good oh my gosh oh no oh no [Applause] oh my god no now we're throwing oh my gosh oh man what are you doing you're running over the landlord's trash can why would you do that oh my gosh i don't know i did so much now we'll just loop it over the ceiling oh my god wow but it uh it didn't turn out to be that that bad so probably three or four hours and we've gotten 90 of it cleared out to where now you guys can kind of get a better idea of the space in here this reminder is gonna be mostly stored so nothing too fancy but i would really like to put like a four post two car left here just to be able to store more stuff and that does it for the first half of the best of 20 20 videos so this is pretty much all the stuff that happened between january and the end of may i just realized that that's not technically halfway through the year so i guess it's not exactly a halfway split on the video but in the beginning of the year i was pretty much daily so there was a lot to go through and this one will probably have a lot more meat to it than the second one because i switched to every other day which pretty much transformed my life and gave me so much more time to focus on stuff mike wound up coming in the picture full time which took a ton off my plate and let me really work on the brand and live a healthier life so um it'll be interesting to see the difference with part two of the best of 20 20 videos because that was a huge thing for me and i don't know if it'll be evident by the clips but either way i hope you really enjoyed the first half of this video the dawning task to go through all the videos of 2020 so i'm super appreciative that mike's been able to do it it's something that i'm never able to sit down and fully do and uh i appreciate it i hope you guys do i hope you enjoyed this video part 2 should be up later this week thank [Music] oh you gosh
Channel: Adam LZ
Views: 1,496,761
Rating: 4.8943853 out of 5
Keywords: adam lz, best of 2020, best moment, best moments, funniest, challenge, series, crash, drift, drifting, build, car, new car, collete
Id: -8Qm-WB1Q3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 6sec (7026 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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