Adam LZ | Best of 2020 Pt. 2

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what's up guys and welcome to this video this is going to be part two of the best moments of 2020. i was really excited to read all your comments on the first one and see what all your favorite moments are and i'm even more curious to see what your favorite moments of this video are because the second half of the year is when i feel like all the craziest stuff happened it's wild to look back and see everything at once and i think what's even crazier is that 2021 is gonna make 2020 look like a joke so i'm super excited moving forward but i hope you guys enjoyed this one i had a blast re-watching it and i wanted to let you know that i did purposely not include a ton of footage from formula drift because i do plan on making a reflection video on my 2020 formula drift season along with some of the stuff that i've learned what i liked what i didn't like what we're gonna do better in the next year and kind of more of a fd focus where this is just kind of like the best all-around moment it's got a slow start with ironically the slowest car i've probably ever put on a dyno but it gets good enjoy and we've got a whopping 350 horsepower this looks so cool doesn't it all right so the engine is officially out kind of cool seeing it in uh this form we're going to get it ready and this thing should be pretty fun all right so if we got to get over speed bumpers i just get out of the car i go look at that and then and then when i rock under the car me i'm just like yup look i'm low there you go bro hey guys we're about to take out the r32 with the new traction arm set up and the grip of your tires i really should do a back-to-back test with the 245's but we have a slight dry spell where it's not raining i'm scared it's going to rain again so i'm going to test it with both and see how spicy sticky she is oh yeah dude that's some spice sugar and spice boy this thing's nice i'm excited i'm nervous but man this is gonna be fun i hope it works out well i love my z but she's gonna get some some some some scars um hmm you lost the time oh so how long did it take did it yeah dude i'll show you the detail stuff yeah why it took so long yo i don't have another camera uh uh oh boy did it pull the pants good save kevin calls me adam and i are doing it we hear like a big like thud behind us adam literally turns to me yeah adam turns me on and he literally says did you feel that and then i feel my phone buzzing and i'm like that's not a good thing that my phone's ringing as kevin is looking at us without further ado man i can't speak uh here is the new project don't be afraid i am not ruining this car and turning it into a drift car i would never do that to a blue beautiful laguna sega blue e46 m3 it may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but it's definitely the sharpest looking she doesn't like my dad jokes i'm trying okay can we talk about that real quick oh my gosh not this again how hard it is to find real milk in california yeah because we're past that we don't you know we found better things oat milk is superior almond milk is superior i'm really offended that you're trying to hijack my e46 m3 video to talk about oatmeal all right now i i knew this was kind of gonna be a big deal and this is gonna be a very big part of the channel and i i knew that last time when johan joined the team we did a cool reveal with him doing a burnout and that was a pretty awesome way yeah for you to join and it was a lot of fun so i thought we would do something similar and we would welcome with a new burnout oh yo my dog hell yeah man who says dance cars can't do burnout not me that was our very first bagged burnout okay guys if you haven't noticed the new member is mike mike moved to florida what is good specifically he actually moved in but we'll talk more about that after i congratulate him on an epic burnout thank you come on come on it's awesome yeah it does oh that was smoky couldn't even see bro they said it's physically impossible to crack it so that's my goal i've been hitting it with sledgehammers in my spare time i've just been playing around i'm gonna put some nuts on them so doesn't fall on the ground look at that this is and then like it could be a lot bigger people thought maybe the other picture we have is for that now what is that it's going to suck your hair that g42 1450 oh my gosh power it's light dude it's really light so do you wanna you wanna sit at the desk or do you wanna sit on the couch i think on the couch okay couch is all yours bro all right so we've got some designs pulled up for you but no i'm wearing this shirt no no if you had to pick one of these if you had to wear one shirt for the rest of your life okay i can wear that shirt this one yes the blue and red one yeah that one's pretty awesome we could do a pink one just for parker parker could have his own his own one-off yeah the parker t yeah the limited edition limited edition don't call me that they'll call you by your name oh yeah oh okay sorry the animal z signature shirt adam lz signature shirt yeah in the rocket colorway rocket car colorway yeah at your age do boys wear pink yeah yeah heck yeah i mean this is why we're having the meeting with you because we don't know these things right it's been a while since i've been what grade are you in how old are you four you're actually four yes i i passed my birthday now i'm four really yeah you seem so much more mature than a four-year-old yeah now you got me so are you are you in kindergarten i don't do kidding garden well the commander by this is out here ah adam lz signature shirts coming soon yeah yeah yeah well then that's a wrap welcome to grant's three easy steps to making thousands unjust just make sure you go counterclockwise motions and yeah there you go yep that's perfect mike talks to me a lot nicer than that what are you i'm i'm your father how dare you disrespect me like that all right good evening today we have a unboxing video of the kawasaki super chicken exhaust system all right how you feeling pat i feel like the twisted t-truck ran me over where are we going pat hell this is the best thing i've ever seen will he go this is the chicken crew here today go on the chicken are you kidding look at this this is the rig he's got the he's got the tes on it and everything yeah grant walk us through i want to see how this happens yeah so do i i think you should just slam on the bracelet that he shows up to the lake with his j's on oh we're going swimming let me put my js on poor talk dude you shot rocks at your ski bro the crew of chickens we've got five here everybody's pulled their uh skis out of the water i think it was a great first day absolutely dude you did good the ski ran good i need the intake rate yeah but you uh completed grants four easy steps to making a cool jet ski so i picked this up just for towing the jet ski around um i was gonna do a car check for you guys but that'll be in tomorrow's video keep going a little more right you're good okay or yep or keep going just keep going yeah no you got about eight more you got to go back with water you have to go back farther actually yeah i was kidding is there water in here no it's not even hitting the bottom of the bumper yeah i think so too oh it's on fire watch out is this all oil or water well that's water i don't know what that is that's some sort of bearing that's the rod bearing well that is yeah it's for the connecting rod that looks like it's in good shape too almost a part of a piston you're jerked happy oh oh my 20 minutes later it's probably the first time i've ever heard this in my life but it's so long so the feedback that i'm giving you is that if we had to choose a drum set we're going for the august burn red type of sound big snare okay big snare big snare china double kick pedal timbering for club definitely tambourine i what i'm out it's not just the first time driving a new engine it's the first time that this thing's driving after being you know we don't talk about that anymore i'm so excited um but it's got a gtx sorry it's got a g series g30 770 making 710 peak horsepower tuned by freddy spectoon it's got a bunch of other cool crap let me show you what the real engine looks like the rat's nest uh let's not talk about the rat's nest but you know with the whole turbo upgrade we got this cool little filter right here oh you didn't say a man out of this brother oh we don't talk about that that's just that's just for you ever seen the scene in that one movie where it sprays the nitrous out at the girl that's all that's for it's not hooked up to anything look at you guys so ghetto yeah that's that's it's fine you know it's healthy drill a hole through the hood no no oh what do you think that was terrifying and i i'm kind of upset that he pulled on me but we almost had him almost almost had we freight train them oh my god if you start in second it like takes a set like it doesn't make as much power in a second yeah um so here's the thing what the window here's the excuse all right here all right all right i left the window down uh-huh because you know even though this thing's automatic there's still a lot of things that i have to do couldn't also the ac was on um to be fair my ac might have been on for one of those bulls too no mike no no no more nerfs we're here for bigger purposes than nerf guns plotting which car she's going to catch on fire next wow i got so excited i haven't seen yu-gi-oh cards in so long i don't know anything about your cards anymore because i got them just for the nostalgia if you guys were ever into yugioh the smell of yu-gi-oh cards i got these just to get a whiff and remind myself in my childhood like do we have continuity about like landing here and stuff uh yeah stock footage dude okay oh yeah about that yeah thanks for that dude do you miss it yeah were you in yugioh yeah a little bit a little bit yeah was that blue eyes right there i remember when i was a kid like aren't you an adult i was like so like all i ever wanted was yu-gi-oh cards and like they were too expensive so now that i can just carelessly buy yu-gi-oh cards to sniff them to slip them it's just it's a thing i'm now going to change your name in my phone from officer farva to joe it's like getting a new book back when i used to read andy my crew chief also my good friend has been going through the car it's got fresh paint it's got a lot of whole new goodies and i'm excited to show you guys what's up um what's your name young lady not on my saddle yet on the count of three can i get your loudest proudest texas size one two three i trusted you i take it back non-dvdci sucks wait i want to see if i can do reverse doughnuts oh that is a weird that one fell so backwards whoa it's not as fun as you like think like you watch other people doing it and it looks so fun but it's not actually that fun i just like doing the wii i go whiplash from that one i felt like i started getting into mangy a little bit my neck yes we're minging that air filter delete did some work oh brother buy one get five free what oh it's my lucky day no oh it fell over i don't want to pick it up i don't know what it is her face i thought it was a smoke bomb i hope i didn't put it out i'm not supposed to do that mike i think they're gonna try to make a thousand wheel which will be rad we're all really nervous about the head lifting so we'll see my prediction of them going up more than one pound was most likely correct oh my lord that is so loud i keep my table really clean just to make sure that i don't get any cross contamination on any of the junk builds around here rubbing off on mine you ready to see what we got in here it's really important that we don't cross contamination between the vapor hone stuff and the zinc plating stuff they're always trying to just trying to cross and hang out together you just everybody's sleeping don't sleep get your hardware zinc coated stop building trash build have some dignity my gtr is going to slay not because it's fast but because i carefully curated and chose and went on yahoo auctions japan i spent 500 on this bolt do you know what this is this is a nismo old logo bowl collectors haven't even heard about this mike like this this right here sean morris tried to outbid me for this dude buried him his builds trash my builds slay i don't know how i'm gonna put any of this back together i labeled everything in separate bags but everybody knows how great i am so they just decided they'd throw it all together and figured i could piece it back together since i've parted out 1300 gtrs in this 57 years i've been alive i've been partnered with gtrs since before they were even out nissan actually hired me to part out old gtrs to make new gtrs and that's why today i'm just gonna slay don't sleep i think i'm actually at the point where for my daily i think i enjoy having an automatic car which is like kinda wild but now i can get the sippy lid i can hold it one hand and i can just slush my way out of the parking lot not a fan of the slushes it'd be cool if they were like pops yeah i never thought i could i could actually enjoy driving an auto so it's kind of cool this is some foamed up i've been desperately waiting for the pumpkin cream gold brew to come back and this is my attempt at trying to recreate it to the best of my ability it's not too bad but it's also not great bro it works dude it feels like a spaceship i think we might hit limiter it's hard to tell either that or there's a little like hesitation first second third shift bro it like i think it must be it must be over boosting on shifts i bet that's what it is because think about i shifted there and it felt like i didn't really do much and it just lit the wheels up yeah oh the car just it thinks the car's off wait what yeah it just like for whatever reason it thinks that the car is off the body control module timed out for some reason what should we do okay we're good leave it just here for a second it'll start the body control module just timed out it's not it's not cranking it's like it lost the attack signal i always hit a wire and a pulley you know you know i'm not gonna say it it was going really smoothly so oh my god shulman he almost just got his hit why wouldn't he wait for no traffic i i've never put so much faith in shona's hands i think i'm more scared for you you've got a family to go home too you say i'm a spaz yes i'm a spaz yeah dude you're stopped in the middle of traffic i made a left turn with an oncoming car wait what's the strap broke we'll let him get the jump he's vibing right now um definitely could be faster i love how it hits limiter though that's so cool yeah that's what i'm saying bro it gets spicy that was the crowd killer right there exactly that's that's my turn with the auto that's exactly how that happens damn sir i've never had that happen in my life what i don't know i'm so confused how does that make any sense i don't know bro how am i supposed to bleed it oh my god it's disgusting it's been a really long day me and freddie went for driving the evo and then the same exact spot where the mustang crashed oh sorry where the mustang broke when the e36 broke the evo broke ironically it cranked trigger error again this time because of a shorter wire then we get pizza and look what happened we got this delivered and they show up like this she must have been driving the bear over here dude she rolled up in the frs and like it looked low but it didn't look like it's fast enough to do that it definitely didn't have a turbo but no na fr is doing that i mean it's already pre-rolled for you so dude we gave her a really nice tip too i was like in a great mood at that point my night hadn't gotten really really bad but now it's really bad she hit up osw thanks sam samantha if you guys want to talk to her it's samantha giorgio's so this car basically sat since the open house which is back like what uh december really hadn't been driven much around then uh got moved here like three months ago so it's been basically sitting almost a year now we're gonna see does it still rip fuel system is probably clogged but we don't have time to clean it right now let's see how she sounds mike and i have a very special surprise for you other than johan and shulman and mike i'll be in here which is like a pretty good surprise in itself we got a convertible mustang and look at the colors great we got it we're gonna play it show one i have to get this i figure this off my chest i need to know there's a real thing or not because i've been thinking a lot about it there was a rumor that if i podium my very first round you're shaving your head bald no i don't know dude the motivation that that would give me don't care dude because my luck will win should be cool but i have to keep my damn head that's how much he cares about me ow johan over here is like dude i do it for you i'm like man i appreciate it but like it really has to be shulman to me oh man comment below guys we like kind of knew this was gonna be a problem but i don't think we realized it wasn't even this bad you know let's say backseat's kind of tight huh a little bit kind of really tight dude how many bags we got eight yo give her a little wrap give her a little rev start dude these things are fun oh man that's all good let the lady hear you there it is that's it is that it we good to go we're good to go blast off brother i love this very good oh man oh uh i'm so car sick no oh my god did you find the diy for the wiper blade install yeah so i can never figure it out man like they don't come with instruction is that is that the new thing whenever i get new fresh new parts dude it does smell really good give it a sniff i swear to god doesn't it yeah you want a sniff it smells like christmas no seriously why does it smell like that it smells great it's so weird bosh icon like the best smelling wiper blade in the business so i know you haven't seen this thing in a long time what do you think it's been a while i like it it looks really good i just can't believe how like perfect everything fit i feel like for such a crazy swap it looks like it was meant for this car so i don't feel bad for burning it down wow right off the gate i get this like evil smile on my face every time i drive it because it's like you're always on the threshold of just about to be nutty so it's like it just wants to go oh my god this thing scares this is the me car i've been in that kind of scares me i'm yours there's more stairs you look like you scared yourself yeah definitely like not many cars get my adrenaline going but i think because it's a mustang and it's you never know what's gonna happen wait what is it exactly exactly might keep that in please give it the beans for the beans brakes are good you drive this well i like it even though it doesn't have a rotary in it how ironic this is this is my plan ready this is what we're gonna do you're gonna put this hat on you're gonna put my helmet on and you're gonna go drive my car for me all right we'll throw all the grip at it that's that's that's how we went yeah i think people will be surprised to see in the spotter stand um great job by freddie here and it's unfortunate for adam because that was a really clean lead run i mean look at this on outside zone two builds it completely stays on throttle boom through inside clip really great line here going to outside zone three and you can only imagine what it would have been like in terms of a much more competitive battle had he been able to kind of figure out what was going on there in the chase run it's our first year in pro one we're jumping into the field with a lot of veterans and a lot of people that have been doing this for a while and it's going to be an exciting challenge and i'm super excited to bring you guys along for the journey so oh hello i want to see look at this yo dude shulman like for like three years that i've known me can never find the whole bro you found it i found it right there that is a huge you know what's weird you can see the starter from here yeah is it okay no the starter yeah yeah sorry it's good okay oh start is fine yeah that was a big hole yeah but listen like honestly though i feel like i've done worse before that is a big hole oh no there's one up top yeah oh top two yeah okay this is what happens oh my god oh yeah the rod is still up in connecticut i'm pretty sure holy moly it might be in the ashes we needed that what look up here too yeah that's what happens with a piston engine no camera i stood here and i was like this might happen i don't know yep yep it happened well it was real hard work taking this engine out all by myself yeah sucks that i uh it didn't have any help doing this and yeah you know just yeah it was hard i don't know if you guys could tell in the video just like i got this thing all out myself i just brought back to the airport and it was the most miserable experience of my life not only because she was leaving but because the fact there was three inches of standing water and i was driving the supra with the drag tires in the back that already go all over the nose nope that's that's what the car was doing it was yeah no not that time the trucks would be passing me and there'd be children on bicycles going faster than the other side of the highway it was rough look at this thing on the side of that it's toasty you got three holes in this thing that's not the only thing that's three whole showman with a firewall on this that's why they call it a firewall my guy you're full of jokes today huh that's the only thing i'm full of oh god he's full of jokes so we are going to track so so this thing's so much fun why didn't i build an e36 for formula drift i lost my crank pulley my z's got something bent in the back i guess that's the least of the bad things colette's car was infested with hands and now her diff broken fell out johan's car has been overheating and peeing cooling off the side drifting so so that's z-man it's bad luck is it i think z's are bad luck every z today is broken mine's still good at this yeah but if i do two three laps and i'll cook i think we should all switch to corvettes v8 chasers all right she can't understand why i'm geeking out over this old stupid white e36 with plastic door handles we get to take it for a drive i'm telling you it's special you said it's super rare and lightweight and just like me oh i'm super i'm super rare and lightweight that's why you like me yeah yep it's just i just i i know it's not gonna be fast or anything but it's just such a special car to have the opportunity to drive and say i've driven like if i ever have a collection with all the cars from all the manufacturers would have to be one that's in my stable i think i've driven an s52 car before but i can't even remember if i have i wish we had a track all right let's see you ready i'm gonna floor it it's better than i thought this thing would on my e46 m3 really oh yeah for sure yeah for sure what's this thing faster than that one or slower let me hear faster yeah yeah all right we'll be the judge so we're doing some donuts in it you are i am you are i thought you were nah you want a tandem you could try that one what about you you down i'm down we could do some windmills let me let me do a donut first and then we'll fill it out all right that'll be cool this thing's sick we'd like to walk you to seattle where the local time is 3 39 pm what's up guys this is adam lz if you're tuning into my channel you already know that this is cut again what's up guys i'm officially checking in with what the is wrong with me man mike's make you like second guessing so much like both like physical like microphones and mike as a human he's like standing there or the evil grin on his face looking like a little shrek meets the grinch tell me you're right we've been good bro we've been rolling we are here at fd seattle i think technically speaking we are in monroe washington it looks like it's going to be a very rainy week if you notice it's wet outside i think the forecast says it's going to continue to be wet it's finally cold enough to be wearing a sweatshirt i love that we are going through a bunch of changes right now with the car setting it up differently for the rain we're gonna walk over and we're gonna go check in with chris and see if he can tell us a couple things real quick that's not chris that's james i just choked i'm like debating in my head like should we ask james if he knows anything that we're changing for the rain setup or should we just talk to chris about it james what are we doing differently for the rain setup on the car can you fill me in uh yeah so uh we we're running much tighter gaps on on the body panels because the water gets in there and and then it uh it um it slows you down so we gotta tighten the gaps i feel like i keep accidentally putting this little mic in people's mouth james is redoing some stickers we got some panels reaping and fix up from the last round let's see if we can make our way around the car and go back over and talk with chris uh chris has been making most of the changes to the car for the rain setup chris can you fill me in on a couple changes we're making to accommodate for all the rain this is a very long bank track it's challenging to stay up some of you guys may have a hard time staying up this track's a real challenge to stay up tell me how we're gonna stay up okay god so uh to stay up on the wall i'm glad this is so uncomfortable we're dropping this way boy i can't do this man we're dropping the sway bar playing with tire pressures and oh god i just don't even want to make eye contact uh dropping the sway bar tire pressures and um uh playing with the dampening because the track's gonna be very slick very slick so yeah those are some of the things so you can he also raised my car about like four inches yeah i love that part yeah hate that part hate that for me take three of trying to have a conversation with shulman shulman talk to me hello we're here and wet and cold i got like every third let's try that again all right take four of talking to shulman shulman say something in the mic so what this is now the fifth time we've tried to get shulman on camera i don't know what's going on today he's having a rough day out here showman talk to me tell me about your experience out here you drove the rig 1500 miles yeah i drove really far you know cross country i didn't do that someone else did that but we're here and we're safe but we're wet and we're cold and we're gonna win right you know it sean told me he's gonna actually shave his head this round if i podium not not happening no no no no no no no when you care about your hair more than you care about your friend up dude it's up john how you doing i'm doing good how do you feel about the car um the car looks good it's higher so we're going to go off-roading this weekend uh hopefully there's enough mud out there it's rain now uh most of the other teams are adding power doing a lot of different stuff for this track just because they need to stay up on the bank it's the biggest challenge of this round staying up uh one thing that we did to try to compensate for that fresh candy valve covers this is what makes a difference last run i had vaughn chasing me so i was uh actually you think would make me more nervous with him chasing me i'm like vaughn's gonna be pumped if i do well and if i don't do well he's gonna understand so we had a little bit of contact you guys will see ah hmm we were seeing low oil pressure warnings on the bank it was having around i think 35 or 40 psi freddie wanted us to look into it and this is what we found so solution unfortunately is going to be swapping the engine tonight got some work going on over here somewhere going on over here everybody's wrenching on their stuff and we're over here trying to swap an engine but the nice thing is because of the schedule we do have an entire day off tomorrow so it's nice to have that cushion but we're not going to rely on it but in case something goes wrong it's good to have it yo i just want to bring very very close attention to the fact that there is no tuner i've ever met on the planet that is as hands-on as freddy is he's literally taking apart engines working underneath the car most tuners are like oh your wastegate lines are messed up i'm going to leave now okay and i'm not that's not a big at any tutors that i've worked with because all the people that i work with are great people but freddie is like i was going to say my soulmate but my soulmate it's kind of weird yeah it's kind of weird showing that he said all right so this is a quick little trivia round ginge if you had to take a guess how many jay-z's do you think joe han has assembled in his life 68 before this is he high or low high how many of you think you've done 15 to 20. it's pretty good what about you there's two trendy is the best lap so fun fact we were actually spinning the whole time um we were actually making somewhere around 940 horsepower uh because it was spinning it wasn't reading right so now you can see the actual graph and then you can see the difference when we add the nitrous as a spool aid brings the torque on quite a bit sooner out of it here we go adam lz will lead really fast on the bank great angle man really throwing down not shaking ken gucci oh look at the lz massive angle now coming to the power outlet oh my goodness ken gucci absolutely smoking it off of the bank and exceeds all four tires off ryan that could be really devastating for the goose coming out last outside zone oh man oh very unfortunate there for gucci i think he was shaken coming off the bank ryan but adam lz held it together he just dropped the tire barely over the line and gucci had a poor line from end of outside zone one to that area and you can see that he just overshot very unfortunate for ken gossey but you know who's stoked adam lz gets the win adam lz will be moving on we also kidnapped freddy he's hiding in the corner i wanna go home he's hiding cause he's the one's girlfriend to see him here and know that he's kidnapped that's a joke this piece of literally just scraped coming out of my garage i didn't i i said i would replace the swiss tracks but there's there's no damage i need to show them this right here is what he just scraped on it's like two fingers so according to our coffee tuner in the back seat it's international coffee day and that's why none of our starbucks apps are working right rip is right freddy how's the vu looking on this thing how's the what oh the heat broken mike's gonna try to go up the steep way this is uh the struggle of starbucks right here he's scraping him flat ground right now did i do it i think you're still dragging my guy there's another exit and he literally chooses this one listen i don't tell you how to live your own life james first ride in barrow uh so fun so all my his wheels don't fit for mike for mike james you ready to feel the power you can't just bring it on me like that dude i never drive this thing in auto mode it's kind of scary because it downshifted so fast then it like downshifts like before the pull or like after the pull that it's frightening for me because i don't have control oh i was not ready for that oh i'm over the auto the auto stresses me out dude all right seven in the shop i want to drive it because i haven't been able to drive it in the drive with a new power mike you're coming with me i am yes yay you get to experience ls okay you hear that brad dude it kind of sounds like a rotary it does i've been walking like a dodo all night you've been walking like you're ready to square up with everything i'll buff my chest yo squirrel it does sound rad dude jesus spicy girl cigarette spice boy this thing is right i get myself in trouble dude i still got no no no confidence in this build oh man he absolutely just peppered everyone's cars oh boy i can't see where is he oh there he is you know the quickest i've ever made tiresome it sounded like it was going to bog for a second then the via gods came to my rescue man dude man that is so easy to do a big burnout this is what it feels like driving the v8 all the ls people in the comments i know they're like dude what we've been telling you did you see it almost mustang me on the corner yeah i saw you spray rocks all over our cars uh my mom gets scared very easily in cars so i thought i would take her for a ride in the bear mustang that's making about i don't know somewhere over 900 wheel right now what are you doing i'm scared have you lost your mind you ready i think this is the closest we've gotten to your old reaction in the 240. yeah that's enough no no i'm just like i'm like a kid in a candy store so this is like my first v8 so i just want to just constantly just floor it at low rpm because it goes black you don't like this car anymore remember thanks for tuning my new daily those are your words not mine awkward silence because now i like this car the spark plugs are tight you know what that's kind of messed up if you're only gonna know if you're you're half kidding you're happy i'm not kidding you're happy i'm super excited it's finally time to start the build of the rb that's it that's that's the video i guess we're doing role reversal johann are you being me yeah mike is being uh yes so we got here mike is about to put some assembly loop on there yep you should open that first uh-huh you didn't tell me before i started sir running out of the drawer sorry you ever have that happen with your shampoo you got to put it in your hair and it's closed yeah who doesn't have that yes it does what kind of shampoo are you using i guess my wife opens it all of them now that one's going to be real lubed just that one just a touch of red yeah we'll just have freddie like plus plus plus plus cylinder number two who's that guy an engine builder oh you're the machinist yeah okay well it's on jesus i don't do that it is it oh wait no this isn't a jay-z i forgot oh is this is this what we do now we like rub in no no no no no no no your fingers are disgusting yeah stick your tongue out and you wiggle it around a little oh hello mexican santa claus if you got there happy tuesday i don't know we got some pereira stuff oh god all right see you later bye so i see you've watched my video i would appreciate it if you press the like button and you tune in next time while we continue the build on the rb26 r34 gtr v spec midnight purple 3. i've had a lot of fun drifting in this video and i'm excited for what the future holds thank you and have a good day um uh little too much i love it i'm so happy to be in connecticut dude me too i'm happy i'm in connecticut also did i tell you i'm staying with you no are you actually no i'm just kidding yeah dude bill you've changed the lives i've met you now maybe mini truck channel building hondas this is terrifying do please don't flip no honestly hurt jimmy we're good i do this all the time are you holding on yep oh oh we're good sounds like a bad starter i didn't realize it sounded like that hell yeah let you drive oh look the cops are here don't ever call me a cop again like all the superheroes are together tommy's the villain hey i like that at least i'm not the cop grant's the funny guy from space the what's the no the stump the stump i'm not a stump group group group oh that's perfect because it's great you're a group that's real green he's green we talk about how cool this thing looks yeah can we do that no you can't know on this one it just won't do it for some good enough you know how reason do it yep can we try it he goes right just take out a low cause yes it worked that was cool what did you have to like just hump literally hump the steering wheel i love that dude it was so cool look at those good girls they're so excited mine actually smells really nice if i remember correctly hopefully it's not moldy now all right let's see front flap i hope it doesn't total it before i just drive what do they say they're trying to accomplish right now oh what what what are you doing why why there's no angel that can translate to how virtual you actually are can't see you can you see my full car yes oh there we go one two and i got it oh my god forward no rj makes me nervous all right okay okay that's really good rj oh god oh very impressive he's liking it now oh yeah she got the feel for it this is so fun don't start a bidding war that's my car i'm already willing dealing with him you trying to buy it don't trade me we already worked out a deal oh my god she doesn't know about the rest open it up this is like the same wallet i have dude can i like roll up and just be like off no longer any of y'all slash officially mine where is she from does anyone even know no you're from what part what's your family family she's from family texas so this is the real flea market she's going to be doing some this is the real flea market just try try lowballing and watch what happens yeah that's right i was already looking at stuff you just take the whole clip can't wait no i'll give you a good deal this is a gift for me or collette colette unfortunately what is it cause it goes with a jacket oh this is an official wait is this the dish that you're like i would get for you and it's fifty dollars that's actually a pretty nice gift on me dude that's actually fire super sick it's pretty fire thanks so much welcome this video guys we're going out today with my dad and right away he sees the lfd he's like man that's a cool car can i drive it so of course i'm gonna let him drive before it gets dark you look good in yellow dad yeah yellow is the only color i look good in no you look good in every color good now let's see what you think about the power wow i definitely hit the dead spot at the end in first in there it's called the rev limiter the dead spot man you whip this thing harder than me it's pretty fast for a stock car like this is i know it's been done to it no not really it's like intakes and an exhaust that's it wow yeah thanks now it still had i love it though the first time i've ever driven a rotary instant redline i drove like a girl compared to you so is that your first rotary first first rotary do you approve very impressed yep just like doesn't want to stop just keeps going and going and going just like was it ever ready or no no is that ever ready you know your last door last yeah whatever you have tamed no don't say that you have tamed the dog she's just distracted right now oh yeah there you go she was so worried that the dirt bikes are gonna be too big it's like the perfect part yeah a dirt bike is already like scary enough if i couldn't touch the ground it'd be so sketchy by the way it is way advanced above my level you know it's like a constant trust fall the entire time i can't see anything i feel like trees are about to take my legs off every other corner and what are you doing today uh adam said you wanna go do some off-roading uh i guess he meant the subarus and i completely neglected that and well we're gonna take the mini truck instead oh that's a big rock come on coming from like driving on roads and stuff it's pretty like cringe it just feels like you're hurting things they handle that like so this is one of the logs that we need to cut down oh dude i don't know like the side by side rolls over really easy towards some of those vlogs you just hate would have rolled us they're gonna look at you like what the heck they're giving us a stink face you're so confused to be fair me and my dad encountered llamas in the woods and like we didn't even think twice about it about what llamas llamas there's just llamas in my woods just randomly yeah we should probably put this in the trunk clip broke oh boy third gear oh baby oh no that's so skinny who's the rally driver now colette put the hammer down brother oh my god oh my god oh it's a big step this is so scary i wish people could see me biting my lips the entire time this is like jumping cletus's car all over again you got this i think this is the problem there's like a rock here what do you mean dude greta is so mad right now well who is this greta who's gonna thunberg or something like that huh grata the little girl who likes trees well lumberjack reporting for duty you jerk one taste of blood and now we can't get enough that's cheating that doesn't count if this isn't a sign i don't know what it is you got me i've driven that car i've driven this car i know you could do it you better put up some drake get hyped i'll give you the jump no you don't want the job no don't no it's not worth burning the clutch not not worth i it want that clutch that guy is rough at first i thought i wanted that question then after i smelled it come on we got a new trans waiting at the shop ready to go not in the risk here her trans is grinding third a little bit so i'm trying to sell her my spare trends she won't buy it off me though i don't know uh bread means stop green means go that thing's faster than i thought hey how long are you in that proximity to the other driver right so proximity not only means you're close but you're also mimicking the lead in the lead line and ankle as well so here we go we got dean carney adam lz our next battle top 16. oh boy that was right in front of us oh boy so dean carney initiates and it looks like it did just did not snap back lz going in the side of dean carney that is definitely a bummer for both the drivers let's take a look at that again here ryan and uh yeah adam had adam exactly i think this one seems a lot more clearer than the contact that we usually get when drivers are at speed somewhere in the middle of the course this is a situation where it looks like dean just over rotated into the first corner and adam as you said jared really had nowhere to go let's take a look at it again sometimes dean will throw these really nasty flicks big angle here really over extended see he gets on the brakes and then adam really doesn't have anywhere to go on that section of the track so you can't really fault him there here's another angle we'll get a good shot of it you can see how maxed out he was he was backwards and then right there adam's like i can't go anywhere hey and here we go adam lz will lead mickey andre thanks for watching homeboy the toronto homeboys ben as well here we go item lc out front chris ward bring the chase position addition to that first outside zone massive angle there from adam lz chris forsberg making some corrections there against the side of lc and lz actually pulling away from forsberg right now lz get deep into that outside zone wow did lz just take down a giant adam lz the giant killer in that ajuga racing essential ryan what do you think your slide him left for forsberg right for lz oh one more time one more time there oh and look at that one more time they're going at it again and oh look at that brian egger actually saying and siding with adam lz that was two to one i am so happy about that battle uh i wasn't really feeling the best today both driving and like getting into top eight the way that i did isn't my ideal way and i know there's a lot of people out there that don't really believe i can drive and if that's all that i did it would have looked like i got lucky and i feel like that battle really showed that i can drive and it means a lot to me because i'm only here because i want to drive and i want to get better and i do feel like i'm continually getting better and learning but uh as much as i acknowledge those people that are constantly hating i cannot express how unbelievably awesome it is to see so much support from all over i get tagged in so many stories every single one that you guys are posting watching on your story or whatever you're saying like i see it all i'm checking it in my car on grid it means so much to me like friends from all over from bmx from cars my family like all the techs means so much to me and in the moment in the car like knowing that i have all your support means a ton and that plus my amazing sponsors and of course my amazing team that just kept that car running and gotten it better than ever each and every round um i would not be here so thank you i'm super pumped on today's finish it looks very good jacob and all them here we go centered in transition whoa buddy ryan turtle look at that absolutely center punch in that front clip look at adam lz get really comfortable pulling away from our turtle points leader look at this ryan turk goes off course adam lz pulling through the finish line where adam lz is way more than comfortable he is confident solid as a rock let's take a look at this again look at that beached ass look at lg taking out that front flip very aggressive adam lz is oh yeah we got a big oh wow chris forsberg that back fender catching fire holy cow are you kidding me wow we've seen that from forsberg years ago um at round two and there it is that big flip outside lc keeps his composure but he does take out that front clip now through the power alley into that sweeper with that three-wheel motion lcd look at reeling him in reeling him in getting closer but is it enough ryan oh wow look at that ewell says lz lontae says one more time and brian eggert says one more time we're going at it again chelsea comes out swinging literally big angle there past that front flip through the power alley and out of lc lose a little bit of ground here all that middle tire smoke being kicked in animal z's face massive angle there look at lz oh wow look at that right on the side and he goes off course he went off course before the finish line i believe that was right before the finish line and lz saying knock knock who's there you see like you talked about lz not getting out to that second outer zone past that front clip and right here you can see he's tucked into the smoke comes out hits him and goes off right at the finish line a valiant effort by adam lz but i believe it's going to go the way of chelsea no for third place that's exactly what i wanted to see a great job nice work brother that was perfect that was perfect chase in that situation he did fantastic well done brother well done this is clean reporting that you did a damn good job but it's it's cool because it's like once i tore the band-aid off with the door thing then it's like well it's kind of a tool at this point it's not a mona lisa anymore it's like when the dude in fast and furious tokyo drift uh drifts the mona lisa up the carousel and then like smashes it up all over that's what i did today oh chelsea come on dude oh no dude he's lucky if this thing broke he's lucky dude he finished it he's got so many rarity 36 parts that would have gone and stolen look at that i think that's oh not the other door that's new i don't think that was a nice show look at this thing it looks like a wartime freaking pink machine join us join us we found something new this is new on tv where they hook up like a suction cup and they like pull dents out do you think that would work well how how long have you owned this car for someone else just asked me that i think march so yes i didn't mention that you haven't fixed the headlight until right now calling me out driving around with one headlight today's the day like a felon we're making two-step real quick just so we could pop the flames at the coral front we've never done two step on any cars that's how how much we're into drifting no two step that's kind of aggressive welcome to driftweek number two day two we are here back at muscleman honda circuit again it's dark what's that basketball players get so good your jack needs to be bled she got a new jack she never bled it uh it was working for me so i don't know because your car is not as hot boy low as minus show me show me how to do it you need to grab it with two hands is it up yet nope are you sure nope i swear my car is in this high a little more you imagine like drifting videos but it's only jacking up the car and now i'm matching oh it's so cute look at us we're matching colette did a number on her axle so she's under the car repairing it all by herself doing an amazing job proud of you i'm one with the dirt i you know like how some dudes are really into like girls that have like fruity smelling shampoos i love it when her hair just tastes like dirt i'm just playing is that is that not pg enough sailor signs this is basically like south of the border but out west so i-10 exit 42 you guys are gonna recognize what we're about to pull up on they're actually pretty pumped this time since they're open we were able to get some cool stuff for the fireworks some candy some arizona iced tea in new mexico um was yes it was beautiful made my day so happy mike over here has said he desires to stay in the middle of our tandem donut you are going to get so dusty sir but we just we need to be able to scram quick because all these dudes hanging out here we're gonna get their little dusty yeah no one's gonna know what you just did not at all it wasn't me because now the car's freaking whiter than that trash can dude i love drifting in the dirt it's like when you're in front it's fun i'm super tired i'm going to get gas mike needed some energy next thing you know there's a bunch of drift cars and a cop and we're getting police escorted to go do donuts around a cop car so um that's cool so hey you gonna give the man a birthday burnout or what oh my god let's do it if if there's any cops within a we need to go i saw some comments on yesterday's video that were like astounded that i run 70 psi in the front so i thought you might want to know that i typically run between 10 and 13 psi cold in the rear drifting does not make any sense you just do things that feel good that's life um uh it worked would you pull it forward is it okay yeah sorry zack ready you gotta break it up you gotta finish it brandon bring it up right now you need a shot i think we should wait for her to drive so you get the full back you know i don't want to slow drifts for you you know i'm nervous you got that spot on your face like i don't even know what i'm getting myself into oh my gosh my hips won't even fit in this chair ready for this not gonna breathe look at that beautiful i knew you touched me i think i might have touched you twice wow i tried to be real gentle though so i didn't dent it it was gentle but now it's my turn it'll it'll just uh buff right out right here i don't know if this one's new or old uh new definitely both new what an insult to kimono tire nah dudes kumo thai they make titanium now oh sorry yeah no it's a real aggressive clutch sorry the tune's a little off too so it bucks sometimes when do i start uh now well i can give it to you yeah i need to be in the right gear okay so i have to drive one-handed we might go flying off track oh wow that was a lot of water on me i think the harder part of the challenge is the driving with one hand not necessarily the idea of holding the cup hey we linked this straight one-handed that was fun yeah we're at a gas station somewhere across the florida border colette was convinced there was kittens because there was like a mom cat and a dad cat walking around so we like hunted around the back of this gas station and found a dumpster where we thought there might be kittens and sure enough there's a cat for me we're all coming out now because we have food this is like i'm in a dream i'm so happy she wants to take one home but i don't know if that's if that's okay with pita or not do you want me to go i hear so many little baby crunches from over here just a little more like i'm really disappointed in myself i mean we got peanut butter pretzels but that's no less crunchy do they want to wash it down with some spicy water is that what that is in that can is that spicy water it looks like sunscreen wow this is my best work that didn't do much is that was wild i think i did 90 percent of the race with one flat tire hotel tonight that's all i'm thinking about let's do that are we checked yet are we good can i start tell me when give me give me a thumbs up mike what's up guys we have made it to la we are here at irwindale for the very last two rounds of fd no i guess this video is just going to be practiced huh yeah there is a very fun video clip of andy bashing out the door with a hammer pilot bushing was worn out front top hats on wise fab one right tie rod i'm doing it right go up hey just kidding you should do it more often it's funny i want to go up everybody do your best showman impression chris do that again put the spongebob man this is why all the other teams don't take it seriously what are you simpletons pulled the plugs so this is why like a normal spark plug looks pretty clean burn and then cylinder four you can see a lot of detonation marking around it which potentially caused the head gasket failure from detonation this is the only plug that looks like that um yeah are we taking the engine yeah we're gonna swap the motor tonight the head the head gasket is definitely hurt you lz will most likely be your former drift rookie of the year unless alec robbins continues on and essentially wins the event but adam lz just garnering a lot of fans and bringing him into formula drift and it's great to see him just make the decision going from pro 2 to pro and that was purely based on well i'll be at all the locations before the pro 2 championship why not enter pro and i think uh i think he's he's done really well in spain so here we go al province will lead adam lz given chase robins initiates lz back there quite a bit oh and robin's taps not once but twice shaken not stirred continues on keeps it high and uh that was due to him tapping the wall robin's got a lot of horsepower under the hood or just poking out of that 350z lz taking a shallower line but brings it tight to that front clip and robbins continues through the course tucking into that smoke trail so you can see robbins definitely has a little bit more horsepower than that of lz just separating and pulling away from lz and here are the results of lz and robbins and adam lz moves on i know his fans are ravenous and they are excited about seeing adam lz advance on to the top 16 baby oh do a quick tire change before we go shopping uh i don't know i don't know if this is enough grip for the road so we called all around and the only place that had a white christmas tree was michael's so we're going to michael's not even really it's a display that we have to take from them it's okay it's cheaper that way it'll pay for a guess yeah perfect this is the one right yeah this is the one right here we got a slim boy just because it's very tight in the shop so i figured it would have the least footprint yeah take that away oh no no put that back comment below guys what do you think ribbon or no ribbon it ain't going to make a difference when i'm when i'm doing donuts around you ain't going to be able to see this has been a super fun video i hope you enjoyed it please let me know and i'll see you guys soon i want to see a reaction i'm so excited i told her today she has to finish editing two videos and i'll give her a christmas present early so as long as she does that i'm gonna give her the car tomorrow hey yo dude are you that oblivious what what is it what are you why did you do it before me it's yours no it's not yes it is no it's not happy early christmas birthday what it's yours this is why i've been acting weird stop no it's not yes it is stop it no it's not yes it is title's in the club box i thought you were just filming the dog look guys new corvette are you excited wait are you serious are you just no i'm being serious are you just messing with me no i'm not messing with you what are you serious yes no you're not i'm being dead serious i'm so confused it's your it's your i mean it's not like it's not like i got you a gem it's still rough on that i just he's a little tlc thank you oh my god i don't know what to say that's i was gonna play it off i would be like yeah like my new corvette yeah we have a few cars that i'm trying to get before you it's got a t-top and everything hey what wait are you serious yeah that's yours dead dead serious oh my god stage 16 looking at the white formats too like i was looking now i feel like well this one's black and it's been painted right over the black so i like it i like the i like it black in the back dude what what nothing i'm blocking now what now what are you good you're good just drive was this something i said no all right so to feel the ultimate spikes go into second gear now just bring it around five grand slowly a little higher higher higher now let off and just punch it that's the best part about v8 is just like that there's ucf carmy and ucf is super close so we're all taking a bunch of the cars mike's taking his car i'm taking the 15. uh marco is taking the fd and then pat's taking the e46 and uh yeah bro have fun she's fast brother and uh yeah we're just gonna go have some fun you're going now so i figured i would just kind of splurge and pick one up and it's a very special one so maybe you guys will understand look at this thing you look good in this thing mike dude check that out dude that's a funny you're so used to 90s cars this is like dude last night in the garage i discovered that the audi had this and i was like geeking out about it for a while and then today mike's like putting his stuff in the trunk i sort of got no one touched the button and the trunk closed on him i love this car it's great we're gonna lower it lowering time hooray there's two ways of doing this it looks like someone took crayola and like rubbed it on it where this is this is nice real german ingenuity right there yeah why does it always look like that why does it always look so is that mig oh yeah that's me it's like audi went to lose custom exhaust before yeah the place where i got my haircut uh fun fact uh i'll be doing audi repairs here for you guys so if you want uh you got r6 volt you want the lowering installed it's only near should we decide on three or five thousand dollars uh three easy payments of two thousand dollars that's it and i'll lower your car for you damn that ain't bad huh no not bad at all that's a lot lower than i thought it'd let me go yeah damn dude that's tucking we have to take some measurements to figure out how wide i want to go my wheels that's not bad dude sick ah this is the angle get the full feel that's it that's so much better we're about to do our second really big mod on this thing when you're an audi owner you need plastic tongs to take off your lug nuts look at this there's lug nut caps just to hide the keys that's okay we'll be doing away with those so we are going to be installing some 15 millimeter sperver bright durangon i thought these were for a car but that's for work so the first step's going to be spurved breakthrough london mit let's do it give it a quick check boom gucci no supreme don't tell my chiropractor oh wow you lifted that completely with your back dude shut up um yeah i think you did i think i just broke my dick really what the heck this car lasted all drift week i tried to do one burnout and it breaks i didn't even get to do a burnout that's expensive one is it no you didn't get no burnout so that's an expensive one you're breaking a car so you're negative right now how did it break how did it last all of drift week and it breaks on a burnout it broke in a weird way too second gear first that's what i'm saying we were worried about the thai exhaust getting ripped up that's all good i can't believe that took the drive shaft out before the r154 yeah oh how does it look does it look half of your like the yolk is still in it yeah well that's good yeah i would rather that and not be there oh do you think it tore up the seal though maybe oh yeah we have to replace that for sure where do we get that um yeah we got a we gotta get one of those sad day here that's emfg it's a sad looking shaft my guy i know i hate it when my shaft is sad but today we're gonna try to use it to cool these downpipes i think it'll work well i think cool off this is what you don't see at the audi dealerships what they do behind the scenes to work on your audi no i just walk away with it like stuck to my nose now it hurts it won't start being included until you put the cap on tight make sure um what's up boom what was it how bad was the first one it was loud wow they just put another one yep they did that'd been good bro stack which one's mine grody shut up oh god they dry ice or something that's why johan was opening the thing like imagine if that was the first one everyone would have been so confused that was a loud one do we want to just ditch the blow valve yeah there's no more blow-off valve on it what is that yeah what whiteboard i don't know what it is i don't know either i don't think this car deserves a blow foul no that's the only one yes or no i don't have a bluff off i do yikes you want to be like shulman put a lot of valve on your car so my most viewed video of all time is when i took my mom's car and i secretly installed a turbo on it i want to one-up that and i kind of i don't say tricked my mom but she's been nervous to take it in to get service so i told her before christmas i take the car back over the shop and i'd look it over and i bring it back to her around christmas but what she doesn't know is the plans are to do a quick engine swap on it bring it back to her and surprise my mom with a completely different engine in her car that should be making more than double the horsepower mix right now we're gonna put a new engine today and that engine is right here all right what is it mama's getting a v8 this is an ls3 which is the same engine that is in the fdr x7 that i bought that made around 450 wheel with a cam my mom is about to be stunned dude look at these things and what we have right here is what all the stuff that we're doing is center ground um this is texas feed stage two cam all right so i'll quickly pull it out you put it in we don't know if it's gonna work all right official first start wow i'm gonna roll it out of the trailer so she can't hear it and i'm gonna show her and uh and i can't wait for her to start it wait can you say that again the second i pull out the camera would you say what did you do to my car this time it was just a surprise you notice anything different i have different wheels do you like them i thought you'd like it it's not like your favorite color it's like the color of cheetahs there's another thing too do you notice anything different in back oh my god i got a dual exhaust oh my god the tires are so freaking wide you gotta start it up and uh hear what it sounds like sorry neighbors in advance is it really that loud it's not that loud my neighbors are going to kill me you want to just go i said you're so excited i don't know if you'll notice the difference with uh like the uh what do you call it like now that it's got a little more power because of the exhaust i don't like that what did you guys do to my car yet i don't know if it has anything to do with the exhaust you barely even stepped on it too did you put another motor in my freaking car you didn't notice this it doesn't sound anything like your car what the hell did you do to my car neighbors are gonna freaking kill me is that all you're worried about right now it's so freaking oh my god what did you do you put another engine in it that's a v8 why'd you put a v8 in my poor little car i'm gonna kill myself on this no it you should feel it it's great yeah it should make uh around 500 horsepower now let me tell you something with it bucking all over the place i knew something was up so you gotta you got a big choppy cam in there and freddie needs to dial it in on the dyno yeah you got a new radiator a new fan new exhaust new engine press that i actually noticed yeah i mean you did notice you had a completely different engine which is exactly what i was hoping for but at least this time i got a reaction on you because last time i put the turbo on your car and you didn't even notice all right i got i got to give you a ride in it because i know you're scared of it but i'm a little more used to driving it ready all right so overall if it wasn't for the bucking would you be happy upset shocked terrified excited this one scares me a little bit understood i think once the bucking is gone i don't feel like i'm in control but that damn corvette that raced me that day and i beat him uh-huh i can't wait till i find him again oh you're gonna smoke him now this was a lot of fun i hope you guys enjoyed the video make sure you hit the like button do you have any final words so damn that's a that's a different feeling yeah wow man it's making too much torque i wanted to be linear that's why i went bigger turbo but it still just lights up like that we can obviously play with that in the tune i'll step on it third thankfully freddie started out by tuning super stance cars like mike's they can't squat so he knows a little trick we're basically having an issue where because my mom's fitment so hella flush that when it's strapped down on the dyno and it's already getting pulled down and then it squats from all the torques that she's making um it rubs on the tire and creates a smoked storm of buttery rubber goodness so we're gonna put a jack underneath as basically an anti-squat device so the car has enough traction through compound so we don't need to have all the squat just another day well mom we passed 420 you got 427. we just can't have what we want great turn it down what i said freddy turn it down less power less power 420 only 420 for my mom i'm so excited the graph looks really good and it made 600 on the first hole i finally have a powerband that doesn't roll over at 5000 rpm look at this this is exactly what i wanted super low torque but the entire time dude this is going to be the sickest graph ever this thing is so rad i'm so excited i bet that was like 18 pounds too are you ready for the first hit wow dude that feels totally different up top i like the feeling already i will try three for you ready wow this is laying down rubber i think just do it in the dark once the sauce leave him alone give me give me all the boost i give you half the boost give me vacuum let's see if we can win um appreciate it bro if you made it to the end of this video i just wanted to thank you again please make sure you leave a comment let me know what your favorite moment was it's always cool to hear i'm super appreciative of all you guys and i've been able to share this journey throughout 2020 with you and i'm even more excited for what 2021's about to bring it's gonna be a good one thanks guys who's the rally driver now
Channel: Adam LZ
Views: 2,849,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adam lz, adam lz best of 2020, best of 2020, best moment, best moments, funniest, challenge, series, crash, drift, drifting, build, car, new car, collete
Id: XN1HsGeYkpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 57sec (8097 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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